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Hands-On Lab

Lab Manual

Visual Studio Team Architect Edition ARC01: Using the Distributed System Designers to visually design and validate service-oriented systems in Visual Studio 2005

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ARC01: USING THE DISTRIBUTED SYSTEM DESIGNERS TO VISUALLY DESIGN AND VALIDATE SERVICE-ORIENTED SYSTEMS IN VISUAL STUDIO 2005 ...................................................................................1

Lab Objective .........................................................................................................................................................1 Exercise – Using the Distributed System Designers to Build and Validate Service-Oriented Systems ................2

Task 1 – Design a service-oriented system.......................................................................................................2 Task 2 – Implement a Web Service...................................................................................................................7 Task 3 – Modify a Logical Datacenter Diagram.................................................................................................8 Task 4 – Import IIS settings .............................................................................................................................14 Task 5 – Bind System Design to Target Deployment Environment.................................................................15 Task 6 – Validate System Design against Target Deployment Environment ..................................................17 Task 7 – Correct Validation Error.....................................................................................................................17 Task 8 – Generate Deployment Report ...........................................................................................................19

Summary ..............................................................................................................................................................19

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ARC01: Using the Distributed System Designers to Visually Design and Validate Service-Oriented Systems in Visual Studio 2005

Lab Objective

Estimated time to complete this lab: 30 minutes The purpose this lab is to illustrate the benefits of the Distributed System Designers available in Whidbey to application architects, operations teams, and developers. These designers help application architects and developers construct service-oriented applications and prepare them for deployment in a target datacenter modeled by operations. The following designers are among those provided to help you meet these goals:

1. The Application Designer (AD) helps application architects and developers design, construct, and configure services and the applications that consume these services.

2. The System Designer (SD) allows application architects to compose and configure systems for deployment independent of the development configuration used during design.

3. The Logical Datacenter Designer (LDD) allows infrastructure architects and operations teams to describe datacenter architectures including the configuration constraints, logical topology, and policies to be imposed on applications.

4. The Deployment Designer (DD) helps developers and operations teams validate applications against their datacenter architecture and its constraints, prior to deployment.

In this lab you will construct and validate a distributed application using the Distributed System Designers. This lab can be done using Microsoft® Visual C#® .NET or Microsoft Visual Basic® .NET. Instructions for both languages are included side-by-side in this lab.

Related Hands-on Labs:

• ARC02: Using the Application Designer to Design Your Web Service Architecture in Microsoft Visual Studio® 2005

• ARC03: Using the Logical Datacenter Designer for Configuration and Deployment in Microsoft Visual Studio 2005

Exercise: Using the Distributed System Designers to build and validate service-oriented systems

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Exercise – Using the Distributed System Designers to Build and Validate Service-Oriented Systems

In this exercise you will use the Distributed System Designers to examine and implement a service-oriented system that consists of Web services, a Web application, and a data repository. You will then build out the implementation to see how the Distributed System Designers keep the code and design views of the system synchronized. Finally, you will then validate the application’s design against the operational requirements of a deployment environment that you will also define.

Task 1 – Design a service-oriented system

• Login to Microsoft Windows® using the following Logon/Password: administrator/pass@word1

• Open Visual Studio 2005 Beta 2 by clicking on the Resource Management shortcut on the desktop.

• If required, choose a profile and click OK.

• Visual Studio 2005 Beta 2 opens.

• On the File menu, point to Open and click Project/Solution.

• Select the ResourceManagement project.

• Select ResourceManagement.sln.

• Click Open.

• Double-click on the file in Solution Explorer (if Solution Explorer is not visible, on the View menu, choose Solution Explorer, or alternatively, press Ctrl+Alt+L)

• The Application Designer displays an application diagram and Application Designer tools appear in the Toolbox and on the toolbar. The diagram displays several existing application definitions and external applications as shown in the following figure:

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The Application Designer (AD) provides a design surface for defining applications, describing the services these applications offer and describing the connections between these applications. In this lab, applications will communicate via Web services.

With the AD, architects can define application specifications that will eventually be implemented. They can experiment with each application’s settings and design. If required, the AD can be used to generate code skeletons that developers must fully implement. Once an application is generated, the Application Designer keeps the design and code synchronized. It is also possible to reverse engineer the design from existing code to visualize the logical architecture of complex heterogeneous system and their corresponding dependencies.

In this lab, we’ll start by examining some existing application definitions on the application diagram. The first definition we’ll examine is for a database.

On the diagram, notice the definition of a database called ProjectsDB. This definition was created from the ExternalDatabase prototype in the Toolbox and will be used to document a connection to an existing database. (Note that the term external refers to an item that must be deployed separately from the system being defined).

On the diagram, notice the existing definition of an ASP.NET application called ProjectService on the diagram surface. This definition was created from the ASP.NETWebService prototype in the Toolbox.

• Select the ProjectService application and push F4 to bring up the Properties window. In the Properties window, notice that the Language property is set to Visual Basic.

Note: If you would like to use Visual C# instead of Visual Basic, please change the Language property for the ProjectService application to Visual C#.

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Next, notice the connection between ProjectsDB and ProjectService on the diagram:

• On the ProjectService application, select the database consumer endpoint (the small hollow white hexagon, which is connected to ProjectsDB).

In the Properties window, notice the Connection String property. The Connection String setting will be generated in the Web.config file of the ProjectService application when it is implemented.

• To define Web service operations, click the Web service provider endpoint (small solid blue circle) also called ProjectService on the ProjectService application definition.

The Web Service Details window displays at the bottom of the screen (Note: if the Web Service Details window is not visible, go to the View menu, select Other Windows and Web Service Details; alternatively, right-click the Web service provider endpoint and select Define Operations). Notice that an operation already exists on the Web service provider endpoint called GetProjects.

• In the <add operation> field, add another operation called AssignEmployeeToProject to the Web service. Leave the Modifier and Summary field empty.

C# VB Change the Type field to Bool (type “Boolean” under the Type heading) and push Enter

Change the Type field to Boolean (type “Boolean” under the Type heading) and push Enter

• Next, add parameters to the AssignEmployeeToProject operation. To add parameters to an operation, expand the operation node in the Web Service Details window and parameter fields will appear. Click <add parameter> to add parameters named employeeID and projectID with int type (in C#) or Integer type (in VB)

• The Web Service Details window will look like Figure 1.2 after you make your modifications:

Figure 1.2a (C#): The Web Service Details window

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Figure 1.2b (VB): The Web Service Details window

Next, notice the External Web Service named CompanyDirectory on the design surface. The External Web Service has been created on the basis of a WSDL at the following location: “http://localhost/CompanyDirectory/DirectoryService.asmx”. This can be seen by selecting the External Web Service, pushing F4 to bring up the Properties window, and viewing the WSDL Location property.

• To examine the operations provided by the External Web Service, click on the DirectoryService endpoint (small solid blue circle), and then look at the Web Service Details window. (Note: if the Web Service Details window is not visible, go to the View menu, select Other Windows and Web Service Details).

The Web Service Details window shows that the External Web Service exposes the following operations: GetAvailableEmployees and GetEmployee.


If the External Web Service did not comply to WS-I ( Basic Profile 1.1, the industry standard for interoperability compliance, an error would have appeared in the Error list to inform that user the External Web Service does not comply to WS-I BP.

The design surface will support the use of the non-interop compliant External Web Service for legacy reasons. However, it is highly recommended that only WS-I Basic Profile 1.1 compliant Web services are used.

• Add an ASP.NET Web application by dragging the ASP.NETWebApplication application prototype from the Toolbox to the diagram. Place this on the top of the diagram.

• An application definition named WebApplication1 is added to the design surface.


If you would like to use Visual C# instead of Visual Basic, please change the Language property for the WebApplication1 ProjectService application to Visual C#.

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Tip (Optional):

Application definitions that appear on the toolbox can be customized by creating a custom prototype. This prototype will display whenever you open the Application Designer as it is a function of the designer and not the solution that was open when you created it.

One scenario for creating a custom prototype is if you want to use a language other than Visual Basic as your default language for ASP.NETWebApplications. To accomplish this, create a custom ASP.NETWebApplication prototype that uses the preferred language.

• Change the Language property for the WebApplication1 ASP.NETWebApplication to Visual C#.

• On the Application Designer, right-click on WebApplication1 and choose Add to Toolbox.

• Under Name, enter C#ASP.NETWebApplication and click OK.

• The Save File dialog box appears. The file is saved as an .adprototype, meaning that it is an application prototype for the Application Designer.

• Click Save.

Whenever the C#ASP.NETWebApplication custom prototype is used, the language will be set to Visual C# by default.

• Right-click WebApplication1 and choose Properties.

• In the Properties window, rename the application from its default name of WebApplication1 to ”ResourceManagementWeb”. Resize the application so that the complete name is displayed in the application on the diagram. (Alternatively, you can rename the application directly on the diagram by double-clicking on the name of the application)

Next, connect the ResourceManagementWeb application to the ProjectService application by:

• Moving the pointer over the ProjectService Web service endpoint (small solid blue circle) on ProjectService, pressing the Alt key, and dragging a connection to anywhere on the border of ResourceManagementWeb.

• In a similar fashion, connect the DirectoryService Web service endpoint (small solid blue circle) to ResourceManagementWeb.

• You can reposition the applications and redraw connections by right-clicking each connection and choosing Redraw Connection, so that the diagram resembles Figure 1.4:

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Figure 1.4 – Application Diagram

• Save the solution by choosing Save All from the File menu.

It is useful to note that none of the applications on the distributed system have been implemented at this stage.

Task 2 – Implement a Web Service

You will now use the designer to create a skeleton implementation for the ProjectService application. Developers can later populate this skeleton code to implement the project. • Right-click the diagram and click Implement All Applications.

• The Confirm Application Implementation dialog appears.

• Click OK, and Visual Studio will create a Web service project named ProjectService (this step may take a few minutes) and the Web application project name ResourceManagementWeb


You may get a Synchronization Warning dialog. You can safely dismiss this dialog by clicking Close.

After implementation is complete, your Solution Explorer should look similar to the following screenshot:

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• Double click the ProjectService.cs or ProjectService.vb file in Solution Explorer (depending on your implementation language) to display it in the code editor.

• Note that the operations you defined in the Web Service Details window are now reflected in code.

Task 3 – Modify a Logical Datacenter Diagram

In this task you will use the Logical Datacenter Designer to modify a diagram that represents the logical structure of a datacenter. The purpose of a logical datacenter diagram is to communicate important information to developers about the target deployment environment.

• In Solution Explorer, double-click on the ‘LogicalDatacenter1.ldd’ file.

• The Logical Datacenter Designer displays the logical datacenter diagram and Logical Datacenter Designer tools appear in the Toolbox and on the toolbar. There is one zone with three logical servers on the diagram. The logical servers within the SecureZone zone include two IIS Web servers (AppServer and CorpWeb) as well as one database server.

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For the purpose of this exercise, we will add a PerimeterNetwork on the logical datacenter diagram:

• Add a zone by dragging the Zone prototype from the Toolbox and position it above the existing SecureZone zone onto the diagram surface. (Hint: This is under the Logical Servers heading in the Toolbox)

• Right click Zone1 and select Properties.

• Change the name of Zone1 to “PerimeterNetwork”.

• Finally, resize the PerimeterNetwork zone and reposition the zone endpoint by dragging them to resemble Figure 1.5:

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Figure 1.5 – Adding a zone to the design surface

Next, we will add an IIS Web server to the PerimeterZone:

• From the Toolbox, drag the IISWebServer prototype to the PerimeterNetwork zone and name it HardenedIIS using the Name field in the Properties window.

• Click the Connection tool in the Toolbox to select it. Clieck on the PerimeterNetwork zone’s outbound (hollow) endpoint and drag the connector to the consumer (hollow) endpoint on the HardenedIIS logical server in the PerimeterNetwork zone. When you are finished, you can leave connection mode by pressing the ESC key. This connection is illustrated in Figure 1.6:

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Figure 1.6: Connecting endpoints

Compare Figure 1.6 with Figure 1.5 and you will see we have moved the zone’s inbound endpoint such that it is under the HardenedIIS logical server. You can redraw the connections by right-clicking the connection and choosing Redraw Connection.

• Next, use the Connection tool to connect the inbound (solid) endpoint on the HardenedIIS logical server to the inbound (solid) endpoint of the PerimeterNetwork’s zone so that they resemble Figure 1.7. This endpoint enables connections to the HardenedIIS from outside the PerimeterNetwork.

Figure 1.7: Connecting outbound (solid) endpoints

• Next, connect the outbound (hollow) endpoint on the PerimeterNetwork zone to the inbound (solid) endpoint on the SecureZone zone as shown in Figure 1.8:

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Figure 1.8: Connecting the PerimeterNetwork’s outbound (hollow) endpoint to the SecureZone’s inbound (solid) endpoint

• Select the inbound (solid) endpoint of the HardenedIIS logical server in the PerimeterNetwork zone and examine the Settings and Constraints editor at the bottom of Visual Studio. (Note that if the Setting and Constraints editor is not visible, go to the View menu, click Other Windows and then click Settings and Constraints.)

The Settings and Constraints editor is available in both the Application Designer as well as the Logical Datacenter Designer and allows you to specify settings on a specific logical server or application and create constraints which can be validated later in the process.

• In the Settings and Contraints Editor, clear the WebServiceEndpoint constraint to disallow inbound Web service requests. This constraint indicates whether or not Web services can be hosted on this Web site. However, in this scenario, we want to disable inbound Web service requests on this endpoint. The Settings and Constraints editor will look like Figure 1.11 after you make your modifications.

Figure 1.11: Defining constraints on an endpoint

Next, we will require all applications that are deployed on the AppServer to have the Requires Impersonation setting set to true. This constraint will be set on the AppServer logical server in the

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Secure Zone.

• Select the AppServer logical server and examine the Settings and Constraint editor at the bottom of the screen.

• In the Settings and Constraints editor select the ASP .NET Security constraint node to enforce ASP.NET Security. Figure 1.12 shows how to do this:

• Click the on “ASP.NET Security” node to select it and display the constraint form:

Figure 1.12: The ASP.NET Security constraint setting

• On the constraint form, scroll down, locate and check the Requires Impersonation checkbox to enforce impersonation on AppServer.

• Save the logical datacenter diagram by going to the File menu and selecting Save LogicalDatacenter1.ldd.

• The final logical datacenter diagram is shown in Figure 1.13:

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Figure 1.13 – Logical Datacenter Diagram

Task 4 – Import IIS settings Using the Import IIS Settings Wizard, you can avoid having to manually set settings by importing the IIS settings from an existing IIS Web server into a logical server on the logical datacenter diagram. In this lab, you will import the settings from the lab machine for the CorpWeb logical server. In the real world, you would likely import the settings from the actual CorpWeb server to which you will be deploying.

• To see the settings on CorpWeb, prior to importing settings, right click on the CorpWeb logical server and select Settings and Constraints. Under Logical Server Settings, select and examine the InternetInformationServices settings to note that several of these are set to null. (Example: Capabilities->InProcessIsapiApps)

• Right-click the CorpWeb logical server on the LogicalDatacenter1 diagram, and choose Import Settings…

• In the Import IIS Settings Wizard, click Next to begin setting options

• As you will be importing from the localhost, leave the Administrator name and Password blank.

• Clear Import Application Pools as you aren’t interested in importing these right now.

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• Click Next to accept these settings

• The next page allows you to specify which Web sites you want to import and the endpoints to which they are bound.

• For Default Web Site, choose WebSiteEndpoint1 from the Endpoint drop-down list. This will import the settings for that Web site, but will not import any others.

• Select Next to continue.

• You will now see a list of the settings to be imported. Select Next to continue.

• Click on Finish to exit the wizard.

• To see the settings which have been imported, right click on the CorpWeb logical server and select Settings and Constraints. If you look at the settings (under Logical Server Settings-><%IIS Machine Name%>) you will note that these are the same settings as exist on the IIS server from which you imported. (Example: Capabilities->InProcessIsapiApps)

Task 5 – Bind System Design to Target Deployment Environment Now that we have defined a logical model of the datacenter, the next step is to describe how a previously designed system would be deployed in this logical datacenter. This process is called binding and is carried out by the Deployment Designer, which is used to create a virtual deployment of a system to the logical representation of a datacenter.

• Return to the ResourceManagement application diagram you edited earlier by double-clicking the file in the Solution Explorer.

• On the ResourceManagement application diagram, right-click the design surface and choose Define Deployment.

• The Define Deployment dialog box appears. Below Logical Datacenter Diagram, you will see LogicalDatacenter1, the logical datacenter diagram you modified in Task 3.

• Click OK to create a deployment diagram using LogicalDatacenter1. • A deployment diagram, which mirrors, the logical datacenter diagram, appears in the Deployment


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• Examine the System View window, which contains a list of the applications in the default system.

(If the System View window is not visible, go to the View menu, click Other Windows and click System View.) you defined on the ResourceManagement diagram. (see Figure 1.14). This window is used to bind these applications onto logical servers that are defined in the logical datacenter diagram and that are now shown on the deployment diagram.

Figure 1.14 – The System View window

Using the System View window you will complete the following steps in order to create the deployment shown in Figure 1.15:

Figure 1.15 – Deployment Diagram showing binding of applications to logical servers.

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• From System View, drag the ProjectsDB database to the DatabaseServer logical server within the SecureZone zone. Note: If you cannot view the entire deployment diagram, adjust the zoom level on the toolbar.

• Next, attempt to drag the ProjectService application from System View to the HardenedIIS logical server located in the PerimeterNetwork zone. A no-drop cursor appears, indicating that you cannot complete this step because of the constraint set in the previous task, disallowing Web services for the provider endpoint on this host.

• Instead, drag the ProjectService application to the AppServer logical sever in the SecureZone zone.

• From System View, drag the CompanyDirectory External Web service to the CorpWeb logical server in the SecureZone zone.

• Finally, from System View, drag ResourceManagementWeb application to the HardenedIIS logical Web server.

Task 6 – Validate System Design against Target Deployment Environment After binding applications to the logical datacenter in the deployment diagram, the next step is to validate the deployment diagram to see whether your deployment would succeed.

• On the deployment diagram , right-click and choose Validate.

• Deployment Designer begins validating the deployment (this step might take a couple minutes).

• The Error List window displays the following error shown in Figure 1.16.

Figure 1.16 – The validation error generated by Visual Studio

This error is due to the impersonation constraint we set previously on the logical datacenter diagram.

Task 7 – Correct Validation Error

In this task, we will correct the validation error generated in Task 6. • Double-click the error message in the Task List to view the source of the error.

Application Designer displays the application diagram, and the ProjectService application is selected

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as shown in Figure 1.17.

Figure 1.17 – Identifying the error on the ProjectService application

The Settings and Constraints editor opens and displays the conflicting setting. The Impersonate setting located under the Configuration SystemWebSectionGroup IdentitySection appears selected and is currently set to “False”.

To correct this error:

• Select ProjectService, if it is not already selected and locate the conflicting setting in the Setting and Constraints Editor if it was not displayed.

• Set the Value field of the Impersonate setting to True. (Visual Studio might display a Synchronization Warning dialog box, which you can safely close).

• Open the deployment diagram by double-clicking DefaultSystem1.dd in Solution Explorer.

• Right-click the surface of the deployment diagram and click Clear Validation Messages to clear old error messages.

• Validate the binding again by right clicking the design surface and choosing Validate.

• Note that there are no validation errors.

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Task 8 – Generate Deployment Report

In this task, we will generate a deployment report which, based on the properties you provide, will copy your files to a destination path you have specified and will generate a report which includes an image of the deployment diagram as well as application diagram. It will also provide a listing of all the hosts, resources, endpoints, and settings required for successful deployment. To set your preferences for the deployment report:

• On the deployment diagram push F4 to bring up the Properties window, if it is not already visible within the Visual Studio IDE:

• In the Owners section of the Properties window, set the following properties:

o Set Dev Lead = Dana

o Set Operations Manager = John

• In the Project Files section of the Properties window, set the following properties:

o Set Destination Path = “C:\DeploymentStagingArea”

o Set Include Binary Files = False

o Set Include Content Files = True

o Set Include Source Files = True

• In the Report section of the Properties window, set the following properties:

o Set Include Diagrams = True

o Set Include Owners = True

• Right click on the DefaultSystem1 deployment diagram and choose Generate Deployment Report.

• To view the generated deployment report, right-click the DefaultSystem1.html file in the Solution Explorer and choose View in Browser.


In this lab, you examined the basic structure of a system by reviewing the applications from which the system is composed and the manner in which they were connected. You then implemented one of the applications (a Web service) and made changes to the code, demonstrating the synchronization between the code and the design. Thereafter, you edited a model of the datacenter environment in which the system was to deploy, and validated the system against the datacenter definition, which helped you identify configuration errors and correct them early on, i.e., during application design. Finally, you generated a deployment report to aid operations in understanding the planned deployment of your application.

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