innervate digital marketing plan

Digital Marketing Plan

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Post on 08-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Innervate Digital Marketing Plan

Digital Marketing Plan

Page 2: Innervate Digital Marketing Plan

1. Brand Overview

2. Goals

3. SEO & SEM Strategy

4. Content Strategy

5. Social Media Strategy

6. Measurement Plan

7. Retargeting

8. Budgeting

9. Things for the Future

10. Conclusion


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Brand Overview

In 2015, the worldwide digital games market totaled $61 billion

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Brand Overview

How does Innervate fit in?

When a video game like Battletech becomes popular…

…its fans want to engage each other.

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Brand Overview

Innervate provides game companies with the platform to engage

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Brand Overview

Elevator Pitch

For the video game maker who has the need to better understand what his gamers like, don’t like, need and want. Maybe gamers don’t care much about graphics but instead want a deeper story or better gameplay. That’s where Innervate comes into play. Innervate is a player relationship management tool that helps game makers build better relationships with their gamers. Unlike Lithium, the software that covers too many product and service categories to understand the video game industry.

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Our players care a lot more about the other players they are connecting with, rather than the content they’re taking part in.

EA CEO Andrew Wilson

Brand Overview

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MVP - Minimal Viable Personality

1How can you change a

customer’s life?

We advance gaming by providing video game companies with tools to help them prosper and delight

their customers by providing better game experiences.

2What do you stand for?

We want more games to be successful and to give

gamers a better experience.

3Who and what do you


We hate Zynga (game companies that treat their gamers like numbers and

not people.)

Brand Overview

You can’t just have a good product; you need a compelling personality behind the product

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Think and Feel• Wants to make a game loved and engaged by gamers• Needs to speak and listen to his gamers• Finds company like Blizzard remarkable based on its

interaction with gamers, resulting in increased game quality and profit

• Doesn’t want to spend time creating online forums for his game

Hear• Influenced by other video game developers, publishers,

and industry trends• Interested in how to make his game more profitable • Hears pressure from his investors: “Why isn’t your

awesome game making more money?”• May not be open to change

See• Customer environment is mostly digital• Mark is sharply following online message boards and

forums, video game news sites, and industry newsletters• He lives in a high-tech urban area and sees screens and

monitors everywhere

Say and Do• Mark wants to grow and retain users• He wants happy gamers• However, he doesn’t have the time and resources to

make and maintain an active community for his game• He lives on his computer and spends all day online (PC

and mobile); he is on the cutting edge of all technology

Customer Empathy MapExample: Mark, Indie Video Game Lead Developer and CEO, 30-Years-Old

Brand Overview

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Brand Overview

Other companies have community engagement platforms, but none are video game-specific

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This is Innervate’s new landing page


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It targets top professionals from video game companies

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Our challenge: How can we attract our target audience to the site AND THEN get them to click this button?

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AND THEN click on one of these buttons?

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UI SuggestionChange copy of “get started” to “sounds great!” and let’s do it!” because we’ve already used “get started” as initial CTA

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Innervate would like to see 12 new subscribers in Q1 of 2016

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Goals Strategies Tactics

1. Increase new visitors to website by 20% every month

• Generate continuous quality content on site

• Social media growth with links• Search engine marketing• Search engine optimization

• 2 blog posts per week• 8 FB posts per day• 10 Twitter Tweets/Retweets per day• SEM: Increase AdWord traffic by

improving quality score• SEO: Increase quality of web site

2. Increase ”button click” goal conversion rate from nearly 0 to 10%

• Landing page optimization • Optimize form• A/B testing with buttons• Strong CTAs (call to actions) on site

3. Increase contact form submissions from target audience (video game CEOs, CTOs, CMOs, Developers, Founders, Presidents, etc.)

• Continue to connect with target audience on social media

• Retargeting

• Use programs like Mention to follow who’s talking about our interests

• Facebook ads• Display ads

Three goals can help take on that challenge

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SEO & SEM Strategy

Since the implementation of AdWords, 1/3 of Innervate’s traffic now comes from organic search

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SEO & SEM Strategy

Because the real estate is prime, and right now, we have an average position of 2.5 on search terms

Why use paid search?

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Structure campaigns into similar ad groups 1

Optimize keyword ad copy 2

Target landing pages with same keywords 3

How can we increase AdWords quality score?

SEO & SEM Strategy

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Structure campaigns into similar Ad Groups 1

SEO & SEM Strategy

2 Campaigns 54 Keywords in each Ad Group7 Ad Groups in each Campaign

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Optimize AdWords copy 2

Test several versions of ads 2 examples

SEO & SEM Strategy

Community Group Ad Forum Group Ad

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Target landing page with same keywords 3

A/B testing: change “Community” to “Forum” for inbound links from “Forum” ad group

SEO & SEM Strategy

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Blog Posts

Facebook posts

Twitter posts

LinkedIn Posts

Social media ads

Google AdWords

Content Partners

PR outreach

Going to events

Email White papers

Frequency 2 per week

5 per day 10 per day 3 per week Recurrent Recurrent 2 per week Recurrent 1 per month

1 per month

2 per year

Cost Free Free Free Free $5/day to $6/click

$5/day Free Free Free Free Free

Target Inbound traffic

Followers Followers and retweets of game makers

Tech industry

Video game industry

Video game industry

Video game media sites

Tech media sites

Conventions, meetups

Subscriber list

Video game developers and publishers

Strategy Perceptions of games and industry

Share from other sites and own blog posts

Target specific info about gaming community

Valuable info about community and engagement

Target community managers at game companies

A/B testing/tracking with word groups

Share relevant articles on own site and vice versa

Make Innervate more recognizable name in game industry

Network with video game makers locally and regionally

Maintain and engage current subscriber list

Establish credibility and educate as industry leader

Content Calendar

Content Strategy

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Example Blog: “mailbag” answering serious and silly questions

Content Strategy

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Example Blog: relevant industry info that will paint Innervate as industry expert and bring target audience back to page for useful tips

Content Strategy

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Use an optimization plugin like Yoast to maximize SEO for each post

Content Strategy

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Carefully analyze each piece of content to increase reach

Content Strategy

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Social Media Strategy

Despite 39,000 Twitter followers and 2,400 Facebook likes, only 3.5% of traffic is coming from social media

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Facebook has over 1 billion active users every month

Social Media Strategy

We can initiate conversations and increase our brand presence with a variety of posts

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Social Media Strategy

Facebook Ad strategyTarget as narrowly as possible: for example, with our free t-shirt campaign, we only want community managers who are attending the 2016 Game Developers Conference

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Social Media Strategy

Facebook Ad strategyTest different versions: for example, the left CTA is “Contact Us” and the right is “Learn More”

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Twitter is used heavily by the games industry

Social Media Strategy

1. Twitter users are 72% more likely to talk about gaming than the average internet user

2. 50% of Twitter users say gaming is part of who they are

3. 25% of Twitter users play video games every day

4. 46% of Twitter users will buy video games this Christmas

5. 48% of Twitter users like to keep up to date with upcoming game releases

6. 20% of Twitter users say they are often asked for their opinion on game consoles

6 stats support that claim

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Social Media Strategy

Twitter post strategyStay active in every game community conversation possible; also retweet influencers and customers

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Social Media Strategy

Twitter Ad strategyFor our free t-shirt campaign, only target users who mentioned some form of GDC16

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Social Media Strategy

Twitter Ad strategyThe audience won’t be large, but will be hyper-specific to meet our need

Those keyword targets don’t put us in Twitter’s “suggested range,” but we only want the stronger leads anyway

$5 per day will yield these engagements

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LinkedIn strategy: more formal and informational

Social Media Strategy

Targeted to video game industry leaders with relevant information

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LinkedIn ads: sponsored campaigns

Social Media Strategy

Targeted to specific roles in “computer games” industry

Cost? $6 per click

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Use social media tools to listen to keywords and reach out to potential customers

Social Media Strategy

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Measurement Plan

How will we measure the strategies of goals?Strategies Measurement Budget

Generate continuous quality content on site Track which type of content generates clicks and follow trends learned from data


Social media growth Track which type of posts and retweets generate interest and follow trends


Search engine marketing 2 week periods with AdWord groupsUse A/B testing to monitor effective groups

$70 for 2-week segments

Search engine optimization 2 week periods tracking quality score improvements or diminishment


Landing page optimization 1 week periods tracking click rates, bounce rates, and overall behavior


Continue to connect with target audience on social media

1 week segments tracking slight variations in ad copy and audience

$50 for 1-week segments

Retargeting 24 hour segments tracking 2nd touch conversion rate $0.25-$0.60 per click

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Measurement Plan

• Measure what works and what doesn’t• Eliminate the ineffective ads and channels• Keep refining what works to optimize

Specific examples of measurement executionUse UTMs to track effectiveness of ads

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Measurement Plan

Specific examples of measurement executionUse alternate links to increase SEO

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Create second touch-point in next 24 hoursRetargeted customers are about 70% more likely to complete a purchase.

Use a program like AdRoll to create display ads for users who meet the following criteria:

• Spent at least one minute on landing page but didn’t click to “Contact Form” page (average time on landing page is two minutes)

• Clicked to “Contact Form” page but didn’t convert to “Contact Form Completion” (average time on contact form is 45 seconds)

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Show ads on game dev websites and social media

To be less intrusive, these can even be content marketing blog posts to educate our audience

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How did we arrive at AdWords estimates?The goal return-on-investment is 50%There were 476 new visitors in past monthBut just 3 “contact form submissions” for a .63% conversion rate

Aiming to acquire 12 new customers/leadsWe need 1,905 visits for 12 new customers1,905 clicks * $4 cost per click = $7,620

12 new customers * ($250/mo.) = $3,000 monthly revenue$3,000/$7,620 = 39% ROI

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Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn ads don’t allow as much precision

We can set a daily budget, measure, then refine

$5 per day will yield 5-7 daily


$6 per click(minimum daily budget of $10)

$5 per day will reach about 80


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Things for the future

Once we increase our user base, email marketing and CRM

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Innervate wants its target audience to come to, spend time on the webpage, and become customers

To accomplish that goal, we will employ a variety of digital marketing techniques

• SEO and SEM• Content Marketing• Social Media Marketing• Retargeting

Then measure what works, what doesn’t, and continue to improve and innovate

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Game Over