innovative telephone coaching for success and reults carpe diem my experience

20 7 3 How do we make viable choices and decisions about navigating such an uncertain and unpredictable landscape? Within the Carpe Diem paradigm of Coaching, a number of principles, methods and approaches guide your thinking to understand change, to make powerful decisions, and to take wise action. Twenty coaching calls, a 7 minute partnering call a day and three daily goals. These are the numbers which feature Carpe Diem, a truly innovative approach to coaching which sustains the achievement on individual and collective results and personal development. In the last decade, we are experiencing, that executive coaching, has gone through a dramatic change in its milestones, which reflectes the evolution of the global corporate environment. Cycles are shorter, stakeholder’s expectations evolve at speeds and directions which are harder to predict, success and what leads to its achievement often have blurred lines, attracting and retaining quality staff is often a gamble. All of this had transferred directly to longer coaching sessions with the peril of losing primary objectives. Today’s dynamics require managers to give anwers and take decisions with immense loads of information, uncertainty and complexity. How does Carpe Diem work Towards the end of the day, the Coachee sends a mail with a description of the three daily golas he intends to achieve the next day. Key, Stretch and Champagne are the three different golas which together make a truly 100% fulfilling day. This becomes the reference structure of the Coach, who will support and guide the Coachee’s efforts and main attention points for the next

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Post on 07-Jul-2015




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Twenty coaching calls, a 7 minute partnering call a day and three daily goals. These are the numbers which feature Carpe Diem, a truly innovative approach to coaching which sustains the achievement on individual and collective results and personal development


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20 7 3 How do we make viable choices and decisions about navigating such an uncertain and unpredictable landscape? Within the Carpe Diem paradigm of Coaching, a number of principles, methods and approaches guide your thinking to understand change, to make powerful decisions, and to take wise action. Twenty coaching calls, a 7 minute partnering call a day and three daily goals. These are the numbers which feature Carpe Diem, a truly innovative approach to coaching which sustains the achievement on individual and collective results and personal development. In the last decade, we are experiencing, that executive coaching, has gone through a dramatic change in its milestones, which reflectes the evolution of the global corporate environment. Cycles are shorter, stakeholder’s expectations evolve at speeds and directions which are harder to predict, success and what leads to its achievement often have blurred lines, attracting and retaining quality staff is often a gamble. All of this had transferred directly to longer coaching sessions with the peril of losing primary objectives. Today’s dynamics require managers to give anwers and take decisions with immense loads of information, uncertainty and complexity. How does Carpe Diem work Towards the end of the day, the Coachee sends a mail with a description of the three daily golas he intends to achieve the next day. Key, Stretch and Champagne are the three different golas which together make a truly 100% fulfilling day. This becomes the reference structure of the Coach, who will support and guide the Coachee’s efforts and main attention points for the next

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day, ensuring that the intentions breed tangile results, acquire the status of priorities and shape fulfilling decisions. None of the goals should be too challenging or far from the significant strategic outcomes which are required by the delegate. The three objectives are at the center of the dialogue the next day. The optimal planning of the Coach, ensures that there is a precise outline of the coaching sessions, and that the call is delivered early in the morning or late in the afternoon. The reference period is never longer than 9 weeks and usually achieves the best results if within a month period. Alibi’s are removed, procrastination is suppressed, uncertainties vanish and the true focus is directed to value, results, discipline, determination and satisfaction. In a win win partenrship approach, support, respect and trust are shared between the Coachee and the Coach and every call is targeted in order to provide progress to thoughts, behaviours and actions. Together there is enhancement in reflection and new approaches to objectives and to the day as a whole. Example of a dialogue between the Coachee and the Coach Coachee “Tomorrow I will visit my significant account to discuss their

specific application needs…” Coach

“What else could you do today, to guarantee yourself these and the other results which will make the real difference?”

Coachee “In fact, I could send a mail, with some more details, the tecnical drawings and the main features and insights. Yes, if they have more details in advance and they let me know what is precisely on their minds, we can all prepare better for the meeting. I wil

KEY GOAL This is the primary goal of the day. If the day had a movie title, the key goal would reflect it. The key goal may be considered the most important goal of the day and having said this, it should be fairly straightforward. Using the original SMART formula…it should be specific, measurable, achievable and realistic. RELUCTANT/STRETCH GOAL This is normally something that’s been hanging around. Not any old thing like get that item from the dry cleaners – it’s something that if achieved would definitely be satisfying and contribute to success; it’s just that it hasn’t been successfully completed for whatever reason. It could be to make a call to someone the client has been putting off for example or a task that’s a bit boring though the client knows should have been done by now! CHAMPAGNE GOAL Something that, when achieved, requires a pat on the back and recognition. This goal is worth the most points, and should take the client to beyond the perceived limits of their performance. SCORE VALUES Key – 15% Reluctant – 25% Champagne – 60%

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also involve Mark, he is the expert in this field and it has been some time that I want to engage him more with our clients and significant projects. I will mind map of the state of the art, what is needed, the benefits, the obstacles and the best ways forward”

Outcomes Of Carpe Diem Coaching Thought achieves laser like focus in direction of the goal, new approaches and actions take more into account the systemic effects of decisions and behaviours. Daily work takes into account a whole range of business relevant aspects, professional social networks become stronger and decisons to be made are thought in a faster and more effective fashion. Innovative and creative paradigms are adopted, influence, imvolvement and connections become stronger. In total honesty, in these last three years with Carpe Diem Coaching, what surprises me most is the instant, powerful and long lasting results of the programmes. I never experienced anything like this in previous Coaching situations. Support, Trust, tangible and specific real business outcomes fill the voids generated by change, hyperbolic dynamics, pressing requests, lack of time, confusion and scarsity. Communication between Coach and Coachee, is at its highest levels of effectiveness, it is only verbal, happens only on the phone and as time is a fixed variable, waste is reduced and concentration lands on what really counts the most. Coachee’s Comments on the programme EMEA Marketing Manager I will ask my VP for an extra budget so I can carry on for another month EMEA Sales Manger By planning and simplifying my days with more effectiveness, I give more value and relevance to my results. Now I’m using the same approach with my team. Learning & Development Manager South Europe Achieving my goals makes me feel good, I end the day with more satisfaction and the next begins a lot better. During every Coaching call I take lots of notes, I have already filled in 9 pages.

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Is all this really feasible? Can this really happen in only 7 minutes? I understand, it really seems patinated cheap marketing. In the background, on top of the effort of the Coachee and the Coach, there is a simple and easily manegeable and replicable method wich fits in without effort in the Leader’s agendas. A modern and functional web based IT tool, offers complete and fulfilling: interaction, learning and development media which may be sent to the Coachee as an integration of the phone dialogues. Articles, podcasts, assessments, videos, tools, techniques and methods help the Coachee to enhance the learning and give substance to the challenges of the moment of “apply”. There is a track record of all the goals and the results achieved which may be consulted by the Coachee and the Coach at any time The weekly scores are visible by the Coachee’s manager and there will be daily plus weekly feedbacks and reports on top of a broder and final report. In this way corporate performance management systems achieve more precision, accountabilities become more transparent and well known. Delegation becomes a way to develop people according to concrete strategic and innovation needs and purposes. By the end of the programme, the Coachee will develop a new approach to work, will devlop new meanings to his chaotic and stressful days and will develop clearer thought decision processes. Difficulties and uncertainties are approched with different energies and commitment, new and better relationship and communication means emerge, more courage and assertiveness together with active listening, really shape in original ways the professional life of Coachees and their teams. 20, 7, 3 really is an innovative, frugal, dedicated, cost and time efficient method to live better, achieve more in smarter ways. It models behaviours in order to go through stressful times in which nothing seems to have happened, giving new shapes to satisfaction and engagement. 20, 7, 3 has an extremely high satisfaction and success rate, it is often applied and used in global corporate environments, during changes, new strategic approaches, innovation, new business unit developments, significant project and product/service launches, mergers & acquisitions, role and responsability changes, development of culture, diffusion of mision, vision and many more.

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What do Others Say? Fom a recent Survey (2014)

54% Feel they prioritise more effectively and it has improved their planning/time management

45% Feel they have improved their account management 54% Adopt systematically a more ‘strategic’ after the coaching

70% Believe they have better relationships now with their

teams/colleagues 94% Score it 8 or better 84% Continues to use the key priciples of goal setting and prioritisation

and manage their time better Flexibility and Success The method and system is highly flexible in order to satisy the spefic needs, desires and the real business contexts. Hands on, specific, non intrusive, rewarding, timely, simple, practical and successful; the innovative way to work, develop and perform that wasn’t there before. Coachee and Coach are side by side for all the duration of the program and the success of one fuels the success of the others. Jacopo Nicelli OTD Business Coach

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Example of a final Report Frank has been an example of learning, discipline and engagement throughout the coaching program. His positive approach and Getntleman’s manners, have been a distinctive trade mark! He has fully taken the opportunity, and really made a point that the investment would have been worth it. He has always been on time and planned ahead all his calls, creating the proper environment and effort, within a highly busy and chaotic business environment and role’s commitments. He has always listened, asked for advice and worked on his goals with the strongest of determination. Frank has made numerous positive changes in this last period. His approach to work and to his team, have raised the bar for himself, his clients and his colleaugues. He is a person of positive change and tangible impact. Reflection and awareness have given Frank the opportunity to apply new working methods, approaches and tools. These have given him the opportunity to better delegate, manage his time, relate to his team and to the board. Meetings with key accounts are at a different level now and results are more fluid. The efficiency and effectiveness of his action have significantly raised his performance and smoothened the impact of non positive emotional states. His approach to problem solving has broadened the possibilities and he always craves for improvement at all levels and with all stakeholders. His days flow with greater clarity, better value, and satisfaction, and the enthusiasm and reduced effort in juggling with complexity is allowing him to enjoy more his free time. Thinking and planning are more strategic and proactive, risk is managed more effectively and vision and mission are positively trasferred to the team. His desire to manage the team in a new and better way have given the input to Frank to establish new forms of communication in order to engage them, make them more responsible and allow him a punctual overview of the advancement of projects. His action with the team, helps others expand their level of responsibility and increase their levels of initiative and creativity. Humbleness and vulnerability have created great environments for improvement and picking up with great speed all suggestions that were shared during the calls. His focus on working for the good of the company (finding new markets, developing accounts, liasing with other organisational departments, hunting for product and project solutions, etc) and of his team, and never putting himself at the head of petty needs and complaints, shape the impact he is having and will have on the company. The alignement of personal commitment and action have been very strong and this will definitively be of great exmple to all those within the reach of Frank’s leadership. His manners and professional approach have raised his influence levels and have given him the possibility to recognise the weak links in the organisational system and develop strategies to overcome bottlencks. He will definitely keep up the learning, and as he already has, will coach his team and spread the positive approach and results in a multitude of environments. I can see Frank having a bright and successfull future within his professional and personal environment. It has been a joy to work with him!

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