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Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-61378-2 – Advanced Grammar in Use Martin Hewings Index More information © in this web service Cambridge University Press 251 advice 40, 78 affirmative sentences 205, 207 agent 205 see also passive forms agreement, subject and verb clause, as subject 80 co-ordinated nouns / phrases, as subject 82 collective nouns 80 complex subject 80 determiners 82 how / here / there + be / have 82 items joined by (either) ... or or(neither) ... nor 82 measurement / amount / quantity, with singular verb 84 names / titles ending in -s 80 nouns ending in -s 84 subject, position of 80 there + be / have 82 what-clause, as subject 80 all (of), whole, every, each time expressions 102 whole / entire, before nouns 102 among and between 178 amounts 104 any see some and any apostrophe, for possessives 231 articles additional exercise 246–47 definition of 205 grammar reminder 232 study planner 210 see also a / an, the, and zero article auxiliary verbs 205 in inversion 198 leaving words out after 128 be as main verb in previous clause / sentence 128 have as auxiliary + done 128 modal auxiliary + do / be 128 more than one auxiliary 128 no auxiliary 128 substitute do 128 negative questions 54, 227 substitute so and not 124 see also modal verbs B bare infinitive 206 being + past participle clause 206 between and among 178 C can see ability; permission; possibility change, process of 42 ‘choosing’ verbs 68 classifying adjectives 132, 134, 136, 205 clauses definition of 206 study planner 217 types of 206 cleft sentences 196, 206 it + make + adjective (+ to-infinitive / -ing / that-clause) 140 position of additional exercise 248 before / after noun 132 classifying adjectives 132 emphasising adjectives 132 grammar review 237 with linking verbs 132 qualitative adjectives 132 reduced relative clauses 132 study planner 218–19 types of 205 see also comparative forms; compound adjectives; participle adjectives; superlative forms adverbial clauses additional exercise 249 contrasts 164 definition of 205 study planner 219–220 tenses in 238 of time 158 adverbial phrases, as complement 206 adverbials adverb as 205 adverbial clause as 205 definition of 205 inversion after negative 200 noun phrase as 205 participle clauses 116, 118 prepositional phrase as 205 adverbs and adjectives, use of 237 definition of 205 formation of 142 participle adjectives in -ed, adverbial form of 142 particles 207 phrasal verbs 207 position of additional exercise 248 after object 148 comment adverbs 150, 156 connecting adverbs 150 degree adverbs 150, 154 focus adverbs 154 frequency adverbs 148, 150, 152 long adverbials 148, 150 and meaning 148 more than one adverbial 148 order of events 150 place and direction adverbs 150, 152 time adverbs 150, 152 viewpoint adverbs 150, 156 prepositional phrases, adverbial use of 142 study planner 218–19 types of 205 with and without -ly 142 see also comparative forms; superlative forms A a / an, the, and zero article generalisations about classes of things 90 geographical areas 90 holidays, seasons, days of the week, and festivals 94 jobs / job titles 92 means of transport and communication 94 names of people 92 nouns both countable and uncountable 90 specific versus general 94 with superlative adjectives 92 with there + be 190 things that are unique 90 this, in stories and jokes 92 times of day and night 94 a / an and one abbreviations 88 in number / quantity expressions 88 one ...other / another pattern 88 particular, but unspecified person / thing / event 88 with possessives 88 before singular countable nouns 88 before vowels / consonants 88 abbreviations 88 ability be able to 30 can / could 30, 34, 224, 225 academic writing few and little 104 may 34 much (of), many (of) 100 prepositional phrases 114 such that, to introduce a result 162 active (versus passive) forms 44, 46, 48, 204, 205 adding information conjunctions 174 noun phrases 112, 114 prepositional phrases 114 sentence connectors 174 adjectives and adverbs, use of 142, 237 definition of 205 easily confused 237 gradable and non-gradable 134 both senses 136 classifying adjectives 136 different senses 136 good and / lovely and / nice and ... + gradable adjective 136 grammar review 237 more and more + adjective 136 qualitative adjectives 136 patterns after linking verbs adjective + -ing / that-clause / to- infinitive / wh-clause 140 it + linking verb + adjective (+ to- infinitive) 140 Index of grammatical items

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advice 40, 78affirmative sentences 205, 207agent 205 see also passive formsagreement, subject and verb clause, as subject 80 co-ordinated nouns / phrases, as

subject 82 collective nouns 80 complex subject 80 determiners 82 how / here / there + be / have 82 items joined by (either) ... or

or(neither) ... nor 82 measurement / amount / quantity,

with singular verb 84 names / titles ending in -s 80 nouns ending in -s 84 subject, position of 80 there + be / have 82 what-clause, as subject 80all (of), whole, every, each time expressions 102 whole / entire, before nouns 102among and between 178amounts 104any see some and anyapostrophe, for possessives 231 articles additional exercise 246–47 definition of 205 grammar reminder 232 study planner 210 see also a / an, the, and zero article auxiliary verbs 205 in inversion 198 leaving words out after 128 be as main verb in previous clause /

sentence 128 have as auxiliary + done 128 modal auxiliary + do / be 128 more than one auxiliary 128 no auxiliary 128 substitute do 128 negative questions 54, 227 substitute so and not 124 see also modal verbs

Bbare infinitive 206being + past participle clause 206between and among 178

Ccan see ability; permission; possibilitychange, process of 42‘choosing’ verbs 68classifying adjectives 132, 134, 136, 205clauses definition of 206 study planner 217 types of 206cleft sentences 196, 206

it + make + adjective (+ to-infinitive / -ing / that-clause) 140

position of additional exercise 248 before / after noun 132 classifying adjectives 132 emphasising adjectives 132 grammar review 237 with linking verbs 132 qualitative adjectives 132 reduced relative clauses 132 study planner 218–19 types of 205 see also comparative forms; compound

adjectives; participle adjectives; superlative forms

adverbial clauses additional exercise 249 contrasts 164 definition of 205 study planner 219–220 tenses in 238 of time 158adverbial phrases, as complement 206adverbials adverb as 205 adverbial clause as 205 definition of 205 inversion after negative 200 noun phrase as 205 participle clauses 116, 118 prepositional phrase as 205adverbs and adjectives, use of 237 definition of 205 formation of 142 participle adjectives in -ed, adverbial form of 142 particles 207 phrasal verbs 207 position of additional exercise 248 after object 148 comment adverbs 150, 156 connecting adverbs 150 degree adverbs 150, 154 focus adverbs 154 frequency adverbs 148, 150, 152 long adverbials 148, 150 and meaning 148 more than one adverbial 148 order of events 150 place and direction adverbs 150, 152 time adverbs 150, 152 viewpoint adverbs 150, 156 prepositional phrases, adverbial use of

142 study planner 218–19 types of 205 with and without -ly 142 see also comparative forms; superlative


Aa / an, the, and zero article generalisations about classes of things

90 geographical areas 90 holidays, seasons, days of the week,

and festivals 94 jobs / job titles 92 means of transport and

communication 94 names of people 92 nouns both countable and uncountable 90 specific versus general 94 with superlative adjectives 92 with there + be 190 things that are unique 90 this, in stories and jokes 92 times of day and night 94a / an and one abbreviations 88 in number / quantity expressions 88 one ...other / another pattern 88 particular, but unspecified person /

thing / event 88 with possessives 88 before singular countable nouns 88 before vowels / consonants 88abbreviations 88ability be able to 30 can / could 30, 34, 224, 225academic writing few and little 104 may 34 much (of), many (of) 100 prepositional phrases 114 such that, to introduce a result 162 active (versus passive) forms 44, 46,

48, 204, 205adding information conjunctions 174 noun phrases 112, 114 prepositional phrases 114 sentence connectors 174adjectives and adverbs, use of 142, 237 definition of 205 easily confused 237 gradable and non-gradable 134 both senses 136 classifying adjectives 136 different senses 136 good and / lovely and / nice and ... +

gradable adjective 136 grammar review 237 more and more + adjective 136 qualitative adjectives 136 patterns after linking verbs adjective + -ing / that-clause / to-

infinitive / wh-clause 140 it + linking verb + adjective (+ to-

infinitive) 140

Index of grammatical items

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Index of grammatical items

study planner 215–16direct object 58, 207 see also complement; object;

transitive / intransitive verbs; verb complementation

direct speech 206direction adverbs 150, 152, 198, 205disapproval 168‘disliking’ verbs 60distance 104do, after negative adverbials 200 see also auxiliary verbs; substitution-ed clauses see past participle

Eeach see all (of), whole, every, eachecho questions 54, 208emphasising adjectives 132, 205every see all (of), whole, every, eachexceptions 182expectations 40festivals 94

Ffew, little, less, and fewer (a) few, (a) little, as pronouns 104 the few, the little + noun, as ‘not

enough’ 104 few + personal pronouns 104 few and little, as informal alternatives

104 less (than) and fewer (than) 104 a little, as informal alternative 104 what few / what little, as ‘the small

(number / amount)’ 104fewer see few, little, less, and fewerfinite verbs 209focus adverbs 154, 205focusing fronting, for emphasis 198 it-clauses 196 wh-clauses 196 what-clauses 196frequency adverbs with have to 36 indefinite frequency 205 past continuous with 4 position of 148, 150, 152 present continuous with 4future continuous arranged events / activities 22 grammar reminder 224 imagining what is happening around now 22 particular point in future, relating start of event to 22 repeated / regular events 22 willingness, avoiding 22future events additional exercise 242 be about to + infinitive 24, 26 be going to + infinitive 20, 166, 223 be to + infinitive 24 common phrases for talking about 26

conditional clauses definition of 206 real and unreal conditions 206, 238–39 real conditionals, tenses in 20, 166,

168, 172, 239 unreal conditionals, tenses in 166, 170,

172, 239conditional sentences 206 conjunctions 174 sentence connectors 174conjunctions additional exercise 249 conditions 174 definition of 206 noun phrases, adding information to

112 reasons and results 174 study planner 219 time 174, 238connecting adverbs 150, 205 contrasting although, though, while and whilst,

with participle clauses 164 although and though 164 conjunctions 174 even though and even if 164 sentence connectors 174 in spite of the fact that 164 while / whereas 164 while / whilst 164could see ability; permission; possibility; reporting; unreal past countable / uncountable nouns definition of 206 generalisations about classes of things

90 grammar reminder 230 with there + be 190 see also a / an, the, and zero article; a

/ an and one; agreement, subject and verb; all (of), whole, every, each; few, little, less, and fewer; much (of), many (of), a lot of, lots (of); one and ones; someand any

criticising 12 might / could + have + past participle 34 negative questions 54, 227 will / would, use of 32

Ddash (–) 174days of the week 94defining relative clauses 208 see also relative clausesdefinite article 205 see also a / an, the, and zero articledegree adverbs 205 much, very much 154 with owing to 160 position of 150, 154 very, too 154determiners 206 grammar reminder 232–33

collective nouns 80, 207colon 174, 230colour adjectives 122comma 230comment adverbs 150, 156, 205comparative forms 238 adjectives with comparative /

superlative meaning 144 comparative adjectives, linking with

and 136 more + one-syllable adjective 144 more / less + two-syllable adjectives

144 one-syllable adjectives and adverbs +

-er 144 phrases and clauses as + adjective + a / an + noun 146 as + adjective / adverb as 146 go so / as far as + to-infinitive 146 less + adjective + than 146 as little / few as 146 as much / many as 146 not + adjective / adverb + enough

+ to-infinitive 146 so + adjective / adverb + as + to-

infinitive 146 so + adjective / adverb + that-

clause 146 sufficiently + adjective 146 too + adjective + a / an + noun 146 too + adjective / adverb + to-

infinitive 146 see also few, little, less, and fewercomplaining 12complement adverbial phrases as 206 definition of 206 and linking verbs 42, 206, 207 and object 206 prepositional phrase as 206 and subject 206 transitive / intransitive verbs 56 see also verb complementationcompound adjectives 138, 206compound nouns countable compound nouns 86 definition of 206 grammar reminder 230 hyphenated phrases, before nouns 86 noun + noun 86 noun + preposition + noun 86 one word, separate words, hyphenated 230 plural forms 86 possessive forms 86 two- and three-word verbs, nouns

related to 86conclusions, drawing grammar reminder 225–226 must 36, 74 present perfect continuous / present

perfect 12 will / would 32

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Index of grammatical items

Jjobs / job titles 92

Lless see few, little, less, and fewerlinking verbs adjective patterns with 138, 140, 164 become and get 42 ‘becoming’ verbs 42 ‘being’ verbs 42 and complement 42, 206, 207 go and turn 42 ‘seeming’ verbs 42 study planner 212–13 superlatives 144little see few, little, less, and fewer

Mmain clauses definition of 206 and relative clause 208manner, adverbs of 148, 205may see possibilitymight see possibility; unreal past modal and semi-modal verbs additional exercise 242–43 auxiliary verbs 205 definition of 207 grammar reminder 224–26 with performatives 2 reporting to reported clause, summary

of changes 74 study planner 212much (of), many (of), a lot of, lots

(of) 100must drawing conclusions 36 formal rules, regulations and warnings

36 and have (got) to 36, 225–26 must / mustn’t, in reporting 74 need(n’t), don’t have to, mustn’t

226 proposing future arrangements 36

Nnames, of people 80, 92narrative 64necessity 225–26need in formal written English 38 need(n’t), don’t have to, mustn’t,

don’t need to 38, 226 as ordinary versus modal verb 38

in questions 38negative questions 54, 227newspaper writing be to + infinitive, for events likely to

happen 24 participle clauses, use of 112 past perfect continuous, use of 14no, none(of), and not any 98nominal relative clauses 108, 208 see also relative clausesnon-affirmative meaning 207

whether ... or not 172if-clauses after would / would like 130 future events 24 inversion instead of 198 should, were, had, and omission of if

168 without main clauses 168 see also conditional clauses imaginary

situations 32, 239imperative clauses 42, 166, 206indefinite article 205 see also a / an, the, and zero articleindirect object 58, 207 see also object; verb complementationindirect questions 208 see also reportingindirect speech 208 see also reportinginfinitive forms 206instructions 24, 166, 196 grammar reminder 225 if-clauses, without main clauses 168intentions 26, 78interrupted past actions / events 8

intransitive verbs see transitive / intransitive verbs

introducing new topic 196inversion additional exercise 250 adverbs of direction of movement 198 after negative adverbials 200 after neither and nor 200 after time adverbs 152 fronting, for emphasis 198 with here comes, there goes 198 instead of if-clauses 198 with so + adjective 200 with such + be, for emphasis of extent

/ degree 200 with as and than, in comparisons 198 of verb and subject 207irregular verbs 202–3it it is / was no versus there is / was no

194 as object of verb 194 reporting with passive forms 50 with viewpoint verbs 194it, introductory to focus attention on sentence

element 192 it + be + adjective / noun 192 it + verb + object + that-clause 192 it + verb + object + to-infinitive

clause 192 it + verb + that-clause 192 it + verb + to-infinitive clause 192 not as alternative to noun as subject

192 where subject is to-infinitive, that-

clause, wh-clause or -ing clause 192

it-clauses 48, 196

grammar reminder 223–24 past and present continuous for

intention 8 possibility, can / could 30 present continuous for 20 grammar reminder 224 informal arrangements 22 present simple for conditional clauses 20 fixed events 20 grammar reminder 223 if-clauses 24 suppose / supposing / what if ... 20 time clauses 20 real conditionals 166 seen from the past be supposed to 28 intentions 26 reporting 28 was / were to + infinitive 28 was / were to have + past participle 28 shall / shan’t versus will / won’t 26

study planner 211 verbs + to-infinitive, for intentions 26 will + infinitive 223 will and be going to 18, 20future perfect and future perfect

continuous 22 passive form 204future simple 204

Ggeneralisations 90geographical areas 90glossary 205–09going to see will and be going togradable adjectives 134, 136, 205, 237grading adverbs 134, 205

Hhave (got) to 36, 225–26having + past participle (-ed) clause

62, 116, 206holidays 94however 174

I-ing (present participle) form grammar reminder 235–36 prepositional object 208 reduced relative clauses 208 see also participle adjectives; verb

complementationif, in comparison clauses 168if and whether after certain verbs 172 after preposition 172 in clause acting as subject or

complement 172 noun + adjective + as to whether

172 possibilities, talking about 172 reporting yes / no questions 64 before to-infinitive 172

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intentions not carried out 10 past perfect and past continuous activity in progress recently versus finished 14 number of times something

happened 14 particular past time, relating events

to 14 review of use of 16 state verbs 14past simple grammar reminder 222 passive form 204 and past continuous 4, 8, 10, 16 and past perfect 10, 16, 241–242 and present perfect 6, 241past subjunctive 209 as it were 170 unreal conditionals, were in if-clause

170 were, for imaginary situations 170 were, in comparisons 170perfect forms 16performative verbs definition of 207 present simple 2permission 34, 38, 224 could, be allowed to 30personal pronouns 208persuading 54phrasal verbs definition of 207 word order 188 see also two- and three-word verbsplace adverbs 205possessive determiners 206possessive nouns 207, 231possessive pronouns 207, 231possibility can and could 30, 34 grammar reminder 224 may and might 34, 225predictions 18preferences 170prepositional objects 58, 208prepositional phrases as complement 206 definition of 208prepositional verbs 208 see also phrasal verbs; two- and three-

word verbsprepositions additional exercise 249 after nouns 186 after verbs 184 definition of 207 particles 207 phrasal verbs 207 of place 178 of position and movement 176 reasons, giving 160 in relative clauses 110 study planner 220–221 of time 180

with adverbial meaning 116 contrasting 164 definition of 206 having + participle, and timing of

action 116 implied subject, and subject of main

clause 116 not, position of 116 with own subject 116 use of prepositions with 118 participles 207particles 188, 207passive forms 204 active patterns 44, 46 additional exercise 243–44 agent, omission of 48 ‘appointing’ verbs 44 ‘giving’ verbs 44 grammar reminder 226–27 it-clause as subject of 48 ‘liking / wanting’ verbs 46 modal verbs 204 ‘naming’ verbs 44 reporting with 50 study planner 212–13 ‘telling’ verbs 44 tenses 204 topic emphasis 48 transitive two- and three-word verbs

44 verbs with related nouns 48past continuous with adverbs of frequency 4 as / when / while 158 grammar reminder 223 passive form 204 past perfect continuous, and past

perfect 14 and past simple 8, 16 intentions not carried out 8, 10 in narratives 8 past events in succession 8 past events over same period 8 repeated past actions 8past participle (-ed) 207 grammar reminder 236 reduced relative clause 208 see also participle adjectives; participle

clausespast perfect grammar reminder 223 passive form 204 past perfect continuous, and past

continuous 14 and past simple additional exercise 241–42 intentions not carried out 10 ordering past events 10 reporting past events 10 review of use of 16 time clauses 6past perfect continuous additional exercise 241–242 grammar reminder 223

non-defining relative clauses for adding information 106 definition of 208 participle clauses, use of instead of 112 prepositional phrases 114 whose, clauses with 108 see also relative clausesnon-finite verbs 209non-gradable adjectives 134, 136, 205,

237non-grading adverbs 134, 205noun phrases adding information to 112 conjunctions 112 namely, use of 112 participle clauses 112 prepositional phrases 114 that is, use of 112 to-infinitive clauses 112 complements 42 definition of 206 nominal relative clauses 208nouns additional exercise 245–46 definition of 207 study planner 214 see also compound nouns; countable / uncountable nouns

number expressions 88

Oobject and complement 206 definition of 207 position of in two- and three-word

verbs 188 transitive verbs 209 see also transitive / intransitive verbs;

verb complementation obligations 40, 226offers 18, 72, 166, 225one and ones with countable nouns 122 inclusion of 122 not used after nouns used as adjectives

122 omission of 122 with possessive determiners 122 referring to people 122 see also a / an and oneopinions 62orders 24, 72, 78organisations, names of 80ought to see should and ought to

Pparticiple adjectives 207 -ing and -ed forms, as adjectives 138 after nouns, reduced relatives 138 in compound adjectives 138 with much, very much 154 position of 138 that / those before 138participle clauses active and passive in noun phrases 112

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when, whereby, where, why 108 whose, clauses with 108reported speech 208reporting 64 additional exercise 245 grammar reminder 229 modal auxiliaries 74 negative forms 64 offers / suggestions / orders / intentions / requests 72 passive forms 44 punctuation for 229 questions 64 quotations 64 study planner 214 tense choice in 70 that-clauses 66, 72, 76 using adjectives 76 using nouns 76reporting / reported clauses 64, 72 definition of 208 past tenses 70 present subjunctive 78reporting verbs 64, 208requests grammar reminder 225 if-clauses 168 reporting 72, 78 will and be going to 18

Sseasons 88, 94semi-colon 174semi-modal verbs 207 grammar reminder 224–26 see also modal verbssense verbs 30sentence connectors 174, 208short answers 124should and ought to be supposed to 226 expectations 40 had better, in spoken English 40 obligations / recommendations 40 questions / requests for confirmation

or advice 40 regret / criticism 40 should and shall 40simple versus continuous forms,

summary of uses of 16since and for 12, 14some and any with before 96 ‘approximately’ 96 with comparisons 96 general statements about whole

classes of things 96 grammar reminder 232–33 with negative words 96 non-affirmative contexts 96 non-specific, unspecified things 96 before plural and uncountable nouns

96 strong and weak forms 96

Qqualitative adjectives 132, 136, 205quantifiers definition of 208 grammar reminder 232–35 study planner 215–16 with and without ‘of’ 233–35quantity expressions 84, 88 see also some and any question forms grammar reminder 227 indirect questions 208 negative questions 54 study planner 212–13 with that-clauses 54 types of 208 see also wh-questions; yes / noquestionsquestion tags 227quotation marks 229

Rreal conditionals if-clauses 166, 168 real and unreal conditions 206, 238–39 tenses in 20, 166, 168, 172, 239 unless and if not 172reasons cleft sentences 196 conjunctions 174 prepositions 118, 160 sentence connectors 174reduced relative clauses 132, 138, 208 see also relative clausesreflexive pronouns definition of 208 for emphasis 120 formality 120 grammar reminder 236 inclusion / omission of, with some

verbs 120 in verb + object + adjective

complement structure 56regret 170relative clauses additional exercise 248 defining 106, 108, 112, 208 definition of 208 grammar reminder 235 nominal 108, 208 non-defining 106, 108, 112, 114, 208 prepositions in 110 reduced 132, 138, 208 study planner 217relative pronouns definition of 208 omission / inclusion of 106, 110, 190 as subject / object of relative clause

106relative words 208 a / the reason why / that 108 nominal relative clauses, with who /

what 108 whatever, whoever, whichever 108

present and past time, review 16, 240present continuous with adverbs of frequency 4 for future events 20, 22, 224 grammar reminder 222 intentions 26 passive form 204 and present simple 2, 4, 16present participle (-ing) 207 see also participle adjectives; participle

clausespresent perfect grammar reminder 222–23 passive form 204 and past simple 6, 241 and present perfect continuous 12, 16,

241 real conditionals 166present perfect continuous grammar reminder 223 passive form 204 and present perfect activities in progress until recently 12 additional exercise 241 conclusions from what can be seen /

heard etc. 12 recently completed events 12 repeated versus one-off activities 12 results of circumstances / activities

12 review of uses of 16 situations existing until present 12present simple contents of books / films etc. 4 for future events 20, 24, 166, 172, 224 grammar reminder 222 intentions 26 newspaper headlines 4 passive form 204 phrases introducing news 4 and present continuous 16 immediacy 4 life commentaries 4 mental states 2 performative verbs 2 state verbs 2 real conditionals 166 time clauses 6present subjunctive 78, 209present tenses, in reporting and reported

clauses 70product names 92promises 18pronouns definition of 208 study planner 217–18 types of 208purposes and results in order / so as + to-infinitive 162 in order that and so that 162 so + adjective / adverb + that-clause

146 such that, in such a way that, such …

that 162

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Wwh-clauses focusing 196 with linking verbs 140 verbs with 68wh-questions 52, 208, 209 auxiliary verb 54 how and what 52 reporting 64 with that-clauses 54 what 52 which 52 who 52 whom 52 whose 52 see also negative questionswh-words 208, 209what-clauses 80, 196whether see if and whetherwhole see all (of), whole, every,eachwill, would and used to characteristic behaviour / habits 32 conclusions / assumptions 32 criticism 32 grammar reminder 225 repeated events in past 32 unreal past situations 32will and be going to be going to + go / come 20 conditional sentences 18 decisions 18 formality / informality 18, 20 offers / requests / promises 18 planned / likely events 18, 20 predictions 18willingness 22works of art 92would see if-clauses; will, would and

used toYyes / no questions 64, 208 see also question formsZzero article 205 see also a / an, the, and zero article

times, of day and night 94titles, of newspapers, books, films 80to-infinitive with come and grow 42 definition of 206 leaving out 130 with linking verbs 140 noun phrases, adding information to

112 see also verb complementation transitive / intransitive verbs 56 grammar reminder 228 implied object 56 intransitive verbs 56, 206 passives, grammar reminder 226–27 transitive or intransitive verbs 56 transitive verbs 56, 209 two- and three-word verbs, word order

188 see also verb complementation two- and three-word verbs definition of 209 particle in 207 position of prepositions in 110 word order 188

Uuncertainty 76unchanging states 12uncountable nouns seecountable / uncountable nouns unless and if not 172unreal conditionals but for 166 if + past simple 166 real and unreal conditions 206, 238–39 unless and if not 172 were in if-clause 166, 170unreal past might / could have + past participle

239 would have + past participle 32, 239used to grammar reminder 225 repeated events in past 32 in reporting 74

Vverb complementation additional exercise 244 direct and indirect objects 58 negative forms 62 prepositional object, with for / to 58 verb + -ing or bare infinitive 60 verb + object + bare infinitive 60 verb + object + to-infinitive 62 verb + object / possessive + -ing 60 verb + preposition + object + to-

infinitive 62 verb + to have + past participle 62 verb + to (preposition) + -ing 60 see also transitive / intransitive verbs

verb phrases 209verbs 208, 209viewpoint adverbs 156, 205

unknown / unimportant person or thing 96

state verbs 2, 12, 14, 166, 208subject and complement 206 definition of 208 it-clause as 48 passive, uses of 48placement of long 48 relative pronouns as 106 who or what as 52 see also agreement; inversion subjunctive 209 past 170 present 78subordinate clauses 206, 208 see also adverbial clauses; relative

clausessubstitution to, for to-infinitive clause 130 additional exercise 248 do 128, 200, 227, 237 do so and such 126 so and not 124 study planner 217–18suggestions 54, 72, 78, 227superlative forms the + adjective with -est 144 the + most + adjective 144 of + plural noun phrase, after

superlative 144 in + singular noun phrase, after

superlative 144 adjectives with a / an, the, and zero

article 92 most + adjective / adverb 144 noun + of which 110

Ttenses grammar reminder 222–24 study planner 210–11that-clauses passive sentences 48 reporting 66, 72, 76 should in 78 wh-questions with 54the see a / an, the, and zero article

there + be change of topic, topic known to

listener / reader 190 introducing topics 190 noun following, agreement of be with

190 noun following, indefinite / nonspecific

meaning of 190 with nouns followed by that, wh, to-infinitive or -ing clause 190‘thinking’ verbs 30, 60three-word verbs see two- andthree-word verbstime adverbs 205time clauses conjunctions 174 tenses in 238

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apparent 42apparently 156appeal 62appear 2, 42, 46, 62, 124,

132, 140, 164, 190, 192, 228

apply 62applying 138appoint 44appreciate 46, 154, 222approve 60approve of 60, 188argue 66, 194argue about / for / with 184argument 76arise 202arms trade 86, 90army 80arrange 46, 62, 68arrest 228arts festival 86as 144, 146, 158, 174, 198as a consequence 174as a result 174as a rule 150as if 170as it were 170as long as 174as many 146as much 146as soon as 6, 20, 174as though 170as to 68, 76, 172as well 174ashamed 132, 140, 144, 186aside 182ask 44, 46, 56, 58, 62, 66,

68, 72, 78, 130, 228ask about / for / of 184ask of 184asleep 132aspire to 56associate with 56association 80assume 50, 56, 66, 124, 222assuming (that) 174assure 66astonish 192astonished 140astonishingly 156astounded 78at no time 152at that time 174at the same time 174athletics 84atmosphere 90atomic 132attempt 46, 186attract 2, 222attribute to 56audience 80

autumn 94avail of 120available 132average 136avoid 46, 228awake 132, 202award 44, 58aware 42, 132, 140, 144away 198awful 134, 140awkward 140

baby’s bedroom 86back 198bad 140bald 42ban 186barely 96, 200base on 56be 42, 128, 130, 132 140,

164, 202, 205be able to 30, 130, 207, 224be about to 24, 26be afraid 124be allowed to 30, 207be bound to 26be certain 124be due to 26be going to 18, 20, 166, 223be likely 34be on the brink of 26be on the point of 26be on the verge of 26be supposed to 28, 190, 226be sure to 26, 124be to 24beach 90bear 202beat 202beautiful 132because 118, 160, 174, 206because of 160become 42, 132, 140, 164,

202before 20, 96, 118, 158 174,

200before that 174beg 2, 78begin 46, 56, 60, 130, 228,

202behave 120believe 2, 30, 46, 50, 56 62,

64, 66, 124, 194, 222, 228belong 12, 166belong to 222belongings 84below 176bend 56, 202beneath 176besides 118, 174, 182bet 202between 178

alarmed / alarming 237alert 144alike 132, 144alive 132all 110, 206all (of) 82, 102, 233, 234all of a sudden 4all over 176all the same 174allegation 76allege 50, 62alleged 138allegedly 142allocated 138allow 46, 58, 62, 228almost 102, 134, 150, 154alone 132, 144, 154along 176, 198also 174alternative 194alternatively 174although 118, 164, 174altogether 154always 4, 36, 150amaze 192amazed 78, 140amazed / amazing 237amazing 140ambition 186among 178among other things 178among others 178amongst 178amount of 100amused 78and 112, 174, 206angry 76, 134, 140announce 44, 50, 58, 66announcement 76annoy 192annoyed 76, 140annoying 140annually 152another 122answer 56, 66, 76answer back 188anticipate 46, 222anxious 78any 96, 186, 232–33any 82any (of) 82, 233anybody 98, 233anyone 96, 98, 190, 233anything 96, 98, 233anyway 174anywhere 98apart 182apart from 182apologetic 76apologise 2appalling 78

Index of lexical itemsa / an 88, 90, 92, 94, 146,

190, 205, 206a bit 134a bit of 104a few (of) 235a little (of) 235a lot (of) 82, 100, 234a number of 82, 110a / the majority of 82ability 186able 140about 184above 176above all 174absent from 120absolute 132absolutely 134abusive 76academic 136accept 124, 194accident 194acclimatise 120according to 156account for 188ache 222acknowledge 2, 66acknowledgement 76across 176act on 188active 144adamant 76adapt 60, 120adapted 42address book 86adhere to 56adjust 60admiration 186admire 154admit 2, 58, 60, 62, 66, 124,

194, 228adult 136advertise 62advice 76advisable 78advise 2, 46, 62, 66, 68 72,

78, 130, 172affected 138afford 130afraid 130, 132, 140 144after 6, 20, 118, 158 174, 206after all 174after that 174afternoon 94afterwards 174agitatedly 142agree 2, 26, 46, 50, 62 66,

72, 124, 130, 222, 228agree about / on / with 184agreed 76aim 26, 46, 186, 228alarmed 140

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company director 92complain 66complete 132, 144completely 134, 150complex 144complimentary 76computer 90computer keyboard 86concentrate 60concern 38, 186, 192concern with 120concerned 78, 132, 140, 172conclude 2, 68conclusion 76confess 2, 60, 66confide 66confidence 102confident 140conflict 172confusion 172congratulate 2congratulations 84consent 62consequently 174consider 2, 8, 46, 50, 56, 62,

66, 68, 172, 194, 222, 228consist of 2, 222constantly 4constitute 222contain 222content 132continually 4continue 46, 228conversation 90convince 66convinced 42cook 56, 58cost 2, 58, 186, 192, 202, 222could 30, 34, 74, 128, 204,

207, 224, 225, 239council 80count 60, 62count out 188country(side) 90cover up 188cowardly 142cow’s milk 86crazy 140creased 144creep 202crew 80criteria 84critical 76, 136crop up 188crowd 80crucial 78culminate in / with 56cup of tea 86curious 140curiously 150customs officer 86cut 202cut back on 188cut out 188

daily 152dance 56dare 60, 204, 207dark 144data 84dawn 94dawn on 192day 102deaf 42deal 202debate 68, 172decide 30, 50, 62, 68decision 76, 186declare 2, 44, 56, 66decline 228decrease 56deep 134deep(ly) 142definitely 156delay 228delighted 130demand 66, 72, 78, 228democratic 132demonstrate 44, 50, 58deny 2, 46, 58, 62, 66 96,

194, 228department 80depend 60, 62depend on 172describe 44, 46, 58description 186deserve 130deservedly 142desire 186, 222despite 164deter 60determination 186determine 68determined 130determinedly 142detest 60, 228detract from 56develop 150diabetes 84differ 150differ from 222differentiate between 56difficult 42, 140dig 202digital 132dignified 142diplomatic 136direct 78, 144direct(ly) 142disagree 66disagreement 172disappointed 78, 140disappointedly 142disapprove of 44, 60discourage 60discover 50, 68, 228discuss 68, 172discussion 76, 172, 186dislike 12, 46, 60, 194, 228

care 150care about / for 184careful 140, 144careless 144carelessly 156carry out 44cast 202cast back 44catch 46, 58, 202, 229catch out 188cause 62, 228caused 138cautious 144cease 228certain 76, 140, 144certainly 156chance 102, 130, 186 194change 56cheap 144cheap(ly) 142check 66, 68check into 188chemical 132chicken drumsticks 86choice 194choose 58, 68, 130, 172, 202chosen 138civil 136claim 50, 76class 80clean 136clean up 188clear 140, 144clear away 188clearly 148, 150, 156clear(ly) 142clever 134climate 90climb 46cling 227close 56, 60clothes 84clothes shop 86club 80coal mine 86coffee 90coincidence 194cold 144collect 58college 80come 42, 46, 152, 198, 202,

208, 228come about 192come across 110come in for 188come to 188come up against 44, 188command 62, 72, 78, 228comment 76commission 80committee 80common 134, 136community 80company 80

big 134bind 202biologically 156birds’ nests 86bite 202bleed 202blind 42blow 202book 58bored 144bored / boring 237boring 144both 110both (of) 233bother 38boy’s arm 86brave 140bravely 156break 56, 202break in 188break-out 86brick-built 138briefly 148bring 46, 58, 202bring about 188broadcast 202broken 138brother-in-law 86brush up on 44build 58, 202building materials industry

86burn 56, 202burst 202busy 134, 140busy with 120but 174, 182, 206but for 166, 182buy 58, 202by 94, 118, 180by air 94by bus 94by car 94by contrast 174by email 94by phone 94by plane 94by post 94by sea 94by taxi 94by the time 6, 20by train 94

calculate 50, 68calculated 132call 44call back 44, 188call on 72, 188call up 44campaign 62can 30, 74, 128, 207, 224, 225can’t bear 46, 194can’t stand 194, 229capable 132

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dismissive 76dive 202do 126, 128, 192, 200, 202,

205, 227, 237do out of 188do so 126domestic 134don’t have to 38, 226doubt 2, 124, 166, 172, 222doubtful 76, 140down 198downstairs 148draw 202dread 228dreadfully 134dream 202dress 120drink 56, 202drink up 188drive 56, 202drop 56duck’s eggs 86due to 160during 180dwell 202

each 82, 102, 110, 122, 205, 234

each of 82each (of) 233each other 236eager 144earlier 174earnings 84easy 140easy-going 138eat 56, 202economic 132economics 84effect 186either 122, 233either ... or 82either of 82elderly 142electorate 80electric 136emerge 192emphasise 194empty 136enable 62, 228encourage 50, 62, 72, 228encouragement 76end 60end up 42enemy 80enjoy 46, 154, 166, 194, 228enormously 150, 154enough 146entire 102, 132entirely 134, 150, 160entitle 62, 228environment 90environmental 132, 134environmentally 156

envisage 228envy 58equal 144equate with 56especially 154essential 78, 134establish 50, 68estimate 50even 154even if 164, 170even so 174even though 164, 174evening 94every 82, 102, 186, 234every few (months) 102every now and again 102every other (kilometre) 102every single (day) 102every so often 102, 150everybody 82everyone 82everything 82exact 144excellent 134except 182except for 182excepted 182excited / exciting 237excitedly 142exclusively 134expect 2, 8, 26, 46 50, 54,

64, 66, 72 124, 130, 222explain 44, 50, 66, 68explanation 76extremely 134, 154

face 46fail 56, 62, 96, 130, 228failure 186fair 144fairly 134fall 202, 228fall through 188false 136familiarise with 120family 80far-reaching 138fashion 142fast 134fast-growing 138favourite 144fear 38, 90, 186federation 80feed 202feel 2, 30, 44, 46, 50, 60

64, 66, 132, 140, 164 194, 202, 222, 228

feel like 228fetch 58few 104, 146few (of) 235fewer 104fight 202fill in 110

finally 148financially 150, 156find 2, 46, 50, 56, 58, 66,

194, 202, 222 228find out 46, 68fine 132fine(ly) 142finish 56, 60, 228first 122, 150, 152fit 2, 202fix 58flat(ly) 142flee 202flick through 188fling 202fly 152, 198, 202focus 60follow 192fond 186fondness 186foolish 140foolishly 156for 12, 14, 174, 184for one thing 174for (reasons) 160forbid 2, 96, 202force 62, 227, 228forecast 76, 202foreign 136forever 4forget 46, 60, 62, 68, 130,

202forgive 58, 202formal 144forwards 148found 138frankly 150, 156free 140free(ly) 142freeze 202frequent 144friendly 134, 142frighten 192frightened 132frightened / frightening

237from my / his / herperspective 156from time to time 150fully 134fun 144furious 140furniture 96furthermore 174future 90

gather 124gather up 188general 132generally 156generation 80generously 156genuine 136get 42, 58, 132, 202, 227

get down 44, 188get up 188girls’ school 86give 44, 58, 202glad 132, 140glasses case 86go 42, 146, 152, 198, 202,

228go bad 42go bust 42go dead 42go missing 42go mouldy 42go off 42go on 62go over 188go rotten 42go through with 188go up 150go wrong 42goat’s cheese 86good 140, 194good and 136good-looking 138goods 84government 80grab 228grammar 90grateful 76greatly 150ground 90group 80grow 42, 202grow up 188grumble 66guarantee 2, 26, 58, 72 76,

194guess 68, 124guess so / not 124guilty 136, 140gymnastics 84

habit 186had better 40, 207, 224hair 90hair-raising 138hand 44, 58hang 152, 202hanger-on 86happen 168, 192, 228happily 142happy 134, 140hard 140hardly 38, 96, 150, 158,

200, 225hardly ever 150, 152hate 46, 60, 130, 194 222,

228have 2, 60, 62, 114, 128,

202, 205, 222have got 128have got to 36, 207, 224,

225–26have to 36, 38, 74, 225–26

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hear 30, 44, 46, 60, 124 202, 222, 228

hear out 188help 44, 60, 192, 228help on with 188help out 188hence 174her 122here 82here comes 198herself 120, 236hesitate 228hide 120, 202high(ly) 142himself 120, 236hit 192, 202, 228hold 56, 202hold out 188hold over 44holiday 180home-made 138honestly 150, 156hope 8, 10, 26, 46, 50 54,

62, 72, 102, 124 130, 194, 222, 228

horizon 90hourly 152how 52, 68, 82, 146 196,

209however 174, 208huge 134hugely 134human 136human race 90hurriedly 142hurt 192, 202

I bet 18I expect 18I gather 4I hear 4I hope 18I imagine 18I reckon 18I see 4I think 18I understand 4I wonder 18idea 130, 186ideal 144identified 138ideologically 156if 20, 64, 166, 172, 174, 200,

206if not 172if only 170if so 174ill 42, 132illness 180I’m sure 18imaginable 132imagine 2, 46, 60, 68 124,

170, 222, 228immensely 134

imperative 78importance 90important 78, 134impossible 96, 134, 140improvement 186in 118, 180, 198in addition 174in amazement 142in any case 174in case 20in consequence 174in contrast 174in my / his / her opinion 156in order that 162in order to 162in spite of 164in such a way that 162in that 160, 174inability 186inappropriate 78inasmuch as 160incline to / towards 56inclined 140included 138income tax 86inconceivable 78increase 56indicate 66indication 76indifferent 172individual 136industrially 156infected 42inflict on 56influence 186inform 50, 66, 68innocent 136insist 60, 78insistent 76insofar as 174instead 174institute 80instruct 46, 68, 72, 78instruction 76insulting 76intake 86intend 8, 26, 50, 64 72, 78,

130intensely 134intention 186interested 42, 138interested / interesting 237interesting 140interestingly 156Internet 90interview 186introduce 44, 58invaluable 134invitation 76invite 62, 72, 228involved 132iron 90irrelevant 42issue 76

it 50, 140, 192, 194it says here 4itself 236

joke 66journalist 92judge 56jury 80just 154just(ly) 142

keep 42, 46, 60, 202keep on 62kind 140kindly 142, 156kneel 202knit 202know 2, 12, 50, 60, 68 124,

166, 202, 222know about / of 184

lack 186lamb chops 86largely 134, 154, 160last 150late 136late(ly) 142later 174lay 202lead 202lean 202leap 202learn 68, 202learn about / of 184least 144leave 58, 194, 208, 202leave out 188lend 44, 58, 207, 202less 104, 144, 146less (of) 235let 60, 202let go 60let in 44let in on 188let out 44lie 152, 202light 202like 2, 46, 60, 130, 154 166,

194, 202, 228likelihood 186likewise 174linguistics 84lion’s den 86little 104, 146, 200little (of) 235little ones 122live 152live up to 188lively 142logically 156London-based 138lone 132lonely 142long 62, 72long-lasting 138

longest-serving 138look 2, 42, 164, 222look after 110, 188look down on 188look forward 60look forward to 154look out 188look to 26look up 188look up to 188looker-on 86lose 202lots of 100, 234loud(ly) 142love 2, 46, 60, 130, 194, 228loved ones 122lovely 140, 142lovely and 136low 134luckily 156lucky ones 122

mad 140made-up 138mainly 134, 154, 160majority of 82make 44, 58, 60, 140, 202make up 188manage 62, 228manner 142many 100, 110, 146many (of) 233, 234march 152mathematics 84matter 228maximum 132may 34, 74, 128, 207, 225me 208meal 180mean 8, 26, 46, 130 140,

192, 202, 222, 228means 84meanwhile 174measles 84measure 2, 222media 84medical 132medically 156meet 202mend 58mention 44, 50, 58, 66 194mere 132mess up 188midday 94midnight 94might 34, 128, 204, 207,

225, 239mind 46, 228mine 208minimum 132miserable 140miss 228mistake for 56mobile 136

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modern 144money-making 138month 102monthly 152morally 156more 144more and more 136more wrong 144moreover 174morning 94most 110, 144mostly 154most(ly) 142move 56, 120move off 188mow 202much 100, 146, 154much (of) 233, 234must 36, 40, 74, 128, 207mustn’t 36, 38, 74, 226my 122, 206myself 120, 236

name 2, 44namely 112naturally 150, 156nearby 150nearly 102, 134, 150need 38, 46, 130, 194, 207,

224, 228needn’t 38, 226neither 122, 200neither do I 200, 237neither / nor 82neither of 82, 110neither (of) 233nerve-wracking 138nervous 140never 36, 38, 54, 96, 98,

150, 200, 225nevertheless 174news 84next 150, 152nice 140nice and 136night 102no 54, 98, 182, 186, 200, 233no amount of 98no bother 98no chance 98no comment 98no idea 98no longer 194no one 38, 98no problem 98no sooner 158no sooner than 200no way 98no wonder 98nobody 38, 54, 98, 182no(body) 190nominate 44none (of) 82, 98, 110, 233noon 94

nor 200nor do I 200normally 36northern 132not 200not a single 98not any 98, 186not certain 76not many 104not much 104not once 152not one 98nothing 54, 182notice 46, 60, 66, 68 194,

222, 228notify 66now 152nowhere 54, 98number of 82, 100

object 60obligatory 78observation 76observe 44, 46, 60, 228obvious 42obviously 156occasional 132occupy ... with 120odd 136, 140oddly 150of 144, 184off 198offer 44, 58, 62, 72, 228office-worker 86often 150old 136on 118, 184on condition that 174on many occasions 150on the contrary 174on the other hand 174once 6once a week 152one 88, 122one another 88, 236one of 82ones 122oneself 120only 38, 154, 200, 225only later 152open 56, 60opportunity 130, 186opposite 132opposition 80option 186or 112, 174orchestra 80order 2, 46, 58, 62, 72, 76,

78, 228order about 188original 136otherwise 174ought to 40, 128, 204, 207,

224, 226

ourselves 236out 198outcome 86outskirts 84outwardly 156over 176, 180overheads 84overhear 60, 228owe 58, 194owing to 160own 2, 222own up 60

panic 38park 56part 110particular 136particularly 154particulars 84partly 160pass 58passer-by 86past 90pause 56pay 58, 192, 202, 228peace-keeping 138peculiar 144pen top 86people 48, 84per cent 84perfect 134, 144perfectly 134permission 186permit 2, 58personally 156persuade 50, 62, 66, 72, 228phenomena 84phone 56phonetics 84physically 156physics 84pick up 188plainly 150plan 8, 10, 26, 50, 62 64,

68, 186, 228plans 130play 56, 58pleased 140, 144pleased / pleasing 237pleasure 90plenty of 82, 100point 194point out 58, 66pointedly 142police 84politically 156politics 84popular 134population 80positive 140possess 222possibility 186possible 132post 58

pour 58practically 134predict 2, 194prefer 2, 46, 78, 130 154,

194, 222, 228pregnant 42premises 84prepare 120, 228prepared 140present 90press 80presumably 150, 156presume 66, 124pretend 62pretty 134prevail 62prevent 60, 96previously 174pride 186pride on 120primarily 134private 136probability 186probably 156problem 76, 186professional 136prohibit 60, 96promise 2, 26, 66, 72 76,

124, 130pronounce 56proper 132property 90proposal 186propose 26, 44, 50, 64 66,

72, 78prospect 186proud 186prove 42, 56, 58, 164, 202provide for 188provided 20, 138provided that 174public 80, 136publications department

86pull 228pull to 188push to 188push-up 86put 203put down as 188put out 44put up to 188put up with 188

quarterly 152question 76, 172, 194quickly 142, 148quick(ly) 142quiet 134quietly 148quit 203quite 150, 238

rabies 84rarely 36, 96, 150, 152, 200

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rather 134, 150, 170read 44, 56, 58, 203read-out 86ready 140ready-made 138real 144realise 2, 68, 222really 134, 154reason 102, 108, 186, 194reasonably 134reassure 50, 66recall 46, 60, 62, 228recent 144reckon 54recognised 42recommend 50, 66, 72, 78recommendation 76refusal 76, 186refuse 2, 46, 58, 62, 72 96,

130, 228regard 194regard as / with 56region to region 94regret 2, 62, 154, 222, 228regularly 150reluctance 186reluctant 96rely 60, 62remain 42remaining 138remember 30, 46, 60, 62

68, 166, 194, 228remind 2, 50, 62, 66, 68, 72remind of 56repair 58repeatedly 142reply 66, 76report 44, 46, 50, 56, 58

66, 228reportedly 142reputedly 142request 2, 72, 78require 46, 66, 78resemble 222resent 46, 60, 194, 228resolve 26resort 60responsible 132result from 188resulting 138reveal 50rich 134riches 84ride 203right 144right across 176rightly 156ring 203rip 56rise 203risk 186, 228roll 152rough 144run 152, 203

run into 188runner-up 86

sad 140sadly 156satisfaction 186satisfied 186save 58savings 84savings account 86saw 203say 50, 54, 58, 62, 66 68,

72, 124, 203, 229scarcely 96, 150, 158 200scare 192school 80scientific 136scornful 76sea 90seaside 90secret 194see 30, 44, 50, 60, 68 194,

203, 222, 228seeing as 160seeing that 160seek 203seem 42, 46, 62, 124 132,

164, 190, 192, 222seen 140seldom 96, 150, 152, 200self 120sell 58, 203, 228selves 120send 44, 46, 58, 203sense 186seriously 150, 156set 203sew 203shake 203shall 40, 74, 128, 207shall / shan’t 26shame 186shampoo 90shave 120she 208shear 203shed 203sheer 132shine 203shock 192, 228shocked 78, 140shoot 203shoot down 188shop around 188short-term 138short(ly) 142should 40, 74, 128, 198,

207, 224, 226show 46, 50, 58, 62, 66

68, 228shrink 203shut 56, 203shut up 188sign 186

similar 132similarly 174simple 140simply 134, 154since 6, 12, 14, 118, 174since (because) 160, 174sing 56, 58, 203sink 203sit 152, 203sky 90sleep 207, 203sleeping 132slide 203slightly 134, 150sling 203slowly 148slow(ly) 142small-scale 138smell 30, 203, 222smoke 56so 146, 174, 200so as to 162so do I 200, 237so far 180so long as 174so that 162, 174soft 144soft-spoken 138solely 154some 96, 110, 122, 206, 232some 82some (of) 82, 233somebody 48, 96, 233someone 48, 96, 233something 48, 96, 190, 233sometimes 36, 148somewhat 154soon 174sooner 158, 170, 200sorry 132, 140sort out 188sound 2, 42, 90, 164, 222sour-tasting 138sow 203speak 60, 203special 144specialise in 56specifically 154speculate 66, 68speculation 76, 172speed 203spell 203spend 203spill 203spin 203spit 203splash out 188split 203split up 188spoil 203spot 229spread 203spring 94, 203

staff 84stairs 84stand 152, 203stand up 188start 46, 56, 60, 62, 130,

228–29state-of-the-art 86statement 76statistics 84stay 42, 180steal 203stick 203sting 203stink 203stipulate 78stolen 138stop 60, 228–29straight 136strange-sounding 138strike 192, 203strive 203strong 134study 56stupid 140stupidly 156subdued 142subsequently 174such 200such that 162suddenly 4, 142suffer 150sufficiently 146suggest 2, 44, 50, 54, 58,

66, 72, 78, 124, 228suggestion 76, 130suitable 132summer 94sun 90superb 134suppose 20, 50, 54, 64,

124, 170supposed to 28, 190, 226supposedly 142supposing 20, 170, 174sure 76, 132, 140surprise 192, 194surprised 78surprised / surprising 237surprisingly 156surroundings 84suspect 124suspicious 42swear 72, 203sweep 203sweet-smelling 138swell 203swim 152, 207, 203swing 203sympathetic 76sympathy 102

tactful 76take 58, 192, 194, 203, 207take after 44, 188

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take against 188take on 110take over 188take up on 188taken 138talk 60talk about / of / on / with

68, 172, 184talk down to 44talk out of 188taste 30, 192, 222tea cup 86tea leaf 86teach 44, 46, 58, 62, 66, 68,

203, 228team 80tear 203tear away from 120technical 136technically 156tell 44, 46, 50, 58, 60, 62,

66, 68, 72, 124, 203, 228–29

tell apart 188tend 46, 190terrible 134, 140terrific 140than 198thank 2thanks 84that 106, 110, 122, 138, 196,

208, 229that is 112the 92, 94, 122, 144, 205,

206the affluent 122the disadvantaged 122the elderly 122the homeless 122the low-paid 122the main 122the majority of 82the minute / second /

moment 6the number of 82the only 122the poor 122the position of 92the post of 92the privileged 122the rich 122the role of 92the slightest 186the sole 186the way 68the wealthy 122the whole of 180the young 122their 206themselves 120, 236then 152, 174there 50, 82, 190there goes 198there is 190

therefore 174these 122, 229they 48they say 4think 2, 8, 10, 50, 54, 56,

62, 64, 66, 68, 124, 194, 203, 222

think about 8, 68, 172think of 8, 10, 60thin(ly) 142this 92, 122, 206, 229this morning / week /

month 6those 122, 138though 164, 174thoughtful 140threat 76threaten 62, 72through 118, 176, 180throughout 176, 180throw 44, 58, 203, 228throw away 188thrust 203thus 174tidy up 188till 180tired 140tired / tiring 237title 44to 130to date 180to my / his / her knowledge

156today 6tomorrow 150too 146, 154, 174total 132totally 134touch 228town 90transpire 192travel industry 90tread 203treatment 180tree-lined 138tremendous 134tremendously 154trouble about / with 120true 136, 144try 130, 228try out 188turn 42turn in 188turn out 42, 192

unable 96, 140unaware 140unbelievably 156uncertain 76, 140, 172uncertainty 172uncomfortable 140undecided 172under 176underlying 132

underneath 176understand 2, 12, 30, 46

50, 66, 68, 124, 166 194, 203, 222

undertake 26undoubtedly 156undress 120unexpectedly 142unhappy 42, 140unique 134, 144university 80unknown 134unless 20, 172, 174unlikely 96unnecessary 78unprofessional 140unreasonable 140unsure 132, 140, 172unsure,not sure 76until 6, 20, 158, 174, 180,

200until now 180unwell 132unwillingness 186up 198up till 180up to 180up-to-date 86upset 78, 140, 192upstairs 148urge 72, 78urgent 78use 194use up 188used to 32, 74, 190, 207,

224, 225usually 148utter 132utterly 134

vary 56, 150very 134, 154very much 154view 194violently 148virtually 102, 134, 154visit 180visually 156vital 78volunteer 62, 72vote 44vow 72

wait 62, 228wake 56, 203walk 152want 8, 10, 26, 46, 64 72,

130, 228, 229warn 2, 50, 62, 66, 68 72,

78, 228, 229warning 76, 78wash 56, 120wash up 56, 188watch 60, 229

wave 56way 142, 186we 48weak 134wear 203weave 203week 102weekly 152weep 203weigh 2, 222welcome 140well 132well-behaved 138well-resourced 138were 170wet 203what 52, 64, 68, 76 108,

227what if 20what with 118whatever 108what’s more 174, 208when 6, 20, 54, 68, 108, 158,

174, 196, 200, 208whenever 118, 174where 64, 68, 82, 108, 196,

208whereabouts 84whereas 164, 174whereby 108whether 64, 68, 76, 172which 52, 64, 68, 106, 110,

122, 196, 208, 209, 227whichever 108while 20, 118, 158, 164, 174,

206whilst 164who 52, 64, 68, 106, 108,

196, 208, 209, 227whoever 108whole 102, 134whom 52, 106, 110, 209whose 52, 108, 209, 227why 68, 108, 196, 209wide(ly) 142wild 136will 18, 20, 26, 32, 128, 207,

225willing 140willingness 186win 56, 203wind 203wind up 188winter 94, 102wisely 156wish 170, 228with 118, 184with confusion 142without 96, 118woman’s face 86women’s clinic 86wonder 4, 8, 68wonderful 134, 140world 90

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worn 144worried 42, 140, 144worried / worrying 237worriedly 142worry 38, 192would 32, 74, 128, 207, 224,

225, 239would like 130would rather 170would sooner 170wring 203write 56, 58, 203wrong 144wrongly 156

yesterday 152yet 174you 48young 134your 122, 206yours 208yourself 120, 236yourselves 236