inroduction to biology-1

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  • 7/31/2019 Inroduction to Biology-1




  • 7/31/2019 Inroduction to Biology-1


    The study of Biology The word Biology comes from Greek

    Words bios and logos

    Bios meanslife

    Logos means study

    BIOLOGY is the study of life or livingthings.

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    Living things are also called organisms

    Living thing organisms share certain commoncharacteristic

    The scope of Biology is very wide

    It comprises the study of biosphere to the study of themicroscopic world of cells and molecules

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    Growth Organisms develop and increase in sizeand weight when they grow.

    Movement animals are able to move from one placeto another (locomotion). Plants or plantparts move in response to stimuli.

    Nutrition (feeding) Living organisms need food forgrowth and to carry out dailyactivities. Plants make their ownfood when they photosynthesise.Animals depend on plants or other

    kinds of animals for food.

    Respiration All living organism respire. They breakdown the food consumed to releaseenergy for growth, movement,reproduction and other activities.


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    Excretion Organisms produce waste or toxicproducts as a result of chemical activitiesin their bodies. These waste or toxicmaterials needs to be removed from theorganism.

    Reproduction Organism ensure the survival andcontinuity of their own kind by producingnew generations of offspring.

    Sensitivity Organisms are sensitive and respond tochanges in their surroundings (forexample, temperature, sound, light andtouch).


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    The Importance of Biology

    The study of Biology enables us tounderstand living organisms and the


    Biology also has brought about many


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    Some of these include :

    1 finding cures for diseases

    2 saving endangered species

    3 understanding how human body functions

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    Biology enables us to know more about howour bodies work and how other organismsfunction.

    Biological knowledge and techniques could beapplied to identify and control diseases bydiscovering new medicines and treatments

    Combining the knowledge acquired in biology

    with technology; we could improve agriculturalmethods for better quality agricultural productsand increase food production.

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    The different fields of study inBiology

    Biology is also a subject related to otherfields of science such as a Chemistry,Physics and information Technology.

    Relatively new branches of biologyinclude Biophysics and Bioinformatics.

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    Career Related To Biology

    There are many jobs or careers related tobiology

    Students who study Biology can choosefrom a wide range of career

    E.g Doctors, Nurses, Forensic scientistsand Nutritions

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    Biotechnology apply biotechnologicalknowledge and techniques or use living

    organisms to develop useful product

    Biomedical scientist applies biological andprinciples to clinical practice

    Bioinformatic applies computer technology tothe management of biological information careerlist.html
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    The Scientific Investigation

    The learning of biology requires themethod of scientific inquiry which involvesthe use of scientific skills

    It can divided into two components:

    1 science process skills2 manipulative skills

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    Science process skills are critical,analytical and creative thinking skill whichenable a scientist to formulate questionsand find out the answers and explanationsto a phenomenon in a systematic manner

    Manipulative skills are psychomotor skillthat enable scientists to carry out ascientific investigation

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    The scientific method

    Biologists use a variety of methods intheir investigations. The scientific methodis often used in investigations. Manyprocess skills can be demonstrated whenusing this systematic approach.

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    The scientific method usually consists of thefollowing basic steps:

    Identifying a problem Forming a hypothesis Planning an investigation Identifying and controlling variables Conducting the experiment Collecting data or experimental results

    Recording data Analysing and interpreting data Making conclusion. Writing a report

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    How to write a report?

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    Scientific attitudes and noblevalues

    Besides having good scientific skills,biologist must possess good scientificattitudes and noble values in order to besuccessful in his studies and research.

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    Some of these attitudes and values are asfollow :

    Having an interest and curiosity towards theenvironment.

    Being honest and accurate in recording andvalidating data.

    Being diligent and persevering. Being responsible about the safety of oneself,

    others and the environment. Realizing that science is a mean to understanding

    nature. Appreciating the balance of nature.

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    Appreciating the contribution of science andtechnology.

    Being respectful, well-mannered andcooperative.

    Having critical and analytical thinking.

    Being flexible and open-minded. Being kind-hearted and caring. Being objective, rational and systematic.

    Daring to try. Being confident and independent.