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    Indian epics: Knowledge and Wisdom - Transcending into Millenium managementPracticesPosted: Sep 15, 2010 |Comments: 0 | Views: 503 |

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    Indian epics: Knowledge and Wisdom - Transcending into Millenium management Practices

    Mrs. A.Bharathy

    Research scholar (Dravidian University) &

    Lecturer, Department of Management

    Pondicherry University Community College


    Abstract :In this modern world , the art of Management has become a part and parcel of everyday life, be it at home, in

    the office or factory and in Government. This article focuses on how the complexities of the modern management system

    can take lessons from our Indian scriptures. More so corporate India is setting new trends through expansion and

    extension of their corporate boundaries as seen through their acquisitions and mergers. Be it the Arthasashtra or the

    Ramayana or the Mahabharatha they are a store house of management knowledge and wisdom.These lessons are relevant

    in the 21st century for us because these paradigms of management implicit in them are not objects of archives but living

    lessons for generations to come, without over sighting the fact that they at best supplement or support existing principles

    or practices of management.

    Indian epics and mythology offers countless solutions to day-to-day problems being faced by people. Epics such as theBhagavad-

    Gita, Mahabharata and others are the storehouse of invaluable knowledge, which can be utilised to tackle difficult situations in the

    corporate world. More so today corporate India is setting new trends through expansion and extension of their corporate boundaries as

    seen through new acquisitions and mergers.

    Be it King Ashoka of Kanishka who built rest houses for travelers and advertised Buddhist philosophy on rock edicts to our father of the

    nation Mahatma Gandhi discovering the paths of truth from the play on Raja Harishchandra or understanding the characteristics of a

    leader from the Ramayana to our present day corporate entities strategic actions namely

    Bharti Airtel acquiring Zain telecom's Africa assets for $10 .7 billion

    Tata group acquiring UK s flagship brands LandRover & Jagaur brands

    Reliance pay out of 392 million for 60% stake in US Shale Joint Venture

    as the list goes on , one can quote a number of instances where our indian epics are rich in Business practices and ethics for the man of

    today , tomorrow and beyond. Indian Business is breaking a new ground facilitating the arrival of the idea of Indian Management. Yoga,

    Ayurveda and Indian Management Wisdom (IMW) are the three rivers of knowledge from India that are drawing a new attention at the

    global level.

    Evolution of Management Thought:

    Here we must take note of the changes that occurred in the last 25 years in various domains of life -- knowledge, technology and

    economy. The terms such as knowledge economy, and knowledge society have become buzzwords. These terms denote the rapid speed

    in creation of knowledge. So we have to think of adopting, adapting and being 'adept' according to them. Only 'fittest', not fit or fitter,

    would survive. Keeping these changes in view, it is necessary to think of new strategies of managing these changes. The position cannot

    be controverted. The fact, however, is that despite all the changes the core principles of management remain unchanged. It is because

    essential human nature does not change. At the core, 'things' of management i.e. various stakeholders involved in it as they are, do not

    change .

    Mere management in terms of degrees and qualifications does not work, as has been discussed in detail by Henry Mintzberg in the

    book Managers Not M.B.A. Gandhi did not have an M.B.A.. Despite that he was the greatest manager in at least recent Indian history. He

    did not manage finance but a vast ocean of human resources in the country that had been disunited for centuries and so enslaved it

    politically, culturally, intellectually and economically as well. He succeeded because he went to his people to understand their condition.

    He associated himself with them and became one of them in terms of their distress and dispossessions, as was evident in his dress, diet

    and dealings with people of different religions and regions. With it, he made his fellow Indians think the way he thought. He changed

    their perceptions of their own condition and exploitation. To his call, the entire nation responded in one voice. It was something

    unprecedented in Indian history, for he succeeded against the most powerful -- politically and economically -- and highly sophisticatedly

    managed and administered empire. After the contextual remarks, a natural question arises: Who discovered management???

    The present scenario informs us that management has travelled a long distance from its origin in Latin ' manege'standing for training

    horses through exercise. Even before the term came into existence, there were cultural encyclopedias like the Ramayana and

    the Mahabharata and Kautilya's The Arthashastra which are primarily about political and economic management. Texts such as these

    have inventory and methodology of management of the given field. More so in case of the latter. In a general sense, all of us are

    amateur managers, as we have not gone through training. The training aspect was incorporated in the era of Industrial Revolution in the

    19th century Europe. Manager and management are the products of the industrialization which added professionalism and
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    commercialization to it. The Manager had to manage an army of workers in factories. With the switch over from the Industrial to post-

    Industrial, society, there was a change in the nature and stature of manager. With new mode of economic production, a new currency,

    new mode of management of finance, a new market (in which every individual is a market) came into existence. Now, every one became

    a manger of the given task. The factory, the place of work was replaced office with a necessary network of communication with the

    people whom the manager might never physically see but manage them in terms of assigned task. Gradually one's home, hotel room

    might be a workplace for the manager. Thus, the post-industrial society was a post-manager society. Every society in a sense has been

    managing itself for centuries with or without methodology of the management. Those who managed the society in trying times and

    upheavals were honored and invested with the title of hero. All great heroes were great managers without going to any college orUniversity for a course in management. In fact, the life of hero (read managers), served as models for deriving principles or theories of

    management. A hero was a manager par excellence of his own self and society that had reposed its faith in his abilities.

    Every civilization that has survived for thousands of years could do so because it found and had its managers, though the term was not

    then in vogue. The heroes or nyakwere the people who were distinguished managers of their lives, and of the people around them in

    their personal and public lives particularly in moments of crises. It is possible to learn from them, as they used different paradigms of

    management. All lasting narratives celebrate their success or mode of management narratives -- mythical and epical, for they have

    sustained for so long because the protagonists -- real or unreal -- were acceptable not only for their success but also for being so within

    given cultural time and space in accordance with lok(popular) and shstra(learned) traditions. Their lives and the way they managed

    situations around them can be treated as material for constructing paradigms of management, as can be discerned in the following


    These views on paradigms of management are directed at exploring new paradigms of management and their possibilities. Many such

    paradigms can be developed from Indian cultural tradition. The same can be said about other civilizations.The writings like

    The Ramayana and The Mahabharata in Indian context are not only cultural encyclopedias but also texts of management, for in them

    their wise authors who were just observers of general human nature have kneaded views or lessons on management voiced through

    their characters.To date Kautilya (Chanakya), is regarded as the world's first Management Guru.His management thoughts and ideas

    helped kings and rulers for centuries. All the powerful kings in ancient India like Ashoka had learnt Arthashastra and practiced it to

    expand their kingdom multifold (increase market share), to protect the kingdom against powerful enemies (develop a strategy against

    competitors), develop winning strategies, habits and practices.These lessons are relevant in the 21st century for us because these

    paradigms of management implicit in them are not objects of archives but living lessons for generations to come, without over sighting

    the fact that they at best supplement or support existing principles or practices of management.

    Emergence of Indian Management Wisdom :

    When we look at the emergence of Indian Management Wisdom (IMW) as a new thought

    current, we find its roots in the following seven s treams of consciousness' of Indian Wisdom'represented by crystallization of

    experiences in the form of insights, imaginations and visions :

    Ancient Wisdom Foundations: 3 Vs capture the essence of ancient wisdom viz. Valmiki, Vyasa and Vivekanand. It may be indicated

    that the Ramayana, the Mahabharata and the Complete Works of Vivekananda capture the essence of Indian mythology and philosophy.

    Impact of Valmiki, Vyasa and Vivekananda on Indian consciousness is immeasurable. From the viewpoint of the impact on Indian

    consciousness, three periods of mythology and history could as well be viewed as Rama period, Krishna period and Ramkrishna/

    Vivekananda period. Implications of such a perspective for management thought are interesting as Rama represents good governance,

    Krishna represents leadership and strategy and Ram-Krishna combination represents spiritual approach to management.

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    Arthasastra Foundations: Written in the context of the Kingdom, Arthasastra is a well

    Known book dealing with management of Kingdom. It has many useful lessons for leadership and management that can be applied to

    Corporate Kingdoms'. Its secular character is very appealing and its pro-people orientation has interesting lessons for management of


    Freedom Movement Foundations: India's freedom struggle also provided a backdrop for the emergence of the idea of Indian

    Management and Indian Management Wisdom. Freedom movement was also a social movement, which led to the liberation of the

    nation. Indian Business played a significant role during freedom struggle. The concept of trusteeship was the product of the freedommovement as Gandhi was searching for an alternative to Capitalism and Communism. It represented a holistic approach to building

    business organizations. The linkage of Indian Management with freedom movement led to a broadening the concept of management. It
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    implied that the idea of management should not be merely restricted to corporate Management but should also include marginal sections

    of society. In essence management should be development oriented' in nature. This is an important lesson from the freedom movement

    foundations of Indian Management.

    Indian Business Foundations: Indian business' acumen is known from ancient times. Later it found its expression in community

    entrepreneurship e.g Marwari entrepreneurship, Gujarat entrepreneurship, Chettiar entrepreneurship. Vyapar Sastra' provided the

    conceptual foundations for many trading practices. As the medium size businesses developed into corporate structures, new lessons

    were learnt. Such experiences of the development of organizations led to development of a corpus of knowledge and wisdom in the form

    of case studies of Business Maharajas' and Corporate Rishis'.Cultural Foundations: It is now recognized that cultural dimension is also important for

    development of management philosophies, theories and concepts. This has been the concern of many Indian scholars such as Prof. S K

    Chakraborty, Prof. J B P Sinha, Prof. M.B. Athreya, Prof Virmani and Prof Rajen Gupta. Japan developed Japanese Management rooted in

    its culture. Similarly, Indian Management as an idea has been emerging from the influence of the civilizational and cultural experiences.

    In fact, Indian managers learn about American and Japanese management concepts, tools and techniques in classrooms and in

    Management Development Programs, however in practice they intuitively integrate this learning with ground realities and thereby evolve

    their own Indian blends' that integrate American and Japanese theories of management with indigenous cultural context. This has been

    a reason for their success and it has led to development of new Indian Management Wisdom through India Blend' approach to


    Subaltern/Social Movements Foundations: Indian Management Wisdom has also been

    influenced by subaltern forces as manifested in several social movements. This led to demands of involvement and empowerment.

    Empowerment of the weakest is equally important in contrast to the survival of the fittest. Subaltern and social movements led to the

    idea of Duty of the Fittest'. This implies that Corporations have a duty towards the society and the corporate model should incorporate

    this idea in its operating philosophy.

    Capillary Action Foundations: Many grassroots institutions driven by the philosophy of

    loksangraha' (well being of members) have made an impact on the social consciousness.

    SEWA, Lizzat Papad, Dabbawalla, AMUL and many other organizations are shining examples of the capillary action approach to

    development. AMUL model suggests the need for a linkage between the capillary action and corporate action. During recent years e-

    chaupal of ITC has also created a new linkage model wherein grass root action is combined with corporate action.

    New Age Spiritual Movements: New age spiritual movements originating from India, such as Transcendental Meditation (TM) of

    Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Vipasana meditation, Brahma Kumaries spiritual university, Art of Living movement etc, have emerged from

    Indian spiritual traditions. These movements are influencing the corporate world leading to emergence of a new integration of Yoga and

    Management. In fact, Yoga, Meditation and Spirituality (YMS) are emerging as new areas of research in the field of management. In due

    course, this may be acknowledged as distinctive contribution of Indian Management' to the world of management. With this

    acknowledgment, Indian Management' would acquire its distinctive identity.

    New Institutional Initiatives: Application of Indian Management Wisdom has found

    institutional support in the form of several initiatives e.g. Management Centre for Human

    Values (MCHV) at IIM Calcutta, Women's Institute for Studies in Development Oriented

    Management (WISDOM) at Banasthali University in Rajasthan, Indian Business Academy (IBA)at Bangalore and Greater Noida, Yoga and

    Management Division at Swami Vivekananda YogaAnusandhan Samsthana (SVYASA) University at Bangalore. These Centres (Knowledge

    Dhams)are making significant contributions to further development of Indian Management Wisdom.

    Management Lessons from Indian Epics:

    Management of any type, whether in business or some other human activity, in simplest of words according to Koontz is "Getting work

    done through and by the people in formally organized groups" Broadly speaking management is defined by the following functions

    Planning Organizing Staffing Leading Directing Controlling Coordinating

    There are number of books, journals, articles etc available, which talks in elaboration about various management theories. But way

    before the modern day management gurus gave their theories, principles and concepts of management, the great writers like Tulsidas,

    Valmiki etc had explained them in the ancient Hindu epics.

    If one studies these mythological books, then one can easily make out about the various management lessons which are taught in

    them. Every incidence teaches us a new lesson and in itself is a classic example of putting management at its best use and getting the

    work done.

    Lessons from the Ramayana

    As the controversy over the existence of Ram prevails , there is indeed no doubt of the numerous management lessons our B-School

    students and corporate leaders can take from Prince Ram to succeed in the present environment of globalised economy.

    The use of management principles is very clearly visible in that of Hanuman going to Lanka. His mission was to locate Sita there andgive her Prince Ram's message. When it became clear that Sita was in Lanka, Jamvant asked Hanuman to go there. He helped him in

    realising his true potential and motivated him to go into the enemy's camp. Once mentally prepared for the job and reached there, first

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    thing which Hanuman did was to completely analyse the situation in Lanka. He did a complete study about the Lankans, assessing their

    strengths and weaknesses, the various threats and opportunities, which he had in the enemy's camp.

    This is what management is all about

    Defining the goals, or job to be done. Getting mentally prepared for it. Having a right plan. Analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of the competitor and what threats and opportunities are there in the business.

    This SWOT (strength, weakness, opportunities and threats) analysis is one of the most important aspects of modern day management.

    Moreover Jamvant motivating Hanuman is a classic example of a good Manager helping his personnel to realise their potential and acting


    In the war ,Rama's group of men and monkeys were no match for the evil Ravana's forces and weaponry. Or so thought Vibhishan,

    Ravana's brother who had defected to Rama's side. Unable to contain his concerns, he questioned Rama: How will you defeat this huge

    army with your limited resources? Rama told Vibhishan , who listened with rapt attention; you have to make sure you have a clear

    vision, and a cause worth fighting for. In the case of Ramayana, the cause was to rescue his beloved Sita and the vision was to defeat

    the evil forces. The reply that Rama gave stands out as a great lesson in leadership

    Many prominent industry leaders today opine that you need not necessarily have a vision; rather, taking one step at a time could be a

    much more practical way of going about, but I think that unless you have a vision, you will never be able to follow a trajectory. In the

    words of the great Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, "The world steps aside to a person who knows where he or she is going." In that

    parlance, unless you know where you are going, how will the world step aside and aid you in your pursuit?

    No doubts that the great Dhirubai mbani , APJ Kalam were also motivated by their vision too.

    The other instances which are obvious are: teamwork an important principle in management, and Rama applied the same in search of

    Sita and was successful in the mission. Another one is in an organisation one must be treated affectionately which Rama did when he

    met Guhanand Vibhishana.As one can see the characteristics of a bad manager visible in Ravana who never heeded to his ministers ,

    one can also see the characteristics of a good manager in Ram as he follows principles such as encouraging lower category of

    employees, rewards for good work, self-motivation, decision-making, recognition, market survey, market exploitation, time management

    and the art of communication are aligned with instances in the epic.

    Lessons from the Mahabharatha

    Noted as the second largest epic of the world has innumerable revelations on various fields like astronomy, geography, mathematics,

    complex military formations and strategies, philosophy, psychology, sociology, spirituality, religion, politics, and, even modern

    management lessons.

    Both the Pandavas and kauravas had made powerful alliances. Especially the Pandavas who were on exile for 13 years , had no wealth

    or power of their own .But then How were they able to win the war?The lesson is they had made powerful alliances all over India like

    Panchala through Marriage with Draupadi, Dwarka through marriage with Arjuna and Subhadra, Magadh through marriage of Shadeva

    and Vijaya, Chedi through marriage of Nakula and Karenmayi, Kasi through marriage of Bhima and Balandhara . and the like.Thisclearly indicates that making powerful alliances is a winning strategy.

    No doubt our corporate leaders have swung into action making mergers and acquisitions the norm of the day , be it Reliance , Tatas ,

    Wipro , Airtel , Maruti and its likes.

    Yet another relevant lesson from the Mahabharatha is the spirit of team work which is the essence of modern management .Ample

    instance reveal that the Kauravas did not show team work.They all fought their own individual wars . Say Bhisma for his vow to protect

    the throne of Hastinapur, Drona and kripa owed allegiance to the throne.Shalya was simply cheated by Duryodhana , Karna to prove his

    friendship for duryodhana.more over they didn't get on well with each other.

    Bhishma and karma

    Bhisma and Sakuni

    Karna and Shakuni

    Karna and Shalya

    Shalya and Bhisma

    They were like bees , hornets and mosquitoes put together in a jar.

    While the Pandavas were a one team, one goal. As men, they all had huge respect for Krishna and Yudhisthira. While as warriors they

    were in complete awe of Bhima and Arjuna. Most of them were close relatives cousins,brother-in-laws, father-in-laws. More than that,

    they all were part of the decision-making process. It was their"common" war. This indeed shows the success of team work.

    The Mahabharatha has many more lessons for the modern day manager like :

    Subordination of individual interest to achieve common goal

    Commitment of Team members

    Assigning of the right man to the right job

    Leadership as an art of inspiring team members

    Analysis of Opportunities and exploiting the situation and many more.

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    Lessons from the Gita

    The Holy Gita has become a secret driving force behind one's life. The Holy Gita is a practical psychology of transformation which offers

    us the tools to connect with our deepest intangible essence. We must learn to participate in the battle of life with right knowledge.

    Management is a process of aligning people and getting them committed to work for a common goal to the maximum social benefit - in

    search of excellence. The critical question in all managers'minds is how to be effective in their job. The answer to this fundamental

    question is found in the Bhagavad-Gita Gita, which repeatedly proclaims that "you must try to manage yourself." The reason is that

    unless a manager reaches a level of excellence and effectiveness, he or she will be merely a face in the crowd.

    The Gita is a valuable resource of numerous values relevant for the manager of today like

    Amanityam Humility

    Adambhitvam Pridelessness

    Arjavam Simplicity

    Kshanti Tolerance

    Anahankara Absence of ego and several more values to be explored.

    Lessons from the Vedas

    The Vedas, which represent the storehouse of our ancient value systems, talk about the following key values as very important:

    (a) Satyam Truth; (b) Tapah Austerity; (c) Damah Sense control; (d) Samah Tranquility of mind; (e)Dharmah

    Righteousness; (f) Danam Charity; (g) Daya Mercy; and (h) Nyasah Renunciation.The Vedas insist on proper distribution of wealth. Wealth earned by 100 hands has to be distributed to 1,000 hands (Atharva Veda

    Samhita iii-24-5). They encourage us to give charity in plenty with utmost faith and humility (Sraddhaya deyam! Sriya deyam! Hriya

    deyam! Taittiriya Upanishad I-11). Thus the social obligations are also taken care of.

    The Vedas also inspire us to innovate and improve upon (Rig Veda Samhita i-31-8), and also to succeed in trade (Atharva Veda Samhita


    Surely today our corporate leaders like the Infosys have ventured into their role of Corporate social responsibility through their

    community welfare projects and many more have to realize this aspect.

    Lessons from other Scriptures

    Various Upanishads, Vedas, Smrutis, and other ancient Indian scriptures also contain teachings which can be directly or indirectly applied

    to management. The Kathopanishad is one of the most popular of all Upanishads. The "ability to take decisions" is the real test of a

    manager's caliber. The mantra in this Upanishads mentions, at every stage in a man's life he is confirmed by the necessity to choose

    between two courses of action. One is sreyas which seems painful in the beginning but painful in the end. In managerial terms, sreyas

    may be regarded as the hard option while preyas is the soft option. The Taittiriya Upanishads lays down the qualifications of those whoare worthy of being looked up to as precedents. In the Yaksha Prashana episode,Yaksha asks "which path to choose?" and Dhramputra

    answers: The path that great men of yore had traversed in the past is the path we should follow.

    The Vedas contain various concepts such as knowledge management, relationship marketing, quality system, change management, time

    management, etc. in terms of Social responsibility; the Vedas specify that the poor and the needy shall be duly protected. They call upon

    one not to cause injury to others or covet the wealth of others.

    No wonder Corporates like Microsoft , Apple , Berkshire Hathaway corp. , Infosys , Wipro, Tatas etc today spend a considerable

    proportion of their profits in charity foundations and their activities of social relevance.This has indeed been the norm of the day in the

    past itself . The Vedas stress upon moral and ethical conduct and appeal to every one to be guiltless and blemishless. They give the

    clarion call for value-centric business practices.The individual value system of the various employees together shape up and determine

    the value system of an organization to which they identify themselves with. Vedas also stress that "work itself does not cause

    frustration, but something else causes frustration, it's the expectation of result". A short story reveals the"attitude towards work" in

    which: a lady asks three workers, who were cutting stones for the construction of the temple. First says," I am doing this horrible job of

    cutting stones", Second says,' I am working to get money for my family" while the third says, "I am building the temple". All the three

    men are doing the same work but for the first one, it is "hell"; for the second, it is a "duty" while for the third one, it is a "blessing". This

    shows attitude towards work.


    We can see how relevant and important aspects of Management and Business Knowledge and practices we can discover from our

    scriptures.They also have numerous lessons to be learnt on various functional areas of business also.As we move towards a globalised

    Indian economy it is time that our would be managers of the corporate world get back to basics. Even as society appears to be getting

    increasingly corrupt and criminal; many are beginning to realize that you cannot aspire to create value without deeply cherishing a sense

    of values. For instance, chairman of Wipro systems and Wipro InfoTech, Azim Premji, once called for a meeting. A senior general

    manager of the company was leaving, because he had inflated a travel bill. The amount involved was not huge. Nor was the general

    manager's contribution to the organization insignificant. And yet, he was leaving because of one act of misdemeanor. It was a question

    of principles, of values. To add a lot of interest to your principal, you need to stick to your principles. To sustain your competitive

    advantage in an increasingly corporate world, you need character. Morals are more important than money, materials, marketing and

    management."The winner of any corporate competition is the company whose moral purpose best fits the prevailing environment.

    Through core values and principles, we can reach the zenith and we students being the prospective entrants in the corporate world, must

    inculcate these values from the very beginning and there is no dearth for them in our ancient scriptures.


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    Yog Raj Singh ,Ankur Bhatnagar(2010) "Management and Business Ethics through Indian Scriptures and Traditions"Shriram Institute ofManagement & Technology, KashipurAIMS International Conference on Value-based Management August 11-13 Swami Nikhilananda (1990), The Upanishads: A New Translation Vol.I, at 3-4 , 5th Ed. Rabindranath Bhojan (2007), "Management lessons on how the Mahabharatha war was won" , Dr.S.Kannan (2009) , "Ancient values for modern managers" , The Hindu Businessline , February 2 M.P. Bhattathiri , "Bhagavad Gita and Management :World Management Lessons from India " ,



    Published in Corporate Dossier, ET, July 22, 2011

    It is curious that the forest-exile is central to both the Ramayana and Mahabharata, the twin

    epics of India. In the Ramayana, Ram goes into exile so that his father can keep his word to

    his step-mother, Kaikeyi. In the Mahabharata, the Pandavas go into exile following an

    agreement with their cousins, the Kauravas, when they lose their kingdom in a gambling

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    The reaction to the exile in both epics is startlingly different. In the Ramayana, Ram keeps

    saying that neither Kaikeyi nor his father should be blamed and the moment should be

    accepted as an act of destiny. In the Mahabharata, the Pandavas keep blaming the Kauravas

    and their uncle, Shakuni, for fraud and trickery. Ram looks calm and peaceful, even though

    he is clearly the victim of palace politics. The Pandavas, on the other hand,are angry and

    furious, never once taking responsibility for the fact that they gambled away their kingdom.

    The loss of kingdom and exile into the forest is a metaphor for misfortune, the bust! But the

    approach to it distinguishes Ram from the Pandavas, making the former a king worthy of


    Managers can be classified into Ramayana Managers and Mahabharata Managers. The

    former take responsibility for a situation, even if they are not to blame. While the latter do

    not take responsibility for a situation, even if they are to blame. Ramayana managerstypically internalize the problem. Focus on what they can do to manage and resolve the

    crisis. Mahabharata managers typically externalize the problem and spend a lot of time and

    energy finding people and processes to blame.

    Two days after Raj moved to his new office, his entire team resigned. He was not the cause. A

    series of events had taken place before he joined the team and he was witnessing the exit

    process. Since Raj represented the senior management, on the second day of the job, he had

    to take exit interviews and hear all the outpourings of negative emotions of those leaving. He

    had to hear all the terrible things the organization had done and how the person before him

    had betrayed their trust. All Raj could do is go through the process, endure the irritation of

    the exiting team. He did it with stoicism. Never once getting angry for the awkward position

    he had been put in by the management, never once complaining to his superiors, never once

    regretting his decision to take up this new assignment, never once feeling he had been duped

    into an unpleasant situation that was not of his own creation. In the large organization that

    he belonged, few knew that he had no role in the crisis. The system revealed him as the

    manager on duty at the time the resignations were tendered. That somehow made him the

    cause of the unpleasant effect. Raj took this all in stride as the reality of corporate life andfocused on what he could do, rather than what he had no control over.

    Sachin on the other hand is on the verge of a nervous breakdown. His predecessors mess

    had created havoc and he was expected to handle it on the day he joined as the boss of the

    local branch. Customers were screaming, subordinates were yelling and Sachin did not know

    what to do. So he picked up the phone and complained to the HR department for not

    warning him of the situation. He called his boss who had hired him and encouraged him to

    take the post for not preparing him for what he was in for. Sachin felt betrayed by the

    organization. He blamed the head hunter for tricking him to take up this job. He could not goback to his previous organization; he had burned all his bridges there. He had moved to a

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    new city with his family and there was no going back. This was not the promotion and

    payrise he imagined. He had been tricked. He was angry. He felt helpless. He felt like a


    Both Raj and Sachin are victims of circumstances. Both have taken decisions to move out oftheir previous situations. Neither expects the current situation to be such a mess. But Raj

    takes this without complaint. Sachin is full of complaints. Raj, like Ram, does not add to the

    crisis. Sachin, like the Pandavas, simply adds fuel to the crisis. Not surprisingly, everyone

    wants Ram as their manager, not Sachin.