initial idea for my opening sequence

My Idea: Opening Sequence By Lucy Hytner

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Post on 11-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Initial Idea For My Opening Sequence

My Idea: Opening


By Lucy Hytner

Page 2: Initial Idea For My Opening Sequence

• My idea is to have an opening sequence with a family/friends arriving on holiday. I want to use a series of clips, flashing from one sequence to the next. I want it to show different events but in a series of quick clips

• I want to use a voice over so that the audience can know some background whilst the opening sequence plays.

• I had the idea of making it seem like a romantic comedy but leaving the opening seqeunce on a cliff hanger which involves drama which makes the audience want to carry on watching.

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Kalcun in Turkey: this is my backdrop for filming. I want it to look like a

proper holiday which involve real life sequences.

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• Romantic Comedy – Travelling to a different country, with upbeat music and to show the start of a rom com film which shows the start to a holiday. It will have a voice over talking foreshawing events that are later to come.


• Drama – looks upbeat but there is an underlying problem and in the opening sequence I will try and create suspense. I would still have it set on holiday, but include clips foreshadowing tension and at the end leave it on a cliff hanger

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I want to have a group of people acting as a group of friends. I want to make a realistic interpretation of a fun holiday with friends, I want to use a group of people in my task to make it more realistic and believable for the audience to watch

I may use the main girl and video her whilst on holiday, and she will be the main protagonist of my video and I will follow her throughout the sequence


I might do it through a spectator/point of view shot where I video the surroundings around me but do it from the point of view from myself and video like the audience are looking through my eyes.

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I am going to creating a 3 minute opening sequence to a film which will introduce character, setting, plot and mood.

I want to build a climax through out my opening sequence, maybe with the use of music or the way I arrange the clips in the sequence.

I want to make the opening sequence happy but with underlying suspense/tension

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I maybe want to use a prop that symbolises

something important in the rest of the play. For

example a necklace that she wears throughout

the opening sequence could be left or forgotten

at the end of the film.

I may use props that symbolise the personality

of the girl, this may help the audience connect

to the main character and give them an insight

into her personality

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• As I am filming my opening sequence on

holiday I want to film some of my clips in the

water. For example I want the end clip to be

staged or in the water (maybe I will have

someone rising from below the surface of the


• I want to have lots of fast moving/pace

shots, this will help grab the audiences


• I want to incorporate different shots into my

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• The dialogue that I am going to use is going to be spoken above the music in a voice over. This means that I will edit it into the sequence after I have filmed it. This means that I have more of an idea of what I need to narrate and inform the audience about.

• Apart from that I am going to have no other speaking in my opening sequence as I want the music and the voice over to be the only noise in it.

• The voice over is going to help me set the scene for the audience, it help them understand what is going on. I will also give a short background of the girl/myself, and I may give them an insight into events that may happen later in the opening

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• I am going to have non-diegetic sound through

out my opening sequence.

• I am going to use music through out my

sequence which is upbeat and adds to the

happy mood of my opening sequence.

• I think I am going to use happy music but I may

also experiment with sad and haunting music to

see if the juxtapostion works with the opening

sequence. This may work as it could foreshadow

later events or it may not work at all because it

may be to complicated.

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Technical construction

• I am going to use my “nikon 3100”

• I also am going to use

a “go pro” for the

underwater scenes or

action scenes

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My target audience will probably be

early teenagers as I don’t want

younger as there may be to scary.

I want the audience to be able to

understand the opening seqeunce

and I believe that any younger they

may not understand what is going


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I want the audience to be unexpected

on the end. I want them to think it is a

normal romantic comedy but at the end

be left with a lasting memory of the fear

from the girl, this will be able to create

suspense within the sequence.

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