india by ms. librizzi’s class asbury park middle school asbury park, new jersey, usa

Source: Facts on File World Atlas Online, 2009.

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India By Ms. Librizzi’s Class Asbury Park Middle School Asbury Park, New Jersey, USA. Source: Facts on File World Atlas Online, 2009. holidays. By: Syasia and Lexie. Holidays. Diwali Lasts from two five days It is a Sanskrit term that means “row of lights” - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: India By Ms. Librizzi’s  Class Asbury Park Middle School Asbury Park, New Jersey, USA

Source: Facts on File World Atlas Online, 2009.

Page 2: India By Ms. Librizzi’s  Class Asbury Park Middle School Asbury Park, New Jersey, USA

By:Syasia and Lexie

Page 3: India By Ms. Librizzi’s  Class Asbury Park Middle School Asbury Park, New Jersey, USA


• Diwali• Lasts from two five days• It is a Sanskrit term that

means “row of lights”• People decorate their

homes, exchange gifs and greeting cards, and wear new clothes.

• Republic Day• Commemorates the

adoption of the first constitution of the independent republic of India on January 26 ,1950

• Parade ,floats, songs and dances.

• -

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• Mahatma Gandhi Birthday

October 2• The birth Mahatma

Gandhi a peace loving leader of India who inspired Indians in their fig against British rule helped them achieve independence.

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BY: Melissa, Shanice, Victor-Y

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Page 9: India By Ms. Librizzi’s  Class Asbury Park Middle School Asbury Park, New Jersey, USA

• Gandhi, Mohandas Karamchand

• Born-1869• Die-1928• He helped free India

from British control by using nonviolent resistance

• He believed truth could be known only through tolerance and concern for others

• In 1930, Gandhi led hundreds of followers on a 240-mile (386-kilometer) march to the sea, where they made salt from sea water this was a Protest against the salt acts.


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Taj mahalBy


Page 11: India By Ms. Librizzi’s  Class Asbury Park Middle School Asbury Park, New Jersey, USA

Taj Mahal

• The Indian ruler Shan Jahan ordered it built in memory of his favorite wife.

• The tomb stands at Aga in northern

• The Taj Mahal is surrounded gardens and fountains took

• It took 20years to compete.

• It took 20,000 workers to build it.


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Page 14: India By Ms. Librizzi’s  Class Asbury Park Middle School Asbury Park, New Jersey, USA

The The HimalayasHimalayas


Victor P., Chris, and PaulVictor P., Chris, and Paul

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Mount Everest [29,035 feet ,or 8,850 meters] which lies between Tibet Nepal is the highest mountain in the world.

Himalayas is the highest mountains system in the world.

K2 [28,250 feet, or 8,611 meters]. in the Karakorum range is the worlds second highest mountain.

Page 16: India By Ms. Librizzi’s  Class Asbury Park Middle School Asbury Park, New Jersey, USA

Source Citation: "Himalayas, Nepal." (Susan D. Rock. Reproduced by permission. ).Junior Reference Collection. Gale. Asbury Park Middle School. 26 Feb. 2009 <>.

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Page 20: India By Ms. Librizzi’s  Class Asbury Park Middle School Asbury Park, New Jersey, USA