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  • 7/22/2019 Innovation ETA 2 Middlesex London


    8024 cewbrfs

    Oeecvbtoce IVB 8 NDR


    Noffgisix Gcefce

    Ebycno Iabebybai

  • 7/22/2019 Innovation ETA 2 Middlesex London


    Bncel ninhir dcuetrois cj tmi Crlbeozbtoce jcr Idcecnod Dccpirbtoce bef Fivigcpniet, tmi nbkcroty cj

    X&F juefs dcni jrcn

    b. lcvireniet

    h. oefustry

    d. ueovirsotois

    f. provbti ece-prcjot crlbeozbtoces

    \modm cj tmi jcggcwoel stbtiniets bhcut hioel b suddissjug oeecvbtcr os ncst goaigy tc hi trui3

    b. tc oeecvbti suddissjuggy ycu smcugf stbrt cut wotm cegy b vblui ofib

    h. ycur tmoeaoel smcugf ect hi strudturif sc ofibs dbe pcp oetc ycur mibf

    d. ycu eiif dgibrgy fijoeif strbtilois bef prcdissis

    f. ycu smcugf mbvi b dcnpgitigy cpie noef bhcut mcw tc prcdiif bef "lc wotm tmi jgcw"

    \modm cj tmi jcggcwoel os ECV be ijjidt ce scdoity cj oeecvbtoce3

    b. b wofir rbeli cj lccfs bef sirvodis bri bvbogbhgi

    h. prcfudtoce cj jccf mbs hidcni ncri ijjodoiet

    d. dcnnueodbtoces mbvi sgcwif fcwe fui tc tmior dcnpgixoty

    f. onprcvif nifodbg tribtniets

    i. ibsoir tc trbvig tmrculmcut tmi wcrgf

  • 7/22/2019 Innovation ETA 2 Middlesex London


    Vmi rigbtocesmop hitwiie spiif cj oeecvbtoce bef prcfudt chscgisdiedi os

    b. foridt (bs oeecvbtoce spiif oedribsis, prcfudts hidcni chscgiti ncri quodagy).

    h. oevirsi (bs cei oeecvbtoce spiif oedribsis, prcfudts hidcni chscgiti ncri sgcwgy).

    d. oeforidt (tmiri os be ijjidt, hut ot dbeect hi foridtgy fitirnoeif).

    f. eceixostiet (tmiri os ec rigbtocesmop bt bgg).

    \mogi rbpof oeecvbtoce cjtie hieijots scdoity, ot cjtie nbais suddiss jcr dcnpbeois

    b. ncri dcnpgodbtif bs tmiy strovi tc aiip up wotm tmi gbtist oeecvbtoces.

    h. prcjotbhgi oj tmiy fc ect oeecvbti tminsigvis, hut rbtmir usi oeecvbtoces cj ctmirs tc tmior bfvbetbli.

    d. ibsoir soedi oeecvbtoce bgwbys nbais tmoels sonpgir.

    f. giss goaigy hidbusi dustcnirs wogg ect hi woggoel tc pby bs nudm jcr lccfs bef sirvodis.

    Oj b jorn rusmis oetc eiw prcfudt fivigcpniet wotmcut dgibr strbtilois cr prcdissis jcr dmccsoel bef nbebloel

    prcfudts ot nby

    b. mbvi fojjodugty oe suppcrtoel eiw prckidts.

    h. dmccsi prckidts tmbt bri b pccr jot wotm tmi jorn's riscurdis bef chkidtovis.

    d. sujjir gcel fivigcpniet dydgis bef molm prckidt jboguri rbtis.

    f. bgg cj tmi bhcvi.

  • 7/22/2019 Innovation ETA 2 Middlesex London


    Vidmecgcly's ijjidts ce scdoity bri

    b. bgwbys pcsotovi.

    h. bgwbys eilbtovi.

    d. dcugf hi pcsotovi cr eilbtovi.

    f. eiutrbg.

    Cei ribsce tmbt aecwgifli tiefs tc hi gcdbgozif os tmbt aecwgifli os gbrligy migf hy SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS bef tmus os

    ect bgwbys ribfogy nchogi.

    b. picpgi

    h. dcnputirs

    d. fbtbhbsis

    f. lcvireniet ietotois

    Vmi prisofiet cj Ncuetboe Mcni Yeovirsoty mbs hiie bsaif hy mir hcbrf cj trustiis tc sit up b nidmbeosn jcr tmi

    dcnnirdobgozbtoce cj tidmecgcly fivigcpif bt tmi ueovirsoty. Tudm b nidmbeosn os typodbggy dbggif b

    b. husoeiss fipbrtniet.

    h. dcnnirdobgozbtoce cjjodi.

    d. tidmecgcly trbesjir cjjodi.

    f. rcybgty fipbrtniet.

  • 7/22/2019 Innovation ETA 2 Middlesex London


    \mie Pitir Fihyi wbs bpprcbdmif hy Higg Gbhs tc kcoe tmi dcnpbey wcraoel wotm pcgynirs mi sbof, "O' fce't aecw

    beytmoel bhcut pcgynirs. O eivir tmculmt bhcut tmin." X.X. \oggobns cj Higg Gbhs ripgoif, "Vmbt os wmy wi wbet ycu."

    Vmos sdiebroc pcoets cut tmbt

    b. dcnpbeois prijir inpgcyiis tmiy dbe trboe tminsigvis.

    h. \oggobns uefirstccf tmbt tmiy nolmt eiif scnicei wmc wcugf hroel b jrism pirspidtovi tc tmi dcnpbey.

    d. Higg Gbhs eiifif b strcelir siesi cj purpcsi tmbt ot durrietgy mbf.

    f. Higg Gbhs wbs pgbeeoel ce frcppoel ots pcgynirs risibrdm.

    mi finbef-puggbpprcbdm tc risibrdm bef fivigcpniet rijirs tc

    b. risibrdm bef fivigcpniet tmbt jcdusis ce fivigcpoel prcfudts tmbt bri ixpidtif tc oedribsi finbef oe b

    pbrtodugbr nbrait silniet

    h. risibrdm bef fivigcpniet tmbt hiloes hy ixbnoeoel tmi cutputs cj tmi jorn's hbsod risibrdm, bef dcesofiroel

    wmbt pctietobg dcnnirdobg bppgodbtoces nby hi dcestrudtif jrcn tmcsi cutputs.

    d. risibrdm bef fivigcpniet tmbt lribtgy cvirixtiefs tmi fivigcpniet huflit cj tmi jorn.

    f. risibrdm bef fivigcpniet tmbt croloebtis bs b rispcesi tc tmi spidojod prchgins cr sullistoces cj dustcnirs

    Bddcrfoel tc risibrdm fisdrohif oe tmi tixt, wmodm pirsce os ncst goaigy tc prcfudi ncri dribtovi scgutoces3

    b. cei wotm gonotif aecwgifli cj b joigf

    h. cei wotm b ncfirbti filrii cj aecwgifli cj b joigf

    d. cei wotm ixtiesovi aecwgifli cj b joigf

    f. cei wmc mbs b gcw tcgirbedi jcr bnholuoty.

  • 7/22/2019 Innovation ETA 2 Middlesex London


    \modm cj tmi jcggcwoel os tmi dcrridt siquiedi cj stips jcr tmi finbef-puggbpprcbdm tc risibrdm bef fivigcpniet3

    b. dustcnirs ixpriss be uenit eiif, X&F fivigcps tmi prcfudt tc niit tmbt eiif, tmi prcfudt os prcfudif,

    nbraitoel prcnctis tmi prcfudt

    h. sdoietojod fosdcviry gibfs tc be oevietoce, ieloeiiroel fisoles tmi prcfudt, ot os nbeujbdturif bef tmie nbraitoel

    prcnctis ot

    d. nbraitoel fcis risibrdm tc fosdcvir b eiif, X&F dcnis up wotm tmi prcfudt dcedipt wmodm os rijoeif hy

    ieloeiiroel. Nbeujbdturoel prcfudis ot bef nbraitoel siggs ot

    f. nbeujbdturoel siis b wby tc onprcvi b prcfudt, X&F tbais tmi sullistoces bef ixpbefs ce ot, ieloeiiroel

    rifisoles ot, nbeujbdturoel onpginiets tmi dmbeli, nbraitoel prcnctis ot

    \mie dcnpbeois jcrn b tidmecgcly dgustir ot cjtie risugts oe

    b. lribtir siduroty bncel tmi dcnpbeois tc priviet oefustrobg spyoel jrcn dcnpitotcrs wmc bri ecw gcdbtif dgcsi


    h. giss eiw stbrtups hidbusi picpgi wmc mbvi oetirist oe tmos oefustry wcugf prijir tc wcra jcr be istbhgosmif


    d. b smroeaoel suppgy cj trboeif gbhcr fui tc tmi dcnpitotoce jcr tmi saoggs eiifif hy tmi oefustry bncel tmi

    dcnpbeois oe tmi brib.

    f. Vmi bttrbdtoce cj ctmir jorns tc tmi brib.

    Vmi dmbnhir cj dcnnirdi cj b doty cpieif b suoti cj cjjodis oe b huogfoel. Ot cjjirs eiw snbgg husoeissis tmi dmbedi tc

    gcdbti tmior cjjodi tmiri. Vmiy wogg smbri oe tmi dcst cj utogotois bef stbjj. Vmiy wogg bgsc ridiovi dcesugtoel jrcn ritorif

    ixidutovis bef ctmir dmbnhir vcguetiirs. Vmos brrbeliniet os dbggif b(e)

    b. lcvireniet bggobedi.

    h. risibrdm dcggbhcrbtoce brib (XDB).

    d. oeduhbtcr

    f. sdoiedi pbra

  • 7/22/2019 Innovation ETA 2 Middlesex London


    \modm cj tmi jcggcwoel os trui bhcut tidmecgcly trbkidtcrois3

    b. b tidmecgcly os bgwbys ripgbdif hy b eiw tidmecgcly bjtir ots trbkidtcry mbs jgbttieif (o.i., ot mbs ribdmifots pirjcrnbedi gonots)

    h. ncst tidmecgcly s-durvis gbst bhcut twiety yibrs

    d. scni tidmecgclois mbvi stiipir s-durvis tmbe ctmirs

    f. b tidmecgcly's prclriss bgcel tmi s-durvi dbeect hi spif up cr sgcwif fcwe

    \mie luttir smoigfs wiri fivigcpif tmiy ripgbdif luttir dgibeoel sirvodis jcr mcnicweirs wosmoel tc aiip gibvis

    bef fihros cut cj tmior luttirs. Oe ctmir wcrfs, tmi sbni eiif wbs nit hy be ietorigy eiw tidmecgcly. Vmos os be

    ixbnpgi cj SSSSSSSSSS


    b. dcnpginietbry

    h. gclodbg ixtiesoce

    d. fosdcetoeucus

    f. oedrinietbg

    \mie mbefmigf dbgdugbtcrs ripgbdif sgofi rugis

    b. tmi spidojod pmbsi mbf hiie ribdmif.

    h. b tidmecgclodbg fosdcetoeuoty mbf cddurrif

    d. tidmecgclodbg dcetoeuoty ixostif.

    f. tmiri wiri gilbg ripirdussoces.

  • 7/22/2019 Innovation ETA 2 Middlesex London


    Xce dbe hi fisdrohif bs molmgy saiptodbg bhcut eiw ofibs bef prcfudts. Mi mbs ect yit hculmt b sbtiggoti fosm jcr mos

    mcni hidbusi mi os stogg uesuri tmbt ot ribggy wcras bt tonis wmie mi wbets ot tc. Xce os bgsc viry wcrroif bhcut tmi

    ixpiesi cj purdmbsoel tmi sbtiggoti fosm. Bddcrfoel tc tmos fisdroptoce, Xce os ncst goaigy b(e)

    b. ninhir cj tmi ibrgy nbkcroty.

    h. oeecvbtcr

    d. gbllbrf.

    f. ibrgy bfcptcr.

    Hogg fosdcvirif tmbt wmie mbrfwbri bef scjtwbri jorst dbni cut tc nbai ot pcssohgi tc sit up b worigiss dcnputir

    eitwcra oe mos mcni, tmbt ot wbs viry dcejusoel tc mon. Mi mibrf dcejgodtoel dgbons bhcut wmodm mbrfwbri tc huy bef

    wmodm scjtwbri systin tc usi. \mie mi joebggy hculmt scnitmoel ot fof ect wcra viry wigg. Vmos prchbhgy oggustrbtis

    wmodm stbli cj tmi tidmecgcly ivcgutoce ncfig bs fisdrohif hy Yttirhbda bef Bhirebtmy3

    b. jguof pmbsi

    h. fcnoebet fisole pmbsi

    d. spidojod pmbsi

    f. oedrinietbg pmbsi

    Kugoi os scniwmbt saiptodbg bhcut eiw oeecvbtoces bef os goaigy cegy tc bfcpt scnitmoel eiw bjtir littoel scni

    prissuri jrcn mir piirs. Mcwivir, smi os ect sc rosa bvirsi tmbt smi wogg wbot uetog bgg uedirtboetycj b eiw tidmecgcly

    mbs hiie riscgvif1 smi's woggoel tc bddipt b gottgi uedirtboetyoj mir piirs bgribfy usi tmi prcfudt. Kugoi os ncst goaigy


    b. ibrgy bfcptir.

    h. ibrgy nbkcroty pirsce.

    d. gbti nbkcroty pirsce.

    f. gbllbrf

  • 7/22/2019 Innovation ETA 2 Middlesex London


    Vmi DIC cj be butcnchogi nbeujbdturir foridtif mir X&F fipbrtniet tc dcni up wotm b rbfodbg oeecvbtoce. \modm cj

    tmi jcggcwoel ofibs hist jots tmi hogg3

    b. b fccr tmbt os uegcdaif hy ridcleozoel tmi joelirproets cj tmi cweir

    h. sibts tmbt vohrbti tc nbssbli tmi hbdas cj pbssielirs

    d. b woefsmoigf tmbt toets oe suegolmt bef golmties oe fbraeiss butcnbtodbggy

    f. b dbr tmbt frovis otsigj tc tmi eibrist ixot oj tmi frovir os oedbpbdotbtif hy b nifodbg inirliedy

    Vmi Bdni Nbttriss Dcnpbey fosdcvirif tmbt ot dcugf ncri dmibpgy usi pcgyuritmbei jcbn jcr ots nbttriss tmbe

    trbfotocebg stujjoel nbtirobgs. Vmos os be ixbnpgi cj SSSSSSSSS oeecvbtoce.

    b. brdmotidturbg

    h. rbfodbg

    d. dcnpceiet

    f. dcnpitiedi fistrcyoel

    Bjtir Bdni dcnpbey fivigcpif ots jorst jiw X&F prckidts ot jcuef tmbt ot hilbe tc lit hittir bt suhsiquiet

    fivigcpniet prckidts, ivie oj tmiy wiri ect hbsif ce tmi sbni tidmecgclois. Vmos os prchbhgy fui tc tmi proedopgi cr

    ijjidt dbggif

    b. ripitotovi nctoce.

    h. oetiggoliedi nbleojodbtoce.

    d. prclrbnnoel sonpgojodbtoce.

    f. bhscrptovi dbpbdoty.

  • 7/22/2019 Innovation ETA 2 Middlesex London


    Hidbusi tmiri bri sc nbey lbs stbtoces bef molmwbys oe tmi Y.T., tmi SSSSSSSSSSSSS os goaigy tc hi gbrlir bef

    dcetoeui tc lrcw.

    b. dcnpitotovi nibes cj trbespcrtbtoce

    h. oestbggif hbsi cj butcnchogis

    d. lcvireniet

    f. ripitotovi nctoce

    \mie hctm Eoetiefc bef Tilb dgbonif tc mbvi cvir :0 pirdiet nbrait smbri cj tmi vofic lbni dcescgi nbrait, hctm

    wiri tryoel tc oejguiedi

    b. usirs' pirdiptoces bef ixpidtbtoces bhcut tmi oestbggif hbsi.

    h. pirdiovif tidmeodbg utogoty.

    d. pri-crfir finbef.

    f. tidmecgcly hobs.

    Oj tmi tidmecgcly cj b dcnpbey hidcnis tmi fcnoebet fisole, ot

    b. os dcstgy tc tmi dcnpbey tc aiip up tmos gibfirsmop rcgi.

    h. usubggy lboes muli joebedobg riwbrfs.

    d. cegy hieijots onnifobtigy, hut dbeect oejguiedi tmi ivcgutoce cj tmi nbrait.

    f. wogg sujjir fui tc eibr-ncecpcgy riets ot nust pby.

  • 7/22/2019 Innovation ETA 2 Middlesex London


    Furoel tmi 2??0s ncri bef ncri picpgi stbrtif usoel digg pmceis. Bs b risugt tmi digg pmcei

    b. hilbe tc fitirocrbti oe qubgoty hidbusi tmi oefustry dcugf ect aiip up wotm prcfudtoce.

    h. hidbni ncri ixpiesovi oe rispcesi tc oedribsif finbef.

    d. hidbni hittir oe qubgoty.

    f. stbhogozif oe qubgoty.

    Ivie tmculm NDO mbf ncri digg pmcei suhsdrohirs bt tmi toni tmbt BV&V fidofif tc ietir tmi digg pmcei nbrait,

    dustcnirs wiri woggoel tc sole up jcr BV&V's sirvodi. Vmos os ncst goaigy fui tc

    b. tmi pccr sirvodi cj NDO.

    h. tmi nudm gcwir prodis cj Tproet.

    d. gbda cj scpmostodbtoce cj dcesunirs.

    f. tmi ixpidtbtoce cj dcesunirs tmbt tmi oestbggif hbsi cj BV&V wogg ivietubggy hi gbrlir.

    \mie ycu huy b prcfudt ce iHby ycu dbe pby jcr ot usoel be cegoei pbyniet systin dbggif PbyPbg (wmodm bddipts

    drifot dbrfs cr igidtrceod juefs trbesjirs). PbyPbg os cjjiroel b tidmecgcly tmbt cjjirs vbgui furoel tmi SSSSSSSSSS

    stbli cj huyir ixpiroiedi bddcrfoel tc tmi Aon bef Nbuhcrlei ncfig.

    b. purdmbsi

    h. figoviry

    d. usi

    f. nboetiebedi

  • 7/22/2019 Innovation ETA 2 Middlesex London


    Fositrceod fcnoebtis tmi oesugoe punp nbrait jcr fobhitods. Vmi fosbfvbetblis tc dcesunirs cj ot hioel prbdtodbggy b

    ncecpcgy prchbhgy oedgufi(s)

    b. Fositrceod nby dmbrli b viry molm prodi jcr ots punp.

    h. tmiri nby ect hi b gct cj fojjiriet stygis cj punps bvbogbhgi.

    d. ctmir typis cj oesugoe figoviry systins nby ect hi fivigcpif.

    f. bgg cj tmi bhcvi.

    Nodrcscjt fosbhgif tmi FZF pgbyhbda ce ots ]hcx uegiss dcesunirs purdmbsif be bff-ce FZF pgbyhbda aot hidbusi

    b. cj gilbg tmribts hy ncvoi prcfudirs.

    h. prissuris jrcn Tcey's PgbyTtbtoce8 wmc mbf fcei tmi sbni tmoel.

    d. sc dcesunirs wcugf mbvi tc pby ixtrb oj tmiy hculmt tmi ]hcx kust bs b FZF pgbyir bef ect tc huy lbnis tmbt

    prcvofif tmi ribg prcjot.

    f. tmbt wbs tmi cegy wby tc dcrridt b tidmeodbg nbgjuedtoce

    \mie NdFcebgfs jorst ncvif oetc Xussob ot mbf tc tibdm jbrnirs mcw tc lrcw hittir pctbtcis bef dbttgi, bef hbairs

    mcw tc nbai mbnhurlir hues. Vmos os be ixbnpgi cj

    b. dcnnueosn's jboguris.

    h. be uefivigcpif suppgy dmbeeig.

    d. lriify dbpotbgosn.

    f. gbti-ncvir nbeopugbtoce.

  • 7/22/2019 Innovation ETA 2 Middlesex London


    Bdni prcfudts wbs gbti tc ietir tmi fisa miolmt bfkustir nbrait. Mcwivir, Bdni mbs vbst joebedobg riscurdis

    dcnpbrif tc tmi 8 ctmir snbgg dcnpbeois oe tmos eiw nbrait. Bdni dmbedis jcr suddiss

    b. gcca pritty sgon hidbusi ot os gbti ietiroel tmi nbrait.

    h. bri ixdiggiet hidbusi ot dbe cutspief tmi ctmir dcnpbeois oe jurtmir fivigcpniet bef nbraitoel cj tmi prcfudt

    d. dbeect hi fitirnoeif hidbusi dcesunirs wogg nbai tmos fidosoce.

    f. bri ixbdtgy iqubg tc tmcsi cj tmi ctmir dcnpbeois.

    Ttropis mbs chsirvif tmi suddiss cj Btgbetb Vidmecgcly jcr b eiw prcfudt ietry bef mbs fidofif tc dcni cut wotm ots

    cwe virsoce cj tmi eiw prcfudt. Ot wogg iekcy tmi bfvbetblis cj

    b. b jorst ncvir.

    h. b sidcef ncvir.

    d. hctm b jorst ncvir bef sidcef ncvir.

    f. gbti ncvir.

    \modm cj tmi jcggcwoel wiri chstbdgis oe tmi ibrgy fivigcpniet bef dcnnirdobgozbtoce cj pirscebg folotbg bssostbets(PFBs)3

    b. dustcnir riquoriniets wiri molmgy uedirtboe

    h. ncfin tidmecgcly wbs onnbturi, privietoel snbgg PFBs jrcn mbvoel worigiss dceeidtovoty.

    d. hbttiry tidmecgcly wbs onnbturi, privietoel snbgg bef golmtwiolmt PFBs tmbt mbf soleojodbet hbttiry goji.

    f. bgg cj tmi bhcvi wiri dmbggielis.

  • 7/22/2019 Innovation ETA 2 Middlesex London


    Tynpbtmitod Vidmecgclois mbs dcni cut wotm b supirocr FZF Pgbyir tmbt riquoris tmi usi cj b Molm Fijoeotoce

    Vigivosoce sit (MFVZ) tc wcra. Tc jbr sbgis mbvi hiie sgullosm. Vmos os fui tc tmi jbdt tmbt

    b. ivirycei mbtis MFVZ.

    h. Ec cei mbs mibrf cj MFVZ.

    d. MFVZ os stogg oe tmi fivigcpniet stblis.

    f. Ect ieculm picpgi cwe MFVZ tigivosoce sits.

    Myfrclie bs be ieirly scurdi mbs tmi fosbfvbetbli cj

    b. dribtoel ncri ievorcenietbg pcggutbets tmbe jcssog juigs

    h. hioel b viry sdbrdi dcnncfoty.

    d. riquoroel b eiw rijuigoel oejrbstrudturi tc suppcrt ot.

    f. dbpturoel giss cj tmi ieirly pctietobg tmbe jcssog juighioel giss ijjodoiet.

    Oj ycu ietir tmi nbrait tcc gbti, tmi rosa os tmbt

    b. tmi tidmecgcly wogg hi tcc dcnnce pgbdi.

    h. dcnpitotcrs dcetrcg tmi nbrait bef nbai suddiss prbdtodbggy onpcssohgi.

    d. ycu wogg jbdi gilbg dmbggielis cj vocgbtoel pbtiet gbws.

    f. ec cei wogg uefirstbef ycur tidmecgcly.

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    Bjtir _bmcc! wbs oetrcfudif bs be ibsy wby tc sibrdm tmi \crgf \ofi \ih, ot wbs jcggcwif hy ctmir sibrdm ieloeis,

    scni cj wmodm mbf onprcvif cr jbstir wbys tc sibrdm tmi wih. Vmos os be ixbnpgi cj mcw cei oeecvbtovi ofib dbe

    b. ruoe tmi husoeiss cj scnicei igsi.

    h. sgcw fcwe chscgisdiedi.

    d. stonugbti ncri oeecvbtoces bef dribti b eiw nbrait.

    f. eivir hi trugy dcpoif.

    Vmi Tcgcw Xisofubg rijirs tc

    b. tmi oedribsif bncuet cj cutput bdmoivbhgi jrcn b lovie qubetoty cj gbhcr bef dbpotbg fui tc tidmecgclodbg


    h. tmi giss fivigcpif ebtoces cj tmi wcrgf hioel gijt himoef fui tc tmior sgcwir fivigcpniet cj tidmecgcly.

    d. chscgiti prcfudts gijt ce tmi nbrait fui tc tmi bddigirbtif prcfudt goji dydgi.

    f. tmi rifudtoce oe tmi bncuet cj oevietcry eiifif hy nbeujbdturoel jorns fui tc tidmecgclodbg onprcviniets oe

    oevietcry nbebliniet.

    i. tmi ixtrb giosuri toni dcesunirs ecw iekcy bs b risugt cj tidmecgclodbg oeecvbtoce.

    Vmi toni ot tbais b dcnpbey tc fivigcp b eiw prcfudt jrcn oeotobg dcedipt tc nbrait oetrcfudtoce

    b. vbrois wotm tmi oeecvbtovieiss cj tmi prckidt.

    h. mbs oedribsif frbnbtodbggy oe tmi gbst jovi yibrs.

    d. os stogg b nystiry.

    f. os fitirnoeif hy tmi lcvireniet.

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    Bs b risugt cj tmi rbpof pbdi cj oeecvbtoce tmi toni hitwiie b prcfudt's oetrcfudtoce bef ots wotmfrbwbg jrcn tmi


    b. mbs hidcni smcrtir.

    h. mbs hidcni ncri prifodtbhgi.

    d. mbs hidcni gcelir.

    f. mbs ect dmbelif bt bgg.

    Jgixohgi nbeujbdturoel tidmecgcly bggcws b dcnpbey tc

    b. dmbeli jrcn prcfudoel cei prcfudt ncfig tc bectmir sncctmgy bef quodagy.

    h. prcfudi gbrlir qubetotois cj stbefbrfozif prcfudts tc gcwir dcsts.

    d. igonoebti dbrryoel oevietcry.

    f. ecei cj tmi bhcvi.

    Cut cj bgg tmi oeecvbtovi ofibs tmbt dcni jcrtm, mcw nbey hidcni suddissjug prcfudts3

    b. viry jiw

    h. ncst

    d. bhcut mbgj

    f. siviety-jovi pirdiet

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    Oj ycu wiri tmi foridtcr cj X&F bt b gbrli pmbrnbdiutodbg dcnpbey, mcw nolmt ycu bppgy tmi dcedipt cj "tmi

    oeecvbtoce jueeig3"

    b. mori ncri picpgi hidbusi ncst cj tmin wogg ture cut tc hi wcrtmgiss

    h. iedcurbli ncri eiw ofibs hidbusi ot tbais tmcusbefs cj eiw ofibs tc dcni up wotm cei suddissjug eiw prcfudt

    d. fosdcurbli ncri eiw ofibs hidbusi ncst cj tmin ief up hioel usigiss bef wbsti toni bef ieirly

    f. tmi oeecvbtoce jueeig dcedipt dcugf ect hi usif hy b pirsce oe tmos pcsotoce

    "Bllgcnirbtoce idcecnois" rijirs tc

    b. giss fivigcpif dcuetrois tmbt rigy mibvogy ce X&F spiefoel hy lcvireniet.

    h. tmi hieijots jorns ribp hy hioel gcdbtif oe dgcsi prcxonoty tc ibdm ctmir.

    d. sbvoels jorns bddrui oe prcfudtoce prcdissis hy spiefoel ncri nceiy ce hbsod risibrdm.

    f. tmi suhsofois lcvireniets cjjir tc migp eiw husoeissis lit stbrtif.

    Vmi fojjiriedi hitwiie Mcefb's inpgcyii-frovie ofib systin (IFOT) bef b trbfotocebg sullistoce hcx os tmbt Mcefb's


    b. fcis ect pby inpgcyiis jcr ofibs.

    h. sdriies ofibs jcr prbdtodbgoty hijcri pbyoel inpgcyiis.

    d. riquoris tmcsi wmc suhnot ofibs tc jcggcw tmrculm wotm tmi sullistoce.

    f. cegy iefs up bddiptoel bhcut 20 pirdiet cj tmi sullistoces suhnottif.

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    \modm cj tmi jcggcwoel wcugf bjjidt liclrbpmod dgustiroel cj be oefustry3

    b. tmi ebturi cj tmi tidmecgcly.

    h. tmi filrii tc wmodm dcnnueodbtoce bef jriquiet oetirbdtoce os riquorif jcr aecwgifli smbroel.

    d. pcpugbtoce fiesoty cj gbhcr.

    f. bgg cj tmi bhcvi

    \modm cj tmi jcggcwoel os tmi dcrridt siquiedi cj stips jcr tmi sdoiedi-pusmbpprcbdm tc risibrdm bef fivigcpniet3

    b. dustcnirs ixpriss be uenit eiif, X&F fivigcps tmi prcfudt tc niit tmbt eiif, tmi prcfudt os prcfudif,

    nbraitoel prcnctis tmi prcfudt

    h. sdoietojod fosdcviry gibfs tc be oevietoce, ieloeiiroel fisoles tmi prcfudt, ot os nbeujbdturif bef tmie nbraitoel

    prcnctis ot

    d. nbraitoel fcis risibrdm tc fosdcvir b eiif, X&F dcnis up wotm tmi prcfudt dcedipt wmodm os rijoeif hy

    ieloeiiroel. Nbeujbdturoel prcfudis ot bef nbraitoel siggs ot

    f. nbeujbdturoel siis b wby tc onprcvi b prcfudt, X&F tbais tmi sullistoces bef ixpbefs ce ot, ieloeiiroel

    rifisoles ot, nbeujbdturoel onpginiets tmi dmbeli, nbraitoel siggs ot

    \modm cj tmi jcggcwoel wcugf typodbggy hi dcesofirif b fcwesofi tc liclrbpmodbg dgustiroel3

    b. Jorns nby mbvi tc gcwir prodis ce tmior prcfudts hidbusi tmiri bri nbey gcdbg dcnpitotcrs sirvoel tmi sbni


    h. Jorns mbvi tc spief ncri ce trbespcrtbtoce dcsts jcr tmior oeputs hidbusi suppgoirs bri gcdbtif jbr bwby

    d. Jorns oe b riloce mbvi gcwir eit oedcni hidbusi tmi tbx rbti oe tmbt riloce os viry molm

    f. Jorns nby hieijot hy onprcviniets oe gcdbg oejrbstrudturi sudm bs rcbfs bef utogotois.

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    Vmi Tnotm hrctmirs wiri tryoel tc dcni up wotm b eiw dculm frcp hut Bgvoe Tnotm aipt sbyoel tc mos hrctmir, Jrbea,

    "O ribggy wcugf goai tc uefirstbef ncri bhcut wmbt nbais b pirsce dculm oe tmi jorst pgbdi." Jrbea aipt sbyoel, "\i

    eiif tc quot wcrryoel bhcut tmicritodbg stujj bef kust jcdus ce mcw tc stcp tmi dculmoel." \modm cj tmi hrctmirs os

    ncst goaigy tc hi b suddissjug oevietcr3

    b. Bgvoe

    h. Jrbea

    d. tmiy bri iqubggy goaigy tc hi suddissjug oevietcrs

    f. Eiotmir os viry goaigy tc hi b suddissjug oevietcr

    Bhscrptovi dbpbdotyrijirs tc tmi bhogoty cj b jorn tc

    b. bssonogbti bef usi eiw aecwgifli.

    h. nirli wotm ctmir dcnpbeois.

    d. tcgirbti eiw bef cjtie strbeli ofibs.

    f. inhrbdi fovirsoty bef tmirijcri jrism ofibs bncel ots inpgcyiis.

    Kugoi os scniwmbt saiptodbg bhcut eiw oeecvbtoces bef os goaigy cegy tc bfcpt scnitmoel eiw bjtir littoel scni

    prissuri jrcn mir piirs. Mcwivir, smi os ect sc rosa bvirsi tmbt smi wogg wbot uetog bgg uedirtboetycj b eiw tidmecgcly

    mbs hiie riscgvif1 smi's woggoel tc bddipt b gottgi uedirtboetyoj mir piirs bgribfy usi tmi prcfudt. Kugoi os ncst goaigy


    b. ibrgy bfcptir.

    h. ibrgy nbkcroty pirsce.

    d. gbti nbkcroty pirsce.

    f. gbllbrf

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    Tusbe, b molmgy saoggif cjjodi wcrair, dbni mcni wotm b pirscebg dcnputir smi mbf kust purdmbsif. Mir mushbef Hogg

    scce fosdcvirif tmbt Tusbe fof ect aecw mcw tc usi mbgj tmi jibturis cj tmi dcnputir cr ots scjtwbri. Vmos os ncst

    goaigy fui tc tmi jbdt tmbt

    b. Tusbe os kust tcc stupof tc cwe b dcnputir.

    h. tmi dcnpbey mbs bffif jibturis jbstir tmbe dustcnir riquoriniets.

    d. tmcsi jibturis fc ect ribggy wcra.

    f. Tusbe hculmt tmi wrcel aoef cj dcnputir.

    \mie tmi jorst pirscebg dcnputirs dbni cut, Hogg stbrtif usoel b spribfsmiit prclrbn tc hbgbedi mos dmidahcca. Hogg

    fosdcvirif tmbt tmos eiw nitmcf wbs nudm sgcwir jcr mon bef tmbt oj mi typif oe tmi wrcel fbtb, mi bgsc nbfi ncri

    nostbais. Vmos oggustrbtis mcw b(e) SSSSSSSSSSSS tidmecgcly nby oeotobggy mbvi gcwir pirjcrnbedi tmbe tmi

    SSSSSSSSSSS tidmecgcly.

    b. oedunhiet, fosdcetoeucus

    h. gclodbg ixtiesoce, fosdcetoeucus

    d. fosdcetoeucus, oedunhiet

    f. fosdcetoeucus, ncfugbr

    Mbefmigf dbgdugbtcrs ripgbdif sgofi rugis. Vmos os be ixbnpgi cj SSSSSSSSSSSSSS oeecvbtoce.

    b. gclodbg ixtiesoce

    h. oedrinietbg

    d. dcnpceiet

    f. fosdcetoeucus

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    Vmi Bkbx Dcnputir Dcnpbey os spiefoel mibvogy ce X&F tc fivigcp eiw fisoles jcr worigiss eitwcras oestibf cj

    tryoel tc rijoei mcw wigg tmiy nbai tmior durriet worigiss eitwcra mbrfwbri dcnpceiets. Bkbx os prchbhgy oe tmi

    b. stbti cj fieobg.

    h. irb cj oedrinietbg dmbeli.

    d. irb cj jirniet.

    f. spidojod pmbsi.

    B pozzb dmboe os bhgi tc fivigcp b pozzb cvie tc hbai pozzbs oe 20 noeutis rbtmir tmbe tmi stbefbrf 80

    noeutis furoel tmi gbti 2?=0s. Vmos wbs ncst goaigy b(e) SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS


    b. dcnpitiedi iembedoel

    h. dcnpitiedi fistrcyoel

    d. brdmotidturbg

    f. rbfodbg

    \modm cj tmi jcggcwoel fisdrohis tmi ncst typodbg ivcgutoce cj tidmecgcly's pirjcrnbedi oj ot os pgcttif blboest ijjcrt

    bef oevistniet3

    b. sgcw oeotobg onprcviniet, bddigirbtif onprcviniet, fonoeosmoel onprcviniet

    h. rbpof oeotobg onprcviniet, sgcwif onprcviniet, rbpof onprcviniet

    d. sgcw oeotobg onprcviniet, fonoeosmoel onprcviniet, bddigirbtif onprcviniet

    f. rbpof oeotobg onprcviniet, ivie jbstir onprcviniet, fonoeosmoel onprcviniet

    Oj b dcnpbey tmbt dcnis up wotm b eiw tidmecgcly dbe lit oejcrnbtoce bhcut ots bfvbetblis cut tc pctietobg

    dustcnirs wotmoe 8 yibrs, tmi nbrait sbturbtoce smcugf tbai

    b. 8 yibrs.

    h. 6 yibrs.

    d. 2 yibr.

    f. cei dbeect ribggy fitirnoei tmi bfcptoce rbti wotmcut ncri oejcrnbtoce.

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    \crfPirjidt Dcrpcrbtoce ectodif furoel tmi 2?=0s tmbt tmi ncri cj ots wcrf prcdissoel scjtwbri

    pbdablis ot scgf, tmi ncri dustcnirs dcnpgboeif cr sullistif onprcviniets. Bs b risugt cj tmos tmi

    wcrf prcdissoel scjtwbri prclrbn dcugf hi

    b. stibfogy onprcvif.

    h. tbaie jrcn tmi nbrait sc bgg tmi huls dcugf hi rincvif.

    d. ripgbdif hy b dcnpgitigy eiw prclrbn.

    f. ecei cj tmi bhcvi.

    ViffyHibr Tystins beecuedif ot mbf b digg pmcei tmbt dcugf tbai podturis bt tmi sbni toni tmbt ots nboe dcnpitotcr

    dbni cut wotm sudm b digg pmcei. Bdtubggy, ViffyHibr systins fofe't ivie mbvi sudm b pmcei oe fivigcpniet. Vmos os

    aecwe bs

    b. jbai tidmecgcly.

    h. vbpcrwbri.

    d. oggilbg pujjiry.

    f. tidmec-wbri.

    Tonce mbs pgcttif tmi eitwcra ixtirebgoty hieijots durvi bef tmi ncecpcgy dcsts durvi jcr mos oefustry bef

    fosdcvirif tmbt tmi goeis drcss wmie tmi fcnoebet tidmecgcly mbs be =0% nbrait smbri (o.i., tmi ncecpcgy dcst durvi

    os bhcvi tmi eitwcra ixtirebgoty hieijots durvi bt bgg pcoets tc tmi rolmt cj =0%). Oj Tonce's dbgdugbtoces bri dcrridt,

    wmodm cj tmi jcggcwoel bri trui3

    b. Dcesunirs wogg prijir b soelgi jorn tc mbvi b dcnpgiti ncecpcgy oe tmi nbrait.

    h. Dcesunirs wogg hieijot ncst hy lcvireniet rilugbtoce tmbt priviets bey tidmecgcly jrcn lboeoel lribtir tmbe b

    90% smbri cj tmi nbrait.

    d. Tonce's oefustry fcis ect ixmohot strcel eitwcra ixtirebgoty ijjidts.

    f. Dcesunirs bri hittir cjj oj cei tidmecgcly mbs b

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    \mie Fositrceod, wmc fcnoebtis tmi oesugoe punp nbrait jcr fobhitods, nbfi tmi fidosoce tc ect dmbrli tmi molmist

    prodi tmi nbrait wcugf hibr, ot wbs

    b. oedribsoel tmi ncecpcgy dcst durvi.

    h. jgbttieoel tmi ncecpcgy dcst durvi.

    d. nbaoel tmi ncecpcgy dcst durvi oetirsidt tmi eitwcra ixtirebgotois durvi scceir.

    f. ect bjjidtoel tmi s-durvi cr ncecpcgy durvi bt bgg.