ind eng-209-ppt


Upload: riverside-school

Post on 13-Jul-2015




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We feel that most of the people are using polluted water only in our local area. So we decided to create an awareness for this. People face many dangerous diseases by this pond and pollution could be rooted out to some extend only.


• We had many ideas in our mind and we find pollution needs a solution is our best idea. We first selected a pond which was already polluted and also used by the people. Then we decided to have posters near that area to create awareness regarding the water pollution near that pond.

DO. We selected a day and went there.

We met many persons and moved on from house to house and asked few questions on their usage of that pond. Then we gave them few suggestions to follow some of the suggestions are :

DO. Not to wash cloths or clean animals

in the pond but to take the water and use it in a separate place so that it won’t be polluted.

Not to throw rubbish or any wastages in the pond. We asked most of the villagers to co–operate with us .if this could be followed for a week, they could understand the change that we have created and they will also follow it in future.

DO. We cleaned the pond and the

surroundings. We, the group stepped into the water and removed the dust particles like polythene covers, waste materials etc. our teachers also helped us.

DO. On the day, when we received the

topic we felt some what hesitating to take over this assignment. But when we achieved (received) some recognition from the public, afterwards, we felt happy and satisfied that we had done something useful to the society.