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  • 8/11/2019 Individual Assignment Biology


    Individual Assignment: Dideoxy Chain Termination DNA Sequencing

    The Dideoxy Chain-termination method for sequencing DNA, or the Sanger Sequencing

    Method, is a technique for sequencing a strand of DNA. DNA sequencing is determining the

    exact order of nucleotides in a piece of DNA (Campbell, 2005). It was developed by Frederick

    Sanger in 1977 (Sanger method, Cold Spring Harbor). It is the type of DNA sequencing most

    frequently used today.

    The thing that makes the Sanger method possible is specially altered fluorescent dideoxy

    nucleotides. Dideoxy nucleotides are regular nucleotides except with a hydrogen group instead

    of a hydroxyl (OH) group (Tech council, Sanger DNA). The hydrogen group prevents further

    nucleotides from being added, and so the chain of replication is terminated whenever a dideoxy

    nucleotide is added, creating many fragments of DNA. (Tech council, Sanger DNA). The

    fluorescence allows the different nucleotides to be determined when they are scanned by a laser.

    (DNA sequencing, the Welcome Trust).

    During the process of the Sanger method, four reaction tubes are set up. Each tube has

    DNA polymerase, the DNA to be sequenced, a full supply of normal nucleotides, and one kind

    of dideoxy nucleotide (either A, G, T, or C.) (Micklos, 2003). As the DNA polymerase replicates

    the DNA, the dideoxy nucleotides cause it to fall off and stop at varying points along it, creating

    many different length fragments in each tube. (Sanger method, Cold Spring Harbor). The

    fragments are then pieced together to form a coherent stream of DNA information. (Sanger

    method, Cold Spring Harbor).

    In order to do this, the fragments must be sorted out by length. The fragments are run

    through a gel full of very small capillaries, like a maze. The longer fragments get stuck more,

  • 8/11/2019 Individual Assignment Biology


    and take longer to get through the maze, while the shorter ones are faster. This organizes them

    from short to longest. They are then scanned by a laser, and recorded as different colored bands.

    (DNA Sequencing, the Welcome Trust). These colors stand for each nucleotide, and their order

    shows the nucleotide sequence of the DNA molecule.

    Sanger won a Nobel Prize for his advancement, and his method has since been used

    extensively in the Human Genome Project. His work was and is a major advancement in

    understanding the role genes play in our lives and diseases.

  • 8/11/2019 Individual Assignment Biology



    Campbell, Reece. Biology. 7th ed. San Francisco: Pearson Education Inc., 2005. Print.

    Council, Tech. "The Sanger DNA Sequencing Methods." Tech Council. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 May


    DNA sequencing - the Sanger method. The Welcome Trust. Web. 4 May 2014.


    Micklos, David A., Greg A. Freyer, and David A. Crotty. DNA Science. Second ed. Cold Spring

    Harbor, New York.: John Inglis, 2003. Print.

    Sanger method of DNA sequencing, 3D anim. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

    Web. 4 May 2014. .