increasing class participation with technology

Increasing Class Participation with Technology

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Post on 18-Aug-2015




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Increasing Class Participation with Technology

Introducing Spiral

A suite of collaborative apps that enrich learning and help teachers make the most of personal devices in the classroom

Individual Assessment of learning


Active Collaborative Assessment for learning

“At the heart of Spiral concept lies pedagogy, around which technology has been designed. This is truly transformative and will enhance teaching and learning throughout the UK and beyond.”

Ian Loynd, Assistant Headteacher, St Teilo’s High School

Participating in class is vital for a student’s development. Devoting some class time to activities where students can get involved is important, as it engages students and makes them feel like they’re part of the class.

Class participation

Class participation and technology

Technology can be used to encourage students to participate more. Using 1:1 devices drives engagement and interaction between the teacher and student.

Why class participation is important

Students can

communicate with


Teacher can gauge


Build confidence

Improve team

work skills

Students make

contributions to class

Improve communicati

on skills

Adapt teaching methods

Provide support

Building confidence

Problem: students often fear that their answers will be wrong, discouraging them from participating.

Provide feedback

Solution: provide individualized feedback for each student.

Positive feedback builds confidence

Constructive feedback provides direction for improving answers


Problem: students don’t see any benefits from participating in class; or there are no incentives.

Reward class participation

Solution: reward students every time they participate in class – regardless of whether the answer is correct or not.

Classroom management tools help you monitor behavior, including participation.

Verbal discussions

Problem: students feel uncomfortable sharing their thoughts verbally, or have difficulty articulating their thoughts.

Online discussions

Solution: students don’t need to worry about verbalising their thoughts or speaking out loud if they can respond using their personal device.



Forum discussions

Class discussions

Problem: students find participating in whole class activities daunting.

Small group projects

Solution: form small groups which students feel more comfortable sharing ideas with.

Ensure each member is contributing to a group project by using tools which facilitate collaboration; and track each user’s activity.

Fear of embarrassmentProblem: students think their

peers will judge their contributions to class - especially if it’s considered incorrect or different to other response.

Anonymize responses

Solution: ensure responses are anonymized. Learners don’t face the embarrassment of getting the answer wrong if the responses they provide are anonymous.



Increased participati


Students can


Students feel more encouraged to


Sharing and viewing responses allows students

to build on each other’s ideas

Make all contributions to class anonymous; except to the teacher

Anonymize responses

How Spiral works

EdTech tools can be used to help encourage students to participate in class.

1:1 devices facilitates communication in the classroom.


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