india orphanage project

Sons of Thunder INDIA ORPHANAGE PROJECT Boys Home To Accommodate 30 Children Project Proposal Contact us at: Sons of Thunder E-Mail: [email protected] P.O. Box 2333 Web Site: Griffin, GA. 30224 Toll-Free: 1-877-Die Daily

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Page 1: India Orphanage Project

Sons of Thunder


Boys Home To Accommodate 30 Children

Project Proposal

Contact us at:

Sons of Thunder E-Mail: [email protected]

P.O. Box 2333 Web Site:

Griffin, GA. 30224 Toll-Free: 1-877-Die Daily

Page 2: India Orphanage Project

Sons of Thunder

Boys Orphanage Proposal

Thank you for your consideration in changing the lives of 30 children in the nation of India. Our goal with this proposal is to construct a facility for housing orphaned boys in one of the most impoverished areas of the world.

We are also gathering 30 sponsors to support the children’s day-to-day needs, including food, education, clothing, medical and transportation costs.

This will be a boys’ home facility, moderated by a live-in family. The facility will be constructed within a two-hour range of the Bombay area. In India today, there are more than 4 million orphaned children, with more AIDS orphans in India than any other nation of the world.

Information: India Boys Home Start Date: Winter 2006 Country Statistics: End Date: Spring 2007 Area – 3,165,596 = 1,222,243 sq.mi Population – 1.03 Billion Capital – New Delhi People - Indo-Aryan (Caucasoid) 72%; Dravidian (Aboriginal) 25%; others (Mongoloid) 3% Languages - Hindi 30% (official +English); Telugu 8%; Bengali 8%; Marati 8%; Tamil 7%; Urdu 5%; plus more than 70 other. Religion - Hindu 83%, Sunnî Musim 11%, Christian 2%, Sikh 2%, Buddhist 1%

What We Will Do: Facility Construction Our facility will house up to 30 children in five bed-rooms. The facility will comprise 3,800 square feet. The facility will also include a bedroom for a live-in caretaker family, as well as a study and dining room. We will use local labor and hope to begin construction as early as winter 2006. Facilities would include: kitchen, dining room, living room, 6 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, a laundry room, a storage room, 2 study areas, an office, and a patio. This will be a “Home” and it will have home "parents" and the children will be raised in a home-like atmosphere. Not dorm room-style but like a “family” with children’s bedrooms and all the amenities of a home, including water and electricity. The children will be raised as a family. Children will be given an education; we are not planning to build a school on site.

Monthly Donor Support We are in need of 30 monthly supporters who will contribute to the care and welfare of the children on an individual basis at a rate of $33 USD per month. This amount will cover food, clothing, education, medical and transportation expenses.

Site ProposalSite ProposalSite ProposalSite Proposal

Page 3: India Orphanage Project

Facility Costs: Facility costs are estimated at $64,500 USD. Sons of Thunder is raising $30,000, and we

are receiving matching funds from partner organizations for the remainder of the funding. Sons of Thunder is structured so that 100% of funds raised for the project go directly to the project.

More Background: Half the children and young people of India live in poverty and many more are malnourished. Millions of children work sweatshops or are sold into slavery to pay off their parents debts. There is also a growing trade in child prostitution, buying children from neighbouring Nepal and Bangladesh. There are 41 million Indians without a home, many living in the slums of India’s largest cities.

About Us: John and Lily Crowder are the founders of Sons of Thunder Publications, based in Griffin, Ga. where they reside with their four children. Sons of Thunder is a grassroots, nonprofit mission organization. Along with our focus on reaching orphans, the Crowders conduct outreach campaigns around the globe. John is the author of “The New Mystics,” and he speaks at conferences and events across America and beyond. Sons of Thunder produces teaching and resource materials, and they focus heavily on social justice issues, reaching out to the oppressed and underprivileged of the world. The Crowders feel personally challenged by the 1.2 billion children at risk due to poverty, homelessness, child labor, slavery, sexual exploitation, aids, plagues and war. In partnership with proven, seasoned organizations we fight to save dying children by sponsoring orphans and building orphanages.

Summary: This home for boys will rescue boys from what would otherwise be a short, miserable existence, providing them with care, love, family and education. If you would like to contribute toward this project, we can accept donations by check or credit card.

Please make any checks payable to “Sons of Thunder” and mail them to:

Sons of Thunder P.O. Box 2333

Griffin, GA. 30224

Note on all correspondence “India Boys Home Project”

You will be sent a receipt for income tax purposes early in the following year.

For more information on other Sons of Thunder projects, please visit our Web site at:

The Crowder Family

Page 4: India Orphanage Project

Proposed Boys Orphanage

Page 5: India Orphanage Project

Proposed Boys Orphanage

5 bedrooms that will house up to 30 children

Page 6: India Orphanage Project

Proposed Boys Orphanage

Page 7: India Orphanage Project


Line Item Quantity Required Cost Per Item Cost in Indian Rupees

Cost in U.S. Dollars

Bricks 200,000 2.35 470,000 11,190.48

Cement 2,000 145 290,000 6,904.76

Sand 3,000 67 200,000 4,761.90

Steel 12.5 Tons 325,000 7,738.10

Utilities 70,000 1,666.67

Flooring 180,000 4,285.71

Wood Work 250,000 5,952.38

Window Grills 75,000 1,785.71

Plumbing 105,000 2,500

Electrical 115,000 2,738.10

Painting 80,000 1,904.76

Bore Well 25,000 595.24

Compound 160,000 3,809.52

Labor 360,000 8,571.42

TOTAL: 64,404.75


Line Item Cost Per Item Cost in Indian Rupees Per Month

Cost in U.S. Dollars Per Month

Food (9+9+9) x 30 810 17.43

Medical 75 75 1.61

Education 330 330 7.10

Transportation 175 175 3.77

Clothing 37 83 1.80

Bank/Exchange Fee 60 60 1.29

TOTAL: 33.00