increasing self-sufficiency and decreasing

Increasing Self-Sufficiency and Decreasing Paraprofessional Dependence in Students with IEP’s Keely Swartzer-Special Education Coordinator @ MAWSECO/Delano

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Page 1: Increasing Self-Sufficiency and Decreasing

Increasing Self-Sufficiencyand

Decreasing Paraprofessional Dependencein Students with IEP’s

Keely Swartzer-Special Education Coordinator @ MAWSECO/Delano

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Who is here?

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Agenda● Review of article/research relating to over-reliance● Assessing our use of paraprofessionals within our schools● IEP teams’ responsibility in adding and removing

paraprofessional support● Training ideas for staff to decrease dependence and

increase self-sufficiency● Strategies to use directly with students to increase

self-sufficiency and independence● Case study (if time allows)

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Article jigsawA jigsaw is an activity where groups are assigned portions of a reading and asked to summarize it for the whole group.

Your team will be given an article. Please assign each member of your group a section to read. Each member will then summarize to your group what they read.

We will share out big ideas as a large group.

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Assessing our use of paraprofessionals● Form a group with others from

your building. If you are here as a solo participant, you can complete this activity on your own.

● Read the focus question, purpose and directions on the “Assessing Our Use of Paraprofessionals…” document

● Discuss each numbered item and mark the appropriate box.

● On the cluster worksheet, draw one circle around the number if your team indicated this “happens sometimes or for some.” Draw two circles around the number if your team indicated this “happens frequently/too often.”

● Then, rank the clusters from one to four where one is the greatest area of need (with the most circles.)

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Discussion● Is this information accurate

based on what we know in our building?

● Is the cluster ranked as #1 really our highest need? If not, which area is our highest need?

● What do we need to be doing to address the needs in these cluster areas?

● Be prepared to sharing your findings and your insights about next steps with the large group.


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what responsibilities does the IEP team have relating to paraprofessional support?

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What does case law say??Having a student with a 1:1 paraprofessional is MORE RESTRICTIVE than having a student in a resource room with peers. It fosters dependence and causes a lack of interaction. Thus, 1:1 services are not appropriate unless the child needs such services in order to make meaningful progress on IEP goals and objectives.

Grant v. Independent School District No. 11, 2005 WL 1539805, at *10 (D. Minn. 2005)

[Student] v. South Washington County ISD 833, OAH No. 8-1300-19141-89, MDE Case 08-001H (2007)

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What does compliance say?The paraprofessional must be informed of his/her specific responsibilities related to implementing the child’s IEP.

Remember to include frequency, location and duration of the paraprofessional’s services on the IEP.

Sample of Compliance:

Dan will receive paraprofessional support in each of his regular education classes due to his significant behavioral needs in the area of self-regulation. The paraprofessional will provide verbal behavioral redirection, visual calming cues in the form of cue cards provided by the special education teacher and sensory breaks every 45 minutes to reduce his stressful reaction when over-stimulated.

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Process for adding-if you don’t have one, you need one!● See example handout ● Pay special attention to

questions 1, 6 and 7 “Paraprofessional Work Plan Request”

● Paraprofessional supports should be reviewed AT LEAST annually with the IEP team with the goal always being to decrease or eliminate paraprofessional support and increase self-sufficiency.

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Let’s step back...The purpose of special education is “to ensure that all children with disabilities have available to them a free appropriate public education that emphasizes special education and related services designed to meet their unique needs and prepare them for further education, employment, and independent living.” IDEA 601(d)(1)

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always striving toward students becoming as independent as possible!!!

-Independence can be defined (Webster's) as “freedom from control or influence of another or others.”

Why is this so important for our students and families?

How do we do increase independence?

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Training for paras: MS125A.08(b)Before or upon employment:

● Emergency procedures● Roles and responsibilities● Confidentiality● Vulnerability● Reportability

Annual training:

● Student specific skills ● Understanding disabilities● Following lesson plans● Implementing follow up

instructional activities

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Training topics for paraprofessionals (And teachers?)-The goal of paraprofessionals

-The definitions of terms like independence, interdependence, etc.

-The importance of developing the self-sufficiency of learners

-The importance of educating students with disabilities in the least restrictive environment

-The role of the paraprofessional in developing independence in students

-Support strategies to increase independence

-Less intrusive or less audible support options in general education settings

-Strategies to facilitate relationship building between students with and without disabilities

-Adapting and accommodating tasks/providing peripheral supports

-Assistive technology

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How can we build independence?•Less intrusive supports

•Less audible supports

•Facilitating peer to peer interactions

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match support to student need

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It’s a balancing act!When do we fade prompts? When do we support more? When is it just enough? Do we let the student completely tie his own shoes and miss part of phy ed? Do we have the student complete the worksheet while others move on to the next concept?

When the balance is not there, the student may become prompt dependent or develop “learned helplessness.”

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Why Up the ante on learning?What happens when students become so dependent on directions/prompts that he or she becomes a passive learner?

Upping the ante on learning provides opportunities to:

● Build self-esteem● Motivate students to achieve● Give student a sense of purpose● Improve social acceptance● Reduce stereotypic labels● Increase the likelihood of progress

on goals and objectives● Be an active member in the school

community● Enjoy learning● Feel success● Become a lifelong learner

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Goals and expectations are keyHelps to ensure students have an understanding of the goals and expectations which should lead to self-regulation because they will tie the two together.

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Gradual release of responsibility1. Demonstration “I do, you watch.”

2. Guided Practice “I do, you help.”

3. Independent “You do, I help.”

4. Application “You do, I watch.”

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cueing (General assistance)Cueing is an action intended to encourage a student to initiate or continue a task that he or she previously executed.

A cue is a hint or a nudge in the right direction that does not provide a direct answer.

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Most Invasive Physical Gesture An adult alerts the student by touch to begin or continue task.

Least Independent

Pointing An adult provides a single point toward an object or place indicating the beginning step of a task or continuation of the task when the student hesitates.

Visual Cue The student is provided with written directions, arrows, color-coding or other visual methods beyond the materials planned initially to help the student initiate or continue the task.

Verbal Direct Cue The student is given a hint or short verbal direction that relates specifically to the task but does not provide the direct answer. (Example: “Always capitalize the first word in a sentence.”)

Least Invasive Verbal Indirect Cue The student is given oral information or a question that guides the student in the right direction but does not provide a direct answer. (Example: “What do you think you need to do next?”)

Most Independent

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prompting (Specific Assistance)Prompting is an action taken when directly assisting a student with the completion of a task.

A prompt pulls the student through each step to the end of the task and provides a direct answer.

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Most Invasive Physical Assist An adult offers a hand-to-hand manipulation of the student to actually control motor movements to complete the task.

Least Independent

Adult Modeling An adult demonstrates the task that is requested of the student.

Student Modeling Another student demonstrates the task that is requested of the student.

Visual Graphic Photographs, videotapes or drawings of the task to be completed beyond the materials planned initially are shown to the student in a sequence of images.

Gesture Assist An adult repeatedly points or gestures to indicate a place or object that is the next step of the task.

Least Invasive Verbal Direction A step-by-step narration is given to the student in order for the task to be completed.

Most Independent

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Self Sufficiency Rubric

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increase peripheral supports•Increase prominence of material (color coding; increase size)

•Provide pictorial/visual cues

•Construct and promote the use of visual supports (schedules, choice boards, reminder cards)

•Pair verbal cues with a gesture

•Prepare and monitor use of organizational tools (calendars, assignment sheets, etc)•Develop checklist to sequence the steps in a task•Develop and use adaptations to materials when needed

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more ideas!See handouts:

-Techniques to Promote Independence

-18 Ways to Step Back

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strategies to facilitate peer relationships and support● Don’t make friendships a big deal● Respect personal boundaries● Model behavior● Allow ALL students to help each

other● Look for opportunities where

students can interact● Be attentive to interests and

natural connections● Be a coach● Be proactive with ways to increase

involvement in games or activities● Promote peer modeling

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Reminders● Many of our students need to be

explicitly taught skills to increase their independence.

● Many of our students need REPEATED practice to master the skills we have taught.

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case study (if time allows)

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