indisputable evidence of intelligent extraterrestrial life

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  • 8/4/2019 Indisputable Evidence of Intelligent Extraterrestrial Life


    [email protected]

    Extraterrestrial Lifeforms

    I do not wish to lead people astray. Only believe what rings true in your heart, andyour heart alone. I only wish to provide evidence supporting the truth, whatever that maybe. I can only hope for a world one day ridded of convoluted evidence and theories. This

    paper is one my contributions to help usher in an era of truth, love, and the expansion ofour human consciousness and awareness.

    These are my beliefs and my justification for believing them. My word is notgospel and is not to be taken as such. Draw your own conclusions, provide your own

    evidence, and even debunk my information if you have valid evidence and I will be opento any new information. All that I ask in return is for the same courtesy to be extended by

    maintaining an open mind.Are we the only ones living in this universe? So many people often feel trapped

    and isolated on this small blue planet floating through a sea of nothingness. There has tobe more to this. Just to put it in perspective quickly, conceptualize for a second that if you

    took all the grains of sand from all the beaches on the entire planet and each grainrepresented a planet or star, there would still not be enough grains to represent the entire

    universe.In my opinion, no, we are not the only ones living in this universe. I consider this

    idea the most egocentric aspect of human perception. It is not a majority of the planetsfault for indulging in such a perspective; its the lack of true, free information that this

    problem stems from.Lets examine some of the evidence I have seen over the years that has caused me

    to believe in the existence of not only extraterrestrial life, but life that is vastly moreintelligent than that our own species. In the following text, I will provide 7 pieces of

    evidence from which I draw these claims.

    I. Early Human CivilizationBefore we ever had the media exposure that depicts tiny green men with

    disproportional heads and large black eyes, there were cave paintings found all over the

    world from prehistoric man that provided evidence that we were visited by extraterrestrialbeings.

    All over the world, paintings show what appears to be a basic rendition of a being thathas large black eyes, and typically an orb around their head, which could represent their

    divine presence or a helmet of some sort that is necessary for their survival on Earth.What could have inspired such science-fiction artwork? My conclusion is obvious,

    contact with extraterrestrials. Where would ancient Egyptians even begin to get the ideafor an aircraft, long before they had even mastered a vehicle suited for land?

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    These are a just a few examples of ancient drawings of inexplicable entities and

    their aircrafts. This evidence shows that there could have very well possibly been aliensthat visited our ancestors in the exact same UFOs we are still seeing today. I also have

    more recent evidence in art that shows the knowledge that extraterrestrial life not onlyexists, but also has shown itself time and time again throughout human history. To me,

    these next pictures signify not only the human recognition of the incarnation of ascendedmaster, but the universal implications of such a person on Earth. I believe that Jesus was

    not the sole son of God by any means, but was an ascended master here on Earth. Overtime people have misconstrued his original teachings and manipulated them into a tool

    that is used to control the masses and divide people among themselves.

    Left: Cave paintings found in Kimberly, Australia. Dating

    has shown these drawings to be 5,000 years old.Below: Cave painting found in Itolo, Tanzania. Dating

    has shown these drawings to be 29,000 years old.

    Above: Hieroglyphics found in Egypt that depicts

    aircrafts that were far beyond the engineering

    comprehension of the Egyptians.

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    Above Right: The Crucifixion (1350).Above Left: "The Annunciation with Saint Emidius"

    Carlo Crivelli (1486). A disk shaped object is shining a

    pencil beam of light down into Mary's crown chakra.Below to Left: "The Baptism of Christ" Aert de Gelder.


    Below: The Life of Mary. (14th Century)

    Left: "The Madonna with Saint

    Giovannino" DomenicoGhirlandaio. (15th century)

  • 8/4/2019 Indisputable Evidence of Intelligent Extraterrestrial Life


    II. Government DocumentsIt seems like it is, well was, a majority of the Earths governments duties to

    explain the origin of these UFOs through misinformation. Often people that wouldreport such sightings would be ignored, and the experience would be written off as

    anything from weather balloons to a flock of birds. Over the past decade or so, we have

    seen several governments come forward about such topics. These governments do notdirectly admit the existence of other intelligent life forms, but rather indirectly do so byadmitting that the aerial phenomena that were witnessed are impossible by conventional

    aircrafts or any aircraft that the government has. They have also indirectly admitted tobearing witness to UFOs by creating organizations to deal with such reportings and

    investigate them further. The following is a list of some powerful countries, and a list ofarticles showing the disclosure of thousands of UFO documents. The reason for putting

    so many links to similar articles is just in case one gets taken down, and also to show theconsistency of the story throughout many different news sites.

    1. Argentinaa.


    2. Brazila.


    3. Canadaa.



    4. Chinaa.

    discloses-ufo-reality-aliens-sending-ufo-probes-here/5. Denmark



    6. Francea.


    nment_release_ufo_files.html?cat=377. Great Britain

  • 8/4/2019 Indisputable Evidence of Intelligent Extraterrestrial Life


    a. British NationalArchives





    8. Japana.,2933,317266,00.html

    9. Mexicoa.








    III. NASA Astronauts Come ForwardWhile the United States may be lacking the confirmation from the government

    itself, there have been two world renown American astronauts that have admitted that notonly do they know intelligent extraterrestrial life exists, but the government knows this as


    One of the astronauts, Buzz Aldrin, recounted the story in which he hadencountered a UFO on the Apollo 11 flight. According to the story, fellow astronauts and

    Buzz witnessed a UFO and even radioed back to Earth to verify if it could have possiblybeen the last part of the rocket orbitting around the Earth. Houston quickly responded

    with the actual coordinates of the rocket, which did not correspond with the location ofthe UFO they were witnessing.

    Here you can watch a video of an interview with Buzz Aldrin.

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    Edgar Mitchell, also an extremely well known astronaut, came forward anddescribed his experience and knowledge of the existence of other intelligent life forms.

    One of the videos in which he discusses this is found here.

    Text of an interview with Edgar Mitchell

    Why would two prominent astronauts come forward and perpetuate these stories

    of UFOs? Would they have any ulterior motives to the disclosure of such informationaside from informing humans that we arent alone in the universe?

    IV. 62 School Children in Zimbabwe Witness a UFO

    There are tons of eye witness acounts of UFOs every single day. Most of them tell

    the story of an unidentifiable, silver, disk-like object performing aerial feats that are notphysically possible with our intelligence. Some people are trying to get their fifteen

    minutes of fame, while others just want to share their mind-opening experience.One of the most interesting cases involving UFOs takes place in Ruwa,

    Zimbabwe. Ruwa is a small farming community in South Africa and news from thesmall town rarely gets out. On September 16, 1994, the children and teachers at Ariel

    School reported seeing a UFO that landed. This happened during recess time and thestudent's ages ranged from 5-12 years. 62 kids were outside the school during the

    incident with one adult supervising.What also makes this case interesting is reports of possible UFOs/meteors in the

    skies over Zimbabwe two days before the incident which the children were unaware of.

    The students at Ariel saw three UFOs in the skies disappear and reappear in differentplaces with one of them landing Many of the children were frightened by the little man

    and when they told the mother at the snack bar, she didn't believe them.

    Cynthia Hind, Africa's top notch UFO researcher who is now deceased,investigated the incident. The children had 35 drawings and sketches waiting for her

    when she arrived which all depicted the extraterrestrial craft/being similarly. ColinMackie, the school's headmaster, considered the children were truthful in what they saw.

    One of the students, a young girl, told Hind, "I swear by every hair on my head and thewhole Bible that I am telling the truth." Dr. John Mack, along with researcher

    Dominique Callinmanopulos also investigated the case for 2 days interviewing 12 of thechildren and parents. Some of the older children said they were communicated with by

    the being(perhaps telepathically) that something may happen in the future, and humanswere destroying the Earth. I have included a video with this article below, and you can

    see for yourself some of the interviews with the children. The Zimbabwe school sightinggoes down as one of the best close encounter cases in history and a documentary is being

    made on the incident. Since then, news of the story has spread across the world, and itsup to you whether you think 62 kids would make this up or not.

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    Video can be found here.

    This is a great piece of evidence because Ruwa has limited media coverage that

    would not even begin to dive into the topic of UFOs. These kids clearly had anencounter with an intelligent life form because not only do the accounts of what thechildren see add up with the drawings humans have been doing for thousands of years,

    but the message that popped up into their heads is one that is typically not thought ofby many, especially by children, and even more so having it at the same time. The

    children have no motive to fabricate this story, extremely limited resources to even accessinformation or pictures of aliens in order form a lie about the structure of either the UFO

    or the alien entity, and the consistency of their stories makes sense. All of this points toyet another piece of evidence pointing towards the existence of other intelligent life


    V. Important Messages from Intelligent Extraterrestrial Life

    DISCLAIMER: This section is one of the longer ones so it is recommended to watch

    this video ( if you do not wish to read all

    of this.

    On August 21, 2001, there were two very unusual crop

    circle formations that appeared near the Chibolton radiotelescope located in Hampshire, UK. From a distance one of the

    images appears to be that of a human-like face, while the otherseemed to be a compilation of encoded information. What makes

    this message much more peculiar from the other several

    thousand crop circle reportings was that this one shared astriking resemble to that of the transmission that SETI (Searchfor Extraterrestrial Intelligence) sent from the Arecibo radio

    telescope nearly 30 years before.First, I will give some background to the original message sent from Arecibo,

    back in 1974.Arecibo is on the northern coast of Puerto Rico and contains a natural disc-shaped hole in

    the rock. Inside this bowl was constructed the world's largest radio-telescope, with adiameter of 1000 feet.

    In 1974 a number of modifications had been carried out to the transmitter,enabling it to broadcast signals at a power of up to 20 terawatts (1 terawatt = 1 trillion

    watts) and as an inaugural test of these improvements it was decided by SETI to transmitan encoded message to the heavens. This signal was aimed towards the globular star

    cluster M13, some 25,000 light years away and consisting of some 300,000 stars in theconstellation of Hercules.

    The message was actually transmitted on November 16th 1974 and consisted of1679 pulses of binary code (0's and 1's) - which took a little under three minutes to

    transmit. It was transmitted on a frequency of 2380MHz (which is significant later). Youmight be asking yourself right now what the significance of 1679 pulses is?

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    The reason for this is down tomathematics. 1679 is the unique product of

    two prime numbers; 23 and 73. Anysufficiently intelligent life form would no

    doubt look for unique, universal constructs -

    such as prime numbers, chemical elementfrequencies and binary digits. Don't forgetthat because we could be trying to

    communicate with an intelligencecompletely different to our own, we cannot

    talk in terms of 'human' systems, such ascentimeters, feet, decimal numbers etc.

    Because only the two prime numbers 23 and73, when multiplied together, produce 1679

    there can only be a single way to arrange thesignal, if you were converting it into a

    matrix grid - 23 squares by 73 squares.The original message was comprised

    of several 'sections', each depicting aparticular aspect of 'our civilization'. At the

    top are binary representations of thenumbers one through to ten, interestingly

    showing the numbers eight, nine and ten astwo columns. This shows anyone decoding

    the message that we can specify thatnumbers too large to be written on a single

    line can be 'carried over'.The next section contains the binary values

    1,6,7,8 and 15 which indicate the atomicnumbers of the primary elements for life on

    Earth; Hydrogen, Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygenand Phosphorus respectively.

    The larger section of three rowsrepresents the formulas for the sugars and

    bases in the nucleotides of DNA. Beneath this is agraphical representation of our DNA 'double helix'

    either side of a 'straight vertical bar, which indicatesthe number of nucleotides in DNA.

    Directly below the DNA double helix is a small representation of us -humans - with a body and two arms and two legs (like a little stick man). On the

    left is a binary value of the population of Earth. This can be calculated asroughly 4.29 billion, which is roughly the population of the world, back in 1974.

    On the right of the humanoid form is a binary code for the height of humans.Because we cannot communicate in 'human' measurements (such as feet and

    inches) the height is represented in 'wavelength units'. As mentioned earlier, the actualmessage was transmitted on 2380MHz. To convert this into a wavelength we divide into

    Above: Original

    binary pulsemessage

    Above: Explanation

    of original message.

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    300, to obtain a wavelength in meters.300/2380 = 0.12605042m = 12.6cm. This is

    our 'wavelength unit'. From the code for theheight of a human, we can see that the value is

    1110 in binary, or 14 in decimal. If we

    multiply 14 by our wavelength unit (12.6) weget 176.4cm, or roughly 5'9" - the averageheight of humans.

    The next section is a simplifiedrepresentation of our Solar System - where we

    live. It shows the sun and nine planets,roughly representative of size. By moving the

    third planet up slightly it highlights thatsomething is significant about the third planet

    from the sun - Earth.The last section depicts the origin of

    the message itself - the Arecibo radiotelescope, which is the curved structure.

    Underneath this, as the last two lines of themessage, is another binary number. This time

    it's 100101111110 (split onto two lines in thecentre) and equates to 2430 in decimal. Again,

    using our universal 'wavelength units' we get2430*12.6cm which is 30618cm - or approx

    1000', the diameter of the Arecibo radio dish.In 2001, the message that was received and

    translated revealed a lot of information about at least onespecies of extraterrestrial life. It revealed information

    such as height, population, elements vital to their life, anda basic layout of their DNA.

    The messages didnt stop there though. One yearlater on the exact same day two more crop circle

    messages appeared in the same fieldas before. This time the message was

    much more direct and had a differentintention rather than just a response

    to a message we had relayed 30 yearsearlier. Using very similar

    intelligence to that of the originalmessage sent in 1974, the

    extraterrestrial life form sent amessage of hope for the human race.

    What appears to be nothing morethan a typical rendition of an alien is

    actually something much greater. Thedisk that it is holding actually

    Above: Deciphering of the

    message returned in 2001.

    Below: Crop image discoveredin 2002, one year exactly after

    the message in 2001.

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    encodes three lines of data meant to be deciphered by us humans. The data read asfollows, "Beware the bearers of false gifts and their broken promises. Much pain, but still

    time. Believe there is good out there. We oppose deception. Conduit closing.You will also notice if you look closely that there are 3 circles to the left of the

    aliens head. These 3 circles perfectly match up with the alignment of Orions Belt,

    which is exactly what the pyramids of Giza were meant to align with as well. To me,there is no such thing as coincidence, just the illusion of it.

    VI. Aliens and Their Active Pacifism

    Mankind has been inherently destructive for about as long as mainstream history

    dates back. Weve embraced our violent tendencies and even promoted them among ouryouth by justifying it through our nature or through religious means. Our destructive

    nature took a huge leap forward with the invention of the nuclear bomb. In the blink of aneye, an entire city could be wiped out. All that would be left is the rubble of a city that

    was once populated.

    The release of atom power has changed everything except our way of thinking...the

    solution to this problem lies in the heart of mankind. If only I had known, I should

    have become a watchmaker. (Albert Einstein)

    Even the person who was primarily responsible noticed how destructive this is tomankind physically, but also spiritually. Life is not supposed to be easy, but we are not

    alone on this journey. It is my belief that other intelligent life forms step in and try andguide humans in the right direction.

    With a greater understanding of consciousness, comes a greater desire for

    unconditional love and peace, resulting in pacifism and true compassion.

    These ideas have not gone unjustified. From communicating with children and

    conveying to them the idea that we are hurting our planet with our complacent ways torendering our weapons completely inoperable, aliens in one form or another have shown

    their true motives. There have also been several stories in which military officials havecome forward to share their experiences of extraterrestrial intervention. As seen on Larry

    King Live, during a missile test, it was reported that a UFO came and dismantled theweapon.

    Seen here(

    As seen in another interview on Larry King Live, another military official came

    forward to tell his story of an encounter with a UFO. In this story there were nuclearwarheads that became completely useless after a UFO hovered over the nuclear silo for a

    little.Seen here


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    There are also other videos put out by CNN confirming the stories of these UFOsstopping us from killing not only the planet, but ourselves. Those videos can be found


    VII. Conclusion and More Videos

    There are tons of other videos and articles on the internet which show videos of

    UFOs or tell of a persons personal experience but over the past few years of researchthese are the ones that stuck to me and really rang true. Feel free to do your own research

    and if you ever want to put this information out there and quote me as I have quotedothers, just make sure to give credit. THIS INFORMATION IS COMPLETELY FREE


    Here Ive included other UFO videos that have stuck out to me.

    1. Sightings 2011 Everywhere (

    This is a great compilation found on the Internet, the only evidence I do warn youof that is misinformation is the UFO over Jerusalem. This video has been

    analyzed and has been discredited, regardless of its multiple camera angles.

    2. December 9, 2009 Norway Spiral ( video was written off as a Russian Bulava Missile Test that failed, causing

    the missile to spin out of control and release fuel. But with a quick comparison toa picture of exactly what they said it was, you would see that it is physically

    impossible for such an object to propel itself in a circle like that by accident for10-15 minutes.


    3. 2006 Russia Spiral (

    Looks very similar to that of the one in Norway, with only slight differences.

    4. July 2010 UFO China Airport (

    5. July 2010 UFO China (

    This one was seen just a few days after the prior sighting.

    6. China 2010 Pyramid UFO ( similar, if not identical, to the one seen over Russia.

    7. Russia 2009 Pyramid UFO(


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    8. October 13, 2011 UFOs New York(


