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v. 8.03Edit Date: January 18, 2012

Infor ERP SyteLine

KnowledgeZone Orientation

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Publication Information

Release: Infor10 ERP Business (SyteLine) 8.03

Publication Date: November 2011

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Contents_________________________________________Section 1: The SyteLine KnowledgeZone. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3Introduction......................................................................................................................................4

Key points ................................................................................................................................ 4KnowledgeZone Learning Resources ...................................................................................... 5Unlimited Access...................................................................................................................... 5

Using the KnowledgeZone ..............................................................................................................6Two methods for getting trained............................................................................................... 6Browsing to find training........................................................................................................... 6Setting up a quick personal training plan ................................................................................. 9Notes about the training resources ........................................................................................ 11

For Administrators .........................................................................................................................13Key points .............................................................................................................................. 13Accessing the admin area...................................................................................................... 13Using the features on the Site Admin page............................................................................ 14

Getting KnowledgeZone Support ..................................................................................................16Contact Us ............................................................................................................................. 16Expired logins and forgotten passwords ................................................................................ 16

Tips for making the most of your KnowledgeZone subscription ....................................................17

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Section 1: The SyteLine KnowledgeZone

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Section 1: The SyteLine KnowledgeZone

IntroductionKey points


The KnowledgeZone provides tools to help you get in-depth training, using the methods that fit your learning style and time constraints best. The training is provided by Infor experts.

For those mananging training, the KnowledgeZone provides tools to help you organize and track training for:

• Project team members

• Super-users

• End-users

• IT Support

Many companies dovetail their use of the KnowledgeZone with consultant visits so they can maximize the value of the consultant’s time.

For example, they prepare for the consultant’s visit by learning the basics of a topic on the KnowledgeZone, either individually or as a group. This allows them to discuss implementation issues and explore other topics in depth with the consultant. In between visits, they use the KnowledgeZone to review and expand their learning.

Companies also use the KnowledgeZone to offload routine questions from IT Support, freeing up their support personnel for other tasks.

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Section 1: The SyteLine KnowledgeZone

KnowledgeZone Learning ResourcesThe KnowledgeZone provides you access to these resources for all versions of your product:

1. Training guides

• The guides used by Infor Consulting Services

• Cover all the core SyteLine topics and modules

• The curriculum for the self-study and instructor-led classes

2. Self-study classes

• Available 24x7

• Consist of training videos that include audio

• Include the exact same presentations, demonstrations, and exercises our instructors use in their live classes

3. Live, instructor-led classes

• Delivered via a conference call (audio) and Webex meeting (video)

• Led by a live instructor so you can ask questions

• Include presentations, demonstrations, and hands-on exercises

• Follow the curriculum found in the training guides

4. Automatic customized training plans

• Outline step-by-step what each user needs to learn

• Linked to learning resources (guides, self-study classes, and instructor-led classes) so the user doesn’t have to figure out and search for the class or guide they need to learn the topic

• Listed in pre-requisite order so the user doesn’t have to figure out which order to take the classes in

• Include tracking so both the user and those managing the training can see how much of the plan has been completed.

5. Administrator tools

• Deactivate users

• Reset passwords

• Track training guide and video downloads and instructor-led class registrations

• Track the creation and completion of user training plans

Unlimited AccessBecause the SyteLine KnowledgeZone is a subscription-based service, this means you can:

• Download as many guides as often as you wish

• Watch as many videos as many times as you want

• Register for and attend as many intructor-led classes as your schedule allows

There’s never any additional cost.

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Section 1: The SyteLine KnowledgeZone

Using the KnowledgeZoneTwo methods for getting trained

There are two ways to get the training you need:

• Browse to find training

• Set up a quick personalized training plan

If you are familiar with SyteLine and the prerequisites for each topic, use the browsing method to find the guide or class you need. You can also use this method if you just need a small segment of training.

If you’re new to SyteLine, don’t know which class will provide the training you need, or don’t know what the prerequisites are for each topic, use the quick automatic training plan feature.

Browsing to find training1. Go to the training resources pageTo browse the training, go directly to the resource listing page by clicking on one of the three resources buttons highlighted in the screenshot below.

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Section 1: The SyteLine KnowledgeZone

2. Filter for your product, version, and the training resourcesOnce you’re on the resources page, you can filter for your product, version, and the resources you’re interested in. The system will save your selections for the next time you log in.

Please note: the SyteLine KnowledgeZone only uses these resources as shown below:

• Online Classes with Lab

• Online Classes

• Training Guides

• Recorded Classes

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3. Click on the resource Title to access the trainingThe resource page displays all the training guides, self-study classes, and instructor-led classes available. Click on the Title to access the resource.

Clicking on the title will take you to another page:

• Training guides: you’ll be taken to a page that describes the guide and provides a View button to open the document

• Online Classes: you’ll be taken to a page that describes the class and provides a Register button

• Recorded Classes: you’ll be taken to a page that lists all the videos and documents for the class. Click on the video titles to play the recordings.

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Section 1: The SyteLine KnowledgeZone

Setting up a quick personal training planIn less than 30 seconds you can have a personal training plan and start learning.

My Training Plan is a tool to help you organize, complete, and track your training on selected Infor products. It also allows the KnowledgeZone administrators at your site to track your progress as well.

The training plan revolves around the responsibilities you’ll have in SyteLine. For example, you might be responsible to voucher payments to vendors, send invoices to customers, create bills of material, or record the work you’ve performed on a job order.

Each responsibility is made up of one or more tasks that you need to perform in SyteLine. For example, those who are responsible for maintaining item records, will need to be able to perform the tasks such as creating item records, assigning ABC codes, and perhaps updating an item’s material status.

To create a training plan, you simply identify the things you’ll be responsible for and add them to your plan. The KnowledgeZone will add any prerequisites and then generate a plan that links you to the exact learning resources (guides and classes) you can use to learn the tasks you’ll be responsible for.

To set up your training plan, you’ll use the links shown below.

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Step 1: Identify the things you’ll be responsible forWe created an Excel spreadsheet that lists all the core responsibilities you might have and the tasks that go with them. Take some time to review that spreadsheet.

To get the spreadsheet, click on the "Instructions" link under the "Create Your Own Training Plan" menu in the sidebar. Scroll to the bottom and download the spreadsheet to your computer. Note that the responsibilities and tasks are grouped by business area as shown below.

In some instances, you might not know which responsibilities you need to add to your plan. If you don’t, discuss the spreadsheet with your manager or your SyteLine project team leader.

Step 2. Add responsibilities to your planOnce you identify what you’ll be responsible for, go to the Add Responsibilities page and click the Plus ( + ) buttons to add areas, responsibilities, or tasks to your plan. The system will automatically add all prerequisite responsibilities.

Step 3. Remove individual tasksSometimes it's easiest to add whole responsibilities and areas to your plan, even if you won't be responsible for all the tasks associated with those responsibilities or areas. If there are any tasks in your plan you don't need to learn, go to the Remove Responsibilities page and click the Minus ( - ) buttons to remove areas, responsibilities, or tasks from your plan.

You will not be able to remove responsibilities that are prerequisites for other responsibilities from your plan. First remove the dependent responsibility, then you may remove the prerequisite.

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Section 1: The SyteLine KnowledgeZone

Step 4. Start learning and tracking your progressOnce you have added the right list of responsibilities and tasks, click on the My Training Plan button at the top of the site to see your plan and all the KnowledgeZone training resources (classes, guides, recordings) you can use to learn each task.

Because the plan is sorted in prerequisite order, all you need to do is start with the first task at the top and work your way down the list.

When you can perform a task comfortably, select the Task Learned checkbox for that task. This will allow you and the KnowledgeZone administrator at your site to track your progress.

Notes about the training resourcesUsing the guidesMost of the documents provided on the KnowledgeZone are in Adobe Acrobat PDF format. Feel free to download them to your computer and print them out.

If you’re taking a self-paced or instructor-led class, please download the guide before class.

Using the self-paced classesThe self-paced classes follow the training guides and, therefore, include hands-on exercises. All of the exercises are desigined for use with the Demo database (sometimes called the bicycle or training database) that comes with SyteLine.

If you have SyteLine installed at your company, you have the Demo database. Ask your SyteLine administrator to install the database and give you a login.

Attending the live, instructor-led classesLike the self-paced classes, the instructor-led classes follow the training guides and, therefore, include hands-on exercises. All of the exercises are desigined for use with the Demo database (sometimes called the bicycle or training database) that comes with SyteLine.

You do NOT need to use all the learning resources listed under each task --simply use those that fit your schedule and learning style.

If you already know how to perform the task, click the Task Learned checkbox and move on to the next task in the list.

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Depending on the type of class, you may have to provide your own environment:

• Classes with a type of "Online Class" require you to use an instance of the Demo database that has been set up at your site. If you have SyteLine installed at your company, you have the Demo database. Ask your SyteLine administrator to install the database and give you a login BEFORE you attend class.

• Classes with a type of "Online Class with Lab" provide you with an environment online. You do not need to set up any database to take the class.

When you register for an instructor-led class, you’ll be sent a registration confirmation that tells you the conference call information. When you join the conference call, you’ll be given the Webex meeting information.

If you find you cannot attend a class, please notify us by clicking the Contact Us link at the top of the site. This will help us use our instructor’s time efficiently.

With both types of instructor-led classes, you do not have to do the hands-on exercises if you don’t want to. You’re more than welcome to attend to simply watch and ask questions.

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Section 1: The SyteLine KnowledgeZone

For AdministratorsKey points

If you are a KnowledgeZone administrator for your company, you will be able to access the KnowledgeZone administration area through your account. The administration area allows you to:

• View whether a user has created a training plan, what's included in that plan, and how far that user has progressed.

• Update a user's status.

• View classes a user has registered for and files the user has downloaded.

Accessing the admin area1. Click on My AccountTo access the KnowledgeZone administration area, click on the My Account button at the top of the site, login (if you haven't already), and then click the Site Admin link there.

2. Click on Site Admin linkIn your account profile, a Site Admin link will appear. Click on that link to access the Admin page where you can perform basic user admin and view user activity and training plans.

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Section 1: The SyteLine KnowledgeZone

Using the features on the Site Admin pageThe Site Admin page displays all the users that have logins to the KnowledgeZone at your site. It also provides links to allow you to edit user profiles and view the training they’ve accessed and completed.

Viewing downloads and enrollmentsYou can view downloads and enrollments for everyone at your site or by user. Downloads include documents and videos. Enrollments are for instructor-led classes.

Please note: the fact that someone has downloaded a video or enrolled for a class doesn’t indicate they have learned a particular task. These links are provided to help you see general usage of the KnowledgeZone.

Viewing site training plansThe training plans area allows you to view which users have created a training plan, how much of it they’ve completed, and what’s included in that plan.

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Updating user profilesOn the User Profile you can:

• Reset a user’s password

• Change a user’s name and email address

• Designate other users to be Web User Admins and have access to the Site Admin page

• Change a user’s Login Status to inactive.

If you want to delete or add users, you need to contact KnowledgeZone support at [email protected].

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Getting KnowledgeZone SupportContact Us

If you ever have a question or issue, simply click the Contact Us link at the top of the site and submit your query.

Expired logins and forgotten passwordsIf you (or anyone at your company) has forgotten your password or let your activation email expire:

1. Go to

2. Click on the Login link at the top

3. When you're prompted to log in, click on the "I forgot my password link" instead (your login ID is your email address).

4. Your account will be reset and an activation email sent to you. Please note that you have 5 days to respond to the activation email before it expires.

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Tips for making the most of your KnowledgeZone subscription

There are a lot of ways to use the KnowledgeZone; the following activities have helped other customers get the most out of their subscription:

1. Use the My Training Plan feature to organize and track training at your site.

2. Set up a Demo database and give everyone who needs training a login to that database. You might need to install more than one instance of the Demo database. Do not use your pilot databases for KnowledgeZone training.

3. Learn in the style that best suits you. If you prefer to get into the system and bang away, get a login to the Demo database, download a guide, and watch some videos. If you want to ask an instructor questions, register for an instructor-led class.

4. Prepare for your consultant visits by taking appropriate self-paced or instructor-led classes BEFORE the consultant comes.

5. Take a self-paced or instructor-led class with someone else from your department or a group. Many departments or project implementation teams attend as a group or pairs so they can discuss issues together.

6. Use the self-paced class recordings to review specific topics or catch up on sessions of instructor-led classes you missed.

7. Don’t hesitate to contact us with questions. If your question is more appropriate for Infor Support or our consulting group, we’ll redirect it. But ask the question.

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