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Modelling RESTful applications – Why should I not use verbs in REST url Anirudh Bhatnagar Xebia India IT Architects Pvt Ltd

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Modelling RESTful applications – Why should I not use verbs in REST urlAnirudh BhatnagarXebia India IT Architects Pvt Ltd

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Representational state transfer ??

Specification ???

Guidelines ???

Architecture style??

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Roy Fielding’s paper on REST architectural style

Architectural Styles and the Design of Network-based Software Architectures

DISSERTATIONsubmitted in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the degree ofDOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHYin Information and Computer SciencebyRoy Thomas Fielding2000

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REST, HTTP and Web

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HTTP Specification

GET ../foods/1 would get you the food with id 1.

PUT ../foods/2 would update the food with id 2.

POST ../foods will add a new food.

DELETE ../foods/1 will delete the food resource with id 1.

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But what about other verbs???

--- approve-- reject-- cancel-- search -- increase-- decrease…..…..

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Can I just put them in my URL??what would go wrong?

Lets see a video

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Improper handling of method and no safeguard

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Result : Disaster!!!

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How do we solve this?

HTTP Specifications

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1. Safe and Unsafe Methodsexcerpt from w3 HTTP Specification…

…..GET and HEAD methods SHOULD NOT have the significance of taking an action other than retrieval. These methods ought to be considered "safe". This allows user agents to represent other methods, such as POST, PUT and DELETE, in a special way, so that the user is made aware of the fact that a possibly unsafe action is being requested....

GET and HEAD should have no side-effects : They should not change the state.

Clearly we can not use GET in our API..

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2.IdempotencyAn idempotent HTTP method can be called many times without different outcomes.

a = 4 ->idempotenta++ -> non idempotent

...Methods can also have the property of "idempotence" in that (aside from error or expiration issues) the side-effects of N > 0 identical requests is the same as for a single request. The methods GET, HEAD, PUT and DELETE share this property…..POST is non-idempotent..

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Fault Tolerant - Idempotent Methods - if request timed out - can you safely retry? - no need to worry if idempotent

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Browser SupportConfirm Form submission On refresh of Unsafe Method (POST form)

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Non-safe and non-idempotent methods will never be cached by any middleware proxies.

Safe Methods like GET and HEAD are candidate for caching.

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caching with GETEvery GET call is a candidate for caching..

If you have method :

HTTP/1.1 GET …./users/1/update

This might not actually update and return you the cached result.

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Bad Urls hamper caching!HTTP 1.1 GET


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HTTP Caching

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Browser Caches

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Proxy Cacheexample : Squid

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Gateway Cache : Reverse Proxy

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Benefits of HTTP Caching

- Server side caching is expensive..

- Reduce latency

- Reduce network traffic

-CDNs can leverage proxy caches.

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Leverage Caching effectivelyWith great power comes great responsibility...

How to control caching effectively?Invalidations?Cache expiry?Stale cache?Volatile data?

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- expires

- cache control -Etags -last modified

- validation headers

HTTP headers

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Expires Header

● HTTP 1.0

So, if we made an API call to retrieve data

……….. GET /users/1

The response header would be:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Content-Type: application/xml

Expires: Tue, 25 Aug 2013 16:00 GMT


<user id="1">...</users>

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JAX-RS support for expires..@Path("{id}") @GET @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_XML) public Response getUserXML(@PathParam("id") Long id){ User user = userDB.get(id); ResponseBuilder builder = Response.ok(user,MediaType.APPLICATION_XML); //Putting expires header for HTTP browser caching. Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.set(2013,7,25,16,0); builder.expires(cal.getTime()); return; }

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HTTP 1.1

support CDNs, proxy caches and revalidations there was a need for more enhanced headers with richer set of features, having more explicit controls.

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Cache-ControlCache-Control has a variable set of comma-delimited directives that define who,how and for how long it can be cached. Lets explore few of them:

-private/public : these are accessibility directives, private means a browser can cache the object but the proxies or CDNs can not and public makes it cachable by all.-no-cache,no-store,max-age are few others where name tells the story.

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JAX-RS support for Cache-Control@Path("{id}") @GET @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_XML) public Response getUserXMLwithCacheControl(@PathParam("id") Long id){ User user = userDB.get(id); CacheControl cc = new CacheControl(); cc.setMaxAge(300); cc.setNoStore(true); cc.setPrivate(true); ResponseBuilder builder = Response.ok(user,MediaType.APPLICATION_XML); builder.cacheControl(cc); return; }

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Validation Headers and Conditional GETs

When cache is stale, client can ask server if cache still valid

To be able to revalidate client needs additional headersbeyond Cache-Control from a server response

•Last-Modified - a date when the resource was last modified•ETag - a unique hash-like key that identifies a version of the resource

Client should cache these headers along with response body

To revalidate client sends conditional GETs using values of these header tags.

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Last-Modified and If-Modified-Since Server sends in response header

HTTP/1.1 200 OK....Cache-Control: max-age=1000Last-Modified: Mon, 19 aug 2013 16:00 IST

Client revalidates using conditional GET

GET /users/23 HTTP/1.1If-Modified-Since: Mon, 19 aug 2013 16:00 IST

in case it is modified after this date; a response code 200 (OK) with current value of resource will be sent.

And if the data is not modified a response code of “304″

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Etag and If-None-Match● an MD5 hash value.● generated from resource is sent by server in

response.● client caches it and uses this to revalidate using If-

None-Match tag in request header. GET /users/23 HTTP/1.1

If-None-Match: "23432423423454654667444"

Server verifies the hash, if it matches sends “304” else sends current value with response code 200 and resets the etag.

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JAX-RS support Validation

JAX-RS also provided one injectable helper class Request, which has methods like…

....ResponseBuilder evalutatePostConditions(EntityTag eTag);ResponseBuilder evaluatePreConditions(Date isLastModified);.....

And...JAX-RS provides us with for the same

The values sent by client (which they have cached) are compared with latest values at the server.

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JAX-RS and Validation@Path("{id}")@GET@Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_XML)public Response getUserWithEtagSupport(@PathParam("id") Long id, @Context Request request){ User user = userDB.get(id); //generating Etag out of hashCode of user EntityTag tag = new EntityTag(Integer.toString(user.hashCode())); CacheControl cc = new CacheControl(); cc.setMaxAge(1000); ResponseBuilder builder = request.evaluatePreconditions(tag); if(builder!=null){ //means the preconditions have been met and the cache is valid //we just need to reset the cachecontrol max age (optional) builder.cacheControl(cc); return; } //preconditions are not met and the cache is invalid //need to send new value with response code 200 (OK) builder = Response.ok(user,MediaType.APPLICATION_XML); //reset cache control and eTag (mandatory) builder.cacheControl(cc); builder.tag(tag); return; }

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HTTP has an unofficial PURGE method that is used for purging caches.

When an API receives a call with an unsafe method on a resource, it should fire a PURGE request on that resource so that the reverse proxy knows that the cached resource should be expired.

We dont need to perform explicit revalidations in this case.

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GET /article/1234 HTTP/1.1 - - The resource is not cached yet - Send request to the API - Store response in cache and return

GET /article/1234 HTTP/1.1 - The resource is cached - Return response from cache

PUT /article/1234 HTTP/1.1 - Unsafe method, send to API

PURGE /article/1234 HTTP/1.1 - API sends PURGE method to the cache

- The resources is removed from the cache GET /article/1234 HTTP/1.1 - The resource is not cached yet - Send request to the API - - Store response in cache and return

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Let’s complete our “pitaji ki patloon” problem

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-No side effects- should not change the state-idempotent

HTTP1.1 GET /pitaji/patloon/12/length?method=decrease&size=1b

Caching will not work!

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- idempotent

- HTTP1.1 PUT /pitaji/patloon/12/length {“decrease” : “1 bilaank” }

This will result in disaster, as the browser can call the PUT multiple times, in case of timeouts/network latency etc.

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HTTP/1.1 DELETE /pitaji/patloon/12/length {“decrease” : “1 bilaank” }

this API does not make sense, it will confuse the client!moreover again performing unsafe operation with safe method.

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Unsafe method

HTTP1.1 POST /pitaji/patloon/length {“decrease” : “1 bilaank” }

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Use Case

An example of a social Site :

1.) Add friend2.) Remove Friend3.) Approve Friend Request4.) Reject Friend Request5.) Make a new account6.) Delete account.7.) Search Users.…...

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Approach 1 : userFriendMapping table@Entity@Table(name = "userFriendMapping")public class UserFriendMapping { private long id; private User user; private User friend; private String status; @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = IDENTITY) @Column(name = "id", unique = true, nullable = false) public long getId() { return id; } @ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY) @JoinColumn(name="userId") public User getUser() { ……

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Add and Approve friend request

1. Add a friend (send friendRequest)POST ../userfriendmapping{userId: 1,friendId : 2,status:pending}

2. Approve friend RequestPOST ../userfriendmapping{userId: 1,friendId : 2,status:approved}

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reject friend, get pending requests

3. Reject friend RequestDELETE ../userfriendmapping/1

4.Get pending friendsGET ../userfriendmapping/users/1?status=pending

5. Delete existing FriendDELETE ../userfriendmapping/2

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More extensions

List all friend requestsList all pending friends..List all friends..List all rejected requests..Do not allow a user to resend the friend request..BlackList UsersIgnore a friend request

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ProblemsSingle domain catering to responsibilty of two states :

1.) FriendRequest2.) UserFriendRelation

Increases complexity, more effort, tightly coupled, separation of concern?

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1. Separate domains give more flexibility and ease for extensibility.

2. As we have states and resources as domains, making RESTful urls is easy.

3. Querying is easy.

example :- to find friends need 2 calls to DB, or put a UNION

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API : Find all myfriends@Override public List<User> findFriends(Long userId,String status) { List<UserFriendMapping> allFriends = userFriendMappingPersistence.getAllFriends(userId,status); List<UserFriendMapping> friendsWhoAddedMe = userFriendMappingPersistence.getByFriendId(userId,status); List<User> friends = new ArrayList<User>(); for (UserFriendMapping userFriendMapping : allFriends) { friends.add(userFriendMapping.getFriend()); } for (UserFriendMapping userFriendMapping : friendsWhoAddedMe) { friends.add(userFriendMapping.getUser()); } return friends; }

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Resource Oriented ArchitectureA resource-oriented architecture is the structural design supporting the internetworking of resources.

A resource, in this context, is any entity that can be identified and assigned a uniform resource identifier (URI).

any states , verbs which acts as a resource can be made model like FriendRequest or BookOrder.

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Alternate Approach Model driven Architecture and Resource Driven Architecture.provides intuitive way of designing APIs in RESTful manner.Add 2 domain classes ● FriendRequest● UserFriend or FriendShip or RelationThe RESTful APIs :1. add FriendPOST ../users/1/friendrequests?friendid=2

@Path("/users/{id}/friendrequests") @POST public String createFriendRequest(@PathParam("id") Long userId, @QueryParam(value="friendid")Long friendId){ …...

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Approve and Reject friendRequest

2. Approve: POST .. /userfriends/friendrequests/22 -> creating a new friend from friendRequest with id22

3.RejectDELETE ../friendrequests/22

4.Remove a friendDELETE ../userfriends/3

5. GET on ..users/2/friendrequests will give all pending friend requests6. GET on ..users/1/userfriends/ will give all friends of user

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Search UsersSearch is GETUSE GET with QUERY PARAMSHTTP1.1 GET ../users?firstname=abc&age=25

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Versioning APIs in RESTAdd version in URLGET ../version/users/1

Example twitter: GET

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Use HTTP Redirection Response codes for versioning

● 301 Moved permanently - point to new URL

● 302 Found indicating that the requested resource temporarily is located at another location, while requested URI may still supported.

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Model Driven Design produces RESTful Urls

RAD tools which generate code like Spring ROO or Rails/Grails.

These are made on top of domains and models.

Take business domains from framework to other.More extensibility and portability.

and of course they provide RESTful URLs.

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Finally, Is it Just to avoid verbs and have better Urls?

The approach should be the other way :

Better modelling and better design gives way to better URLs and cleaner approach.

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ConclusionREST is no specification, its a style which adheres to HTTP specification.

So, in order to make full use of HTTP and REST

--- Better modelling will automatically avoid verbs. --- Take care of idempotent and safe/unsafe methods. --- Use cache-control headers to make best use of caching.

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Questions and Feedback.

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