indefinite pronouns

INDEFINITE PRONOUNS Definition, Usage and Differentiation

Upload: caroline-ignacio

Post on 13-May-2015




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Page 1: Indefinite pronouns


Definition, Usage and Differentiation

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Staying Healthy

Everybody wants to stay healthy. Nowadays , it is costly to get sick. Anyone sick spends a lot of money on medicines and hospitalization. He also spends time and effort when he gets sick. There are many things we can do to keep our body healthy and avoid getting sick.

All people have to take a balanced diet. Nobody needs the same amount of sleep depending on age and health.

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We should avoid harmful substances such as prohibited drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, coffee or carbonated drinks. Somebody who drinks should only take drugs prescribed by a doctor.

A.Check the number that corresponds to staying healthy and cross if it does not.

1. Sleeping 3 hours at night.

2. Exercising regularly.

3. Taking medicines even without prescriptions.

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4. Playing under the sun all day long.

5. Drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day.

B. Read the part of the selection which uses the ff. pronouns:

1. Everybody

2. Nobody

3. Anyone

4. Somebody

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Pronouns replace the names of persons, places or things. The words such as everybody, somebody, anybody and nobody are pronouns, yet they do not name particular person, place or object. Hence, they are called indefinite pronouns.

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The indefinite pronouns may function as:

a. Subject

ex. Anyone is invited

b. Direct Object

ex. The law exempts no one.

c. Object of the Preposition

ex. They are welcomed by somebody from the Group A.

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Read and analyze how indefinite pronouns are used in this selection. List them down one by one in your activity sheet.

A Sultan held a banquet for all his hardworking shepherds. Everybody was present in the palace. Everybody was very happy eating and drinking everything that the Sultan’s cook prepared.

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Suddenly, the princess found out that her gold necklace was missing. The Sultan asked everybody to give back the necklace but no one did. Everybody was a suspect, so the Sultan ordered a body search to each one who will pass by the gate as they leave the palace. Everyone was searched but nothing was found.

Both the Sultan and the princess were saddened by the incident. From then on, the Sultan decided not to let anyone step into the palace again.

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Underline the indefinite pronoun used in each of the ff. sentences. Write S before each number if it is used as Subject; DO if as a Direct Object; and OP if Object of the Preposition.

____1. They consider each as friend.

____ 2. Anyone who did not do assignment was punished.

____ 3. It is a painting admired by most people.

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____ 4. It is the decision agreed by the majority.

____ 5. Many came back frustrated of the event held.

____ 6. Nobody admitted the crime investigated yesterday.

____ 7. These are the guidelines that must be followed by many.

____ 8. Several of the fans gathered in front of the stage for autograph signing.

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____ 9. The teacher pointed someone in red dress.

____ 10. Few of the victims were found undressed.


Copy a short article from any reading material which uses no less than 10 indefinite pronouns. Identify how each of them is used.