indie music magazine deconstruction


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Post on 16-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Indie music magazine deconstruction



Page 2: Indie music magazine deconstruction

FRONT COVER:Colour scheme:Yellow: very modern colour and very bold/striking. The main concentration of yellow is towards the top of the page which I what will be seen first so the yellow will catch the audiences eye. Mixed with the red, the yellow and redconnote danger and warning which links to the picture as the artists attitude seems very defensive and serious. The red and yellow parts are also the most important features of the front cover.The picture being black andwhite adds character and shows old age or something from the past. It shows how the artist may have an old style of music and being different from the other vibrant colours, it contrasts well and stands out.

The artists pose and serious expression connotes power which shows how he superior. It may also relate to his music, it may be based around serious events or portray a serious meaning.

Sublines and extra photos add interest to the front cover they give us a quick over view of what will be featured in the magazine.

Page 3: Indie music magazine deconstruction

CONTENTS PAGE:The title to this contents page is very clear and the fonts throughout are clear and easy to read. All the pictures are uniform which makes the page more clear and easy to navigate.

The quotes after every picture gives the read an insight into what the page listed will feature and make them want to find out more.

The reds in this contents emphasise the most important parts. The promotion is also in red which attracts readers. Upon the red is yellow which then makes the most important parts stand out even more.

Page 4: Indie music magazine deconstruction

DOUBLE PAGE SPREAD:The colour scheme of the double page spread is very simple; blacks, whites and red. Like the front cover, the red parts shows its importance and makes it stand out to the white or black background. The black and white image, like the front cover, shows old age or something from the past. The picture is very simple which follows the code of the rest of the contents page.

This quote pulls the reader in and encourages you to read the article. It is also in red which shows its importance.