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Graz University of Technology Master’s degree programme in Information and Computer Engineering Curriculum 2015 Page 1 of 36 Curriculum for the master's degree programme in Information and Computer Engineering Curriculum 2015 This curriculum was approved by the Curricula Committee of Graz University of Technology in the meeting dated 12.01.2015. 1 (Please note: the English version of this document is a courtesy translation. Only the German version is legally binding.) On the basis of the Federal Act on the Organisation of Universities and their Studies (UG), Austrian Federal Law Gazette (BGBl.) No. 120/2002 as amended, the Senate of Graz Uni- versity of Technology issues the following curriculum for the master's degree programme in Information and Computer Engineering. Table of contents Master's degree programme in Information and Computer Engineering .................... 1 § 1 General provisions ............................................................................................ 2 § 2 Object of study programme and qualification profile ......................................... 3 § 3 ECTS credit points ............................................................................................ 4 § 4 Structure of the study programme ..................................................................... 5 § 5 Course content and semester plan ................................................................... 7 § 5a Catalogues of free electives ............................................................................ 8 § 5b Free-choice subject ....................................................................................... 17 § 6 Admission to examinations ............................................................................. 17 § 7 Examination regulations .................................................................................. 18 § 7a Final examination before a committee .......................................................... 19 § 7b Diploma ......................................................................................................... 20 § 8 Transitional provisions .................................................................................... 20 § 9 Legal validity ................................................................................................... 20 1 The date of approval refers to the German version of this curriculum.

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Curriculum for the master's degree programme in

Information and Computer Engineering

Curriculum 2015

This curriculum was approved by the Curricula Committee of Graz University of Technology in the meeting dated 12.01.2015.1

(Please note: the English version of this document is a courtesy translation. Only the German

version is legally binding.)

On the basis of the Federal Act on the Organisation of Universities and their Studies (UG), Austrian Federal Law Gazette (BGBl.) No. 120/2002 as amended, the Senate of Graz Uni-versity of Technology issues the following curriculum for the master's degree programme in Information and Computer Engineering.

Table of contents Master's degree programme in Information and Computer Engineering .................... 1 

§ 1 General provisions ............................................................................................ 2 

§ 2 Object of study programme and qualification profile ......................................... 3 

§ 3 ECTS credit points ............................................................................................ 4 

§ 4 Structure of the study programme ..................................................................... 5 

§ 5 Course content and semester plan ................................................................... 7 

§ 5a Catalogues of free electives ............................................................................ 8 

§ 5b Free-choice subject ....................................................................................... 17 

§ 6 Admission to examinations ............................................................................. 17 

§ 7 Examination regulations .................................................................................. 18 

§ 7a Final examination before a committee .......................................................... 19 

§ 7b Diploma ......................................................................................................... 20 

§ 8 Transitional provisions .................................................................................... 20 

§ 9 Legal validity ................................................................................................... 20 

1 The date of approval refers to the German version of this curriculum.

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Annex to the curriculum of the master's degree programme in Information and Computer Engineering .............................................................................................. 21 

Subject descriptions ............................................................................................. 21 

Recognition and equivalence list ........................................................................... 24 

Recommended free-choice courses ..................................................................... 31 

Types of courses offered by TU Graz .................................................................. 32 

Admission to the study programme ....................................................................... 33 

Balance ................................................................................................................ 35 

Definitions ............................................................................................................ 35 

§ 1 General provisions

(1) The engineering sciences master's degree programme in Information and Computer Engineering comprises four semesters. The total scope of the pro-gramme is 120 ECTS credit points.

(2) The master's degree programme in Information and Computer Engineering is exclusively held in English according to § 64 para. 6 UG.

(3) Graduates of this programme are awarded the university degree of "Diplom-Ingenieurin"/"Diplom-Ingenieur", abbreviated: "Dipl.-Ing." or "DI". The interna-tional equivalent of this university degree is "Master of Science", abbreviated: "MSc".

(4) Admission to a master's degree programme requires a subject-related bache-lor's degree of a university or another equivalent degree according to § 64 pa-ra. 5 UG. The master's programme in Information and Computer Engineering is based on the bachelor's degree programme in Information and Computer Engineering offered by TU Graz. Graduates of this degree programme as well as graduates of the bachelor’s degree programme in Telematics offered by TU Graz to date shall be admitted to this master’s degree programme without any further prerequisites.

(5) Depending on the previous education of the applicant to the programme, up to 25 ECTS credit points from the courses of the above bachelor's degree pro-gramme in Information and Computer Engineering may be prescribed as part of the admission to the curriculum presented here for graduates of other bachelor's degree programmes. These prescribed courses reduce the work-load outlined in the curriculum for achievements in elective subjects or minors accordingly. The details on this can be found in Part 5 of the Annex. The ad-mission rules for selected bachelor's degree programmes are summarised in Part 5 of the Annex. However, a bachelor's degree programme that entitles the student to be admitted must comprise at least 180 ECTS credit points. In order to obtain an overall scope of 300 ECTS credit points for the graduate and postgraduate study programmes together, students shall not be assigned courses in the master's programme which they have already completed as part of their bachelor's degree and which were part of their qualification for the master's degree programme.

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(6) The study programme is completed by writing a master's thesis and passing

an examination before a committee according to § 7a below.

§ 2 Object of study programme and qualification profile

(1) Object of study programme Never before in the history of mankind has there been such a rapid growth of knowledge or the related change in information as has been the case in infor-mation technologies. Students of the master’s degree programme in Information and Computer Engineering learn how to handle this phenomenon and to adjust to the necessity of independently and constantly keeping their knowledge up to date. For this reason, the curriculum aims to provide a great deal of freedom in choos-ing the teaching content, and increases students’ independence and initiative in the way they think, decide and act.

A particular objective of this education is therefore the ability to think, decide and act in an interdisciplinary way, as well as an integrative approach to systems and environmental and social issues, which are gaining in significance, especially with regard to increasing economic and social globalisation.

Information technologies are the bearers and motors of globalisation and the ex-pansion of the English language as the lingua franca of our world. This makes the use of English a natural element of the master’s degree programme in Information and Computer Engineering. Stays abroad are encouraged, international doctoral students are integrated into the field of studies, and professors from the interna-tional community enrich the degree programme considerably and contribute to the development of social competence. Projects, lecture activities, written work and teamwork further the development of the corresponding key competencies. Stra-tegic thinking is developed as an integral element of the degree programme.

(2) Qualification profile and skills

Graduates of the master’s degree programme in Information and Computer Engi-neering are prepared for a wide range of challenges and are able to familiarise themselves in a short time with all fields of information and communication tech-nology better than graduates of other, less interdisciplinary master’s degree pro-grammes. Students of the master’s degree programme in Information and Com-puter Engineering who have successfully completed their degree have achieved the following objectives:

Knowledge and understanding Graduates

have developed an understanding of the relevant basics; are familiar with the key theories, principles and methods of information

processing and information technology, and have deepened their knowledge in two particular scientific fields of information processing and information technology;

know the working methods of these fields and are capable of applying the-se and the scientific basics in a practical way, and

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know the most important strategies to solve problems.

Knowledge-based application and assessment Graduates

are able to apply theoretical knowledge of a technical and scientific nature in a practical way;

have developed skills for interdisciplinary analysis and assessment, and the ability to justify and defend solutions, and

recognise ethical, social, societal and economic connections and needs.

Communicative, organisational and social competencies Graduates

are able to acquire new knowledge and to contribute independently to re-search and development projects;

have developed an awareness for the necessity of lifelong further educa-tion;

are able to present results both in written form and orally, and to contribute to decision-making processes;

have basic knowledge of handling projects; are able to integrate themselves into a team and to assume subtasks and

leadership roles independently, and are capable of interdisciplinary cooperation.

(3) Demand for and relevance of the study programme for science and on the

job market Information and telecommunication networks and systems have rapidly and con-siderably gained in significance in recent decades and are an integral part of new technologies in practically all aspects of science, business and society. Persons with an education in Information and Computer Engineering are consequently ac-tive in a wide range of fields.

Graduates of the master's degree programme in Information and Computer Engi-neering work in the fields of independent modelling, design, implementation, op-eration and assessment of complex hardware and software systems in infor-mation technology and telecommunication. Graduates have a broad, detailed and critical understanding of the state of science in several specialised areas.

Career opportunities are diverse as a result of the broad field of activity in com-puter engineering: in industry, services, public administration, and teaching and research, predominantly in management roles.

§ 3 ECTS credit points

In accordance with the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System, the indi-vidual courses are assigned ECTS credit points that determine the relative share of the workload. The Universities Act (UG) determines the workload for one ECTS cred-it point to be an average of 25 full hours.

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§ 4 Structure of the study programme

The master's degree programme in Information and Computer Engineering consists of:

1. a major with at least 40 ECTS credit points; 2. a minor with at least 20 ECTS credit points; 3. an elective subject that contains courses with a workload of up to 14 ECTS

credit points; the courses are to be selected from the list in § 5a in such a way that the total for the major, minor and elective subject comprises at least 74 ECTS credit points, and a higher number of achievements from Item 1 and 2 reduces the required number of achievements from the elective subject;

4. a seminar/project with a workload of 10 ECTS credit points, which is assigna-ble to the major or the minor;

5. a free-choice subject that contains free-choice courses with a workload of 6 ECTS credit points, and

6. a master’s thesis. The master’s thesis corresponds to 30 ECTS credit points and must be assignable to a technical subject according to § 4.5 below.

Master’s degree programme in Information and Computer Engineering

Major with at least 40 ECTS credit points min. 40 ECTS credit points

Minor with at least 20 ECTS credit points min. 20 ECTS credit points

Elective subject (assessed together with the minor) max. 14 ECTS credit points

Seminar/project (assignable to the major or minor) 10 ECTS credit points

Free-choice subject 6 ECTS credit points

Total workload without master’s thesis 90 ECTS credit points

Master’s thesis 30 ECTS credit points

Total for the master’s degree programme in Information and Computer Engineering

120 ECTS credit points

§ 5a below contains a list of the individual courses of this master's programme and their allocation to the subjects. The semester allocation is a recommendation and ensures that the sequence of courses builds optimally on previous knowledge and that the workload of an academic year does not exceed 60 ECTS credit points. Courses that were used to complete the bachelor's degree programme to grant ad-mission to this programme are not part of this master's degree programme. If com-pulsory courses that are provided for in this curriculum were already used as part of the bachelor's degree programme described above, they are to be replaced by addi-tional elective courses comprising the same workload.

§ 4.1 Mentor

All students must choose a competent mentor for their subject. This mentor supports and advises the student in organising and designing their degree programme, partic-ularly in the informed choice of courses.

The list of mentors is drawn up by the Information and Computer Engineering Curric-ula Committee Working Group and is published on the website of the responsible Dean's Office. If mentors are unable to take on any more students, they have the possibility to refuse supervision of a student, but a competent mentor for the pro-posed subject must always assume the supervision. Students may apply to the Dean

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of Studies for a change of tutor without stating the reasons. If possible, permission shall be given for such applications in consultation with the new mentor who has been chosen.

In the event of conflict, the Dean of Studies will make a decision.

§ 4.2 Choice of major, minor and elective subject

The degree programme in Information and Computer Engineering focuses on the design and analysis of information and communication technology systems. The ma-jor and minor constitute advantageous specialisations in Information and Computer Engineering.

During the first semester of the master's degree programme, the catalogues of elec-tives for the major and minor must be stated. These are either catalogues of electives from the list in § 5a or a new catalogue is compiled for one or both of these subjects. The major shall be selected from the technical catalogues of electives, the minor can be selected from all the catalogues of electives defined in § 5a (catalogues c01–c08, b01), and all courses offered according to § 5a, including the supplementary cata-logue, can be selected for the elective subject.

If a new catalogue is compiled, it must be verified by a competent mentor for the sub-ject and shall be submitted to the Dean of Studies via the responsible Dean's Office. The compulsory courses and/or selected combinations of compulsory elective cours-es defined in the catalogues of electives in § 5a are always part of the respective subject.

If an individual subject is compiled, the mentor makes a decision on the proposal in consultation with the Dean of Studies and chooses a name for the subject. If there is a difference of less than 10 ECTS credit points compared to a catalogue of electives listed in § 5a, the name may remain the same. All courses selected for an individual subject compilation must be completed.

The choice of a catalogue of electives listed in § 5a can be changed if the reasons are stated. If an individual subject is compiled, the catalogue of electives can only be changed to one listed in § 5a. A change within an individual subject compilation is only possible to guarantee the feasibility of study, for example if a course that is part of the individual subject compilation is unexpectedly not held.

§ 4.3 Lecture-based and exercise-based achievements

The major, minor and elective subject must together have a total workload of at least 33 ECTS credit points from lectures and lecture components of lectures with inte-grated exercises, and at least 18 ECTS credit points from exercise-based achieve-ments. To calculate these exercise-based achievements, the following shall be used: the exercise components of lectures with integrated exercises,2 exercises, design exercises, laboratory courses, projects and seminars, as well as a maximum of one completed seminar/project in addition to the prescribed seminar/project. The pre-scribed seminar/project does not count towards the share of exercise-based achievements.

In individual cases, an application can be made for an exception to these restrictions.

2 The lecture and exercise components can be taken from § 7 below.

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§ 4.4 Balance

Within the master's degree programme in Information and Computer Engineering, at least 18 ECTS credit points must be completed from achievements in the field of electrical and information engineering (Faculty of Electrical and Information Engineer-ing), as well as at least 18 ECTS credit points from achievements in information pro-cessing (Faculty of Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering as well as the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Geodesy). This allocation of ECTS credit points shall be taken from the course number and is explained in more detail in Part 6 of the Annex.

§ 4.5 Master’s thesis

Within the master's degree programme in Information and Computer Engineering, a master's thesis must be written. This must be assignable to one of the catalogues of electives named in § 5a; the catalogue of electives defined as non-technical in § 5a is excluded. When the student begins the thesis, in the case of individual subjects, he/she must make an informed decision with the mentor and the supervisor of the master's thesis to assign the master's thesis to a subject.

If the master's thesis is assigned to a subject other than the major or the minor, this implies a broad education. In this case, students must achieve at least 10 ECTS credit points from the catalogue of electives for the master's thesis. No specialisation shall be shown on the diploma.

§ 5 Course content and semester plan

Master's degree programme in Information and Computer Engineering


of Semester incl.

ECTS Subject Course SSt course ECTS I II III IV

Seminar/project 6 SP 10 10

Total for the major, minor and elective subjects according to § 5a below

74 30 30 14 0

Master's thesis 30 30

Free-choice subject according to § 5b below

6 0 0 6 0

Total 120 30 30 30 30

Abbreviation: SSt = semester hours

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§ 5a Catalogues of free electives The following table contains the elective subjects for the master's degree programme in Information and Com-puter Engineering. The table is structured as follows: 1st line of each subject: number, name of the subject Columns: 1st column: the number of the institute offering the course (this information is subject to change) 2nd column: name of the course 3rd column: semester hours (SSt) 4th column: type of course (CT) 5th column: ECTS credit points in the master's degree programme in Information and Computer Engineering 6th column: compulsory course (course must be completed if the subject is chosen) compulsory elective course (at least 2 alternatives can be selected if the subject is chosen) The table contains those seminar projects that are automatically assigned to the subject; seminar projects from other institutes can be assigned to the subject after discussing them with the mentor. The list of university teachers responsible for the subject and the corresponding list of mentors is compiled by the Information and Computer Engineering Curricula Committee Working Group and is available on the website of the Dean's Office for the Faculty of Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering (

c01 Secure and Correct Systems SSt CT ECTS

705 Advanced Computer Networks

2 VO 3.0 Comp. elective705 Advanced Computer Networks

1 KU 2.0 Comp. elective705 Applied Cryptography

2 VO 3.0 Comp. elective705 Applied Cryptography

1 KU 2.0 Comp. elective705 Applied Cryptography 2

2 VO 3.0 705 Applied Cryptography 2

1 KU 2.0 716 Compiler Construction

2 VO 3.0 Comp. elective716 Compiler Construction

1 KU 2.0 Comp. elective705 Digital System Design

2 VO 3.0 705 Digital System Design

1 KU 2.0 705 Embedded Security

3 VU 5.0 448 Fault-Tolerant Computing Systems

2 VO 3.0 448 Fault-Tolerant Computing Systems

1 UE 2.0 448 Industrial Software Development and Quality Management

2 VO 3.0 448 Industrial Software Development and Quality Management

1 UE 1.5 705 IT Security

2 VO 3.0 Comp. elective705 IT Security

1 KU 2.0 Comp. elective705 Logic and Computability

2 VO 3.0 705 Logic and Computability

1 KU 1.5 716 Logic and Logic Programming

2 VU 3.5 501 Mathematical Foundations of Cryptography

2 VO 3.0 501 Mathematical Foundations of Cryptography

1 UE 2.0 716 Problem Analysis and Complexity Theory

3 VU 5.0 716 Quality Assurance in Software Development

2 VU 2.5 705 Security Aspects in Software Development

2 VO 3.0 705 Security Aspects in Software Development

1 KU 2.0 705 Selected Topics Design and Verification

2 VO 3.0 705 Selected Topics Design and Verification

1 UE 2.0 705 Selected Topics IT Security 1

2 VO 3.0 705 Selected Topics IT Security 1

1 KU 2.0 705 Selected Topics IT Security 2

2 SE 3.5 716 Selected Topics Software Technology 1

2 VO 3.0 716 Selected Topics Software Technology 1

1 UE 2.0 716 Selected Topics Software Technology 2

2 VO 3.0 716 Selected Topics Software Technology 2

1 UE 2.0 716 Software Paradigms

3 VU 5.0 716 Software Technology

3 VU 5.0 Comp. elective716 Software Technology Tools

2 SE 3.5 716 Software Technology, Seminar

2 SE 3.5 716 Software-Maintenance

3 VU 4.5

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705 Verification and Testing

2 VO 3.0 Comp. elective705 Verification and Testing

1 UE 2.0 Comp. electiveTotal ECTS 120.0

Selection of compulsory courses

For the major, students must complete four of the six compulsory elective courses (VU or VO+KU/UE). For the minor, they must complete two of the six compulsory elective courses (VU or VO+KU/UE).

705 Seminar Project Applied Information Processing

6 SP 10.0 716 Seminar Project Software Technology

6 SP 10.0

c02 Computer Vision and Graphics SSt CT ECTS 710 Augmented Reality

3 VU 5.0 Compulsory 710 Computer Graphics 2 1.5 VU 2.5 Compulsory 710 Computer Vision 2 1.5 VU 2.5 Compulsory 711 Computer-Aided Geometric Design 3 VU 5.0 716 Design and Analysis of Algorithm 2 VO 3.0 716 Design and Analysis of Algorithm 1 KU 1.5 507 Discrete Differential Geometry 2 VO 3.0 507 Freeform curves and surfaces 2 VO 3.0 507 Freeform curves and surfaces 1 UE 1.5 711 Geometric 3D-Modelling in Computer Graphics 3 VU 5.0 438 Image-Based Measurement 2 VO 3.0 438 Image-Based Measurement, Laboratory 1 LU 2.0 710 Image Processing and Pattern Recognition 2 VO 3.0 Compulsory 710 Image Processing and Pattern Recognition 1 KU 2.0 Compulsory 710 Image Understanding 2 VO 3.0 710 Image Understanding 1 KU 2.0 706 Information Visualisation 3 VU 5.0 710 Mathematical Principles in Vision and Graphics 3 VU 5.0 710 Medical Image Analysis 2 VO 3.0 710 Medical Image Analysis 1 KU 2.0 710 Optimization for Computer Science 2 VO 3.0 710 Optimization for Computer Science 1 UE 2.0 710 Pattern Recognition, Seminar

3 SE 5.0 711 Photo Realism

3 VU 5.0 710 Real-Time Graphics

2 VO 3.0 Comp. elective710 Real-Time Graphics

1 KU 2.0 Comp. elective710 Real-Time Graphics 2

1 VO 1.5 710 Real-Time Graphics 2

2 KU 4.0 710 Research Seminar Virtual Reality

2 SE 3.5 710 Robot Vision

2 VO 3.0 Comp. elective710 Robot Vision

1 KU 2.0 Comp. elective710 Selected Topics Computer Graphics

2 VO 3.0 710 Selected Topics Computer Graphics

1 KU 2.0 710 Selected Topics Computer Vision

2 VO 3.0 710 Selected Topics Computer Vision

1 KU 2.0 711 Simulation and Animation

3 VU 5.0 710 Virtual Reality

4 VU 7.0 Total ECTS 118.0

Selection of compulsory courses

For the major, students must complete all of the compulsory courses and one of the compulsory elective courses (each VO with KU). For the minor, they must either complete the combination of Image Pro-cessing and Pattern Recognition (VO+KU), Computer Vision 2 VU, and Robot Vision VO or the combina-tion of Augmented Reality VU, Computer Graphics 2 VU, and Real-Time Graphics VO.

711 Seminar Project Computer Graphics

6 SP 10.0 710 Seminar Project Image Analysis

6 SP 10.0

c03 Robotics and Computational Intelligence SSt CT ECTS 442 Adaptive Systems

2 VO 3.0 442 Adaptive Systems

1 UE 2.0 716 Advanced Robotics

2 VO 3.0

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716 Advanced Robotics

1 LU 2.0 443 Automation of Mechatronic Systems

2 VO 3.0 443 Automation of Mechatronic Systems, Laboratory

1 LU 2.0 442 Computational Intelligence

2 VO 3.0 Compulsory 708 Computational Intelligence

1 UE 1.5 Compulsory 708 Computational Intelligence Seminar A

2 SE 3.5 708 Computational Intelligence Seminar B

2 SE 3.5 716 Construction of Mobile Robots

2 PR 5.0 431 Control of Electric Drives and Machines

2 VO 3.0 431 Control of Electric Drives and Machines, Laboratory

2 LU 3.0 716 Expert Systems

2 VO 3.0 716 Expert Systems

1 KU 2.0 508 Integrated Navigation

2 VO 3.0 508 Integrated Navigation

1 UE 1.5 431 Introduction to Electric Drive Systems

1.5 VO 2.0 507 Kinematics and Robotics

2 VO 3.0 507 Kinematics and Robotics

1 LU 2.0 708 Machine Learning

2 VO 3.0 Comp. elective708 Machine Learning

1 KU 2.0 Comp. elective708 Autonomously Learning Systems

2 VO 3.0 Comp. elective708 Autonomously Learning Systems

1 KU 2.0 Comp. elective437 Methods of Simulation of Mechatronic Systems

2 VO 3.0 437 Methods of Simulation of Mechatronic Systems

1 UE 1.5 305 Mobile Robots

2 VO 3.0 Compulsory 305 Mobile Robots

1 UE 2.0 Compulsory 431 Modelling and Simulation of Electric Drive Systems and Machines

2 VO 3.0 431 Modelling and Simulation of Electric Drive Systems and Machines

2 LU 3.0 716 Modelling Technical Systems

2 VO 3.0 716 Modelling Technical Systems

1 UE 2.0 508 Navigation Systems

2 VU 3.0 708 Neural Networks

2 VO 3.0 Comp. elective708 Neural Networks

1 KU 2.0 Comp. elective708 Principles of Brain Computation

2 VO 3.0 Comp. elective708 Principles of Brain Computation

1 KU 2.0 Comp. elective442 Nonlinear Signal Processing

2 VO 3.0 Compulsory 442 Nonlinear Signal Processing

1 UE 2.0 Compulsory 716 Recommender Systems

2 VU 3.0 710 Robot Vision

2 VO 3.0 710 Robot Vision

1 KU 2.0 442 Selected Topics Robotics and Computational Intelligence

2 SE 3.5 443 State Estimation and Filtering

2 VO 3.0 443 State Estimation and Filtering

1 UE 2.0

Total ECTS 119.0

Selection of compulsory courses

For the major, students must complete all of the compulsory courses and either Machine Learning or Autonomously Learning Systems, and either Neural Networks or Principles of Brain Computation (each VO with KU). For the minor, they must complete Computational Intelligence (VO+UE) and one of the other compulsory or compulsory elective courses (each VO with UE/KU).

708 Seminar Project Machine Learning and Neuroinformatics

6 SP 10.0 716 Seminar Project Robotics

6 SP 10.0 442 Seminar Project Signal Processing

6 SP 10.0

c04 Signal Processing and Human Communication SSt CT ECTS 442 Adaptive Systems

2 VO 3.0 Compulsory 442 Adaptive Systems

1 UE 2.0 Compulsory 442 Advanced Signal Processing 1, Seminar

2 SE 3.5 442 Advanced Signal Processing 2, Seminar

2 SE 3.5 K17 Algorithms in Acoustics and Computer Music 01

2 VO 3.0 K17 Algorithms in Acoustics and Computer Music 01

1 UE 1.5

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717 Biosignal Processing

2 VO 3.0 717 Biosignal Processing

2 UE 2.5 709 Cognitive Neuroscience

2 VO 3.0 709 Computational Biology

2 LU 2.0 709 Computational Biology

2 VO 3.0 442 Digital Audio Engineering 1

2 VO 3.0 442 Digital Audio Engineering 2

2 VO 3.0 442 Digital Audio Engineering, Laboratory

2 LU 3.0 442 Digital Signal Processing Laboratory

2 LU 4.0 709 Information Processing in Humans

2 VO 3.0 442 Linguistic Foundations of Speech and Language Technology

2 VO 3.0 709 Methods of Functional Brain Research

2 VO 3.0 442 Mixed-Signal Processing Systems Design

2 VU 3.5 708 Principles of Brain Computation

2 VO 3.0 708 Principles of Brain Computation

1 KU 2.0 709 Neurocomputing, Seminar

2 SE 3.5 709 Non-Invasive Brain-Computer Interfaces

2 KU 3.0 Comp. elective709 Non-Invasive Brain-Computer Interfaces

2 VO 3.0 Comp. elective442 Nonlinear Signal Processing

2 VO 3.0 442 Nonlinear Signal Processing

1 UE 2.0 K17 Psychoacoustics 01

2 VO 3.0 K17 Psychoacoustics 02

2 VO 3.0 709 Rehabilitation Engineering

2 VO 3.0 442 Selected Topics Signal, Biosignal and Speech Processing

2 SE 3.5 438 Signal Analysis

2 VO 3.0 Compulsory 438 Signal Analysis

1 UE 2.0 Compulsory 438 Signal Analysis, Laboratory

2 LU 4.0 448 Signal Processors

2 VO 3.0 448 Signal Processors, Laboratory

1 LU 2.0 442 Speech Communication 1

2 VO 3.0 Comp. elective442 Speech Communication 2

2 VO 3.0 442 Speech Communication Laboratory

2 LU 4.0 Comp. elective442 Spoken Language in Human and Human-Computer Dialogue

2 VU 3.5 438 Statistical Signal Processing

2 VO 3.0 Comp. elective438 Statistical Signal Processing

1 UE 2.0 Comp. electiveTotal ECTS 120.0

Selection of compulsory courses

For the major, students must complete all of the compulsory courses and either Non-Invasive Brain-Computer Interfaces (VO + KU), or Statistical Signal Processing (VO+UE), or Speech Communication 1 VO and Speech Communication Laboratory. For the minor, they must complete all of the compulsory courses.

709 Seminar Project Brain-Computer Interface

6 SP 10.0 442 Seminar Project Signal Processing

6 SP 10.0 442 Seminar Project Speech Communication

6 SP 10.0

c05 Communications and Mobile Computing SSt CT ECTS 442 Adaptive Systems

2 VO 3.0

442 Adaptive Systems

1 UE 2.0 451 Antennas and Wave Propagation

2 VO 3.0 451 Antennas and Wave Propagation

1 UE 2.0

451 Applied Microwave Systems

2 VO 3.0 440 Communication Systems, Laboratory

1 LU 2.0 437 Computational Electromagnetics

2 VO 3.0 448 Context-Aware Computing

2 VO 3.0 Comp. elective448 Context-Aware Computing

1 UE 2.0 Comp. elective437 Electrodynamics ICE

2 VO 3.0 Compulsory

437 Electrodynamics ICE

1 UE 1.5 Compulsory 442 Fundamentals of Digital Communications

2 VO 3.0 Comp. elective

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442 Fundamentals of Digital Communications

1 UE 2.0 Comp. elective451 HF-Engineering

2 VO 3.0 451 HF-Engineering

1 UE 2.0 451 HF-Engineering, Laboratory

1 LU 2.0 440 Information Theory and Coding

2 VO 3.0 Comp. elective440 Information Theory and Coding

1 UE 2.0 Comp. elective451 Introduction to Microwave Engineering

2 VO 3.0 Comp. elective451 Introduction to Microwave Engineering

1 UE 2.0 Comp. elective448 Mobile Computing, Laboratory

2 LU 3.5 448 Mobile Computing, Seminar

3 SE 5.0 Compulsory 442 Mobile Radio Systems

2 VO 3.0 437 Numerical Optimization

2 VO 3.0 437 Numerical Optimization

1 UE 2.0 451 Optoelectronical Communication Engineering

3 VO 4.5 451 Optoelectronical Communication Engineering

1 UE 2.0 448 Power-Aware Computing

2 VU 3.0 448 Power-Aware Computing, Laboratory

1 LU 2.0 451 Radar Seminar

1.5 SE 2.5 451 Introduction to Radar Systems

2 VO 3.0 440 Satellite Communications

2 VO 3.0 440 Satellite Communications

1 UE 2.0 448 Selected Topics Communications and Mobile Computing

2 SE 3.5 448 Sensor Networks

2 VU 3.0 448 Sensor Networks, Laboratory

2 LU 3.5 437 Simulation of Time-Dependent Fields

2 VO 3.0 437 Simulation of Time-Dependent Fields

1 UE 2.0 451 Smart Antennas

2 VU 3.5 448 Smart Service Development

2 VO 3.0 448 Smart Service Development

1 UE 1.5 440 Software Defined Radio

2 VO 3.0 440 Telecommunication Systems

2 VO 3.0 440 Wireless Communication Networks and Protocols

1 VO 1.5 Total ECTS 118.5

Selection of compulsory courses

For the major, students must complete all of the compulsory courses and two of the four compulsory elec-tive courses (each VO with UE). For the minor, they must complete Electrodynamics ICE (VO + UE) and either one of the four compulsory elective courses (VO+UE) or Mobile Computing, Seminar.

437 Seminar Project Computational Electrodynamics

6 SP 10.0 448 Seminar Project Technical Informatics

6 SP 10.0 440 Seminar Project Telecommunications

6 SP 10.0

c06 Embedded and Automotive Systems SSt CT ECTS 448 Selected Topics Embedded and Automotive Systems

2 SE 3.5 439 Automotive Electronics

2 VO 3.0 439 Automotive Electronics, Laboratory

2 LU 3.0 331 Automotive Engineering for Embedded Automotive Systems

2 VO 3.0 Comp. elective438 Automotive Measurement

2 VO 3.0 438 Automotive Measurement, Laboratory

1 LU 2.0 438 Automotive Sensors and Actuators

2 VO 3.0 438 Automotive Sensors and Actuators, Laboratory

2 LU 4.0 448 Design of Real-Time Systems, Laboratory

2 LU 4.0 448 Design Patterns

2 VO 3.0 448 Design Patterns

1 UE 2.0 448 Distributed Embedded Systems, Seminar

3 SE 5.0 Compulsory 261 Dynamical Systems

3 VU 5.0 Comp. elective439 Electromagnetic Compatibility of Electronic Systems

2 VO 3.0 439 Electromagnetic Compatibility of Electronic Systems Laboratory

1 LU 2.0 448 Embedded Automotive Software

2 VU 3.5 Comp. elective448 Embedded Systems

2 VO 3.0 Compulsory

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448 Embedded Systems, Laboratory

1 LU 2.0 Compulsory 448 Fault-Tolerant Computing Systems

2 VO 3.0 448 Fault-Tolerant Computing Systems

1 UE 2.0 448 Industrial Software Development and Quality Management

2 VO 3.0 448 Industrial Software Development and Quality Management

1 UE 1.5 331 Innovative Power Trains

2 VO 3.0 431 Introduction to Electric Machines

2 VO 3.0 448 Microcontroller Design, Laboratory

4 LU 6.0 438 On-Board Diagnosis

2 VO 3.0 438 On-Board Diagnosis, Laboratory

1 LU 1.5 313 Piston Engines, Introduction

2 VO 3.0 443 Process Automation

2 VO 3.0 443 Process Automation, Laboratory

2 LU 4.0 438 Process Instrumentation

2 VO 3.0 438 Process Instrumentation, Laboratory

2 LU 4.0 448 Real-Time Bus Systems

1 VO 1.5 448 Real-Time Bus Systems, Laboratory

1 LU 2.0 448 Real-Time Operating Systems

2 VO 3.0 Comp. elective448 Real-Time Operating Systems

1 LU 1.5 Comp. elective438 Testing and Verification Methods for Distributed Software Systems

2 VO 3.0 313 Introduction to Thermodynamics

2 VO 3.0 438 Vibration Measurement

2 VO 3.0 438 Vibration Measurement, Laboratory

1 LU 2.0 Total ECTS 119.0

Selection of compulsory courses

For the major, students must complete all of the compulsory courses and additionally at least 9 ECTS credit points from the compulsory elective courses (each VO with LU if available). For the minor, they must complete Embedded Systems (VO+LU) and additionally at least 4.5 ECTS credit points (each VO with LU if available).

439 Seminar Project Electronics

6 SP 10.0 438 Seminar Project Measurement Techniques

6 SP 10.0 448 Seminar Project Technical Informatics

6 SP 10.0

c07 Measurement and Control Systems SSt CT ECTS 443 Automatic Control, Supplement

2 VO 3.0 443 Basics of Nonlinear Control Systems

1 UE 2.0 Compulsory 443 Basics of Nonlinear Control Systems

2 VO 3.0 Compulsory 443 Computer-Aided Control System Design

2 VO 3.0 443 Computer-Aided Control System Design

2 UE 4.0 443 Computer-Aided System Modelling and Simulation

2 VO 3.0 443 Computer-Aided System Modelling and Simulation

1 UE 2.0 443 Control Systems 2

2 VO 3.0 Compulsory 443 Control Systems 2

1 UE 1.5 Compulsory 443 Descriptor Systems

2 VU 3.5 443 Design of Optimal Systems

2 VO 3.0 443 Design of Optimal Systems

1 UE 2.0 443 Mathematics for Engineers

2 VO 3.0 443 Mathematics for Engineers

1 UE 2.0 438 Measurement 2

2 VO 3.0 438 Measurement Signal Processing

2 VO 3.0 438 Measurement Signal Processing, Laboratory

2 LU 4.0 443 Mechatronic Systems Modelling

2 VO 3.0 443 Mechatronic Systems Modelling

1 UE 2.0 448 Microcontroller

1.5 VO 2.0 448 Microcontroller

2 UE 3.0 431 Modelling and Simulation of Electric Drive Systems and Machines

2 VO 3.0 431 Modelling and Simulation of Electric Drive Systems and Machines

2 LU 3.0 443 Multivariable Systems

2 VO 3.0 443 Multivariable Systems

1 UE 2.0

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443 Nonlinear Control Systems

2 VO 3.0 443 Nonlinear Control Systems

1 UE 2.0 437 Numerical Optimization

2 VO 3.0 437 Numerical Optimization

1 UE 2.0 438 Optical Measurement Principles

2 VO 3.0 438 Physical Effects for Sensors

2 VO 3.0 443 Process Automation

2 VO 3.0 Compulsory 443 Process Automation, Laboratory

2 LU 4.0 Compulsory 438 Process Instrumentation

2 VO 3.0 438 Process Instrumentation, Laboratory

2 LU 4.0 443 Selected Topics Measurement and Control Design

2 SE 3.5 443 State Estimation and Filtering

2 VO 3.0 443 State Estimation and Filtering

1 UE 2.0 443 System Theory

2 VO 3.0 443 System Theory

1 UE 2.0 Total ECTS 112.5

Selection of compulsory courses

For the major, students must complete all compulsory courses. For the minor, they must complete Control Systems 2 (VO+UE) and Basics of Nonlinear Control Systems (VO+UE).

439 Seminar Project Electronics

6 SP 10.0 438 Seminar Project Measurement Techniques

6 SP 10.0 443 Seminar Project Modelling, Simulation, and Control

6 SP 10.0

c08 Microelectronics and IC Design SSt CT ECTS 439 Advanced Analog IC Design 1

3 VU 4.5 439 Advanced Analog IC Design 2

3 VU 4.5 439 Analog Circuit Laboratory

3 LU 4.0 439 Analog IC Design 1

2 VO 3.0 Compulsory 439 Analog IC Design 1

2 UE 3.0 Compulsory 439 Analog IC Design 2

2 VO 3.0 Comp. elective439 Analog IC Design 2

2 UE 3.0 Comp. elective439 Analog IC Layout 1

2 UE 3.5 439 Analog IC Layout 2

1 VU 1.5 439 Basics of Microelectronics

2 VO 3.0 439 Circuit Simulation

1 VO 1.5 Comp. elective439 Circuit Simulation

2 UE 3.0 Comp. elective439 Compact Modelling and Robust IC Design

1 VU 1.5 439 Development of Electronic Systems

4 VO 6.0 439 Digital Circuit Laboratory

3 LU 4.0 705 Digital System Design

2 VO 3.0 Compulsory 705 Digital System Design

1 KU 2.0 Compulsory 439 Electromagnetic Compatibility of Electronic Systems

2 VO 3.0 439 Electromagnetic Compatibility of Electronic Systems Laboratory

1 LU 2.0 439 Electromagnetic Compatibility of ICs

1 VO 1.5 439 Evaluation of ICs Laboratory

3 LU 4.5 448 Hardware Description Languages

2 VO 3.0 448 Hardware Description Languages

1 UE 1.5 448 Hardware-Software-Codesign

2 VO 3.0 448 Hardware-Software-Codesign

1 UE 2.0 439 IC Design Fundamentals

2 VO 3.0 Comp. elective439 IC Design Fundamentals

2 UE 3.0 Comp. elective439 IC Design Project Management and Quality

1 VO 1.5 439 Methods for IC Evaluation and Failure Analysis

2 VU 3.0 438 Micro-Electromechanical Systems

2 VO 3.0 451 Microwave Measurement

2 VU 3.0 439 Noise and Crosstalk in ICs

2 VU 3.0 513 Physics of Semiconductor Devices

2 VO 3.0 439 Practical Analog Circuit Design

2 UE 3.0 439 Practical Analog Circuit Design, Laboratory

2 LU 2.0

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439 Production Test and Design for Test

2 VO 3.0 451 RF and Microwave Component Design

2 VU 3.0 439 Selected Topics Advanced Analog IC Design

2 SE 3.5 451 Selected Topics RFID

2 VO 3.0 705 System-on-Chip Architectures and Modelling

3 VU 5.0 Comp. elective

Total ECTS 119.5

Selection of compulsory courses

For the major, students must complete all compulsory courses and one of the compulsory elective cours-es (VU or VO+UE/KU). For the minor, they must complete one of the compulsory courses (VO+UE/KU) and one of the compulsory elective courses (VU or VO+UE/KU).

439 Seminar Project Electronics

6 SP 10.0 438 Seminar Project Measurement Techniques

6 SP 10.0 448 Seminar Project Technical Informatics

6 SP 10.0

s01 Supplementary catalogue SSt CT ECTS 439 Application of Microprocessors 2 VO 3.0 439 Application of Microprocessors, Laboratory 1 LU 2.0 437 Basic Experiments in Electrodynamics, Laboratory

2 LU 2.0 709 Bioinformatics

2 LU 3.0 502 Combinatorial Optimization 1

3 VO 4.5 502 Combinatorial Optimization 1

1 UE 2.0 708 Computational Geometry 2 VO 3.0 708 Computational Geometry 1 UE 1.5 709 Computational Medicine 2 VO 3.0 709 Computational Medicine 2 LU 2.0 439 Electronic Circuit Design 3

2 VO 3.0 448 Embedded Internet

2 VU 3.0 448 Embedded Internet

2 LU 3.0 502 Graph Theoretic Algorithms

3 VO 4.5 502 Graph Theoretic Algorithms

1 UE 2.0

709 Interdisciplinary team-taught lecture series: Trends in Neurorehabili-tation

2 VO 3.0

431 Power Electronics-based Solid State Energy Converters

2 VO 3.0 655 Laboratory Information and Management Systems

2 VO 3.0 501 Mathematical Analysis of Algorithms

3 VO 5.0 501 Mathematical Analysis of Algorithms

1 UE 2.0 440 RFID Systems 2 VO 3.0 437 Simulation of Static Fields

2 VO 3.0 437 Simulation of Static Fields

1 UE 2.0 710 Software Development in Distributed Environments

3 VU 5.0 Total ECTS 70.5

b01 Business, Law, and Management SSt CT ECTS 374 Business Informatics 1 VO 1.5 374 Business Informatics 2 UE 3.0 373 Business Sociology 2 VO 3.0 371 Company's Management of Innovation 1 VO 1.5 371 Company's Management of Innovation 2 UE 2.0 373 Controlling 2 VO 3.0 373 Controlling 1 UE 1.5 371 Creativity Techniques 1 VO 1.5 371 Creativity Techniques 1 UE 1.5 940 Diversity Management 1: Basic Principles 2 SE 2.0 373 Encyclopedia Business Economics 3 VO 4.5 Compulsory 373 Encyclopedia Business Economics 2 UE 3.0 Compulsory 372 Entrepreneurship and Start-Up of Corporation 2 VO 3.0 372 Entrepreneurship and Start-Up of Corporation 1 UE 1.5 372 General Management and Organization 2 VO 3.0 372 General Management Exercises 2 UE 3.0

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372 General Management, Case Studies 1 VO 1.5 372 General Management, Case Studies 2 UE 3.0 371 Industrial Management 3 VO 4.5 371 Industrial Management 3 UE 3.0 374 Information and Communication Management 1 VO 1.5 374 Information and Communication Management 1 UE 1.5 372 Information Management 1 VO 1.5 372 Information Management 2 UE 3.0 940 Intercultural Social Competence for Business 2 SE 2.0 373 International Economic Relationship 1 VO 1.5 371 Logistics 1 VO 1.5 371 Logistics 1 UE 1.5 373 Marketing Management 2 VO 3.0 373 Marketing Management 1 UE 1.5 372 Process Management 2 VO 3.0 372 Process Management 2 UE 3.0 371 Product Innovation Project 3 PR 5.0 374 Production Planning & Control 2 VO 3.0 374 Production Planning & Control 2 UE 3.0 372 Project Management 2 VO 3.0 374 Quantitative Methods for Business 2 VO 3.0 374 Quantitative Methods for Business 3 UE 4.5 374 Selected Topics Business Informatics 2 VO 3.0 374 Selected Topics Business Informatics 1 UE 1.5 710 Start-Ups and Small Business Management 3 VU 3.0 371 Value Management I 1 VO 1.5 371 Value Management I 1 UE 1.5 371 Value Management II 1 VO 1.5 371 Value Management II 3 UE 4.5

433 Complexity and Dynamics in the Information- and Knowledge-Society 2 SE 2.0 U73 Concepts of Technology Assessments 2 SE 4.0 434 Energy and Environment 2 VO 3.0 940 English for Engineers (Advanced – Professional Meetings) 2 SE 2.0

940 English for Engineers (Advanced Oral Skills) 2 SE 2.0 U73 Gender and Technology I 2 SE 5.0 U73 Gender and Technology II 2 SE 4.0 433 Management of the Environment 2 VO 3.0 U73 Methods of Inter- and Transdisciplinary Research 2 SE 4.0 432 Nuclear Power and Environment 2 VO 3.0 U40 Sustainable Innovation 2 KS 4.0 U73 Technology - Ethics - Politics 2 VO 4.0

373 Civil Law and Law of Business Enterprises 3 VO 4.5 373 Industrial Law (Labour Law) 2 VO 3.0 501 Insurance Law 4 VO 6.0 373 Intensive Studies in Law of Business Enterprises 2 VO 3.0 218 Introduction to the Austrian Constitution 2 VO 3.0 373 Law of Taxation 2 VO 3.0 373 Patent Law 2 VO 3.0 710 Selected Topics Public Law, Informatics, and Data Security 2 VO 3.0

Total ECTS 181.5

Selection of compulsory courses For the minor, students must complete all compulsory courses.

Instead of the two courses "English for Engineers (Advanced – Professional Meet-ings)" and "English for Engineers (Advanced Oral Skills)", other courses can also be

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completed as part of the elective subject to improve knowledge of a foreign language (English or German) with a total scope of up to 3 ECTS credit points.

Note: Possible amendments to the catalogue of electives are published in the Uni-versity Gazette of TU Graz.

§ 5b Free-choice subject

The courses to be completed as part of the free-choice subject are designed to pro-vide students' individual emphasis and further development. They can be freely se-lected from the courses offered by any recognised Austrian or foreign university, as well as universities of applied sciences and university colleges for education.

Students are recommended to spread free-choice courses over the entire length of the programme.

If a course is assigned the same number of ECTS credit points in all curricula in which it is a compulsory or an elective course, it shall be allocated the same number of ECTS credit points when taken as a free-choice subject. If a course has been allo-cated varying numbers of ECTS credit points, the minimum number of assigned ECTS credit points is to be allocated to the course when taken as a free-choice sub-ject.

Courses that are not intended either as a compulsory course or as an elective course are assigned 1 ECTS credit point for each semester hour (SSt). However, if such courses are lecture-type courses (VO), they are assigned 1.5 ECTS credit points for each semester hour.

§ 6 Admission to examinations

Admission to examinations is not subject to any prerequisites.

In order to assist students in completing their degrees in a timely manner, courses with continual assessment must allow students to submit, supplement or repeat par-tial course requirements no later than two weeks after commencement of the semes-ter following the course.

§ 6a Guidelines for the allocation of places on courses

(1) If the number of students registered for a course exceeds the number of available places, parallel courses are to be provided. If necessary, these parallel courses may also be provided during the semester break.

(2) If it is not possible to offer a sufficient number of parallel courses (groups), the students are to be admitted to the course according to the following priority rank-ing: a) Students who are required to complete the course according to their cur-

riculum have priority. b) Further students are to be ranked according to the sum of the successfully

completed courses of the respective study programme (total ECTS credit points).

c) Students who have met the participation requirement at an earlier date are

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ranked by date. d) Students who have already been placed on a waiting list or who have to

repeat the course are to be given priority on the next course. e) The further ranking is made according to the grade of the examination or

the average grade of the examinations (weighted on the basis of the ECTS credit points) of the respective course(s) that are specified as the participa-tion requirement.

f) Students who do not need to complete such courses in order to fulfil their curriculum are only considered based on the number of free places. It is possible to be included on a separate waiting list. The above-mentioned provisions shall apply accordingly.

(3) Students who complete a part of their studies at TU Graz in the context of mobility programmes are given priority for up to 10% of the available places.

§ 7 Examination regulations

Courses are evaluated individually.

1. Examinations for courses held as lectures (VO) cover the complete content of the course.

2. For courses held as lectures with integrated exercises (VU), exercises (UE), design exercises (KU), laboratory courses (LU), projects (PR) and seminars (SE), seminars/projects (SP), and excursions (EX), a student’s performance is continually assessed on the basis of that student’s contributions and/or through accompanying tests. The assessment must always consist of at least two examinations.

3. Examinations with positive results are to be assessed as "very good" (1), "good" (2), "satisfactory" (3) or "sufficient" (4); those with negative results are to be assessed as "insufficient" (5). Specially indicated courses and excursion-type courses are assessed as "successful participation" or as "unsuccessful participation".

4. If a subject includes separate examinations for the relevant courses, the over-all subject grade is to be determined by a) multiplying the grade of each examination result in connection with the

subject with the ECTS credit points of the corresponding course; b) adding the values calculated according to lit. a); c) dividing the result of the addition by the sum of the ECTS credit points of

the courses, and d) rounding the result of the division to a whole-numbered grade if required.

The grade must be rounded up if the decimal place exceeds 0.5. Other-wise, the grade must be rounded down.

The types of courses are explained in Part 4 of the Annex.

In addition to the types of courses, the following maximum group sizes are set forth:

1. The maximum group size for exercises (UE), exercise components of lectures with integrated exercises (VU) and for design exercises (KU) is 30 students.

2. The maximum group size for projects (PR), seminars (SE) and excursions (EX) is 15 students.

3. The maximum group size for laboratory courses (LU) is 6 students.

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4. The maximum group size for projects (PR) and seminars/projects (SP) is 8 students. Alternatively, the Dean of Studies can commission the semi-nar/project with individual mentoring. In this case, the seminar/project corre-sponds to 0.75 project hours.

Lectures with integrated exercises (VU) are divided into lecture and exercise compo-nents, with 2/3 of the semester hours (SSt) being allocated to lecture components and 1/3 being allocated to exercise components The following courses are excluded from the above and are allocated as follows:

Course SStType

of course



Advanced Analog IC Design 1 3.0 VU 4.5 1.5 1.5Advanced Analog IC Design 2 3.0 VU 4.5 1.5 1.5Analog IC Layout 2 1.0 VU 1.5 0.5 0.5Compact Modelling and Robust IC Design 1.0 VU 1.5 0.5 0.5Descriptor Systems 2.0 VU 3.5 1.0 1.0Dynamical Systems 3.0 VU 5.0 1.5 1.5Embedded Automotive Software 2.0 VU 3.5 1.5 0.5Embedded Internet 2.0 VU 3.0 1.5 0.5Logic and Logic Programming 2.0 VU 3.5 1.0 1.0Methods for IC Evaluation and Failure Analysis 2.0 VU 3.0 1.0 1.0Microwave Measurement 2.0 VU 3.0 1.0 1.0Mixed-Signal Processing Systems Design 2.0 VU 3.5 1.0 1.0Navigation Systems 2.0 VU 3.0 1.0 1.0Noise and Crosstalk in ICs 2.0 VU 3.0 1.0 1.0Power-Aware Computing 2.0 VU 3.0 1.5 0.5Quality Assurance in Software Development 2.0 VU 2.5 1.0 1.0Recommender Systems 2.0 VU 3.0 1.0 1.0RF and Microwave Component Design 2.0 VU 3.0 1.0 1.0Sensor Networks 2.0 VU 3.0 1.5 0.5Smart Antennas 2.0 VU 3.5 1.0 1.0Spoken Language in Human and Human-Computer Dialogue 2.0 VU 3.5 1.0 1.0Virtual Reality 4.0 VU 7.0 2.0 2.0

Abbreviations: SST: semester hours; UE: exercise; VO: lecture; VU: lecture with in-tegrated exercises

§ 7a Final examination before a committee

Admission to the master's degree examination before a committee requires proof of the positive assessment of all examination results according to § 4 and § 5 above as well as proof of the positive assessment of the master's thesis.

The final examination before a committee takes places before an examination senate composed of three persons who are appointed by the Dean of Studies. The supervi-sor of the master's thesis must be part of the examination senate. If the supervisor is unavailable, they can suggest a substitute.

During the master's degree examination before a committee, students must present their master's thesis written in accordance with the regulations, and must defend the thesis before the members of the examination senate in the subsequent oral exami-nation. The final examination before a committee may not last longer than one hour.

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§ 7b Diploma

The master's degree diploma is composed of: a) the major according to § 5 above and its assessment; b) the minor incl. the elective subject according to § 5 above and their assess-

ment; c) the title and the assessment of the master's thesis; d) the assessment of the final examination before a committee; e) the entirety of the ECTS credit points for successfully completed free-choice

courses from the free-choice subject, as defined in § 5b above, and f) the overall assessment according to § 73 para. 3 UG.

§ 8 Transitional provisions

Regular students who started their study programme in Telematics before 1.10.2015 are entitled to continue and complete their studies until 30.09.2018 according to the previously valid curriculum as published in the University Gazette of TU Graz dated 16.05.2013. If the study programme is not completed within this period of time, stu-dents are subject to this curriculum for the rest of the study period. Students are enti-tled to voluntarily opt for the new curriculum at any time within the admission periods. To this end, a written irrevocable declaration must be sent to the Registration Office.

The ECTS credit points will be determined according to the current state at the point at which the diploma is issued or during recognition for the study programme in In-formation and Computer Engineering.

All courses that were completed when they were included in the curriculum for the master's degree programme in Telematics may be credited in the master's degree programme in Information and Computer Engineering. The Dean of Studies defines the catalogue of electives to which the courses are assigned on the suggestion of the student with the mentor's agreement.

§ 9 Legal validity

This curriculum shall come into effect on 1 October 2015.

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Annex to the curriculum of the master's degree programme in Information and Computer Engi-neering

Part 1 of the Annex

Subject descriptions Elective subject: c01 Secure and Correct Systems

Subject content: This subject focuses on the challenge of designing information and communication technology in a secure and reliable way. It includes aspects such as secure and reliable software development, security architecture in hardware and software, cryptography, compiler construction and formal verification. In addition, content is offered on functional safety.

Learning outcomes: After completing the subject, students are familiar with the var-ious aspects of information security and formal verification and able to apply these in theory and practice.

Prerequisites: There are no formal prerequisites, but basic knowledge of information security is an advantage.

Elective subject: c02 Computer Vision and Graphics

Subject content: This subject provides students with a deeper knowledge of com-puter graphics, geometric modelling, virtual and augmented reality, image processing and information visualisation. In addition to mastering the theoretical basics of the subject, particular emphasis is placed on practical application.

Learning outcomes: After completing the subject, students are able to independent-ly develop imaging and image-processing procedures in various fields of application, and to suggest and realise solutions.

Prerequisites: There are no formal prerequisites, but basic knowledge of computer graphics and computer vision is an advantage.

Elective subject: c03 Robotics and Computational Intelligence

Subject content: This subject provides students with access to the most important currently known methods of making machines "intelligent", as well as practical expe-rience with state-of-the-art software from the fields of machine learning, biological neural networks, simulation and modelling of technical systems, navigation and robot vision. Since the subject is of an interdisciplinary nature, it contains courses from the fields of mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and computer science. The subject focuses on the practical implementation of the learnt content.

Learning outcomes: After completing the subject, students are familiar with the es-sential algorithms and technologies as well as the construction of "intelligent" ma-chines. They know the advantages and disadvantages of the various (learning) algo-

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rithms and are able to independently solve practical and theoretical problems and to design a robot for an assigned task and program it accordingly.

Prerequisites: There are no formal prerequisites, but basic knowledge of knowledge processing, computational intelligence, modelling and simulation is an advantage.

Elective subject: c04 Signal Processing and Human Communication

Subject content: This subject focuses on hearing, seeing, speaking and thinking as essential life processes. Capturing and processing the associated signals requires knowledge of the physics of sound wave propagation, the analysis, synthesis and coding of signals, automatic pattern recognition incorporating models of human per-ception, and the understanding and generation of spoken or written language in au-tomatic dialogue management.

Learning outcomes: After completing the subject, students are familiar with the es-sential algorithms and technologies for capturing speech signals and biosignals, as well as algorithms for processing and are able to develop highly integrated systems in the field of information and communication technology.

Prerequisites: There are no formal prerequisites, but basic knowledge of signal pro-cessing is an advantage.

Elective subject: c05 Communications and Mobile Computing

Subject content: This subject provides students with the knowledge necessary to develop mobile and portable computer systems and the communication required. On the one hand, this field focuses on mobile, wireless communication procedures and ad hoc networks and, on the other hand, on the design of mobile systems with appli-cations related to context, location and performance.

Learning outcomes: After completing the subject, students are familiar with the physics, simulation and implementation of wireless communication as well as with the concepts of context-based and location-based applications. They are able to cre-ate and implement optimised concepts of mobile, wireless communication for the rel-evant application.

Prerequisites: There are no formal prerequisites, but basic knowledge of electrody-namics and software development is an advantage.

Elective subject: c06 Embedded and Automotive Systems

Subject content: This subject provides students with the knowledge necessary to analyse, design and synthesise distributed, ubiquitous and embedded (computer) systems. The key areas of this field include the joint design of hardware/software systems, procedures related to context, location and performance, and embedded systems. In addition, the requirements and given constraints of motor vehicle design are handled from the perspective of both electrical engineering and mechanical engi-neering.

Learning outcomes: After completing the subject, students are able to understand embedded systems with their complex possibilities for interaction and to inde-

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pendently develop suitable solutions for the requirements with procedures related to context, location and performance.

Prerequisites: There are no formal prerequisites, but basic knowledge of hardware and software systems and interprocess communication is an advantage.

Elective subject: c07 Measurement and Control Systems

Subject content: This subject provides students with a basic theoretical and practi-cal framework for recording physical measured parameters, taking into account the electronics with regard to increased measurement accuracy, self-diagnostic abilities and lower susceptibility to faults, as well as for analysis, the creation of models and the simulation of technical systems, and the design and optimisation of linear and non-linear regulations.

Learning outcomes: After completing the subject, students are able to analyse and model processes, to select or develop suitable sensors and to design developed con-trollers by means of modern mathematical methods.

Prerequisites: There are no formal prerequisites, but basic knowledge of linear al-gebra and signal analysis is an advantage.

Elective subject: c08 Microelectronics and IC Design

Subject content: This subject provides students with the essential knowledge and skills of semiconductor physics and integrated circuit technology for designing ana-logue and digital integrated circuits, for which a good understanding of the basics of physics is essential. Despite the increasing complexity of digital circuits, this subject remains important since the interfaces with the environment remain analogue and there is an increasing demand for hybrid circuits with analogue components.

Learning outcomes: After completing the subject, students have acquired the nec-essary knowledge to independently develop integrated analogue and/or digital cir-cuits.

Prerequisites: There are no formal prerequisites, but basic knowledge of semicon-ductor physics and electronics is an advantage.

s01 Supplementary catalogue

Subject content: On the one hand, the supplementary catalogue offers courses to deepen students' knowledge of mathematical basics, and on the other hand, it offers supplementary topics that are of interest in several subjects and can be completed as part of the elective subject.

Prerequisites: There are no formal prerequisites.

Non-technical elective subject: b01 Business, Law, and Management

Subject content: This subject cannot be chosen as a major. If it is chosen as a mi-nor, the basics of starting up and managing businesses remain the focus. In addition,

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management tools, ethical aspects, the environment and sustainability, legal issues and improving language skills are also offered as supplementary options.

Learning outcomes: After completing the minor, students have acquired the neces-sary basics to be able to successfully assume management roles in companies.

Prerequisites: There are no formal prerequisites.

Part 2 of the Annex

Recognition and equivalence list

Courses for which the equivalence or recognition is defined in this part of the Annex to the curriculum do not require separate recognition by the Dean of Studies. Individ-ual recognition awarded by means of an official decision made by the Dean of Stud-ies according to § 78 UG is also possible. An equivalence list defines the equivalence of successfully completed courses of this curriculum and of the previous curriculum. This equivalence applies in both direc-tions, that is, successfully completed courses of the previous curriculum may be credited in this curriculum and successfully completed courses of this curriculum may be credited in the previous curriculum. Courses that are the same with regard to name and type, number of ECTS credit points and the number of semester hours are considered to be equivalent, and are thus not explicitly listed in the equivalence list.

Equivalence list for courses in English and German

Present curriculum for 2015 Previous curriculum for 2006,

version 2013

New course SSt Type ECTS

Old course SSt Type ECTS

Accounting and Balancing 1 VO 1.5 Buchhaltung und Bilanzierung 1 VO 1.5

Accounting and Balancing 1 UE 1.5 Buchhaltung und Bilanzierung 1 UE 1.5Algorithms in Acoustics and Computer Music 01

2 VO 3 Algorithmen in Akustik und Computermusik 01

2 VO 3

Algorithms in Acoustics and Computer Music 01

1 UE 1.5Algorithmen in Akustik und Computermusik 01

1 UE 1.5

Analog Circuit Laboratory 3 LU 4 Analoge Schaltungstechnik, Labor 3 LU 4

Analog IC Design 1 2 VO 3 Analog Integrated Circuit Design and Simulation 1

2 VO 3

Analog IC Design 1 2 UE 3 Analog Integrated Circuit Design and Simulation 1

2 UE 3

Analog IC Design 2 2 VO 3 Analog Integrated Circuit Design and Simulation 2

2 VO 3

Analog IC Design 2 2 UE 3 Analog Integrated Circuit Design and Simulation 2

2 UE 3

Analog IC Layout 1 2 UE 3.5 Layout Techniken 2 UE 4

Analog IC Layout 2 1 VU 1.5 Advanced Layout Techniques 1 VU 1.5

Antennas and Wave Propagation 2 VO 3 Antennen und Wellenausbreitung 2 VO 3

Antennas and Wave Propagation 1 UE 2 Antennen und Wellenausbreitung 1 UE 2

Application of Microprocessors 2 VO 3 Geräteentwurf mit Mikroprozessoren 2 VO 3

Application of Microprocessors, 1 LU 2 Geräteentwurf mit Mikroprozessoren, 1 LU 2

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Laboratory Labor

Applied Cryptography 2 VO 3 Angewandte Kryptografie 2 VO 3

Applied Cryptography 1 KU 2 Angewandte Kryptografie 1 KU 2

Applied Cryptography 2 2 VO 3 Angewandte Kryptografie 2 2 VO 3

Applied Cryptography 2 1 KU 2 Angewandte Kryptografie 2 1 KU 2

Automatic Control, Supplement 2 VO 3 Regelungstechnik, Ergänzungen 2 VO 3

Automation of Mechatronic Systems 2 VO 3 Automatisierung mechatronischer Systeme

2 VO 3

Automation of Mechatronic Systems, Laboratory

1 LU 2 Automatisierung mechatronischer Systeme, Labor

1 LU 2

Automotive Electronics 2 VO 3 Automotive Elektronik 2 VO 3

Automotive Electronics, Laboratory 2 LU 3 Automotive Elektronik, Labor 2 LU 3 Automotive Engineering for Embed-ded Automotive Systems

2 VO 3 Fahrzeugtechnik Grundlagen für Elektrotechnik und Telematik

2 VO 3

Automotive Measurement 2 VO 3 Kraftfahrzeugmesstechnik 2 VO 3

Automotive Measurement, Laboratory 1 LU 2 Kraftfahrzeugmesstechnik, Labor 1 LU 2

Automotive Sensors and Actuators 2 VO 3 KFZ Sensoren und Aktuatoren 2 VO 3 Automotive Sensors and Actuators, Laboratory

2 LU 4 KFZ Sensoren und Aktuatoren, Labor

2 LU 4

Autonomously Learning Systems 2 VO 3 Machine Learning B 2 VO 3

Autonomously Learning Systems 1 KU 2 Machine Learning B 1 KU 2

Basics of Nonlinear Control Systems 1 UE 2 Grundlagen nichtlinearer Systeme 1 UE 2 Basic Experiments in Electrodynam-ics, Laboratory

2 LU 2 Elektrodynamische Grundversuche, Labor

2 LU 2

Basics of Microelectronics 2 VO 3 Grundlagen der Mikroelektronik 2 VO 3

Basics of Nonlinear Control Systems 2 VO 3 Grundlagen nichtlinearer Systeme 2 VO 3

Bioinformatics 2 LU 3 Bioinformatik 2 LU 3

Biosignal Processing 2 VO 3 Biosignalverarbeitung 2 VO 3

Biosignal Processing 2 UE 2.5 Biosignalverarbeitung 2 UE 2.5

Business Economics 3 VO 4.5 Betriebswirtschaftslehre 3 VO 4.5

Business Economics 2 UE 2 Betriebswirtschaftslehre 2 UE 2

Business Sociology 2 VO 3 Betriebssoziologie 2 VO 3

Circuit Simulation 1 VO 1.5 Schaltungssimulation 1 VO 1.5

Circuit Simulation 2 UE 3 Schaltungssimulation 2 UE 3 Civil Law and Law of Business Enterprises

3 VO 4.5Bürgerliches Recht und Unternehmensrecht

3 VO 4.5

Cognitive Neuroscience 2 VO 3 Cognitive Neuroscience 2 VO 3

Combinatorial Optimization 1 3 VO 4.5 Kombinatorische Optimierung 1 3 VO 4.5

Combinatorial Optimization 1 1 UE 2 Kombinatorische Optimierung 1 1 UE 2

Communication Systems, Laboratory 1 LU 2 Kommunikationssysteme, Labor 1 LU 2 Compact Modelling and Robust IC Design

1 VU 1.5Compact Modelling and Statistical Simulation

1 VU 1.5

Company's Management of Innova-tion

1 VO 1.5Betriebliches Innovationsmanage-ment

1 VO 1.5

Company's Management of Innova-tion

2 UE 2 Betriebliches Innovationsmanage-ment

2 UE 2

Compiler Construction 2 VO 3 Compilerbau 2 VO 3

Compiler Construction 1 KU 2 Compilerbau 1 KU 2

Complexity and Dynamics in the Information- and Knowledge-Society

2 SE 2 Komplexität und Dynamik in der Informations- und Wissensgesell-schaft

2 SE 2

Computational Electromagnetics 2 VO 3 Numerische Feldberechnung 2 VO 3

Computational Geometry 2 VO 3 Geometrische Algorithmen 2 VO 3

Computational Geometry 1 UE 1.5 Geometrische Algorithmen 1 UE 1.5Computer-Aided System Modelling and Simulation

2 VO 3 Computerunterstützte Modellbildung und Simulation

2 VO 3

Computer-Aided System Modelling 1 UE 2 Computerunterstützte Modellbildung 1 UE 2

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and Simulation und Simulation

Computer Graphics 2 1.5 VU 2.5 Computergrafik 2 1.5 VU 2.5

Computer Vision 2 1.5 VU 2.5 Computer Vision 2 1.5 VU 2.5Concepts of Technology Assess-ments

2 SE 4 Konzepte der Technikfolgenabschätzung

2 SE 4

Construction of Mobile Robots 2 PR 5 Konstruktion Mobiler Roboter 2 PR 5 Control of Electric Drives and Machines

2 VO 3 Regelung elektrischer Antriebe 2 VO 3

Control of Electric Drives and Machines, Laboratory

2 LU 3 Regelung elektrischer Antriebe, Labor

2 LU 3

Cost Accounting 1 VO 1.5 Kosten- und Erfolgsrechnung 1 VO 1.5

Cost Accounting 2 UE 3 Kosten- und Erfolgsrechnung 2 UE 3

Descriptor Systems 2 VU 3.5 Deskriptorsysteme 2 VU 3.5

Design and Analysis of Algorithms 2 VO 3 Entwurf und Analyse von Algorithmen

2 VO 3

Design and Analysis of Algorithms 1 KU 1.5Entwurf und Analyse von Algorithmen

1 KU 1.5

Design of Optimal Systems 2 VO 3 Entwurf optimaler Systeme 2 VO 3

Design of Optimal Systems 1 UE 2 Entwurf optimaler Systeme 1 UE 2 Design of Real-Time Systems, Laboratory

2 LU 4 Entwurf von Echtzeitsystemen, Labor 2 LU 4

Development of Electronic Systems 4 VO 6 Konstruktion elektronischer Geräte und Systeme

4 VO 6

Digital Audio Engineering 1 2 VO 3 Digitale Audiotechnik 1 2 VO 3

Digital Audio Engineering 2 2 VO 3 Digitale Audiotechnik 2 2 VO 3

Digital Audio Engineering, Laboratory 2 LU 3 Digitale Audiotechnik, Labor 2 LU 3

Digital Circuit Laboratory 3 LU 4 Digitale Schaltungstechnik, Labor 3 LU 4

Digital System Design 2 VO 3 VLSI Design 2 VO 3

Digital System Design 1 KU 2 VLSI Design 1 KU 2

Discrete Differential Geometry 2 VO 3 Diskrete Differentialgeometrie 2 VO 3 Distributed Embedded Systems, Seminar

3 SE 5 Verteilte Systeme, Seminar 3 SE 5

Diversity Management 1: Basic Principles

2 SE 2 Diversity Management 1: Grundlagen

2 SE 2

Dynamical Systems 3 VU 5 Dynamische Systeme 3 VU 5

Economics for Electrical Engineers 1 VO 1.5 Wirtschaft für ElektrotechnikerInnen 1 VO 1.5

Electrodynamics ICE 2 VO 3 Elektrodynamik TE 2 VO 3

Electrodynamics ICE 1 UE 1.5 Elektrodynamik TE 1 UE 1.5Electromagnetic Compatibility of Electronic Systems

2 VO 3 Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit elektronischer Systeme

2 VO 3

Electromagnetic Compatibility of Electronic Systems Laboratory

1 LU 2 Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit elektronischer Systeme, Labor

1 LU 2

Electromagnetic Compatibility of ICs 1 VO 1.5 EMV Integrierter Schaltungen 1 VO 1.5

Electronic Circuit Design 3 2 VO 3 Elektronische Schaltungstechnik 3 2 VO 3

Embedded Security 3 VU 5 Hardware Security 3 VU 5

Embedded Systems, Laboratory 1 LU 2 Embedded Systems, Labor 1 LU 2

Energy and Environment 2 VO 3 Energie und Umwelt 2 VO 3 English for Engineers (Advanced - Professional Meetings)

2 SE 2 Englisch für TechnikerInnen (Perfek-tionsstufe - Professional Meetings)

2 SE 2

English for Engineers (Advanced Oral Skills)

2 SE 2 Englisch für TechnikerInnen (Perfek-tionsstufe - mündliche Kompetenz)

2 SE 2

Entrepreneurship and Start-Up of Corporation

2 VO 3 Unternehmungsgründung 2 VO 3

Entrepreneurship and Start-Up of Corporation

1 UE 1.5 Unternehmungsgründung 1 UE 1.5

Evaluation of ICs Laboratory 3 LU 4.5Testen Integrierter Schaltungen, Labor

3 LU 4.5

Expert Systems 2 VO 3 Wissensverarbeitung (Expertensysteme)

2 VO 3

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Expert Systems 1 KU 2 Wissensverarbeitung (Expertensysteme)

1 KU 2

Fault-Tolerant Computing Systems 2 VO 3 Fehlertolerante Rechnersysteme 2 VO 3

Fault-Tolerant Computing Systems 1 UE 2 Fehlertolerante Rechnersysteme 1 UE 2

Freeform Curves and Surfaces 2 VO 3 Freiformkurven/Freiformflächen 2 VO 3

Freeform Curves and Surfaces 1 UE 1.5 Freiformkurven/Freiformflächen 1 UE 1.5

Gender and Technology I 2 SE 5 Technik-Bildung und Geschlecht I 2 SE 5

Gender and Technology II 2 SE 4 Technik-Bildung und Geschlecht II 2 SE 4 General Management and Organization

2 VO 3 Unternehmungsführung und Organisation

2 VO 3

General Management Exercises 2 UE 3 Unternehmungsführung und Organisation

2 UE 3

Geometric 3D-Modelling in Computer Graphics

3 VU 5 Geometrisches 3D-Modellieren in der Computergrafik

3 VU 5

Graph Theoretic Algorithms 3 VO 4.5 Algorithmische Graphentheorie 3 VO 4.5

Graph Theoretic Algorithms 1 UE 2 Algorithmische Graphentheorie 1 UE 2

Hardware Description Languages 2 VO 3 Hardwarebeschreibungssprachen 2 VO 3

Hardware Description Languages 1 UE 1.5 Hardwarebeschreibungssprachen 1 UE 1.5

HF-Engineering 2 VO 3 Hochfrequenztechnik 2 VO 3

HF-Engineering 1 UE 2 Hochfrequenztechnik 1 UE 2

HF-Engineering, Laboratory 1 LU 2 Hochfrequenztechnik, Labor 1 LU 2

IC Design Fundamentals 2 VO 3 Integrierte Schaltungen 2 VO 3

IC Design Fundamentals 2 UE 3 Integrierte Schaltungen 2 UE 3

Image Based Measurement 2 VO 3 Bildgestützte Messverfahren 2 VO 3 Image Based Measurement, Laboratory

1 LU 2 Bildgestützte Messverfahren, Labor 1 LU 2

Image Processing and Pattern Recognition

2 VO 3 Bildverarbeitung und Mustererkennung

2 VO 3

Image Processing and Pattern Recognition

1 KU 2 Bildverarbeitung und Mustererkennung

1 KU 2

Image Understanding 2 VO 3 Bildverstehen 2 VO 3

Image Understanding 1 KU 2 Bildverstehen 1 KU 2

Industrial Law (Labour Law) 2 VO 3 Arbeitsrecht 2 VO 3

Industrial Management 3 VO 4.5 Industriebetriebslehre 3 VO 4.5

Industrial Management 3 UE 3 Industriebetriebslehre 3 UE 3 Information and Communication Management

1 VO 1.5 IuK-Management in der Praxis 1 VO 1.5

Information and Communication Management

1 UE 1.5 IuK-Management in der Praxis 1 UE 1.5

Information Processing in Humans 2 VO 3 Informationsverarbeitung im Menschen

2 VO 3

Innovative Power Trains 2 VO 3 Innovative Fahrzeugantriebe 2 VO 3

Insurance Law 4 VO 6 Versicherungsrecht 4 VO 6 Intensive Studies in Law of Business Enterprises

2 VO 3 Unternehmensrecht, Vertiefung 2 VO 3

Intercultural Social Competence for Business

2 SE 2 Intercultural Social Competence for Business

2 SE 2

Interdisciplinary team-taught lecture series: Trends in Neurorehabilitation

2 VO 3 Interuniversitäre Ringvorlesung: Trends in der Neurorehabilitation

2 VO 3

International Economic Relationship 1 VO 1.5Internationale Wirtschaftsbeziehungen

1 VO 1.5

Introduction to Electric Drive Systems 1.5 VO 2 Grundlagen elektrischer Antriebe 1.5 VO 2

Introduction to Electric Machines 2 VO 3 Grundlagen elektrischer Maschinen 2 VO 3 Introduction to Microwave Engineer-ing

2 VO 3 Grundlagen der Hochfrequenztechnik

2 VO 3

Introduction to Microwave Engineer-ing

1 UE 2 Grundlagen der Hochfrequenztechnik

1 UE 2

Power Electronics based Solid State Energy Converters

2 VO 3 Stromrichtertechnik 2 VO 3

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Introduction to the Austrian Constitu-tion

2 VO 3 Staatswissenschaften 2 VO 3

IT Security 2 VO 3 IT-Sicherheit 2 VO 3

IT Security 1 KU 2 IT-Sicherheit 1 KU 2

Kinematics and Robotics 2 VO 3 Kinematik und Robotik 2 VO 3

Kinematics and Robotics 1 LU 2 Kinematik und Robotik 1 LU 2 Laboratory Information and Manage-ment Systems

2 VO 3 Laborinformations- und -managementsysteme

2 VO 3

Law of Taxation 2 VO 3 Steuerrecht 2 VO 3 Linguistic Foundations of Speech and Language Technology

2 VO 3 Linguistische Grundlagen der Sprachtechnologie

2 VO 3

Logic and Computability 2 VO 3 Logik und Berechenbarkeit 2 VO 3

Logic and Computability 1 KU 1.5 Logik und Berechenbarkeit 1 KU 1.5

Logic and Logic Programming 2 VU 3.5 Logik und Logische Programmierung 2 VU 3.5

Logistics 1 VO 1.5 Logistik Management 1 VO 1.5

Logistics 1 UE 1.5 Logistik Management 1 UE 1.5

Machine Learning 2 VO 3 Machine Learning A 2 VO 3

Machine Learning 1 KU 2 Machine Learning A 1 KU 2

Management of the Environment 2 VO 3 Umweltmanangement 2 VO 3

Mathematical Analysis of Algorithms 3 VO 5 Mathematische Analyse von Algorithmen

3 VO 5

Mathematical Analysis of Algorithms 1 UE 2 Mathematische Analyse von Algorithmen

1 UE 2

Mathematical Foundations of Cryptography

2 VO 3 Mathematische Grundlagen der Kryptografie

2 VO 3

Mathematical Foundations of Cryptography

1 UE 2 Mathematische Grundlagen der Kryptografie

1 UE 2

Mathematical Principles in Vision and Graphics

3 VU 5 Mathematische Grundlagen in Vision & Grafik

3 VU 5

Mathematics for Engineers 2 VO 3 Mathematische Methoden für Ingenieure

2 VO 3

Mathematics for Engineers 1 UE 2 Mathematische Methoden für Ingenieure

1 UE 2

Measurement 2 2 VO 3 Messtechnik 2 2 VO 3

Measurement Signal Processing 2 VO 3 Messsignalverarbeitung 2 VO 3 Measurement Signal Processing, Laboratory

2 LU 4 Messsignalverarbeitung, Labor 2 LU 4

Mechatronic Systems Modelling 2 VO 3 Modellierung mechatronischer Systeme

2 VO 3

Mechatronic Systems Modelling 1 UE 2 Modellierung mechatronischer Systeme

1 UE 2

Medical Image Analysis 2 VO 3 Medizinische Bildanalyse 2 VO 3

Medical Image Analysis 1 KU 2 Medizinische Bildanalyse 1 KU 2 Methods of Functional Brain Re-search

2 VO 3 Methoden der funktionellen Gehirnforschung

2 VO 3

Methods of Inter- and Transdisciplinary Research

2 SE 4 Methoden inter- und transdisziplinärer Forschung

2 SE 4

Methods of Simulation of Mechatronic Systems

2 VO 3 Simulationsverfahren für mechatronische Systeme

2 VO 3

Methods of Simulation of Mechatronic Systems

1 UE 1.5Simulationsverfahren für mechatronische Systeme

1 UE 1.5

Micro-Electromechanical Systems 2 VO 3 Mikroelektromechanische Systeme 2 VO 3

Microwave Measurement 2 VU 3 HF-Messtechnik 2 VU 3

Mobile Computing, Laboratory 2 LU 3.5 Mobile Computing, Labor 2 LU 3.5

Mobile Computing, Seminar 3 SE 5 Mobile and Nomadic Computing, Seminar

3 SE 5

Modelling and Simulation of Electric Drive Systems and Machines

2 VO 3 Modellierung und Simulation elektrischer Antriebe

2 VO 3

Modelling and Simulation of Electric Drive Systems and Machines

2 LU 3 Modellierung und Simulation elektrischer Antriebe, Labor

2 LU 3

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Modelling Technical Systems 2 VO 3 Modellierung technischer Systeme 2 VO 3

Modelling Technical Systems 1 UE 2 Modellierung technischer Systeme 1 UE 2

Multivariable Systems 2 VO 3 Mehrgrößensysteme 2 VO 3

Multivariable Systems 1 UE 2 Mehrgrößensysteme 1 UE 2

Neural Networks 2 VO 3 Neural Networks A 2 VO 3

Neural Networks 1 KU 2 Neural Networks A 1 KU 2

Neurocomputing, Seminar 2 SE 3.5 Neurocomputing, Seminar 2 SE 3.5

Noise and Crosstalk in ICs 2 VU 3 Noise and Crosstalk, Modelling and Simulation

2 VU 3

Nonlinear Control Systems 2 VO 3 Nichtlineare Regelungssysteme 2 VO 3

Nonlinear Control Systems 1 UE 2 Nichtlineare Regelungssysteme 1 UE 2

Nuclear Power and Environment 2 VO 3 Kernenergie und Umwelt 2 VO 3

Numerical Optimization 2 VO 3 Numerische Optimierungsverfahren 2 VO 3

Numerical Optimization 1 UE 2 Numerische Optimierungsverfahren 1 UE 2

On-Board Diagnosis, Laboratory 1 LU 1.5 On Board Diagnose, Labor 1 LU 1.5

Optical Measurement Principles 2 VO 3 Optische Methoden in der Messtechnik

2 VO 3

Optoelectronical Communication Engineering

3 VO 4.5 Optische Nachrichtentechnik 3 VO 4.5

Optoelectronical Communication Engineering

1 UE 2 Optische Nachrichtentechnik 1 UE 2

Patent Law 2 VO 3 Patentrecht 2 VO 3

Pattern Recognition, Seminar 3 SE 5 Seminar Mustererkennung 3 SE 5

Photo Realism 3 VU 5 Fotorealismus 3 VU 5

Physical Effects for Sensors 2 VO 3 Physikalische Effekte für Sensoren 2 VO 3

Physics of Semiconductor Devices 2 VO 3 Physik der Halbleiterbauelemente 2 VO 3

Piston Engines, Introduction 2 VO 3 Einführung Kolbenmaschinen 2 VO 3

Practical Analog Circuit Design 2 UE 3 Dimensionierung elektronischer Schaltungen

2 UE 3

Practical Analog Circuit Design, La-boratory

2 LU 2 Dimensionierung elektronischer Schaltungen, Labor

2 LU 2

Principles of Brain Computation 2 VO 3 Neural Networks B 2 VO 3

Principles of Brain Computation 1 KU 2 Neural Networks B 1 KU 2 Problem Analysis and Complexity Theory

3 VU 5 Problemanalyse und Komplexitätstheorie

3 VU 5

Process Automation 2 VO 3 Prozessautomatisierung 2 VO 3

Process Automation, Laboratory 2 LU 4 Prozessautomatisierung, Labor 2 LU 4

Process Instrumentation 2 VO 3 Prozessinstrumentierung 2 VO 3

Process Instrumentation, Laboratory 2 LU 4 Prozessinstrumentierung, Labor 2 LU 4

Process Management 2 VO 3 Prozessmanagement 2 VO 3

Process Management 2 UE 3 Prozessmanagement 2 UE 3

Project Management 2 VO 3 Projektmanagement 2 VO 3

Psychoacoustics 01 2 VO 3 Psychoakustik 01 2 VO 3

Psychoacoustics 02 2 VO 3 Psychoakustik 02 2 VO 3 Quality Assurance in Software Development

2 VU 2.5Qualitätssicherung in der Softwareentwicklung

2 VU 2.5

Radar Seminar 1.5 SE 2.5 Radartechnik, Seminar 1.5 SE 2.5

Introduction to Radar Systems 2 VO 3 Radartechnik 2 VO 3

Real-Time Bus Systems 1 VO 1.5 Echtzeit-Bussysteme 1 VO 1.5

Real-Time Bus Systems, Laboratory 1 LU 2 Echtzeit-Bussysteme, Labor 1 LU 2

Real-Time Graphics 2 VO 3 Echtzeit-Grafik 2 VO 3

Real-Time Graphics 1 KU 2 Echtzeit-Grafik 1 KU 2

Real-Time Graphics 2 1 VO 1.5 Echtzeit-Grafik 2 1 VO 1.5

Real-Time Graphics 2 2 KU 4 Echtzeit-Grafik 2 2 KU 4

Real-Time Operating Systems 2 VO 3 Echtzeitbetriebssysteme 2 VO 3

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Real-Time Operating Systems 1 LU 2 Echtzeitbetriebssysteme 1 LU 2

Rehabilitation Engineering 2 VO 3 Rehabilitationstechnik 2 VO 3

Research Seminar Virtual Reality 2 SE 3.5 Forschungsseminar "Virtual Reality" 2 SE 3.5Security Aspects in Software Development

2 VO 3 Sicherheitsaspekte in der Soft-wareentwicklung

2 VO 3

Security Aspects in Software Development

1 KU 2 Sicherheitsaspekte in der Softwareentwicklung

1 KU 2

Selected Topics Advanced Analog IC Design

2 SE 3.5 AK Advanced Analog IC Design 2 SE 3.5

Selected Topics Computer Graphics 2 VO 3 AK Computergrafik 2 VO 3

Selected Topics Computer Graphics 1 KU 2 AK Computergrafik 1 KU 2

Selected Topics Computer Vision 2 VO 3 AK Computer Vision 2 VO 3

Selected Topics Computer Vision 1 KU 2 AK Computer Vision 1 KU 2 Selected Topics Design and Verification

2 VO 3 AK Design and Verification 2 VO 3

Selected Topics Design and Verification

1 UE 2 AK Design and Verification 1 UE 2

Selected Topics Embedded and Automotive Systems

2 SE 3.5AK Embedded and Automotive Systems

2 SE 3.5

Selected Topics Communications and Mobile Computing

2 SE 3.5AK Communications and Mobile Computing

2 SE 3.5

Selected Topics IT Security 1 2 VO 3 AK IT-Sicherheit 1 2 VO 3

Selected Topics IT Security 1 1 KU 2 AK IT-Sicherheit 1 1 KU 2

Selected Topics IT Security 2 2 SE 3.5 AK IT-Sicherheit 2 2 SE 3.5Selected Topics Measurement and Control Design

2 SE 3.5AK Measurement and Control Design

2 SE 3.5

Selected Topics of Business Informatics

2 VO 3 AK der Business Informatics 2 VO 3

Selected Topics of Business Informatics

1 UE 1.5 AK der Business Informatics 1 UE 1.5

Selected Topics Public Law, Informatics, and Data Security

2 VO 3 AK Informatikrecht und Datenschutz 2 VO 3

Selected Topics RFID 2 SE 3.5 AK RFID 2 SE 3.5Selected Topics Robotics and Computational Intelligence

2 SE 3.5AK Robotics and Computational Intelligence

2 SE 3.5

Selected Topics Signal, Biosignal and Speech Processing

2 SE 3.5AK Signal, Biosignal and Speech Processing

2 SE 3.5

Selected Topics Software Technology 1

2 VO 3 AK Softwaretechnologie 1 2 VO 3

Selected Topics Software Technology 1

1 UE 2 AK Softwaretechnologie 1 1 UE 2

Selected Topics Software Technology 2

2 VO 3 AK Softwaretechnologie 2 2 VO 3

Selected Topics Software Technology 2

1 UE 2 AK Softwaretechnologie 2 1 UE 2

Sensor Networks 2 VU 3 Location-Aware Computing 2 VU 3

Sensor Networks, Laboratory 2 LU 3.5 Location-Aware Computing 1 LU 2

Signal Analysis 2 VO 3 Signalanalyse 2 VO 3

Signal Analysis 1 UE 2 Signalanalyse 1 UE 2

Signal Analysis, Laboratory 2 LU 4 Signalanalyse, Labor 2 LU 4

Signal Processors 2 VO 3 Signalprozessoren 2 VO 3

Signal Processors, Laboratory 1 LU 2 Signalprozessoren, Labor 1 LU 2

Simulation of Static Fields 2 VO 3 Simulation statischer Felder 2 VO 3

Simulation of Static Fields 1 UE 2 Simulation statischer Felder 1 UE 2

Simulation of Time-Dependent Fields 2 VO 3 Simulation zeitabhängiger Felder 2 VO 3

Simulation of Time-Dependent Fields 1 UE 2 Simulation zeitabhängiger Felder 1 UE 2 Software Development in Distributed Environments

3 VU 5 Softwareentwicklung in Verteilten Umgebungen

3 VU 5

Software Paradigms 3 VU 5 Softwareparadigmen 3 VU 5

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Software Technology 3 VU 5 Softwaretechnologie 3 VU 5

Software Technology Tools 2 SE 3.5 Softwaretechnologie Tools 2 SE 3.5

Software Technology, Seminar 2 SE 3.5 Softwaretechnologie SE 2 SE 3.5Start-Ups and Small Business Man-agement

3 VU 3 Gründung und Führung von Kleinst-Unternehmen

3 VU 3

State Estimation and Filtering 2 VO 3 Zustandsschätzung und Filterung 2 VO 3

State Estimation and Filtering 1 UE 2 Zustandsschätzung und Filterung 1 UE 2

System Theory 2 VO 3 Systemtheorie 2 VO 3

System Theory 1 UE 2 Systemtheorie 1 UE 2 System-on-Chip Architectures and Modelling

3 VU 5 System-on-Chip Architectures and Modelling

3 VU 5

Technology - Ethics - Politics 2 VO 4 Technik - Ethik - Politik 2 VO 4

Telecommunication Systems 2 VO 3 Telekommunikationssysteme 2 VO 3 Testing and Verification Methods for Distributed Software Systems

2 VO 3 Testmethoden und Verifikation ver-teilter Systeme

2 VO 3

Introduction to Thermodynamics 2 VO 3 Einführung Thermodynamik 2 VO 3

Verification and Testing 2 VO 3 Verifikation und Testen 2 VO 3

Verification and Testing 1 UE 2 Verifikation und Testen 1 UE 2

Vibration Measurement 2 VO 3 Schwingungsmesstechnik 2 VO 3

Vibration Measurement, Laboratory 1 LU 2 Schwingungsmesstechnik, Labor 1 LU 2

Abbreviations: KU: design exercise; LU: laboratory course; PR: project; SE: seminar; SSt: semester hours/contact hours; UE: exercise; VO: lecture; VU: lecture with inte-grated exercises

The equivalence list in the curriculum for the master’s degree programme in Telemat-ics from 2006 in the version 2013 remains valid.

By contrast, a recognition list defines when successfully completed courses of the previous curriculum are recognised as successfully completed courses of this cur-riculum, with no automatic crediting being provided in the opposite direction.

A complete overview of all equivalences and recognitions is available on the website of the Dean’s Office for Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering ( and is always kept up to date.

Part 3 of the Annex

Recommended free-choice courses

Free-choice courses can be freely chosen from the courses offered at any recog-nised Austrian and foreign university, universities of applied sciences and university colleges for education according to § 5b of this curriculum. In order to broaden students' basic knowledge in the subjects of this study pro-gramme, courses in foreign languages, social competence, technology assessment and women's and gender studies are recommended. In particular, we would like to refer students to the courses offered by the TU Graz service department Languages, Key Competencies and In-House Training, the Centre for Social Competence of the University of Graz as well as the Inter-University Research Centre for Technology, Work and Culture (IFZ).

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Part 4 of the Annex

Types of courses offered by TU Graz

The types of courses are defined in the relevant regulations of the standard curricu-lum (decision of the Senate of Graz University of Technology dated 6 October 2008, announced in the University Gazette No. 5 dated 3 December 2008), as follows.

1. Lectures (VO) In lecture-type courses, students are given a didactically well-structured introduc-tion to the sub-areas of the subject and its methods. In lectures, the content and methods of a subject are presented.

2. Exercise-based courses (UE, KU, PR, EX) In exercises, abilities and skills are taught as part of a scientific pre-vocational education to deepen or broaden the subject matter of the respective lectures. These exercises may comprise practical, experimental, theoretical or design work. The curriculum may specify that the successful completion of the exercise is a requirement to register for the examination of the respective lecture.

a) UE In exercises, students develop the ability to apply their subject knowledge to solve specific problems.

b) KU In design exercises, abilities and skills are taught as part of a scientific pre-vocational education to deepen or broaden the subject matter of the respec-tive lectures by means of design work. Special equipment or a specially equipped room is required.

c) PR In projects, experimental, theoretical or design applied work is carried out, or small research papers are written, taking into account all necessary steps. Projects are completed with a written paper that is part of the assessment. Projects can be carried out as teamwork or individual work; in the case of teamwork, it must still be possible to assess individual performance within the team.

d) EX Excursion-type courses help to illustrate and consolidate the content of this type of course. Due to their practical relevance outside the place of study, excursions help to illustrate the content developed in other types of courses.

3. Lecture with integrated exercises (VU)

In addition to the introduction in sub-areas of the subject and its methods, lec-tures with integrated exercises (VU) also offer guidance on independent acquisi-tion of knowledge or independent application using examples. The percentage of lectures and exercises is specified in the curriculum. These courses are courses with continual assessment.

4. Laboratory courses (LU)

Laboratory courses (LU) deepen and/or broaden the subject matter of the re-spective lectures by means of practical, experimental or design work. Students

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are taught abilities and skills as part of a scientific pre-vocational education and training with particularly intensive tutoring. An essential component of the labora-tory courses is the drawing up of short logs on the work carried out.

5. Seminar-type courses (SE, SP)

Seminar-type courses enhance scientific work and discussion, and are intended to introduce students to expert-level discourse and argumentation. In this con-text, students have to write papers or give an oral presentation and take part in critical discussions. Seminars are courses with continual assessment.

e) SE Seminars introduce students to scientific methods, to the development and critical assessment of their own work results, to special topics in scientific lit-erature and provide them with exercises in technical discussions.

f) SP In seminar projects, students apply scientific methods to work on experi-mental, theoretical or design applied problems; or they carry out short re-search assignments, taking into account all the necessary steps. Seminar projects are completed with a written paper and an oral presentation that are part of the assessment. Seminar projects can be carried out as teamwork or individual work; in the case of teamwork, it must still be possible to assess individual performance within the team.

The regulations referred to at the beginning also encompass provisions concerning the implementation and assessment of the different types of courses. In particular, they stipulate the following:

In lectures (type of course VO), the assessment takes place by way of a final exami-nation that – at the discretion of the examiner – may be a written examination, an oral examination, a written and an oral examination, as well as a written or an oral exami-nation. The examination procedure must be announced in the course description.

Courses of the type VU, SE, SP, UE, KU, PR, EX and LU are courses with continual assessment.

Part 5 of the Annex

5.1 Admission to the study programme

According to § 1 of this curriculum, graduates of the bachelor's degree programme in Information and Computer Engineering are admitted to this programme without any further prerequisites. Graduates of the following bachelor's degree programmes are admitted to the mas-ter's degree programme in Information and Computer Engineering, but have to com-plete a list of prescribed courses of the bachelor's degree programme in Information and Computer Engineering as part of the elective subject; these courses become compulsory subjects due to the admission to the master’s degree programme. They replace a corresponding scope of achievements from the elective subject. If the scope of courses exceeds the intended scope of the elective subject of 14 ECTS credit points, the scope of elective courses in the minor is reduced. The total scope of

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the major, compulsory subject and elective subject is always at least 74 ECTS credit points. If the prescribed courses were already completed as part of the bachelor's degree programme that grants admission to the master's degree programme, § 4 of this cur-riculum shall apply accordingly.

5.2 Admission to the bachelor's degree programmes in Computer Science and Software Development and Business Management

Graduates of the bachelor's degree programme in Computer Science and Software Development and Business Management at Graz University of Technology according to the curriculum 2014 are admitted to this master's degree programme, with the fol-lowing courses of the bachelor's degree programme in Information and Computer Engineering being stipulated as compulsory subjects according to § 1 above:

Course SSt Type ECTS Signalverarbeitung 2 VO 3.0 Signalverarbeitung 1 UE 1.5 Control Systems 1 3 VO 4.0 Control Systems 1 1 UE 1.5 Grundlagen der Elektrotechnik TE 3 VO 4.5 Grundlagen der Elektrotechnik TE 1 UE 1.0 Grundlagen der Elektrotechnik, Labor 2 LU 3.0 Nachrichtentechnik 3 VO 4.0 Elektronische Schaltungstechnik 1 2 VO 3.0 Total compulsory subjects 25.5

Abbreviations: LU: laboratory course; SSt: semester hours/contact hours; UE: exer-cise; VO: lecture

5.3 Admission to the bachelor's degree programmes in Electrical Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Audio Engineering and Biomedical Engineering

Graduates of the bachelor's degree programmes in Electrical Engineering, Elec-trical Engineering and Audio Engineering and Biomedical Engineering at Graz University of Technology according to the curriculum 2011 or 2012 are admitted to this master's degree programme, with the following courses of the bachelor's degree programme in Information and Computer Engineering being stipulated as compulsory subjects according to § 1 above:

Course SSt Type ECTS Datenstrukturen und Algorithmen 2 VO 3.0 Datenstrukturen und Algorithmen 1 UE 1.5 Datenbanken 1 2 VU 2.0 Einführung in die Informationssicherheit 2 VO 3.0 Einführung in die Informationssicherheit 1 KU 1.5 Computergrafik 1 1.5 VU 2.5 Computer Vision 1 1.5 VU 2.0 Softwareentwicklung Praktikum 3 VU 5.0 Rechner- und Kommunikationsnetze 2 VO 3.0 Rechner- und Kommunikationsnetze 1 KU 1.5 Total compulsory subjects 25.0

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Abbreviations: KU: design exercise; SSt: semester hours/contact hours; UE: exer-cise; VO: lecture; VU: lecture with integrated exercises

Part 6 of the Annex

Supplement to Balance according to § 4.4 above

The achievements in information processing include courses whose number begins with 5 or 7. The achievements in the field of electrical and information engineering include courses whose number begins with 4. In addition, the courses in the table below are included in this field.

Course SSt Type ECTS Algorithms in Acoustics and Computer Music 01

2 VO 3.0

Algorithms in Acoustics and Computer Music 02 1 UE 1.5

Dynamical Systems 3 VU 5.0

Piston Engines, Introduction 2 VO 3.0

Introduction to Thermodynamics 2 VO 3.0

Automotive Engineering for Embedded Automotive Systems 2 VO 3.0

Mobile Robots 2 VO 3.0

Mobile Robots 1 UE 2.0

Physics of Semiconductor Devices 2 VO 3.0

Abbreviations: SSt: semester hours/contact hours; UE: exercise; VO: lecture; VU: lecture with integrated exercises.

Part 7 of the Annex

Definitions Major: The major has a workload of at least 40 ECTS credit points from one of the technical catalogues of electives (c01–c08). Minor: The minor has a workload of at least 20 ECTS credit points from one of the catalogues of electives (c01–c08, b01), but the catalogue for the major may not be chosen for this. Elective subject: The elective subject is composed freely of courses for the master’s degree programme in Information and Computer Engineering (c01–c08, s01, b01). Compulsory subject: As part of admission to the master's degree programme in In-formation and Computer Engineering, courses from the bachelor's degree pro-gramme in Computer Engineering can be prescribed as a compulsory subject in the master's degree programme in Information and Computer Engineering, the compul-sory subject replacing the elective subject and possibly parts of the minor. Free-choice subject: The free-choice subject is composed of free-choice courses of-fered by any recognised Austrian and foreign universities, universities of applied sci-ences and university colleges for education.

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Compulsory elective subject: A compulsory elective subject is a combination of relat-ed courses that can be individually determined or chosen from a catalogue of elec-tives and then bears the name of the relevant catalogue of electives. The major or minor can be replaced by a compulsory elective subject. Catalogue of electives: The group of related courses determined in the curriculum, from which subjects can be selected. Supplementary catalogue: The group of supplementary courses determined in the curriculum, which can be selected in the elective subject. Compulsory course: A compulsory course is a course determined in the catalogue of electives, which must be completed if this catalogue of electives is chosen. Compulsory elective course: Regulations for compulsory elective courses can be de-termined in a catalogue of electives, requiring that courses must be completed if this catalogue of electives is chosen. Mentor: A mentor supports the student in his/her degree programme and has tasks and rights that are defined in the curriculum in more detail.