infinite power supply (ips)

The Callanan's Infinite Power Supply (IPS) : Full tests report by JL Naudin  IPS v1.1 : Full tests results Tests by Jean-Louis Naudin Created on February 19, 2004 - JLN Labs - Last update February 22, 2004 Toutes les informations et schémas sont publiés gratuitement ( freeware ) et sont destinés à un usage personnel et non commercial  All informations and diagrams are published freely (freeware) and are intended for a private use and a non commercial use. The Solid State Infinite Power Supply (IPS) has been invented by Ossie Callanan. Now, I have replicated the IPS device and conducted some tests and measurement s. The inventor claims that his device is able to power a 220V/15 Watts light bulb with two 12V lead acid batteries as the power source without discharging these batteries... I have tried to check this claim and tested an IPS circuit fully based on Ossie Callanan's original diagram . pstst/html/ipstst11a.htm (1 of 6)6/30/2011 12:51:00 PM

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The Callanan's Infinite Power Supply (IPS) : Full tests report by JL Naudin (2 of 6)6/30/2011 12:51:00 PM

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The Callanan's Infinite Power Supply (IPS) : Full tests report by JL Naudin

 Clock frequency : 100Hz square wave DTC 50%

Current flow from B1, B2 set to about 1A with R1 and R3

Below the IPS circuit v1.1 during the test : (3 of 6)6/30/2011 12:51:00 PM

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The Callanan's Infinite Power Supply (IPS) : Full tests report by JL Naudin

 The power output is indeniable, a small humming noise can be heard while the light bulb brights at full power...

The current flows in each battery must be equal and set to about 1A.The voltage is measured with a digital oscilloscope Fluke 123 and recorded to a PC in realtime.

The clock input is connected to a function generator Centrad GF-763AF used as a square wave generator.

A 11 Watts Eco ( equivalent to 60 W ) type lamp is connected at the IPS output.Two lead acid batteries ( 12V / 44Ah / 360 A ) fully charged are used. (4 of 6)6/30/2011 12:51:00 PM

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The Callanan's Infinite Power Supply (IPS) : Full tests report by JL Naudin

Important notice : Always connect a load at the output of the transformer. If the IPS is used without load ( no lamp connected at itsoutput ) the transistors Q1 and Q3 can be definitively damaged.

 Above : The voltage curves of the batteries B1 and B2 during the IPS full test. (5 of 6)6/30/2011 12:51:00 PM

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The Callanan's Infinite Power Supply (IPS) : Full tests report by JL Naudin

( 02-22-04 ) Tests results :

The old damaged lead acid battery B1 used in the previous tests has been replaced with a brand new battery and now, the IPS testsresults are very interesting and show that :

q  During at least 4 hours and half, the voltage of the two batteries used as power sources remains very stable,

q  During 4 hours and half, the voltage of the batterie B2 has only dropped of (12.84V - 12.63V) = 0.21V ( -1.6% ) and the voltage

of the batterie B2 has only dropped of (12.86V - 12.50V) = 0.36V ( -2.8% ) while one ampere is drawn from each battery and thelight bulb brights fully at the IPS output.

q  During the full test ( 7 hours 20 min ), the voltage of the batterie B2 has only dropped of (12.84V - 12.58V) = 0.26V ( -2% ) andthe voltage of the batterie B2 has only dropped of (12.86V - 11.51V) = 1.35V ( -10.5% ). It is important to notice that thebatterie B1 is a new battery while the battery B2 is an old battery.

q  The intensity of the light emitted by the light bulb connected at the IPS output has never apparently dropped during the wholetest.

Today, after these series of IPS tests, I am not yet able to confirm an overunity effect, I can only say that the Ossie Callanan's IPSdevice works at least as an efficient Power Inverter. Thanks to Ossie Callanan for sharing free his invention for the benefit of all.

Email : [email protected]  

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IPS v1.1 : New tests results by JL Naudin


IPS v1.1 : New interesting tests resultsTests by Jean-Louis Naudin

Created on February 19, 2004 - JLN Labs - Last update February 20, 2004

Toutes les informations et schémas sont publiés gratuitement ( freeware ) et sont destinés à un usage personnel et non commercial 

All informations and diagrams are published freely (freeware) and are intended for a private use and a non commercial use.

Below, the IPS diagram that I have tested, it is fully based on Ossie Callanan's original diagram.

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IPS v1.1 : New tests results by JL Naudin

 Clock frequency : 100Hz square wave DTC 50%

Current flow from B1, B2 set to about 1A with R1 and R3

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IPS v1.1 : New tests results by JL Naudin

 The power output is indeniable, a small humming noise can be heard while the light bulb brights at full power...

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IPS v1.1 : New tests results by JL Naudin

 Above : The voltage curves of the batteries B1 and B2 during the IPS test ( the old battery B1 seems damaged ).

( 02-20-04 ) Tests results : In this new test, the previous 15 Watts light bulb has been replaced with a 11 Watts Ecolamp which gives about 60 Watts of apparent light. The two analog ammeters have been removed from the circuit.

Its seems interesting to notice that :

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IPS v1.1 : New tests results by JL Naudin

Return to the IPS project home page 

IPS v1 : Preliminary test results tests by JL Naudin

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IPS v1 : Preliminary test results - tests by JL Naudin


IPS v1 : Preliminary test resultsTests by Jean-Louis Naudin

Created on February 19, 2004 - JLN Labs - Last updateFebruary 19, 2004

Toutes les informations et schémas sont publiés gratuitement ( freeware ) et sont destinés à un usage personnel et non commercial 

All informations and diagrams are published freely (freeware) and are intendedfor a private use and a non commercial use.

Below the basic diagram sent by the IPS' inventor ( Ossie Callanan ). This diagram is published with courtesy of Ossie Callanan. (1 of 6)6/30/2011 12:54:57 PM

IPS v1 : Preliminary test results - tests by JL Naudin

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IPS v1 : Preliminary test results - tests by JL Naudin (2 of 6)6/30/2011 12:54:57 PM

IPS v1 : Preliminary test results - tests by JL Naudin

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IPS v1 : Preliminary test results tests by JL Naudin

The components used for the IPS v1.0 tests are :Q1 : 2N6667, Q2: TIP 2955Q3: 2N6387, Q4: TIP 3055

D1, D2: 1N4007D3, D4: BY 228 ( 1500V/ 2.5A )

Q5, Q6 : 4N25T1: 220V / 2x12V (5A)

B1, B2 : 12V/44Ah (360A) lead acid batteriesB3: 220V, 15Watts light bulb

Clock frequency : 100Hz square wave DTC 50%Current flow from B1, B2 set to about 1A

 Above, the IPS-Switchers interface connected between the square wave generator and the optocouplers (D5, D6).

The input of the IPS-Switchers interface is connected to a function generator Centrad GF-763AF used as a square wave generator.Below the IPS circuit v1.0 during the test : (3 of 6)6/30/2011 12:54:57 PM

IPS v1 : Preliminary test results - tests by JL Naudin

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IPS v1 : Preliminary test results tests by JL Naudin (4 of 6)6/30/2011 12:54:57 PM

IPS v1 : Preliminary test results - tests by JL Naudin

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( 02-19-04 ) Tests results : The Callanan's IPS circuit runs as described in his diagram. The 15 watts light bulb connected at the IPS's outputworks well, but unfortunatelly, I have not yet been able to sustain the charge of the two lead acid batteries used as the main power source.

See the next tests :

02-20-04 IPS 1.1 New encouraging tests

Email : [email protected] (5 of 6)6/30/2011 12:54:57 PM

IPS v1 : Preliminary test results - tests by JL Naudin

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