infineeti august2014 annual edition

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  • 8/11/2019 InFINeeti August2014 Annual Edition


    IFIN | A I | A 2014

  • 8/11/2019 InFINeeti August2014 Annual Edition


    IFIN | A I | A 2014

  • 8/11/2019 InFINeeti August2014 Annual Edition


    IFIN | A I | A 2014

    Dear Friends,

    Greetings from Team InFINeeti

    A lot has changed since the last me we interacted. A new government has been formed, the Union budget has been pre-

    sented, the Sensex has touched a new high of 25000 and many more events. Before the elecons, a slogan from BJPs

    naonal campaign had become famous, Ache Din Aane Wale Hai. The masses have voted for the party and aer three

    decades, a single party has won a majority in the Parliament. There were high expectaons from the new government.

    The rst test of the new government was to present a balanced budget which clearly lays down the roadmap for econom-

    ic growth in India in both-short and long term. So, our theme for the magazine this me is based on the slogan of BJP:

    Union Budget: Has budget met the expectaons of Ache Din ?

    Technology, nowadays, is touching every sphere of business. Banking is no excepon. We have tried to analyse the role of

    technology in shaping the banking industry. Also, we are hearing about GST for long enough. One of our arcles analyses

    the future of GST in India. Many people believe that the one of the reasons for the fall of the last government can be

    aributed to populist schemes by the centre and corrupon emanang from those schemes. We have tried to analyse

    whether populism or raonal economic policies work in the longer term.

    Financial sector is in dire need of reforms. Most of the laws are archaic and date back to the Stone Age. In this backdrop,

    FSLRC commiee was formed which tabled its recommendaons. One of our arcles analyses the recommendaons

    made by the commiee. In our constant tryst to innovate, we have tried to amalgamate two unrelated events into one.

    One is the recently concluded FIFA World Cup and the other one is M&A. How football and M&A can be related? We have

    an interesng arcle on it. The magazine also contains the analysis of dividend distribuon tax and FDI in Insurance, and a

    discussion on whether they are good or not. This is the me of the year when B-school students have returned from their

    summer internship. So, we have captured the experience of one of our colleague regarding how summer internships are

    important to understand the nuances of business in a MBA students life. We then have tried to get an insight into the

    Indian Agriculture sector and Rural Finances by conducng an interview with a dignitary from NABARD. We have also in-

    cluded an arcle on implementaon of IFRS in India.

    Besides the insighul arcles, the edion also features regular columns like FIN Trivia, FIN-lingos and News Chronicles.

    We have also added a new regular column on equity research. We hope readers will nd it useful.

    From the next me onwards, the readers will be greeted by our new team and we, the current team, have a sense of

    pleasure, pride and at the same me are poignant as it was an excellent opportunity given to us to handle this esteemed

    magazine. We hope that we have done a good job.

    Till then we hope that you will enjoy reading this annual budget edion.

    Do write to us regarding any suggesons, feedbacks or recommendaons.

    Goodbye & Happy Reading !!!


  • 8/11/2019 InFINeeti August2014 Annual Edition


    IFIN | A I | A 2014


    >>> P 26 >>> P 36 >>> P 56

    Football MA:

    A M&A


    Budget plus 3.0:H



    Future of gst:A & - - GST


    Top events of 2014:Rw 2014


    Role of technologyin banking:

    A - , &






    Does the budget meet the

    expectations of Ache Din


    Fslrc recommenda-tions:

    Hw FSLRC -







    Ifrs implementation

    in india:

    B IFRS





    Dividend distribu-tion tax:



    A -



    Facultys corner:

    FDI I

    Populism: A neces-sary evil?


    Summer internshipexperience:

    S Aw






  • 8/11/2019 InFINeeti August2014 Annual Edition


    IFIN | A I | A 2014



    Football has oen been used as a powerful image

    represenng hope, as a vehicle that binds people and

    encourages them to funcon as one, giving them a

    sense of purpose and direcon. There is even an ad-

    versement that shows kids playing football with a

    rag ball in a poverty stricken locality in Africa, a strong

    testament to the overwhelming senmental appeal

    and sway that football holds over the masses. Club

    football has cashed in on this popularity and has

    transformed itself into elaborate money making ma-

    chine that is on par with the leading corporate giants

    of present day, in terms of revenue streams and mar-

    keng campaigns.


    How do soccer clubs make money? It is a very simple

    queson that many fans of the game oen wonder

    and postulate but seldom fully understand. Most rst

    answers to this queson would be match-day sales,

    but there are those with a deeper understanding of

    the industry that know that this is not quite the full

    story. Deloies Football Money League reports the

    revenue of top football clubs by broadly classifying

    the revenue into 3 main segments: Match-day Reve-

    nue (gate receipts), Broadcasng Revenue (domesc

    and internaonal), and Commercial Revenue

    (sponsorship and merchandise). As per a 2013 report,

    Real Madrid earned revenue of $675 million during

    the last year and has a team value of $3 billion as of

    May 2014, of which $1.12 billion (32.6%) is to beearned through commercial sources, another $1.12

    billion from Broadcasng, $710 million (20.6%)

    through Match Day revenue and the remaining $484

    million through brand value.

    It is important to understand the growing similarity

    between corporates of the nancial world and foot-

    balling clubs. For the laer, assets are-players, broad-

    cast rights, kit sponsorship deals and franchise deals,

    and these are used by the club to make money, not

    so markedly dierent from the way corporates make

    money. Another curious similarity that can be struck

    is the concept of mergers and acquisions (M&A).




  • 8/11/2019 InFINeeti August2014 Annual Edition


    IFIN | A I | A 2014


    The idea of M & A, though in circulaon for a long

    me, has started gaining purchase over the past few

    months, with several big cket deals being an-

    nounced; Whatsapp-Facebook, Shire-Abbvie, Myntra-

    Flipkart, to name a few.


    The footballing world is no stranger to the idea of

    M&A, though in an enrely dierent context. It is not

    possible for football clubs to buy each other, so acqui-

    sions are limited to people: the manager, the players

    and the markeng and support sta. In fact, the

    transfer market, which facilitates the acquision of

    players, is the most talked about topic when transfer

    windows open, and is fuelled by incessant speculaon

    and hecc negoaons. Before we further develop

    this analogy, lets take a step back and try and under-

    stand why companies in the nancial world go in for

    M&A. Though the reasons for such acvies would

    vary from case to case, they can be broadly grouped

    under a few categories, like capability enhancement,

    expansion into other markets, reducon in compe-

    on, nancial survival etc. A close examinaon of

    transfer deals in football reveals striking similaries

    with these points.


    Capability expansion refers to a companys eorts in

    shoring up its resources and improving resistance to

    possible weaknesses. One of the major reasons be-

    hind acquision is to appropriate some capability that

    the target company has and that the acquirer wanted

    or needed. Comcasts 2002acquision of AT&T

    Broadband (so it could oer more comprehensive tel-

    ecommunicaons services) and Walt Disneys 2006

    acquision of Pixar(to extend its animaon capabili-

    es and add new lms it could market to its estab-

    lished audience) come under this bracket. Premier

    League clubs have spent more than 4.4bn on players

    since the transfer window was introduced 12 years

    ago with this summer's spending set to cross 500m.

    Post 2008, when Abu-Dhabi-based oil magnate Sheikh

    Mansour bin Zayed Al-Nahyanbought Manchester

    City FC, the clubs total cash outlay was 930.4m, of

    which only 365.3m was generated from their own

    operaons. Chelseas acquision of Diego Costa is a

    clear indicaon of Mourinhos intenon to adding

    some repower to his long depleted strike force, and

    providing support to Fernando Torres who oen cuts

    a lone gure up front. Luke Shaws move to Manches-

    ter United to plug deciencies in le back can also be

    viewed similarly. Other familiar names among big

    spenders are Barcelona and Real Madrid, who are

    constantly on the lookout for promising new talent, to

  • 8/11/2019 InFINeeti August2014 Annual Edition


    IFIN | A I | A 2014

    maintain their reputaon of being football power-

    houses. Roman Abramovich's billions have made Chel-

    sea the Premier League's biggest spenders over the

    past decade with 681m going on transfer fees.


    Another main movaon behind M&A is to expand

    into a new geographic locaon. Examples include the

    acquision of Lucent (U.S.) by Alcatel (France) in 2006,

    Bhars deal with Zain to buy the Kuwai rm's mobileoperaons in 15 African countries in 2010 and South

    African Breweries purchases of Miller (U.S.) in 2002

    and Bavaria Brewery (Colombia) in 2005. Extrapolang

    this argument to the world of football, a clubs mone-

    tary fortunes are linked to the following that it enjoys

    across the world.

    The more popular a club is throughout the world, the

    more point of sale opportunies it will have for fans to

    purchase merchandise, thereby lling the coers of

    the football club. It would be pernent to talk about

    Manchester Uniteds eorts in building up a fan basein Asia, ranging from ocial websites in local lan-

    guages (, to e ups with local

    mobile networks for access to free content. All of their

    promoonal adversements feature Shinji Kagawa,

    their Japanese midelder, in an aempt to connect

    with their fans in Japan. Another instance of clubs try-

    ing to build their image in new markets is the estab-

    lishment of soccer training camps and youth leagues,

    as entry points to an expansion in the future.

    Many a mes, the raonale behind M&A is to expand

    your market share by buying out compeon. Acquisi-

    on of Thums up by Coca Cola in 1993 falls under this

    category. Thums Up had an 85% market share when

    sold, and it made sense for Coca Cola to swoop in and

    bring Thums Up under its wings. There are endless

    examples for this when it comes to football. A case inpoint is Borussia Dortmunds midelder Mario Gotzes

    move to rivals Bayern Munich last summer, followed

    by striker Robert Lewandowskis exit to the same club.

    Juan Matas move to Manchester United constutes a

    rather curious move by Chelsea to purportedly make

    life dicult for its contenders Arsenal, Liverpool and

    Manchester City.



  • 8/11/2019 InFINeeti August2014 Annual Edition


    IFIN | A I | A 2014


    Many M&A deals take shape of a leverage deal in

    which the whole, or a part of a struggling business

    enty is taken over by an acquirer, oen one aligned

    with its eld of work, so as to open up the possibility

    of collaboraon with the acquired business. Mi-

    crosos acquision of Nokia, Sun Pharmaceucals

    taking over of struggling Ranbaxy are examples for

    the same.

    A lot of football clubs resort to this measure so as to

    avert the risk of nancial crisis. Cash strapped Ju-

    ventus, for instance, is trying to make some money

    out of the signicant interest that the other clubs

    have in key midelder Arturo Vidal. Chelsea veteran

    Frank Lampard being ooaded to rivals Manchester

    City, is akin to companies geng rid of streams that

    are no longer considered core to their business.


    Having talked of M&A in companies and their similari-

    es with transfers in Football, it is important to sound

    a word of cauon; the path to a successful deal is lad-

    en with numerous obstacles in all shapes and sizes.

    Instances of failed deals and failed transfers are many

    in number; America Online (AOL) and Time Warner in

    2007, Sprint and Nextel Communicaons in 2005,

    Motorola and Google (2012); the list is depressingly

    long. A Forbes arcle states that the probability of

    success of an M&A deal is about 50%, a coin toss. The

    football world is also replete with instances of failed

    transfers; Marouane Fellaini to Manchester United,

    Fernando Torres to Chelsea, Andriy Shevchenko to

    Chelsea, Mario Balotelli to Manchester City. It is

    therefore imperave to understand to the last detail,

    the implicaons of a possible merger, or a player ac-

    quision, for a deal once signed cannot be undone soeasily.



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    IFIN | A I | A 2014


    The third edion of the annual budget analysis ses-

    sion, Budget Plus 3.0, was organized at Indian Ins-

    tute of Foreign Trade, Kolkata. The esteemed discus-

    sion panel included Dr. K. Rangarajan, Head, Kolkata

    Center, Dr. Ranajoy Bhaacharyya, Professor of Eco-

    nomics, IIFT, Dr.Saikat Sinha Roy, professor of eco-

    nomics, Jadavpur University, Mr.Pankaj Agarwal and

    Mr.Akash Mansinka from Ernst and Young. The discus-

    sion was moderated by Dr. Bibek Ray Chaudhuri,Pro-

    fessor, IIFT.

    Dr. K Rangarajan welcomed everyone and said that

    the Budget aects everyone from a housewife to a

    business tycoon and how everyone has diverse views

    on it. He added that IIFT has invited academicians,

    faculty and industry experts to have a discussion on

    the budget and what it holds for every one of us.

    The Student Body gave an enlightening presentaon

    on the highlights of the budget. It was a succinct over-

    view, throwing light on the various schemes and ini-

    aves taken by the Government. Dr. Bibek Ray

    Chaudhuri threw light on the developmental per-

    specves and spoke on how he looked forward tothe economy geng back on track with higher

    growth, stable inaon and prudent policy system,

  • 8/11/2019 InFINeeti August2014 Annual Edition


    IFIN | A I | A 2014

    although the Consumer Price Index, being double-

    digit, was sll a major issue of concern. The Budget

    lays out the roadmap to achieve a growth rate of 7 -

    8%. According to him, The Government is targeng

    small savings".

    Dr.Saikat Sinha Roy analyzing the budget

    Dr.Saikat Sinha Roy spoke as to how, for the last two

    years, the economy has not been performing well.

    The trust of the investors in the Economy needs to

    be restored. According to him, the budget is a docu-

    ment of intent. The current government manifesto

    included the need for an overhaul of infrastructure

    by which the Government will get revenue. He said

    that subsidies should be phased out for the Indian

    economy to compete with the other economies.

    Although the current government is perceived to beindustry friendly, yet retrospecve taxes have not

    been taken o. According to him, one of the fea-

    tures of the budget dierent from the earlier ones is

    that most of the changes are for more than two

    years and no meline has been specied. Moreover

    tax benets have been given to the industries that

    have their own power units. Dividend distribuon

    tax, the tax paid by a company on its dividends paid,

    needs to be grossed up".

    Students listen as experts dissect every aspect of the budget

    Mr. Pankaj Agarwal spoke on the indirect taxes which

    comprises the customs, excise and service tax. He en-

    lightened the gathering on how Service Tax, though

    introduced only in 1994, garners the highest tax reve-

    nues for the Government.

    He also pointed out the iniaves taken to incenvize

    the use of renewable energy resources. The decision

    of the Government to levy taxes on the services pro-

    duced by the educaonal instutes will add to the

    revenues of the Government.

    Dr. Ranajoy Bhaacharya took a dierent stance from

    the other panelists and remarked that he was

    disappointed by the budget. He said that the Gov-

    ernment had missed a huge opportunity. Having been

    elected with an overwhelming mandate, it


  • 8/11/2019 InFINeeti August2014 Annual Edition


    IFIN | A I | A 2014

    was me to take some hard measures. According to

    him, the budget was a pure eyewash. He quesoned

    the transparency of the Government and its aempt to

    surrepously reduce expenditure behind the

    scenes, referring to the reducon in the expenditure

    on Agriculture, Rural Development and Social sector.

    He remarked that Agriculture is the main boleneck

    in India and enlightened us on the fact that Agricul-

    ture employs 55 percent of the populaon yet ac-

    counts for only 14 percent of the GDP. This structural

    aw needs to be addressed.

    The audience, comprising of students from IIFT, were

    very parcipave and had various quesons ranging

    from the duraon of the long term capital gains to

    increasing FDI in defense.

    The panel concluded that though the budget was

    welcoming, yet more was expected of it. They

    called in for simpler tax administraon that would

    lead to larger tax compliance.

    All in all, the session was quite enriching and informa-

    ve as students, both from the rst year as well as

    from the second year got to understand the nuances

    of the budget and also understood how to dissect the

    niy-griy of the budget. So, from next me onwards

    they would know what to look for in the budget and

    would be in a beer posion to analyze it.

    By Mohd Zeeshan -IIFT


  • 8/11/2019 InFINeeti August2014 Annual Edition


    IFIN | A I | A 2014


    The most awaited Goods and Services Tax (GST), a

    major reform in the Indian taxaon system with re-

    spect to indirect tax, has been announced in the Un-

    ion Budget of 2014. Every industry is looking forward

    to this transformaon with the posive hopes. There

    are quesons in the minds of people from every sec-

    tor of economy regarding the impact of the changes

    that would be brought by GST. The manufacturers,

    wholesalers, retailers and the consumers are waing

    to know their stake associated with the reform.


    The current tax system is inecient and complicated

    due to the tussle between the central and the state

    governments to generate maximum revenue forthem. Central government levies tax on the manufac-

    ture of goods through CENVAT, on services through

    Finance Act and on the sale of goods through Central

    Sales Tax Act (CST). States again levy taxes on the

    sales of good that is independent of the tax levied by

    the Centre. This mul-layered tax system leads to the

    cascading eect on the indirect taxaon system.

    However, aer the introducon of VAT in 2005, the

    cascading eect has been reduced to a certain ex-

    tent. Moreover, the bulk of the tax revenue goes to

    the central government. So in order to compensate

    the state government it levy mulple indirect taxes

    on the revenue generated from goods, for example

    inter-state sales tax, octroi etc.

    The proposed GST is aimed at replacing mulple indi-

    rect taxes like central excise, VAT, service tax with the

    common taxaon system. And this can have major

    implicaons on the Indian economic growth. GST

    would bring in higher revenue for the government by

    broadening the tax base and minimizing exempons.

    This would also redistribute the tax burden equitably

    between the manufacturing and the service industry.


    The current proposal of dual goods and service tax

    will not disnguish between goods and services. And

    the central and the state GST would be levied on the

    taxable value of the transacon. Except few assump-

    ons, all the goods and services would be covered

    under this scheme.

    Currently the indirect taxes on goods is around 20%

    and services are taxed at around 10%. But once the






  • 8/11/2019 InFINeeti August2014 Annual Edition


    IFIN | A I | A 2014


    GST is implemented, the nal rate for GST is expected

    to be around 14-16%. Further, the proposal has been

    put for the dual tax structure which will impose single

    tax rate for services and mulple tax rates for the



    The implementaon of the goods and services tax

    would impose a single tax on the goods and services.

    At the end the amount of tax the consumer has to

    pay will remain almost same in the short run. But the

    distribuon of taxes would be equal on both the

    manufacturing and services sector. This will reduce

    the extra burden that the manufacturing sector is car-

    rying. Moreover, it will broaden the tax base by mini-

    mizing exempons and scope of corrupon by mak-

    ing the taxaon system more transparent. The cas-

    cading eect of the taxes imposed by the centre and

    the state would disappear.


    Currently due to the complex tax structure the inven-

    tory and the distribuon decisions are taken so as to

    avoid as much tax as possible. The manufacturers

    maintain warehouses in dierent states to save on

    central sales tax imposed on inter-state movement of

    goods. This leads to the operaonal ineciency. Fur-

    ther, the impact of the increase in the number of

    warehouses is borne by the end consumer in terms of

    cost or they have to sacrice on quality.

    But the GST will bring a common and centralized mar-

    ket for the sales of goods and services across the coun-

    try. This will increase the operaonal eciency of the

    supply chain and the benet will reach to the end con-

    sumer as well.


    Due to the transfer of major share of indirect tax col-

    lected to the centre, state levies mulple indirect taxes

    on the goods and services. To avoid this the taxpayers

    play with the loopholes in the tax structure and try to

    avoid paying the tax, leading to larger number of ex-empons. This leads to losses for the government.

    But, the implementaon of GST would bring in trans-

    parency and reduce complexity. It will broaden the tax

    base and would redistribute the burden between the

    manufacture and service sector. Further, under GST all

    the goods and services would be covered and the num-

    ber of exempons would be reduced. And this will gen-

    erate more revenue for the government.


  • 8/11/2019 InFINeeti August2014 Annual Edition


    IFIN | A I | A 2014

    T GST

    The center and state will have their xed share and

    there would not be scope of either unnecessary tax

    imposion or tax avoidance. This will bring more in-

    vestment, generate more employment and would

    promote exports. All this together would add to the

    GDP of our country.


    As discussed above the manufacturing sector has

    been pressed with the extra burden of tax as it pro-

    vides the scope for mul-stage taxaon. This has

    made this sector less aracve for investment.

    But the GST would release the ailing manufacturing

    sector from the heavy tax burden. This would make

    this sector as a protable opon which would spur its

    growth. As a result, cost of producon will decrease

    and export will increase.


    In the long run, the price of goods would decrease as

    the prot earned in the upper end of the supply chain

    would be transferred to the consumers as well.


    The reform will increase the eciency of the system

    by bringing in transparency. The dierent sectors

    would be treated equally and the consumers would

    have to pay the fair price for the goods and services.

    The transparency will bring compliance to the govern-

    ment norms and would reduce corrupon.

    For example, in case of the goods manufactured, sup-

    pose the consumer pays the GST of 6% while buying

    the product. Here the tax amount paid by the consum-

    er would be shared by the manufacturers, wholesalers

    and retailers equitably based on their cost of manufac-

    turing or services.


    With respect to the prior experience -Implementaon

    of VAT in 2005-2008:

    The implementaon of value added tax (VAT) in 2005

    had increased the income tax revenue for the govern-

    ment of India to 5.9% of GDP in 2008 when compared

    to the 3.7% of GDP in 2004. Working on the


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    IFIN | A I | A 2014

    similar lines of VAT, GST could also reduce the com-

    plexies in the tax structure which gives the scope of

    corrupon. It will bring transparency which will in-

    crease the revenue generated from the income tax.


    According to the report published by the Naonal

    Council of Applied Economic Research, implementa-

    on of GST would increase GDP by 0.9%-1.7%. Canada

    experienced 1-2% increase in GDP aer the imple-

    mentaon of GST. On the similar lines, when GST was

    introduced in New Zealand in 1987, it increased the

    revenue generated from tax by 45%.

    Currently, there are 160 countries in the world who

    have adopted GST.


    BJP government is strongly in the favor of bringing

    transparency in the tax system and the growth and

    development of all the sectors of economy. The evi-

    dence collected from the implementaon of VAT in

    India in 2005 and the implementaon of GST or VAT in

    other countries shows the brighter picture. It reveals

    that the centralizaon of the taxaon system and the

    single tax rate for both the goods and services would

    reduce the complexity and would bring in more trans-

    parency. It would reduce the scope of red tape and

    tax avoidance or exempons, which is otherwise pos-

    sible in the exisng taxaon system.


    To summarize, the implementaon of GST would not

    have direct impact on the consumers in the short run,

    as they have to pay almost same tax for the consump-

    on of goods and services. However, in the long run

    the benets earned by the manufacturers, wholesalers

    and the retailers would be passed on to the consumers

    and they have to pay lesser on the purchase of goods.

    Moreover, the burden on the manufacturing sector will

    get reduced as there will be equitable distribuon of

    tax between the manufacturing and services. This will

    encourage investments in the manufacturing sector,

    which is currently lagging behind in our country. The

    boost in the manufacturing sector will create the col-

    lateral benets like increase in employment, exports,

    investments opportunies, FDI etc.

    All these factors would together add to the revenue

    generated from the indirect tax and would accelerate

    the growth of the country.


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    It is the communicaon barrier

    that should exist between

    dierent departments of a -

    nancial instuon to avoid any

    possible conict of interest.

    For example, if a rm oers both brokering and cor-

    porate advisory services, the client should be able to

    trust that the sensive informaon which it is shar-

    ing with the advisory department would not be used

    by the brokering department to make undue nan-

    cial gains.


    It is a rang system that indicates the risk of default

    for a bond issued by a company or a sovereign.

    There are bond rang agencies such as Standard &

    Poors, Moodys and Fitch among others that assign

    rangs to corporate, municipal or sovereign bonds.

    These rangs correspond to the risk involved in buy-

    ing these bonds.


    It is a private equity buyout in which the controlling

    interest in a company rests with several dierent

    private equity rms. This

    group pools its assets togeth-

    er and collecvely makes the

    acquision. PE rms do this

    in order to acquire expensive

    companies which they would not have been able to

    acquire going alone. Also, it is an eecve risk man-

    agement strategy since the risk is now distributed.


    The set of condions that a borrower must meet

    before he can request that credit facilies be madeavailable to him. These condions are a part of the

    lending agreement that the borrower might have

    with a bank or nancial instuon.

    Fin Lingo

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    It is a security which was once in-

    vestment-grade but has since been

    downgraded to junk status. Not all

    fallen angels are securies of com-

    panies headed towards bankrupt-

    cy. For example, a company with

    strong fundamentals may temporarily lose investor

    condence due to extraneous factors. This may result

    in a downgrade of credit rang.


    An investment fund that holds stocks, bonds or com-

    modies and is traded on an ex-

    change like a regular stock. An ETF

    tracks an index and tries to replicate

    the return provided by it. For exam-

    ple, when one buys into an ETF

    tracking the Sensex, they are buying into a porolio

    of stocks being traded there. The objecve here is not

    to outdo the performance of the Sensex but to match



    Call Swapon is a category of op-

    on which gives the owner a right

    but not the obligaon to exercise

    a swap. If exercised the buyer would have the right to

    receive a pre-determined xed interest rate. Swap-

    on is short for call swap opon. It is a hedging tool a

    buyer might use if he believes the interest rates are

    likely to go down.


    A book of graphs, charts and market data along with

    recommendaons for the

    market presented to prospec-

    ve clients by bankers and

    nancial instuons. The ob-

    jecve is to land a mandate to

    handle the clients funds.


    Material Adverse Change (MAC) is a condion that is

    usually included in loan agreements,

    providing protecon to lenders

    against changes that may have a sig-

    nicant eect on the business, nan-

    cial condion and assets of the bor-

    rower. Aer the occurrence of a

    MAC event prior to closing of a deal, lenders usually

    reserve the right to modify the interest rate or other

    terms of the agreement. For already closed deals,

    lenders may refuse any further drawing of cash and

    demand immediate debt repayment.

    Fin Lingo


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    Elecon 2014 was a very high voltage aair where

    many promises were made by our policians to bring

    the economy back on track. The current government

    carries the expectaons of a billion plus populaon to

    salvage the economy from the deep economic mess it

    is currently in. With this backdrop the Union budget

    2014 was tabled on 10th July in Parliament by our Fi-

    nance Minister Mr. Arun Jaitley. The Finance Minister

    had limited me at his disposal to come up with any

    big bang reforms. Nevertheless he was successful in

    making some good decisions in the Union Budget. The

    Finance minister announced a slew of measures for

    correcng the economy in elds of manufacturing,

    job creaon, educaon, banking and infrastructure.

    So, although the budget measures may not be the big

    cket reforms that people were expecng but these

    same measures have the potenal to cause transient

    but crical changes in the system. Some of the key

    measures that the government took could have a very

    posive eect on the economy.


    The Budget has specied a number of measures to

    recfy the manufacturing sector and bring it back on-

    to the growth track. The budget has announced steps

    to raise private consumpon and make manufactur-

    ing industry the future wheel that will drive the econ-

    omy. Steps such as extending excise duty cuts on vari-

    ous products like auto and consumer durables can

    help in raising the private consumpon and spruce up

    capacity ulisaon.

    Source: Ministry of Stascs and Programme Imple-


    Infrastructure push in the form of beer road connec-

    vity could push the demand of automobiles in our

    country thus giving a boost to the industry that has

    been in stagnaon for the last couple of years. The

    biggest advantage of the growth of manufacturing

    sector is that the eects are more prominently visible

    in the rural areas than the urban areas.





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    So, manufacturing is the best tool to reduce the Urban

    -rural income divide.


    A greater thrust on the infrastructure was unmistake-

    able in the Union budget. The overall spending for in-

    frastructure is budgeted to increase by 24% to

    210000 crores. The government has allocated 7060

    crores to setup 100 smart cies. This will not only

    boost the infrastructure sector but will also provide

    low cost housing opons to the millions of poor peo-

    ple who cannot aord proper housing.

    Source: Ministry of Finance

    The Budget has also focussed on ways to fund the In-

    frastructure push by seng up of 3P India enty and

    Infrastructure bonds. This could create a massive push

    for beer infrastructure and the direct beneciaries

    would be the Engineering, Procurement and Construc-

    on (EPC) companies. The government has idened

    that 40% of Indians do not have basic sanitaon facili-

    es and the government has not provided its share of

    facilies. The basic infrastructural issues like sewage

    drain and access to roads could be addressed in the

    Infrastructural push of the government thus improv-

    ing the standard of life of average Indians.


    The Finance Minister increased the basic tax exemp-

    on rate from the current 2 Lac to 2.5 Lac for all

    individuals. For women and senior cizens between

    the age group of 60 to 80 years the basic exempon

    rate is increased from 2.5 Lac to 3.0 Lac. The invest-

    ment related deducon under secon 80C has also

    been increased from 1.0 Lac to 1.5 Lac. These in-

    creased tax exempon rates may cause a revenue loss

    of 22000 crores to the government. However, the

    increased tax exempons will ensure greater money

    with the consumers, thus increasing the disposal in-

    come with the general public. This will increase con-

    sumpon and this will get reected as higher econom-ic acvies. The indirect beneciaries of the raising of

    tax exempon could be FMCG, consumer durables,

    two wheelers companies as well as the housing indus-

    try in the form of increased consumpon.


    Investor senment is very important for the accrualof required investments to fund our economic growth.

    Hence, the ease of doing business is a very important

    factor that any country should keep in mind. Sadly,

    India ranks at 134 out of 189 countries in the Interna-

    onal Finance Corporaons Ease of Doing Business

    index. The Finance Minister has taken a few steps in

    this regard to give a llip to the overall operang envi-

    ronment for an investor. These steps should incenv--


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    -ise value addion, generate income and create more

    jobs for an average Indian thus improving the overall

    environment for doing business. Moreover it couldalso make the Indian investment story aracve for

    foreign companies and could aract highly needed

    foreign funds.

    Source: Ministry of Finance


    The Union budget presented a 12.43% hike in de-

    fence budget to 229000 crores of rupees. The Finance

    Minister, who also holds the porolio of the Defence

    ministry talked about the important task of indige-

    nous producon of defense equipments. To boost

    home producon, the Finance minister hiked the FDI

    in the defence sector to 49% from the earlier 26%.

    The government has taken a sound decision by de-

    linking FDI up to 49% for transfer of state of the art

    technology. The primary focus of the government isto reduce the dependency of the security of the na-

    on on supplies by other countries. Given the large

    domesc market and advantage of operang out of

    India this new policy could give an impetus to domes-

    c manufacturing of defence equipments by domes-c companies. It could also aract those foreign com-

    panies that were looking to invest in Indian defence

    manufacturing as part of the earlier Defence Oset



    The budget has allocated 330 crores to set up 6

    mega clusters around the country to boost the em-

    ployment opportunies in the country. The budget

    has also reduced the excise duty in labour intensive

    sectors like footwear from 12% to 6% for footwear

    priced between 500 to 1000 and few specic foods

    packaging industries from 10% to 6%.

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    The small and medium enterprises (SME) sector em-

    ploys 8% of all the employees in our country. Giving a

    boost to the SMEs of our country, the nance minis-

    ter announced a 10000 crores fund to back early

    stage companies. This is a huge respite for start-ups

    in need of money and this will boost their ability to


    Another employee intensive industry that receivedgood government aenon is Tourism. The budget

    has proposed to create ve tourist circuits at a cost of

    500 crores and proposed to launch the E-Visa facili-

    ty. Such small incremental steps like E-Visa facility for

    foreign tourists can create a vast change in the num-

    ber of foreign tourists arrivals especially when the

    number of foreign tourists arrival proporonate to

    populaon of our country is one of the lowest in the

    world and there is a huge upside to achieve on this


    In our country where the working populaon cons-

    tutes 64% of the enre populaon, tourism and man-

    ufacturing are two spheres that could create enough

    jobs. Moreover, due to requirement of less invest-

    ment in tourism sector, our country can aord to in-

    vest and develop this sector. The skill requirements

    for an employee working in a manufacturing rm arefar less than the skill requirements of an employee

    working in the service sector. Hence, boosng the

    manufacturing industry could be a pragmac way to

    create low skilled or middle skilled jobs so that peo-

    ple could move away from agriculture related low

    paying jobs to beer paying manufacturing jobs.


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    The government has encouraged states to allow

    seng up of private agriculture market in order to

    keep a check on the state sponsored APMCs. This will

    increase eciency in terms of mely delivery of pro-

    duce as well as will reduce the food wastage. Key

    measures like price stabilisaon fund and higher

    budgetary allocaon for rural infrastructure and

    warehousing were announced in the budget that will

    improve the supply chain of agriculture products as

    well as will ensure the mely arrival of essenal sea-sonal crops like onions etc.


    The measures undertaken by the government in the

    Union budget shows the serious eorts put in by the

    government. The measures may be small and incre-

    mental but such small measures will go a long way in

    transforming our economy locked in low growth and

    high inaon. I believe that the government has put its

    sincerest eorts in making the budget a pragmac

    budget that touches the life of every Indian in a posi-

    ve way and hence I believe that the elecon promises

    of Ache Din Aane Wale Hai that was made by our poli-cians seem quite plausible.


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    Mr. Arun Jaitley took over the oce of the Finance

    minister under the cur-

    rent NDA rule in the 16th

    Lok Sabha. Mr Jaitley,

    who holds a Law degree

    from the University of

    Delhi, got the plum post

    along with the Defence porolio.


    Asia's biggest low-cost

    carrier, the Kuala Lumpur-

    based AirAsia, oated a

    joint venture with Tata

    Sons, the holding compa-

    ny of India's largest con-

    glomerate, and Telestra

    Tradeplace, an investment vehicle of the Bhaa fami-

    ly, to launch a new airline in India called as Air Asia

    India. AirAsia will have 49% stake, Tatas 30% and

    Bhaa will hold 21% in the company, which will be

    headquartered in Chennai.


    Infosys appointed its rst out-

    sider to head the company, hop-

    ing new blood will help in its

    struggle to stay compeve, as

    it tries to evolve from a low-cost

    outsourcing company into a

    global technology brand. India's second-largest so-

    ware exporter said Vishal Sikka, a veteran of Ger

    man soware company SAP, will take over as manag-

    ing director and chief execuve.



    Flipkart India Pvt Ltd, the

    countrys largest e-

    commerce rm, ac-

    quired rival

    in the largest-ever deal in the countrys e


    market. Though the two Bangalore-based companies

    did not disclose the merger amount, analysts es-

    mates suggest the cash-and-stock deal is likely to val-

    ue online fashion retailer Myntra at more than $330




    The BRICS naons formally

    announced the seng up

    of a $100-billion fund,

    which will help member

    countries de over a cur-

    rent account decit crisis, at their h summit in Bra-zil. China will be the largest donor to this fund and is

    expected to contribute around $41 billion. India, Rus-

    sia and Brazil will contribute $18 billion each with

    South Africa bringing in the remaining $5 billion.


    Subrata Roy, the amboyant chairman of the nan-

    cial services group Sahara India Pariwar and owner



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    of properes such as New

    Yorks Plaza Hotel and a

    stake in Indias only For-mula One racing team,

    surrendered to police

    aer the naons top court issued a warrant in a

    probe into whether he failed to refund US$3.9 billion

    to his depositors.


    Indias biggest online retailer has

    received as much as $1 billion in

    fresh capital from its exisng inves-

    tors including Tiger Global, Naspers and Singapore's

    sovereign wealth fund GIC. Singapore's GIC became

    the latest investor to put its faith in India's largest

    online retailer. The fund raising, the largest-ever by

    an Indian start-up and among the largest-ever by any

    Internet start-up globally, values Flipkart at over $7



    TCS, Indias most valuable company based on market

    cap, crossed Rs. 5 lakh crores in market value, a big

    achievement considering the tough business environ-

    ment it has been operang in. It has also found itself

    a berth among the global top ve business soware

    companies. The market value of TCS is more than

    that of the next four Indian IT companies combined,

    and exceeds that of the other

    Tata Group rms put together as

    well. Sustained growth momen-

    tum over the past four years rel-

    ave to peers is the key factor that has kept the

    stock buzzing. In addion, a special dividend of 40

    declared last week has aracted investors.


    India sculed the Trade Facilitaon Agreement (TFA)

    which is part of the Bali

    package at the WTO be-

    cause it was not sased

    with the progress on

    nding a permanent solu-

    on to the issue of allow-

    ing it higher public stockholding of food grains. Last

    ditch aempts to meet the 31 July deadline to

    make the TFA a WTO rule failed as India did not sup-

    port the move. At the heart of the problem is a rule

    that caps subsidies to farmers in developing countries

    at 10% of the total value of agricultural producon,

    based on 1986-88 prices. Developing countries com-

    plain that the base year is out-dated and that they

    need to be provide food security

    to the poor.


    Home-grown domesc phone

    vendor Micromax has unseated Samsung in India as

    the top handset seller in the 2nd quarter of 2014. A

    study conducted by technology market research rm

    Counterpoint Research says that with a 16.6 percent

    share of the mobile market, Micromax is followed by

    Samsung with a 14.4 percent market share. However,

    in the Smartphone segment, Micromax is sll placed

    second with Samsung holding nearly 25 % market.


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    Shabby interiors, grilled counters, disinterested o-

    cials, ceiling touching les, never ending queues to

    spick-and-span oces, open counters and data hun-

    gry computers, this has been challenging journey for

    banking industry.

    Ever since the incepon of banking system in India

    from the early establishment of Bank of Hindustan in

    1770 to its current state; banking system has con-

    stantly been evolving. Naonalizaon of major pri-

    vate banks in 1969 was one of the leading milestones

    in the history of banking in India that made bank ac-

    cessible to unbanked populaon of India. But the

    most signicant change was the opening of Indian

    economy towards the global economy that brought

    the paradigm shi in the banking system in India. Lib-

    eralizaon broke the shackles of the sector which ll

    then operated in restricted mode. With the arrival of

    foreign tech savvy banks, the public sector banks

    were forced to restructure the banking operaons to

    have a compeve edge.







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    Technology has power to transform the fundamental

    economics of any industry and banking is no dierent.

    The banking industry has taken enormous strides with

    the use of technology. Most of the banking transac-

    ons can now be conducted over the internet. Along

    with it, technology has reduced the barriers and

    changed the economics of delivery.


    ATM: Addion of facilies such as fund transfer, bill

    payment and account maintenance has reduced the

    fooall at the bank branch which has brought down

    the operaonal costs. Branches are now able to cater

    more customer base from a single branch. As per

    forecasts, ATMs per million populaons will increase

    from 85 to 170.

    P M- C D C: The biggest

    game changer in the banking industry was the intro-ducon of plasc money. Debit and Credit card pay-

    ments through payment gateway revoluonized the

    banking sector and provided the individuals hassle

    free transacons. Visa, which is a global payment

    technology company, processes 47,000 transaconsper second reliably, conveniently and securely. Pres-

    ence in 200 countries with $2.2 billion Visa cards and

    2.1 million ATM (as of December 31, 2013) it accounts

    for a total of 91.6 billion transacons worth $4.5 tril-

    lion on 31 March 2014.

    NEFT: Naonal Electronic Funds Transfer facilitates

    electronically transfer of funds from any branch to

    any individual or rm. NEFT has an upper ceiling of

    50,000 per transacon.

    RTGS:Real me gross selement system means con-

    nuous selement of funds by an individual or by an

    order within a span of 30 minutes. No upper ceiling in

    transacon makes it the most favorable online trans-

    fer mode of payment in case of larger transacon.

    M : Over the years it was felt to have a

    technology which goes beyond ATM. In context of In-

    dia which boast of a mammoth subscriber base of 900

    million mobile users this was even more necessary.


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    Mobile banking inially provided SMS alert facility but

    later added services such as account enquiries, bill

    payment, and fund transfer and loan requests. This

    helped in enhancing customer experience and con-



    With the arrival of computer and internet, manual

    ways found their way out. IT revoluon equipped the

    banking sector with CORE (centralized online real-

    me electronic) banking soluons. It helped in reduc-

    on of operaonal cost as prinng and backup be-

    came centralized. CORE banking reduced the man-

    power requirement and increased eciency by reduc-

    ing the transacon cycle me. It provided to custom-

    er the much required freedom to transact anywhere.

    It facilitated accurate and quick implementaon of

    banking policies. All this helped in increasing business

    opportunies which led to reducon in legal expenseand penales.

    Cq T S: CTS introduced cheque

    clearance using MICR. It helped in reducing the turna-

    round me in clearing of cheques and curbing cheque


    ECSElectronic Clearing Service enabled repeve and

    periodic transacon such as interest payment, salary

    and pension payment towards electricity, phone and

    water payments.


    Data analycs is the buzz word today.The highly com-

    peve market requires banks to convert vast

    amount of data into meaningful informaon which

    could help them in generang sales and dierenated

    customer experiences. Banks ulize data analycs to

    improve customer retenon, cross selling, opmizing

    price structure, gain customer insights and implement

    real me event management.

    Most private banks ulize their business analycs to

    ne tune their campaign and markeng eorts. These

    analycs provides insight and help to idenfy new

    customers and reduces markeng spend per custom-



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    Bhas emerged strongly as an alternave to con-

    venonal internet banking. Marketed as an open

    source and decentralized technology, it is nding its

    user base at an exponenal rate. The inclinaon to-

    wards Bitcoin comes due to the fact that it poses no

    restricon on the transacon amount and is free from

    bank charges. This is why it has been witnessing in-

    creasing acceptance around the globe. It is currently

    values at 584 US Dollar/ per Bitcoin

    The nancial bodies have me and again raised con-

    cerns over the use of Bitcoin as a full-edged tool for

    transacons. Currently the user base is quite small,

    which limits its use as a normal currency. It is highly

    volale and as a result its value experience high oscil-

    laons. Also, the soware behind it is sll under beta

    phase and a major poron is under development.

    R: RBI launched Indias rst ever domesc card

    scheme RuPay on March 2012 with an entry level ac-

    ceptance at ATMs. Its long term aim is to evolve as

    an alternave to MasterCard and Visa, but before

    that it sll has to cover a lot of ground.


    The pre and post liberalizaon era has witnessed

    huge changes in the banking sector and the advent of

    technology in this sector has spread new colors. Now

    technology has become the integral part of the bank-

    ing sector right from driving the basic banking ser-

    vices to the introducon of several new products and

    services. It is quite evident that what we see today

    wont stay the same in coming years. Banking indus-

    try will keep chasing the fast paced technology for its



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    Decisions about the Dividend pay-out by far have

    been a subject of great curiosity and interest for the

    analysts, researchers and academicians for a long

    me now. The objecve of the Dividend Pay-out is to

    determine the extent to which the company is distrib-

    ung the dividends to its shareholders out of the

    earnings of the company.

    Both the investors and the corporate houses were

    expecng the abolion of the double taxaon on divi-

    dend income ever since the Government of India had

    iniated nancial reforms in 1991. In the budget of

    1997, the Finance Minister announced the abolion

    of tax on dividend income in the hands of the share-

    holders. However, the budget also proposed a new

    tax on the companies when they declared, distribut-

    ed or paid dividend. This new corporate dividend tax

    was also called as Dividend Distribuon Tax (DDT).

    The main objecve of this was to discourage compa-

    nies from increasing the dividend oulow signicantly

    leading to lower capital formaon. Even though this

    system exempted investors from paying any direct

    tax, it required them to pay an indirect tax on the div-

    idend at a prescribed rate.

    This new system also ensured that the administraon

    of tax on dividend would be more ecient and eec-

    ve. The DDT aimed to improve economic growth

    and exibility by eliminang the tax bias against equi-

    ty-nanced investments thereby promong saving

    and investment. It also aimed at reducing the tax bias

    against capital gains in the earlier tax system encour-

    aging investment and enhancing the long term

    growth potenal of the economy.



    There is a common noon that the dividends are

    oen taxed twice. There is a school of thought that

    argues for tax exempon for dividend income. The

    basis of their argument is that the taxaon of divi-

    dend income amounts to double taxaon. The expla-

    naon behind this concept is that the corporate

    prots are subject to corporate tax. Since dividends

    are paid out of the prot earned which is already

    taxed, if the dividends are taxed again, it amounts to

    double taxaon.







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    This logic can be challenged on two grounds:

    There is a legal disncon between the corporaon

    as an enty and the individual shareholders who own

    the company.

    Tax rates currently in place were set with the

    knowledge that there was taxaon at the corporate

    and individual level. This means that if there is a mor-

    al objecon to double taxaon, then, the remedial

    acon would also require an increase in the corporate

    tax rate.


    Its been over a decade that investors have been argu-

    ing that taxing dividend is unfair and it leads to double

    taxaon. The argument is well grounded in a sense

    that dividend is a source of income for the sharehold-

    ers and it is distributed aer the corporate tax is lev-

    ied from the gross earning of the rm. Hence, imposi-on of tax on distribuon is injusce to them. Howev-

    er, is it really an injusce to shareholders?

    In my opinion, it does not lead to double taxaon.

    Why? As per our legal system, a company and its own-

    er both are separate enes. Various benets are ac-

    crued to the owners because of this. For example,

    when a company faces in a crisis, its owners are not

    liable to pay any debt from their pockets. Considering

    that, when the gross earnings of a rm are taxed it is

    deemed as an income tax paid by the rm and not by

    its owners. Moreover, when dividends are taxed,

    earnings of owners are taxed. Hence, the argument of

    double taxaon is denitely fallacious.


    UNION BUDGET 2014 15

    The reforms brought in by the newly elected govern-

    ment with respect to the direct tax will denitely be a

    shot in the arm for corporate. However, the only

    dampener would be the amendment made in the divi-

    dend distribuon tax. The amendment made was with

    respect to secon-115O of income tax.

    This secon was introduced in income tax act in 1997

    which made corporates liable to pay DDT while distrib-

    ung prot to the shareholders. The recent amend-

    ment in the act will increase the eecve dividend dis-

    tribuon tax as the basis for calculaon of tax will be

    gross distributable surplus rather than net distributa-

    ble surplus.

    T w -


    Lets assume, in 2013, Infosys made Rs.200 Crore prot

    and it distributed the enre prot to its shareholders.

    In this case, the DDT that Infosys is subjected to pay

    would have been as follows:

    D : R.200 C/1.16995 =

    R.170.95 C

    (The eecve rate of 16.995% includes Educaon cess

    and surcharge as well)

    T P: R.170.95*16.995% = R.29.05 C


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    In contrast, Post amendment, suppose the prot g-

    ures are considered to be same for Infosys as per the

    example above, the tax that Infosys has to pay in 2014

    would be,

    T : R.200 C*16.995% = R.33.99 C

    D D A: R.200 R.33.99 = R.

    166.01 C

    Thus this example shows that a minor tweak in the cal-

    culaon of DDT can result in high income that the gov-

    ernment is going to earn from it.



    1 -I :

    There is an inverse relaon between dividend distribu-

    on tax and companys dividend pay-out rao. When

    dividend distribuon tax is higher, companies prefer to

    retain most of their earnings for future spending. Re-

    tained earnings can be used to invest in high growth

    project which will help in following manner:

    Need for external nancing will be less which will

    reduce the cost of capital for the rms.

    High growth projects will give an opportunity to rms

    to earn more prots which will be reected in their

    share price in the secondary markets.

    2 -I :

    Plethora of research has been done on what do small

    shareholders prefer: capital gain or cash dividends?

    Majority of them claim that shareholders are more

    sased with capital appreciaon than cash dividends.

    They do not raise any objecon if company retains all

    the earning and invest it in high NPV project as it ul-

    mately aects the share price of the company in sec-

    ondary market.

    Furthermore, if shareholders demand any dividends,

    rms can distribute stock dividends in lieu of cash divi-

    dends. Stock dividends provide many benets to both

    shareholder and a rm.

    It doesnt enforce tax liabilies on shareholders. Firms

    dont have to share its earnings and can invest in new

    projects to expand quickly. Stock dividends provide

    more liquidity to the stock in the secondary market.

    Hence, this proposed change will hardly be a cause of

    concern for the shareholders.

    3 -C :

    Clientele hypothesis claims that certain type of inves-

    tors prefer cash dividends since their marginal tax ondividend is less than their income from other sources.

    It is more prevalent in India as compared to the devel-

    oped economies.

    For example: In

    2013, the maximum

    salary that Reliance

    can give to Mukesh

    Ambani, as agreed

    by shareholders, is

    Rs. 38 crore. But

    Mukesh Ambani

    withdrew only 15 crore as a salary. However, the

    amount he received from cash dividend is massive Rs.

    1,240.7 crore. The raonale behind this is that his sala-

    ry is taxed at 30% while the earnings through dividends

    are taxed only at 15%.


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    The above table shows the dividend earnings of busi-

    ness persons in the nancial year 2011.

    This clearly shows the presence of clientele eect. Top

    managers, who have a nal say in dividend policy of

    the company, have personal advantage in cash divi-

    dends which might lead them to incline towards cash

    dividends. The proposed change will not limit the gap

    completely, but will surely reduce the gap.


    Tax is one of the main sources of revenues for the Gov-

    ernment. Decisions regarding taxes are always given

    paramount importance during the budget since these

    decisions set the stage for the economys growth dur-ing the course of the year. Well aware of these intrica-

    cies of taxes, the new government, during its maiden

    Union Budget has brought in small but eecve chang-

    es in key policies which would assist in streamlining the

    cash ows of its treasury. small tweak in the calcula-

    on of the Dividend Distribuon Tax can generate huge

    revenues to the government. At the rst instance, this

    change gives an impression that it is going to play a

    spoil sport for the corporates and investors but dwell-

    ing deep into this maer, the changes also present an

    opportunity for the corporates to look out for beer

    growth oriented projects and thereby providing share-

    holders beer returns on their investment by way of

    capital appreciaon. Hence it can be said that in spite

    of having negave aspects, the posive aspects of the

    proposed change outweighs the shortcomings of the


    P C FY11 (R. C)

    Azim H Premji Wipro 1345.1

    Mukesh Ambani RIL 1240.7

    Rahul Bajaj Bajaj 917.4

    Anil Agarwal Vedanta 790.2

    Keshub Mahindra M&M 312.2


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    The purpose of investment research is to help inves-

    tors decide which asset class cash and cash equiva-

    lents, xed interest securies, real estate, commodi-

    es, currencies and derivaves amongst others-

    would make a good investment. In Equity Research, a

    sub-set of investment research, the universe of assets

    is limited to stocks. There are two types of profes-

    sionals in this eld, namely- Sell-side analyst who

    work at brokerages and independent equity research

    rms, and Buy-side analyst who work for money man-

    agement rms and present stock pitches to porolio


    Source: Moneycontrol


    InFINee from now on launches a new secon, called

    EQUITY RESEARCH, to this magazine which will solely

    be dedicated to publishing an equity research report

    on one of the happening stocks of the quarter every

    edion. We, acng as a sell-side analyst, through our

    reports will give you our recommendaons on wheth-

    er to BUY, HOLD or SELL the stock.


    Before you start invesng, it is best that you know

    how Equity Research reports are made. Hence, in this

    edion, we put forward A Prelude to EQUITY RE-

    SEARCH so as to get you an understanding of it be-

    fore you actually dive into invesng.


    While doing an Equity Research for a parcular share

    or stock, the work in itself requires one to split it into

    research and then future projecons or esmaons.

    For doing so, the basic framework involves one to un-

    derstand the business model of the company, read its

    nancial statements, use rao analysis techniques to

    compare its nancial performance with those of its

    closest comparable peers, value it using both intrinsic

    (absolute) and relave valuaon approaches, and




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    nally, prepare a complete equity research report

    with a recommendaon to BUY, SELL or HOLD the

    stock at its current price.

    Equity Research starts with carrying out the Funda-

    mental analysis of the company followed by the rao

    analysis and then nally valuaon is done.


    Equity Research and analysis begins with an aempt

    to understand the business and nancial characteris-

    cs of the given company. This implies the analysis of

    the industry and the company. To start with, doing

    the Fundamental analysis of the company becomes

    extremely crucial. When analysing an investment,

    Fundamentals of a company are the actual numbers

    that cause movements in its stock price. In this case,

    the analyst is interested in analysing rm specic data

    to have an understanding of the big picture, rather

    than looking at the technical aspects of an invest-

    ments market chart.

    One of the two approaches goes into the doing of

    Fundamental analysis namely Boom-Up approach or

    Top-Down approach. Boom-Up approach focuses

    primarily on the individual stocks rather than on the

    external factors impacng the economy. The Top-

    Down approach, on the other hand, is a step wise pro-

    cess starng with the analysis of the external environ-

    ment using PEST analysis, then examining the industry

    of the company using models like Porters 5 forces or

    Porters Diamond depending upon the underlying fac-

    tors involved and eventually analysing the company

    using the popular SWOT analysis. Aer doing the

    above analysis, the analyst or the investor gets an un-

    derstanding on the fundamentals of the company and

    can qualitavely give a rang to the company. If fun-

    damentals of the company are strong, even if the

    market goes wrong, the company will come back to itsposion.

    A simple framework for understanding the Business

    Prole of the company:


    Once an overview of the business prole is done, the

    nancial health of the company is to be looked into.

    While analysing the nancial prole, one has to crical-

    ly look into the aspects of Size, Protability, Growth

    prole, Return on Investment and the Credit prole of

    the company. Rao analysis helps in evaluang various

    aspects of a companys nancial performance such as

    its eciency, liquidity, protability and solvency. This

    requires the analysis of the nancial statements,

    namely the Balance Sheet, Prot & Loss Statement,

    and Cash Flows Statement of the company. But the

    numbers in the companys nancial statements carry

    lile meaning in themselves as it doesnt tell us how

    good the business is at converng resources to earn-

    ings and this is where the raos come into help as they

    provide meaningful relaonships between individual

    line items in the nancial statements. Another im-

    portant aspect of rao analysis is that the raos can be


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    compared across dierent companies within the same

    sector or sub-sector to get an overview of the perfor-

    mance of the company against its competors or the

    industry as a whole. In the coming edions of ourmagazine, we intend to restrict our use of rao analy-

    sis to the nding of raos that will help us evaluate

    ve aspects of the company namely its operang per-

    formance, acvity levels, liquidity posion, leverage

    and valuaon mulples.

    Example of important raos used for Power Industry:

    From the above table one can easily do a comparave

    analysis of the companies against the important raos

    and approximate an average rao for the industry.

    From this, one can nd out how the company is per-

    forming in tandem to the industry in general.

    The list of important raos used:

    Source: (for the year 2011)


    Having done the two analyses, one moves to the last

    and the most important aspect of Equity Research

    which is Valuaon. The nal stage in the research of

    the target company is nding out what is the compa-

    nys total worth. As the name goes, valuaon is the

    process of determining the current worth of the equi-

    ty, asset or company. Valuaon is the esmaon of

    an assets value based either on variables perceived to

    be related to future investment returns (usually cash

    ows) or on comparisons with similar assets. It is

    needed in not just doing Equity Research but also in a

    number of other things like Mergers and Acquisions,

    investment analysis, capital budgeng and many

    more. The valuaon models are used in making invest-

    ment decisions as to which assets are undervalued






    Return on


    Return on









    working capi-

    tal Turnover





    Quick Rao Cash Rao

    Leverage Debt/


    Net Debt/


    Net Debt/


    Stock Val-





    Year 2011 NTPC Power




    Face Value 10 10 10

    Protability Raos

    Operang Prot

    Margin (%)

    27.09 83.85 24.66

    Net Prot

    Margin (%)

    15.57 28.81 55.59

    Liquidity And Solvency Raos

    Current Rao 2.48 1.05 1.94

    Quick Rao 2.23 1.02 2.26

    Debt Equity


    0.76 2.05 0.44

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    IFIN | A I | A 2014

    or overvalued. It is through Valuaon one can quan-

    tavely rate the company.

    Approaches to Valuaon as put forth by Aswath Dam-

    odaran, professor at NYU Stern:

    Intrinsic Valuaon: The value of an asset is esmated

    based upon its cash ows, growth potenal and risk.

    The most widely used valuaon model here are:

    Discounted Cash Flow (DCF)

    Dividend Discount Model (DDM)

    In a DCF model, the forecasted future cash ows are

    discounted to get to the present value. The other valu-

    aon method in usage is Dividend Discount Model

    (DDM). But this can be used only when the company

    pays out dividends. Once the intrinsic value or the fair

    value of equity is obtained, it is compared with the

    Current Market Price of the share and based on this

    the analyst comes to a conclusion whether the stock is

    overvalued or undervalued.

    Relave Valuaon: Esmates the value of an asset by

    looking at the pricing of comparable assets relave

    to a common variable like The above picture indicates

    that the Intrinsic price of the equity is more than that

    of the Current Market Price which tells us that the

    stock is currently undervalued and has potenal,

    hence should be a BUY.

    The tools of equity valuaon is used to address a

    range of praccal problems like judging whether the

    securies are fairly valued or under/overvalued, infer-

    ring market expectaons, evaluang corporate like

    events mergers and acquisions, divestures, spin-

    os, management buy-outs (MBOs), leveraged recapi-

    talizaons etc.

    Summary of the steps of Equity Research:

    Understand the companys business prole and

    do the company and industry analysis

    Forecast companys performance

    Select the appropriate Valuaon model

    Make investment decision based on the funda-

    mentals and valuaon.

    While making an investment decision, both the Funda-

    mentals and Valuaon of the company maers. Finally

    on the basis of the rangs of these two parameters,investment is made. This above menoned framework

    for doing Fundamental analysis, Rao Analysis and

    nally Valuaon is an essenal starng point but is by

    no means exhausve. There are many other factors

    like the price movements (Technical Analysis) which

    are taken into account before making an investment

    in the equity.

    Now that an overview is given, InFINee Team inaugu-

    rates the secon on EQUITY RESEARCH. Please do look

    forward to the next edion so as to start invesng




    C M P: Rs. 250

    I P: Rs. 262

  • 8/11/2019 InFINeeti August2014 Annual Edition


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    Let us discuss the key recommendaons of the Com-

    mission and their impact on the Indian Financial r-



    loudest amendments proposed by the Commission is

    the formaon of a U F A re-

    placing SEBI, IRDA, PFRDA and FMC (the Forward

    Markets Commission). According to the FSLRC, the

    incumbent nancial regime with mulple sectorial

    regulators creates conicts of interest and leads to

    overlaps and gaps in regulaon at the same me. For

    example- while Ponzi schemes are not regulated by

    any agency as of now, Securies market is regulated

    by SEBI and RBI both. It makes economic sense and

    creates synergy to merge regulatory bodies into one

    and remove the problems of inter-regulatory turf-

    wars. The FSLRC establishes a new seven agencymodel to regulate and control the nancial sector in


    It will regulate and control all acvies of the nan-

    cial market other than what is to be regulated by the

    RBI. The proposed agency will be carrying out all the

    responsibilies of all the exisng regulators (other

    than the RBI) like SEBI, FMC, IRDA, PFRDA etc. TheUFA will also be the rst consumer interest protec-

    on regulator in the nancial sector with the excep-

    on of banking and payment systems which will be

    under the ambit of the RBI.

    ROLE OF RBI: -The RBI gets to keep most of its pow-

    ers and connues to guide the naons monetary pol-

    icy and regulaon of its banking industry. It also per-

    forms the funcon of regulaon and enforcement of

    the payment systems and enforcement of the pro-

    posed consumer protecon law. However, it loses its

    power of managing public debt. Also, its monopoly

    over monetary policy formulaon is in danger as the

    commission proposes that the central government, in


    P R T ( FSLRC)

    RBI RBI ( though with reduced powers)




    United Financial Agency (UFA)

    S A T Financial Sector Appellate Tribunal (FSAT)

    D I C

    G C (DICGC)

    Resoluon Corporaon (RC)

    F S D

    C (FSDC)

    It remains as it is.

    Nw Debt Management Agency (DMA)Nw Financial Redressal Agency (FRA)

    T 2: P I F R S

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    IFIN | A I | A 2014

    consultaon with the RBI Governor, set a monetary

    policy target and hold the Central Bank accountable

    in case of its failure to achieve these objecves. The

    icing on the cake, at least for the Government, is the

    fact that the Commission wants the Central bank to

    deliver on the monetary policy front by adopng a

    Monetary Policy Commiee having the Governor as

    its Chairman and six other members.

    Only one of these members will come from RBI. Of

    course the Central Bank can advise the Government

    on the appointment of two other members while the

    remaining three members will be appointed by the

    Government. Thus, the Commiee eecvely dilutes

    the Central Banks autonomy on monetary policy

    maers of the country. It rather places its faith in a

    government which is prone to reducing rates in an

    elecon year and is, otherwise too, gullible to being

    populist at the expense of the economy.

    Addionally, it places the RBI, and all regulators for

    that maer, under judicial review, a step unprece-

    dented in the history of India. Dr. Raghuram Rajan

    has correctly warned that this provision will result

    into constant quesoning of regulatory decisions thus

    creang paralysis of analysis as regulators will go slow

    on decision making. There is also the danger of

    shrewd parcipants in the nancial system exploing

    the loop-holes to their own advantage by going for

    excessive ligaon.

    FINANCIAL REDRESSAL AGENCY: -Consumer interest

    protecon is one of the key concerns of the Com-

    miee. To this eect, the FSLRC recommends the cre

    aon of the Financial Redressal Agency (FRA) to

    aend to consumer complaints in the nancial sector

    (except the banking sector) across the naon. The

    FRA will replace all sector-specic Ombudsmen pre-

    sent now. All nancial service providers are required

    to set up internal mechanisms for consumer griev-

    ance-redressal and to educate the consumer of their

    right to seek redressal. If the consumer is unsased

    with the appropriate handling of their issues by the

    rm, they can approach the FRA.


    Financial Sector Appellate Tribunal (FSAT) is the all-

    important pillar proposed by the Commiee, for ap-

    peals against the acons of the RBI, the FRA and the

    UFA. The exisng Securies Appellate Tribunal will be

    merged into FSAT, to which the consumer can appealagainst all nancial sector regulators. FSAT will have

    powers of jurisdiconal oversight on the acons of

    the regulators. This places regulators in a ght spot,

    for their decisions are not always based on the surety

    of events but more on their likeliness to happen since

    they cannot wait for a tragedy to strike before acng

    on it and defanging it.


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    S: -L


    (FSDC): - The Financial Stability and Development

    Council (FSDC) is the only exisng regulator, apart

    from the RBI of course, that stays on. It will oversee

    the various systemic risks and will suggest ways to

    bring them down. The Commiee wants to establish

    a nancial data cell whose primary job will be to look

    for the systemic risk in the nancial sector and report

    the same to its parent body, the FSDC. The FSDC, be-

    ing a statutory body, will then measure and manage

    the risks in the system. The FSDC will be empowered

    to undertake all required intervenons for reducing

    the systemic risks.


    lic Debt Management Authority to manage public

    debt is an altogether new instuon to manage gov-

    ernments debt in the proposed regime. A Resoluon

    Corporaon has also been proposed to handle the

    resoluon of nancial rms.


    FSLRC has produced one the most far-reaching re-

    ports based on its recommendaons and possible

    outcomes. Its stress on having a clear framework for

    monetary policy-making was what prompted the GoI

    to form the Urijit Patel Commiee. The Commis-

    sions rap to the service-providers and the regulators

    for unfair and not-so-consumer friendly pracces may

    begin a new era of consumer proteconism in the In-

    dian nancial sector and may force the authories to

    revisit their approach to the consumer and consider

    mending their ways. In proposing to create a Dra

    Financial Code for India, the commiee has tried to

    bring in some fresh air to the laws governing the -

    nancial sector of this country.


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    In trying to amalgamate various regulators into one

    body, it has tried creang the much-needed synergy in

    regulaon. By proposing to make RBI and other regu-

    lators responsible to the parliament, it has tried to

    make them answerable to the people of this country.

    In increasing the weight of the government in formu-

    lang Indias monetary policy, it has tried to bridge

    the gap between the countrys

    monetary and scal policies and has made the govern-

    ment further answerable to the people of India. In the

    words of Dr. Raghuram Rajan, though he himself is

    one of the biggest cric of the commiees recom-

    mendaons, FSLRC report is one of the most im-

    portant, well researched as well as well-publicized re-

    ports in Indian Financial History. The reports inu-

    ence will be felt for many years to come. Enough



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    Internaonal Financial Reporng Standards (IFRS),

    previously known as Internaonal Accounng Stand-

    ards (IAS), is a set of standards, framework and expla-

    naons adopted for preparaon and presentaon of

    nancial statements.

    In present scenario of globalizaon and liberalizaon,

    the world has become a small place. Many corporates

    in emerging economies are looking to enhance their

    access to the global markets to full their need of cap-

    ital funding. Thus, it is of paramount importance that

    there exists a system or a set of guidelines which is

    consistent all across the globe, and here in lies the

    importance of IFRS. Many countries have already

    moved towards convergence of their respecve ac-

    counng principles with IFRS, while others are sll

    passive with their approach.


    In India, Accounng standards are formulated by Ins-

    tute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI), through

    its Accounng Boards Standard. Thereaer these ac-

    counng standards are considered by Naonal Advi-

    sory Commiee on Accounng Standards (NACAS)

    which then recommends it to the Central govern-

    ment. At present, 28 Accounng Standards, with cer-

    tain dierences, have been noed under the Compa-






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    the Companies Act, 1956.

    ICAI, in 2007, commenced the pro