influence of sns on interpersonal relationships

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  • 7/31/2019 Influence of SNS on Interpersonal Relationships






    A Research Proposal Presented to

    Mr. Rudyr S. Bacolod

    Palawan State University

    Puerto Princesa City


    In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

    For the Subject Statistics I



    Cuadra, Cristy Marie O.

    Badilla, Jessa C.

    Nasil, Rhuaiba H.

    Palasigue, Zeia L.

    Ventura, Rae Jane C.

    Tagle, Jade L.

    Palawan State University

    October 2011

  • 7/31/2019 Influence of SNS on Interpersonal Relationships


    Table of Contents





    Conceptual Framework...3

    Statement of the Problem...5

    Scope and Delimitation6

    Significance of the Study.6

    Definition of Terms7


    Conceptual Literature.11

    Research Literature..........14

    Justification of the Study.......16

    Chapter3: METHODOLOGY

    Research Design17

    Sampling Technique..17

    Research Instruments...18

    Data Gathering18

    Statistical Treatment.........19






    Summary .29



    Bibliography 37


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    Social Networking Sites (SNS) are increasingly popular nowadays. Many SNS

    developers like Facebook, MySpace, Twitter and others are competing to give the best

    features in terms of socialization, interaction, privacy and even entertainment. It is not

    surprising that many people are hooked on with these sites since it is free and is easily

    accessible with the use of a computer connected to the internet and even with the use

    of a mobile phone that enables SNS applications or internet browsing. However, does

    SNS usage affect interpersonal relationships? Do people rely too much on the fastest

    way of communicating on the internet despite the lack of face-to-face interaction?

    This study aimed to determine the influence of SNS on the relationships of the

    Palawan State University students, especially towards their family, friends, teachers and

    others. The researchers used the descriptive research design and survey technique

    which is under descriptive research design. This study is based on 150 second year BS

    Accountancy and BSBA- Management Accounting students who were randomly

    selected and were known to be users of SNS.

    Based on the results, it was concluded that using SNS helped students to

    develop a strong interpersonal relationship with their family, friends, teachers, and with

    others. The researchers also concluded that most of the respondents are using

    Facebook just to have fun and entertainment, and that they commonly use SNS 1 - 2

    hours a day. Thus, the researchers then recommend the parents, school administrators,

    teachers, and guidance counselors to encourage the students to use SNS since it

    promotes good interpersonal relationships.


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    The researchers would like to express their deepest gratitude and appreciation

    for the following individuals who contributed valuable assistance and knowledge to

    accomplish this research:

    To God, for giving the researchers strength, courage, guidance and faith that

    made this research successful.

    To their parents, for the guidance, support and understanding they have given to,

    giving them inspiration to do our best.

    To Mr. Rudyr S. Bacolod, for providing necessary information to make this

    research successful, and for being approachable and patient during the development of

    this research.

    To the respondents, for the cooperation they have given, and for answering

    honestly the questions the researchers have provided them to answer.



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    A. Introduction

    Social Networking Sites (SNS) are one of the most popular topics being talked

    about by the students of Palawan State University. Popular Social Networking Sites

    such as Friendster, Facebook, Twitter and Plurk not only help the students

    communicate with their friends, classmates, and relatives but they also allow them to

    communicate with other people to whom they share common interests. Moreover, it also

    allows them to associate with people regardless of their location as SNS makes

    socializing with other people around the world possible. This opens the possibility of

    making ties with other people, as frequent visits to SNS creates the opportunity for more

    interaction between persons.

    An interpersonal relationship is a relatively long-term association between two or

    more people. This association may be based on emotions like love and liking, regular

    business interactions, or some other type of social commitments. Interpersonal

    relationships take place in a great variety of contexts, such as family,friends,marriage,

    acquaintances, work,clubs,neighborhoods, and churches. They may be regulated by

    law, custom, or mutual agreement, and are the basis of social groups and society as a


    Social networking sites influence the interpersonal relationship of students in

    many ways. Through social networking sites, users come to meet other people

    worldwide. These people can affect the users interpersonal relationship with other

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    people close to him/her. This influence can either be good or bad for the user. (Belardo,

    et al. 2010)

    Just like Short Messaging Service (SMS) another hit socialization device

    among teenagers, due to the emergence of the so-called Unlimited Call and Text

    offers SNS immediately became a hit upon its introduction, making it a part of their

    everyday routine. In fact, this practice had become such a big trend that it was

    considered as the norm, making it an unsaid fact that every person should have an

    account on Facebook, the top SNS site nowadays. Consequently, persons who are

    unable to do so are considered as deviants by society.

    Social networking sites typically offer many features and those features are

    positively the reason why many students are interested in checking out these sites. One

    of the general features of SNS are profiles, which contain all the information about the

    person plus their photos, videos, applications that they use, and comments or

    messages posted by other persons. These, plus the other features of SNS allows the

    user to know more about the person that they are interested on.

    However, it is also evident that SNS invites the presence of suspicious

    characters and trolls, which may expose the user to various disadvantages.

    Furthermore, people depending on SNS for creating friendships had shown to create

    weaker bonds than those people whose friendship was made by direct confrontation

    and face-to-face contact.

    Hence, directed with this situation, the researchers have decided to conduct a

    study about the influences of SNS among second year students of Bachelor of Science

    in Accountancy and Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Major in


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    Management Accounting in Palawan State University, which will provide long-lasting

    insights to identity construction, social behavior and peer-to-peer interaction on the

    perspective of the students.

    B. Conceptual Framework

    In general, online relationships contain much weaker ties than face-to-face

    relationships (Vitak, 2008). Social networking sites such as Facebook offer users a

    convenient method for maintaining a large number of weak ties. While maintenance of

    strong ties typically requires significant commitments of time and energy, weak ties may

    be managed solely through the connections that link Facebook friends. Facebook

    allows users to stay up-to-date on their weak ties lives simply by viewing the

    information available in those friends profiles and by connecting through actions such

    as pokes, private messages, wall postings and photo comments. By offering multiple

    methods of interaction, Facebook saves users significant time, thus enabling them to

    create and maintain a massive social network, although one predominantly composed

    of weak connections between users. For example, a recent survey found that the

    average user had 180 friends on the website, which is far more friends than the

    average person would say they have in the real world (Golder et al., 2006).

    In cases where factors such as distance change a face-to-face relationship into a

    primarily online relationship, strong ties are maintained and even strengthened further.

    Social networking sites is a tool for person to keep in touch with his distant friends by

    following their updates, sending a message or posting commentsusers have a quick

    and easy way to stay connected thus keep the relationship healthy when they are too

    busy to commit more time to face-to-face interaction (Vitak, 2008).


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    Research Paradigm

    User Social Networking Sites



    Figure 1. The influence of social networking sites on the interpersonal relationships of

    the students

    The paradigm above shows the influence of social networking sites to the

    interpersonal relationship of students. A student using an SNS can develop a stronger

    interpersonal relationship of students with their friends, teachers, and parents. This

    happens if a student or a person knows well how to use a social networking site.

    Students are always updated with the status of their close friends, teachers, or even

    their parents that are added in their friends list in the social networking sites that they

    are using. It will also be easier for the user to know when will be the birthday of his/her

    friends and so he or she can greet them easily, even if they are apart and also, with less

    time and effort.

    Students, aside from developing a stronger interpersonal relationship, in contrast,

    tend to develop a weaker interpersonal relationship with their friends, teachers, and

    parents. This is due to too much dependency of students to the internet and computer

    as a medium of communication with their friends, teachers, and parents. Sometimes,

    students can only tell what they want to other people whenever they are chatting, or

    when they post comments on the wall of a persons account or profile. If they do this

    over and over again, this develops into a habit and they will end up being used to it until


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  • 7/31/2019 Influence of SNS on Interpersonal Relationships


    D. Scope and Delimitation of the Study

    The researchers conducted a study about the influence of social networking sites

    on the Second Year BS Accountancy and BSBA- Management Accounting students of

    Palawan State University. This study considered every aspect of students including

    their age, gender and year level in terms of social networking sites and their social

    interaction at home, with classmates, teachers and friends. They also studied the

    interpersonal relationship of students toward their friends, teachers, and parents as well

    as the influences of social networking sites to their interpersonal relationship. This study

    focused on the influences of social networking sites to the interpersonal relationship of

    students. This research involved 100 current Second Year College BS Accountancy and

    BSBA- Management Accounting students of Palawan State University within the first

    semester of School Year 2011 that use social networking sites every day. This study

    used purposive sampling to determine the respondents since everyday users of SNS

    are only considered.

    E. Significance of the Study

    The researchers determined the role of social networking sites on the social

    aspects of students.

    a. Guidance Counselors.

    This study will help the guidance counselors to be aware of the influences of

    social networking sites to the students in Palawan State University. By informing them

    of this matter, they will be able to relate more with the students in order to give more

    accurate advices to students that have problems involving social networking sites.


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    way how to help the students if they will be encountering a problem regarding the

    relationship of their students with other people.

    f. Parents

    This study will help parents to understand their childs purpose of using social

    networking sites and for them to be aware of the influence from social networking sites

    that might affect their children. With enough knowledge, parents can think of possible

    preventive ways if their child is prone to develop a weak interpersonal relationship with

    other people because of too much usage and dependence from social networking sites.

    g. Future Researchers.

    This study can help the further studies of future researchers regarding the

    influence of social networking sites on the interpersonal relationship of students. This

    can serve as a reference for further improvements to be done in their study.

    F. Definition of Terms

    This study, which is about the influence of social networking sites to the

    interpersonal relationship of the students, used the following terms defined conceptually

    and operationally. These terms are used within the context of the study.

    Face to face friendship. It is a type of friendship wherein you can actually be with

    them and see them more often and you know about them well enough.

    Offline Friend. It is a term used to call a person who is your friend in real life.

    Online Friend. It is a term used to call a person added on your Social Networking Site



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    Privacy. It is the ability of an individual or group to secure their personal information

    and activities apart from others.

    Profile. This is offered by social networking sites that contains all the personal

    information about the person and their activities.

    Social behavior. It is behavior directed towards society, or taking place between,

    members of the same species.

    Social Games. They are defined as games found in social networking sites which allow

    social interaction with friends during the gameplay. (e.g. Pet Society)

    Social Networking. It refers to making a social structure made of nodes that are tied by

    one or more specific types of interdependency, such as friendship, kinship,

    financial exchange, dislike, sexual relationships, or relationships of beliefs,

    knowledge or prestige.

    Social Networking Sites. It focuses on building online communities of people who

    share interests and/or activities, or who are interested in exploring the interests

    and activities of others. Social networking sites are web based and provide a

    variety of ways for users to interact.

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    This chapter contains the review of related literature of the study and the

    justification of the conceptual and research literature gathered from books, journals,

    researches and online sources.

    A. Conceptual Literature

    Social networking sites have added entirely new meanings to interpersonal

    interaction and community. It is the interplay between internet and real life

    communication and its subsequent effect on interpersonal relationships. Popular social

    networking websites such as Facebook have bundled many of the internet

    communication standards such as e-mail, forums, and instant messaging into one

    resource. However, its usage has become a staple activity in a young adults life. While

    it varies slightly among gender and race groups, overall, young adults (college aged)

    who have internet access use Facebook regularly for some type of social contact. With

    this mass assimilation into daily life, it has already begun to change the way in which

    interpersonal relationships are defined. It is one of the, if not the top medium for young

    adults to scope out and research potential partners. With Facebook playing a large

    role in many romantic relationships, its important to see how this will continue to shape

    interpersonal communication in the future. The importance of this research proposal is

    to look at how Facebook is an extension of real life.

    This aims to discover how far Facebook is used to define, cultivate, and maintain

    real life interpersonal romantic relationships. Through looking at previous research on

    Facebook, online romantic relationships, and disclosure through internet


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    communication, we will see what direction research needs to go to find valid

    conclusions on the interplay of real life and Facebook in the development of

    interpersonal romantic relationships. Internet based communication has been

    incorporated into the development of interpersonal relationships. Likewise, as popular

    social networking sites MySpace and Facebook have cropped up over the years,

    affecting the way in which people communication, so has limited research on the social

    mediums. It was found that 28% of the students in the study had been deceptive in their

    internet communication. The students were found to do this through both direct

    communication using the wall post and private message features as well as indirectly by

    the viewing of others profiles. While Facebook is used to cultivate old and new

    relationships, it is also used by students in romantic relationships to display and check

    the status and commitment of their relationship. When people write and develop their

    profile, choose their profile picture, and publicly write on other users Facebook walls,

    Research has shown that when college aged males posted information about culturally

    negative moral behaviors (partying, sexism, etc.) that they were participating in on other

    users walls. their perceived attractiveness went up. However, when females did it,

    their attractiveness went down.

    In the area of romantic relationships, no Facebook research has looked at how

    much real life interaction is required before a potential romantic partner is not seen as a

    stalker or in any kind of negative light. Since internet usage is directly related to

    psychological well-being, relationships, and the identity of self, it is of interest to note

    that there is a positive relationship between measures of internet usage and loneliness.

    No research has looked into how lonely or desperate a Facebook user is when trying to


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    find a potential romantic partner. Matsubas research has shown that real life

    relationships are looked at as more real in the negative and positive dimensions of

    personal qualities, while internet only relationships were less extreme. If real life

    relationships are seen as more real and Facebook is an online medium of

    communication for those real life relationships, then research needs to look at how far

    Facebook defines the romantic relationships. Research has found that those who use

    the internet to create and maintain a secondary romantic relationship in addiction to a

    real life one showed higher levels of relational certainty and high expectations of future

    interaction with their online partners. Its also been found that time spent online and

    positive views of the internet lead to a more favorable view of online romantic

    relationships. Therefore, theres a possibility that personal romantic beliefs are used

    more for a conventional relationship than an online-only relationship. While these

    studies have little relevance to the cultivation of a real life romantic relationship through

    Facebook, it is important to see the connections and disconnects between real life and

    internet life. This needs to be developed further to see how much Facebook is used in

    the initial stages of romantic relational development compared to usage when the

    partners have a highly developed real life relationship. Some study found individuals

    who reported high levels of social and/or dating anxiety were not more likely to use the

    internet to make online relationships than those who reported lower levels of social or

    dating anxiety. However, the research did show that certain online media (particularly

    webcams) are more likely to be used by people with social and dating anxiety

    symptoms, than those with less. This could play into new research about whether


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    certain features of Facebook are used more so in romantic relational development by

    social and dating anxious than other features.

    According to WebCredible social networks provide encouragement and support;

    establish identity with others and fulfil the need to feel included; provide the outlet for

    some people to establish their need for recognition, social status, control or leadership;

    provide the necessary control over aspects of lives for those who don't want to be

    leaders; help establish friends, relationships and the opportunity to interact with others.

    Conversely, introverted adolescents used online communication to compensate

    for their lacking of certain social skills. However, along with these characteristics came a

    stronger motivation to talk online, resulting in more online based friendships. It is

    interesting to note that the introverts use the internet to compensate for their lack of

    social skills. The studies show how important a users perception of internet

    communication affects their levels of self disclosure. Interpersonal trust is found online

    through how much the users perceive the other person to be telling the truth. However,

    with Facebook interaction, things could be different. Research needs to look into how

    knowing someone directly could directly affect the way in which disclosure, empathy,

    and trust is built through Facebook. We also see an entirely new set of internet based

    non-verbal forming. While there have been numerous studies on internet based

    communication concerning romantic relationships, self disclosure, and social

    networking, this research proposal takes it a step further to look at the social utility of

    Facebook and the subsequent interplay of real life and on-line life in defining

    interpersonal romantic relationships.


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    B. Research Literature

    According to Vitak (2008), there are some reasons why an individual uses a

    social networking site. The first reason is for them to meet strangers and become

    friends with them. This type of relationship is what we call a weak interpersonal

    relationship. The majority of respondents of her research paper (57%) said they were

    initially introduced to those friends through mutual friends, which increases the

    likelihood of such relationships developing into strong ties. On the other hand,

    responses to a separate question overwhelmingly support the hypothesis. While a

    significant portion or respondents said they have at least a few online-online friends,

    85% said they do not communicate with the majority of their online-only friends, and just

    one respondent said that he/she considered those friends as a strong tie. Through

    social networking sites like Facebook, the user tends to maintain his weak interpersonal

    relationship with his online friends because of an easy communication. He can use

    private messaging, chat rooms, and other method of communicating provided by the

    website. On the other hand, a strong interpersonal relationship with his offline friends

    needs time and effort to be maintained.

    Distance between two users that can change an offline relationship into online

    relationship is also a reason why an individual uses SNSs. Nearly two-thirds (65%) of

    respondents said the majority of their friends have a Facebook account, which suggests

    that many students use the site to stay in touch with their offline friends. Keeping in

    touch with friends remains the primary reason for site usage across both years in school

    and gender. Furthermore, approximately one-third (31%) of respondents with friends

    who do not have a Facebook account say they would be closer to those friends if they


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    C. Justification of the Study

    This related studies and concepts helped in determining the influence of social

    networking sites on the interpersonal relationship of students in Palawan State

    University, First Semester of School Year 2011. This supported and validated or

    reversed the ideas of Matsuba and Golder (2006), and Vitak (2008). There were some

    studies conducted that dealt with social networking and its effects towards teenagers in

    different aspects. Interpersonal relationship, particularly that of second year college

    students in Palawan State University, isn't one of those aspects, although some of the

    aforementioned studies have tackled somewhat similar aspects to that of the one being

    studied on by the researchers.


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    This chapter contains Research Design, Sampling Technique, Research

    Instrument, Data Gathering Procedure and Statistical Treatment of Data.

    A. Research Design

    This study used descriptive research design. It involves the description,

    recording, analysis, and interpretation of the present nature, composition, or processes

    of phenomena. It focuses on prevailing conditions or how a person, group, or thing

    behaves or functions in the present. It often involves some type of comparison or


    The researchers used the survey technique which is under descriptive research

    design. Survey technique, requires gathering of facts that requires sufficient and

    accurate interpretation. This technique is used to collect demographic data about

    respondents behavior, beliefs, opinions, interests and the like and then the gathered

    data are analyzed, organized, and interpreted.

    B. Sampling Technique

    The researchers used purposive sampling. This sampling method included

    respondents that fall under the purpose of the study and others that are not useful for

    the study are positively excluded. The study focused on the effects of SNS to the

    interpersonal relationship thus a survey is conducted to the second year BS

    Accountancy and BSBA Management Accounting students of Palawan State

    University that are using social networking sites every day.


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    C. Research Instrument

    The researchers used questionnaires and survey forms as research instruments.

    The survey form asked if the respondents are using social networking sites and their

    frequency of using the sites. After determining those who use social networking sites

    everyday, the questionnaire asked for the profile of the respondents and the status of

    their interpersonal relationship with their family, friends, teachers, classmates and


    D. Data Gathering Procedure

    The researchers will distribute a survey form to each section in order to

    determine the users of social networking sites and must be accomplished within two to

    three days. After the researchers collected the survey forms, a list of the respondents

    which are SNS users will be organized then copies of the main questionnaire will be

    produced. The copies of the main questionnaire will depend on the number of the

    respondents. However, extra copies will be reproduced if some respondents loss their

    questionnaires. The respondents will be given two to three days allowance to answer

    the main questionnaire. An officer of each section will be selected to distribute and

    collect the questionnaires. Once the deadline of the questionnaires arrived, the

    researchers will coordinate with the officers to retrieve all the questionnaires completely.

    The questionnaires gathered will contain all the needed data for the study and it will be

    organized, summarized, analyzed, and interpreted.


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    E. Statistical Treatment of Data

    The researchers used the following formulas to analyze the results of the survey:

    Frequency is the number, proportion, or percentage of items in a particular

    category in a set of data, while percentage is the proportion or share in relation to a

    whole. This technique is used to determine the percentage of our respondents out of

    total population in terms of frequency of using Social Networking Sites. Through this,

    the researchers also determined the percentage of the respondents who are affected by

    the influence of social networking sites. The formula for frequency and percentage is:

    fP = ------- x 100 %


    Where: P is percentage

    f is number of respondents falling under a particular category

    N is total number of population

    The mean, or average, is the sum of the values divided by the total number of

    values. This determined the average result of the data gathered from different






    X represents the sample mean

    n represents the total number of respondents

    x represents the frequency


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    In this chapter, the data gathered by the researchers has been tabulated,

    analyzed and interpreted to get a meaningful conclusion about the data.

    PROBLEM 1: What is the profile of the students in terms of year level, age,


    Table 1.1 Year Level of the Respondents

    Year Level Frequency PercentageBlock 1 30 20.00Block 2 30 20.00Block 3 30 20.00Block 4 30 20.00Block 5 30 20.00TOTAL 150 100.00

    Using frequency and percentage, the results in Table 1.1 showed that out of 150

    respondents, 30 or 20 percent came from Block 1, 30 or 20 percent came from Block 2,

    30 or 20 percent came from Block 3, 30 or 20 percent came from Block 4, and 30 or 20

    percent came from Block 5.

    Table 1.2 Age of the Respondents

    Age Frequency Percentage16 6 4.00

    17 99 66.0018 30 20.00

    19 9 6.00

    20+ 6 4.00

    TOTAL 150 100.00


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    Using frequency and percentage, the results in Table 1.2 showed that out of 150

    respondents, 6 or 4 percent are 16 years old, 99 or 66 percent are 17 years old, 30 or

    20 percent are 18 years old, 9 or 66 percent are 19 years old, and 6 or 4 percent are

    those whose age are 20 and above.

    Table 1.3 Gender of the Respondents

    Gender Frequency Percentage

    Male 36 24.00Female 114 76.00TOTAL 150 100.00

    Using frequency and percentage, the results in Table 1.3 showed that out of 150

    respondents, 36 or 24 percent are males, and 114 or 76 percent are females.

    PROBLEM 2: What is the profile of the students in terms of preferred SNS,

    frequency of SNS usage, purpose of using SNS and number of SNS friends?

    Table 2.1 Preferred SNS of the Respondents

    SNS Frequency Percentage

    Facebook 75 50.00

    Friendster 21 14.00

    Twitter 31 20.67

    Multiply 8 5.33

    Plurk 6 4.00

    Others 9 6.00

    TOTAL 150 100.00

    Using frequency and percentage, the results in Table 1.4 showed that out of 150

    respondents, 75 or 50 percent preferred using Facebook, 21 or 14 percent preferred

    using Friendster, 31 or 20.67 percent preferred using Twitter, 8 or 5.33 percent


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    Using frequency and percentage, the results in Table 1.6 showed that out of 150

    respondents, 15 or 10 percent agreed that their purpose on using SNS is keeping in

    touch with family, 46 or 30.67 percent agreed on keeping in touch with friends, 17 or

    11.33 percent agreed on to meet new people, 66 or 44 percent agreed on just for fun

    and entertainment, 3 or 2 percent agreed on to be in because its popular nowadays,

    and 3 or 2 percent have other purposes on using SNS.

    Table 2.4 Respondents Number of SNS Friends

    Number of Friends Frequency PercentageLess than 100 11 7.33100+ 28 18.67200+ 25 16.67300+ 27 18.00400+ 17 11.33500+ 12 8.00600+ 9 6.00700+ 3 2.00800+ 5 3.33900+ 6 4.00

    1000+ 7 4.67TOTAL 150 100.00

    Using frequency and percentage, the results in Table 1.7 showed that out of 150

    respondents, 11 or 7.33 percent has less than 100 friends, 28 or 18.67 percent has

    100+ friends, 25 or 16.67 percent has 200+ friends, 27 or 18 percent has 300+ friends,

    17 or 11.33 percent has 400+ friends, 12 or 8 percent has 500+ friends, 9 or 6 percent

    has 600+ friends, 3 or 2 percent has 700+ friends, 5 or 3.33 percent has 800+ friends, 6

    or 4 percent has 900+ friends, and 7 or 4.67 percent has 1000+ friends.


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    PROBLEM 3: What is the interpersonal relationship of students toward their

    Family, Friends, Teachers, and Others?

    Table 3.1 Respondents Interpersonal Relationship with their Family

    QUESTIONS: MEAN INTERPRETATION1. You want to interact more with yourfamily because of SNS. 2.75 Often2. You prioritize on having quality time withyour family. 3 Often3. You always want to keep in touch withyour family. 3 Often4. You have better communicationwith your family. 3 Often5. You can express yourself more

    with your family. 3 Often6. You can balance your time withyour family. 3 Often7. Your relationship with your family is much betterafter using SNS. 2.5 Sometimes8. You obey the rules ofyour parents. 3 Often9. Youre ready to help when yourfamily needs you 3 Often10. You enjoy having time withyour family. 3 Often

    MEAN SCORE 2.93 Often

    Legend: 3.51 4.00 = Always2.51 3.50 = Often1.51 2.50 = Sometimes0.51 1.50 = Seldom0. 00 0.50 = Never

    Table 3.1 shows the respondents interpersonal relationship with their family. The

    mean score of Table 3.1 is 2.9 or often. As a result of using social networking sites, the

    respondents prioritize on having quality time with their family (3); want to keep in touch

    with their family (3); have better communication with their family (3); express

    themselves more with their family (3); balance their time with their family (3); obey the


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    rules of their parents (3); are ready to help when their family needs them (3); enjoy

    having time with their family (3); want to interact more with their family (2.75); have

    better relationship with their family (2.5).

    Table 3.2 Respondents Interpersonal Relationship with their Friends


    1. You want to interact more with your friendsbecause of SNS. 3 Often2. You can relate to your friends since you use SNSthat they also use. 3 Often3. SNS makes you in good terms with

    your friends. 3 Often4. You always want to keep in touch with yourfriends. 3 Often5. Social networking sites help you much better interms of communicating with your friends. 3 Often6. You prefer to spend more time with your friendslike hanging-out with them. 3 Often7. You express yourself more with your friends insocial networking sites. 3 Often8. You are open with yourfriends. 3 Often

    9. Youre ready to help when your friends needyou. 3 Often10. You enjoy spending time with yourfriends. 3.25 Often

    MEAN SCORE 3.03 Often

    Legend: 3.51 4.00 = Always2.51 3.50 = Often1.51 2.50 = Sometimes0.51 1.50 = Seldom0. 00 0.50 = Never

    Table 3.2 shows the respondents interpersonal relationship with their friends.

    The mean score of the Table 3.2 is 3.0 or often. As a result of using social networking

    sites, the respondents enjoy spending time with their friends (3.25); interact more with


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  • 7/31/2019 Influence of SNS on Interpersonal Relationships


    (3); prioritize academic-related activities (3); prioritize tasks given by their teachers (3);

    enjoy interacting with their teachers (3); easily approach their teachers (2.5); interact

    more with their teachers because of SNS (2); communicate easily with their teachers

    with the use of SNS (2); have better communication with their teachers in terms of

    school works with the help of SNS (2); express themselves more with their teachers

    because of SNS (2); open with their teachers (2).

    Table 3.4 Respondents Interpersonal Relationship with Others

    QUESTIONS MEAN INTERPRETATION1. You ignore friend requests from peopleyou dont know. 2.25 Sometimes

    2. You block people that are suspicious. 2 Sometimes3. You are cautious to people that youmeet in SNS. 2.75 Often4. You make your contact number and addressvisible only to your friends. 3 Often5. You delete comments or posts from otherpeople that you dont know but are added in yourfriends list. 2 Sometimes

    6. You only share limited information aboutyourself on your profile. 3 Often7. You make your profile visible only toyour friends. 3 Often8. You visit profiles of people added in your listbut you do not know. 2 Sometimes9. You post comments to people you dont knowbut are added to your list. 2 Sometimes10. You send friend requests to peopleyou do not know. 1.75 Sometimes

    MEAN SCORE 2.38 Sometimes

    Legend: 3.51 4.00 = Always2.51 3.50 = Often1.51 2.50 = Sometimes0.51 1.50 = Seldom0. 00 0.50 = Never


  • 7/31/2019 Influence of SNS on Interpersonal Relationships


    Table 3.4 shows the respondents interpersonal relationship with other people.

    The mean score of Table 3.4 is 2.4 or sometimes. As a result of using social networking

    sites, the respondents make their contact number and address visible only to their

    friends (3); share limited information about themselves (3); make their profile visible only

    to their friends (3);cautious to the people they meet in SNS (2.75); ignore friends

    requests from the people they dont know (2.25); block people that are suspicious (2);

    delete comments or posts from other people that they dont know but added in their

    friends list(2); visit profiles of people added in their list but they dont know (2);

    comments to people they dont but added in their list (2); send friends requests to

    people they dont know (1.75).


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    A. Summary of Findings

    The research was conducted for the purpose of finding out the influence of social

    networking sites to the interpersonal relationship of students in Palawan State

    University. The descriptive method of research was used and the descriptive survey

    technique was used by the researchers in gathering data. The researchers made use of

    questionnaires for the gathering of data. The sampling technique used was purposive

    sampling technique. The researchers used 150 respondents for this research. This

    research was conducted during the first semester of school year 2011-2012.

    PROBLEM 1: What is the profile of the students in terms of (a) block number, (b)

    age, (c) gender?

    Out of 150 respondents, 30 or 20 percent came from Block 1, 30 or 20 percent

    form Block 2, 30 or 20 percent from Block 3, 30 or 20 percent from Block 4, and 30 or

    20 percent from Block 5. Out of 150 respondents, 6 or 4 percent are 16 years old, 99 or

    66 percent are 17 years old, 30 or 20 percent are 18 years old, 9 or 66 percent are 19

    years old, and 6 or 4 percent are those whose age are 20 and above. Out of 150

    respondents, 36 or 24 percent are males, and 114 or 76 percent are females.


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    PROBLEM 2: What is the profile of the students in terms of preferred SNS,

    frequency of SNS usage, purpose of using SNS and number of SNS friends?

    Out of 150 respondents, 75 or 50 percent preferred using Facebook, 21 or 14

    percent preferred using Friendster, 31 or 20.67 percent preferred using Twitter, 8 or

    5.33 percent preferred using Multiply, 6 or 4 percent preferred using Plurk, and 9 or 6

    percent preferred using other SNS.

    Out of 150 respondents, 39 or 26 percent use SNS for less than 1 hour, 78 or 52

    percent use SNS for 1-2 hours, 24 or 16 percent use SNS for 3-4 hours, 6 or 4 percent

    use SNS for 5-6 hours, and 3 or 2 percent use SNS for more than 6 hours.

    Out of 150 respondents, 15 or 10 percent agreed that their purpose on using

    SNS is keeping in touch with family, 46 or 30.67 percent agreed on keeping in touch

    with friends, 17 or 11.33 percent agreed on to meet new people, 66 or 44 percent

    agreed on just for fun and entertainment, 3 or 2 percent agreed on to be in because

    its popular nowadays, and 3 or 2 percent have other purposes on using SNS.

    Out of 150 respondents, 11 or 7.33 percent has less than 100 friends, 28 or

    18.67 percent has 100+ friends, 25 or 16.67 percent has 200+ friends, 27 or 18 percent

    has 300+ friends, 17 or 11.33 percent has 400+ friends, 12 or 8 percent has 500+

    friends, 9 or 6 percent has 600+ friends, 3 or 2 percent has 700+ friends, 5 or 3.33

    percent has 800+ friends, 6 or 4 percent has 900+ friends, and 7 or 4.67 percent has

    1000+ friends.


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    PROBLEM 3: What is the interpersonal relationship of students toward their

    Family, Friends, Teachers, and Others?

    The mean score of Table 3.1 Respondents Interpersonal Relationship with their

    family is 2.9 or often. All the statements were gathered under the mean of 2.50 to 3.49.

    As a result of using social networking sites, the respondents want to interact more with

    your family because of SNS(2.75), prioritize on having quality time with their family (3);

    want to keep in touch with their family (3); have better communication with their family

    (3); express themselves more with their family (3); balance their time with their family

    (3); obey the rules of their parents (3); are ready to help when their family needs them

    (3); enjoy having time with their family (3); want to interact more with their family (2.75);

    and have better relationship with their family (2.5).

    The mean score of the Table 3.2 Respondents Interpersonal Relationship with

    their friends is 3.0 or often. All the statements were gathered under the mean of 2.55 to

    3.55. As a result of using social networking sites, the respondents enjoy spending time

    with their friends (3.25); interact more with their friends because of SNS (3); relate to

    their friends since they also use SNS (3); have good terms with their friends (3); always

    want to keep in touch with their friends (3); have better communication with their friends

    because of SNS (3); prefer to spend more time hanging-out with their friends (3); are

    open with their friends (3); and are ready to help when their friends need them (3).

    The mean score of Table 3.3 Respondents Interpersonal Relationship with their

    teachers is 2.4 or sometimes. The statements that were gathered under the mean of

    2.55 to 3.54 are the following: the respondents keep their focus on the lesson being


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    discussed by their teachers (3); prioritize academic-related activities (3); prioritize tasks

    given by their teachers (3); and enjoy interacting with their teachers (3). The statements

    that were gathered under the mean of 1.55 to 2.54 are the ff: the respondents easily

    approach their teachers (2.5); interact more with their teachers because of SNS (2);

    communicate easily with their teachers with the use of SNS (2); have better

    communication with their teachers in terms of school works with the help of SNS (2);

    express themselves more with their teachers because of SNS (2); and open-up with

    their teachers (2).

    The mean score of Table 3.4 is 2.4 or sometimes. The statements that were

    gathered under the mean of 2.55 to 3.54 are the ff: the respondents make their contact

    number and address visible only to their friends (3); share limited information about

    themselves (3); make their profile visible only to their friends (3); and cautious to the

    people they meet in SNS (2.75). The statements that were gathered under the mean of

    1.55 to 2.54 are the ff: the respondents ignore friends requests from the people they

    dont know (2.25); block people that are suspicious (2); delete comments or posts from

    other people that they dont know but added in their friends list(2); visit profiles of

    people added in their list but they dont know (2); comments to people they dont but

    added in their list (2); send friends requests to people they dont know (1.75).


  • 7/31/2019 Influence of SNS on Interpersonal Relationships


    B. Conclusions

    After analyzing the data gathered by the researchers, they arrived with the

    following conclusions:

    1.) Using social networking sites helped the respondents to develop a strong

    interpersonal relationship with their family, friends, teachers, and with others.

    2.) Most of the respondents are using Facebook just to have fun and entertainment

    because of its available features for the users.

    3.) The respondents are cautious with the strangers that they meet in SNS, as

    shown by the fact that they mostly add only the people that they know personally.

    4.) The respondents intend to open up more with their friends in social networking

    sites than with others.

    5.) Most of the respondents use social networking sites for only 1-2 hours in a day.

    C. Recommendations

    Based on the conclusions that the researchers made, they have formulated the

    following recommendations:

    1.) Parents, school administrators, teachers, and guidance counselors must

    encourage the students to use SNS since it promotes good interpersonal


    2.) Students must properly use social networking sites and not just for fun and

    entertainment but for communication with their family, friends and teachers.


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    3.) Social networking site developers and companies must improve the security

    and privacy that they are giving to its users in order to promote a safe environment

    especially for the children and teenagers.

    4.) Students must also encourage their classmates to use SNS frequently since it

    promotes good communication with their teachers regarding school works and

    related activities.

    5.) Students must also encourage their friends to use SNS since it promotes good

    relationships, making friendship ties grow stronger.


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    1. Block No. ___________

    2. Age ___________

    3. GenderFemale [ ]

    Male [ ]

    4. Preferred Social Networking Sites

    (You can check more than one.)

    Facebook [ ]

    Friendster [ ]

    Twitter [ ]

    Multiply [ ]

    Plurk [ ]

    Others [ ]

    5. Frequency of Social Networking SiteUsage

    Less than 1 hour [ ]

    1-2 hours [ ]

    3-4 hours [ ]

    5-6 hours [ ]

    More than 6 hours [ ]

    6. Purpose for Using Social NetworkingSites

    Keeping in touch with family [ ]Keeping in touch with friends [ ]To meet new people [ ]Just for fun and entertainment [ ]To be in because its popular

    nowadays [ ]Others [ ]

    7. Number of Social Networking SiteFriends

    Less than 100 [ ]

    100+ [ ]

    200+ [ ]

    300+ [ ]

    400+ [ ]

    500+ [ ]

    600+ [ ]

    700+ [ ]

    800+ [ ]

    900+ [ ]

    1000+ [ ]


  • 7/31/2019 Influence of SNS on Interpersonal Relationships


    8. Interpersonal Relationship with the Family

    5 = Always 4 = Often 3 = Sometimes

    2= Seldom 1 = Never

    You want to interact more with yourfamily because of social networking sites.

    You prioritize on having quality time with

    your family.

    You always want to keep in touch with

    your family.

    You have better communication with your


    You can balance your time with your


    Your relationship with your family is much

    better after using social networking sites.

    You obey the rules of your parents.

    Youre ready to help when your family

    needs you.

    You enjoy having time with your family.

    9. Interpersonal Relationship with Friends

    1. You want to interact more with your

    friends because of SNS.

    2. You can relate to your friends since you

    use SNS that they also use.

    3. SNS makes you in good terms with your


    4. You always want to keep in touch with

    your friends.

    5. Social networking sites help you much

    better in terms of communicating with your


    6. You prefer to spend more time with your

    friends like hanging-out with them.

    7. You express yourself more with yourfriends in social networking sites.

    8. You are open with your friends.

    9. Youre ready to help when your friends

    need you.

    10. You enjoy spending time with your


    10. Interpersonal Relationship with Teachers

    1. You want to interact more with your

    teachers because of SNS.

    2. You keep your focus on the lesson

    being discussed by your teacher.3. You prioritize academic-related


    4. You can communicate with your

    teachers easily with the use of SNS.

    5. Social networking sites helped you

    much better in terms of asking your

    teachers regarding your school works.

    6. You can easily talk or approach your


    7. You can express yourself more with

    your teachers because of social

    networking sites.

    8. You are open with your teachers.

    9. You prioritize tasks given by your


    10. You enjoy interacting with your


    11. Interpersonal Relationships with Others

    1. You ignore friend requests from

    people you dont know.

    2. You block people that are suspicious.

    3. You are cautious to people that youmeet in SNS.

    4. You make your contact number and

    address visible only to your friends.

    5. You delete comments or posts from

    other people that you dont know but are

    added in your friends list.

    6. You only share limited information

    about yourself on your profile.

    7. You make your profile visible only to

    your friends.

    8. You visit profiles of people added in

    your list but you do not know.9. You post comments to people you

    dont know but are added to your list.

    10. You send friend requests to people

    you do not know.


  • 7/31/2019 Influence of SNS on Interpersonal Relationships



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