infinitivos #1 · 5...

1 Nombre __________________________________________________________________________________ Hora________ Infinitivos #1 PWPT Actividad 1: Gramactiva Video. Watch the video and answer the following questions. 1. What is an infinitive?_____________________________________ 2. What will an infinitive end in? _____________________________________ 3. Write down 4 infinitives from the video with the English translation. _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ Actividad 2: Escuchar A. ¿–AR, -ER, o -IR? Listen to each infinitive carefully and indicate if it is –AR, -ER, -IR B. Dictación Now listen to each infinitive and write it down in the appropriate column. -AR -ER -IR Actividad 3: Más información 1. Verbs are _____________________ words 2. The _____________________ of a verb is called the infinitive 3. It is the form that is found in the _____________________ 4. In English, the infinitive is _________________ Examples:______________________________________ 5. In Spanish, it will end in _____________________ 6. Infinitives will not have a _____________________ 7. If you are going to using an infinitive in a sentence, it will be used with another verb. EXAMPLES: like(s); need(s); want(s); should; has/have to; going to -AR -ER -IR

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Page 1: Infinitivos #1 · 5 Actividad 4: Listen as four teens discuss what they like to do and point to the activities


Nombre __________________________________________________________________________________ Hora________

Infinitivos #1 PWPT

Actividad 1: Gramactiva Video. Watch the video and answer the following questions.

1. What is an infinitive?_____________________________________

2. What will an infinitive end in? _____________________________________

3. Write down 4 infinitives from the video with the English translation.

_____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________

Actividad 2: Escuchar

A. ¿–AR, -ER, o -IR? Listen to each infinitive carefully and indicate if it is –AR, -ER, -IR

B. Dictación Now listen to each infinitive and write it down in the appropriate column.


Actividad 3: Más información

1. Verbs are _____________________ words

2. The _____________________ of a verb is called the infinitive

3. It is the form that is found in the _____________________

4. In English, the infinitive is _________________ Examples:______________________________________

5. In Spanish, it will end in _____________________

6. Infinitives will not have a _____________________

7. If you are going to using an infinitive in a sentence, it will be used with another verb.

EXAMPLES: like(s); need(s); want(s); should; has/have to; going to


Page 2: Infinitivos #1 · 5 Actividad 4: Listen as four teens discuss what they like to do and point to the activities


Nombre __________________________________________________________________________________ Hora________


A. Instrucciones: Read the following statements and write INFINITIVO if it is a characteristic

or example of an infinitive. Write NO if it is NOT a characteristic or example of an infinitive.

_____________________________1. In English, “to ….”

_____________________________2. The base form of a verb.

_____________________________3. Ending will change depending on the tense (present,

past, future, etc)

_____________________________4. The form found in the dictionary.

_____________________________5. Ending will change depending on the subject (yo, tú,

usted, él, ella).

_____________________________6. Does not have a subject.

_____________________________7. Ending is –ar, -er, -ir in Spanish.

_____________________________ 8. A form of a verb.

_____________________________9. eres, llamo, está

_____________________________10. beber, vomitar, cumplir

B. ¡A ti te toca! It’s your turn. What are some things you like to do?

Think about some of your pastimes or hobbies and write them down in ENGLISH.

Remember we are talking about INFINITVES so be sure to write them down in the base

form. Can you figure out how to say them in Spanish? Try it out with a device.

Remember, your activity should end in an –ar, -er or –ir.

EXAMPLE: (to) fish= ir de pesca






Page 3: Infinitivos #1 · 5 Actividad 4: Listen as four teens discuss what they like to do and point to the activities


Nombre__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Hora_______

LOTERÍA: El tiempo



Actividades/ Infinitivos bailar







escribir cuentos

escuchar música




hablar por teléfono


hacer la tarea

ir a la escuela

leer revistas


montar en bicicleta

montar en monopatín


pasar tiempo con amigos


practicar deportes

tocar la guitarra


usar la computadora

ver la tele


me gusta

no me gusta






Page 4: Infinitivos #1 · 5 Actividad 4: Listen as four teens discuss what they like to do and point to the activities


Nombre____________________________________________________________________________ Hora_______


Actividad 1: (track #1)

A. Repeat as you hear each vocabulary word and point to the corresponding picture. Use

your vocab list as needed.

B. Listen and answer the questions. (If the question is in English, answer in English. If the question is in

Spanish, answer in Spanish.)

1. What does the male student like to do? ____________________________________________________

2. What is the female student’s opinion about that activity? ___________________________________

3. Name 3 things Beatriz likes to do. _________________________________________________________

4. Y a ti, ¿qué te gusta hacer? ______________________________________________________________

Actividad 2: (track #2)

A. Repeat as you hear each vocabulary word and point to the corresponding picture. Use

your vocab list as needed.

B. Listen and answer the questions. (if the question is in English, answer in English. If the question is in

Spanish, answer in Spanish.)

1. What do both male students dislike? ______________________________________________________

2. In your opinion, what else do you think the girl would dislike doing? Why? ___________________


3. What does the female student like to do? __________________________________________________

4. Y a ti, ¿qué te gusta más? ________________________________________________________________

Actividad 3: You will hear Rosa mention several activities she likes several activities she dislikes. Write

down the sentences in Spanish as you hear them. Spelling counts!!

1. __________________________________________________________________________________________

2. __________________________________________________________________________________________

3. __________________________________________________________________________________________

4. __________________________________________________________________________________________

5. __________________________________________________________________________________________

Page 5: Infinitivos #1 · 5 Actividad 4: Listen as four teens discuss what they like to do and point to the activities


Actividad 4: Listen as four teens discuss what they like to do and point to the activities they each


Actividad 5. Ask your partner whether he or she likes doing the activities below. Follow the model.

Modelo: A: ¿(A ti) te gusta montar en monopatín?

B: Sí, (a mí) me gusta (mucho) montar en monopatín.

OR No, (a mí) no me gusta (nada) montar en monopatín.

Actividad 6. Ask your partner what (s)he likes or dislikes doing in the different seasons. Follow the


Modelo: A: ¿Qué te gusta hacer en el verano?

B: En el verano me gusta (mucho) nadar.

Need a challenge? -Use weather terms instead of seasons!!

Modelo: A: ¿Qué te gusta hacer cuando hace frío?

B: Cuando hace frío me gusta (mucho) ver la tele.

Page 6: Infinitivos #1 · 5 Actividad 4: Listen as four teens discuss what they like to do and point to the activities


Nombre____________________________________________________________________________ Hora_______


A. Define the following words:

1. Cognate:___________________________________________________________________________________

2. Infinitive:____________________________________________________________________________________

B. Answer the following questions:

3. How many different kinds of infinitives are there in Spanish?____________________________________

4. What are they? _____________________________________________________________________________

5. What are several characteristics of an infinitive? ______________________________________________


C. Word association. What infinitive do you associate with the following nouns?

Ex. Lápiz = Dibujar, Escribir

6. los libros _______________________________ 11. el programa “la Familia Moderna” ______________

7. el tango _______________________________ 12. el centro comercial___________________________

8. las clases _______________________________ 13. las vacaciones ______________________________

9. el océano/ la piscina____________________ 14. un proyecto _________________________________

10. Pac-Man_______________________________ 15. la nieve, las montañas _______________________

D. Translation. Use your vocabulary list and a dictionary/device to translate the following activities.

16. To write messages________________________ 20. To play the piano___________________________

17. To listen to friends ________________________ 21. To go to class ___________________________

18. To ride the bus____________________________ 22. To watch sports_____________________________

19. To read novels ___________________________ 23. To draw animals____________________________

Page 7: Infinitivos #1 · 5 Actividad 4: Listen as four teens discuss what they like to do and point to the activities


Nombre____________________________________________________________________________ Hora_______

ACTIVIDADES: PRACTICAMOS #2 A. Use the pictures to complete the sentence. Then translate!

1. ¿Te gusta ___________________________? _______________________________

2. A mí me gusta _______________________. _______________________________

3. A ti te gusta _________________________. _______________________________

4. No me gusta ________________________. _______________________________

5. Pues, me gusta mucho _______________. _______________________________

6. También me gusta ___________________. _______________________________

7. ¿Te gusta ____________________________? _______________________________

8. No, pero me gusta ___________________. _______________________________

9. Me gusta más ________________________. _______________________________

10. No me gusta nada __________________. ________________________________

Page 8: Infinitivos #1 · 5 Actividad 4: Listen as four teens discuss what they like to do and point to the activities


B. Complete the following sentences with a phrase about your likes or dislikes.

EX: Cuando estoy en la escuela, me gusta pasar tiempo con amigos. No me gusta leer.

11. Cuando estoy con mis amigos, _____________________________________________.

12. Cuando hace calor, _______________________________________________________.

13. Cuando estoy con mi familia, _______________________________________________.

14. Cuando estoy de vacaciones, ______________________________________________.

15. Cuando hace frío y nieva, __________________________________________________.

16. En el invierno, ______________________________________________________________.

17. En el verano, _______________________________________________________________.

18. En casa, ___________________________________________________________________.

19. En la escuela, ______________________________________________________________.

20. Los lunes, ___________________________________________________________________.

C. Maritza, a high school student, explains what she likes and doesn’t like. Read the text and:

- Haz un círculo alrededor de los infinitivos. (Circle the infinitives-9)

- Subraya las palabras negativas. (Underline the negative words-9).

Soy una persona con muchos intereses. Me gusta hacer mucho. Prefiero hablar por teléfono

con mis amigas y ver la televisión. Pero, no me gusta conectar con mis amigos por correo

electrónico. Me gusta pasar tiempo con mis amigos en el restaurante. También, me gusta mucho

dibujar con mis lápices de color. No me gusta nada hacer mis tareas, pero es importante tener una

buena educación.

En relación a la música, ¡me encanta escuchar música! Me gusta la música de Shakira y me

gusta mucho la música rap. Me gusta la música rock también, pero no me gusta ni clásica ni ópera.

Tampoco me gusta la música country. No me gusta nada. ¿Y a ti- qué te gusta?

21. ¿What does Maritza like to do? ___________________________________________________________


22. What does she dislike? ___________________________________________________________________


23. Write down at least 5 new words from the text. _____________________________________________


Page 9: Infinitivos #1 · 5 Actividad 4: Listen as four teens discuss what they like to do and point to the activities


Nombre____________________________________________________________________________ Hora_______

ACTIVIDADES/ INFINITIVOS: PRACTICAMOS #3 A. Unscramble each of the clue words. Then take the letters that appear in the boxes

and unscramble them for the final message.

Page 10: Infinitivos #1 · 5 Actividad 4: Listen as four teens discuss what they like to do and point to the activities



1. Las salas de clases, los profesores, los estudiantes

2. Fútbol, tenis, básquetbol

4. Pasar ____ con los amigos

5. ____ revistas

7. ____ en bicicleta, ____ en monopatín

9. ____ cuentos

11. Contrario de tampoco


3. Ver la ____

6. Deporte de invierno en la nieve

8. Jugar ____

10. Hablar por ____

12. Pop, rock, rap, jazz, salsa, mariachi

13. Instrumento musical

14. Vehículo de 2 ruedas (wheels)

B: La crucigrama: Solve the clues and fill in the crossword

Page 11: Infinitivos #1 · 5 Actividad 4: Listen as four teens discuss what they like to do and point to the activities


Nombre____________________________________________________________________________ Hora_______

VIDEO 1A A Primera vista:

¿Qué te gusta hacer?

A. Write the country of where the following people are from.

1. Esteban and Angélica: _________________ 2. Ignacio and Ana: ___________________

3. Claudia and Teresa: ___________________ 4. Raúl and Gloria: ___________________

B. Answer the following questions in English.

1. What does Ignacio like to do? _________________________________________________________

2. What does Ana like to do more? _______________________________________________________

3. What does Claudia like to do? _________________________________________________________

4. What does Teresa like to play? _________________________________________________________

5. What does Esteban dislike? ____________________________________________________________

6. What does Angélica like to do? _______________________________________________________

7. What does Raúl read? ________________________________________________________________

8. Where does Gloria like to go? _________________________________________________________

C. Choose the correct answer to the following questions.

1. When they are outside, what does Ana ask Ignacio? 2. What do Claudia and Teresa like to do?

a. Do you like to talk on the phone? a. to hang out with friends

b. What do you like to do? b. to play videogames

c. Do you like to play the guitar? c. to use the computer

3. What sports do Esteban and Angélica talk about? 4. Does Raúl like to go to school?

a. running, riding bikes and skating a. Yes. He really likes to go to school.

b. skiing, running and swimming b. No. He does not like it at all.

c. playing basketball and soccer and riding bikes c. Well… more or less.

Page 12: Infinitivos #1 · 5 Actividad 4: Listen as four teens discuss what they like to do and point to the activities


Nombre____________________________________________________________________________ Hora_______

ACTIVIDADES: ESCUCHAR Actividad 5 (Track #7): You can learn a lot about a person from what he or she likes to do. You will

hear to people from describe themselves. Listen and match the descriptions to the appropriate

pictures. Put an A under the first person described, and a B underneath the second. You will hear

each set of statements twice.

__________ __________ __________ __________ __________

__________ __________ __________ __________ __________

Actividad 6 (Track #8): A group of students from Peru will visit your school. Your teacher is trying to

match them with host families. Listen as the teacher asks each student a question about what

he/she likes to do more. Place a check mark next to two activities mentioned by the teacher, then

indicate each student’s preference by circling his or her response. You will hear each conversation


#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 dance


go to school

listen to music

play sports

play an instrument

play videogames


ride a bike






spend time with friends


talk on the phone

use the computer

watch tv


write letters, stories, emails

Page 13: Infinitivos #1 · 5 Actividad 4: Listen as four teens discuss what they like to do and point to the activities


La música (Tracks 12-16). Listen to each of the musical selections and fill in the chart.

Music Country of Origin Characteristics






Actividad 8 (Track #18): Luisa, the host of your school’s radio station talk show, is interviewing four

new students. As your listen to the interview, write what each student likes to do and does not like to

do. You will hear the entire question and answer session twice.

Armando Josefina Carlos Marta

Actividad 9 (Track #19): As your turn on the radio, you hear a Spanish radio DJ talking about the

“Top Ten Tips” for being happy during this school year. As you listen, match the suggestion to one of

the pictures and number them in the order the suggestions were given on the air.