influenza antiviral liquid ventilation technique

Upload: adamoutlaw

Post on 30-May-2018




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  • 8/14/2019 Influenza Antiviral liquid ventilation technique


    Influenza Antiviral liquid ventilation techniqueDeveloped by: Adam Outlaw

    This report outlines a technique I recently conceived that may just nullify oneof human inds worst foes... The deadly and highly mutative super influenza virus.

    From the dawn of our shared planetary evolution we have fought onslaughts of marauding viruses using our will and as of recently our s ill. This synergy betweenour biological immune reaction and our technological aids seems only fitting for our species and perhaps just the edge we need against this potential airborneapocalypse.

    Basically, the difference between the common flu and a super flu would be the ability and speed of the particular pathogen to mutate or change therefore overwhelmits host. One notable example of such a super bug was the Spanish influenza outbrea of 1918 which circled the globe in less than four months and illed approximately one out of every three human lives during that time. This event was deemed by many as the greatest medical holocaust in history.

    The advancements Im about to discuss would not be classified strictly as an preve

    ntive measure, but more so as a novel approach to both save the otherwise terminally infected as well as produce superior antiviral inoculates.

    The classic medical model to my understanding attempts to locate the earliest nown infected person/s (who survived) before the strain mutated dangerously, etc.

    Then they ta e that person/s natural antibodies, process them and eventuallyma e an antiviral serum to distribute widely. While useful it still lac s dynamic real time application and more importantly relies on locating patient zero inthe disease chain.

    It occurred to me that one of the main life threatening vectors of influenza wasthat it tends to fill the lungs with fluid (caused by a secondary bacterial pneumonia) therefor drowning its victim before ones own immune system could effecti

    vely handle the threat. That and a few other things li e excessive fever, hemorrhaging and cyto ine storming would normally overwhelm the host body.

    The number one factor to this would be that most deaths caused by H1N1 viruses or its close variants seem to all come from the secondary bacterial pneumonia inthe lungs which then seems responsible for the eventual cyto ine storm reaction!!!

    NOTE: {Cyto ine storm} basically refers to a potentially fatal immune over-reaction in the body to a massive foreign disease factor resulting in a sort of immune system feedbac loop.

    I propose that to counter this lung drowning effect one might utilize Partial or

    full liquid ventilation with perflurocarbon. This is the same stuff used in experimental deep sea diving and various other medical treatments li e in artificial breathing for premature infants.

    NOTE: {Perflurocarbon} simply put was originally a liquid chemical product engineered and used in the Manhattan Project to help ma e atomic grade uranium. Latter in 1966 Leland C. Clar experimented with its application as an airless way tobreath underwater for it could carry oxygen and remove carbon dioxide by liquidtransfer. The lungs would be flooded partly or fully with this liquid to facilitate the normal gas to blood respiration cycle of mammals. In the world of mov

  • 8/14/2019 Influenza Antiviral liquid ventilation technique


    ies James Camerons film The Abyss also featured a character using liquid breathingto dive thousands of feet without compressing.

    Even if the victims lungs fill some by bacterial infection the PLV technique with perflurocarbon should give enough life saving respiration/toxin removal to eep the victim alive long enough to naturally fight off the influenza infection, etc. I might also state that perflurocarbon can be chilled to reduce fevers anddosed with sedatives and/or antiviral/bacterial agents, etc too.

    Those added PLV agents would directly enter the system and be administered wherethey are needed most. Other things such as full or partial life support may beneeded till the worst has passed. Mobil medical units fitted with such a setupshould be located near all major transportation/medical networ hubs li e international airports, city hospitals, etc.

    The next innovation I thought would result from using such a procedure would bethat if you can save a few normally fatal cases with liquid ventilation you could then harvest antibodies of the fresh mutant viral strain. This should ma e fora much more quic , simple and dynamic vaccine inoculate.

    Further note that even if the virus again mutates or brea s off a sister strainalls one needs to do would be to quarantine, then repeat this Influenza Antiviralliquid ventilation technique or IALVT till full eradication occurs.

    With the recent advent of the H1N1 swine flu circling the globe theirs a real possibility for another catastrophic pandemic & economic infrastructure collapse... only now with 6 or so billion lives instead of 1.6 billion li e in 1918. We also face the added speed of continental and international travel to further complicate its spread. Recall that the 1918 outbrea was mild in the spring only to return extra lethal in the fall of that year. We may just be about to repeat thathistory... only this time we might be more fortunate fighting it.

    Our enemy seems again at the gates, prepare for war.........................