industri & serikat pekerja - an industrial...

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Industri & Serikat Pekerja

Dewi Hardiningtyas, ST, MT, MBA

Siapa saja entitas perusahaan / industri ?

Worker Rights is Human Rights

Deklarasi Universal Hak Asazi Manusia Pasal 23

Konvensi ILO No. 87 Tahun 1956 (Freedom of Association of the

Right to Organise)

Keppres No. 83 tahun 1998

Employment at will (1930)

Employment as a completely voluntary relationship that both the employee and the employer

were free to terminate at any time and for any reason.

A labor union is a group of workers who have organized in order to pursue common work related goals, such as better wages and benefits, safer working conditions, and greater job security.

Serikat Pekerja

Serikat pekerja adalah organisasi demokratis yang berkesinambungan dan permanen dibentuk secara sukarela dari, oleh dan untuk pekerja sebagai maksud dan tujuan tertentu.

Definisi Serikat Pekerja

Tujuan Serikat Pekerja (1/4)

Melindungi dan membela hak dan kepentingan pekerja

Tujuan Serikat Pekerja (2/4)

Memperbaiki kondisi – kondisi dan syarat - syarat kerja melalui perjanjian kerja bersama dengan manajemen / pengusaha.

Tujuan Serikat Pekerja (3/4)

Melindungi dan membela pekerja beserta keluarganya akan keadaan sosial dimana

mereka mengalami kondisi sakit, kehilangan dan tanpa kerja (PHK)

Tujuan Serikat Pekerja (4/4)

Mengupayakan agar manajemen / pengusaha mendengarkan dan mempertimbangkan suara atau pendapat serikat pekerja sebelum membuat keputusan

Prinsip Serikat Pekerja


Sukarela Solidaritas





Peran Serikat Pekerja

Perlindungan 1

Peningkatan kondisi dan syarat kerja 2

Perjanjian Kerja Bersama 3

Menangani keluh kesah anggota 4

Menyelesaikan perselisihan 5

Peran Serikat Pekerja

Menyediakan manfaat lainnya (untuk kesejahteraan anggota) 6

Sebagai suara pekerja 7

Menyediakan sarana komunikasi 8

Melakukan kerjasama dan menjalin solidaritas dengan pekerja atau serikat pekerja lainnya baik secara nasional maupun internasional 9

Meningkatakan pelaksanaan hubungan industrial untuk menciptakan keharmonisan hubungan antara pekerja/serikat pekerja dengan pengusaha/manajemen 10

Model Serikat Pekerja


Service Model Union yaitu dimana serikat

pekerja melaksanakan apa saja untuk anggota


Organising Model Union yaitu dimana

anggota berpartisipasi dan berbagi tanggung jawab bersama-sama

dengan pemimpin serikat pekerja dalam

menjalankan organisasi.

Model Serikat Pekerja


Craft unions represent workers

who have the same skill or work

in the same profession.


Industrial unions represent workers

who are employed in the same industry regardless of their

specific skills or profession.

Hubungan Industri dalam SP

International Unions

National Unions

Local Unions


Labor conference, pro-labor legislation, political activism, strategic support

Training (leadership), dealing contract

Mengakomodasi problem pekerja industri.

Isu-isu tentang Serikat Pekerja

Anti serikat pekerja propaganda oleh pengusaha ataupun bahkan dari pemerintah sendiri,

Potret negatif serikat pekerja dan aktifitasnya,

Konsep palsu tentang serikat pekerja yang mengakibatkan keragu – raguan antar pekerja sehubungan dengan serikat pekerja dan fungsi serta peranannya,

Masih banyak serikat pekerja yang hanya berdiri karena keinginan pemerintah dan pengusaha sebagai maksud untuk “melaksanakan” konvensi ILO tentang kebebasan berserikat dan berorganisasi;

Masih adanya larangan bagi pegawai pemerintah untuk mendirikan serikat pekerja atau bergabung dengan serikat pekerja yang ada.

Permasalahan Serikat Pekerja

Permasalahan Internal Organisasi

Pengeta- huan

Kehadiran anggota

Keanggo- taan

Yellow unionism

Iuran anggota

Anggota wanita

Permasalahan Serikat Pekerja

Permasalahan Eksternal Organisasi

Pemerin- tah

Komunikasi dg Manaj.

Masyara- kat

Pekerja asing

Collective Bargaining

Collective bargaining is the process by which representatives of labor and management

attempt to negotiate a mutually acceptable labor agreement.

Distributive bargaining is the traditional approach to collective

bargaining. The two sides negotiate, but they don’t explicitly cooperate.

Each side usually assumes that a gain for one party is a loss for the other, resulting in an adversarial

bargaining environment.

Interest-based bargaining takes a different approach. Rather than beginning with predetermined

positions and a long list of inflated demands, each side identifies

concerns it wants to discuss. The goal is to find a “win-win” outcome

that benefits both sides.

Dealing with Impasse

An impasse exists when the two parties recognize that a voluntary agreement can’t be achieved under

current conditions, and that a strike or lockout appears highly likely.

With a strike, the workers decide when to begin and end the work


With a lockout, these choices are made by the

employer (company).


Picketing occurs when workers walk outside the employer’s place of business carrying signs with facts and slogans to publicize their position.


A boycott occurs when striking workers and their supporters refuse to do business with the employer during a labor dispute.

The Neutral 3rd Party

Mediation involves bringing in an outsider who attempts to help the two sides reach an


Mediators are skilled facilitators who are good at reducing tensions and providing useful suggestions for compromise. But they have no authority to impose a settlement. If one or both sides reject the mediator’s suggestions, the mediation effort will fail.

The Neutral 3rd Party

Arbitration involves bringing in an outsider with the authority to impose a binding

settlement on both parties.

An arbitrator will listen to both sides, study the issues, and announce a settlement. Arbitration is rare in the case of private sector collective bargaining, but the public (government) sector uses it frequently to settle disputes.

File a Grievance!

Grievance is a complaint by a worker that the employer has violated the terms of the collective bargaining agreement.

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