index to charts: guidance to hhs (w/o nih) funding · index to charts: guidance to hhs (w/o nih)...

1 Index to Charts: Guidance to HHS (w/o NIH) Funding information garnered from HHS Budget Submission Presentations & Detailed Justifications and webpages Chart #s Topic 3- 4 Department of Health and Human Services 5-10 Administration for Community Living (ACL) 11-18 Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 19-23 Agency for Health Care Research and Quality (AHRQ) 24-28 Food and Drug Administration (FDA) 29 Human Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) 30-32 Administration for Children and Families (ACF) 33 Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) 34 Office of Minority Health (OMH) 35 Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA)

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Index to Charts: Guidance to HHS (w/o NIH) Funding information garnered from HHS Budget Submission Presentations & Detailed Justifications and webpages

Chart #s Topic 3- 4 Department of Health and Human Services 5-10 Administration for Community Living (ACL)11-18 Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)19-23 Agency for Health Care Research and Quality (AHRQ)24-28 Food and Drug Administration (FDA) 29 Human Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)30-32 Administration for Children and Families (ACF)33 Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)34 Office of Minority Health (OMH)35 Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA)

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The DC Office of Research Advancement has created the Federal Mission Agency Program Summaries (MAPS) website to:

1. Connect PIs with appropriate funding agency programs/program officers2. Assist in development of white papers/charts/elevator pitches

The website can be accessed using one’s USC NetID and Password. It has the following resources:

1. Search Tab for a searchable database of programs/program officersAt that website one can do keyword searches to locate the associated mission agency (DHS, DOD, DOE, DOT, ED, EPA, INTEL, NASA, NIST, NOAA and USDA) programs and program officers.

2. Mission Agency Tab (DHS, DHHS, DOD, DOJ, DOE, DOT, ED, EPA, INTEL, NASA, NIST, NOAA, USDA) Guide to Agency Funding for FYXX Agency Research Program Charts Agency Planning Documents Chart numbers in the text above reference the Agency Research Program Chart files.

3. Presentation Tab for charts from recent USC Center of Excellence in Research workshops

4. Proposal Tab for report / guides on writing proposals

5. Email Alerts Tab for URLs at which one can arrange for automatic solicitation updates

6. Grantee Tab for URLs at which one can find previous agency awardees

7. Visiting DC Tab for information about DC Office services


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Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)

What: NIH, which is part of HHS and has ~$18B research funding at universities, is deliberately not covered in this material.

HHS expands scientific understanding of how to advance health care, public health, human services, biomedical research, and the availability of safe medical and food products. Chief among these efforts are the identification, implementation, and rigorous evaluation of new approaches in science, health care, public health, and human services that reward efficiency, effectiveness, and sustainability.

The HHS agencies with appreciable research funds at Universities are (drawn from the FY2015 data in NSF15-324):ACL Administration for Community Living ~$ 120M CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ~$ 114M AHRQ Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality ~$ 95M FDA Food and Drug Administration ~$ 46MHRSA Health Resources and Services Administration ~$ 15M ACF Administration for Children and Families ~$ 1MCMS Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services ~$ 1MOMH Office of Minority Health BARDA Biomedical Advanced R&D Authority

Where: Get Ready for Grants Management about the steps necessary to successfully compete for and manage a grant.

Grants Policies and Regulations about important policies and regulations related to HHS grants, including important information about audits, reporting, efficient spending, and grant reviews.

Grants Forecast database of planned grant opportunities proposed by HHS agencies. Each Forecast record contains actual or estimated dates and funding levels for grants that the agency intends to award during the fiscal year.

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Program Announcement (PA) • Identifies areas of increased priority and/or emphasis on particular funding mechanisms for a specific

area of science• Usually accepted on standard receipt (postmarked) dates on an on-going basis• Remains active for three years from date of release unless the announcement indicates a specific

expiration date or the NIH Institute/Center (I/C) inactivates sooner • Special Types

◦ PAR: A PA with special receipt, referral and/or review considerations, as described in the PAR announcement

◦ PAS: A PA that includes specific set-aside funds as described in the PAS announcement

Request for Application (RFA) • Identifies a more narrowly defined area for which one or more NIH institutes have set aside funds for

awarding grants• Usually has a single receipt (received on or before) date specified in the RFA announcement• Usually reviewed by a Scientific Review Group convened by the issuing awarding component

Request for Proposal (RFP)• Solicits contract proposals. An RFP usually has one receipt date, as specified in RFP solicitation

Notice (NOT)• Announces policy and procedures, changes to RFA or PA announcements, RFPs and other general

information items

Broad Agency Announcement (BAA)• One use is to solicit concept papers

HHSSolicitation Mechanisms

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HHSAdministration for Community Living (ACL)

What: ACL serves as the Federal agency responsible for increasing access to community supports, while focusing attention and resources on the unique needs of older Americans and people with disabilities across the lifespan. Maximize the independence, well-being, and health of older adults, people with disabilities across the lifespan, and their families and caregivers.

Administration on Aging (AoA): plans and directs grant programs designed to provide planning, coordination and services to older Americans as authorized under the Older Americans Act and other legislation.

Administration on Disabilities (AoD): support and encourage the provision of quality services and supports and implementation of programs and policies that benefit people with disabilities and their families.

National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR): Supports research, development, and dissemination and related activities designed to contribute to community living and participation, employment, and health and function of individuals of all ages with all types and degrees of disability, including disabilities that do not affect large numbers of people.


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HHS ACL Organization Chart

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What: The University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities Education, Research and Service (UCEDDs) are unique among Administration on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AIDD) program grantees in that they are affiliated with universities. This connection enables the 68 UCEDDs located throughout the United States and its territories to serve as liaisons between academia and the community.

UCEDDs receive a discretionary grant that is awarded to interdisciplinary education, research, and public service units of universities, or public or nonprofit entities associated with universities. AIDD funding is used to support the organizational foundation of UCEDDs, which allows the grantees to pursue other sources of support to conduct various activities. UCEDDs leverage funding from a variety of sources, including federal, state, and local agencies; private foundations; donations; and fee-for-service earnings.

Four core functions frame the UCEDD program:• Interdisciplinary pre-service preparation and continuing education• Research, including basic or applied research, evaluation, and public policy analysis• Information dissemination• Community services, including direct services, training, technical assistance, and model


USC has a UCEDD at the Children's Hospital Los Angeles.

How Much: average award $580K/yr



DHHS ACL AoD AIDDUniversity Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD)

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DHHS ACLRehabilitation Engineering Research Centers (RERC) program is in transit from the Department of Education to DHHS/ACL

What: NIDILRR seeks to fund an RERC to conduct research and development activities to improve the ability of individuals with sensory, mobility, cognitive, and other disabilities to obtain, independently access and use wireless technologies in their schools, communities, workplaces, and for emergency response. Wireless technologies support communication, data transfer, information access, navigation, and control via personal, local, and wide area networks and provide platforms for installed and cloud-based applications. Stakeholders likely to benefit from this RERC’s work include individuals with disability, policymakers, and industry.

Rehabilitation Engineering Research Centers must be operated by, or in collaboration with one or moreinstitutions of higher education, or one or more nonprofit organizations.

How Much: On the order of $1M/yr for 5 years

When: Solicitations on specific topics appear roughly annually. Proposals due in May 2016 for the solicitations below


HHS-2016-ACL-NIDILRR-RE-154 Program on Wireless TechnologiesHHS-2016-ACL-NIDILRR-RE-155 Low Vision and Blindess

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DHHS ACLRRTC program is in transit from the Department of Education to DHHS/ACL

What: The purpose of the Rehabilitation Research and Training Centers (RRTC), which are funded through the Disability and Rehabilitation Research Projects and Centers Program, is to achieve the goals of, and improve the effectiveness of, services authorized under the Rehabilitation Act, as amended, through well-designed research, training, technical assistance, and dissemination activities in important topical areas as specified by NIDILRR. These activities are designed to benefit rehabilitation service providers, individuals with disabilities, family members, policymakers, and other research stakeholders.

Operated in collaboration with institutions of higher education or providers of rehabilitation or other appropriate services, RRTCs serve as centers of national excellence in rehabilitation research. The centers serve as national or regional resources for research information, and also disseminate and promote the utilization of their own research findings. In addition, these centers conduct graduate, pre-service and in-service training.

How Much: Approximately $1M/yr for 5 years

When: Solicitations on specific topics appear roughly annually. Proposals due in June 2016 for the solicitations below


HHS-2016-ACL-NIDILRR-RT-0138 Employer Practices Leading to Successful Employment Outcomes for Individuals with DisabilitiesHHS-2016-ACL-NIDILRR-RT-0139 Interventions to Promote Community Living Among Individuals with Disabilities

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DHHS ACLExamples of Recent Funding Opportunities Open to IHEs

Office Soliciation CFDA



#Awards ProgramOpportunityTitle


HHS-2016-ACL-NIDILRR-DP-0135 93.433 0.3 2 ProjectsforTranslatingtheFindingsandProductsofDisabilityandRehabilitationR&DintoPracticeHHS-2016-ACL-NIDILRR-DP-0140 93.433 0.50 1 EmploymentofIndividualswithDisabilities(Research)HHS-2016-ACL-NIDILRR-DP-0141 93.433 0.50 1 EmploymentofIndividualswithDisabilities(Development)HHS-2016-ACL-NIDILRR-DP-0143 93.433 11.1 10 AmericanswithDisabilitiesActNationalNetworkHHS-2016-ACL-NIDILRR-DP-0144 93.433 0.9 1 AmericanswithDisabilitiesActNationalNetworkKnowledgeTranslationCenterHHS-2016-ACL-NIDILRR-DP-0145 93.433 0.7 1 TraumaticBrainInjuryModelSystemsNationalDataandStatisticalCenterHHS-2016-ACL-NIDILRR-DP-0146 93.433 0.7 1 NationalSpinalCordInjuryModelSystemsDataCenterHHS-2016-ACL-NIDILRR-DP-0162 93.433 0.80 1 ModelSystemsKnowledgeTranslationCenter

RehabilitationResearchandTrainingCenters(RRTC)HHS-2016-ACL-NIDILRR-RT-0138 93.433 0.9 1 EmployerPracticesLeadingtoSuccessfulEmploymentOutcomesforIndividualswithDisabilitiesHHS-2016-ACL-NIDILRR-RT-0139 93.433 1.8 9 InterventionstoPromoteCommunityLivingAmongIndividualswithDisabilities

RehabilitationEngineeringResearchCenters(RERC)HHS-2016-ACL-NIDILRR-RE-0154 93.433 0.9 1 WirelessTechnologiesHHS-2016-ACL-NIDILRR-RE-0155 93.433 0.9 1 LowVisionandBlindness

AdvancedRehabilitationResearchTraining(ARRT)HHS-2016-ACL-NIDILRR-AR-0149 93.433 0.15 1 HealthandFunctionHHS-2016-ACL-NIDILRR-AR-0150 93.433 0.15 1 EmploymentHHS-2016-ACL-NIDILRR-AR-0151 93.433 0.15 1 CommunityLivingandParticipation

HHS-2016-ACL-NIDILRR-IF-0124 93.433 1.8 9 FieldInitiatedProjectsProgram(Research)HHS-2016-ACL-NIDILRR-IF-0125 93.433 FieldInitiatedProjectsProgram(Development)

HHS-2016-ACL-NIDILRR-SI-0158 93.433 6.5 14 SpinalCordInjuryModelSystemsAdministrationonAging(AOA)

HHS-2016-ACL-AOA-AL-0152 93.763 9.8 10 Alzheimer'sDiseaseIntiative-SpecializedSupportiveServicesProjectHHS-2016-ACL-AOA-CS-0127 93.734 1.2 1 NationalChronicDiseaseSelf-ManagementEducationHHS-2016-ACL-AOA-CS-0128 93.734 6.1 8 EmpoweringOlderAdultsandAdultswithDisabilitiesthroughChronicDiseaseSelf-ManagementEducationHHS-2016-ACL-AOA-EJIG-0168 93.747 1.9 4 ElderJusticInnovationGrantsHHS-2016-ACL-AOA-FP-0131 93.761 0.6 1 NationalFallsPeventionResourceCenterHHS-2016-ACL-AOA-FP-0132 93.761 3.8 8 Evidence-BasedFallsPreventionProgramsHHS-2016-ACL-AOA-IR-0134 93.048 0.2 1 NationalInformation&ReferralSupportCenterHHS-2016-ACL-AOA-PN-0153 93.048 0.2 1 NationalEducationandResourceCenteronWomenandRetirementPlanning


HHS-2015-ACL-AIDD-DD-0099 93.632 1.6 3UniversityCentersforExcellenceinDevelopmentalDisabilitiesEducationResearchandService(USF,TAMUandVanderbiltonly)

AdministrationonDisabilitiesHHS-2016-ACL-AOD-DD-0121 93.632 1.1 2 UnivCentersofExcellenceinDevelopmentalDisabilitiesEduc,Res,andService

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HHSCenters for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

What: CDC is responsible for controlling the introduction and spread of infectious diseases, and provides consultation and assistance to other nations and international agencies to assist in improving their disease prevention and control, environmental health, and health promotion activities. The Centers for Disease and Control and Prevention (CDC) uses grants and cooperative agreements to fund research and non-research public health programs. Each year, CDC awards approximately 4,200 grants and cooperative agreements. This generates approximately 11,000 actions and obligates approximately $5B in federal funds. In FY2015 approximately $115M went to University research.

Centers in CDC with research funding solicitations:• National Center for Global Health (NCGH)• National Center for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)• National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (NCIRD)• National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (NCEZID)• National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD and TB Prevention (NCHHSTP)• National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (NCBDDD)• National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (NCCDPHP)• National Center for Environmental Health/Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (NCEH/ATSDR)• National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (NCIPC)


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National Center for Emergingand Zoonotic Infectious Diseases

Beth P. Bell, MD, MPH

Nancy Messonnier, MDCAPT, USPHS


DirectorThomas R. Frieden, MD, MPH

Chief of StaffCarmen Villar, MSW

Chief Operating OfficerSherri A. Berger, MSPH

Office of EqualEmployment Opportunity

Reginald R. Mebane, MS

Office of Minority Health and Health Equity

Leandris Liburd, PhD, MPH, MA

Associate Director for Science

Associate Director for Communication

Katherine Lyon Daniel, PhD

Associate Director for PolicyJohn Auerbach, MBA

CDC Washington DirectorDena S. Morris, MPP

Office for State, Tribal, Local, and Territorial


Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response

Stephen C. Redd, MD(RADM, USPHS)

Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology,and Laboratory Services

Michael F. Iademarco, MD, MPH(CAPT, USPHS)

National Institute for Occupational Safety and HealthJohn Howard, MD, MPH, JD, LLM

Center for Global HealthRebecca Martin, PhD**

National Center for Health StatisticsCharles J. Rothwell, MBA, MS

National Center for EnvironmentalHealth/ Agency for Toxic

Substances and Disease Registry*Patrick Breysse, PhD, CIH

National Center for Chronic DiseasePrevention and Health Promotion

Ursula Bauer, PhD, MPH

National Center for Birth Defectsand Developmental DisabilitiesColeen A. Boyle, PhD, MS hyg

* ATSDR is an OPDIV within DHHS but is managed

** ActingCS253810 Updated 3/31/2016


Office ofInfectious Diseases

National Center for HIV, ViralHepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention

Jonathan Mermin, MD, MPH

National Center for InjuryPrevention and Control

Debra Houry, MD, MPH

Associate Director for LaboratoryScience and SafetySteve Monroe, PhD

Anne Schuchat, MD (RADM, USPHS)

Principal Deputy Director

Centers for Disease Control and PreventionOffice of the Director

Robin Ikeda, MD, MPH (RADM, USPHS)Chesley Richards, MD, MPH, FACPJohn Auerbach, MBA**Rima Khabbaz, MD

Office of Noncommunicable Diseases, Injury, and

Environmental Health

Office of Public Health Scientific Services

National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases

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HHSNational Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)

Office of Extramural Programs (OEP)

What: NIOSH announces its extramural research, training, and conference support programs in the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts.

NIOSH Sector and Cross-Sector programs have identified priority goals for extramural research. These goals are available on the NIOSH Program Portfolio page and should be considered at the time research projects are being developed. Researchers are encouraged to identify priority goals for extramural research as a part of their application. Please see Funding Opportunities for specific instructions regarding the selection of research goals for individual funding announcements.

Prevention is the thrust of the research program, and studies are supported to identify occupational populations at risk, develop methods for measuring exposures to hazards and detecting adverse health effects, determine the prevalence and incidence of occupational hazards, understand the etiology of occupational diseases and injuries, and reduce or eliminate exposures to hazards. Support is provided for both laboratory and field studies involving humans, as well as laboratory studies with various animal models and cell lines. Acute, subchronic, and chronic investigations are supported. Methods development involves measurement instrumentation, analytical techniques, medical monitoring procedures, and statistical designs to improve accuracy and precision of results. Fundamental or basic research may be supported if the applicant describes in the proposal how the research effort has current or potential utility in dealing with an occupational safety or health concern.


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HHS CDCPrevention Research Centers (PRC)

What: All PRCs share a common goal of addressing behaviors and environmental factors that affect chronic diseases such as cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. Several PRCs also address injury, infectious disease, mental health, and global health. Some centers work with specific populations, such as African Americans and Latinos in inner cities, American Indians in New Mexico and Oregon, Mexican Americans along the US-Mexico border, rural residents who live below the poverty level, people who are deaf or hard of hearing, and youth or older adults.

The Prevention Research Centers work as an interdependent network of community, academic, and public health partners to conduct prevention research and promote the wide use of practices proven to promote good health.

The prevention researchers collaborate with communities to develop and conduct research that benefits the research participants and often broad communities as well. Differences in administrative and funding mechanisms create different project types:• Each center conducts at least one core project that reflects the center's chief research focus with a

community.• Many centers work on special interest projects (SIPs) funded by CDC and other federal agencies.

The funder outlines broad goals for each SIP, which is offered only to the PRCs, and the grantee is selected through competitive peer-review.

How much: With $25M in FY 2015 funding, the PRCs will conduct work in all of NCCDPHP’s four domains. CDC also awarded $12M to 21 PRCs for 56 Special Interest Projects to design, test, and share effective public health prevention research strategies. Each project is funded for at least one year, but many are multiyear projects that receive several million dollars.

When: Current Cadre is 2014-2019

Where: National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion

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HHS CDC NIOSHCenters of Excellence for Total Worker Health

What: NIOSH has funded Centers of Excellence to explore and research the concepts of Total Worker Health®. The Centers advance the overall safety, health, and well-being of the diverse population of workers in our nation. Centers accomplish this through multidisciplinary research, intervention, outreach and education, and evaluation activities. The Centers’ research examines the integration of occupational safety and health protection with workplace policies, programs, and practices to advance worker safety, health and well-being.

Efforts include pilot testing promising workplace policies and programs; developing and disseminating best practices and tool kits; developing strategies for overcoming barriers to organizational acceptance and adoption of integrated, coordinated work-based interventions; investigating costs and benefits associated with integrated programs; and promoting increased development and application of physiological and biological markers of stress, sleep, and depression and their use for worker protection or improved health outcomes.

The Centers focus on research, planning and evaluation, and outreach and education that integrate occupational safety and health protection with interventions that protect, preserve, and advance the overall well-being of workers, communicate knowledge and best practices, and develop effective partnerships with workers, organizations and employers, NIOSH scientists, communities, and other entities.

How Much:


Where: NIOSH

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HHS CDC National Centers of Excellence on Youth Violence Prevention (YVPC)

What: CDC's Division of Violence Prevention funds several National Centers of Excellence in Youth Violence Prevention (formerly Academic Centers of Excellence). The goal of the ACE Program is to reduce the incidence of youth violence in defined communities by achieving the following objectives:• Monitoring the magnitude and distribution of youth interpersonal violence.• Building the scientific infrastructure necessary to support the development and widespread application of

effective youth violence prevention interventions.• Promoting interdisciplinary research strategies to address the problem of youth violence.• Fostering collaborations between academic researchers and communities.• Mobilizing and empowering communities to address the problem of youth violence.

The mission of the National Academic Centers of Excellence (ACE) on Youth Violence Prevention is to research and prevent youth violence by using effective violence surveillance tools, identifying and testing successful violence prevention programs, and strengthening responses to youth violence through community mobilization efforts. The ACEs and their community partners collaborate to reduce youth violence by identifying, implementing, and evaluating promising prevention programs. The research findings from these programs can contribute to the evidence base and may also serve to build a community’s capacity to respond to future public health issues.

How Much:

When: Five year program

Where: National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, Division of Violence Prevention

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HHS CDCIntegrated Food Safety Centers of Excellence

What:The Integrated Food Safety Centers of Excellence build capacity in other health departments by developing and providing online and in-person resources, training, and assistance for foodborne illness surveillance and investigations.

The program was established in 2012 under the authority of the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA), which was signed into law on January 4, 2011 to improve prevention, surveillance, and response to outbreaks of foodborne illness. In the legislation, CDC is charged with designating Integrated Food Safety Centers of Excellence at state health departments to identify and implement best practices in foodborne disease surveillance and to serve as a resource for public health professionals at state, local, and regional levels.

The Centers were chosen through a competitive process in which a panel reviewed and evaluated applications. The review panel scored and ranked the applications and CDC designated the states scoring the highest on their applications as Integrated Food Safety Centers of Excellence. The original five Centers were designated in 2012, and the newest Center, New York, joined the program in 2015 to fill a need in the Northeast.

How Much:

When: The last competition was in 2015

Where: National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases

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Office Solicitation CFDA


Available #Awards OpportunityTitleNationalCenterforInjuryPreventionandControl

CDC-RFA-CE-15-002 93.136 3.6 3 NationalCoEinYouthViolencePrevention-BuildingtheEvidenceforCommunity-andPolicy-LevelPrevention

CDC-RFA-CE-15-003 93.136 1.2 3EvaluatingStructural,Economic,Environmental,orPolicyPrimaryPreventionStrategiesforIntimatePartnerViolenceandSexualViolence

CDC-RFA-CE-15-004 93.136 0.7 2 EvaluatingInnovativeandPromisingStrategiestoPreventSuicideamongMiddle-AgedMenCDC-RFA-CE-15-005 93.136 0.6 1 ResearchtoEvaluatetheCDCHeadsUpConcussionInitiativeinYouthSportsCDC-RFA-CE-16-001 93.136 1 3 ResearchGrantsforPreventingViolenceandViolenceRelatedInjury(R01)CDC-RFA-CE-16-005 93.136 9 5 EvaluatingPractice-basedSexualViolencePrimayPreventionApproashes

NationalCenteronBirthDefectsandDevelopmentalDisabilitiesCDC-RFA-DD-16-1602 93.184 5.5 3 NationalCentersforHealthPromotionforPeoplewithDisabilities

NationalCenterforChronicDiseasePreventionandHealthPromotion(NCCDPHP)CDC-RFA-DP-15-010 93.068 3 1 InterstitialCystitisEpidemiologicStudy,Translation,andEducationCDC-RFA-DP-15-1511 93.068 18.5 2 DevelopingandDisseminatingProgramstoBuildSustainableLupusAwareness,Knowledge,SkillsandPartnershipsCDC-RFA-DP-16-004 93.535 8.5 2 ChildhoodObesityResearchDemonstration2.0CDC-RFA-DP-16-005 93.068 2 1 StudytoAssesstheIncidenceofType1DiabetesinYoungAdultsCDC-RFA-DP-16-1604 93.833 1.2 3 SupportingandMaintainingtheSurveillanceSystemforChronicKidneyDiseaseintheUSCDC-RFA-DP-16-1606 93.068 6.2 4 AdvancingArthritisPublicHealthApproachesthroughNationalOrganizations


CDC-RFA-EH-15-002 93.070 0.3 1Developmentandvalidationoflaboratoryproceduresusingnextgenerationsequencingtechnologiestoassessgenescausingseverecombinedimmunedeficiency(SCID)instatenewbornscreeninglaboratories.

NationalInstituteforOccupationalSafetyandHealth(NIOSH)PAR-12-200 93.262 R03 SmallResearchProgramPAR-12-252 93.262 R21 Exploratory/DevelopmentalGrantProgramPAR-13-245 93.262 K01 MentoredResearchScientistDevelopmentAwardPAR-14-229 93.262 U13 SupportforConferencesandScientificMeetingsPAR-14-246 93.262 4-6 R13 SupportforConferencesandScientificMeetingsPAR-15-303 93.262 24 18-20 T42 OccupationalSafetyandHealthEducationandResearchCentersPAR-15-353 93.262 13 10 U54 CentersforAgriculturalSafetyandHealth

CDC-RFA-OH-17-001 93.262 0.4 16 R01 OccupationalSafetyandHealthResearchCDC-RFA-OH-16-010 93.262 5.5 1 U24 NationalMesotheliomaVirtualBankforTranslationalResearch

BAA2016-N-17685 DevelopmentandDemonstrationofMineSafetyandHealthTechnologyOfficeoftheAssocDirforScience(OADS)

BAA2016-N-17812 AdvancedandInnovativeSolutionstoImprovePublicHealthNationalCenterforHIV/AIDS,ViralHepatitis,STDandTBPrevention

CDC-RFA-PS-16-006 93.941 14.9 3 EarlyHIVTreatmenttoOptimizePatientHealthandHIVPreventionCenterforGlobalHealth(CGH)

CDC-RFA-GH-16-005 93.067 5 5 OperationsResearchforStrengtheningProgramImplementationthroughPEPFAR

DHHS CDCExamples of Funding Announcements Open to IHEs

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HHSAgency for Health Care Research and Quality (AHRQ)

What: The mission is to produce evidence to make health care safer, higher quality, more accessible, equitable, and affordable, and to work within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and with other partners to make sure that the evidence is understood and used.

Research funding priorities for the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.

Research Priorities• Improve Healthcare Quality by Accelerating Implementation of Patient Centered Outcomes Research• Make Health Care Safer• Increase Accessibility• Improve Health Care Affordability, efficiency, and Cost Transparency

Priority Populations• Minority Health• Children’s Health• Populations with Disabilities• Women’s Health, Men’s Health, and Gender Research• Inner City and Low Income Populations Health• Older Adult Health• Rural Health

Selected Areas of Research• Health Information Technology (Health IT)• Healthcare-Associated Infections• Simulation in Healthcare


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Office of Extramural Research, Education and Priority Populations

Francis D. Chesley, Jr., M.D. Director

Directs the scientific review process for grants and contracts, manages Agency research training programs, evaluates the scientific contribution of

proposed and ongoing research and demonstrations; and supports and conducts

heath services research on priority populations

Office of Communications

Howard E. Holland Director

Designs, develops, implements, and manages programs for disseminating the results of Agency activities with the goal of changing

audience behavior

Office of Management Services

Jeffrey Toven Director

Directs and coordinates Agency-wide program planning and evaluation activities and

administrative operations

Center for Delivery, Organization, and Markets

David J. Knutson, M.S. Director

Provides a locus of leadership and expertise for advances in health care delivery, organization,

and markets through research

Office of the Director Andrew Bindman, M.D.

Sharon B.Arnold, Ph.D. Deputy Director

Jeffrey Toven Executive Officer

Center for Quality Improvement and Patient Safety

P. Jeffrey Brady, M.D., M.P.H. Director

Works to improve the quality and safety of our health care system through research and

implementation of evidence

Center for Evidence and Practice Improvement

Arlene Bierman, M.D., M.S. Director

Generates new knowledge, synthesizes evidence, and translates science on what works in health

care delivery for multiple stakeholders, and catalyzes practice improvement across health

care settings.

Center for Financing, Access, and Cost Trends

Joel W. Cohen, Ph.D. Director

Conducts, supports, and manages studies of the cost and financing of health care, the access to health care services and related trends. CFACT also develops data sets to support policy and

behavioral research and analyses

Women’s Health

Minority Health

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

AHRQ Pub. No. 16-M006-EF Revised May 2016


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Portfolios of Research

AHRQResearchPriority StaffPointofContact Center Phone Email

CharlotteMullican(Research) CenterforEvidenceandPracticeImprovement(CEPI) (301)[email protected]

TamaraWillis(Training) OfficeofExtramuralResearch,Education,andPriority (301)427-1011 [email protected] ErinGrace CenterforQualityImprovementandPatientSafety (301)427-1580 [email protected] AmyTaylor CenterforFinancing,AccessandCostTrends(CFACT) (301)427-1660 [email protected]

MelfordHenderson (301)427-1665 [email protected],efficiencyandcost BrentSandmeyer CenterforDelivery,OrganizationandMarkets(CDOM) (301)427-1441 [email protected]

GeralynGoins (301)427-1419 [email protected]

PriorityPopulation PointofContact Center Phone EmailMinorityHealth CeciliaRiveraCasale OfficeofExtramuralResearch,Education,andPriority (301)427-1547 [email protected]'sHealth KamilaMistry OfficeofExtramuralResearch,EducationandPriority (301)427-1012 [email protected] HarveySchwartz OfficeofExtramuralResearch,Education,andPriority (301)427-1552 [email protected]'sHealth,Men'sHealth,andGenderResearch FrancisChesley OfficeofExtramuralResearch,Education,andPriority (301)427-1524 Francis.Chesley@ahrq.hhs.govInnerCityandLowIncomePopulationsHealth FrancisChesley OfficeofExtramuralResearch,Education,andPriority (301)427-1524 [email protected] WilliamSpector CenterforDelivery,Organization,andMarkets (301)427-1446 [email protected] ErinGrace CenterforQualityImprovementandPatientSafety (301)427-1580 [email protected]

AreasofInterest PointofContact Center Phone EmailHealthInformationTechnology(HealthIT) AmyLindinha CenterforEvidenceandPracticeImprovement (301)427-1505 [email protected] JamesCleeman CenterforQualityImprovementandPatientSafety (301)427-1330 [email protected] KermHenriksen CenterforQualityImprovementandPatientSafety (301)427-1331 [email protected]


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HHS AHRQCenters of Excellence to Study High-Performing Health Care Systems

What: The Centers of Excellence to Study High-Performing Health Systems will:• Identify characteristics of health systems that successfully disseminate and apply evidence from patient-

centered outcomes research (PCOR).• Analyze the connections between successful dissemination of PCOR, patient health outcomes, and effective

use of resources.• Understanding how health systems disseminate information on what works and what does not work will

facilitate successful dissemination of evidence-based practices moving forward

Study how complex delivery systems disseminate evidence-based findings and provide lessons learned to inform the dissemination of findings in other settings. In addition, AHRQ will fund a coordinating center to help facilitate collaboration between the three Centers in the development of a national compendium of the performance of health care systems across the United States.

How Much: $52M over 5 years to 3 Centers

When: Began in September 2015


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DHHS AHRQExamples of Funding Announcements open to IHEs

Office Soliciation CFDA

TotalFundsAvailable($M) #Awards Program OpportunityTitle

PA-12-240 93.226 R18HealthServicesResearch,DemonstrationsandDisseminationProjectsforPreventionandManagementofHealthcare-AssociatedInfections

PA-12-241 93.226 R01 LargeResearchProjectsforPreventionandManagementofHealthcare-AssociatedInfectionsPA-12-261 93.226 F32 IndividualAwardsforPostdoctoralFellowsNationalResearchServiceAwards(NRSA)PA-13-017 93.226 R13 ConferenceGrantProgram)PA-13-039 93.226 K08 MentoredClinicalScientistResearchCareerDevelopmentAwardPA-13-180 93.226 K08 Patient-CenteredOutcomesResearch(PCOR)MentoredClinicalInvestigatorAwardPA-13-181 93.226 K01 AHRQPatient-CenteredOutcomesResearch(PCOR)MentoredResearchScientistDevelopmentAwardPA-14-001 93.226 R21 ExploratoryandDevelopmentalGranttoImproveHealthCareQualitythroughHealthInformationTechnologyPA-14-002 93.226 R18 AdvancingPatientSafetyImplementationthroughSafeMedicationUseResearchPA-14-004 93.226 R18 AdvancesinPatientSafetythroughSimulationResearchPA-14-290 93.226 R18 HealthServicesResearchDemonstrationandDisseminationGrantsPA-14-291 93.226 R01 HealthServicesResearchProjectsPA-15-147 93.226 R03 SmallResearchGrantProgramPA-15-179 93.226 R18 GrantsforHealthServicesResearchDissertationProgramPA-15-180 93.226 R01 UnderstandingandImprovingDiagnosticSafetyinAmbulatoryCare:IncidenceandContributingFactorsPA-15-318 93.226 R36 HealthServicesResearchDissertationProgramPA-15-339 93.226 R01 MakingHealthCareSaferinAmbulatoryCareSettingsandLongTermCareFacilitities

RFA-HS-15-001 93.226 5 5 P30 PatientSafetyLearningLaboratories:InnovativeDesignandDevelopmenttoImproveHealthcareDeliveryRFA-HS-15-002 93.226 3.5 5-10 R01 MakingHealthCareSaferinAmulatoryCareSettingsandLongTermCareFacilitiesRFA-HS-15-003 93.226 0.5 1 U18 PatientCenteredOutcomesResearchClinicalDecisionSupportLearningNetworkRFA-HS-16-001 93.226 12 4 R18 IncreasingAccesstoMedication-AssistedTreatmentinRuralPrimaryCarePracticesRFA-HS-16-002 93.226 3.4 6 U18 DisseminationandImplementationofChildHealthQualityMeasuresCooperativeResearchGrants

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HHSFood and Drug Administration (FDA)

FDA's mission is to protect and advance public health by helping to speed innovations that provide our nation with safe and effective medical products and that keep our food safe. The Agency achieves this by applying the latest technology and science-based standards to the regulatory challenges presented by drugs, biologics (vaccines, blood products, cell and gene therapy products, and tissues), medical devices, food additives, and, since 2009, tobacco.

Areas of InterestAnimal and VeterinaryBiologics - safety of biologic productsDrugs - efficacy, safety, and qualityFood Safety and Applied Nutrition - risk assessment and consumer behaviorMedical DevicesTobacco ProductsToxicologicalWomen’s HealthMinority Health

Office Solicitation CFDA


Available #Awards OpportunityTitleRFA-FD-15-001 93.103 14.1 10 R01 ClinicalStudiesofSafetyandEffectivenesssofOrphanProdutsResearch(R01)RFA-FD-16-036 93.103 30 6 U01 CollaboratingCentersofExcellenceinRegulatoryScienceandInnovation(U01)

PAR-15-187 93.103 6 2 U01 EnhancingRegulatorySciencefortheRiskBasedAssessmentofEmergingManufacturingTechnologies(U01)

Examples of Recent Solicitations Open to IHEs

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What: Advanced Research and Development of Regulatory Science The Food and Drug Administration solicits the advanced research and development for regulatory science. FDA anticipates that research and development activities awarded under this BAA will serve to advance scientific knowledge to accomplish its mission to protect and promote the health of our nation. Proposals should focus on one or more of the following areas of interest as listed here1. Modernize Toxicology to Enhance Product Safety 2. Stimulate Innovation in Clinical Evaluations and Personalized Medicine to Improve Product Development

and Patient Outcomes 3. Support New Approaches to Improve Product Manufacturing and Quality 4. Ensure FDA Readiness to Evaluate Innovative Emerging Technologies 5. Harness Diverse Data through Information Sciences to Improve Health Outcomes 6. Implement a New Prevention-Focused Food Safety System to Protect Public Health 7. Facilitate Development of Medical Countermeasures to Protect Against Threats to U.S. and Global Health

and Security 8. Strengthening Social and Behavioral Science at FDA by Enhancing Audience Understanding 9. Strengthening the Global Product Safety Net

Contract as the funding mechanism.

When: continuously open announcement

How Much: Anticipated funding for the program (not per contract or award) may range from $200K to $75M

Where: FDA-BAA-16-00122


Generic BAA - Advanced R&D of Regulatory Science

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What: FDA's Centers of Excellence in Regulatory Science and Innovation (CERSIs) are collaborations between FDA and academic institutions to advance regulatory science through innovative research, education, and scientific exchanges. Evolving areas of science are promising new approaches to improving our health while demanding new ways to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of the products FDA regulates. FDA’s Strategic Plan for Advancing Regulatory Science describes how FDA is harnessing these new technologies in collaboration with academia, industry, and other governmental agencies to develop the tools, standards, and approaches required to assess the safety, efficacy, quality, and performance of innovative products. The CERSI share their expertise nationally and internationally through academic courses, Masters Programs, and training opportunities in regulatory science, which are readily available to FDA, academics, and industry scientists.

Through the CERSIs, FDA offers its scientific staff a range of opportunities, including research collaborations and access to state-of-the-art science courses, workshops, and seminars. These opportunities enable FDA staff to remain engaged with the academic and medical practice community both as they develop leading-edge medical advances and use the products they regulate.

How Much:


Where: Office of Regulatory Science and Innovation in the Office of the Chief Scientist

HHS FDACenters of Excellence in Regulatory Science and Innovation (CERSI)

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HHS FDATobacco Centers of Regulatory Science (TCORS)

What: TCORS is designed to generate research to inform the regulation of tobacco products to protect public health and train the next generation of tobacco regulatory scientists. These grants provide scientific evidence in the following tobacco-related research areas:

Diversity of tobacco products;Reducing addiction;Reducing toxicity and carcinogenicityAdverse health consequences;Communications;Marketing of tobacco products; andEconomics and policies.

The Tobacco Regulatory Science Program, located in the NIH Office of Disease Prevention, coordinates the trans-NIH collaborative effort with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Center for Tobacco Products to conduct research that is needed to ensure that U.S. tobacco regulatory actions and activities are based on sound and relevant scientific evidence. The P50 Tobacco Centers of Regulatory Science (TCORS) are the centerpiece of this NIH-FDA collaboration.

USC has a Tobacco Center of Regulatory Science addressing Vulnerable Populations

How Much: FDA and NIH awarded $53M in FY2013 to establish 14 TCORS. Over the course of a five-year period, FDA and NIH will award a total of more than $273M to the TCORS programs.

When: Presumably any follow-on competition would be announced in 2017

Where: The existing centers were funded through the FRA-DA-13-003 (P50)

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HHSHuman Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)

The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), an agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, is the primary Federal agency for improving access to health care by strengthening the health care workforce, building healthy communities and achieving health equity. HRSA’s programs provide health care to people who are geographically isolated, economically or medically vulnerable.

HRSA makes grants to organizations to improve and expand health care services for underserved people, focusing on the following program areas:• Health Professions• HIV/AIDS• Maternal & Child Health• Office of the Administrator• Primary Health Care/Health Centers• Rural Health• Healthcare Systems• Organ Donation• Clinician Recruitment

Examples of Recent Funding Announcements

Solicitation CFDA


Available #Awards OpportunityTitleHRSA-16-059 93.191 7.5 21 GraduatePsychologyEducationProgramHRSA-16-036 93.11 1.7 1 MaternalandchildHealthWorkforceDevelopmentCenterProgramHRSA-16-040 93.11 0.3 1 BridgingtheWordGapResearchNetworkHRSA-16-048 93.877 2.5 6 InnovationinCareIntegrationforChildrenandYouthwithAutimsandOtherDevelopmentalDisabilitiesHRSA-16-055 93.11 3.3 8 StrategicApproachestoImprovingAccesstoQualityHealthCareforYouthwithEpilepsyHRSA-16-033 93.11 0.2 1 LifeCourseResearchNetworkHRSA-16-056 93.11 1.9 1 CoordinatingCenterforStrategicApproachestoImprovingAccesstoQualityHealthCareforYouthwithEpilepsyHRSA-16-180 93.11 0.3 1 Children'sHealthyWeightCollaborativeImprovementandInnovationNetworkHRSA-16-034 93.11 0.3 1 MaternalandChildHealthMeasurementResearchNetworkHRSA-16-028 93.224 50 75 AffordableCareActNewAccessPointGrants

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HHSAdministration for Children and Families (ACF)

What: ACF promotes the economic and social well-being of families, children, individuals and communities. ACF programs aim to:• Empower families and individuals to increase their economic independence and productivity• Encourage strong, healthy, supportive communities that have a positive impact on quality of

life and the development of children• Create partnerships with front-line service providers, states, localities and tribal communities

to identify and implement solutions that transcend traditional program boundaries• Improve access to services through planning, reform and integration• Address the needs, strengths and abilities of vulnerable populations including people with

developmental disabilities, refugees and migrants


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HHS ACFOrganization Chart

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DHHS ACFExamples of Funding Announcements Open to IHEs

Office Solicitation CFDA



Awards OpportunityTitleOfficeofFamilyAssistance(OFA)

HHS-2015-ACF-OFA-FH-0990 93.086 1.5 1 NationalCenterforHealthyMarriageandRelationshipEducationHHS-2015-ACF-OFA-FO-0992 93.086 7.5 5 ResponsibleFatherhoodOpportunitiesforReentryandMobility

OfficeofChildCare(OCC)HHS-2015-ACF-OCC-TA-1000 93.600 2 1 NationalCenterforAfterschoolandSummerEnrichmentHHS-2015-ACF-OCC-TA-1001 93.600 3.2 1 NationalCenterforEarlyChildhoodQualityAssurance

AdministrationonChildren,YouthandFamilies(ACYF)HHS-2016-ACF-ACYF-AP-1153 93.092 11 13 PersonalResponsibilityEducationProgram-InnovativeStrategies

HHS-2016-ACF-ACYF-CA-1175 93.670 1 1NationalQualityImprovementCenterforPreventiveServicesandInterventionsinIndianCountry

HHS-2016-ACF-ACYF-CO-1122 93.652 1.2 1 Foster/AdoptiveParentPreparation,TrainingandDevelopmentInitiativeHHS-2016-ACF-ACYF-CT-1165 93.592 0.5 1 CapacityBuildingandProgramTechnicalAssitanceHHS-2016-ACF-ACYF-CT-1178 93.648 1 1 QualityImprovementCenterforWorkforceDevelopment

HHS-2016-ACF-ACYF-CW-1126 93.556 2 1PlacementStabilityandPermanencyforLesbian,Gay,Bisexual,Transgender,andQuestioningChildrenandYouthinFosterCare

HHS-2016-ACF-ACYF-CW-1126 93.556 2 1NationalQualityImprovementCenteronTailoredService,Placement,StabilityandPermanancyforLGBTQChildrenandYouthinFosterCare

HHS-2016-ACF-ACYF-EV-1158 93.592 2.3 3 CulturallySpecificSpecialIssueResourceCenterHHS-2016-ACF-ACYF-EV-1159 93.592 0.6 1 LesbianGayBisexualTransgenderandQuestioningInstonIntimatePartnerViolence

HHS-2016-ACF-ACYF-EV-1160 93.592 1 1NationalCapacityBuildingCenteronSafeandSupportiveHousingforDomesticViolenceSurvivors

OfficeofPlanningResearchandEvaluation(OPRE)HHS-2016-ACF-OPRE-PD-1114 93.647 0.1 3 FamilyStrengtheningScholarsHHS-2016-ACF-OPRE-YE-0775 93.575 0.2 6 EarlyCareandEducationResearchScholars-ChildCareResearchHHS-2016-ACF-OPRE-YR-0785 93.600 0.2 6 EarlyCareandEducationResearchScholars-HeadStartGradStudentResearchHHS-2016-ACF-OPRE-HG-1169 93.093 1 3 HealthProfessionOpportunityGrants-UniversityPartnershipResearchGrants

OfficeofRefugeeResettlement(ORR)HHS-2016-ACF-ORR-RG-1117 93.576 2.5 12 RefugeeMicroenterpriseDevelopmentProgramHHS-2016-ACF-ORR-RR-1136 93.579 1 1 USRepratriationProgramHHS-2016-ACF-ORR-ZI-1113 93.576 2.5 13 RefugeeIndiviaulDevelopmentAccountsProgramHHS-2016-ACF-ORR-ZU-1139 93.676 27 10 HomeStudyandPostReleaseServicesforUnaccompaniedChildrenHHS-2017-ACF-ORR-ZU-1139 93.676 27 10 HomeStudyandPostReleaseServicesforUnaccompaniedChildrenHHS-2017-ACF-ORR-ZU-1135 93.676 13.5 15 StandingAnnouncementforResidentialServicesforUnaccompaniedChildrenHHS-2017-ACF-ORR-ZU-1134 93.676 9 10 StandingAnnouncementforResidentialServicesforUnaccompaniedAlienChildrenHHS-2017-ACF-ORR-ZU-1132 93.676 580 80 StandingAnnouncementforResidentialServices(Shelter)forUnaccompaniedChildren

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HHSCenter for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)

What: CMS offers researchers and other health care professionals a broad range of quantitative information on our programs, from estimates of future Medicare and Medicaid spending to enrollment, spending, and claims data, and a broad range of consumer research to help its partners and staff. CMS also conducts demonstration projects to explore alternative policies of health care coverage and delivery. These demonstration projects typically cover a limited timeframe, geographic area, and scope of coverage.


Solicitation CFDA


Available #.Awards Opportunity.TitleCMS$1H0$15$001 93.779 0.4 2 Hispanic5Health5Services5Research5Grant5Program

Examples of Recent Solicitations Open to IHEs

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HHSOffice of Minority Health (OMH)

What: The Office of Minority Health (OMH) administers grant programs to support projects that implement innovative models to improve minority health and reduce health disparities.

The Division of Information and Education manages minority health information, education and awareness activities and campaigns, coordinates media and press relations, and oversees the OMH Resource Center.

The Division of Policy and Data develops and coordinates strategic plans and special initiatives, coordinates and conducts studies and evaluations, and plans and coordinates statistical and data analyses and efforts to improve data availability and quality.

The Division of Program Operations manages demonstration grant programs and cooperative agreements, monitors the performance of recipients and coordinates with other HHS and federal organizations who are contributing partners to the demonstration grants and cooperative agreements.

Grants are awarded toward Access to Health Care Coverage, HIV/AIDs, Lupus, Violence Prevention, Workforce Diversity and Youth Programs


Examples of Solicitations Open to IHEs

OfficeSolicitation CFDA


Available #Awards OpportunityTitle

MP-CPI-16-001 93.137 2 5 NationalHealthEducationLupusProgramMP-CPI-16-002 93.137 3.5 7-9 CommunitiesAddressingChildhoodTraumaMP-CPI-16-003 93.137 2 6 RE-entryCommunityLinkages

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HHSAsst Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR)

Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA)

What: The Division of Strategic Science and Technology (SST) identifies and supports the advancement of platform technologies that enhance capabilities for the development and manufacturing of medical countermeasures (MCMs). SST supports applications that focus on biodefense, pandemic influenza and other emerging diseases. SST also helps to identify innovative strategies and tools to reduce the time and cost of development, testing, and production, and ease of use of medical countermeasures in the event of an emergency. The successful application of these approaches can make it possible to develop, manufacture, test, and deliver safe and effective MCMs more quickly, more reliably, in larger amounts and at a lower cost than is possible with current capabilities.

The Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority solicits the advanced research and development of medical countermeasures for chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear agents that threaten the U.S. civilian population. BARDA anticipates that research and development activities awarded under this BAA will serve to advance candidate medical countermeasures towards FDA licensure/approval and consideration for acquisition. Research Areas of Interest:

1. Vaccines 2. Antitoxins and Therapeutics 3. Antimicrobial Drugs 4. Radiological and Nuclear Threat Countermeasures 5. Chemical Threat Countermeasures 6. Diagnostics

How Much: Anticipated funding for the program (not per contract or award) may range from $2M to $415M dollars

When: Quad Chart and White Papers prior to 30 Oct 2017

Where: BAA-16-100-SOL-00001