indian express coverage_feb 2013

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  • 7/27/2019 Indian Express Coverage_Feb 2013


  • 7/27/2019 Indian Express Coverage_Feb 2013


    number of students fed on that particular day. So, through these calls made to 1.5 lakh

    schools in the state, they are able to collect real-time data on an everyday basis.

    Tripathi explains, "Since teachers have no involvement in the implementation of the

    scheme, talking to them entails independent verification of the work being done by the

    gram panchayats. Also, teachers don't mind being part of the project since the

    technology doesn't entail any expenses or special effort on their part. It's a win-win

    situation since all it costs the state is Rs 1.2 per data figure, to be paid to the

    vendor." Tripathi claims the non-implementation has drastically come down from 25 per

    cent in 2010 (before the technology was devised) to 5 per cent presently.

    Rita Soni, CEO of NASSCOM Foundation, says, "The awards demonstrate that technology can

    be used to tackle many social and environmental issues in India. Comparing this year's

    nominations to the time we started the awards, the number of applicants has increased

    manifold. Not only that, the variety of players who are out there to help, the variety

    of fields that now use technology, has also multiplied. The 500-plus applications that

    we got point to the mainstreaming of technology in India."

    But how is the recognition going to help these innovators? Soni says the winners will be

    awarded during the NLIF (Nasscom Foundation's Indian Leadership Forum), which will take

    place in Mumbai later this month, and is considered the biggest event in the IT sector.

    "They will get to present their concepts to the who's who of IT world. This is naturally

    going to help them take their innovations to the next level," she points out.

    The winners understand this. Most of them are enthused by the award not only because

    it's an award per se, but also because it will give them a "certification" that their

    technology actually works for the greater social good.

    For instance, 23-year-old Devesh Kumar from Birla Institute of Technology-Mesra, who is

    the winner in the "Student Concept of the Year" category, along with his three friends,

    for developing a diagnostic tool for dyslexic students, says, "We want The D Labs to be

    available to all parents and institutions who have to deal with children with learning

    disabilities. Once it gets recognition, it can be very handy with identifying dyslexic

    kids early in their lives, and also developing programmes to aid their learning." At the

    moment, the gadget is being used by a few NGOs and some families at an annual

    subscription of Rs 8,000.

    Desai says, "At the moment, Stipator can only be used by those girls who own a

    smartphone. But our ultimate aim is to develop a lipstick-sized gadget, costing no more

    than Rs 4,000, which will be in the purse of every woman who travels late at night so

    that cases like the horrible Delhi gangrape could be averted."