infection and - · infectionandimmunity volume46 december1984 * number3 j. w.shands,...

INFECTION AND IMMUNITY VOLUME 46 DECEMBER 1984 * NUMBER 3 J. W. Shands, Jr., Editor in Chief (1989) University of Florida, Gainesville Phillip J. Baker, Editor (1985) National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Bethesda, Md. Edwin H. Beachey, Editor (1988) VA Medical Center Memphis, Tenn. Peter F. Bonventre, Editor (1989) University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, Ohio Arthur G. Johnson, Editor (1986) University of Minnesota, Duluth Stephan E. Mergenhagen, Editor (1989) National Institute of Dental Research Bethesda, Md. John H. Schwab, Editor (1985) University of North Carolina, Medical School Chapel Hill Leonard C. Altman (1986) Michael A. Apicella (1985) Roland Arnold (1984) Joel B. Baseman (1985) Elmer L. Becker (1984) Neil Blacklow (1984) Arnold S. Bleiweis (1984) William H. Bowen (1985) Robert R. Brubaker (1986) Ward Bullock, Jr. (1985) Charles Carpenter (1985) Bruce Chassy (1984) John 0. Cisar (1985) John Clements (1985) Myron Cohen (1984) Barry C. Cole (1984) R. John Collier (1984) Lynette Corbeil (1984) Jim E. Cutler (1984) Peter C. Doherty (1984) Judith E. Domer (1986) James L. Duncan (1985) Dennis Dwyer (1984) Roman Dziarski (1984) Robert A. Eisenberg (1984) Barry Eisenstein (1985) Toby Eisenstein (1984) Peter Elsbach (1986) Stanley Falkow (1985) John J. Farrar (1985) EDITORIAL BOARD John C. Feeley (1985) Robert Finberg (1984) John R. Finerty (1984) Robert Fitzgerald (1986) Samuel B. Formal (1986) John Gallin (1985) Peter Gemski (1985) Robert Genco (1985) Ronald J. Gibbons (1985) Frances Gillin (1984) Mayer B. Goren (1985) Harry Greenberg (1985) Frank Griffin (1984) Richard Guerrant (1986) Carlton L. Gyles (1985) Edgar Hanna (1984) Eric J. Hansen (1986) David Hentges (1985) Martin S. Hirsch (1985) Randall K. Holmes (1986) Dexter H. Howard (1985) Barbara Iglewski (1986) Howard M. Johnson (1985) Russell C. Johnson (1985) William Johnson (1985) Garth W. Jones (1984) Dennis L. Kasper (1985) George E. Kenny (1984) David F. Keren (1985) Paul Kolenbrander (1986) Julius P. Kreier (1986) Maurice J. Lefford (1984) Thomas Lehner (1986) Stephen H. Leppla (1985) Michael Loos (1984) John Mansfield (1985) Zell A. McGee (1985) Jerry R. McGhee (1985) Douglas D. McGregor (1985) Floyd C. McIntire (1985) Monte Meltzer (1986) Jiri Mestecky (1986) J. Gabriel Michael (1986) Page Morahan (1985) Frederick A. Murphy (1985) Henry W. Murray (1986) Neal Nathanson (1984) Robert J. North (1985) Alison O'Brien (1985) Itzhak Ofek (1986) Roy C. Page (1985) Chik H. Pai (1985) Monique Parant (1984) Nathaniel F. Pierce (1986) Matthew Pollack (1986) Ruth Rappaport (1986) John B. Robbins (1986) Donald Robertson (1984) Burton Rosan (1986) Jon A. Rudbach (1984) Stephen W. Russell (1985) Catherine Saelinger (1984) Edward J. St. Martin (1985) Irving E. Salit (1986) Anthony J. Sbarra (1984) Charles F. Schachtele (1985) Julius Schachter (1986) Jerome L. Schulman (1985) Alan Sher (1984) Gerald D. Shockman (1986) Phillip D. Smith (1985) Ralph Snyderman (1985) Maggie So (1986) J. G. Stevens (1985) Barnet M. Sultzer (1985) Catharina Svanborg-Eden (1985) John L. Swanson (1984) Diane Taylor (1984) Ivo van de Rijn (1984) Johannes van Houte (1985) Jan T. Vilcek (1985) Stefanie Vogel (1985) Peter A. Ward (1985) William P. Weidanz (1984) William 0. Weigle (1984) Jerry A. Winkelstein (1984) Herbert H. Winkler (1986) Meyer J. Wolin (1984) David J. Wyler (1984) Wendell D. Zollinger (1985) Chairman, Publications Board Walter G. Peter III, Director of Publications G. Rebecca Naibee, Production Editor Infection and Immunity (ISSN 0019-9567), a publication of the American Society for Microbiology, 1913 I St., NW, Washington, DC 20006, is devoted to the advancement and dissemination of fundamental knowledge concerning: (i) infections caused by pathogenic bacteria, fungi, and unicellular parasites; (ii) the ecology and epidemiology of pathogenic microbes; (iii) virulence factors, such as toxins and microbial surface structures; (iv) nonspecific factors in host resistance and susceptibility to infection; and (v) immunology of microbial infection. Instructions to authors are published in the January issue each year; reprints are available from the editors and the Publications Department. Infection and Immunity is published monthly, and the twelve numbers are divided into four volumes per year. The nonmember subscription price is $249 per year; single copies are $21. The member subscription price is $37 (foreign, $49 [surface rate]) per year; single copies are $7. Correspondence relating to subscriptions, reprints, defective copies, availability of back issues, lost or late proofs, disposition of submitted manuscripts, and general editorial matters should be directed to the ASM Publications Department, 1913 I St., NW, Washington, DC 20006 (phone: 202 833-9680). Claims for missing issues from residents of the United States, Canada, and Mexico must be submitted within 3 months after publication of the issues; residents of all other countries must submit claims within 6 months of publication of the issues. Claims for issues missing because of failure to report an address change or for issues "missing from files" will not be allowed. Second class postage paid at Washington, DC 20006, and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Infection and Immunity, ASM, 1913 I St., NW, Washington, DC 20006. Made in the United States of America. Copyright 1984, American Society for Microbiology. it*: t ho,J -tPf1U; I' 1t All Rights Reserved. The code at the top of the first page of an article in this journal indicates the copyright owner's consent that copies of the ar- ticle may be made for personal use or for personal use of specific clients. This consent is given on the condition, however, that the copier pay the stated per-copy fee through the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc., 21 Congress St., Salem, MA 01970, for copying beyond that permitted by Sections 107 and 108 of the U.S. Copyright Law. This consent does not extend to other kinds of copying, such as copying for general distribution, for advertising or promotional purposes, for creating new collective works, or for resale. Helen R. Whiteley, Linda M. Illig, Managing Editor, Journals

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Page 1: INFECTION AND - · INFECTIONANDIMMUNITY VOLUME46 DECEMBER1984 * NUMBER3 J. W.Shands, Jr., Editor in Chief(1989) University ofFlorida, Gainesville Phillip J. Baker, Editor


J. W. Shands, Jr., Editor in Chief (1989)University of Florida, Gainesville

Phillip J. Baker, Editor (1985)National Institute of Allergy and

Infectious DiseasesBethesda, Md.Edwin H. Beachey, Editor (1988)VA Medical CenterMemphis, Tenn.

Peter F. Bonventre, Editor (1989)University of CincinnatiCincinnati, OhioArthur G. Johnson, Editor (1986)University ofMinnesota, Duluth

Stephan E. Mergenhagen, Editor (1989)National Institute of Dental ResearchBethesda, Md.

John H. Schwab, Editor (1985)University of North Carolina,Medical School

Chapel Hill

Leonard C. Altman (1986)Michael A. Apicella (1985)Roland Arnold (1984)Joel B. Baseman (1985)Elmer L. Becker (1984)Neil Blacklow (1984)Arnold S. Bleiweis (1984)William H. Bowen (1985)Robert R. Brubaker (1986)Ward Bullock, Jr. (1985)Charles Carpenter (1985)Bruce Chassy (1984)John 0. Cisar (1985)John Clements (1985)Myron Cohen (1984)Barry C. Cole (1984)R. John Collier (1984)Lynette Corbeil (1984)Jim E. Cutler (1984)Peter C. Doherty (1984)Judith E. Domer (1986)James L. Duncan (1985)Dennis Dwyer (1984)Roman Dziarski (1984)Robert A. Eisenberg (1984)Barry Eisenstein (1985)Toby Eisenstein (1984)Peter Elsbach (1986)Stanley Falkow (1985)John J. Farrar (1985)

EDITORIAL BOARDJohn C. Feeley (1985)Robert Finberg (1984)John R. Finerty (1984)Robert Fitzgerald (1986)Samuel B. Formal (1986)John Gallin (1985)Peter Gemski (1985)Robert Genco (1985)Ronald J. Gibbons (1985)Frances Gillin (1984)Mayer B. Goren (1985)Harry Greenberg (1985)Frank Griffin (1984)Richard Guerrant (1986)Carlton L. Gyles (1985)Edgar Hanna (1984)Eric J. Hansen (1986)David Hentges (1985)Martin S. Hirsch (1985)Randall K. Holmes (1986)Dexter H. Howard (1985)Barbara Iglewski (1986)Howard M. Johnson (1985)Russell C. Johnson (1985)William Johnson (1985)Garth W. Jones (1984)Dennis L. Kasper (1985)George E. Kenny (1984)David F. Keren (1985)Paul Kolenbrander (1986)

Julius P. Kreier (1986)Maurice J. Lefford (1984)Thomas Lehner (1986)Stephen H. Leppla (1985)Michael Loos (1984)John Mansfield (1985)Zell A. McGee (1985)Jerry R. McGhee (1985)Douglas D. McGregor (1985)Floyd C. McIntire (1985)Monte Meltzer (1986)Jiri Mestecky (1986)J. Gabriel Michael (1986)Page Morahan (1985)Frederick A. Murphy (1985)Henry W. Murray (1986)Neal Nathanson (1984)Robert J. North (1985)Alison O'Brien (1985)Itzhak Ofek (1986)Roy C. Page (1985)Chik H. Pai (1985)Monique Parant (1984)Nathaniel F. Pierce (1986)Matthew Pollack (1986)Ruth Rappaport (1986)John B. Robbins (1986)Donald Robertson (1984)Burton Rosan (1986)Jon A. Rudbach (1984)

Stephen W. Russell (1985)Catherine Saelinger (1984)Edward J. St. Martin (1985)Irving E. Salit (1986)Anthony J. Sbarra (1984)Charles F. Schachtele (1985)Julius Schachter (1986)Jerome L. Schulman (1985)Alan Sher (1984)Gerald D. Shockman (1986)Phillip D. Smith (1985)Ralph Snyderman (1985)Maggie So (1986)J. G. Stevens (1985)Barnet M. Sultzer (1985)Catharina Svanborg-Eden (1985)John L. Swanson (1984)Diane Taylor (1984)Ivo van de Rijn (1984)Johannes van Houte (1985)Jan T. Vilcek (1985)Stefanie Vogel (1985)Peter A. Ward (1985)William P. Weidanz (1984)William 0. Weigle (1984)Jerry A. Winkelstein (1984)Herbert H. Winkler (1986)Meyer J. Wolin (1984)David J. Wyler (1984)Wendell D. Zollinger (1985)

Chairman, Publications Board Walter G. Peter III, Director of PublicationsG. Rebecca Naibee, Production Editor

Infection and Immunity (ISSN 0019-9567), a publication of the American Society for Microbiology, 1913 I St., NW,Washington, DC 20006, is devoted to the advancement and dissemination offundamental knowledge concerning: (i) infectionscaused by pathogenic bacteria, fungi, and unicellular parasites; (ii) the ecology and epidemiology of pathogenic microbes; (iii)virulence factors, such as toxins and microbial surface structures; (iv) nonspecific factors in host resistance and susceptibilityto infection; and (v) immunology of microbial infection. Instructions to authors are published in the January issue each year;reprints are available from the editors and the Publications Department. Infection and Immunity is published monthly, and thetwelve numbers are divided into four volumes per year. The nonmember subscription price is $249 per year; single copies are$21. The member subscription price is $37 (foreign, $49 [surface rate]) per year; single copies are $7. Correspondence relatingto subscriptions, reprints, defective copies, availability of back issues, lost or late proofs, disposition of submittedmanuscripts, and general editorial matters should be directed to the ASM Publications Department, 1913 I St., NW,Washington, DC 20006 (phone: 202 833-9680).

Claims for missing issues from residents of the United States, Canada, and Mexico must be submitted within 3 months afterpublication of the issues; residents of all other countries must submit claims within 6 months of publication of the issues.Claims for issues missing because of failure to report an address change or for issues "missing from files" will not be allowed.Second class postage paid at Washington, DC 20006, and at additional mailing offices.POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Infection and Immunity, ASM, 1913 I St., NW, Washington, DC 20006.Made in the United States of America.Copyright 1984, American Society for Microbiology. it*: tho,J -tPf1U; I' 1t

All Rights Reserved.The code at the top of the first page of an article in this journal indicates the copyright owner's consent that copies of the ar-

ticle may be made for personal use or for personal use of specific clients. This consent is given on the condition, however, thatthe copier pay the stated per-copy fee through the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc., 21 Congress St., Salem, MA 01970, forcopying beyond that permitted by Sections 107 and 108 of the U.S. Copyright Law. This consent does not extend to otherkinds of copying, such as copying for general distribution, for advertising or promotional purposes, for creating new collectiveworks, or for resale.

Helen R. Whiteley,Linda M. Illig, Managing Editor, Journals

Page 2: INFECTION AND - · INFECTIONANDIMMUNITY VOLUME46 DECEMBER1984 * NUMBER3 J. W.Shands, Jr., Editor in Chief(1989) University ofFlorida, Gainesville Phillip J. Baker, Editor

Author IndexAbernathy, Roy, 639Achtman, Mark, 649Aguero, Maria E., 740Akuffo-Adu, Hannah, 635Andersen, 0. Fred, 826Aron, Lieselotte, 740

Bandt, Carl L., 778Barker, C., 857Belisle, B. Wolfanger, 759Bemis, David A., 697Best, Gary K., 727Biggar, W. D., 857Bindereif, Albrecht, 835Bloomquist, Cynthia G., 778Bohn, D. J., 857Bourassa, Diane, 873Bowen, William H., 703Brett, Sara J., 802Burt, Brian, 765

Cabello, Felipe C., 740Carsiotis, Michael, 814, 819Cato, E. P., 720Charlier, Gerard J., 690Cheers, C., 860Chinchilla, M., 862Cohen, Harvey J., 625Cole, Michael F., 703Collins, F. M., 850Collins-Lech, Cathleen, 831Cowman, R. A., 797Crowell, Wayne F., 727Curtis, Jill, 635Cushion, Melanie T., 747

DeLuca, Albert G., 740Draper, Philip, 802Dunn, John A., 639

Earnest, Ronald, 765Edmonds, John P., 686Eklund, Steven, 765Emilson, Claes-Goran, 703Espersen, F., 710

Fisher, R. H., 797Fitzgerald, R. J., 797Forget, Adrien, 873Franson, Timothy R., 831Frasch, Carl E., 673

Frenkel, J. K., 862Frlholm, L. Oddvar, 673

Garber, Sarah S., 826Geczy, Andrew F., 686Genco, R. J., 644Glick, David L., 663Good, I. J., 720Green, Theodore J., 668Greenberg, Richard N., 639Guerrant, Richard L., 639Guze, Lucien B., 835

Haas, Joel E., 787Hagberg, L., 839Halen, Philippe H., 690Halstensen, Alfred, 673Hamilton, G., 857Haneberg, Bjmrn, 673Hara, Nobuyuki, 682Hayes, Edward C., 826Heuzenroeder, Michael, 649Hirayama, Toshiya, 631Holdeman, L. V., 720Holder, I. A., 814Holmes, Randall K., 759Hsu, S. Dana, 703Hull, R., 839Hull, S., 839

Ichinose, Yukito, 682

Jacobson, Gary R., 854Jarllv, J. O., 710Jensen, C., 710Jones, Joye F., 663

Kaku, Mariko, 682Kalbfleisch, John H., 831Kalmanson, George M., 835Kamke, Marion, 649Karch, Helge, 814Kato, Iwao, 631Kennedy, Donald J., 639Kent, G., 857Kind, Phyllis D., 733Kirkland, Jerry J., 727Kling, J. Malcolm, 727Kreger, Arnold S., 773Kwong, Terry S. L., 686

LaBine, Margaret, 747Lehmann, Vidar, 673

Leijh, Peter C. J., 754Levine, Martin, 870Lew, P. Daniel, 625Li, Shou-Hua, 703Liljemark, William F., 778Lissner, Christopher R., 819Loesche, Walter J., 765Lohmann-Matthes, M.-L., 845Lowe, Celia, 802

Mack, Karl D., 787Manclark, Charles R., 733Mandell, Gerald L., 809Matsuda, Futami, 631McGhee, J. R., 839McGuigan, Louis E., 686McKimm-Breschkin, J. L., 860Meade, Bruce D., 733Mendelman, Paul M., 787Mercer, Andrew A., 649Michalek, S. M., 839Mimura, Carol S., 854Miyasaki, K. T., 644Montgomerie, John Z., 835Moore, W. E. C., 720Morelli, Giovanna, 649Moskophidis, Matthaus, 867Movafagh, Bahareh Farideh, 870Muller, Ferdinand, 867

Nagamori, Michiko, 631Neilands, Joseph B., 835Nelles, Mitchell J., 677Niswander, Christine A., 677Noda, Masatoshi, 631Norn, S., 710

Obenauf, S. D., 797O'Brien, Alison D., 814, 819Ohta, Mitsuo, 682Orme, I. M., 850

Packer, Beryl J., 668Palcanis, K. G., 720Payne, Sheila N., 802Peeters, Johan E., 690Pelletier, Micheline, 873Pihlstrom, Bruce L., 778Plotkin, Balbina J., 697Prendergast, John K., 686Proksch, A., 845

Ranney, R. R., 720Redington, Thomas J., 747Reynolds, H. S., 644Richardson, Stephen H., 773Ryerse, Jan S., 639

Schaffer, Erwin M., 778Schoenborn, Michael A., 787Scott, David F., 727Scott, Peter J., 854Skamene, Emil, 873Smith, Arnold L., 787Smith, E. P., 720Sohnle, Peter G., 831Solberg, Claus O., 673Stahl Skov, P., 710Stimpel, M., 845Stull, Terrence L., 787Sugiyama, Hiroshi, 715Sullivan, Gail W., 809Sullivan, James A., 809Svanborg Eden, C., 839

Thompson, Peter W., 854Timmis, Kenneth N., 740Trischmann, Thomas M., 658Turk, John L., 635Twiddy, Edda M., 759

Uhl, Lori A., 778

van Furth, Ralph, 754van Zwet, Theda L., 754

Wagner, H., 845Waldvogel, Francis A., 625Wall, Victoria W., 773Walzer, Peter D., 747Wang, Boyao, 809Wang, Yinchun, 715Weinstein, Debra L., 814, 819Weston, Hazel D., 826Wilson, M. E., 644Wolff, Larry F., 778Wood, P. R., 860

Yagawa, Katsuro, 682Young, A. M., 860

Zimmerli, Werner, 625Zweerink, Hans J., 826

Page 3: INFECTION AND - · INFECTIONANDIMMUNITY VOLUME46 DECEMBER1984 * NUMBER3 J. W.Shands, Jr., Editor in Chief(1989) University ofFlorida, Gainesville Phillip J. Baker, Editor

ACKNOWLEDGMENTThe following have served as invited special reviewers for Infection and Immunity during 1984, and their help is greatly


Mark AchtmanMichael AckermanWilliam AdlerRobert AdolphJoseph F. AlbrightJulia AlbrightJohn F. AldereteAnton AllenAnthony AllisonRobert AnackerPorter W. Anderson, Jr.Bascom AnthonyFaustus G. AraujoJohn ArbuthnottDouglas ArcherGeoffrey L. AshersonRobert AustrianCarol BakerW. Lane BarksdaleAlmen L. BarronJohn G. BartlettDavid BassPhilip BassfordRobert E. BaughnBruce J. BaumLo Velle BeamanWilliam R. BeiselJoseph A. BellantiJohn BennettRodney BergMerlin S. BergdollRichard BerkDavid T. BermanAlan W. BernheimerL. Joe BerryGary K. BestDale C. BirdsellAlan L. BisnoAnn BjornsonJenefer BlackwellMartin J. BlaserDonald L. BornsteinDov L. BorosMichael D. BoyleS. Gaylen BradleyMichael G. BramucciWolfgang BredtZigmund BrenerMichael BrennanPatrick J. BrennanEric BrownH. Curt BubelThomas M. BuchananVickers BurdettWilly BurgdorferJohn E. ButlerGerald I. ByrneHarlan D. CaldwellPriscilla A. CampbellJanne CannonJ. Robert CanteyMary M. CarruthersPhilip B. CarterDan CawleyJohn CebraJan CernyLouis A. ChedidAllan Cheever

Pricilla ChenGorden ChristensenJoseph E. CiardiJames ClagettI. A. ClarkWilliam B. ClarkSteven CleggDon B. ClewellOtto ClossSidney CohenMichael F. ColeFrank M. CollinsRita ColwellJohn W. CostertonJohn P. CraigCatherine CrandallByron CrokerJorge H. CrosaAlan S. CrossRoy Curtiss IIIJames DalePhilip D'AlesandroWalter S. DallasChristie DavisGeorge S. DeepeWalla L. DempseyDickson D. DespommierRichard D. DiamondCharles A. DinarelloJoseph M. DiRienzoJacob A. DonkerslootSam T. DontaVulus R. DowellRonald J. DoyleDavid DrutzDonna DuckworthDavid T. DurackJames DvorakMorven EdwardsLeon EidelsRichard P. EllenSolon A. EllisonJerrold J. EllnerRonald EsserElsie EuguiRichard T. EvansMark FaillaJay P. FarrellF. Robert Fekety, Jr.Patricia FerrieriDavid S. FinbloomSydney M. FinegoldRichard A. FinkelsteinVincent FischettiDavid FitzgeraldThomas J. FitzgeraldJames D. FoldsAnne H. FortierMichael FrankRichard J. FrankelCarl E. FraschJeffrey FrelingerJ. K. FrenkelRolf FreterIrwin FridovichOthmar GabrielLouis GasbarreGeorge A. Gerenscer

Greg GermaineRalph A. GiannellaD. Michael GillJohn B. GingrichJon GoganNicholas K. GonatasSherwood L. GorbachEmil GotschlichRichard GreenbergNeal B. GromanJames GrunGunter GruppLucien B. GuzeC. G. HaidarisStephen L. HajdukThomas L. HaleIan R. HamiltonBenjamin F. HammondRobert E. W. HancockArthur HandEmanuela HandmanM. Carolyn HardegreePaul HardyDavid HastyTom HatchEdward A. HavellPeter HensenRonald B. HerbermanErik L. HewlettMartin F. HeyworthGene I. HigashiHarry R. HillGeorge V. HillyerMonto HoJ. Terrell HoffeldJan R. HolmgrenStanley HoltMarcus HorwitzChristopher HowardJames G. HowardMartha HoweKenneth W. HunterShirley W. HunterRabia HussainVincent J. IaconoJohn J. landoloLonnie 0. IngramRichard IsaacsonGeorge JakabKlaus JannJames B. JensenJames JensonDavid T. JohnW. M. JohnsonThomas C. JonesHarold V. JordonPushpa S. KalraRalph F. KampschmidtEdna S. KaneshiroJames KaperFrank A. KapralManfred L. KarnovskyStephen P. KatzJames W. KazuraWilliam R. KemGerald T. KeuschFilipe KierszenbaumDavid Klapper

Seymour KlebanoffFrederick A. KlipsteinFloyd C. KnoopArthur L. KochIvan KochanYiChi KongKenneth S. KornmanThomas R. KozelArnold S. KregerBarry KreiswirthRaymond E. KuhnStephen L. KunkelHoward K. KuramitsuJune Kwon-ChungJean LanghorneRobert I. LehrerMichael LevineN. J. LevyLoretta LieveThomas F. LintRosemary LinzerJames M. LiptonMax A. ListgartenMarilyn R. LoebWalter J. LoescheJack P. LondonPhilip T. LoVerdeDavid Alan LowA. Bruce MacDonaldS. K. MaheswaranP. Helen MakelaCharles R. ManclarkIrwin D. MandelRaphael MartinezPaul A. MashimoStephen MattinglyWilliam P. McArthurBarry C. McBrideGerald MedoffJohn MekalanosMonte S. MeltzerSuzanne M. MichalekJohn MiddlebrookJames N. MillerLouis H. MillerThomas J. MoehringHarley W. MoonWalter E. C. MooreJohn W. MoorheadRandal E. MorrisDavid C. MorrisonSteve L. MoseleyJames W. MoulderMiklos MullerJohn J. MunozRobert S. MunsonDonna MuraskoFrederick T. MurphyJohn R. MurphyDaniel M. MusherNicholas MuzyczkaQuentin N. MyrvikCarol NacyGeorge NaffTed NashCarl F. NathanJohn B. NeilandsThalia Nicas

Hiroshi NikaidoNadia NogueiraAlois NowotnyRuth NussenzweigPearay L. OgraAndrew B. OnderdonkEric OttesenRobert L. OwenDemosthenes Pappa-

gianisWilliam ParanchychCharlotte ParkerP. J. PatelPeter A. PatteeOlgerts L. PavlovskisShelley M. PayneAndrew D. PearsonJames E. PenningtonEdward L. PesantiPhilip PetersonE. R. PfefferkornJohn PhairSem H. PhanLarry K. PickeringGerald B. PierMerle D. PiersonWilly PiessensAndrew G. PlautDiane PrattKathy PryzwanskyPaul G. QuieMichel RabinovitchLawrence RaiszReuben RamphalRoger G. RankRichard RanneyNeil E. ReinerJack S. RemingtonRichard F. RestAlan M. ReynardJudy RhodesEdgar E. RibiErnst RietschelWilliam S. RiggsbyMarilyn C. RobertsStanley A. RobrishL. Scott RodkeyMarvin RogolskyDolmenico RomeoWilliam RomigR. Bradley SackDavid SacksArthur L. SagoneMilton H. Saier, Jr.Ann A. SandbergMerle A. SandeW. Eugene Sanders, Jr.Dwayne SavageMichael ScheldRonald F. SchellHarvey A. SchenkeinIrwin ScherPatrick SchlievertCarl A. SchnaitmanGary SchoolnikCarmen SciortinoJune ScottPhilip Scott

Page 4: INFECTION AND - · INFECTIONANDIMMUNITY VOLUME46 DECEMBER1984 * NUMBER3 J. W.Shands, Jr., Editor in Chief(1989) University ofFlorida, Gainesville Phillip J. Baker, Editor

Stewart SellH. Jean ShadomySmith ShadomyKeelnatham T. Shanmu-gam

Nathan SharonHannah L. ShearCharles C. ShepardRobert J. SherertzPatricia L. ShipleyCharles W. ShusterFrederic SilverblattSamuel C. SilversteinLance L. SimpsonW. A. Simpson

Emil SkameneHarry SmithSigmund SocranskyDaniel 0. SordelliFrederick SparlingWilliam M. SpiraGeorge SpitalnyJohn K. SpitznagelEdward J. St. MartinRobert H. StaatJohn StephenSusan StraleyWarren StroberNancy StrockbineTerrence Stull

Jack StuttsHiroshi SugiyamaNorton TaichmanMartin TaubmanPeter W. TaylorD. Taylor-RobinsonJohn TewMary Jane ThomassenMichael ThompsonKenneth N. TimmisWilliam TragerEdmund C. TramontThomas TrischmannTrevor J. TrustJoseph G. Tully

Suryanaranayanan Vish-wanath

Alvin VolkmanFranz von LichtenbergStanley VukajlovichTorkel M. WadstromSharon M. WahlDavid Walkei7Peter D. WalzerChing C. WangRick WarrenLawrence G. WayneEmilio WeissJerrold WeissRobert W. Wheat

Tracy WilkinsBrian WilkinsonHazel WilkinsonPeter H. WilliamsWashington C. Winn, Jr.Alex J. WinterCharles L. WissemanCharles L. WittenbergerMurray WittnerPriscilla B. WyrickRobert J. YanceyWilliam W. YotisLowell S. YoungMartin D. YoungDavid Zopf

Page 5: INFECTION AND - · INFECTIONANDIMMUNITY VOLUME46 DECEMBER1984 * NUMBER3 J. W.Shands, Jr., Editor in Chief(1989) University ofFlorida, Gainesville Phillip J. Baker, Editor



Abernathy, Roy, 639Achtman, Mark, 649Aguero, Maria E., 740Akuffo-Adu, Hannah, 635Albini, Boris, 145Algermissen, Bernd, 105Allison, Anthony C., 501Alpern, Ann, 68Amako, Kazunobu, 295Andersen, 0. Fred, 826Anderson, Julia M., 13Anthony, Bascom F., 98Appelbaum, Benjamin, 245Araujo, Fausto G., 372Arbuthnott, John P., 314Aron, Lieselotte, 740Asahi, Hiroko, 514Asao, Tsutomu, 122

Baker-Zander, Sharon A., 116Bandt, Carl L., 778Barker, C., 857Barnes, Robert C., 152Baron, Louis S., 465, 470Barua, Pankaj K., 145Beachey, Edwin H., 267Beaudet, Rejean, 340Beaumier, Danielle L., 489Belisle, B. Wolfanger, 759Bemis, David A., 697Benner, Robert R., 68Bergey, Earl J., 145Berman, David T., 74Best, Gary K., 727Beverley, P. C. L., 168Bhakdi, Sucharit, 318, 394Biggar, W. D., 857Bindereif, Albrecht, 835Bisaillon, Jean-Guy, 340Bitter-Suermann, Dieter, 308Bloomquist, Cynthia G., 778Bohn, D. J., 857Bourassa, Diane, 873Bowen, William H., 703Brandt, B., 260Brennan, Michael J., 459Brennan, Patrick J., 519Brett, Sara J., 802Bronson, Roderick T., 64Brook, Itzhak, 270Brown, J. Edward, 324Brownstein, David G., 220Brubaker, Jeffery O., 42Brunham, Robert C., 484Buchanan, Thomas M., 361Bulling, E., 435Bundle, David R., 384, 389Burmeister, J. A., 1Burt, Brian, 765

Cabello, Felipe C., 740Caldwell, Margaret A., 489Callaway, Matthew D., 442Cano, Luz E., 346Carbonetti, Nicholas H., 7Caroff, Martine, 384Carsiotis, Michael, 814, 819Carter, Rodney F., 501

Cato, E. P., 1, 720Chakraborty, T., 435Charlier, Gerard J., 690Chedid, L., 495Cheers, C., 860Cherwonogrodzky, John W., 384,

389Chiba, Joe, 422Chinchilla, M., 862Chinookoswong, Narumol, 619Chopra, Inder J., 544Chung, Raymond, 465Cisar, John O., 453, 459Cisneros, Ronald L., 64Clark, Virginia L., 176Clawson, C. Carlyle, 608Clements, John D., 564Cogan, John P., 465Cohen, Harvey J., 625Cole, Michael F., 703Collins, F. M., 850Collins-Lech, Cathleen, 831Colwell, Rita R., 141Concepcion, Nelydia F., 98Connelly, H., 260Cowman, R. A., 797Crosa, Jorge H., 159Crowell, Wayne F., 727Cunningham, Madeleine W., 34Cunningham, Thomas M., 598Curl, Shelley H., 453Curtis, Jill, 635Cushion, Melanie T., 747

Dale, James B., 267David, Victor A., 453de Azavedo, Joyce C. S., 314de Graaf, Frits K., 578de Jong, Marten, 48DeLuca, Albert G., 740Diecidue, Anthony, 324Donowitz, Gerald R., 68Dowling, John N., 68Draper, Philip, 802Dreyfus, Lawrence A., 537Duke, Jodie, 279Duncan, J. Robert, 384, 389Dunn, John A., 639DuPont, Herbert L., 22, 25

Earnest, Ronald, 765Edmonds, John P., 686Einfeld, David A., 377Eklund, Steven, 765Elisberg, Bennett L., 465El-Morshidy, Sawsan, 564Emilson, Claes-Goran, 703Ericson, Dan, 526Ernst, Joel D., 81Erwin, Alice L., 570Espersen, F., 710

Falkow, Stanley, 251Feeley, James C., 590Fehniger, Thomas E., 598Feldman, David, 346Ferluga, Janez, 501

Ferrante, Antonio, 501, 585Ferretti, Joseph J., 531Ferris, W. R., 272Fisher, R. H., 797Fitzgerald, R. J., 797Folgore, Antonio, 559Foret, Douglas A., 324Forget, Adrien, 873Formal, Samuel B., 465, 470Frank, Dara W., 195Franson, Timothy R., 831Frasch, Carl E., 408, 673Freed John H., 519Frenette, Michel. 340Frenkel, J. K., 862Froholm, L. Oddvar, 673Fujiwara, Shinichi, 285Fuissle, Roswitha, 318

Gaastra, Wim, 578Galdiero, Francesco, 559Galelli. Anne, 495Garb, Keith S., 276Garber, Sarah S.. 826Garlich, Dawn J., 608Geczy, Andrew F., 686Genco, R. J., 644Gidney, Margaret Anne J., 389Glick, David L., 663Goldstein, Ira M., 81Goldstein, Irwin J., 279Gonik, Bernard, 25Good, I. J., 720Goto, Yoshitaka, 135Graves, Don C., 34Gray, Gary R., 476Gray, Gary S., 615Green, Theodore J., 668Greenberg, Richard N., 639Gregory, Richard L., 42Guerrant, R. L., 612Guerrant, Richard L., 639Guerry, Patricia, 470Guze, Lucien B., 835

Haas, Joel E., 787Hada, Howard, 141Hagberg, L., 839Hahn, H., 111Hale, Thomas L., 465, 470Halen, Philippe H., 690Halstensen, Alfred, 673Hamilton, G., 857Hammond, M. Elizabeth, 361Hanazawa, Shigemasa, 285Haneberg, Bjorn, 673Hara, Nobuyuki, 682Hartiala, Kaija T., 81Hayes, Edward C., 826Hayes, Howard T., 301Heeley, John D., 367Heesemann, Jurgen, 105Heiner, Douglas C., 98Helmuth, R., 435Hetrick, Frank M., 237Heuzenroeder, Michael, 649Hewlett, E. L., 612Hirayama, Toshiya, 631

Hitchcock, Penny J., 202Hoehn, Susan K., 282Holbein, Bruce E., 489Holdeman, L. V., 1, 720Holder, 1. A., 814Holmes, Randall K., 759Honda, Takeshi, 94Hsu, S. Dana, 703Huang, Tien-Shang, 544Hull, R., 839Hull, S., 839Hurd, Robert E., 544

Ichinose, Yukito, 682Ito, Akiharu, 422

Jacobson, Gary R., 854Jarlov, J. O., 710Jensen, C., 710Jerrells, Thomas R., 237Jimenez, Beatriz E., 552Johnson, Russell C., 608Jones, Joye F., 663Jordan, Harold V., 367Joseph, Sam W., 141Jurs, Mathias, 308

Kaku, Mariko, 682Kalbfleisch, John H., 831Kalmanson, George M., 835Kamerling, Johannis P., 578Kamke, Marion, 649Kapfer, Christine, 465, 470Kaplan, Jerry, 361Karch, Helge, 814Karunasagar, I., 141Kato, Iwao, 631Kaufmann, S. H. E., 111Kehoe, Michael, 615Kelleher, Peter J., 519Kelly, Dianne M., 367Kennedy, Donald J., 639Kenny, George E., 570Kent, G., 857Kessler, Robert E., 279Kind, Phyllis D., 733Kinoshita, Yoshio, 122Kirkland, Jerry J., 727Kitano, Shigeo, 285Klass, Daniel J., 282Kling, J. Malcolm, 727Knapp, Joan S., 176Kobayakawa, Takatoshi, 514Kohl, Steve, 22, 25Kohn, Dennis F., 619Kohno, Kenji, 295Kornblatt, Arnold N., 220Kozaki, Shunji, 122Kral, Timothy A., 442Krebs, John W., 507Kreger, Arnold S., 773Krisher, Karen, 34Kume, Katsumi, 429Kuroiwa, Ataru, 295Kurtz, Robin S., 74Kwong, Terry S. L., 686

Labigne-Roussel, Agnes F., 251


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LaBine, Margaret, 747Lachica, R. V., 272Lange, James V., 289Lark, David, 251Larson, Janis K., 361Laufs, Rainer, 105Lee, D. A., 608Lefrancier, P., 495Lehmann, Vidar, 673Lehner, T., 168Leijh, P. C. J., 448Leijh, Peter C. J., 754Lesperance, Esther, 282Levine, M. M., 612Levine, Martin, 870Lew, P. Daniel, 625Li, Shou-Hua, 703Liljemark, William F., 778Lissner, Christopher R., 819Loesche, Walter J., 765Lohmann-Matthes, M.-L., 845Long-Krug, Sharon A., 612Lopatin, Dennis E., 332Lovett, Michael A., 598Lowe, Celia, 802Lugtenberg, Ben, 48Lukehart, Sheila A., 116Luster, Michael I., 301

Mack, Karl D., 787Maclean, Ian W., 484MacVittie, Thomas J., 270Manclark, Charles R., 733Mandell, Gerald L., 809Mandrell, R. E., 260Mangan, Dennis F., 332Matsuda, Futami, 631McCabe, Robert E., 372McClatchy, J. Kenneth, 519McGee, Zell A., 361, 507McGhee, J. R., 839McGhee, Jerry R., 42McGuigan, Louis E., 686McKimm-Breschkin, J. L., 860McPheron, Lynn, 519Meade, Bruce D., 733Mendelman, Paul M., 787Mercer, Andrew A., 649Michalek, S. M., 839Michalek, Suzanne M., 42Miller, James N., 598Mimura, Carol S., 854Minden, Percy, 519Mitchell, Thomas G., 87Miwatani, Toshio, 94Miyasaki, K. T., 644Montenegro, M. A., 435Montenegro, Maria, 308Montgomerie, John Z., 835Moore, W. E. C., 1, 720Moran, E. E., 260Morelli, Giovanna, 649Moreno, Edgardo, 74Morgan, Donna R., 22, 25Moribayashi, Atsuko, 514Moskophidis, Matthaus, 867Movafagh, Bahareh Farideh, 870Muhly, Marion, 318Muller, Ferdinand, 867

Murphy, Juneann W., 552

Nagamori, Michiko, 631Nakai, Toyotsugu, 429Nakamura, Akiko, 55Nakamura, Reiko M., 135Nehrbass, Roswitha, 308Neiders, Mirdza E., 145Neilands, Joseph B., 835Nelles, Mitchell J., 677Nielsen, Larry D., 519Nisengard, Russell J., 145Nishihara, Hiroji, 285Niswander, Christine A., 677Noda, Masatoshi, 631Norn, S., 710

Obenauf, S. D., 797O'Brien, Alison D., 814, 819Ohmori, Yoshihiro, 285Ohta, Mitsuo, 682Onderdonk, Andrew B., 64O'Neill, Shane J., 282Orme, I. M., 850

Packer, Beryl J., 668Palcanis, K. G., 1, 720Palmer, Bennie A., 237Parker, Charlotte D., 195Pasculle, A. William, 68Paton, James C., 585Payne, Sheila N., 802Pearson, Richard D., 128Peeling, Rosanna, 484Peeters, Johan E., 690Pelletier, Micheline, 873Perera, V. Y., 188Perry, Malcolm B., 384, 389Peters, Helmut, 308Peterson, Phillip K., 608Pihlstrom, Bruce L., 778Pine, Leo, 590Plotkin, Balbina J., 697Portelance, Vincent, 340Prendergast, John K., 686Proksch, A., 845Proulx, Mario, 213Pung, Oscar J., 301

Quie, Paul G., 608

Rader, John, 301Radolf, Justin D., 598Ranney, R. R., 1, 720Reaves, Carl B., 470Redington, Thomas J., 747Reeves, Michael W., 590Remington, Jack S., 372Restrepo, Angela, 346Reynolds, H. S., 644Richardson, Stephen H., 773Riley, Lela K., 224, 231Robertson, Donald C., 224, 231,

537Robinson, Edward N., Jr., 361Rosan, Burton, 245Roth, Margit, 394

Rothman, Sara W., 324Rowan-Kelly, Brenton, 585Ryerse, Jan S., 639

Saitoh, Kieko, 285Sakaguchi, Genji, 122Salazar, Maria E., 346Samejima, Yuji, 429Sandberg, Ann L., 459Sande, Merle A., 81Santos, J. M., 188Sanyal, S. C., 435Sato, Hiroko, 415, 422Sato, Yuji, 415, 422Sawata, Akira, 429Schaffer, Erwin M., 778Schoenborn, Michael A., 787Schoolnik, Gary, 251Schoolnik, Gary K., 361Schotman, Anton J. H., 354Scott, David F., 727Scott, Peter J., 854Seid, Robert C., Jr., 470Sendo, Fujiro, 514Shechmeister, Isaac L., 42Skamene, Emil, 873Smedberg, Carl T., 42Smibert, R. M., 1Smit, Hendrik, 578Smith, Arnold L., 787Smith, E. P., 720Smith, Roberta, 168Snoy, Phillip J., 465Sohnle, Peter G., 831Solberg, Claus O., 673Soll, David R., 13Solomon, David H., 544Sommese, Linda, 559Sperling, Uwe, 111Stahl Skov, P., 710Stavitsky, Abram B., 276Steere, Allen C., 220Steeves, Rita M., 64Stephens, David S., 507Stephens, Richard S., 152Stevens, David A., 346Stevens, Paul, 544Stibbs, Henry H., 152, 377Stimpel, M., 845Stinson, Murray W., 145Stover, E. Price, 346Stull, Terrence L., 787Sugiyama, Hiroshi, 715Sullivan, Gail W., 809Sullivan, James A., 809Svanborg Eden, C., 839Sylvestre, Michel, 340Sziegoleit, Andreas, 394

Takahashi, Hiroshi, 135Tedesco, Francesco, 559ter Kuile, M. N., 448Thompson, Peter W., 854Thurmond, Linda M., 87Tiemens, K. T., 612Timmis, K. N., 435Timmis, Kenneth N., 55, 308, 740Tokunaga, Tohru, 135

Torian, Bruce E., 152Tranum-Jensen, J0rgen, 394Trischmann, Thomas M., 658Tsuji, Masayoshi, 429Tsuji, Takao, 94Tufano, Maria A., 559Turk, John L., 635Twedt, Robert M., 141Twiddy, Edda M., 759

Uemura, Takashi, 122Uhl, Lori A., 778

Vadeboncoeur, Christian, 213Vaisanen-Rhen, Vuokko, 401Valvano, Miguel A., 159van Boxtel, Ria, 48Van Duin, Cock T. M., 354van Furth R., 448van Furth, Ralph, 754Van Miert, Adelbert S. J. P. A.

M., 354van Zwet, T. L., 448van Zwet, Theda L., 754Vatter, Albert E., 453, 459Vermeulen, Mary W., 476Verstreate, D. R., 182, 188Vliegenthart, Johannes F. G., 578

Wagner, H., 845Waldvogel, Francis A., 625Walfield, Alan M., 598Walker, David H., 289Walker, Richard I., 270Wall, Victoria W., 773Walzer, Peter D., 747Wang, Boyao, 809Wang, Jo, 619Wang, Li Ya, 408Wang, Yinchun, 715Wass, Carol A., 98Watanabe, Haruo, 55Weeks, Claudia R., 531Weikel, C. S., 612Weinbaum, David L., 68Weinstein, Debra L., 814, 819Wells, David E., 590Weston, Hazel D., 826Williams, Peter H., 7Wilson, M. E., 644Wilson, Mary E., 128Wingfield, Michele E., 465, 470Winter, A. J., 182, 188Wolff, Larry F., 778Won, Terrence, 332Wood, Lindsey V., 22Wood, P. R., 860

Yagawa, Katsuro, 682Yamamoto, Takeshi, 295Young, A. M., 860Young, Lowell S., 544

Zimmerli, Werner, 625Zink, D. L., 272Zollinger, W. D., 260Zweerink, Hans J., 826


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Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitansdifferential susceptibility, 644hydrogen peroxide, 644oral Haemophilus species, 644resistance, 644

Actinomyces actinomycetemcomitansdental plaque, 778

Actinomyces israeliiactinomycosis, 367E. corrodens, 367gingivitis, 1

mice, 367Actinomyces naeslundii

adherence, 459attachment, 459A. viscosus, 453colonization, 453epithelial cells, 459fimbriae, lactose sensitive, 453gingivitis, 1

lectin-dependent attachment, 459Actinomyces odontolyticus

gingivitis, 1

Actinomyces sp.gingivitis, 1

Actinomyces viscosusA. naeslundii, 453colonization, 453fimbriae, lactose sensitive, 453gingivitis, 1

ActinomycosisA. israelii, 367E. corrodens, 367mice, 367

AdherenceA. naeslundii, 459B. bronchiseptica, 697buccal mucosal cells, 831C. albicans, 831cell surface, 272corneocytes, 831E. coli K99, 578enteropathogenic E. coli, 690epithelial cells, 459equine erythrocyte receptor, 578fibril structure, 272fimbrial adhesin, 578hamster lung fibroblasts, 697pathogenicity, 690rabbits, 690sugars, 831Y. enterocolitica, 272

Adhesinafimbrial, 251E. coli, 251mannose-resistant hemagglutination,


E. coli K99, 578equine erythrocyte receptor, 578fimbrial adhesin, 578hemagglutination, 578

AdjuvantsB. abortus, 74E. coli, 74immunoglobulin G, 74immunoglobulin M, 74lipopolysaccharides, 74

Aerobactinbacteremia, 835colicin V, 7

E. coli, 159, 835hydroxamate siderophore, 835iron transport genes, 159iron uptake, 7, 159plasmid ColV-K30, 7, 159TnlO00, 7

Aeromonas hydrophilacytotonic enterotoxin, 435enterotoxin gene cloning, 435hemolysin, 122

Afimbrial adhesincloning, 251E. coli, 251mannose-resistant hemagglutination,

251P blood group, 251

Agglutination02-microglobulin, 526S. mutans, 526

Alpha-hemolytic streptococciirradiated mice, 270

Alpha-toxingene, 615hemolytic activity, 318S. aureus, 318, 615sequence, 615toxin binding, 318

AmastigotesChagas' disease, 372L929 cells, 372macrophages, 372mice, 372T. cruzi, 372

Anionic antimicrobial proteinscaries, 797salivary antimicrobial factors, 797

Ankylosing spondylitisbowel flora, 686C. perfringens, 686E. coli, 686Klebsiella sp., 686persistence, 686S. boydii, 686S. typhimurium, 686

Antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicityphorbol myristate acetate, 682polymorphonuclear leukocytes, human,

682Antigenic variationH. influenzae type b, 570major outer membrane protein, 570meningitis, 570

Atrophic rhinitisP. multocida

cell envelope proteins, 48lipopolysaccharides, 48pathogenicity, 48

swine, 48vaccine, 48

AttachmentA. naeslundii, 459antibiotics, 507epithelial cells, 459glycoprotein antigens, 867lectin-dependent attachment, 459N. gonorrhoeae, 507N. meningitidis, 507pili, 507T. pallidum, 867T. phagedenis, 867


Bacillus subtilismacrophages, mouse, 476peptidoglycan, 476

Bacteremiaaerobactin, 835E. coli, 835hydroxamate siderophore, 835

Bacterial surface antigensantibody-gold sphere probes, 361gonococcal macromolecules, 361N. gonorrhoeae, 361

Bacteriophage T12erythrogenic toxin, 531S. pyogenes, 531type A streptococcal exotoxin, 531

Bacteroides asaccharolyticusirradiated mice, 270

Bacteroides distasonisirradiated mice, 270

Bacteroides gingivalismonoclonal antibodies, 285

Bacteroides gracilisgingivitis, I

Bacteroides intermediusgingivitis, I

Bacteroides orisgingivitis, I

Bacteroides pneumosintesgingivitis, 1

Bacteroides sp.gingivitis, I

Bacteroides vulgatuscarageenan, 64guinea pigs, 64immune enhancement, 64ulcerative colitis, 64

Basophil human leukocyteshistamine release, 710peptidoglycan, 710S. aureus, 710

Bindingalpha-toxin, 318heart tissue, 145hemolytic activity, 318kidney tissue, 145lectin binding, 128leukocidin, 631P. aeruginosa, 631polymorphonuclear leukocytes, 631rabbits, 631S. aureus, 318S. mutans, 145toxin, 318

Blastomyces dermatitidischemotactic activity, 87chemotaxin, 87polymorphonuclear neutrophils, 87

02-microglobulinagglutination, 526S. mutans, 526

Bordetella bronchisepticaadherence, 697hamster lung fibroblasts, 697

Bordetella pertussisaerosol challenge, 415antibodies

antigens, 415filamentous hemagglutinin, 415pertussis toxin, 415, 422

intracerebral challenge, 415lymphocytosis-promoting factor, 733

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monoclonal antibodies, 195, 422mononuclear phagocytes

circulation, 733inflammation response, 733

pertussis toxin, 422pertussis toxin subunits, 195

Borrelia duttoniantigenic cross-reactivity, 116Spirochaetaceae, 116

Borrelia hermsiiantigenic cross-reactivity, 116Spirochaetaceae, 116

Borrelia hispanicaantigenic cross-reactivity, 116Spirochaetaceae, 116

BotulismC. botulinum, 715metronidazole, 715mice, 715

Brucella abortusantigenic S-type lipopolysaccharide, 384E. coli, 74immunoglobulin G, 74lipopolysaccharides, 74lipopolysaccharide, S-type, 384monoclonal antibodies, 3890-antigens, 389outer membrane proteins

antigenic relatedness, 182rough strains, 188SDS-PAGE profiles, 182

polymorphonuclear leukocytesbovine, 224, 231human, 224, 231

rough strains, 231smooth strains, 231Y. enterocolitica, 389

Brucella canisrough strains, outer membrane proteins,

188Brucella melitensis

rough strains, outer membrane proteins,188

Brucella ovisrough strains, outer membrane proteins,


Candida albicansadherence, 831buccal mucosal cells, 831corneocytes, 831macromolecular synthesis, 13stationary-phase phenotype, 13sugars, 831zinc, 13

Capnocytophaga gingivalisgingivitis, I

Capnocytophaga ochraceagingivitis, I

Capnocytophaga sputigenagingivitis, I

CarageenanB. vulgatus, 64immune enhancement, 64ulcerative colitis, 64

Cariesanionic antimicrobial proteins, 797salivary antimicrobial factors, 797vaccine, 42

Cellular immunitymice, 862

somatic cells, 862T. gondii, 862

Ceruloplasminhypoferremia, 489inflammation, 489N. meningitidis, 489serum transferrin, 489

Chagas' diseaseamastigotes, 372L929 cells, 372macrophages, 372mice, 372T. cruzi, 372

Chemiluminescenceleukocytosis, 544lipid soluble factor, 544phagocytosis, 544polymorphonuclear leukocytes, 544

Chemotactic activityB. abortus, 81B. dermatitidis, 87complement C5, 81E. coli, 81kinetics, 87lipopolysaccharides, 81

Chlamydia trachomatismajor outer membrane protein, 484monoclonal antibody, 484neutralization, 484

Cholera toxinE. coli enterotoxins, 612enteropathogenic E. coli, 612

Cloningafimbrial adhesin, 251A. hydrophila, 435cytotonic enterotoxin, 435E. coli, 251, 598enterotoxin gene, 435mannose-resistant hemagglutination,

251P blood group, 251T. pallidum antigen, 598

Clostridium botulinummetronidazole, 715mice, 715spores

type A, 715type B, 715

Clostridium difficilecytotoxic effects, 324toxin A, 324toxin B, 324

Clostridium perfringensankylosing spondylitis, 686persistence, 686

Colicin Vaerobactin iron Uptake, 7plasmid ColV-K30, 7TnlO00, 7

ColonizationA. naeslundii, 453A. viscosus, 453lactose-sensitive fimbriae, 453

Colony-stimulating activityanti-infectious activity, 495chemical structure, 495muramyl peptides, 495synthetic MDP, 495

Colony-stimulating factorinterferon, 860L. monocytogenes, 860mice, 860splenectomy, 860

ComplementC5, 81chemotactic activity, 81pneumococcal meningitis, 81polymorphonuclear leukocytes, 81porins, 559S. pneumoniae, 81S. typhimurium, 559

Corneocytesadherence, 831buccal mucosal cells, 831C. albicans, 831sugars, 831

CorticosteroidsP. carinii, 747pneumonia, 747protein malnutrition, 747tetracycline, 747

Cytotonic enterotoxinA. hydrophila, 435enterotoxin gene cloning, 435

Cytotoxic effectsC. difficile

toxin A, 324toxin B, 324

Cytotoxicitycellular, 25leukocyte, 22, 25lymphocyte, 22, 25

CytotoxinV. fluvialis, 773

D-alanylglycerol phosphate, 870lipoteichoic acids, 870S. mutans, 870

Delayed hypersensitivity reactionM. bovis, 873tuberculin, 873

Dental caries vaccineantibody cross-reactivity, 42antigenshuman heart, 42kidney, 42

ribosomal preparation, 42S. mutans, 42

Dermonecrotic toxinP. multocida, 429

Diarrheacholera-E. coli related, 564typhoid fever related, 564vaccine, 564

Echinacea purpureamacrophage activation, 845macrophage cytotoxicity, 845polysaccharide fractions, 845

Egg antigenantibody, 276hepatic granulomas, 276immunoglobulin, 276S. japonicum, 276spleen cells, 276

Eikenella corrodensactinomycosis, 367A. israelii, 367dental plaque, 778mice, 367

EnterotoxinE. coli heat-labile, 759monoclonal antibodies, 759


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EnterotoxinsA. hydrophila, 435cytotonic enterotoxin, 435E. coli heat-labile enterotoxin, 612E. coli heat-stable enterotoxin, 537, 612enterotoxin gene cloning, 435guanylate cyclase, 537intestinal receptor, 537

Epithelial cellsadherence, 459A. naeslundii, 459lectin-dependent attachment, 459receptors, 459

Epitopesgroup A streptococcal M proteins, 267hybridoma antibodies, 267

Equine erythrocyte receptoradhesion, 578E. coli K99, 578fimbrial adhesin, 578hemagglutination, 578

Erythrocyteshemolytic factors, 514S. japonicum eggs, 514

Escherichia coliadherence, 690adhesion, 578aerobactin, 835aerobactin iron transport genes, 159afimbrial adhesin, 251ankylosing spondylitis, 686B. abortus, 81bacteremia, 835Chinese hamster ovary cells, 94cholera toxin, 94, 612cloning, 251, 598enteropathogenic, 612, 690equine erythrocyte receptor, 578fimbriae, 401fimbrial adhesin, 578guanylate cyclase, 537heat-labile enterotoxin, 612, 759

nicked, 94unnicked, 94

heat-stable enterotoxin, 537heat-stable enterotoxins, 612heat-stable enterotoxin STb, 639hemagglutination, 578hemagglutinin, 401hydroxamate siderophore, 835IncF group plasmid, 308intestinal receptor, 537intestines

mice, 639piglets, 639rabbits, 639rats, 639

irradiated mice, 270K99, 578K-12 hybrid, 465, 470lipopolysaccharide 0 antigen, 470lipopolysaccharides, 81mannose-resistant hemagglutination,

251monkeys, 465monoclonal antibodies, 308

neutralizing activity, 759specificity, 759

0-antigen, 55oral vaccination, 465075 strains, 4010 types, 649outer membrane protein, 740

pathogenicity, 690P blood group, 251persistence, 686phagocytosis, 740plasmid ColV-K30, 159plasmid conservation, 649plasmid pHW400, 55rabbits, 690S. dysenteriae, 470S. dysenteriae virulence, 55S. flexneri 2a somatic antigen, 465Shigella spp., 55$. typhimurium, 55T. pallidum antigen, 598TraT protein, 308, 740urinary tract infection, 839vaccine, 564V. cholerae, 94virulence, 105Y. enterocolitica, 105

EstrogenL. monocytogenes, 301mycelium-to-yeast transformation, 346P. brasiliensis, 346resistance, 346susceptibility, 301

Eubacterium saburreumgingivitis, 1

Eubacterium timidumgingivitis, 1

Exotoxinsbacteriophage T12, 531S. pyogenes, 531type A streptococcal exotoxin, 531

Factor lljlaclactose transport, 213phosphoenolpyruvate-lactose phospho-

transferase system, 213S. mutans, 213

Fibril structureadherence, 272cell surface, 272Y. enterocolitica, 272

FimbriaeA. naeslundii, 453A. viscosus, 453colonization, 453E. coli 075 strains, 401hemagglutinin, 401H. influenzae type b, 787lactose-sensitive fimbriae, 453nasopharyngeal colonization, 787

Fimbrial adhesinadhesion, 578E. coli K99, 578equine erythrocyte receptor, 578hemagglutination, 578

Flagellamice, 814murine macrophages, 819pathogenicity, 819S. typhimurium, 814, 819virulence, 814

Fusobacterium necrogenesirradiated mice, 270

Fusobacterium nucleatumgingivitis, 1human polyclonal B-lymphocytes, 332monocyte suppression, 332

GenesC57BL/10 mice, 635

H-2-linked, 635M. lepraemurium resistance, 635

Giardia lambliaantigens, 152high-molecular-weight polypeptides,

152major surface antigen, 377trophozoites, 377tubulin, 152

GingivitisActinomyces sp. WVa 963, 1A. israelii, 1A. naeslundii, 1A. odontolyticus, 1A. viscosus, 1Bacteroides sp. D1C20, 1B. gracilis, 1B. intermedius, 1B. oris, 1B. pneumosintes, 1C. gingivalis, 1children, experimental, 1C. ochracea, 1C. sputigena, 1E. saburreum, 1E. timidum, 1F. nucleatum, 1Lactobacillus sp., 1Leptotrichia sp., 1P. acnes, 1P. micros, 1S. anginosus, 1Selenomonas sp., 1S. mitis, 1S. sanguis, 1S. sputigena, 1Streptococcus sp., 1T. denticola, 1T. pectinovorum, 1T. socranskii, 1T. vincentii, 1V. dispar, 1V. parvula, 1W. curva, 1W. recta, 1

Glycerol phosphateS. mutans, 870lipoteichoic acids, 870D-alanyl, 870

Glycolipidscell-mediated response, 802inflammation, 802M. leprae, 802phenolic glycolipid 1, 802

Glycoprotein antigensattachment, 867T. pallidum, 867T. phagedenis, 867

Goatsblood biochemical changes, 354fever, 354hematological changes, 354S. aureus, 354toxic shock syndrome toxin-i, 354

Gonococcal growth inhibitorN. gonorrhoeae, 340S. aureus, 340S. haemolyticus, 340

Gonococcal macromoleculesantibody-gold sphere probes, 361bacterial surface antigens, 361N. gonorrhoeae, 361

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Gram-negative bacteriacross-reactivity, 677J5 lipopolysaccharide, 677mouse monoclonal antibodies, 677

Group A streptococciepitopes, 267hybridoma antibodies, 267monoclonal antibodies, 34M proteins, 267S. mutans, 34S. pyogenes, 34S. sanguis, 34

Group B streptococcal antibodyimmunoglobulin G, 98immunoglobulin M, 98type III polysaccharide, 98

Guanylate cyclaseE. coli heat-stable enterotoxin, 537intestinal receptor, 537

Guinea pigsB. vulgatus, 64leukocyte cytotoxicity, 22lymphocytes, 22S. sonnei, 22ulcerative colitis, 64

Haemophilus aphrophilusdental plaque, 778

Haemophilus influenzaeantigenic variation, 570fimbriae, 787major outer membrane protein, 570meningitis, 570nasopharyngeal colonization, 787type b, 570, 787

b'aemophilus parainfluenzaedental plaque, 778

Haemophilus paraphrophilusdental plaque, 778

Haemophilus segnisdental plaque, 778

Haemophilus speciesA. actinomycetemcomitans, 778dental plaque, 778E. corrodens, 778H. aphrophilus, 778H. parainfluenzae, 778H. paraphrophilus, 778H. segnis, 778oral, 778

Heat-stable enterotoxin STbE. coli, 639intestines

mice, 639piglets, 639rabbits, 639rats, 639

Hemagglutinationadhesion, 578E. coli K99, 578equine erythrocyte receptor, 578fimbrial adhesin, 578

HemagglutininE. coli 075 strains, 401fimbriae, 401

HemolysinA. hydrophila, 122

Hemolysisstreptolysin-0, 394toxin channels, 394toxins, 394

Hemolytic activityalpha-toxin, 318

erythrocytes, 514S. aureus, 318S. japonicum eggs, 514toxin binding, 318

High-molecular-weight polypeptidesantigens, 152G. lamblia, 152tubulin, 152

Histamine releasebasophil human leukocytes, 710peptidoglycan, 710S. aureus, 710

Human fissure decaylongitudinal study, 765molars, 765S. mutans, 765S. sanguis, 765

Hybridoma antibodiesepitopes, 267group A streptococcal M proteins, 267

HydrocephalusM. pneumoniae, 619

Hydrogen peroxideA. actinomycetemcomitans, 644differential susceptibility, 644oral Haemophilus species, 644resistance, 644

Hydroxamate siderophoreaerobactin, 835bacteremia, 835E. coli, 835

Hypoferremiaceruloplasmin, 489inflammation, 489N. meningitidis, 489serum transferrin, 489

Hypothermianeutrophil migration

in vitro, 857in vivo, 857

Immunoglobulin Gimmunoglobulin, M, 74, 98type III polysaccharide of group B

streptococci, 98Immunoglobulin Mimmunoglobulin G, 74, 98type III polysaccharide of group B

streptococci, 98IncF group plasmid

E. coli, 308monoclonal antibodies, 308TraT protein, 308

Interferoncolony-stimulating factor, 860gamma, 237L. monocytogenes, 860mice, 237, 860R. tsutsugamushi, 237splenectomy, 860

Ixodes damminiLyme disease spirochetes, 608phagocytes, 608

Klebsiella sp.ankylosing spondylitis, 686persistence, 686

Kojibioseanti-kojibiose antibody, 279lipoteichoic acids, 279S. faecalis, 279S. faecium, 279

Lactobacillus sp.gingivitis, 1

Lactose transportfactor lIllac, 213phosphoenolpyruvate-lactose phospho-

transferase system, 213S. mutans, 213

Lectin bindingL. donovani, 128

Legionella micdadeiL. pneumophila, 68monocytes, 68pneumonia, 68

Legionella pneumophilaL. micdadei, 68

Leishmania donovanilectin binding, 128

Leptospira biflexaL. interrogans, 809macrophages, 809monocytes, 809specific antibody, 809

Leptospira interrogansantigenic cross-reactivity, 116L. biflexa, 809macrophages, 809monocytes, 809specific antibody, 809Spirochaetaceae, 116

LeptospiresL. biflexa, 809L. interrogans, 809macrophages, 809monocytes, 809specific antibody, 809

Leptotrichia sp.gingivitis, 1

Leukocidinbinding, 631P. aeruginosa, 631polymorphonuclear leukocytes, 631rabbits, 631

LeukocytesB. abortus, 224, 231bovine polymorphonuclear, 224, 231colostral leukocytes, 25cytotoxicity, 22, 25guinea pigs, 22human peripheral blood leukocytes, 25human polymorphonuclear, 224, 231lymphocytes, 22polymorphonuclear, 81S. flexneri, 25S. sonnei, 22, 25

Leukocytosischemiluminescence, 544lipid soluble factor, 544phagocytosis, 544polymorphonuclear leukocytes, 544

Lipid soluble factorchemiluminescence, 544leukocytosis, 544phagocytosis, 544polymorphonuclear leukocytes, 544

Lipopolysaccharidesantigenic S-type, 384B. abortus, 74, 384cross-reactivity, 677E. coli, 74E. coli K-12 hybrids, 470gram-negative bacteria, 677hyperreactivity, 501JS, 677


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major outer membrane protein, 202mouse monoclonal antibodies, 677N. gonorrhoeae, 2020 antigen, 470P. multocida, 48protein I, 202SDS-PAGE, 202S. dysenteriae, 55, 470T. lewisi, 501T. musculi, 501whole-cell lysates, 202

Lipoteichoic acidsD-alanyl, 870glycerol phosphate, 870kojibiose, 279S. faecalis, 279S. faecium, 279S. mutans, 870

Listeria monocytogenescolony-stimulating factor, 860estrogen, 301interferon, 860Lyt l2- T cells, 111

macrophage-activating factor, Ill

mice, 860migration-inhibition factor, 111

splenectomy, 860susceptibility, 301

Lung fibroblastsadherence, 697B. bronchiseptica, 697hamsters, 697

Lyme diseaseblood, 220erythema migrans, 220I. dammini, 220I. ricinus, 220rabbits, 220spirochetes, 220

Lyme disease spirocheteI. dammini, 608phagocytes, 608

LymphocytesF. nucleatum, 332guinea pigs, 22human polyclonal B-lymphocytes, 332leukocyte cytotoxicity, 22, 25monocyte suppression, 332S. flexneri, 25S. sonnei, 22, 25

Lymphocytosis-promoting factorB. pertussis, 733mononuclear phagocytes

circulation, 733inflammation response, 733

Lysispenicillin, 442S. mutans, 442

Macrophage-activating factorL. monocytogenes, 111Lyt 1+2- T cells, 111

Macrophagesactivation, 845amastigotes, 372B. subtilis, 476Chagas' disease, 372cytotoxicity, 845E. purpurea, 845extracellular stimulation, 754

heterogeneity, 282isopycnic fractions, 282L. biflexa, 809L929 cells, 372L. interrogans, 809maximal intracellular killing, 754mice, 372monocytes, 809mouse cell line, 476mouse peritoneal, 754mouse peritoneal macrophages, 754murine

flagella, 819pathogenicity, 819S. typhimurium, 819

peptidoglycan, 476peritoneal macrophages

microbicidal activity, 448phagocytosis, 448

polysaccharide fractions, 845rat alveolar, 282S. aureus, 754S. epidermidis, 448serum proteins, 754specific antibody, 809S. pyogenes, 754S. typhimurium, 663T. brucei subsp. rhodesiense, 663T. cruzi, 372thioglycolate, 448trypanosomiasis, 663

Major outer membrane proteinlipopolysaccharides, 202N. gonorrhoeae, 202protein I, 202SDS-PAGE, 202whole-cell lysates, 202

Major outer membrane proteinsantigenic variation, 570C. trachomatis, 484epitope, 484H. influenzae type b, 570meningitis, 570monoclonal antibodies, 484neutralization, 484

Major surface antigensG. lamblia, 377trophozoites, 377

Mannose-resistant hemagglutinationafimbrial adhesin, 251cloning, 251E. coli, 251P blood group, 251

Maximal intracellular killingextracellular stimulation, 754mouse peritonealmacrophages, 754S. aureus, 754serum proteins, 754S. pyogenes, 754

MeningococciN. meningitidis, 673opsonins, 673vaccination, 673

MetronidazoleC. botulinum, 715mice, 715

Miceactinomycosis, 367A. israelii, 367alpha-hemolytic streptococci, 270amastigotes, 372

B. asaccharolyticus, 270B. distasonis, 270C. botulinum, 715Chagas' disease, 372E. coli, 270, 639E. corrodens, 367flagella, 814F. necrogenes, 270genetic control of resistance, 135interferon gamma, 237intestines, 639irradiated, 270L929 cells, 372macrophages, 372M. bovis BCG, 850metronidazole, 715M. intracellulare, 135N. meningitidis vaccine, 408P. acnes, 270P. aeruginosa, 270Peptococcus sp., 270Peptostreptococcus sp., 270P. mirabilis, 270R. tsutsugamushi, 237S. aureus, 270S. epidermidis, 270S. japonicum, 276S. typhimurium, 814T. cruzi, 372tuberculin, 850virulence, 814

Migration-inhibition factorL. monocytogenes, 111Lyt 1+2- T cells, 111

Monoclonal antibodiesantigenic determinants, 168B. abortus, 389BCG-a, 519B. gingivalis

cross-reactive antigens, 285specific antigens, 285

B. pertussis, 195, 422cross-reactivity, 677C. trachomatis, 484E. coli, 308E. coli heat-labile enterotoxin, 759gram-negative bacteria, 677group A streptococci, 34IncF group plasmid, 308J5 lipopolysaccharide, 677major outer membrane protein, 484M. bovis BCG, 519mouse, 677neutralization, 484neutralizing activity, 759N. meningitidis, 2600-antigens, 389outer membrane proteins, 260pertussis toxin, 422pertussis toxin subunits, 195R. rickettsii, 289serotype specificities, 168serotyping, 260S. mutans, 34, 168specificity, 759S. pyogenes, 34S. sanguis, 34TraT protein, 308Y. enterocolitica, 389

MonocytesF. nucleatum, 332human polyclonal B-lymphocytes, 332L. biflexa, 809

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L. interrogans, 809macrophages, 809specific antibody, 809suppression, 332

Mononuclear phagocytesB. pertussis, 733lymphocytosis-promoting factor, 733

Muramyl dipeptidesynthetic MDP, 495

Muramyl peptidesanti-infectious activity, 495chemical structure, 495colony-stimulating activity, 495synthetic MDP, 495

Mycelium-to-yeast transformationestrogens, 346P. brasiliensis, 346resistance, 346

Mycobacterium bovis BCGMycobacterium bovis BCGBCG-a, 519delayed hypersensitivity reaction, 873mice, 850monoclonal antibody, 519tuberculin, 850, 873

Mycobacterium intracellularegenetic control of resistance, 135mice, 135

Mycobacterium lepraecell-mediated response, 802inflammation, 802phenolic glycolipid 1, 802

Mycobacterium lepraemuriumC57BL/10 mice, 635gene-modified resistance, 635

Mycoplasma pneumoniaehydrocephalus, 619

Natural killer cellsP. brasiliensis, 552yeast phase, 552

Neisseria gonorrhoeaeanaerobic growth, 176antibiotics, 507antibody-gold sphere probes, 361attachment, 507bacterial surface antigens, 361gonococcal growth inhibitor, 340gonococcal macromolecules, 361lipopolysaccharides, 202major outer membrane protein, 202nitrite reduction, 176N. meningitidis, 507pili, 507protein I, 202S. aureus, 340SDS-PAGE, 202S. haemolyticus, 340whole-cell lysates, 202

Neisseria meningitidisantibiotics, 507attachment, 507ceruloplasmin, 489hypoferremia, 489inflammation, 489meningococci, 673monoclonal antibodies, 260mouse model, 408N. gonorrhoeae, 507opsonins, 673outer membrane proteins, 260pili, 507

protein vaccine, 408serogroups, 408serotyping, 260serum transferrin, 489vaccination, 673vaccine, 408

Neutrophil migrationhypothermia

in vitro, 857in vivo, 857

Nitritereduction, N. gonorrhoeae anaerobic

growth, 176

0-antigensB. abortus, 389monoclonal antibodies, 389Y. enterocolitica, 389

Opsoninsmeningococci, 673N. meningitidis, 673vaccination, 673

Oral Haemophilus speciesA. actinomycetemcomitans, 644differential susceptibility, 644hydrogen peroxide, 644resistance, 644

Oral streptococcicell surface proteins, 245S. mitis, 245S. mutans, 245S. salivarius, 245S. sanguis, 245

Outer membrane proteinsB. abortus

antigenic relatedness, 182rough strains, 188SDS-PAGE profiles, 182

B. canis rough strains, 188B. melitensis rough strains, 188B. ovis rough strains, 188E. coli, 740major outer membrane protein, 484monoclonal antibodies, 260N. meningitidis, 260phagocytosis, 740serotyping, 260TraT proteins, 740

Paracoccidioides brasiliensisestrogens, 346mycelium-to-yeast transformation, 346natural killer cells, 552resistance, 346yeast phase, 552

Pasteurella multocidaatrophic rhinitis, 48cell envelope proteins, 48dermonecrotic toxin, 429lipopolysaccharides, 48pathogenicity, 48swine, 48

Pathogenicityadherence, 690enteropathogenic E. coli, 690rabbits, 690

Penicillinlysis, 442S. mutans, 442

Peptidoglycanbasophil human leukocytes, 710

B. subtilis, 476histamine release, 710macrophages, mouse, 476S. aureus, 710

Peptococcus sp.irradiated mice, 270

Peptostreptococcus sp.irradiated mice, 270

Peptostreptococcus microsgingivitis, 1

Periodontal floraperiodontitis, 720variation, 720

Periodontitisperiodontal flora, 720variation, 720

Pertussis toxinB. pertussis, 195, 415, 422monoclonal antibodies, 195, 422subunits, 195

PhagocytesI. dammini, 608Lyme disease spirochetes, 608

Phagocytosischemiluminescence, 544E. coli, 740leukocytosis, 544lipid soluble factor, 544outer membrane protein, 740polymorphonuclear leukocytes, 544

blood, 625peritoneal, 625superoxide-generating system, 625

TraT protein, 740Phorbol myristate acetate

antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxic-ity, 682

polymorphonuclear leukocytes, human,682

Phosphoenolpyruvate-lactose phospho-transferase system

factor IlIac, 213lactose transport, 213S. mutans, 213

Phosphotransferase systemenzyme II, 854glucose, 854phosphoenolpyruvate, 854S. mutans, 854sucrose, 854

PigletsE. coli, 639intestines, 639

Piliantibiotics, 507attachment, 507N. gonorrhoeae, 507N. meningitidis, 507S. marcescens, 295US5 pili, 295


aerobactin iron uptake, 7, 159colicin V, 7TnO000, 7

conservation, 649E. coli Kl, 649pHW400

S. dysenteriae virulence, 55Plasmodium falciparum

inhibition, 668rheumatoid factor enhancement, 668schizonts, 668


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Pneumocystis cariniicorticosteroids, 747pneumonia, 747protein malnutrition, 747tetracycline, 747

Pneumoniacorticosteroids, 747P. carinii, 747protein malnutrition, 747tetracycline, 747

Polymorphonuclear leukocytesB. abortus, 224, 231blood

peritoneal, 625phagocytosis, 625superoxide-generating system, 625

bovine, 224, 231chemiluminescence, 544chemotactic activity, complement de-

rived, 81granule extracts, 231human, 224, 231

antibody-dependent cellular cytotox-icity, 682

phorbol myristate acetate, 682leukocytosis, 544lipid soluble factor, 544phagocytosis, 544pneumococcal meningitis, 81rabbits

binding, 631leukocidin, 631P. aeruginosa, 631

S. pneumoniae, 81Polysaccharides

E. purpurea, 845fractions, 845macrophages

activation, 845cytotoxicity, 845

Porinscomplement system, 559S. typhimurium, 559

Propionibacterium acnes

gingivitis, Iirradiated mice, 270

Protein malnutritioncorticosteroids, 747P. carinii, 747pneumonia, 747tetracycline, 747

Proteus mirabilisirradiated mice, 270

Pseudomonas aeruginosabinding, 631irradiated mice, 270leukocidin, 631polymorphonuclear leukocytes, 631rabbits, 631

Rabbitscomplement C5, 81E. coli, 639intestines, 639Lyme disease, 220pneumococcal meningitis, 81polymorphonuclear leukocytes, 81S. aureus, 314, 727susceptibility, 727toxic shock syndrome, 727toxic shock syndrome toxin-i, 314

RatsE. coli, 639intestines, 639

Resistanceestrogens, 346mycelium-to-yeast transformation, 346P. brasiliensis, 346

Rheumatoid factorenhancement, 668inhibition, 668P. falciparum, 668schizonts, 668

Rickettsia rickettsiimonoclonal antibodies, 289

Rickettsia tsutsugamushiinterferon gamma, 237mice, 237

Salivary antibodiesperoral administration, 703serum antibodies, 703S. mutans, 703

Salmonella typhivaccine, 564

Salmonella typhimuriumankylosing spondylitis, 686complement system, 559flagella, 814, 819macrophages, 663mice, 814murine macrophages, 819pathogenicity, 819persistence, 686porins, 559S. dysenteriae virulence, 55T. brucei subsp. rhodesiense, 663trypanosomiasis, 663urinary tract infection, 839virulence, 814

Schistosoma japonicumantibody, 276egg antigen, 276eggs, 514erythrocytes, 514hemolytic factors, 514hepatic granulomas, 276immunoglobulin, 276mice, 276spleen cells, 276

Selenomonas sp.gingivitis, I

Selenomonas sputigenagingivitis, I

Serotypingmonoclonal antibodies, 260N. meningitidis, 260outer membrane proteins, 260

Serratia marcescens

US5 pili, 295Serum antibodies

peroral administration, 703salivary antibodies, 703S. mutans, 703

Serum proteinsextracellular stimulation, 754maximal intracellular killing, 754mouse peritoneal macrophages, 754S. aureus, 754S. pyogenes, 754

Shigella boydiiankylosing spondylitis, 686persistence, 686

Shigella dysenteriaedysentery, 55E. coli, 55E. coli K-12 hybrids, 470lipopolysaccharide 0 antigen, 4700-antigen, 55plasmid pHW400, 55serotype 1, 55virulence, 55

Shigella flexnericytotoxicity

leukocytes, 25lymphocytes, 25

E. coli K-12, 465monkeys, 465oral vaccination, 465somatic antigen, 465S. sonnei, 25

Shigella sonneiguinea pigs, 22leukocyte cytotoxicity, 22, 25lymphocytes, 22

Shigella spp.S. dysenteriae virulence, 55

Somatic cellscellular immunity, 862mice, 862T. gondii, 862

Spirochaetaceaeantigenic cross-reactivity, 116B. duttoni, 116B. hermsii, 116B. hispanica, 116L. interrogans, 116T. hyodysenteriae, 116T. pallidum, 116T. paraluiscuniculi, 116T. pertenue, 116T. phagedenis, 116

Spirochetesblood, 220erythema migrans, 220I. dammini, 220, 608I. ricinus, 220Lyme disease, 220, 608phagocytes, 608

Staphylococcus aureusalpha-toxin, 318alpha-toxin gene, 615basophil human leukocytes, 710blood biochemical changes, 354extracellular stimulation, 754fever, 354goats, 354hematological changes, 354hemolytic activity, 318histamine release, 710irradiated mice, 270maximal intracellular killing, 754mouse peritoneal macrophages, 754peptidoglycan, 710rabbits, 314, 727sequence, 615serum proteins, 754S. pyogenes, 754susceptibility, 727toxic shock syndrome, 590, 727toxic shock syndrome toxin-l, 314, 354toxic shock toxin, 590toxin binding, 318

Staphylococcus epidermidisirradiated mice, 270peritoneal macrophages, 448

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thioglycolate, 448Staphylococcus haemolyticusgonococcal growth inhibitor, 340N. gonorrhoeae, 340S. aureus, 340

Staphylococcus saprophyticusurinary tract infection, 839

Streptococcialpha-hemolytic, 270group A, 34, 267oral, 245

Streptococcus agalactiaeurinary tract infection, 839

Streptococcus anginosusgingivitis, I

Streptococcus faecaliskojibiose, 279lipoteichoic acids, 279S. faecium, 279

Streptococcus faeciumkojibiose, 279lipoteichoic acids, 279S. faecalis, 279

Streptococcus mitiscell surface proteins, 245

Streptococcus mutansagglutination, 526antibody cross-reactivity, 42antigen binding, 145antigenic determinants, 168antigenshuman heart, 42kidney, 42

binding, 14532-microglobulin, 526

cell surface proteins, 245D-alanyl, 870experimental infection, 703factor Illlac, 213glucose phosphotransferase enzyme II,

854glycerol phosphate, 870group A streptococci, 34heart tissue, 145human fissure decay, 765kidney tissue, 145lactose transport, 213lipoteichoic acids, 870longitudinal study, 765lysis, 442molars, 765monoclonal antibodies, 34, 168oral streptococci, 526penicillin, 442peroral immunization, 703phosphoenolpyruvate-lactose phospho-

transferase system, 213phosphotransferase system

glucose, 854phosphoenolpyruvate, 854sucrose, 854

ribosomal vaccine, 42salivary antibodies, 703serotype specificities, 168serum antibodies, 703S. pyogenes, 34S. sanguis, 34, 765sucrose phosphotransferase enzyme II,

854Streptococcus pyogenes

bacteriophage T12, 531erythrogenic toxin, 531extracellular stimulation, 754

group A streptococci, 34maximal intracellular killing, 754monoclonal antibodies, 34mouse peritoneal macrophages, 754S. aureus, 754serum proteins, 754S. mutans, 34S. sanguis, 34type A streptococcal exotoxin, 531

Streptococcus salivariuscell surface proteins, 245

Streptococcus sanguiscell surface proteins, 245gingivitis, 1group A streptococci, 34human fissure decay, 765longitudinal study, 765molars, 765monoclonal antibodies, 34S. mutans, 34, 765S. pyogenes, 34

Streptococcus sp.gingivitis, 1

Streptolysin-Ohemolysis, 394toxin channels, 394toxins, 394

Superoxide-generating systemphagocytosis, 625polymorphonuclear leukocytes

blood, 625peritoneal, 625

Susceptibilityestrogen, 301L. monocytogenes, 301rabbits, 727S. aureus, 727toxic shock syndrome, 727

T cellsL. monocytogenes, 111Lyt 1+2-, 111macrophage-activating factor, 111migration-inhibition factor, 111

Tetracyclinecorticosteroids, 747P. carinii, 747pneumonia, 747protein malnutrition, 747

Thioglycolateperitoneal macrophages

microbicidal activity, 448phagocytosis, 448

S. epidermidis, 448Tnl000

aerobactin iron uptake, 7colicin V, 7plasmid CoIV-K30, 7

Toxic shock syndromeblood biochemical changes, 354fever, 354goats, 354hematological changes, 354rabbits, 314, 727S. aureus, 314, 354, 590, 727susceptibility, 727toxic shock toxin, 590toxin-l, 314, 354

Toxic shock toxinS. aureus, 590toxic shock syndrome, 590

Toxin channels

hemolysis, 394streptolysin-O, 394toxins, 394

Toxinsalpha-toxin, 318, 615bacteriophage T12, 531C. difficile

toxin A, 324toxin B, 324

cholera toxin, 612dermonecrotic toxin, 429erythrogenic toxin, 531hemolysis, 394pertussis toxin, 195, 415, 422S. pyogenes, 531streptolysin-O, 394toxic shock toxin, 590toxin channels, 394

Toxoplasma gondiicellular immunity, 862mice, 862somatic cells, 862

Transferrinceruloplasmin, 489hypoferremia, 489inflammation, 489N. meningitidis, 489

TraT proteinE. coli, 308, 740IncF group plasmid, 308monoclonal antibodies, 308outer membrane protein, 740phagocytosis, 740

Treponema denticolagingivitis, 1

Treponema hyodysenteriaeantigenic cross-reactivity, 116Spirochaetaceae, 116

Treponema pallidumantigen, 598antigenic cross-reactivity, 116attachment, 867cloning, 598E. coli, 598glycoprotein antigens, 867Spirochaetaceae, 116T. phagedenis, 867

Treponema paraluiscuniculiantigenic cross-reactivity, 116Spirochaetaceae, 116

Treponema pectinovorumgingivitis, 1

Treponema pertenueantigenic cross-reactivity, 116Spirochaetaceae, 116

Treponema phagedenisantigenic cross-reactivity, 116attachment, 867biotype Reiter, 867glycoprotein antigens, 867Spirochaetaceae, 116T. pallidum, 867

Treponema socranskiigingivitis, 1

Treponema vincentiigingivitis, 1

TrophozoitesG. lamblia, 377major surface antigens, 377

Trypanosoma bruceimacrophages, 663S. typhimurium, 663subspecies rhodesiense, 663


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trypanosomiasis, 663Trypanosoma cruzi

amastigotes, 372antibodies, 826BXH-2 mice, 658Chagas' disease, 372early proliferation, 658L929 cells, 372locus, 658macrophages, 372mice, 372polypeptides, 826trypomastigotes, 826

Trypanosoma lewisilipopolysaccharide hyperreactivity, 501T. musculi, 501

Trypanosoma musculilipopolysaccharide hyperreactivity, 501T. lewisi, 501

Trypanosomiasismacrophages, 663S. typhimurium, 663T. brucei subsp. rhodesiense, 663

Trypomastigotesantibodies, 826polypeptides, 826T. cruzi, 826

Tuberculindelayed hypersensitivity reaction, 873M. bovis BCG, 850, 873mice, 850

Tubulinantigens, 152G. lamblia, 152high-molecular-weight polypeptides,


Ulcerative colitisB. vulgatus, 64carageenan, 64immune enhancement, 64

Urinary tract infectionE. coli, 839mice, 839S. agalatiae, 839S. saprophyticus, 839S. typhimurium, 839

Vaccinationmeningococci, 673N. meningitidis, 673opsonins, 673

Vaccineatrophic rhinitis, 48cholera-E. coli-related diarrhea, 564dental caries

antibody cross-reactivity, 42antigensS. mutans ribosomal preparation, 42

E. coli, 564E. coli K-12, 465monkeys, 465mouse model, 408N. meningitidis, 408oral vaccination, 465S. flexneri somatic antigen, 465S. typhi, 564typhoid fever-related diarrhea, 564V. cholerae, 564

Veillonella dispargingivitis, 1

Veillonella parvulagingivitis, I

Vibrio choleraeChinese hamster ovary cells, 94cholera toxin, 94E. coli

nicked heat-labile enterotoxin, 94unnicked heat-labile enterotoxin, 94

vaccine, 564Vibrio fluvialis

cytotoxin, 773

Vibrio parahaemolyticusenhanced virulence, 141iron, 141lysed erythrocytes, 141

VirulenceE. coli, 105flagella, 814mice, 814S. dysenteriae, 55S. typhimurium, 814V. parahaemolyticus, 141Y. enterocolitica, 105

Wolinella curvagingivitis, 1

Wolinella rectagingivitis, I

Yersinia enterocoliticaadherence, 272B. abortus, 389cell surface, 272E. coli, 105fibril structure, 272monoclonal antibodies, 3890-antigens, 389virulence, 105Y. pseudotuberculosis, 105

Yersinia pseudotuberculosisE. coli, 105virulence, 105Y. enterocolitica, 105

ZincC. albicans, 13macromolecular synthesis, 13stationary-phase phenotype, 13

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