initial filming locations

Initial Filming Locations: Our first filming location was at Chicksands woods which we thought was a perfect location for filming as it was wide open space with not many people around to interrupt. also the setting looked really good in our videos as the sun was setting giving it a musky feel. However because it was out of the way for most of our actors it was very difficult to arrange a time when they could all get there. There were other difficulties with people being not able to make it so we decided to look for a similar setting but closer to everyone.

Upload: harmonydulay

Post on 10-Feb-2017




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Page 1: Initial filming locations

Initial Filming Locations:

Our first filming location was at Chicksands woods which we thought was a perfect location for filming as it was wide open space with not many people around to interrupt. also the setting looked really good in our videos as the sun was setting giving it a musky feel. However because it was out of the way for most of our actors it was very difficult to arrange a time when they could all get there. There were other difficulties with people being not able to make it so we decided to look for a similar setting but closer to everyone.

Page 2: Initial filming locations

Eventually we decided to film in the Common in Hitchin which had a very similar woodland setting which was near everybody, this allowed us to go down there and film using the outdoors setting that we wanted with the trees and rivers in the background. Also this allowed us to get some great shots of them playing with the leaves and wandering through the woods which was what we wanted in our video.

We also used indoor spaces for example, my living room, the school drama stage and one of our actors houses as we wanted a very realistic feel so it also felt like a home video. We wanted the reality of real life to be shown through our video and we thought with the settings we used such as a mixture of the outdoors and inside houses for example this would be shown. We used the drama stage as even though we wanted a realistic feel the video still needed to fit in with the performance theme. by using the stage it enhanced the performance element that we needed and the spotlight that we used worked really well with the shots and film we got.