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SYSTEMS ENGINEERING • Syllabi of courses from curricula • Year I, semester I (1) Mathematics 1 (Mathematical analysis) ( UPB.03.IS.L.I.1.01.F | 6 ECTS ) Disciplina fundamentala necesara oricarei abordari de specialitate. Prezinta notiunile fundamentale de siruri si serii numerice si de functii, de calcul diferential pentru functii de mai multe variabile precum notiunile de integrale improprii, cu parametri, curbilinii, de suprafata si multiple. De asemenea sunt prezentate notiuni fundamentale de functii complexe in vederea calculului integralelor folosind teorema reziduurilor. In general tipurile de exercitii si probleme abordate la seminar urmaresc linia cursului predat. De asemenea sunt discutate aspectele teoretice mai dificile. In anumite probleme se utilizeaza softurile specializate MATHEMATICA sau MAPLE. Sumar: Mul ţ imi. Şiruri de numere reale. Ș iruri de numere complexe. Func ţ ii reale ş i func ţ ii complexe. Serii numerice. Criteriul raportului ş i criteriul rădăcinii. Proprietă ţ i speciale ale seriilor numerice. Calculul aproximativ al sumelor de serii. Spa ţ ii metrice. Topologia unui spa ţ iu metric. Func ţ ii continue pe mul ţ imi compacte ş i pe mul ţ imi conexe. Spa ţ ii vectoriale normate, serii de func ţ ii. Norme, spa ţ iul Banach. Teorema de punct fix a lui Picard-Banach. Ș iruri ş i serii de func ţ ii. Aplica ţ ii liniare ş i continue între spa ţ ii vectoriale normate. Derivarea func ţ iilor cu valori vectoriale. Serii de puteri. Seria Taylor a unei func ţ ii indefinit derivabile. Aproximarea ş i interpolarea func ţ iilor. Derivate par ţ iale, extreme libere. Derivata după o direc ţ ie, derivate par ţ iale, matrice Jacobiană. Func ţ ii diferen ţ iabile, diferen ţ iale de ordin I. Derivate par ţ iale de ordin superior. Func ţ ii implicite, varietă ţ i diferen ţ iabile. Integrala Riemann, defini ţ ii ş i proprietă ţ i, calculul integralelor. Integrale improprii. Integrala Riemann-Stieltjes. Integrale cu parametru: integrala Riemann cu parametru, integrale improprii cu parametru, func ţ iile B ş i Γ. Măsuri şi spaţii Lebesque. Integrale curbilinii, integrale de suprafa ţ ă. Formula Green Riemann. Formula Gauss-Ostrogradski. Formula lui Strokes. Elemente de teoria câmpului. Spa ţ ii Hilbert, serii Fourier. Nature of the number and functional sequences and series, computation with partial derivatives, computation of the various 1

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SYSTEMS ENGINEERING • Syllabi of courses from curricula •

Year I, semester I (1) Mathematics 1 (Mathematical analysis) ( UPB.03.IS.L.I.1.01.F | 6

ECTS ) Disciplina fundamentala necesara oricarei abordari de specialitate. Prezinta notiunile fundamentale de siruri si serii numerice si de functii, de calcul diferential pentru functii de mai multe variabile precum notiunile de integrale improprii, cu parametri, curbilinii, de suprafata si multiple. De asemenea sunt prezentate notiuni fundamentale de functii complexe in vederea calculului integralelor folosind teorema reziduurilor. In general tipurile de exercitii si probleme abordate la seminar urmaresc linia cursului predat. De asemenea sunt discutate aspectele teoretice mai dificile. In anumite probleme se utilizeaza softurile specializate MATHEMATICA sau MAPLE.Sumar: Mulţimi. Şiruri de numere reale. Șiruri de numere complexe. Funcţii reale şi funcţii complexe. Serii numerice. Criteriul raportului şi criteriul rădăcinii. Proprietăţi speciale ale seriilor numerice. Calculul aproximativ al sumelor de serii. Spaţii metrice. Topologia unui spaţiu metric. Funcţii continue pe mulţimi compacte şi pe mulţimi conexe. Spaţii vectoriale normate, serii de funcţii. Norme, spaţiul Banach. Teorema de punct fix a lui Picard-Banach. Șiruri şi serii de funcţii. Aplicaţii liniare şi continue între spaţii vectoriale normate. Derivarea funcţiilor cu valori vectoriale. Serii de puteri. Seria Taylor a unei funcţii indefinit derivabile. Aproximarea şi interpolarea funcţiilor. Derivate parţiale, extreme libere. Derivata după o direcţie, derivate parţiale, matrice Jacobiană. Funcţii diferenţiabile, diferenţiale de ordin I. Derivate parţiale de ordin superior. Funcţii implicite, varietăţi diferenţiabile. Integrala Riemann, definiţii şi proprietăţi, calculul integralelor. Integrale improprii. Integrala Riemann-Stieltjes. Integrale cu parametru: integrala Riemann cu parametru, integrale improprii cu parametru, funcţiile B şi Γ. Măsuri şi spaţii Lebesque. Integrale curbilinii, integrale de suprafaţă. Formula Green Riemann. Formula Gauss-Ostrogradski. Formula lui Strokes. Elemente de teoria câmpului. Spaţii Hilbert, serii Fourier.Nature of the number and functional sequences and series, computation with partial derivatives, computation of the various types of integrals, Fourier's series, computation of some complex integral using the residue theorem. Summary: Sets. Real and complex sequences. Metric spaces. Successive approximations. Real and complex series. Functional series. Power series. Taylor's series, Fourier Series Particular subsets; continuous applications. Differentiation, partial derivatives, holomorphic functions. Using differentiability to the study of the functions. Improper integrals, integral dependent on a parameter. Elements of functional analysis Line integrals, differential forms. Double and triple integrals. Integral formulas. Residue theorem and applications.

Mathematics 2 (Algebra and Geometry) ( UPB.03.IS.L.I.1.02.F | 5 ECTS )


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IS SyllabiDisciplina fundamentala necesara oricarei abordari de specialitate. Prezinta notiunile fundamentale de: algebra liniara si forme patratice, elemente de geometrie diferentiala, teoria ecuatiilor diferentiale si a ecuatiilor liniare de ordin superior precum si principalele aplicatii. De asemenea sunt prezentate proprietatile transformatelor Fourier si Laplace. In general tipurile de exercitii si probleme abordate la seminar urmaresc linia cursului predat. De asemenea sunt discutate aspectele teoretice mai dificile. In anumite probleme se utilizeaza softurile specializate MATEMATICA sau MAPLE. Sumar: Matrici şi determinanţi. Sisteme liniare. Eliminare Gaussiană. Spaţii vectoriale. Produs scalar şi produs vectorial. Vectori proprii şi valori proprii. Algoritmi de reducere la forma canonică. Spaţiu vectorial Euclidian. Procedeul de ortogonalizare Gramm-Schmidt. Forma pătratică. Ortogonalitate. Ortonormalitate. Conice şi cuadrice. Elemente de geometrie diferenţială. Ecuaţii diferenţiale. Sisteme liniare de ecuaţii diferenţiale.Basis and dimension of a vectorial space, evaluation of eigenvalues and eigenvectors, nature of conics and quadrics, solving elementary differential equations and linear differential equations of high order, using properties of Fourier and Laplace transforms. Summary: Matrices and determinants. Linear systems. Vectorial spaces: base, dimension, fundamental example Rn. Linear transformations, eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Algorithms of reducing to the canonical form. Euclidean vector space. Gramm-Schmidt method. Quadratic forms. Conics and quadrics. Surfaces generation. Elements of differential geometry. Elementary differential equations. Linear differential equations and systems. Non-linear differential equations; phase space, chaos, computation with MAPLE. Graphs; optimal paths. Fourier transform. Laplace transform and applications.

Computers programming ( UPB.03.IS.L.I.1.03.F | 5 ECTS ) Cursul are drept scop crearea abilitatii de proiectare a aplicatiilor software si de utilizare a unui limbaj de programare in corelatie cu mecanismele de lucru la nivel hardware, astfel incat studentii sa constientizeze interactiunea hardware-software si sa o foloseasca in mod corect si eficient. Pornind de la explicarea rolului şi importanţei activităţii de programare, metodelor de analiza a problemelor, de elaborare a algoritmilor de rezolvare, de implementare şi testare a soluţiilor software, se urmăreste formarea unui stil corect şi eficient de realizare a programelor pe baza conceptelor programării structurate. Sunt prezentate caracteristicilor definitorii pentru programarea modulară si programarea orientată pe obiecte, algoritmi, structuri de date şi metode de prelucrare a acestora care constituie instrumente de bază pentru întelegerea noţiunilor ce vor fi aprofundate în cadrul disciplinelor “Structuri de date şi algoritmi” şi "Programare orientată pe obiecte". Toate acestea contituie elemente de bază (teoretice şi practice) ale pregătirii profesionale din domeniul de specializare specific. Activitatea de laborator urmareste crearea deprinderii practice de a folosi notiunile prezentate la curs pentru implementarea aplicatiilor software. Structura orelor cuprinde prezentarea unui breviar de cunostinte teoretice (un “plus” fata de cele prezentate la curs, daca este necesar) si lucrul cu studentii pe calculator, diferentiat, in functie de nivelul initial de cunostinte al fiecaruia. Se urmareste formarea unei gandiri ingineresti si stimularea creativitatii.


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IS SyllabiCrearea abilitatii de proiectare a aplicatiilor software si de utilizare a unui limbaj de programare in corelatie cu mecanismele de lucru la nivel hardware, astfel incat studentii sa constientizeze interactiunea hardware-software si sa o foloseasca in mod corect si eficient. Prezentarea unor algoritmi, structuri de date si metode de prelucrare a acestora precum si a caracteristicilor definitorii pentru programarea structurata, programarea modulara si programarea orientata pe obiecte. Crearea deprinderii practice de a folosi noţiunile prezentate la curs în realizarea unor programe, pe calculator. Structura orelor cuprinde prezentarea unui breviar de cunostinte teoretice (un “plus” fata de cele prezentate la curs, daca este necesar) si lucrul cu studentii pe calculator, diferentiat, in functie de nivelul de cunostinte al fiecarui student. Deoarece, la inceputul semestrului, structura „student – cunostinte de programare” are un pronuntat caracter de eterogenitate, scopul final este omogenizarea acesteia, la un nivel calitativ cat mai inalt.

Mechanics ( UPB.03.IS.L.I.1.04.F | 4 ECTS ) Cursul tratează principalele teoreme ale mecanicii newtoniene, ceea ce le permite studenţilor să abordeze aplicaţii de statică, cinemnatică şi dinamică. Se insistă pe abordarea numerică a unor probleme complicate de dinamică, pentru care se aplică teoremele de dinamică şi mecanică analitică. Datorită numarului mic de ore de predare se apelează frecvent la anumite cunoştinţe de mecanică dobândite în liceu, profitând de faptul că la admiterea în facultate se susţine concurs la fizică. Astfel, se insistă în predare pe metode ale mecanicii analitice: metoda d'Alembert, ecuatiile Lagrange. Datorită receptivitaţii studenţilor care audiază acest curs, se pot introduce cunoştinţe noi de mecanică, utile în aplicaţiile inginereşti. Sumar: Statică, cinematică şi dinamică punctului material. Forţe aplicate solidului rigid. Sisteme echivalente. Torsor de reducere. Echilibrul rigidului şi sistemelor de rigide. Cinematica rigidului: translaţie, rotaţie, mişcare plan-paralela. Dinamica rigidului: teoremele generale. Mişcarea de rotaţie; echilibrajul rotorilor. Elemente de mecanică analitică: deplasări virtuale, principiul lui d'Alembert. Ecuaţiile Lagrange. Aplicarea lor la probleme inginereşti.

Operating systems usage ( UPB.03.IS.L.I.1.05.D | 4 ECTS ) Cursul isi propune sa familiarizeze studentii cu principalele componente si concepte ale sistemelor de operare. Insusirea unor elemente de baza, cu caracter general, este dublata de discutii particulare legate de sistemele de operare din familia Windows si Linux. In cadrul activitatilor de laborator studentii se vor familiariza si vor exersa comenzi specifice sistemelor de operare Windows si Linux, imbunatatindu-si capabilitatile de instalare, configurare, utilizare si depanare.Correct problem diagnosis related to operating systems. Skills in addressing problems in operating systems, including the use of commands and working with available documentation. Summary: Introduction in operating systems. Operating system fundamentals. Hardware concepts. Basic operating system concepts. Introduction in computer networks. Network services. System security. Compiling and execution. Booting. Shell scripting. Network security. Netiquette.


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IS Syllabi Foreign language 1 ( UPB.03.IS.L.I.1.06.C | 1 ECTS )

English (B2-C1 level)Objectives: To develop the students’ fluency and accuracy, to teach the adequate use of grammatical structures and lexical units/collocations/phrases/idioms, to develop the students’ reading and oral comprehension skills.Summary: Grammar – revision of tenses; oral communication activities; listening focused on various topics of general interest; reading and comprehension activities; vocabulary exercises.

French (B1-B2 level)Objectives: To develop and to perfect the students’ French language (grammar, vocabulary, written and oral communication, written and oral comprehension) with a view to help them acquire the ability to communicate in general communicational contexts.Summary: Phonetics (listening and reading exercises); grammar exercises (revision and consolidation of the main morphological and syntactic elements); vocabulary (prefixes and suffices, synonyms, antonyms, homonyms); written communication (letter and e-mail writing; summaries); oral communication.

GermanObjectives: To develop and to improve the four communicative competences in German as a foreign language: oral comprehension, reading comprehension, oral and written expression. The main objectives are: to develop the students’ competence of professional communication, the acquisition and use of language and behavioral patterns in the professional German and/or business environment.Summary: Grammar – revision of verbal tenses, passive voice, irregular verbs, verbs with separable particle, modal verbs etc.; reading and listening comprehension exercises, vocabulary related to various topics of general interest, oral communication exercises (simulation of telephone conversations, job interviews, short presentations etc).

Physical education and sports 1 ( UPB.03.IS.L.I.1.07.C | 1 ECTS ) Maintaining an optimal state of health for students practicing physical exercises to increase their work potential in daily activities. Developing the basic and motor skills specific of some sporting branches. Forming the habit of continually practicing physical exercises in their spare time. Cultivating fair-play attitudes, efficient conduct and discipline.Basic motor skills: strength, skill, coordination. Learning the skills of executing certain elements and procedures specific to gymnastics - aerobic, medical. Learning how to handle the ball through technical means specific to sports games - volleyball, handball. Learning the correct breathing skills during the specific exercise for various sports and at rest. Learning and strengthening the tested techniques.

Mandatory option 1 One of the following courses has to be chosen:

Graphical engineering ( UPB.03.IS.L.I.1.08a.F | 2 ECTS )


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IS SyllabiStructuri geometrice fundamentale si procedee de exprimare grafica, bidimendionala, a acestora: sisteme de proiectie, proiectie paralela ortogonala, epura monge. Generarea si reprezentarea prin proiecţii a corpurilor si a suprafeţelor cu aplicaţii in construcţia de masini, secţiuni prin suprafeţe si corpuri, intersecţii de corpuri si suprafeţe, modelarea si reprezentarea corpurilor compuse. Standardele generale privind reprezentarea in desenul tehnic. Cotarea in desenul tehnic industrial. Înscrierea pe desen a rugozităţilor, a tolerantelor, a altor prescripţii. Forme specifice organelor de masini- reprezentare si cotare. Desenul la scară. Descrierea altor programe grafice cu utilizare inginerească.

Elementary Applied Informatics in Systems Engineering ( UPB.03.IS.L.I.1.08b.F | 2 ECTS ) No syllabus available.

Information processing ( UPB.03.IS.L.I.1.08c.F | 2 ECTS ) No syllabus available.

Mandatory option 2 One of the following courses has to be chosen:

History of Philosophy ( UPB.03.IS.L.I.1.09a.C | 2 ECTS ) No syllabus available.

Logic ( UPB.03.IS.L.I.1.09b.C | 2 ECTS ) No syllabus available.

Culture and civilization ( UPB.03.IS.L.I.1.09c.C | 2 ECTS ) Planning and organizing didactical activities to reevaluate the European culture and civilization's traditions necessary for the contemporary intellectual. Presentation and debate on the disciplines contents; organization of didactical activities.Summary: The definition of the discipline. The values of ancient Greek culture and civilization. Ancient Rome and it's contribution to the origin of the European culture and civilization. The importance of Christianity in medieval civilization. The Byzantine Empire and it's influence in the European area. The Renaissance and the Religious Reform-characteristics and sphere of influence. The origin of the modern world. The meaning of the middle-class revolutions.

Political doctrines ( UPB.03.IS.L.I.1.09d.C | 2 ECTS ) The major objective of this course is to get knowledge of the fundamental concepts of political sciences and their philosophical foundation. Secondly, the attention will be draw upon developing abilities for critical appraisal of political texts and programs. Thus, as potential protagonists of political life, students will be able to precisely identify what is common and what is different in various political strategies and programs and to find solutions and alternatives for the increasing benefit of political milieu. Therefore, the students will improve their capacities for political communication and for exercising their practical reason in the public space.


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IS SyllabiSummary: Politics and polity. Political philosophy and the science of power. From Athenian democracy to the state of right. Concepts and theories, features and characteristics of political power. Authority, identity and political legitimacy. Politics of identity vs. politics of right. The area and typology of political relations. Political institutions. The main political institutions of modern Romania. The concept and meaning of political regime. Types of political regimes. Contemporary political regimes and the challenges of globalization. The key issues of comparisons. The particularity of European political regimes. The particularity of American political regime. Civil society- Political society. The particularity of civil society in post-communist countries. The role played by intellectuals and civil society within post-communist Romanian public space. The rule of law. The separation of the power. Doctrines of the state. Features and functions. Types of parties. Groups of lobby. The multi-party system. The evolution of political life in Romania. Recent trends in the evolution of multi-party system. Political system- Electoral system. Types of electoral system. Romanian electoral system. The system of rights and liberties in the state of right. Institutional mechanisms of the human rights. Individual rights vs, collective rights. The particularity of totalitarian communist regime. The specificity of the transition from communism to capitalism. The main stages of the evolution of political life in Romania after 1989. The stages, the normative and judicial framework of European integration. European institutions and policies. Which are the political and economical requirements for Romania to become a real European country? What is still valid within contemporary democracies and which are the challenges to be faced.

History of Religions ( UPB.03.IS.L.I.1.09e.C | 2 ECTS ) The course proposes to offer the students basic notions regarding religion history, to learn about the main concepts, theories and systems. The approached themes refer to people's religion in different historical ages, the interdependencies between religion and culture and civilization elements are revealed. The course intends to explain specific basic notions, the analysis of different religions within the specific historic epoch. -for applications: the seminar classes structured on seven different themes allow the students to approach the basic elements analyzed at the course, emphasizing free discussions, analyzing historic documents, giving arguments for the personal point of view and maintaining papers.Summary: Introductory course. Beliefs and religious manifestations in prehistory. The religion of the people from the Antique East. The Sumerian-Babylonians and the Persians. The evolution in the Antique Egypt. Unity and variety in the religious life of India. Tradition and Buddhist influence in the religious life from China and Japan. Religion in Antique Greece and Rome. Religions at the Pre-Columbian people. Judaism - the first religion of spiritual individualism. The appearance of Islam and its role in Arabian expansion. The religions of Black Africa. The origin and the evolution of Christianity. The history of the Christian church. The religious reform of the 16th century. The evolution of the religious life at Romanians.


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IS Syllabi Free options

It is not mandatory to choose courses from the list below (not selecting courses from this list has no effect). However, the students can choose one or more courses from that list, if interested.

Psychology of education ( UPB.03.IS.L.I.1.10.C | 5 ECTS ) No syllabus available.

Volunteering ( UPB.03.IS.L.I.VO.C | 3 ECTS ) This activity includes volunteering actions that have to be carried out all the academic year long (even in some holidays). The main goal is to help the Faculty in organizing various events and the students in their work. The Faculty and the Students League are the main organizers. The activity is validated by Passed/Failed assessment, according to each student involvement and performance.

Year I, semester II (2) Mathematics 3 (Advanced Mathematics) ( UPB.03.IS.L.I.2.01.F | 6

ECTS ) Disciplina fundamentala necesara oricarei abordari de specialitate, continand si capitole cu aplicatii directe. Sunt abordate ecuatiile cu derivate partiale de ordinul al doilea – clasificare, aducere la forma canonica si metode de rezolvare. Se prezinta notiunile fundamentale de teoria probabilitatilor si statistica matematica precum si notiunea de proces stocastic in vederea aplicatiilor. In general tipurile de exercitii si probleme abordate la seminar urmaresc linia cursului predat. De asemenea sunt discutate aspectele teoretice mai dificile. In anumite probleme se utilizeaza softurile specializate MATHEMATICA sau MAPLE.Fundamental discipline indispensable to any specialized approach, also containing direct applications. Classification of partial second-order equations and some methods to solving them are presented. Basics of probability theory, mathematical statistics and the notion of stochastic process with applications are broached. Summary: Partial second-order equations (classification and canonical form). Some methods of solving second-order equations. Probability spaces. Classical examples. Independence and conditioning  Schemes of probability. Random variables and distribution functions. Random vectors and function of random variables. Discrete random variables. Densities of probability. Classical probability distributions (binomial, Gaussian, Poisson, uniform etc.). Sequences of random variables. Law of large numbers, applications. Central limit theorem. Elements of mathematical statistics (selection, estimation). The notion of stochastic process. Markov property. Applications and examples (Poisson, birth-death, reliability etc.).

Physics ( UPB.03.IS.L.I.2.02.F | 5 ECTS ) Obiectul de studiu al fizicii. Concepte de baza. Relatii de definitie. Notiuni fundamentale de mecanica. Mecanica: clasica, relativista, analitica. Principii si teoreme generale. Formalisme, transformari canonice. Oscilatii si unde mecanice. Acustica, infra si ultra acustica. Fenomene termice. Principiile


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IS Syllabitermodinamicii, transformari in faza, legi de conservare. Entropie, distributii statice. Teoria campului electromagnetic. Radiatia electromagnetica. Unde electromag-netice, optica. Ecuatii de propagare, interferenta, coerenta, difractia luminii. Holografie. Optica neliniara. Bazele teoretice si experimentale ale fizicii cuantice. Descrierea sistemelor cuantice, evolutia lor dinamica. Sisteme cu particule identice. Simetrii si invariantii in fizica cuantica. Fizica atomului. Nivele de energie, configuratii. Spectroscopie. Emisia si absorbtia de radiatii. Laser. Fizica solidului. Structura cristalina. Proprietati termice, magnetice, optice si mecanice ale solidelor. Metale, solventi, semiconductori. Fizica nucleului si particule elementale. Reactii nucleare. Fizica plasmei. Ecuatii de baza, miscarea periodica si propagarea undelor in plasma.The course treats theoretical aspects of Physics and intends to form a solid knowledge of the discipline and the main areas of its applications in engineering. At the end of this course the students will understand the basic principles of Physics, its universality and will be able to successfully solve technical challenges. The students will have deep knowledge of the studied phenomenon, treated both at microscopic, as well as macroscopic levels, using statistical and deterministic methods.Summary: Mechanics, oscillation, mechanical waves. Relativity physics. Thermodynamics. Analytical mechanical elements. Statistical physics. Electromagnetic optics. Quantum physics.

Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering ( UPB.03.IS.L.I.2.03.D | 5 ECTS ) Campul electromagnetic. Definitii. Metode de calcul al campurilor electrice si magnetice. Bazele teoriei circuitelor electrice. Metoda variabilelor de stare. Circuite electrice in regim periodic sinusoidal. Metode topologice de analiza a circuitelor electrice. Calcul literativ a functiilor de transfer. Metoda proiectariilor. Cuadripoli si filtre electrice. Circuite electrice inh regim periodic nesinusoidal. Circuite neliniare in regim periodic. Regimurile tranzitorii ale circuitelor electrice liniare. Circuite electrice cu parametrii distribuiti (patru ore). Circuite neliniare in regim tranzitoriu. Elemente de sinteza circuitelor electrice.

Data structures and algorithms ( UPB.03.IS.L.I.2.04.D | 5 ECTS ) Tipuri de date. Tehnici de proiectare si implementarea a programelor. Algoritmi generali de rezolvare a problemelor: divide et conquer, greedy, backtracking. Structuri de date fundamentale si algoritmi de prelucrare: definitii, operatii de baza, modalitati de reprezentare si implementare a operatiilor de baza, aplicatii specifice. Liste simplu si dublu inlantuite.

Chemistry ( UPB.03.IS.L.I.2.05.F | 3 ECTS ) Termochimie. Calculul efectelor termice ale reactiilor chimice. Echilibrul chimic. Randament de reactie. Cinetica reactiilor elementare. Reactii opuse. Reactii in lant. Solutii.

Documents processing and management ( UPB.03.IS.L.I.2.06.D | 3 ECTS ) Insuşirea cunoştinţelor de bază privind generarea documentelor folosind editoare de texte, foi electronice de calcul şi procesoare de texte, cu accent


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IS Syllabipe MSOffice şi procesorul de texte LaTeX, generarea documentelor web prin insusirea noţiunilor introductive referitoare la limbajul HTML, transmiterea documentelor la distanta prin tehnologii de tip facsimil si migrarea structurilor de date bazata pe XML. Insusirea cunostintelor de baza referitor ma limbajele de adnotare. Insusirea deprinderii de formatare a unui text ştiinţific utilizând MSWord şi procesorul de texte LaTeX, conform standardelor internaţionale, realizarea unor pagini HTML simple, structurarea unor texte simple folosind limbajul XML, vizualizarea selectivă a datelor dintr-un fişier XML într-o pagină HTML.

Foreign language 2 ( UPB.03.IS.L.I.2.07.C | 2 ECTS ) English (B2-C1 level)

Objectives: To develop the students’ ability to acknowledge, to accept, and to adapt to possible cultural differences within various professional groups at the workplace, to develop the students’ ability to cooperate with colleagues from other cultures in order to fulfill a common goal, to develop the students’ specific vocabulary for written and oral communication, with the observance of the rules and of the degree of formality specific to one’s professional activity.Summary: Intercultural communication, phone etiquette in the professional environment, working environment in the company / career plan, functions of academic writing, writing short documents (professional e-mail / letters).

French (B1-B2 level)Objectives: To develop and to perfect the students’ French language (grammar, vocabulary, written and oral communication, written and oral comprehension) with a view to help them acquire the ability to communicate in a professional context.Summary: The professional environment (the presentation of the personnel, of the departments and their roles, jobs, organigram, daily work routines, career plan, CV writing, letter of intent).

German (A2-B1 level)Objectives: To develop and to improve the students’ four communicative competences in German as a foreign language: oral comprehension, reading comprehension, oral and written expression. The main objectives are: to develop the students’ competence of professional communication, the acquisition and the use of language and behavioral patterns in the German professional and/or business environment.Summary: Grammar – revision of other morphological (e.g. indirect speech) and syntactic items (word order in subordinate clauses etc.) and word formation; reading comprehension exercises (functional and popular science texts), vocabulary related to various topics of general interest, oral and written communication activities, note taking, CV writing and letters of intent etc.

Physical education and sports 2 ( UPB.03.IS.L.I.2.08.C | 1 ECTS ) Maintaining an optimal state of health for students practicing physical exercises to increase their work potential in daily activities. Developing the basic and motor skills specific of some sporting branches. Forming the habit


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IS Syllabiof continually practicing physical exercises in their spare time. Cultivating fair-play attitudes, efficient conduct and discipline.Basic motor skills: speed, endurance. Learning the skills of executing certain elements and procedures specific to gymnastics – aerobic, medical. Learning how to handle the ball through technical means specific to sports games – basketball, football. Learning the correct breathing skills during the specific exercise for various sports and at rest. Learning and strengthening the tested techniques.

Free options It is not mandatory to choose courses from the list below (not selecting courses from this list has no effect). However, the students can choose one or more courses from that list, if interested.

Pedagogy 1 ( UPB.03.IS.L.I.2.09.C | 5 ECTS ) No syllabus available.

Volunteering ( UPB.03.IS.L.I.VO.C | 3 ECTS ) This activity includes volunteering actions that have to be carried on all the academic year long (even in some holidays). The main goal is to help the Faculty in organizing various events and the students in their work. The Faculty and the Students League are the main organizers. The activity is validated by Passed/Failed assessment, according to each student involvement and performance.

Year II, semester I (3) Analog electronics ( UPB.03.IS.L.II.1.01.D | 5 ECTS )

Cunoasterea functionarii principalelor dispozitive semiconductoare. Cunoasterea principiilor elementare ale tehnologiilor utilizate la realizarea circuitelor integrate liniare. Însusirea unor cunostinte elementare despre amplificatoarele realizate cu tranzistoare bipolare si cu efect de camp. Studierea principiilor de realizare a diferitelor aplicatii ale amplificatoarelor operationale si ale altor circuite integrate liniare. Însusirea cunostintelor elementare despre problematica surselor de alimentare a echipamentelor electronice; obtinerea de cunostinte elementare privind generarea semnalelor armonice precum si despre modularea si demodularea semnalelor. Cunoasterea principalelor programe de analiza, simulare si proiectare a circuitelor electronice. Obtinerea unor deprinderi elementare de utilizare a echipamentelor specific unui laborator de profil electronic. Intelegerea modului de analiza a unor scheme simple de circuite cu tranzistoare discrete si cu amplificatoare operationale.

Object oriented programming ( UPB.03.IS.L.II.1.02.F | 5 ECTS ) Clase si obiecte; metode si date; interfete; derivate si mostenire; clase compuse; clase abstracte; reutilizarea claselor; biblioteci de clase; limbaje orientate pe obiecte; C++ si Java; clase pentru structuri de date (colectii).

Numerical Methods ( UPB.03.IS.L.II.1.03.F | 5 ECTS ) The Numerical Methods course presents fundamental algorithms for numerical matrix computations, namely for solving various forms of linear


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IS Syllabisystems and for computing the eigenvalues and the singular values. The purpose of the course is to form the abilities for understanding the mathematical essence of a problem and for finding the appropriate way of efficiently solving it on a general use computer via an algorithm formulated in a generic language and implemented in MATLAB. Among the studied algorithms are Gaussian elimination with pivoting, orthogonal triangularization using reflectors and rotations, the power method, the QR algorithm for computing the Schur form, the standard and the generalized least squares method.

Signals and systems ( UPB.03.IS.L.II.1.04.D | 5 ECTS ) Aceasta disciplina introduce fundamentele matematice utilizate in analiza si sinteza semnalelor si sistemelor. Obiectivul principal consta in facilitarea intelegerii conceptelor fundamentale in domenii de varf ale ingineriei electrice cum ar fi comunicatiile, sisteme automate si prelucrarea (numerica a) semnalelor. Disciplina este necesara parcurgerii ulterioare a unor discipline cum ar fi: Teoria Sistemelor Automate, Ingineria Reglarii Automate, Prelucrarea Semnalelor, Transmisia Datelor, Identificarea Sistemelor.

Computational techniques in Automatic Control and Informatics ( UPB.03.IS.L.II.1.05.F | 4 ECTS ) The course makes a review of the main notions and mathematical tools necessary in Control and Applied Informatics. It starts by defining the notion of a signal (norm, scalar and convolution product). Next are discussed the definitions and properties of the Laplace (the continuous case) and Z (the discrete case) Transforms. The Fourier Series are introduced subsequently (definitions, equivalent representations, properties). To characterize the frequency behavior of a signal the Fourier Transform is introduced (definitions, properties which exploit the time-frequency duality). Last but not least, dynamic system notions are presented (stability, phase portrait, discretization methods).

Foreign language 3 ( UPB.03.IS.L.II.1.06.C | 2 ECTS ) English (B2-C1 level)

Objectives: To develop the students’ ability to write CVs and letters of intent in accordance with the current academic requirements, to develop the students’ ability to successfully promote their professional skills during an interview, to develop the students’ specific vocabulary for their professional activity: schedule, career plan, soft skills, company life; to develop their ability to structure and deliver a professional oral presentation.Summary: CV / letter of intent, vocabulary specific to one’s professional communication context: career plan, working schedule, job descriptions/working environments, interviews, oral presentations.

French (B1-B2 level)Objectives: To develop and to perfect the students’ French language (grammar, vocabulary, written and oral communication, written and oral comprehension) with a view to help them acquire the ability to communicate in a professional context.


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IS SyllabiSummary: Oral presentations (structure of the presentation, specific vocabulary, starting/closing a presentation, grammatical structures; visuals: diagrams, graphs, tables; for and against essay).

German (A2-B1 level)Objectives: To improve the students’ four communicative competences in German as a foreign language: oral comprehension, reading comprehension, oral and written expression. The main objectives are: to develop the students’ competence of professional and intercultural communication in German for an efficient and rapid integration into the globalized labour market.Summary: Exercices for the development of specific vocabulary for one’s professional communication (schedule, career plan, profesional strong and weak points, necessary competences at the workplace, work environment etc.); simulations of press conferences and/or meetings.

Mandatory option One of the following courses has to be chosen:

Cognitive philosophy ( UPB.03.IS.L.II.1.07a.C | 2 ECTS ) No syllabus available.

Political sciences ( UPB.03.IS.L.II.1.07b.C | 2 ECTS ) No syllabus available.

Psycho-invention ( UPB.03.IS.L.II.1.07c.C | 2 ECTS ) No syllabus available.

Philosophy of technical culture ( UPB.03.IS.L.II.1.07d.C | 2 ECTS ) No syllabus available.

Free options It is not mandatory to choose courses from the list below (not selecting courses from this list has no effect). However, the students can choose one or more courses from that list, if interested.

Complements of physics ( UPB.03.IS.L.II.1.08.F | 3 ECTS ) No syllabus available.

Pedagogy 2 ( UPB.03.IS.L.II.1.09.C | 5 ECTS ) No syllabus available.

Physical education and sports 3 ( UPB.03.IS.L.II.1.10.C | 1 ECTS ) Maintaining an optimal state of health for students practicing physical exercises to increase their work potential in daily activities. Developing the basic and motor skills specific of some sporting branches. Forming the habit of continually practicing physical exercises in their spare time. Cultivating fair-play attitudes, efficient conduct and discipline.Basic motor skills: strength, skill, coordination. Strengthening how to handle the ball through technical means specific to sports games – volleyball, handball. Strengthening the skills of executing certain elements and procedures specific to gymnastics – aerobic, medical.


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IS SyllabiLearning the correct breathing skills during the specific exercise for various sports and at rest. Learning and strengthening the tested techniques.

Volunteering ( UPB.03.IS.L.II.VO.C | 3 ECTS ) This activity includes volunteering actions that have to be carried on all the academic year long (even in some holidays). The main goal is to help the Faculty in organizing various events and the students in their work. The Faculty and the Students League are the main organizers. The activity is validated by Passed/Failed assessment, according to each student involvement and performance.

Year II, semester II (4) Actuators ( UPB.03.IS.L.II.2.01.D | 4 ECTS )

Presenting the main constructive and functional principles for driving electric, pneumatic and hydraulic actuating systems that are used in industrial automation. Integrating actuating systems in the field of control engineering for different technological processes. Acquiring practical skills in using different types of actuators and determining their performances in permanent and transitory state. Designing command schemes. Presenting specific methods and equipments for driving and control of actuating systems used in Automation.

Automatic systems control theory ( UPB.03.IS.L.II.2.02.D | 5 ECTS ) Introducerea principalelor notiuni teoretice necesare pentru analiza si sinteza sistemelor automate ce sunt liniare si invariante in timp. Introducerea metodelor elementare de proiectare a regulatoarelor ce pot satisface cerintele de baza ale unui sistem automat: stabilitatea interna si urmarirea/rejectia semnalelor exogene. Evaluarea performantelor sistemelor automate versus limitarile fundamentale ale oricarei bucle de reglare. Cuantificarea prin norme a tuturor cerintelor de proiectare si a performantelor ce pot fi efectiv obtinute. Prezentarea metodelor moderne de proiectare a regulatoarelor prin metode de loopshaping pe baza evaluarii/optimizarii normelor sistemice. Analiza sistemelor MIMO date prin realizari de stare. Sinteza elementara a sistemelor MIMO folosind compensatorul cu reactie dupa starea estimata.

Design of numerical devices ( UPB.03.IS.L.II.2.03.D | 5 ECTS ) Cursul este definitoriu pentru specializarea Automatica si Informatica. Aplicata prin faptul ca, preluând si extinzând cunoştinţele de algebra logica si electronic digitala formalizează metode, algoritmi si tehnici de analiza si sinteza a dispozitivelor, circuitelor si sistemelor numerice. Sunt introduse tipurile de baza de automate elementare. Sunt tratate cele doua clase de baza de automate finite: combinationale si secvenţiale implementate cu automate elementare (bistabili) si circuite standard: multiplexoare, decodificatoare, unitati aritmetice si logice, registre, numărătoare. Sunt introduce formalismele Mealy si Moore pentru automate secvenţiale, pe baza cărora se prezintă metode de analiza si de sinteza. Cursul abordează proiectarea maşinilor algoritmice de stare cu diferite implementări ale generatorului noii stări: porţi universale, multiplexoare, decodificatoare, memorii cu adresare in format fix si variabil. Cursul prezintă soluţii de


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IS Syllabiimplementare a automatelor finite cu dispozitive logice programabile de tip FPLA, FPGA. Ansamblul aplicatiilor (proiectul de an) urmăreşte fixarea cunoştinţelor transmise la curs prin propuneri de implementare a unor clase de dispozitive numerice tipice: dispozitive de interfaţa a unitatilor de calcul cu periferice, automate pentru vânzări cu monede, testoare, dispozitive de acces la memorii comune in structure multiprocesor, automate pentru jocuri, controlere de trafic.

Optimization techniques ( UPB.03.IS.L.II.2.04.D | 5 ECTS ) Prima parte a cursului prezinta principalele metode si algoritmi de cautare a solutiei de optim în probleme de programare neliniara. Cea de a doua parte este destinata aspectelor privind optimizarea dinamica. Ambele probleme sunt tratate în contextul general dar pe exemple concrete se cauta introducerea în problematica generala a automatizarii poceselor. Principalul obiectiv al laboratorului este de a familiariza cursantul cu problemele legate de implementarea algoritmilor de optimizare. Pornind de la prezentarea metodei sub forma generala sa realizeze organigrama unui program de solutionare numerica, implementarea acestui program si solutionarea cu ajutorul acestui program a unor aplicatii concrete.

Discrete-event dynamic systems ( UPB.03.IS.L.II.2.05.D | 5 ECTS ) Concepte teoretice de baza. Modelarea si conducerea la nivel supervizor.Concurenta si sincronizare. Reprezentare formala prin Retele Petri. Reprezentare prin algebra MAX Plus. Reprezentare prin limbaj formal finit. Controlabilitate, observabilitate, stabilitate. Evaluarea performantelor: marginire, viabilitate si reversibilitate. Sinteza hibrida a strategiilor de control de supervizare.

Digital electronics ( UPB.03.IS.L.II.2.06.D | 3 ECTS ) Getting knowledge on main elementary pulse processing circuits operation. Learning the principles of the technologies used to manufacture integrated logical circuits. Learning the base notions about the realization and the usage of integrated logical circuits using bipolar and field effect transistors. Getting knowledge on manufacturing principles and the functioning mode of CMOS integrated logical circuits. Learning the functioning principles of pulse shaping and generating circuits as common resources in computer science.Summary: Commutation parameters of pulse circuits. Elementary circuits for pulse processing. Logical circuits using bipolar transistors: electronic switch using bipolar transistors. Elementary logical circuits. The TTL family logic circuits. The ECL family logic circuits. Logical circuits using field effect transistors. Electronic switch using filed effect transistors. Elementary invertors using field effect transistors. The CMOS family logical circuits. CMOS inverter. Elementary logical circuits using CMOS technology. BiCMOS technology. Pulse shaping and generating circuits. Regenerative circuits using active electronic devices. Bistable circuits. Voltage comparators. Timing circuits. Pulse generators. Ramp voltage generators. Memory circuits.

Fundamentals of management ( UPB.03.IS.L.II.2.07.D | 3 ECTS ) Introducere. Firma. Client. Intreprindere. Venit. Conducerea intreprinderii. Tipuri de societati. Structuri organizate. Teoria deciziei. Decizii


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IS Syllabimulticriteriale. Probleme financiare ale unei firme. Credite. Costuri. Preturi. Profit. Cercetare-dezvoltare. Management pentru productie.

Foreign language 4 ( UPB.03.IS.L.II.2.08.C | 2 ECTS ) English (B2-C1 level)

Objectives: To help students become familiar with the specificity of written communication in science and technology (focus on IT); to develop the students’ skill of creating, structuring, and evaluating scientific and technical texts, and their ability to understand and translate scientific and technical texts.Summary: Formal written texts (characteristics and examples), academic / technical writing, specialized vocabulary, drawing up technical documents: technical instructions, technical writing.

French (B1-B2 level)Objectives: To develop and to perfect the students’ French language (grammar, vocabulary, written and oral communication, written and oral comprehension) with a view to help them acquire the ability to communicate in the technical domain.Summary: Content and teaching methods: technical French and French for engineering (translation, specific vocabulary).

German (A2-B1 level)Objectives: To improve the students’ four communicative competences in German as a foreign language: oral comprehension, reading comprehension, oral and written expression. The main objectives are: to develop the students’ competence of professional communication in technical German for an efficient and rapid integration into the globalized labour market.Summary: Activities meat to help students become familiar with the specificity of written communication in science and technology, with introductory notions of Academic Writing (technical reports), to develop the students’ capacity to understand and to evaluate scientific/technical texts ( ‘specialized reading’), activities meant to develop the students’ ability to understand the differences between human and Machine Translation, and to develop the students’ capacity to translate scientific/technical texts from German to Romanian.

Free options It is not mandatory to choose courses from the list below (not selecting courses from this list has no effect). However, the students can choose one or more courses from that list, if interested.

Mathematics 4 ( UPB.03.IS.L.II.2.09.F | 2 ECTS ) No syllabus available.

Didactics of the specialty ( UPB.03.IS.L.II.2.10.C | 5 ECTS ) This course is connected with Pedagogy 1 and Pedagogy 2. No syllabus available.

Physical education and sports 4 ( UPB.03.IS.L.II.2.11.C | 1 ECTS )


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IS SyllabiMaintaining an optimal state of health for students practicing physical exercises to increase their work potential in daily activities. Developing the basic and motor skills specific of some sporting branches. Forming the habit of continually practicing physical exercises in their spare time. Cultivating fair-play attitudes, efficient conduct and discipline.Basic motor skills: speed, endurance. Strengthening how to handle the ball through technical means specific to sports games – basketball, football. Strengthening the skills of executing certain elements and procedures specific to gymnastics – aerobic, medical. Learning the correct breathing skills during the specific exercise for various sports and at rest. Learning and strengthening the tested techniques.

Volunteering ( UPB.03.IS.L.II.VO.C | 3 ECTS ) This activity includes volunteering actions that have to be carried on all the academic year long (even in some holidays). The main goal is to help the Faculty in organizing various events and the students in their work. The Faculty and the Students League are the main organizers. The activity is validated by Passed/Failed assessment, according to each student involvement and performance.

Year III, semester I (5) Transducers and measurement systems ( UPB.03.IS.L.III.1.01.D | 5

ECTS ) Insuşirea cunoştinţelor de bază privind structura, particularităţile şi precizia sistemelor de măsurare: caracterizare generală, categorii de măsurări, prelucrarea datelor de măsurare (categorii de incertitudini de măsurare, combinarea incertitudinilor parţiale, teste pentru depistarea erorilor grosiere). Noţiunile de senzor şi traductor, caracteristicile generale ale traductoarelor, performanţele traductoarelor în regim static şi dinamic, elementele componente tipice ale traductoarelor, sisteme deachiziţie/distribuţie a datelor (structuri tipice, conversia analog-numerică, conversia numeric-analogică, multiplexarea analogică şi numerică, eşantionare şi reţinere), traductoare inteligente, reţele de senzori wireless, variante industriale de traductoare pentru cele mai frecvent investigate mărimi.Obiective laborator: Aplicaţii de laborator privind traductoarele de presiune, deplasare analogice şi numerice, temperatură, nivel, debit, viteză de rotaţie, forţă. Convertoare analog-numerice cu compensare (în trepte egale, cu aproximaţii succesive), instrumentaţie virtuală (LabVIEW), sisteme de achiziţie a datelor de la traductoare cu ieşire în semnal electric de nivel mic şi unificat, aplicaţii ale SAD-urilor în automatizări simple.

Modeling and simulation ( UPB.03.IS.L.III.1.02.D | 5 ECTS ) Modelarea analitică. Procese cu parametri concentraţi. Procese cu parametri distribuiţi. Procese cu evenimentre discrete. Modelarea proceselor fizice şi chimice cu transport de masă şi energie. Modelarea sistemelor discrete (analize neparametrice, modele parametrice). Simularea proceselor dinamice fără şi cu perturbaţii stocastice. Simularea proceselor cu evenimente discrete.

Computers architecture ( UPB.03.IS.L.III.1.03.D | 5 ECTS ) 16

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IS SyllabiInsusirea notiunilor fundamentale de arhitectura calculatoarelor numerice. Insusirea modalitatilor de descriere a sistemelor numerice la diferite niveluri de abstractie. Insusirea unui limbaj de descriere hardware. Familiarizarea cu bazele aritmetice ale calculatoarelor numerice, reprezentarea informatiei in calculatoarele numerice, insusirea principalilor algoritmi de prelucrare in virgula fixa si virgula mobila. Insusirea notiunilor privind proiectarea unui sistem de calcul numeric. Cunoasterea solutiilor de implementare a unitatilor de executie si unitatilor de comanda sub forma conventionala si microprogramata. Insusirea notiunilor privind subsistemul de intrari/iesiri. Insusirea notiunilor privind organizarea memoriei in sistemele numerice. Familiarizarea cu metodele si platformele moderne de proiectare simulare si implementare a sistemelor numerice. Operationalizarea cunostintelor privind limbaje de descriere hardware Implementarea si testarea unor proiecte de sisteme numerice similare sau complementare celor prezentate la curs.

Data bases ( UPB.03.IS.L.III.1.04.D | 5 ECTS ) The objective of the course is to familiarize students with concepts related to databases and the instruments to work with them.Summary: Definition of concepts and problems. Data models. Entity-association model. Determining database scheme. Relational model. Relational algebra. Relational computation based on domains. Designing DB schemas. Anomalies. Functional dependencies. Decomposing relationship schema. SQL language.

Mandatory option 1 One of the courses from the list below has to be chosen.• Note. This choice is concerned with one of the packages 1A or 1B.

This means that all courses of the selected package are automatically added to the student path. It is not possible, for example, to choose the course no. 1 form package 1A and then the course no. 2 from package 1B. Thereby, the course code includes the package name.

JAVA supported WEB applications ( UPB.03.IS.L.III.1. 1A .1.S | 4 ECTS ) Definitii si scurt istoric WWW. Arhitecturi specifice aplicatii Web; Protocolul HTTP. Limbaje de adnotare:HTML, XML, XHTML Foi de stil: CSS. Scripting pe partea de client: Java Script, AJAX. Interpretarea si rutarea cererilor de la clienti, controlul accessului, Accesul la baza de date si personalizarea continutului pentru prezentare – tehnici si arhitecturi folosite pentru aceasta intr-o aplicatie WEB. Introducere si prezentare comparativa framework-uri pentru realizare aplicatii WEB: Ruby on Rails, Struts, Django. Java Servlet si JSP. Arhitecturi si notiuni introductive J2EE. Servicii WEB realizare si consumarea lor. Procese "Agile" de dezvoltare a aplicatiilor WEB.

Signal processing ( UPB.03.IS.L.III.1. 1B .1.S | 4 ECTS ) The main goal of this course is to introduce the basic concepts and the specific terminology of Digital Signal Processing field, with a smooth touch of analogic signals. The course presentation intends to make the


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IS Syllabistudents familiar with the main signal processing techniques, based upon the Fourier harmonic classical analysis. After graduating this course, the student is expected to prove skills in employing the basic signal processing methods, mainly applied to data acquisition and filtering, data compression and transmission, spectral estimation and interpretation, filters design and digital filtering. In subsidiary, students have the opportunity to work with Signal Processing toolbox of MATLAB programming environment. Although Signal Processing is a field that belongs to the Applied Mathematics domain, we tried to open this course towards applications, such as: sampling and interpolation of signals, efficient implementation of Discrete Fourier Transform (the FFT algorithms already integrated into the signal processors), design of digital filters, data and/or signal compression, telecommunications. Some of the applications are developed during the laboratory works and within a semester project. Actually, one aims here to allow the students verifying in simulation some of the popular Signal Processing numerical algorithms, especially concerned with the efficient implementation of Discrete Fourier Transform, Data Compression and optimal digital filters design. In addition, students have the opportunity to improve their skills in numerical programming, by using C++, MATLAB or PYTHON. In the same time, students are taught to approach enginnering problems in a sound yet pragmatic manner. Summary: General framework of Signal Processing (Lebesgue spaces and their norms). General formulation of Signal Processing problems. A classical solution; Continuous Fourier Series. The Uncertainty Principle. Linear Time Invariant Systems and their representations: in time, in complex plane (by means of Z Transform) and in frequency. Causal and/or stable systems and signals. Main Fourier Transforms: CTFT, DTFT, DFS, DFT. Properties of Fourier transforms. Convolution theorems. Difference equations and their representation in order to be numerically solved (direct forms I, II, transposed form, Tellegen theorem). Classical and composite FFT algorithms. Signals sampling and Shannon-Nyquist rule. Signals interpolation (exact, polynomial, spline). Design of numerical filters by: the Window Method, the Least Squares Method, the Transforms Method. Special filters: resonators, notch filters, comb filters.

Mandatory option 2 One of the courses from the list below has to be chosen.• Note. Who selected the course no. 1 from a package (1A or 1B)

can only choose here the course no. 2 from the same package.

Multimedia applications ( UPB.03.IS.L.III.1. 1A .2.S | 4 ECTS ) Componente de baza. Istoric si evolutie. Tendinte. Servere multimedia. Stocarea si accesarea datelor multimedia. Interfete multimedia cu utilizatorul. Arhitecturi de documente multimedia. Standarde de interschimb pentru documente: ASCII, DOC, PostScript, PDF, XML. Memorarea, prelucrarea si transmiterea semnalelor audio. Standarde: PCM, ADPCM, MIDI, WAV, OGG, MP3, AC3, Dolby Prologic, Dolby Surround, THX, EAX, A3D. Tehnici de reparare a fluxurilor audio in timp real. Standarde de prelucrare/transmisie a imaginilor statice (TWAIN, MCI,


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IS SyllabiDIRECT, BMP, TIFF, GIF, PNG, JPG). Standarde de prelucrare/transmisie a imaginilor dinamice (MJPEG, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, Quicktime, RealVideo, Indeo, RIFF (AVI)). Fluxuri video si videoconferinte. Telefonie alternativa, Voice over IP. Sisteme de management al continutului (CMS). Watermarking, steganografie.

Microcontrollers - architectures and programming ( UPB.03.IS.L.III.1. 1B .2.S | 4 ECTS ) Cursul oferă cunoştinţele de bază necesare proiectării unor sisteme bazate pe microcontrolere. În prima parte, cursul prezintă arhitectura unui microcontroler, noţiuni de programare în limbaj de asamblare (modelul de programare, regiştrii, indicatori de condiţii, moduri de adresare a memoriei, instrucţiuni) precum şi tehnici de programare eficientă. În partea a doua sînt prezentate principalele dispozitive periferice integrate în structura microcontrolerelor şi modul de utilizare al acestora (interfaţare procesor-periceric, sistemul de întreruperi, porturi de intrare-ieşire, timere, interfeţe de comunicaţie, comparatoare de tensiune, convertoare analog-numerice şi numeric-analogice).

Free options It is not mandatory to choose courses from the list below (not selecting courses from this list has no effect). However, the students can choose one or more courses from that list, if interested.

Psychology of personality ( UPB.03.IS.L.III.1.05.C | 4 ECTS ) No syllabus available.

Bio-engineering ( UPB.03.IS.L.III.1.06.S | 3 ECTS ) No syllabus available.

Remote monitoring of industrial processes ( UPB.03.IS.L.III.1.07.S | 3 ECTS ) No syllabus available.

Computer aided training ( UPB.03.IS.L.III.1.08.C | 2 ECTS ) No syllabus available.

Communication techniques and technical/scientific writing ( UPB.03.IS.L.III.1.09.C | 3 ECTS ) The ability of students to document and present their work in a meaningful and convincing way is one of the top three skills that IT recruiters currently list as requiring improvement in the training offered by the Faculty to its students. The Technical and Scientific Writing lecture is designed to offer students the possibility to develop and improve these skills, using interactive techniques and practical hands-on activities. The lecture will offer students the opportunity to improve their writing and presentation skills on technical subjects. At the end of the lecture, students will be able to design, implement and deliver a technical presentation, to elaborate a scientific paper or a technical report.

Computer aided design of electronic devices ( UPB.03.IS.L.III.1.10.S | 4 ECTS )


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IS SyllabiNo syllabus available.

Pedagogical practice 1 in high schools ( UPB.03.IS.L.III.1.11.C | 3 ECTS ) This course is connected with Pedagogy 1 and Pedagogy 2.No syllabus available.

Volunteering ( UPB.03.IS.L.III.VO.C | 3 ECTS ) This activity includes volunteering actions that have to be carried on all the academic year long (even in some holidays). The main goal is to help the Faculty in organizing various events and the students in their work. The Faculty and the Students League are the main organizers. The activity is validated by Passed/Failed assessment, according to each student involvement and performance.

Year III, semester II (6) Microprocessor systems ( UPB.03.IS.L.III.2.01.D | 5 ECTS )

Arhitecturi de microprocesoare si programarea in limbaj de nivel inalt. Adresare. Registre. Multiprograme. Regiuni critice. Fonctionare in timp real. Alocarea si protectia memoriei. Sisteme de meorie ierarhice. Segmentare. Paginare. Drepturi de acces. Familia iAPX x86.

Automatic regulation engineering ( UPB.03.IS.L.III.2.02.S | 5 ECTS ) Structuri de reglare a proceselor industriale. Algoritmi de reglare. Criterii de alegere si acordare a regulatoarelor. Algoritmi de reglare numerica. Structuri de regulatoare electronice cu circuite integrate si cu microprocesoare. Proceduri de sinteza a sistemelor de reglare numerica. Principii si structuri de sisteme de conducere adaptiva.

Data transmission ( UPB.03.IS.L.III.2.03.D | 5 ECTS ) The course aims to follow the information flow from source to destination over five sections. First section introduces information theory and characterizes sources and channels on these premises. Next, the transmission mediums are addressed, followed by signal processing techniques (modulation) and message processing techniques (coding theory). The last section deals with standardization in communication strategies and protocols. Some keywords: Shannon, entropy, antenna, QAM, CRC, ARQ, HDLC, MAC, OFDM.

Programable automata and microprocessors ( UPB.03.IS.L.III.2.04.S | 5 ECTS ) Prezentarea metodelor de descriere logico-temporala si implementare a algoritmilor de secventiere/ reglare/ monitorizare/ control mişcare cu automate programabile (AP) pentru procese industriale si servicii. Prezentarea formalismelor si a limbajelor de programare a AP industriale. Prezentarea modulelor hardware, a principiilor de configurare a reţelelor de AP industriale, a protocoalelor de comunicaţie in structuri tolerante la defect. Prezentarea soluţiilor de diagnoza automata cu automate programabile. Configurare hardware a automatelor programabile industriale. Exemple de aplicatii de automatizare a proceselor industriale folosind AP. Dezvoltarea de programe folosind limbajele Grafcet, Ladder


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IS SyllabiDiagram, IsaGraf. Simularea aplicatiilor de control utilizând AP din familia Allen Bradley. Exemple de aplicatii folosind mediul de programare logica Indralogic pe automate Bosch. Aplicatii folosind medii de dezvoltare SCADA (Citectscada) si DCS (Wincc, Deltav).

Mandatory option 3 (from packages 1) One of the courses from the list below has to be chosen.• Note. Who selected the course no. 1 from a package (1A or 1B)

can only choose here the course no. 3 from the same package.

Integrated microprocessor systems ( UPB.03.IS.L.III.2. 1A .1.S | 4 ECTS ) Cerinte de proiectare a unui sistem. Familii de microprocesoare integrate. Considerente generale de proiectare hardware. Interfatarea sistemului cu mediul înconjurator. Considerente generale de proiectare software. Sisteme de operare specializate. Sisteme industriale specializate.

Programming of real-time applications ( UPB.03.IS.L.III.2. 1B .1.S | 4 ECTS ) Cursul prezinta paradigme de programare care sustin cerintele proiectarii si implementarii aplicatiilor software pentru sisteme in timp real. Cunostintele prezentate asigura o introducere ampla in problematica sistemelor in timp real: caracteristici si cerinte, proprietati, metodologii de proiectare si dezvoltare, exemple din diverse domenii de aplicatii practice, principalele caracteristici ale sistemelor de operare in timp real si ale limbajelor de programare care sustin dezvoltarea aplicatiilor software in timp real. Obiectivele specifice ale cursului sunt urmatoarele: a) intelegerea domeniului sistemelor in timp real si sistemelor incorporate in timp real; b) intelegerea metodologiei de proiectare si dezvoltare a aplicatiilor software pentru proiectarea sistemelor in timp real; c) intelegerea conceptelor programarii concurente, in perspectiva utilizarii mecanismelor de sincronizare si comunicare necesare pentru respectarea aspectelor concurentiale si temporale ale sistemelor in timp real; d) utilizarea pattern-urilor in dezvoltarea aplicatiilor software pentru sisteme in timp real intr-un context de timp real (programare in limbaj C /C ++ si sistem de operare in timp real QNX).

Mandatory option 4 (from packages 1) One of the courses from the list below has to be chosen.• Note. Who selected the course no. 1 from a package (1A or 1B)

can only choose here the course no. 4 from the same package.

Software systems engineering ( UPB.03.IS.L.III.2. 1A .2.S | 4 ECTS ) Software Systems Engineering course covers the main phases of the software development process, i.e. analysis, design, implementation and testing, and it also studies the relationships between them. The course is particularly focused on object-oriented modeling, teaching several kinds of models, in conformity with a standard language - UML (Unified


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IS SyllabiModeling Language). The practical work introduces the student into model-based development, code generation and automate testing.

Advanced communication systems ( UPB.03.IS.L.III.2. 1B .2.S | 4 ECTS ) Introducere. Modelul de referinta ISO-OSI. Nivele, interfete, protocoale de comunicatii. Nivelul fizic. Medii de transmisie. Topologii de retele. Nivel legatura de date. Mecanisme de control al accesului (Aloha, CSMA/CD), controlul fluxului si detectia erorilor. Stiva TCP/IP. Protocoale IP. Elemente privind teoria cozilor de asteptare. Transfer de date, algoritmi de rutare statica si dinamica. Nivelul transport, Protocoale TCP, UDP. Algoritmi pentru controlul congestiei. Sisteme de conducere distribuita – network-based control. Comunicatii de tip wireless. Retele ad-hoc. Tehnici de acces multiplu. Retele de senzori wireless. Elemente de securitate in cadrul sistemelor de comunicatii.

Summer internship ( UPB.03.IS.L.III.2.PS.D | 4 ECTS ) This activity can only be carried out during the summer holidays (June-September), and is at least 12 weeks, with a minimum working duration of 30 h/week. It completes with a colloquy for all students with positive feedback from the internship host. For each student, the “Passed/Failed” decision has to be made after the colloquy. • Note. This activity can also be carried out during the summer

holidays between Year II and Year III of tuition. In this case, the second internship during the next summer holiday is not necessary. Nevertheless, the student cannot begin Year IV without successfully completing this activity, regardless the internship period.

Free options It is not mandatory to choose courses from the list below (not selecting courses from this list has no effect). However, the students can choose one or more courses from that list, if interested.

History of ideas and political thinking ( UPB.03.IS.L.III.2.05.C | 3 ECTS ) No syllabus available.

Software reliability ( UPB.03.IS.L.III.2.06.S | 3 ECTS ) No syllabus available.

Cloud computing ( UPB.03.IS.L.III.2.07.S | 4 ECTS ) No syllabus available.

Management of advanced control systems design ( UPB.03.IS.L.III.2.08.S | 3 ECTS ) No syllabus available.

Computer aided optimization of electronic devices ( UPB.03.IS.L.III.2.09.S | 4 ECTS ) No syllabus available.


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IS SyllabiManagement of scholars class ( UPB.03.IS.L.III.2.10.C | 3 ECTS )

This course is connected with Pedagogy 1 and Pedagogy 2.No syllabus available.

Pedagogical practice 2 in high schools ( UPB.03.IS.L.III.2.11.C | 3 ECTS ) This course is connected with Pedagogy 1 and Pedagogy 2.No syllabus available.

Graduation examination - 1st level ( UPB.03.IS.L.III.EA.C | 5 ECTS ) This exam is connected with Pedagogy 1 and Pedagogy 2. It completes the Module I of Pedagogy with a corresponding license to teach undergraduate students. No syllabus available.

Volunteering ( UPB.03.IS.L.III.VO.C | 3 ECTS ) This activity includes volunteering actions that have to be carried on all the academic year long (even in some holidays). The main goal is to help the Faculty in organizing various events and the students in their work. The Faculty and the Students League are the main organizers. The activity is validated by Passed/Failed assessment, according to each student involvement and performance.

Year IV, semester I (7) Control systems of industrial processes ( UPB.03.IS.L.IV.1.01.S | 5

ECTS ) Proiectarea sistemelor conventionale de reglare automata pentru parametri de proces (debit, presiune, nivel, temperatura, concentratie). Evaluarea modelelor de cunoastere, calculul algoritmilor de reglare si realizarea structurii sistemelor automate. Proiectarea asistata de calculator a sistemelor numerice de reglare. Identificarea modelelor de comanda prin tehnici recursive de tipul CMMP si variante, evaluarea structurii si validarea modelelor. Proiectarea comenzii numerice bazata pe model prin tehnici de alcarea a polilor, cu obiective independente in urmarire si reglare, de minima varianta. Proiectarea comenzii predictive, adaptive si robuste. Proiectarea nivelului de supervizare calculul modelelor de conducere, decizii optime si diagnoza de proces.

Projects management ( UPB.03.IS.L.IV.1.02.S | 4 ECTS ) The Projects Management course covers knowledge areas necessary to propose, carry out and close a projects, including scope, cost, human resource, communication and risk management. They are approached both from the manager’s and from the participant’s points of view. The theoretical notions are particularly applied to projects in the domains of automation and informatics, based on specific elements of quality management, effort estimation and development models.The course makes it possible to understand the processes of management, recognition of program structures involved in the development project, familiarizes students with the knowledge and tools necessary to identify, analysis and design them.


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IS SyllabiSummary: Basic concepts and the approach. The main stages of project management. Analysis of opportunities and risks of projects. Pre-stage project. Addressing the logical whole. The feasibility study. Tools and techniques needed in the management of projects. Scheduling time projects. Financial resources of the project. Project team training. Conducting projects. Monitoring, assessment and reporting projects. Completion of projects.

Control systems of manufacturing ( UPB.03.IS.L.IV.1.03.S | 5 ECTS ) No syllabus available.

System identification ( UPB.03.IS.L.IV.1.04.S | 5 ECTS ) The main goal of this course is to introduce the basic concepts and the specific terminology of System Modeling and Identification Theory, with an opening towards practical issues. The curriculum focuses on various experimental identification techniques/algorithms, mainly based upon the Least Squares Method. Such identification algorithms are crucial in Automatic Control Systems and for predicting stochastic data sets. During the laboratory works, students have the opportunity to implement within MATLAB, C++ or PYTHON programming environments some frequently employed identification and/or prediction algorithms.Summary: System Identification framework: goal, problem statements, types of identification, domain axes. Identification models: usual model classes, non-parametric models, parametric models of ARMAX, RSISO, state-space classes; working hypotheses. Input signals: the concept of persistency; equivalent representations of persistency in time and frequency; generating of persistent signals (BPRS, PRS). Identification methods: basic Least Squares Method (LSM) (deriving the numerical algorithm, fundamental Theorem of consistency and efficiency); LSM versions in case of biased data and/or colored noises (Markov estimator); optimization methods (Newton-Raphson, Gauss-Newton); estimation methods (Bayes, Maximum Likelihood Method); Instrumental Variable Method (IVM); Minimum Prediction Error Method (MPEM); windowed LSM and IVM (exponential, rectangular); adaptive LSM and IVM; fitness tests (raw flatness, penalized flatness, Akaike-Rissannen’s); validation methods (whitening tests for LSM and IVM).

Mandatory option 5 (from packages 1) One of the courses from the list below has to be chosen.• Note. Who selected the course no. 1 from a package (1A or 1B)

can only choose here the course no. 5 from the same package.

Computer networks ( UPB.03.IS.L.IV.1. 1A .1.S | 4 ECTS ) Notiuni de baza: Conceptul de retea de calculatoare. Structuri. Procesoare de comunicatie. Organizarea ierarhica a arhitecturii si modele de referinta pentru retele mari, retele locale si interretele de calculatoare. Nivelul fizic: Medii fizice de comunicatie. Subnivelul de multiacces la mediu din retelele locale: Metode si protocoale de alocare dinamica a canalului: cu fir, prin radio si prin sateliti. Nivelul (de control al) legaturii de date: Stabilirea si recunoasterea limitelor cadrelor.


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IS SyllabiProtocoale cu confirmare si retransmisie pentru asigurarea transmisiei corecte. Nivelul de retea: Tipuri de servicii furnizate. Algoritmi si protocoale de dirijare in retele si interretele de calculatoare. Strategii si protocoale pentru prevenirea si combaterea aglomerarilor. Nivelul de transport: Servicii furnizate. Comenzi primitive. Stabilirea si eliberarea conexiunilor. Asigurarea unei transmisii fiabile. Controlul fluxurilor si al aglomerarilor. Nivelul de sesiune: Servicii oferite. Administrarea si sincronizarea comunicatiei. Notiuni privind calitatea serviciilor. Nivelul de prezentare: Reprezentarea datelor. Notatia sintactica abstracta. Tehnici de compresie si de securizare a datelor. Notiuni de proiectare topologica a retelelor mari de calculatoare. Interconectarea retelelor de calculatoare: Conceptul si arhitectura Internet. Adresarea în Internet - structura adreselor. Protocoalele ARP si RARP. Divizarea în subretele. Gruparea retelelor - sisteme autonome. Protocolul IP: Structura datagramelor. Fragmentarea si reasamblarea datagramelor. Rutarea in Internet-protocoale uzuale. Rezolvarea problemei aglomerarilor. Protocoalele TCP si UDP: Asigurarea corectitudinii pachetelor receptionate. Protocolul UDP pentru transferul rapid de informatii. Nivelul de aplicatie: Prezentarea celor mai folosite protocoale de aplicatii in retea, in Internet si in WEB. Notiuni despre administrarea retelelor si inter-retelelor de calculatoare: prezentarea SNMP.

Advanced control strategies ( UPB.03.IS.L.IV.1. 1B .1.S | 4 ECTS ) No syllabus available.

Mandatory option 6 (from packages 1) One of the courses from the list below has to be chosen.• Note. Who selected the course no. 1 from a package (1A or 1B)

can only choose here the course no. 6 from the same package.

Knowledge based systems ( UPB.03.IS.L.IV.1. 1A .2.S | 4 ECTS ) No syllabus available.

Numerical control systems ( UPB.03.IS.L.IV.1. 1B .2.S | 4 ECTS ) No syllabus available.

Free options It is not mandatory to choose courses from the list below (not selecting courses from this list has no effect). However, the students can choose one or more courses from that list, if interested.

Volunteering ( UPB.03.IS.L.IV.VO.C | 3 ECTS ) This activity includes volunteering actions that have to be carried on all the academic year long (even in some holidays). The main goal is to help the Faculty in organizing various events and the students in their work. The Faculty and the Students League are the main organizers. The activity is validated by Passed/Failed assessment, according to each student involvement and performance.


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IS Syllabi Year IV, semester II (8) Mechatronics ( UPB.03.IS.L.IV.2.01.S | 3 ECTS )

No syllabus available. Specialty option (from packages 2)

One of the packages below has to be chosen.• Note. Who selected the package 1A (in Year III) can only choose

here one of the packages 2A1, 2A2 or 2A3. Who selected the package 1B (in Year III) can only choose here one of the packages 2B1, 2B2 or 2B3. Switching between packages 2A and 2B is not possible.

Package 2A1 Analysis and synthesis of information systems

( UPB.03.IS.L.IV.2.2A1.1.S | 4 ECTS ) Consideratii privind aplicatiile informatice. Terminologie. Principii generale de realizare a produselor informatice. Tehnologia de realizare a unui produs informatic. Cadrul tehnologic de realizare si intretinere a sistemelor informatice. Probleme actuale ale aplicatiilor sistemelor de management al informatiilor. Eficienta economica a unui sistem informatic. Documentatia tehnica a unui sistem informatic. Tendinte in realizarea sistemelor informatice. Exemple de proiectare a sistemelor informatice.

Real-time operating systems ( UPB.03.IS.L.IV.2.2A1.2.S | 4 ECTS ) Proiectarea, implementarea sau doar utilizarea sistemelor de calcul şi comandă moderne impun cunoaşterea şi folosirea eficientă a mecanismelor oferite de sistemele de operare de uz general şi, din ce în ce mai mult, a celor oferite de către sistemele de operare de timp real. Atât prelegerile de curs cât şi activităţile practice desfăşurate în laborator au ca obiectiv prezentarea principiilor de organizare şi funcţionare a sistemelor de operare, a celor mai importante componente şi mecanisme pe care le oferă precum şi crearea abilităţii de a utiliza aceste instrumente în dezvoltarea unor aplicaţii software performante, cu diferite niveluri de complexitate. Dintre subiectele abordate, pot fi menţionate: procese şi fire de execuţie; mecanisme de sincronizare şi de comunicare; planificarea unităţii centrale – algoritmi, implementare, utilizare; gestionarea memoriei etc. Prin intermediul unor studii de caz relevante şi al aplicaţiilor implementate de către studenţi în cadrul orelor de laborator sunt evidenţiate caracteristicile sistemelor de operare în timp real şi restricţiile specifice pentru utilizarea acestora.Definitii si scurt istoric al sistemelor de operare. Structura sistemelor de operare. Procese si fire de executie (thread-uri). Procese concurente: definitii, problema sectiunii critice si algoritmi de rezolvare a acesteia, semafoare, probleme clasice de coordonare a proceselor, constructii de limbaj, comunicarea intre procese. Planificarea unitatii centrale: definitii, criterii de performanta, algoritmi


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IS Syllabide planificare. Starea de interblocare a proceselor: problematica si solutii. Gestionarea memoriei si mecanisme de memorie virtuala. Algoritmi. Sisteme de fisiere. Sistemul de intrare/iesire. Caracteristici, performante si domeniu de aplicabilitate ale unor sisteme de operare reprezentative.

Programming of real-time applications with restrictions ( UPB.03.IS.L.IV.2.2A1.3.S | 4 ECTS ) No syllabus available.

Multi-agent systems ( UPB.03.IS.L.IV.2.2A1.4.S | 4 ECTS ) The course introduces students to multi-agent systems and their usage in decentralized process control. It details how to design a multi-agent framework for application development in accordance with FIPA standard specifications ( Emphasis is placed on the use of such a development framework (JAVA Agent Development Framework) for the development of agents attached to physical resources and the automation of interaction protocols between these agents. The course main objectives are: i) transfer of knowledge about concepts of autonomous agent and multi-agent system and application of these notions in the modeling and automation of distributed processes; ii) presenting the core functionalities of the agents and analyzing the principles of cooperation among agents, iii) using a multi-agent application development platform, iv) ensuring unitary behavior within multi-agent systems with emergent behavior, and v) the realization of the physical-informational link between the software agent and the physical resource (holonic systems).

Package 2A2 Data compression ( UPB.03.IS.L.IV.2.2A2.1.S | 4 ECTS )

Clasificarea metodelor de compresie de date. Functia rata-distorsiune. Compresia entropica (concepte fundamentale, Compresia statica (Algoritmul Huffman, Algoritmul Shannon-Fano); Compresie dinamica (Algoritmul FGK); Tehnici de compresie bazate pe coduri universale si reprezentarea numerelor naturale, codarea aritmetica, algoritmi de compresie entropica bazati pe repetari de forme). Sisteme de compresie prin transformari ortogonale. Transformari ortogonale unidimensionale. Transformari ortogonale bidimensionale. Transformari ortogonale reprezentative: FT , DFT, FFT, STFT, DCT, DWT, KLT. Compresie de imagine. Transformari ortogonale in compresia de imagine DWT, IWT. Stadii actuale si de perspectiva in domeniul compresiei de imagine. Compresia audio. Standardul JPEG. Tehnici de compresie a imaginilor in miscare. Cuantizarea vectoriala. Compresia imaginilor statice prin tehnici cu fractali.

Audio signal processing ( UPB.03.IS.L.IV.2.2A2.2.S | 4 ECTS ) Notiunea de semnal; clasificari; voce si caracteristicile semnalului vocal. Sisteme de achizitie pentru semnale vocale; caracteristici functionale si constructive. Discretizarea semnalului vocal; esantionare si cuantizare. Esantionare; caracteristicile semnalelor


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IS Syllabiesantionate; erori in procesul de esantionare. Cuantizare; proceduri de conversie A/N; erori de cuantizare. Analiza spectrala a semnalului vocal. Metode si algoritmi pentru recunoastere de voce; analiza performantelor operatiilor de recunoastere. Metode si algoritmi pentru sinteza de voce; performantele semnalului sintetizat; structuri hardware si software de implementare. Prezentarea si analiza unor solutii de firma.

Artificial vision ( UPB.03.IS.L.IV.2.2A2.3.S | 4 ECTS ) Sisteme de vedere artificiala. Caracterizari. Etapa senzoriala. Reprezentarea imaginilor. Prelucrarea primara. Extragerea trasaturilor. Imagini complexe: texturi si fractali. Prelucrarea de nivel inalt. Recunoasterea formelor. Aplicatii in robotica si medicina.

Advanced computer graphics ( UPB.03.IS.L.IV.2.2A2.4.S | 4 ECTS ) Redarea obiectelor poligonale. Modelarea si sinteza texturilor: modelare, mapare bilaterala, proiectie inversata; maparea poligoanelor. Modelare geometrica si CAD: curbe B-spline; suprafete de forma libera. Meshuri: definirea si generarea meshurilor; simplificarea si compresia meshurilor; modelare multirezolutie. Ray Tracing (prelucrari fotorealiste). Radiozitate. Interactiuni in realitatea virtuala: interfete specifice; orientarea si pozitionarea obiectelor 3D. Animatie: controlul miscarii; curbe de viteza, parametrizarea orientarii; animatia structurilors articulate.

Package 2A3 XML and structured information ( UPB.03.IS.L.IV.2.2A3.1.S | 4

ECTS ) Introducere. Componentele documentelor XML (Prolog, Elemente, Atribute, Referinte la entitati, Comentarii, Instructiuni de procesare, Sectiuni CDATA). Structura unei aplicatii XML. Declaratii de structura. Documente "bine-scrise". DTD(Document Type Definition). Declararea unui DTD intr-un document XML. Definitii DTD. Spatii de nume. XML Schema. Definirea unui fisier XML Schema. Elementul schema. Referirea unei scheme XML dintr-un document XML. Principalele componente XML Schema. Indicatorii XML Schema. Concepte ale parsarii XML. Parsarea SAX. Parsarea DOM. XSL (Extensible Stylesheet Language): XPath, XSLT, XSL-FO.

Graphical user interfaces ( UPB.03.IS.L.IV.2.2A3.2.S | 4 ECTS ) Definitii si concepte ale interfatarii cu utilizatorul. Aspecte arhitecurale ale modulelor de interfata cu utilizatorul. Aspecte structurale ale tastaturii. Aspecte structurale ale interfetelor de afisare. Aspecte structurale ale intefetelor de tip pointing-device (mouse, light pen). Sistemul de operare Windows - caracteristici de utilizator si caracteristici de programator (comparativ cu sistemul de operare DOS). Prezentarea structurii de aplicatie minimala Windows (dezvoltata in API). Aplicatii conduse pe evenimente (message-driven). Desenarea textelor, Scroll bar-uri. Tastatura, Mesaje de tastatura.


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IS SyllabiComponentele de Timer. Ferestre de control. Programarea independenta de periferic - conceptele GDI (Graphic Device Interface).

Security of computing systems ( UPB.03.IS.L.IV.2.2A3.3.S | 4 ECTS ) Introducerea in securitatea sistemelor de calcul si in securitatea informatiei, sisteme de securizare uzuale, mecanisme de securizare. Firewall, definitie si caracteristici, tipuri de firewall, filtrarea pachetelor, NAT, greseli de utilizare. Firewall la nivel aplicatie, firewall ierarhizat, exemple firewall pe aplicatii si protocoale uzuale, atacuri asupra firewall, firewall distribuit. Virusi, Troieni, Worm, Malware: definitii, caracteristici, mod de actiune, mod de propagare, exemple, mod de aparare. Protocoalele IPSec, definire, structura IPSec, protocoalele IKE, AH si ESP, stabilirea conexiunii IPSec. Introducere in criptografie, definitii, autentificare, integritate, validarea originii, confidentialitate. Primitive criptografice: cifru simetric, asimetric, comparatie. Primitive de autentificare: functii one way, hash, semnatura digitala. Securitate Web, problematica, amenintari tipice, securitate la nivel de server si la nivel de client, layere de criptare SSL si TLS, Securitatea browserelor, Amenintari XSS, injectia datelor, Cookie, sesiuni. Securitate email, confidentialitate, autenticitate, spam, phishing, semnarea si criptarea emailurilor, metode de combatere spam. Atacuri DoS, descrierea atacurilor DoS, metodologia de constructie a atacului, atacuri distribuite, atacuri DoS asupra aplicatiilor, apararea impotriva atacurilor la toate nivelurile. Considerente finale, proiectara sistemelor sigure, controlul accesului la resurse, evaluarea riscurilor.

Efficient informatic architectures ( UPB.03.IS.L.IV.2.2A3.4.S | 4 ECTS ) Niveluri de paralelism în cadrul sistemelor de calcul moderne. Taxonomii şi metode de evaluare a performanţelor. Clasificarea arhitecturilor de calcul. Evaluarea performanţelor. Noţiuni introductive legate de programarea paralelă. Algoritmi de calcul paralel. Modele de programare paralelă. Arhitecturi avansate de microprocesoare. Topologii de interconectare. Sisteme multiprocesor. Sisteme multinucleu. Sisteme multicalculator.

Package 2B1 Automation of complex systems ( UPB.03.IS.L.IV.2.2B1.1.S | 4

ECTS ) Complexitate: definiţii, concepte, holism şi reducţionism, globalizare, interconectare, aspecte socio-tehnice. Modelare: concepte generale (gândire sistemică, modele computaţionale, modele de simulare), modelare bazată pe agenţi, agenţi de modelare, aspecte de neliniaritate ale modelelor formale, auto-organizare. Conducere: arhitecturi de conducere (ierarhizate, distribuite, autonome), definirea cerinţelor de performanţă, sisteme multi-agent, agenţi aplicaţi în conducere, proiectare la nivel vs. proiectare la nivel global, validare, monitorizare şi mentenanţă.

Nonlinear systems ( UPB.03.IS.L.IV.2.2B1.2.S | 4 ECTS ) 29

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IS SyllabiIntroduction to nonlinear systems modeling – mathematics v. physics, the integrating system viewpoint. Examples of weak and strong nonlinearities, finite escape time. Equlibrium points. The Pendulum, van der Pol oscillator, mechanical oscillator, tunel diode, the Single machine infinite bus system (SMIB). First order systems-state-sapce trajectories, equilibrium points, atractor and repulsor, simple stability analysis. Second order systems-liniarization, phase portraits,types of equilibria, behaviour in the neighbourhood of the equilibrium, structural stability, separation and limit cycles. Systems of order n-Lypaunov stability, La Salle principle, application of theory on linear systems, the Lyapunov matrix equation. Application of Lypaunov stability – absolute stability of Lur’e systems, Popov stability criterion.

Robust control and applications ( UPB.03.IS.L.IV.2.2B1.3.S | 4 ECTS ) No syllabus available.

Reconfiguring of automatic systems ( UPB.03.IS.L.IV.2.2B1.4.S | 4 ECTS ) No syllabus available.

Package 2B2 Real-time systems ( UPB.03.IS.L.IV.2.2B2.1.S | 4 ECTS )

Concepte de baza si definirea termenilor: metodologii de proiectare a sistemelor in timp-real (Object Oriented Design si UML, SysML si dezvoltare pe baza de model – Model Driven Development, procesul Harmony, analiza cerintelor sistemelor in timp-real, cazuri de utilizare, proiectare arhitectura, testare, validare). Introducere in OOP. Concepte OOP si OOD, UML si Java. Introducere in UML. UML - Diagrama cazurilor de utilizare. Exemple sisteme in timp real. UML - Diagrama de clase. Diagrame statice UML. Aspecte structurale ale sistemelor in timp real. UML - Diagrama de secvente. Diagrame dinamice UML. Aspecte comportamentale ale sistemelor in timp real. Introducere in Java – sintaxa Java. Constructia claselor. Java – mostenire, interfete. UML – diagrama de stari. Aspecte comportamentale ale sistemelor in timp real. Proiectare OO pentru implementare. Asocieri, mostenire. Aspecte concurentiale ale proiectarii sistemelor in timp real. Java – fire de executie. Sincronizare. Exemple.

Computer aided design of control systems ( UPB.03.IS.L.IV.2.2B2.2.S | 4 ECTS ) Rezolvarea ecuatiilor matriceale Sylvester si Lyapunov, atat in cazul continuu cat si in cel discret Calculul functiilor de matrice. Polinomul de interpolare Lagrange-Sylvester. Proprietati Algoritmi numerici pentru calculul functiilor de matrice. Algoritmul lui Parlett pentru matrice simple si pentru matrice cu valori proprii multiple. Realizari de stare. Conversii de modele. Conexiuni de sisteme Calculul raspunsului dinamic. Raspunsul sistemelor libere si raspunsul la intrari liniar generate. Raspunsul la intrari etajate aspunsul la intrari polinomiale pe portiuni. Calculul raspunsului permanent. Cazuri particulare.


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IS SyllabiCalculul caracteristicilor de frecventa. Analiza stabilitatii sistemelor liniare. Separarea si descompunerea spectrala Analiza proprietatilor structurale. Controlabilitatea. Forma Hessenberg controlabila pentru sisteme cu o intrare. Forma Hessenberg controlabila pentru sisteme cu mai multe intrari. Observabilitate. Descompuneri structurale. Calculul realizarilor minimale. Gramieni de controlabilitate si observabilitate. Calculul comenzilor. Echilibrarea sistemelor liniare. Sinteza sistemelor liniare. Proceduri de alocare a polilor pentru sisteme cu o intrare. Algoritmul lui Ackermann. Plasarea polilor folosind ordonarea formei Schur. Alocarea robusta a valorilor proprii.

Integrated control systems ( UPB.03.IS.L.IV.2.2B2.3.S | 4 ECTS ) Definirea si conceptele sistemelor SCADA. Elementele componente si functiile acestora. Nivelul de achizitie si control: Achizitia datelor si controlul parametrilor. Notiunea de timp real. Cracteristicile sistemelor de timp real. Sisteme hardware si software de timp real. Structura aplicatiilor software de achizitie si reglare. Simularea software a proceselor industriale. Principii de implementare. Consola operator. Functiile consolei operator. Interfata grafica (HMI). Istorice de evolutie. Conexiuni hardware si software intre simulatoare si sisteme SCADA. Optimizarea functionarii sistemelor SCADA. Prezentarea unor studii de caz.

Industrial computer networks ( UPB.03.IS.L.IV.2.2B2.4.S | 4 ECTS ) The Industrial Computer Networks discipline discusses the most popular and widely used industrial communications networks and protocols such as Profibus, Profinet, AS-Interface, HART. Thus, there are presented hardware modules (PLC, HMI, I / O interfaces, sensors, wireless nodes, EE), software modules (specific applications for industrial programming - FBD, Ladder), and access and control mechanisms of communication industrial buses. Reliability and diagnosis mechanisms are also highlighted in industrial networking systems.Summary: Introduction to industrial communication networks. Features and standards of industrial networks. Generalities of Simatic automation systems. Communication elements, interfaces, and industrial software. Types of communication: Simatic DP - decentralized periphery and Simatic Net - high-performance communications. ISO / OSI model. Generalities of communication protocols. Architectures of communication protocols. The topology of industrial networks. Communication buses. Networks mainly used in industrial environments. Profibus - features, usage, advantages, and disadvantages. Access control on the Profibus. Types of equipment connected to the Profibus. Identification of network nodes and data exchange on Profibus - addresses, ports, transfer rate. Protocol functions for the Profibus DP. Data communication master-master, master-slave, and slave-slave. Cycle bus. Network performance. Diagnostic functions for Profibus DP. AS-Interface communication bus: technical specifications, applicability, components, communication modalities, topologies. Master-slave communication specifies AS-I:


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IS Syllabicase study. HART protocol: operating principles, structure on OSI levels. Communication modalities and topologies specific to HART communication. Interconnected subsystems based on management architecture with Profinet and wireless communication networks, measurement and data acquisition equipment, Master-Slave PLC and HMI, and On/Off actuators (pumps, solenoid valves).

Package 2B3 Modeling of biological systems ( UPB.03.IS.L.IV.2.2B3.1.S | 4

ECTS ) The course is an introduction to the mathematical modeling of biological systems and sets the foundation for further development of a career in this modern interdisciplinary field. The course presents mathematical models for population dynamics, transmission and control of infectious diseases, and various types of pharmacokinetic models. In laboratory activities, all types of models presented in the course are simulated and further examples are analyzed. Basic knowledge of superior mathematics, systems theory, modeling and simulation, and programming in MATLAB is required for the successful completion of the course. By the end of the course, the student will be able to model a given biological system and obtain a mathematical model that can be applied to issues of practical interest, such as prediction of an infection disease progression, optimal dosing regimen for a given drug, response of a disease to medical treatment, population dynamics, etc.

Biomedical engineering ( UPB.03.IS.L.IV.2.2B3.2.S | 4 ECTS ) Elemente de electrofiziologie celulara. Mecanisme si modele matematice ale transferului ionic. Originea semnalelor biomedicale: producerea si propagarea potentialului de actiune. Caracteristici ale semnalelor biomedicale. Electrocardiografie. Electrozi. Derivatii de culegere. Probleme ale amplificarii. Metode de detectie a formelor de unda din traseul ECG. Vectorcardiografie. Mapping ECG. Electroencefalografie. Derivatii de culegere. Metode de analiza a traseului EEG. Explorarea activitatii neuronale prin mapping EEG. Algoritmi de constructie a hartilor EEG. Explorare computerizata prin metoda potentialelor evocate. Electromiografie. Tehnici de detectie mono si bipolare. Probleme specifice ale amplificarii. Parametrii semnalului EMG. Estimarea noninvaziva a vitezei de conductie a fibrelor musculare. Ultrasonografie. Tehnici de generare US si detectie a semnelelor reflectate. Tehnici de vizualizare cu US. Sisteme computerizate de explorare cu US. Algoritmi de reconstructie a imaginilor. Tomografie computerizata. Tomografia cu raze X. Algoritmi de reconstructie a imaginilor de sectiune din proiectii paralele si fascicule de tip evantai. Tomografia cu rezonanta magnetica.

Algorithms in Bioinformatics ( UPB.03.IS.L.IV.2.2B3.3.S | 4 ECTS ) The huge amount of biological data that has to be processed to obtain information and knowledge (data mining) has led to the development of general and specialized biological databases, numerous software


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IS Syllabiprograms based on various algorithms and methods for biological data analysis and processing. All these are the fields of interest in bioinformatics, and their knowledge is proven to be indispensable to researchers in the field of molecular biology, genomics, proteomics, pharmacology, medicine. This course is an intuitive introduction to bioinformatics and the following main topics are presented from an informational and algorithmic point of view: the structure of the life molecule (DNA), the ways of extracting, storing and processing the information contained in a genome (genome sequencing algorithms), the genetic code and protein coding mechanisms, the structure of proteins and nucleic acid (DNA and RNA) and the way in which all these can be analyzed. Laboratory activities include the Python programming language commonly used to solve various bioinformatics problems. Biological databases and various software tools for bioinformatics are also presented and used in the laboratory. Thus, basic programming knowledge is required to complete the course. Overall, the emphasis in this course is on understanding and using all these bioinformatics-specific methods and algorithms in real, difficult and interesting issues, daily problems in biological research, which all prepare the student for a career in bioinformatics.

Fault diagnosis and decision techniques ( UPB.03.IS.L.IV.2.2B3.4.S | 4 ECTS ) Introducere in problematica deciziei si diagnozei. Etapele procesului decizional, elementele de baza, clasificarea metodelor decizionale. Elemente si concepte de baza in rezolvarea problemei decizionale. Sisteme de asistare a deciziei. Modelul probabilistic Bayesian classic aplicat diagnosticarii Formularea problemei diagnozei in termenii teoriei Baayesiene a deciziei. Elemente de teoria probabilitatilor. Evaluarea ipotezelor diagnostice. Criterii de alegere a probelor diagnostice. Tehnici de clasificare aplicate diagnozei Clasificatorul Bayes: invatare, clasificare proriu-zisa, reguli de alegere a deciziei optime. Arbori de clasificare. Retele Bayesiene (RB). Structura unei retele bayesiene. Inferenta: transpunerea regulilor de codificare ale retelei la nivel probabilistic, algoritmi de evaluare a RB. Studiu de caz din medicina. Diagrama de decizie. Elemente componente, procedura de evaluare a variantelor decizionale, analiza sensibilitatii. Studiu de caz din medicina.

Preparing and writing the final graduation project ( UPB.03.IS.L.IV.2.02.S | 14 ECTS )

In order to defend the final graduation project in July, the following steps are necessary:

1. Choosing a project and an adviser among the teachers. Dead line: no later than the end of winter semester.

2. Filling in the project form (with the adviser’s help) and depositing it to the Departmental secretary. The corresponding Department depends on the student’s specialization: Automation and Industrial Informatics (AII), Automatic Control and Systems Engineering (ACSE) or Computers and Information Technology (CIT). Dead line: no later than the end of winter semester.


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IS Syllabi3. Approaching and developing the selected project.

• Advice: This activity should start in the very first days after selecting the final graduation project.

4. <Optional> Presenting partial or final results of graduation project at the annual Students Scientific Conference in May.

5. Writing the final graduation thesis, according to guidelines of each Department (which ca be found on the corresponding WEB pages). Dead line: around June 20.

• Note. The final version of your thesis must be approved by the project adviser first. All revisions have to be applied to the thesis manuscript before the next step (uploading on the anti-plagiarism site), as, after that, no changes are allowed.

6. Uploading the final graduation thesis on the anti-plagiarism site, in order to determine the similarity percentage with other works. Dead line: between June 20 and June 27.

• Advice. The similarity percentage should be null or very small. The upper limit is set by each Department. Nevertheless, it is wise not to expose your self to the risk of not being accepted for thesis defense, because of high similarity percentage detected. Although not all ideas of your thesis may be original, try to express them in your own words.

7. Registering for thesis defense and perform scheduling with the secretary of License Examination Jury (with the adviser’s help). Dead line: no later than the end of June.

8. Building the PPT(x) and PDF presentation to be defended in front of License Examination Jury. (Both formats are required.) To do so, guidelines exists as well on Departments WEB pages. Dead line: no later that 24 h before the schedule.

• Advice: The presentation should be seen by your adviser prior to defense. Bear in mind to give time to your adviser to review your presentation. Do not send the presentation too late.

• Note. The presentation has to be tailored such that it will take no more that 15-20 minutes. This period has to include the questions the Jury may address to you, as well as your answers.

9. Filling in and signing by the adviser of a form proposing a note for your work in developing the project and defending the final thesis. This form has to be included into the printed version of your final graduation thesis to be stored on Jury’s desk.

10. Entering the final examination room at least 30 minutes before your schedule, in order to set up your presentation.

11. Defending the final graduation thesis. 12. Coming back to the final examination room, in the end of all

scheduled defenses within the current day, in order to hear the result.

If the defense has to be scheduled for the session in September, the same procedure applies. However, the dead lines are adapted accordingly to the new calendar.

Free options 34

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IS SyllabiIt is not mandatory to choose courses from the list below (not selecting courses from this list has no effect). However, the students can choose one or more courses from that list, if interested.

Volunteering ( UPB.03.IS.L.IV.VO.C | 3 ECTS ) This activity includes volunteering actions that have to be carried on all the academic year long (even in some holidays). The main goal is to help the Faculty in organizing various events and the students in their work. The Faculty and the Students League are the main organizers. The activity is validated by Passed/Failed assessment, according to each student involvement and performance.


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IS SyllabiDiscipline care nu apar în versiunea actuală de Plan de învăţământ:


Teoria utilitatii multiatribut: Functii de utilitate. Alegerea în conditii certe, de incertitudine si înconditii de risc. Decompozabilitatea functiilor de utilitate în conditii cerete. Decompozabilitatea functiilor de utilitate în conditii de incertitudine. Codificarea functiilor de utilitate

Masurarea redusa si modele relationale de preferinta: Elemente fundamentale privind evaluarea restrânsa. Relatii fundamentale si familii de modele. Modele utilizând urma marginala a nivelului Modele utilizând urma marginala privind ecartul de variatie

Functii de agregare pentru elaborarea deciziilor: Proprietati matematice elementare. Proprietati algebrice. Medii. Medii cvasiaritmetice. Medii lagrangiene, medii Cauchy. Functii de agregare asociative

Evaluari subiective: Definitii, domenii conexe. Aproximari multicriteriale ale evaluarilor subiective. Constructia functiilor de agregare. Determinarea parametrilor functiilor de agregare


Introducere in ingineria sistemelor complexe: Definirea notiunii de inginerie a sistemelor complexe, problematica, ingineria traditionala a sistemelor, sisteme de sisteme, definirea sistemelor complexe.

Tehnici de analiza, proiectare si testare a sistemelor software: Modele ale sistemelor, Metode de analiza si reprezentare a arhitecturilor software, Standarde de modelare pentru structura si comportament, Modelarea in UML si alte standarde specifice, Responsabilitati si principii in proiectare, Stabilirea vizibilitatii, Strategii de testare

Linii de produse software: Analiza si definirea domeniului, Reprezentarea si analiza arhitecturii de referinta, Managementul variabilitatii;

Aspecte ale complexitatii sistemelor distribuite: Complexitatea structurii taskului, Impredictibilitatea, Marimea complexitatii, Complexitatea haotica si algoritmica; Solutii de reducere a complexitatii; Strategii de auto-configurare, auto-optimizare si auto-reparare

Ingineria software centrata pe servicii: Servicii, Ingineria serviciilor, Dezvoltare software cu servicii, Arhitectura orientata pe servicii, Standarde pentru servicii Web

Ingineria securitatii: Concepte de securitate in contextul sistemelor complexe, aspecte de securitate la nivel de proiectare, analiza supravietuirii sistemului