industry update mobile telecoms february 2015

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Page 3: Industry Update Mobile Telecoms February 2015



Available to download from June 2014, Vivo’s Unlock Lessons is a free mobile app enabling kids to unlock their parents’ cellphone or tablet – but only if they can correctly answer questions about things they’ve learned in school. Once parents have downloaded the Brazilian network’s app, they simply register their kids and add details of what school year they’re in. Kids can then unlock devices by answering questions on subjects including science, history, english and citizenship. Parents can also monitor their kids’ progress and view correct and incorrect answers.

In October 2014, Unilever-owned Brazilian haircare brand Seda launched an interactive installation allowing consumers to exchange empty shampoo bottles for cellphone credit. Users can bring empty bottles of any brand’s shampoo to a machine in Sao Pãolo’s Republica subway station, which inventories each item and displays a corresponding number of cellphone top-up credits. A printed code can then be used to redeem the credits via a variety of mobile operators. Donated

June 2014 saw Tunisie Telecom launch Keep Our Beaches Clean: a costal protection and beach cleaning program. Once a certain amount of trash had been

was unlocked for all beachgoers. Participants could track real-time collection via digital screens and were encouraged to continue collecting to reach the goal. The telecoms operator ran the campaign at six beaches across the country over three weekends.






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Launched in December 2014, Nudge Kick provides motivation for people to reach their

apps until they do. Users can choose to block

and the free UK-created Nudge Kick app will monitor their physical activity and automatically

Available to download from December 2014, Changers CO2 is a free tracking app that rewards users for choosing ‘sustainable’ transport options. The app measures the distance traveled by bike or public transport against car, train or airplane travel, and calculates the CO2 balance. Any emission savings are converted into Recoin units (a green currency produced using solar energy created by local-run kiosks in Africa) that can be used to purchase

neutral. Users are encouraged to compare their “scores” with friends and strangers using a worldwide leader-board. Changers CO2 was developed by Changers, a German-based sustainable technology developer.



Available to download from Q4 2014, iCukoo is a free mobile alarm clock helping people to support charities. Once users have downloaded the app, they can set an alarm and choose which UK charity they wish to support, before selecting how much

the app takes note – and once a threshold of GBP 1 has been reached, an SMS is sent asking if they wish to donate to their chosen cause.




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In November 2014, Sonatel launched the

for Africa. The Senegalese mobile operator’s project covers Senegal, Cameroun, Niger and Madagascar, giving schools access to online

well as maths and science courses via the Khan

pupils in 30 primary and secondary schools.

Available to download from December 2014, Look At Me is a free mobile app designed to help autistic children overcome anxieties and improve relationships with their friends and family. Developed by Samsung, the interactive app allows kids to work on making eye contact, via a device’s camera.







In September 2014, Verizon announced Verizon Car Share: a service using cellphones to connect car owners and vehicle rental agencies with drivers. Users can login to the Verizon Car Share app and scan a QR code on a vehicle’s windshield. They are then given access to an electronic keyfob which enables them to unlock the car and start it. Drivers are




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Unveiled in September 2014, Docotch is a child-tracking wristwatch from Japanese cellphone operator NTT Docomo. The device allows parents to track their child’s location on their cellphone via GPS and Bluetooth, and is pre-loaded with emergency messages that are automated by pressing a ‘panic button’. Other features include sensors that relay air temperature and humidity data and an alert system that is activated if the child leaves a pre-selected area.

Launched in India during November 2014, Airtel’s One Touch Internet

popular online services. Designed to simplify the

users can try services such as online shopping, social media and travel booking. The portal is available for prepaid customers and features free video tutorials and complimentary ‘trial’ packs.

In October 2014, Coca-Cola South Africa

enabled vending machines to poor and remote communities. Initially installed at two locations (Qunu, Umtata and Bushbuckridge, Mpumalanga), the vending machines are located close to schools and shopping centers. The service is free – users are not required to purchase a beverage for access.









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Available to download from November 2014, NTT Docomo’s Jspeak mobile app can convert spoken phrases in ten languages into Japanese. Use of the local mobile carrier’s app costs USD 0.99 per day (or USD 2.99 per week), facilitating simple communication while on vacation or business in Japan. Supported languages include English, Portuguese, Korean and Thai, and Jspeak

In November 2014, UK-based digital retreat provider hosted a digital detox evening in London. Guests were asked to hand in their cellphones on arrival, and expect an evening of music and art – with

also included cocktails and interactive art exhibits, with tickets priced from GBP 10.

Available for pre-order from September 2014, Zenytime is a cellphone-connected device helping people to reduce stress and improve wellbeing by controlling their breathing. The Bluetooth-enabled device features a sensor which tracks breathing, allowing individuals to control videogames using their breath. Users are also coached to improve their breathing over time, and Zenytime also captures blood oxygen and heart rate levels. The US-designed system costs USD 99.









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After controversy over whether Apple’s iPhone 6 Plus was prone to bending and too large to

KPN unveiled a service enlarging customers’ pockets for free. Customers waiting in line to purchase the iPhone 6 Plus could have their pocket made larger by KPN’s mobile tailor. Complimentary dressing gowns were available for customers to wear while they waited.

In September 2014, Chinese online services company Alibaba announced that Huawei’s upcoming Mate

Via the inbuilt biometric technology, users can make

service), eliminating the need for passwords or a PIN. As a precaution against hackers, all the






Deutsche Telekom’s InstaConcert generates interactive music videos from fan-made clips uploaded to Instagram and tagged with a

the gig capturing the performance on their smartphone is recorded, and viewers of the interactive video can choose which perspective they want to watch from in the interactive video. December 2014 saw Ed Sheeran become

for his performance nearly 10,000 feet above sea level on Zugspitze (the highest mountain

shared on the Telekom Street Gigs website.





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Announced in Russia during September 2014, the Relonch Camera is an iPhone camera attachment combining a lens and sensor with a unique image-processing algorithm to help users take professional-looking photos. Once taken, photographs can easily be shared across a range

can press the ‘Guru’ button during shooting to receive verbal advice on how to get the best from a scene, based on a scan of the on-screen image. The Relonch Camera is priced at USD 499.

Solarbox mobile charging station was unveiled in London. Located in repainted telephone boxes, the solar-powered stations are free to use and consumers are shown ten minutes of adverts while they wait for their device to charge. The project was supported by the Mayor of London.

Nigeria-based telecommunications brand SOLOfree, unlimited music and digital content streaming for the lifetime of every purchased cellphone. Users can access the SOLO Music library (more than 20 million songs from international record labels) and SOLO View (over 1000 hours of local and international movies and TV shows). Content can be downloaded at SOLO kiosks in malls across the region, circumventing typical problems around access to data. SOLO launched in Q3 2013; in November 2014 the brand unveiled its sophomore range of devices with three new Android phones.



