incuba presentation


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Post on 22-Jul-2015




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§  Who are we?!§  What are we doing?!§  Where are we?!§  Why are we doing this?!

§  Market Overview!§  Challenges!§  Opportunities!§  Business Protocol!§  Down to business!

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THOREO© | Strategic Solutions!

THOREO© Intermediates successful & sustainable business Partnerships between Denmark & Brazil.!


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Who Are we ?!


People  Factor  




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What are we doing?!


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How do we hold your hand?! !•  Market Entry Strategy & Operational Advisory!ü  Market Assessment, Positioning & Negotiation!ü  Project Management !ü  Legal & Financial Services!

•  Local Intermediate Representation!ü  Matchmaking & Joint Venture!ü  Agency !ü  Consignment & Distributor! !•  Export Promoters, Alliance & Network Creators!ü  Organizing & Participating in Events!ü  Link between Associations, Investors, companies!

! ! ! !... And we will eventually take you out for a drink!!

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Finding the key challenges and focus areas for decision-making!

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Collaboration - Boost your Export!


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Where are we doing this? !!Headquarters!Incuba Science Park!Helsinforsgade, 25!8210 – Aarhus !Denmark!

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THOREO© Denmark | A part of:!

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Where are we doing this? !

!!Thoreo !Rua Senador Dantas, 75!1701 - 1707!Rio de Janeiro – RJ!Brazil!


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THOREO© Brazil | in cooperation:

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We are going together with:!

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Why are we doing this?!!

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Why are we doing this?!


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Break  –  4:35  –  4:55pm  

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Stig Åvall Severinsen!

q Who Am I?!


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The Market – Latin America!

§  Population: 556 millions inhabitants!§  Total Trade 2011 – $ 2,1 trillion!§  Inflation rate - 5.5%!§  International reserves account 16% of GDP!§  Free Trade Agreements: Mercosur, Andean Community, SICA.!§  Unemployment rate 6.7% in 2011, expected to continue falling.!§  GDP growth expected to increase - 4% in 2013.!


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Market Overview - Brazil!

§  Population: 200 million Inhabitants!§  GDP $2.453 trillion (2011)!§  GDP per sector:!

§  agriculture: 5.5%!§  industry: 27.5%!§  services: 67% (2011 est.)!

§  Unemployment: 6%!§  Inflation: 6.6%!§  urban population: 87% of total population!!!

HIGHLIGHTS:!§ 45 million people have moved into the middle class on the past three years!

§ Brazil overtook the UK and is now the 6th largest world economy!

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A Market for Innovation & Technology!

§  200 inhabitants 40% regularly connected to the internet!§  Online spending $13 billion!§  Second, Facebook users after the US!§  The fifth largest ICT market $212 billion in 2011 !§  The third largest market for PCs!§  The fifth largest market for mobile phones!


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A Market for Innovation & Technology!

The 10th Most Innovative Companies in Brazil:!!§  Bug Agentes Biologicos (Top 50- rank 33)!§  Boo-box (Top 50 – rank 45)!§  Grupo EBX!§  Stefanini!§  Embraer!§  Petrobras!§  Predicta!§  F*Hits!§  Apontador!§  Vostu!

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A  Market  for  InnovaUon  &  Technology  


§  Peixe  Urbano    (Groupon)  §  Orkut    (Facebook)  §  ChefsClub  (Danish  -­‐Brazilian)  §  LikeStore  §  SambaTech  §  BuscaPe  §  OQVesUr  §  Shoes4You  §  ViajesNet  


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Agribusiness  Energy  Marine  engineering  Medical  Mobile  MarkeUng  Oil  &  Gas  ConstrucUon  


§  Agribusiness  §  ConstrucUon  §  Energy  § Marine  engineering  § Medical  § Mobile  MarkeUng  §  Oil  &  Gas  

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§  For my friends, everything, for my enemies, the law. ! (networking, networking, more networking & Family)!!§  Jeitinho brasileiro (“Brazilian way”)!

§  An important cultural trait of the Brazilian culture is flexibility, which is best expressed by the Brazilian ʻjeitinhoʼ . There is an ʻintermediary pathʼ between what is and what is not allowed. !


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Managerial Performance!

§  Brazilian managerial performance is characterized by an immediatist view, directed towards short-term results with an emphasis on crisis solutions!

§  There is a lack of strategic planning and/or a gap in planning between the tactical and the operational management levels.!


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Decision Making!

§  Decisions are centralized at superior hierarchical levels, with clear incompatibility between knowledge and authority!

§  Organizational structure is excessively hierarchical, and the inner subsystems are excessively segmented, without integration.!

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The system of control!

§  The system of control is partly marked as punitive, composed of follow up mechanisms that are random and dissociated from a feedback process.!

§  Negotiations are carried out predominantly in an atmosphere in which winners lose and losers win and the main conflicts are not openly discussed. Attitudes tend to be imposed upon subordinates, and comforting behaviors are employed before superiors.!

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Personal relationships!

§  Brazilians organizations perceive the weakness of legal system as a barrier to iron out conflicts, as a result they are more dependent on personal relationships.!

§  Formalism is understood as the social tendency to provoke discrepancy between the formal and the real, between what is said and what is actually done. This generates a multilayer social reality, in which one needs to be SKILLED in figuring out what is factual, and what is appearance, or what is done only “for the English to see”.!

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B2B Behavior!

§  Be prepared to commit long term resources (both in time and money) toward establishing strong relationships in Brazil. !

§  Business meetings seldom start on time.!§  Never start into business discussions before your host does. Business

meetings normally begin with casual 'chattingʻ.!§  Noon is the normal time for the main meal. Brazilians have light meals at

night.!§  Expect to be served small cups of very strong coffee on the meetings.!§  In Brazil, restaurant entertainment overcome in opposition to home.!§  If entertained in the home, it is polite to send flowers to the hostess the next

day, with a thank you note.!§  Giving a gift is not required at a first business meeting; instead buy lunch or

dinner.!§  Tipping is typically 10% in Brazil!

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Dos!§  Do be polite, always. Even if the situation seems informal.!

§  Do learn a bit of Portuguese before you get there.!

§  Do show affection and emotion in most occasions.!

§  Do try to be informed about different and exciting topics to catch the attention of Brazilians, we tend to lose focus very easily… (interruptions).!

§  Do accept gifts and food when offered, even if you donʼt need or want them.!

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§  Do not arrive in Brazil thinking that people will speak to you in Spanish.!§  Do not even THINK about saying that Maradonna was a better soccer

player than Pelé.!§  Do not intend to be arrogant or to say something about politics or the

country cultural behavior if you are not sure the person agrees with your opinion.!

§  Do not trust everyone that seems to be sweet and kind if you just met them, even though Brazilians are known as “warm” people, you never know when you are dealing with the wrong ones.!


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Down to Business!


Brazil is not for beginners! !!

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Ecological Conscience !

!“Today, sustainability can no longer be regarded as a competitive differential. From now on, it will be a survival issue for the companies. Consumers will not only expect the adoption of green appeal actions, they will press the companies to find sustainable solutions”.!

     Ivan Vera!