[infographic] top 5 benefits of on-premise video conferencing | lifesize

BENEFIT #1 make it own YOUR BENEFIT #2 security Company controls solution on their network BENEFIT #3 Integrates with existing software Plays nice others with BENEFIT #4 Control Freak Keep control of systems and data BENEFIT #5 compliance Laws mandate on-site ownership LEARN MORE BOOK A DEMO * Source: http://www.forbes.com/sites/louiscolumbus/2013/08/13/idg-cloud-computing-survey-security-integration-challenge-growth/ On-Premises video conferencing work smart Businesses increasingly have more remote workers. Whether working remote full-time, part-time or just while traveling for business, these workers rely heavily on their own mobile devices to stay connected, yet they still need to stay connected to their teams for meetings in their office. Now, more than ever, there’s a strong demand for a video conferencing solution that can provide a simple and instant connection from the office to the home and on the go. Options to configure by location, team, user

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Post on 15-Jan-2015




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Businesses increasingly have more remote workers. Whether working remote full-time, part-time or just while traveling for business, these workers rely heavily on their own mobile devices to stay connected, yet they still need to stay connected to their teams for meetings in their office. Now, more than ever, there’s a strong demand for a video conferencing solution that can provide a simple and instant connection from the office to the home and on the go. Go here to learn more about Lifesize's on-premise video conferencing solutions: http://bit.ly/1pWJ3Ea


Page 1: [Infographic] Top 5 Benefits of On-Premise Video Conferencing | Lifesize

B E N E F I T # 1

make it ownYOUR

B E N E F I T # 2


Company controls solutionon their network

B E N E F I T # 3

Integrates withexisting software

Plays nice otherswith

B E N E F I T # 4

Control Freak

Keep control ofsystems and data

B E N E F I T # 5


Laws mandateon-site ownership



* Source: http://www.forbes.com/sites/louiscolumbus/2013/08/13/idg-cloud-computing-survey-security-integration-challenge-growth/

On-Premisesv i d e o c o n f e r e n c i n g

work smart

Businesses increasingly have more

remote workers. Whether working

remote full-time, part-time or

just while traveling for

business, these workers

rely heavily on their own

mobile devices to stay

connected, yet they still

need to stay connected to

their teams for meetings in their

o�ce. Now, more than ever,

there’s a strong demand for a

video conferencing solution that

can provide a simple and instant

connection from the o�ce to the

home and on the go.

Options to configure bylocation, team, user