
NAME: Mr. Harsha Mehta COMPANY NAME: Ad-Hash Techno labs Pvt.Ltd. Ad-Hash Techno-labs Pvt. Ltd. is an Information Technology Company from India. The Company's Flagship Product SyncTag is a content aggregation service that provides aggregation across multiple types of content from various types of providers in one place. The main goal of SyncTag is to reduce the tiresome work of logging into individual providers for checking your daily updates. Especially for a person who uses more than one service providers for their social, email and content, SyncTag comes real handy to simply visit one cloud box where everything is magically pulled into and appear in a very easy to view and manage fashion. The company specializes in Cloud Computing, Social Aggregation, Brand Marketing, and Content Aggregation. Mr.Ashok gives us more details about the entrepreneur and his venture when he conducted an interview with him.

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NAME: Mr. Harsha Mehta

COMPANY NAME: Ad-Hash Techno labs Pvt.Ltd.

Ad-Hash Techno-labs Pvt. Ltd. is an Information Technology Company from India. The Company's Flagship Product SyncTag is a content aggregation service that provides aggregation across multiple types of content from various types of providers in one place. The main goal of SyncTag is to reduce the tiresome work of logging into individual providers for checking your daily updates. Especially for a person who uses more than one service providers for their social, email and content, SyncTag comes real handy to simply visit one cloud box where everything is magically pulled into and appear in a very easy to view and manage fashion. The company specializes in Cloud Computing, Social Aggregation, Brand Marketing, and Content Aggregation.

Mr.Ashok gives us more details about the entrepreneur and his venture when he conducted an interview with him.

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Mr. Harsha Mehta

Ashok: Sir, can you share about your childhood days?

Harsha Mehta: I was born in Ahmadabad but brought up at Coimbatore. Was an average student while studying at VidhyaNiketan as I had a complete interest on computers and started to spend time on playing games and exploring it. I had nearly spent major amount of time in computer and other gadgets on a daily basis. The most memorable moment about my childhood is I tried to develop software for dispatching the stocks on time for Bombay Dyeing franchisee in Coimbatore.

Ashok: Have you ever worked before or did you start your business directly?

Harsha Mehta: At the age of 18 I had started a website which was called This helped college students to access their college website to check regular updates and due to the overloading of the users it started to show error to other

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user and so I integrated a couple of reputed colleges of Coimbatore under it . Before I could accomplish it, I went to Canada to continue my undergraduate course and under their co-op program started Ad-Hash Techno labs Pvt.Ltd. Did few jobs to earn money by resolve the hardware and software complaints of the people.

Ashok: How did you start this business?

Harsha Mehta: A conversation I had with my friend in Canada led me to develop software where the concept that is used in web sphere to narrow down the wide usage of mails, clouds, social-networking sites, photos and videos were all brought into a single webpage. My friend worked with the FairMonte hotel and she used to find it difficult to manage official and personal mails along with social networking sites together. She had the problem to log out from one page and then use another and then again log out for using another page again. Therefore this made me realize that software must be developed to ease out the situation. This is how I started my business, Mr.Ashok.

Ashok: How did you choose ‘Synctag’ as the name for your business?

Harsha Mehta: Synctag is actually a combination of two words namely SYNChronize and TAGging. Infact I had wanted to synchronize all web spheres by tagging them to user preference so I used the starting part of those words and combined it together to make the name of my product brand.

Ashok: What was the turning point for you as an entrepreneur while commencing this


Harsha Mehta: The turning point of an entrepreneur is that when he is able to crack the market with the help of his product and how well can he sell the product to mass consumers or target consumers. Actually an entrepreneur's product should be the solution for the people. Only then he can accumulate wealth for the company. When the entrepreneur realizes the need of his product for the society and changes his attitude in solving the problem of the society, however small it may be, then that is the turning point of an entrepreneur in doing his/her business.

Ashok: What do you think are the important qualities for an entrepreneur?

Harsha Mehta: The core quality for an entrepreneur is Leadership; a leader is a person who leads the right path for the company and its people in the path of glory. A leader is a

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person who encourages the people behind the company to reach his/her personal goals which results in the aggressive growth of the company. Frankly speaking the first and the foremost quality is leadership.

Ashok: Could you please tell about the expansion and diversification of your business?

Harsha Mehta: As of now we are going to launch our product to all countries and establish our franchise business in 9 countries. The work is going on well but we have to concentrate more on promotion and awareness about our product.

Ashok: How do you plan your work day?

Harsha Mehta: After the morning chores, I list out activities for the day and gives preference to the most important task which also requires more time. If we are able to deal with difficulties first then at the end of the day smaller works can be worked upon quickly. My aim is to put maximum efficiency during the time I work.

Ashok: Do you have any personal strategies for business success?

My personal strategy is to Focus. You have to get through the point which is beyond. For example, if you have an idea on every modality of the business, it should be brought then that will startegise your mind. focus on everything as saints who meditate for long time and they have strong focus on the meditation even when you try break their meditation if their focus is strong then you can't break. Focus on your work so that whatever may be the disaster you face you ll be able to succeed in your idea. Always have FIRE IN THE BELLY so that this will help in making goal oriented and then always follow our heart.

Ashok: What do you think are the hurdles for first generation entrepreneurs?

Harsha Mehta: The first generation entrepreneurs have difficulty in implementing ideas and raising funds. If you have a great idea, then the first problem is conveying it to the right people and convincing them for implementation. Another factor is raising funds on seed funding level to prove your business model works. Once you have implemented your idea in a small way with even Re.1 coming in as revenue in the company you shall be able to take forward your idea else it’s really hard to convince the investor.

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Ashok: Almost all the first generation entrepreneurs get inspired from others. Are you

one amongst them and if so, who inspired you?

Harsha Mehta: My parents have been the biggest support of my life and motivated me to pursue my dream rather than pursuing theirs. The primary inspiration is from my parents and the secondary is my inner voice which says to continue my dream! My parents has been always with me in the up's and downs of my life till today and will be continue to be the same in future. They are the motivating factors.

Ashok: Books also play a role for the entrepreneurs to get motivated from. Any such books in your list?

Harsha Mehta: Actually, I don't read books but Steve Jobs is my role model. He is the person who has brought a revolution the society of computers. It is the ideologies of Jobs that inspired me to follow my heart.

Ashok: In this globalised world, what do you think is required for the growth of India?

Harsha Mehta: Do what you are best in then you will surely achieve. The youngsters should develop their positivity and analyze the negative and change it into positivity so that they will achieve success in the business which automatically increases the growth of the India. Work in a field which you are best in rather than working for money, work for self satisfaction. A person should work for his satisfaction and growth in a positive way. When a person is not contributing to the growth for himself then how will he contribute for the growth for the entire country?.

Ashok: What is your view about the standard of living of urban and rural youth?

Harsha Mehta: My view is the urban youth have more exposure compared to the rural youth. According to me government and private institutions should work on bringing the urban youth and rural youth at par. If this is not implemented a lot of rural youth who are real life prodigies are left behind and chooses a different path of life and we lose a lot of brilliant minds who if given a chance can make a difference.

Ashok: According to you which is the best sector to earn more money?

Harsha Mehta: IT is the single word answer according to me and this is fast growing sector in which revolutions are brought on time and on daily basis.

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Ashok: How did you manage the initial investment of your business?

Harsha Mehta: Raising my basic investment was very hard as I have to run behind the people to convey my ideas. As I had worked before, the savings supported me initially. It’s very difficult to make the people understand and to get approvals but once it is approved it is not a big issue.

Ashok: What strategies do you follow to win over your competitors?

Harsha Mehta: At the moment I don’t have any competitors but to overcome your competitors you should be creative in bring new revolution. You should be updated in your field and you must understand of the customer’s likes and needs. You must analyze and bring the innovative factor so that you will be able to survive amongst your competitors. If you earn a rupee it must be shared among the people who worked for your company.

Ashok: Any mantra that you follow to maintain and balance personal and professional life?

Harsha Mehta: Never stop until you get what gives you happiness! Follow your passion and it will lead you to the right path. You must have clarity in your thoughts and goals, and once you have clarity you will be able to channelize it properly so that your aim will be achieved. I believe failure is the stepping stone for success. After continuously failing eight times, I successfully started this company. Never differentiate your success and failure; both are interrelated with each other. Don’t stop until you achieve it; how much ever difficulties you may face, you should be able to overcome it.

Ashok: What is your opinion about the hopes and aspirations of Indian youth?

Harsha Mehta: Indian youth should aspire to follow their heart. They should do what they feel like and not hesitate otherwise. Must be optimistic and once you follow your heart, you will achieve your goal.

Ashok: What is the future plan of your business?

Harsha Mehta: My future plan is to develop the product I had mentioned before in a higher globalised level. It should be able to minimize the problem of the people. Infact of

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late I signed clients from two countries and my target is 75 countries. These days the workload of professionals is very complicated, therefore my product must ensure that it is minimized and also achieve my objective which is to decrease the complexity while using the computers.

Ashok: What changes would you prefer to bring in Indian Economic Policy?

Harsha Mehta: Each citizen must do their duties properly so that automatically the country will ensure a positive growth.

Ashok: What is your view about the present scenario of environmental issues?

Harsha Mehta: Environmental issues are getting too serious. It’s time people realize that the governmental and other NGO's are caring about environmental issues via the posts on social networking sites and through digital ways but nothing really has changed. We still find citizens who throw garbage on the road, who spits everywhere, etc. All these things can be stopped only when institutions start to be part of environmental movement. I believe people are educated by the institutions so there must a proper channel to communicate the pros and cons of preserving nature. Only if every individual take up the initiative to take proper care of our surroundings we will be able to give a safe and happy place for the next generation to live.

Ashok: What is your view about a good political leader for India?

Harsha Mehta: I support Narendra Modi as he is following an autocratic style of leadership which we is essential in our present situation. A good political leader leads a country to the path of enlightenment and make a good place to live but our leaders are money minded and do not care about their dignity since we find news of scams everywhere politicians are caught by misusing their power.

Ashok: Do you have any CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) activities in your company?

Harsha Mehta: As of now we are not running any CSR activities in our company as we are searching for larger funding so as to implement the activities.

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Ashok: What is your opinion about the growth of business in future?

Harsha Mehta: The business will flourish in future only if our country progresses. We do have a bright future and we must implement the innovation factor in it.

Ashok: Do you think entrepreneurs are made or born?

Harsha Mehta: Entrepreneurs are born and also made. You see some people have the natural quality and some will cultivate it through their education. Certain institutions make a youth into a successful entrepreneur. But those with less educative background do also turn out into entrepreneurs. We cannot distinguish them but according to me entrepreneurs who are born are really more profitable in running the business rather than who are made because they will refer and take a lot of opinions and makes a decision.

Ashok: What advice you would like to give to young people who would like to become an entrepreneur?

Harsha Mehta: The first step is to focus on your passion and the moment you start your business your aim should be to succeed in it. Your personal and professional life should not be mixed. Do not get distracted and deviate from your goal. Only have your objective in mind. Whatever happens you professional journey should not stop at all.

Ashok: How do you balance your career and personal life?

Harsha Mehta: Looking at the amount of time I allot for my job and social life, you can say that I’m a workaholic. I spend nearly 12-18 hours a day at work so that in future I will find it easier, comfortable and secured. I belive that work is worship. While working concentrate only on that and when with family and friends, relax and enjoy. Do not think about work when with family and do not think about family when at work.

Ashok: What is your view on the agriculture sector of India?

Harsha Mehta: Agriculture sector must be improved, as agriculture is the backbone of India. We must bring in a lot of innovation and find lot of methods for agriculture, as our land is suitable for cultivation. The educated youths and government must campaign in each and every part of the remote villages of the country and educate farmers. They must be taught on a regular basis. As of now farmers are in search of water due to unpredictable climatic conditions. Since a farmer knows only farming, being their

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occupation for decades of generations, they must be channelized in a proper way and also make them pave way for the next farming generation.

Ashok: Before I leave you sir, one last question. Could you share some life changing scenarios that have helped you become positive in your endeavor?

Harsha Mehta: I never expected to take a break from my studies and pursue my career. my idea of aggregation which is the most life changing scenario which made me put a pause on my studies and pursue my career it changed me a lot , for example i usually hesitate to speak in front of 100 people but now i can address 1000 people because i strongly believe in my idea , it’s my idea which changed my life .

Thank You!