informational interview stage 3

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  • 8/19/2019 Informational Interview Stage 3


    InterviewingCOMM 35860

    Rekha SharmaSpring 2015

    Stage 3 Informational Interview: In thi interview! we were to i"entif# a$%ine profeional in o%r &el" of interet an" interview them a$o%t

    "i'erent ape(t of their )o$ an" what it entail*I (hoe to in(l%"e thi writing aignment $e(a%e it how m#

    (apa$ilit# to %((ef%ll# interview an" gather information a$o%t anin"ivi"%al*

    If I were to re+"o thi aignment over again! I wo%l" have reear(he"the $%ine a little more*

  • 8/19/2019 Informational Interview Stage 3


    Matt ,it-geral"

    .%ine /rofeional Information Interview+ Stage 3

    1* I interviewe" R#an Collin! who i the o(ial me"ia program

    manager at khia /%$li( Relation in %"on! Ohio* I (hoe to

    interview R#an $e(a%e of m# interet in the p%$li( relation

    &el"* owever! m# interet eten" $e#on" p%$li( relation into

    o(ial me"ia management! o I &g%re" omeone like R#an wo%l"

    $e a perfe(t (an"i"ate*

    2* he title of R#an Collin i 4o(ial me"ia program manager* he

    interview took pla(e on Mar(h 5! 2015 at 11:00 a*m* in a

    (onferen(e room at khia /%$li( Relation o7(e in %"on!

    Ohio* hi i "i'erent than the previo% time I ha" ele(te" for

    the interview* a(h horen wa %na$le to (on"%(t the interview

    "%e to prior (ommitment! o he pae" me along to R#an

    Collin* he interview late" approimatel# 9 min%te*3* ,or the opening te(hni;%e of the interview! I tho%ght that 4tate

    the p%rpoe wa the $et (hoi(e in(e I am (on"%(ting thi

    interview a part of a (o%rework re;%irement* .efore I opene"

    the interview with R#an! I eta$lihe" rapport*9* ,or the (loing of the interview! I %e" a (learingho%e ;%etion

    to allow R#an to a"" an# a""itional information that he "eeme"

    ne(ear#* .efore I %e" the (learingho%e ;%etion! I "e(lare"

    (ompletion of the interview $# tating 4Oka#! I think that (over

    ever#thing* I (hoe to %e thee two (loing te(hni;%e $e(a%e

  • 8/19/2019 Informational Interview Stage 3


    the# ena$le" me to "etermine if I (overe" all the ne(ear#

    topi( a well a ignal the en" of the interview*5* I kept tra(k of the information I wa re(eiving $# writing anwer

    to the ;%etion I ha" printe" o%t on paper* I left eno%gh pa(e

    $etween ;%etion to gather all information* One of the

    (hallenge I fa(e" while writing R#an repone i that he

    poke reall# fat an" it wa "i7(%lt to write "own a lot of what

    he wa a#ing*6* he (omm%ni(ation $etween R#an an" I wa highl# e'e(tive*

  • 8/19/2019 Informational Interview Stage 3


    8* hing I learne" a$o%t interviewing prin(iple an" pra(ti(e:

    • It ometime har" to take note $e(a%e repon"ent

    peak rapi"l# an" it har" to re(or" in writing exactly 

    what wa ai"• >'e(tive pro$ing into anwer ometime re;%ire

    %nprepare" e(on"ar# ;%etion

    • lwa# $e prepare" to a"apt #o%r (he"%le of ;%etion?

    #o% never know how an interviewee will repon"@* If I were to "o thi aignment over again! I wo%l" have $etter

    reear(he" the agen(# to know how it f%n(tion*10* R#an ha worke" at khia for approimatel# two an" a half

    #ear* e originall# tarte" o%t a an intern "%ring hi enior

    #ear of (ollege at Aent State Bniverit#* ven tho%gh

    R#an en)o# hi (areer! he feel that hi (ollege (o%rework "i"

    not %7(ientl# prepare him for the p%$li( relation in"%tr#* e

    tol" me that he $ai(all# ta%ght himelf ever#thing he nee"e" to

    know to work at khia* t#pi(al "a# on the )o$ in(l%"e

    managing m%ltiple (lient a well a intern! an" repon"ing to

    email* R#an en)o# working at khia $e(a%e he feel that hi

  • 8/19/2019 Informational Interview Stage 3


    (o+worker are more of hi $et frien" an" famil#! an" the

    (omm%ni(ation #tem i ver# open* he har"et thing a$o%t

    working in the p%$li( relation &el"! a((or"ing to R#an! i

    $alan(ing work life with ever#thing ele* here i alo lot of

    writing an" pro)e(t managing to $e "one* Something I fo%n" ver#

    intereting i that p%$li( relation profeional ometime work

    10+12 ho%r "a#! with overtime an" weeken" work in(l%"e"@

  • 8/19/2019 Informational Interview Stage 3


    Cop# of &nal ;%etion

    • ow long have #o% worke" for thi (ompan#D

    • ow long have #o% worke" in thi in"%tr#D

    • ave #o% previo%l# worke" an#where $efore khiaDo

  • 8/19/2019 Informational Interview Stage 3


  • 8/19/2019 Informational Interview Stage 3


    I remove" thi ;%etion $e(a%e R#an

    anwere" it when I ake" him a$o%t how long

    he worke" at khia* e wa originall# an intern*