inner water characteristics of anambas island, riau ....pdf · regional of indonesia republic...

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) ISSN (Online): 2319-7064 Impact Factor (2012): 3.358 Volume 3 Issue 6, June 2014 Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY Inner Water Characteristics of Anambas Island, Riau Province-Indonesia Noir P. Purba 1 , Jaya Kelvin 2 , Riani Widiarti 3 , Nurfitri Syadiah 4 1 Padjadjaran University, Department of Marine Science, Jalan Raya Bandung-Sumedang Km.21, Jatinangor, West Java45363, Indonesia 2 Padjadjaran University, Department of Marine Science, Jalan Raya Bandung-Sumedang Km.21, Jatinangor, West Java45363, Indonesia 3 University of Indonesia, Department of Biology, Universitas Indonesia, Kampus UI, Depok, West Java 16424, Indonesia 4 Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Affair, Directorate of KP3K Mina Bahari Building 11 th Floor, Central Jakarta,DKI Jakarta, Indonesia Abstract: Anambas archipelago which consists of 255 islands located in the southern South China Sea (sSCS) and parts of Riau province. This study aims to provide an initial overview of the Anambas’s water characteristics on East Monsoon (EM). Data was obtained from two primary surveys that conducted in 2012 and 2013. First survey collected a number of 20 stations which focused to the northeast region of Anambas that consists of Mengkian Island, Mandariau Island, and Penjalin Island. Second survey collected 16 stations which represented the whole inner water of Anambas. The depiction was done with primary data collection, calibration and data processing, visualization, and analysis. The results show that the Anambas water is the shallow one with the average depth of 40 meters. The tidal rangeis approximately 1.35 meters and the dominant ocean current is southward current that moves to KarimataStrait and Malacca Strait. The ocean current condition of Anambasis also affected by the water mass that originates from the South China Sea (SCS), Java Sea, and Malacca Strait. The other water properties were like ocean surface temperature (28-32.5 0 C), absolute salinity (29- 35 PSU), brightness(10-16 meters), pH (6.8-8.8 units), and dissolve oxygen(4.4-6.8 mg/L). The biological property such as the abundance of plankton varies and dominates by Thallasionema and shows significant correlation with the ocean current pattern. Keywords: Anambas Archipelago, East Monsoon, Water Mass, Inner Water, Oceanographic Condition. 1. Introduction The existence of islands in Indonesia will determine the characteristics of oceanographic conditions around it. The island and basin will act as the secondary force that changed the direction of bulk water mass. Geographically, the islands are located in the southern South China Sea (sSCS) which is adjacent to the Natuna and Tanjung Pinang and part of the Riau Province (02º10'0"-03º40'0" N and 105°15'0"- 106°45'0" E). Anambas has 255 islands and vast waters reach 70% of the total area is believed to have a unique and complex ocean characteristics. These island will give much information about water mass because the linking to Indonesia waters and South Cina Seas. However, there is limited primary ocean data that has been done in this inner area. This area becomes one of Fisheries Management Regional of Indonesia Republic (WPP-RI 711) and Indonesia Archipelago Sea Channel (ALKI 1). Moreover, as geopolitics area, these islands also have five outer islands that bordered with Malaysia, Singapore, Cambodia, and Vietnam [1]. In the north of these islands, there is a mining zone which is currently in the exploration stage. This area is also a migration route of some marine biota such as sea turtles and Napoleon fish. Based on the geographical location and the condition of the islands, this region has a huge potential to be developed. In 2012 and 2013 spatial zoning management study has been conducted by the Ministry of Marine and Fisheries (KKP- KP3K) which appoint Anambasas a priority area for fishery and tourism by enclosing the conservation area as a measure of the diversity of flora and fauna [2]. However, with the region consist of 70% water is a challenge in establishing sustainable management [3]. In connection with both of those which are related to each other gives an overview of the importance of oceanographic conditions in the waters around Anambas Islands. In addition, oceanographic conditions in Indonesia are very much influenced by local factors. Characteristics of the waters in Anambas region are very unique and complex because of the basin and land that stretches from north to south, the input and output of water masses, wind pattern, and nutrients concentration. The topography and basins act as a secondary force which affects the movement of water mass [1]. Generally, the condition of the waters in the Anambas is influenced by the South China Sea (SCS), the water masses from Java Sea and Malacca Strait. The dominance of the three water masses will be influenced by the ebb and flow that comes from the Pacific Ocean. Due to this area, then it is likely to undergo changes in the oceanographic dynamics. Force of water masses will bring nutrients to dynamically operate the food chain in the water column. This region (SCS) is a large marine ecosystem with a specific and unique oceanographic characteristics, biography and ecology. Most of the southern part of SCS is atSunda Shelf and has shallow water characteristic(depth< 200 m). Itis also influenced by the oceans and land through the input from rivers that flow from the surrounding islands. The southern part of SCS isa sea region which belonging to Paper ID: 02014136 889

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Page 1: Inner Water Characteristics of Anambas Island, Riau ....pdf · Regional of Indonesia Republic (WPP-RI 711) and Indonesia Archipelago Sea Channel (ALKI 1). Moreover, as geopolitics

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) ISSN (Online): 2319-7064

Impact Factor (2012): 3.358

Volume 3 Issue 6, June 2014

Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY

Inner Water Characteristics of Anambas Island, Riau Province-Indonesia

Noir P. Purba1, Jaya Kelvin2, Riani Widiarti3, Nurfitri Syadiah4

1Padjadjaran University, Department of Marine Science, Jalan Raya Bandung-Sumedang Km.21, Jatinangor, West Java45363, Indonesia

2Padjadjaran University, Department of Marine Science, Jalan Raya Bandung-Sumedang Km.21, Jatinangor, West Java45363, Indonesia

3University of Indonesia, Department of Biology, Universitas Indonesia, Kampus UI, Depok, West Java 16424, Indonesia

4Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Affair, Directorate of KP3K Mina Bahari Building 11th Floor, Central Jakarta,DKI Jakarta, Indonesia

Abstract: Anambas archipelago which consists of 255 islands located in the southern South China Sea (sSCS) and parts of Riau province. This study aims to provide an initial overview of the Anambas’s water characteristics on East Monsoon (EM). Data was obtained from two primary surveys that conducted in 2012 and 2013. First survey collected a number of 20 stations which focused to the northeast region of Anambas that consists of Mengkian Island, Mandariau Island, and Penjalin Island. Second survey collected 16stations which represented the whole inner water of Anambas. The depiction was done with primary data collection, calibration and data processing, visualization, and analysis. The results show that the Anambas water is the shallow one with the average depth of 40 meters. The tidal rangeis approximately 1.35 meters and the dominant ocean current is southward current that moves to KarimataStrait andMalacca Strait. The ocean current condition of Anambasis also affected by the water mass that originates from the South China Sea(SCS), Java Sea, and Malacca Strait. The other water properties were like ocean surface temperature (28-32.50C), absolute salinity (29-35 PSU), brightness(10-16 meters), pH (6.8-8.8 units), and dissolve oxygen(4.4-6.8 mg/L). The biological property such as the abundance of plankton varies and dominates by Thallasionema and shows significant correlation with the ocean current pattern.

Keywords: Anambas Archipelago, East Monsoon, Water Mass, Inner Water, Oceanographic Condition.

1. Introduction

The existence of islands in Indonesia will determine the characteristics of oceanographic conditions around it. The island and basin will act as the secondary force that changed the direction of bulk water mass. Geographically, the islands are located in the southern South China Sea (sSCS) which is adjacent to the Natuna and Tanjung Pinang and part of the Riau Province (02º10'0"-03º40'0" N and 105°15'0"-106°45'0" E). Anambas has 255 islands and vast waters reach 70% of the total area is believed to have a unique and complex ocean characteristics. These island will give much information about water mass because the linking to Indonesia waters and South Cina Seas. However, there is limited primary ocean data that has been done in this inner area. This area becomes one of Fisheries Management Regional of Indonesia Republic (WPP-RI 711) and Indonesia Archipelago Sea Channel (ALKI 1). Moreover, as geopolitics area, these islands also have five outer islands that bordered with Malaysia, Singapore, Cambodia, and Vietnam [1]. In the north of these islands, there is a mining zone which is currently in the exploration stage. This area is also a migration route of some marine biota such as sea turtles and Napoleon fish.

Based on the geographical location and the condition of the islands, this region has a huge potential to be developed. In 2012 and 2013 spatial zoning management study has been conducted by the Ministry of Marine and Fisheries (KKP-KP3K) which appoint Anambasas a priority area for fishery

and tourism by enclosing the conservation area as a measure of the diversity of flora and fauna [2]. However, with the region consist of 70% water is a challenge in establishing sustainable management [3]. In connection with both of those which are related to each other gives an overview of the importance of oceanographic conditions in the waters around Anambas Islands. In addition, oceanographic conditions in Indonesia are very much influenced by local factors.

Characteristics of the waters in Anambas region are very unique and complex because of the basin and land that stretches from north to south, the input and output of water masses, wind pattern, and nutrients concentration. The topography and basins act as a secondary force which affects the movement of water mass [1]. Generally, the condition of the waters in the Anambas is influenced by the South China Sea (SCS), the water masses from Java Sea and Malacca Strait. The dominance of the three water masses will be influenced by the ebb and flow that comes from the Pacific Ocean. Due to this area, then it is likely to undergo changes in the oceanographic dynamics. Force of water masses will bring nutrients to dynamically operate the food chain in the water column. This region (SCS) is a large marine ecosystem with a specific and unique oceanographic characteristics, biography and ecology. Most of the southern part of SCS is atSunda Shelf and has shallow water characteristic(depth< 200 m). Itis also influenced by the oceans and land through the input from rivers that flow from the surrounding islands. The southern part of SCS isa sea region which belonging to

Paper ID: 02014136 889

Page 2: Inner Water Characteristics of Anambas Island, Riau ....pdf · Regional of Indonesia Republic (WPP-RI 711) and Indonesia Archipelago Sea Channel (ALKI 1). Moreover, as geopolitics







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ce and Rese19-7064

12): 3.358

June 2014netons Attribution

mple. The botts taken to labounting cell.croscope at a m Plankton ide

oks [6]-[9].

TableYear R



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Islands,Kand M


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t beyond thereases up toter mass also h

Figure 2:


ambas Islandsmperature varie

side the isle.mperature patmperature distr

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tle sample waoratory to be cEnumeration magnificationentification w

e 1: Datasets uRegions

Island, Manda au Island, ngkian Island

Anambas Water

Anambas Water

atak Island

Matak, auanAnambas

h China Sea, AnambasKarimata Strait,

Malacca Strait

teristic to detet the depth cotween 5-60 m00 meters in

o the north. Contributing to

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and 2013 resuthe inner isla

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of Anambas

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Paper ID: 02014136 890

Page 3: Inner Water Characteristics of Anambas Island, Riau ....pdf · Regional of Indonesia Republic (WPP-RI 711) and Indonesia Archipelago Sea Channel (ALKI 1). Moreover, as geopolitics





here is a layer hickness varyi

warmer surfaceoming from S

wind.The samalinity profileslands with aemperature off the atmosphut in 2013 shetween the te

Lowest SST wa

Table 2: Co(

St.* SST12 23 34 25 26 378 stands fo*Correlation n

n the periodemperature (lowing southerom October patially, highalue of about f water masseemperature inse warmer thatterns slightemperature inbout 28 PSUrom the river,ame (Figure 2slands generandergone dilunstead on theransported byntrance to theowards the Jaalinity ranged

Water transparhat these wat

meters. Water ontained in thy the conditiubstrate. Forarameters ofigher pH patte

of mixed wating between 2e temperatureSCS will be f

me pattern ises in which tha range betwf surface watehere in whichhowed that theemperatures oas 28.9oC, wh

orrelation betw(SST) and Air

Parameters T (oC) AT (oC30 32.3

29.7 32.031.8 33.529.8 32.029.6 32.530.9 31.231 32.030 32.5

or Station number betwe

d from July approximatelyeast and rain dto December

her temperatur32.50 C. This es originatingside the territoan the outsidtly different n the northeas

U. This is cau but the patte

2b). In the MTally have a ution of the e west seasony Armondo oe Strait of Natuava Sea [13].

from 32-36 p

rency can be ters are very

areas with the southeasterion of the b

r pH conditif waters rangern is in the so



ter masses (ho25 and 44 m es in the westforwarded to obtained fr

he part has beween 27-34 Sers is affected h the measureere was no siof the atmosphile the air tem

ween Sea Surfr Temperature

St.* C) SST 9 2 10 2 11 2 12 3 13 14 15 2 16 2

een both param

to Septembey 32°C) whdown rather a r wind blowinres are in the may be cause

g from the SCorial waters ode waters (Ffrom the pat

stern region oused by the mern in other paT the mass of

low salinitrivers surrou

n, high -salinf South Chinuna Islands KIn waters ad

ppt [14], [15].

seen in Figuclear with th

the lowest brrn islands whbottom watersions as oneging betweenouthern island

onal JournaISSN



sed Under Cre

omogeneous)depth [11] .In

t where the cuthe west due

rom the horieen gatheringA (Figure 3)by the tempe

ements were cgnificant diffhere with the

mperature is 31

face Temperat (AT) Parameters

T(oC) AT(oC28.9 31.529.5 31.529.6 31.530.1 32 30 33 30 33.2

29.2 31.929.2 31

meters is 0.474

er a little hhere the wilot while theng west/northwestern part

ed by the movCS. Besides thf the islands t

Figure 2a). Sttern in whicof lower salinmass of fresharts look almof water aroundty because iunding islandnity water mna Sea throug

Karimata and fdjacent to An

ure 2c whichhe range of rightness condhere it is influs with sandy of the che

n 6.75-9 unitds.

al of SciencN (Online): 23ct Factor (201

e 3 Issue 6, Jwww.ijsr.n

eative Commo

with a n EM, urrents to the

izontalin the

). The erature carriedference e SST. 1oC.




hot air ind is period

h [12]. of the

vementhat the tend to alinity ch the nity of

water ost the d these it has ds but

mass is gh the further


shows 6-17.7 ditions uencedy mud emical ts and






ce and Rese19-7064

12): 3.358

June 2014netons Attribution


(c)gure 3: Spatia


aracteristics wsons seen in

ptember is doCSF. The in

ause it is alreater masses are

tide currents t

fferent conditiminance of thible. This is pS due to thecific Ocean. H

third sourceters.Conditionters with lotsthern and souferent. The reanged directioography, areermined by th

gure 4: T-S Ddata o

w conditionsch different, wters. The mo

uthwestern reg

earch (IJSR


al visualizatiosalinity;(c)tran

waters in Sepn Figure 4, wominated by wnfluence of teady mixed be of the Straitthat along eas

ions found inhe Java Sea anossible due tochange in mo

However, it appof water mas

ns in the wats of channels uthern parts oesults in Septeon of the ce islands, w

he presence of

Diagrams on foon September;

at the surfacewhere this is

ost rapid flowgion of the sp


n of water pronsparency; (d

ptember compwhere the mwater masses the Java Sea

between Natunt of Malacca st-west pattern

n other seasoand the Malaco a decrease inomentum thatpears that almsses characterters Anambacauses the c

of the South Cember showecurrent basinwhere curre

f the islands.

our different w (b) all the tim

e and at a depdue to the sh

w conditions eed of 0.22 m


(d) operties. (a) S


pared with omass of wate

originating fa just a littlena and Anamis connected w


ons in whichcca Strait is mn the speed oft comes from

most every searize the Anam

asa semi-enclocirculation inChina Sea a ld that one of

n conditionsent direction

waters. (a) filteme data

pth of 0.4d ishallowness of

obtained inm/s. Flow patt


otherr in frome bit

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n the little f the

and n is


s not f the

the terns

Paper ID: 02014136 891

Page 4: Inner Water Characteristics of Anambas Island, Riau ....pdf · Regional of Indonesia Republic (WPP-RI 711) and Indonesia Archipelago Sea Channel (ALKI 1). Moreover, as geopolitics




which occur pirection is de

water masses wcean mixes wnd deflected bo Anambas [1

will rise to themeeting then Anambas.In FObservation relso the RMS (oth results is residual). So, sing TMD (Tiattern in Mata

Figure 5: Oc

Tidal pattern inoing can be lond flood is 1.3bove MSL an

MSL. The stanm. It means thbove or below

Figure 6: Tidavs. observatio


predominantlyerived from with SCS. Th

with the Strait oby the Malay 16]. The EM me SCS in Na

divert the Fig. 5 the cesults of tide l(Root Mean S0.24 which afrom this sta

idal Model Drak is valid.

ean current pa(bl

n Anambas Isooked at Fig. 35 m with thend the lowestndard deviationhat normally tw mean sea lev

al pattern in Mon on tide levettern when con



y south-west, the Natuna ihen the massof Malacca Jabasin which mass of wate

atuna Islands water to th

orrelation belevel is 0.96 (

Square) of the also can be seeatistic results, river) on this

attern at 0.2d lue line)

sland when th5 the range o

e highest watet water level n (std) of this the water chavel.

Matak Island, Aels in Septembnducting field

onal JournaISSN



sed Under Cre

where the cislands mixed of water fro

ava pressing uthen turn direr from the Ja[14]. Howevehe mass ma

etween Mode(highly relateddifference be

en as the greeit can be sai

research to ge

(red line) and

e measuremenof tidal betweeer level is at 0is at 0.67 mtidal pattern i

anged about 0

Anambas. (a) Mber 2011; (b) Td survey

al of SciencN (Online): 23ct Factor (201

e 3 Issue 6, Jwww.ijsr.n

eative Commo

currentd with om the upwardections va sea er, the ajority el and d) and etweenen line id that et tidal


nt was en ebb 0.68 m below is 0.44 0.44 m

 Model Tidal







ce and Rese19-7064

12): 3.358

June 2014netons Attribution

e highest influands, can be linational diu

lowed by Lunncipal Lunar higher than th

gle type or diuich is in the nsingle type.

Table 3: Tida

TC NumbM2 0.122S2 0.029N2 0.028K2 0.006

Biological W

S holds a veryters Anambas.h commercialve biodiversityaracteristics oied, butallasiothrixsppphytoplankton

uaries to offsm run-off ef

uses of HAButhwest regioner regions.tantaneous mee found in alm

Figure 7:


ysical conditiambas very cin water masssses due to tidut either from

mperature, saliur daily, seasnity. There isislands at the

earch (IJSR


uential tidal cseen from th

urnal constituear declinationsemidiurnal che others, so turnal. Also it

numbers of 4.9

al constituent’smo

ber TC 26 K198 O1 83 P1 63 Q1

Water Propert

y important ro. Warm waterfishing. This

y of nutrient. Aof the plankt

dominated p., and Ceratn that is coshore.Seasonaffect on the species found

n are only fouHowever, theasurement. T

most all station

Plankton abu


ions, chemiscomplex becases dynamics des, currents,

m the north andnity, pH, andonal, and yeas a differencee north and so


constituent in e Table 2 K1ent is the hignal diurnal conconstituent (Mthe tidal type is proven by F

98 that defined

s (TC) numbeodel

Number T0.4425 M0.3175 M0.0944 M0.0537

ties (Plankton

ole in distributrs make this reis as indicato

As a result of ton species w

by Thallatiumfurca, whmmonly foun

al flow patterdistribution od in the studund Pleurosig

his measuremType Rhizosons (Figure 7).

undance and di

stry, and bioause it is infcaused by theand wind. Fod south affect

d brightness. Tarly, and local in the charac

outh islands. P

Matak, Anam1 as a Luni-s

ghest one. Thenstituent (O1)

M2). With K1is belonged toFormzhallnumd the tidal typ

er resulted from

TC NumberMF 0.0049 MM 0.0060 M4 0.0046

- -


ting nutrientsegion as a regor that this wadifferences inwere foundasionema s

hich are the tynd ranging frns and nutriof phytoplank

dy site [5]. Ingma not foun

ment is onlyolenia spp. is


ology in wafluenced by te mixing of w

orm of water mt changes occuThese fluctuat factors affectcteristics betw

Plankton samp

mbas solaren it and and

o the mberpe as


intogion-atersn the also

spp., ypes from ients kton

n the nd in y an s the

atersthreewatermassur to tions t the

ween pling

Paper ID: 02014136 892

Page 5: Inner Water Characteristics of Anambas Island, Riau ....pdf · Regional of Indonesia Republic (WPP-RI 711) and Indonesia Archipelago Sea Channel (ALKI 1). Moreover, as geopolitics

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) ISSN (Online): 2319-7064

Impact Factor (2012): 3.358

Volume 3 Issue 6, June 2014

Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY

was carried out on a limited and can still be done with a long sampling time is longer and more stations due to the structure of this community is still very limited.

6. Acknowledgment

We would like to thank KP3K-KKP for the help of facility when conducting survey and also to an additional survey team who has helped the DKP Anambas Islands and related local agencies. In addition, we would like to thank KOMITMEN-UNPADwho has helped in the data processing.


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Author Profile

Noir P. Purba received the B.S. degrees in Marine Science from Riau University2005and M.S. degrees in Oceanography from Bandung Institute of Technology in 2008 He is now a lecturer in Department of Marine Science, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Universitas Padjadjaran.

Jaya Kelvin would receive the B.S. degrees in Marine Science from Universitas Padjadjaran shortly in August 2014. He is now becomes an assistant in Marine Science and Technology (MST) Training Course held by Bogor Agricultural University (BAU) and German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). He is also working on funded research by DAAD about eddy model.

RianiWidiarti received the B.S.degrees from Biology Department of University of Indonesia and M.S degree from Bogor Agricultural Institute. She is now a lecturer in Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Univeristy of Indonesia.

NurfitriSyadiah received the B.S. degrees from Bogor Agricultural Institute.She is now staff of Directorate of Fisheries and Marine Affairs, Jakarta.

Paper ID: 02014136 893