income tax return - gujarat high court

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Income Tax Return - Gujarat High Court


  • 7/21/2019 Income Tax Return - Gujarat High Court


    C/SCA/15075/2015 JUDGMENT








    1 Whether Reporters of Local Papers may be allowedto see the judgment ?

    2 To be referred to the Reporter or not ?

    3 Whether their Lordships wish to see the fair copy ofthe judgment ?

    Whether this case in!ol!es a substantial "uestion oflaw as to the interpretation of the #onstitution of$ndia or any order made thereunder ?




    CENTRAL BOARD OF DIRECT TAXES & 1....Respondent(s)



    for the Petitioners


    the Respondents




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    C/SCA/15075/2015 JUDGMENT

    Date : 29/09/2015



    1. Rule. Mrs. Mauna Bhatt, learned senior standing counsel

    waives service of notice of rule on behalf of the respondents.

    2. Having regard to the controversy involved in the present

    case and the urgency of the matter as discussed hereinafter,

    the court has heard the matter finally.

    3. By this petition under rticle 22! of the "onstitution of

    #ndia, the petitioners see$ the following substantive reliefs %

    [13] The petitioner, therefore, prays :-

    [a] that this Honble Court may be pleased toissue a writ of mandamus, or any other appropriate writ,

    order or diretion, diretin! that the respondent hene

    forth, ma"e any alternations in #orms and $tilities or

    han!es in ta% ompliane re&uirements, appliable from

    the '()( subse&uent to the '()( in whih suh alterations

    are introdued(

    [b] that this Honble Court may be pleased to

    issue a writ of ertiorari, or any other appropriate writ,

    order or diretion holdin! the impu!ned announement

    dated *+*+1. as bein! ille!al, inasmuh as, it promotes

    the filin! of /T0 without the mandatorily re&uired T'0(

    [] that this Honble Court may be pleased to

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    issue a writ of mandamus, or any other appropriate writ,

    order or diretion, diretin! that the respondent to

    e%tend the due date for filin! the /T0 and T'0 to


    &. 'he first petitioner is a 'rust registered under the

    provisions of the Bombay (ublic 'rusts ct, 1)*+ and has over

    1+++ members who are various professionals, being

    dvocates, "hartered ccountants and 'a (ractitioners

    engaged in the field of taation. 'he second petitioner is the

    (resident of the first petitioner -ederation and is also assessee

    who is directly interested in the subect matter of the petition.

    *. 'he controversy involved in the present case arises in the

    following bac$drop. By a notification dated +1.+*.2+13 the first

    respondent made it mandatory for the assessees, to

    electronically file the income ta returns relevant forassessment year 2+13/1& and onwards. #n relation to

    assessment year 2+1&/1*, the respondents failed to ma$e the

    utility software for filing 'R until 21st ugust, 2+1&.

    Representations were made to the "entral Board of 0irect

    'aes, which in eercise of powers under section 11) of the ct

    etended the due date for filing the 'a udit Report 'R

    under section &&B of the #ncome 'a ct, 1)!1 hereinafter

    referred to as the ct4 to 3+th5ovember, 2+1&6 however, the

    due date for filing of return of income was not etended. 'he

    petitioners, therefore, made representations to the "entral

    Board of 0irect 'aes hereinafter referred to as the Board4

    for etending the due date of filing return to 3+th 5ovember,

    2+1*, but to no avail. 'he petitioners therefore approachedthis court by way of writ petitions being 7pecial "ivil

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    pplication 5o. 12!*! of 2+1& and 12*81 of 2+1&. 'he said

    petitions came to be allowed by directing "B0' to etend the

    due date for filing the income ta return to 3+th 5ovember,


    !. #n relation to the current year, vi9., assessment year

    2+1*/1!, the 0epartment delayed notifying the #'R forms

    being #'R/1, #'R/2, #'R/2, #'R/&7 but etended the due date

    for filing the income ta returns in the case of such assessees

    to 31stugust, 2+1*. 'he on/line forms in relation to assessees

    subect to ta audit and other assessees, vi9., -orms #'R/3, #'R/

    &, #'R/*, #'R/! and #'R/8 in relation to assessment year 21+*/

    1! came to be notified on 2).8.2+1* and the forms were e/

    enabled and were available on the e/filing website of the

    0epartment only from 8thugust, 2+1*. 7ince the income ta

    returns in case of such assessees were to be filed on or before

    3+.+).2+1*, according to the petitioners the delay in ma$ingthe form available caused utter confusion and chaos amongst

    the "hartered ccountants and the assessees. #t is the case of

    the petitioners that the ta audit returns can only be filed

    electronically which re:uires an appropriate utility;software4

    to be made available by the respondents to the assessees.

    However, the respondents failed to ma$e available the utilities

    for assessment year 2+1* /1! until +8.+

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    representations yielded no results, and the respondents did

    not grant etension of due date for filing the income ta

    returns. >n the contrary by an announcement dated )th

    7eptember, 2+1* the =overnment of #ndia Ministry of -inance,

    it was stated that a decision had been ta$en that the last date

    of filing of returns due by 3+th7eptember, 2+1* will not be

    etended. #t is in these circumstances that the petitioners have

    approached this court see$ing the reliefs noted hereinabove.

    8. Mr. 7. 5. 7opar$ar, 7enior dvocate, learned counsel with

    Mr. Manish ?ai, learned advocate for the petitioners submitted

    that with effect from assessment year 2+13/1&, it is mandatory

    for the assessees to electronically file the income ta returns

    online. #t was submitted that the utility for filing the income ta

    returns in respect of the assessees who are subect to ta

    audit, came to be released only on 8thugust, 2+1* and was

    subse:uently updated on 22nd

    ugust, 2+1*. #t was submittedthat while under the statutory provisions, the income ta

    returns can be filed in time from 1stpril till the due date for

    filing the income ta returns, in the absence of the utility for

    filing such returns online, the returns could not be filed earlier.

    #t was submitted that there was significant delay in providing

    the utility for filing the returns online, that is, 8 thugust, 2+1*

    and prior thereto, till the utility was made available, it was not

    possible to file the income ta returns. #t was submitted that in

    respect of such delay, the assessees are not at fault and that

    till the online forms are prescribed, the assessees do not $now

    the nature of the changes made and till such forms are

    notified, they cannot file the returns. #t was submitted that in

    relation to assessment year 2+1&/1* also, the respondents hadetended the time for filing the ta audit report, however, time

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    for filing the income ta returns had not been etended and

    the petitioners had approached this court see$ing etension of

    the time limit for filing the income ta returns. 'he attention of

    the court was invited to the udgment and order dated 22nd

    7eptember, 2+1& passed by this court in the petitioner@s own

    case in 7pecial "ivil pplication 5o.12!*! of 2+1& and allied

    matter, to point out that the court had observed that any

    introduction or new utility;software with additional re:uirement

    in the middle of the year ordinarily is not desirable. ny

    change unless inevitable can be planned well in advance.

    ?eeping in focus such comprehensive process re/engineering

    may not result in undue hardship to the sta$e holders for

    whose benefits the same operates. #t was submitted that the

    hope epressed by the court is belied by the respondents by

    once again notifying online forms belatedly on 8thugust, 2+1*

    and not granting sufficient time to the assessees to submit the


    8.1 Mr. 7opar$ar submitted that the #ncome 'a ct

    prescribes time from 31stMarch to 3+th7eptember, that is, 1

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    announcement dated +).+).2+1* issued by the Ministry of

    -inance nneure 4 to the petition wherein, it has been

    stated that /nome Ta% 0eturns #orms 3, 2, ., and 4 whih

    are used by the ompanies, firms, indi5iduals en!a!ed in

    proprietary business+professional et(, whose aounts are to

    be audited, were notified for assessment year 1.-1 on

    *(4(1.( The forms were e-enabled and were a5ailable on

    the e-filin! website of the 6epartment from 4th'u!ust, 1.

    !i5in! enou!h time for ompliane( The han!es made to

    these forms are not e%tensi5e as ompared to the earlier

    years( %%%% 'fter onsideration of all fats, it has been deided

    that the last date for filin! of returns due by 3th7eptember,

    1. will not be e%tended( The ta%payers are ad5ised to file

    their returns in time to a5oid last minute rush( #t was

    submitted that prior to 8thugust, 2+1*, the relevant forms

    were not e/enabled and made available to the assessees.

    'herefore, the :uestion that arises for consideration is thatwhen the law provides for a period of 1

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    available. #t was submitted that in the case of assessees who

    are re:uired to file returns of income in forms #'R/1, #'R/2, #'R/

    2, #'R/&7, the due date for filing return came to be etended

    till 31stugust, 2+1* and there is no reason as to why such

    benefit cannot be etended to the assessees who are re:uired

    to file returns on income in -orms #'R/3, #'R/&, #'R/*, #'R/! and

    #'R/8. #t was submitted that curtailing the period for filing the

    ta returns by providing the utilities for filing the same at a

    belated stage is not reasonable and is arbitrary. #t was

    submitted that for 122 days, the forms were not available and

    it is within the remainder period that the returns of income of

    all the assessees belonging to the categories which are

    re:uired to file returns in -orms #'R/3, #'R/&, #'R/*, #'R/! and

    #'R/8, were re:uired to be filed. #t was, accordingly, urged that

    the action of the respondents in not granting time for filing

    income ta returns, being unreasonable and arbitrary,

    necessary directions are re:uired to be issued to the firstrespondent Board to etend the period till 31st 5ovember,


    < Aehemently opposing the petition, Mr. M. R. Bhatt, 7enior

    dvocate, learned counsel for the respondents submitted that

    the reliefs prayed for in the present petition reveal that the

    same is more in the nature of a public interest litigation and

    therefore, should have been filed by way of a public interest

    litigation. #t was submitted that no cause of action of

    infringement of any rticle of the "onstitution has been

    brought to the notice of the court. #t was submitted that the

    first petitioner which is a federation of professionals cannot, in

    any manner, be said to be preudiced by the non/etension ofthe date for filing the income ta returns. #t was contended

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    7eptember, 2+1* in C.(." 5o.)+32 of 2+1* wherein, the court

    had dismissed a similar petition see$ing etension of due date

    for filing the income ta returns. #t was submitted that the writ

    petition has been filed without disclosing any cause of action

    or infringement of fundamental rights.

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    91*.8 .4 /T0 ., wherein it was observed that, Barring

    some eceptions, it has been the general policy laid down by

    this court in income ta matters that whatever our own view

    may be, we should follow the view ta$en by another High "ourt

    on the interpretation of a section4. #t was submitted that

    therefore, once the 0elhi High "ourt has ta$en a view, it is not

    permissible for this court to ta$e a different view.

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    assessment year 2+1*/1! having the due date of 3+th

    7eptember are concerned. 'he attention of the court was

    further invited to the implications of business process, to

    submit that any change in due date by way of etension has to

    be given effect by change in return preparation software to

    handle modification in interest under section 23&;23&B of the

    ct. 7imilar changes have to be made in processing software to

    calculate the refund accurately which re:uires substantial

    changes to be made in business rules and which in turn also

    delays the process of handling and processing of returns and

    its conse:uential actions. #t was further submitted that on writ

    petitions filed by various sta$e holders on this issue in their

    respective urisdictional High "ourts li$e, 0elhi, ?arnata$a and

    Raasthan High "ourts have not granted any relief to the

    petitioners and therefore, in case, this court decides to allow

    the petition pertaining to its urisdiction, thus deviating from

    the stand of the "B0' and decisions of other High "ourts, itmay create anomalous situation in administering the #ncome

    'a ct which is a "entral ct.

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    Consultants Association v. Union of Indiarendered on 2

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    without any evidence in support thereof, the (#E petitioners

    shall have to be put to strict proof and cannot be allowed to

    function as an etraordinary and etra/udicial ombudsmen

    :uestioning the entire eercise underta$en by an etensive

    body which include administrators, technocrats and financial

    eperts. 'he court was of the considered view that this might

    lead to a friction if not collision among the three organs of the

    7tate and would affect the principle of governance engrained

    in the theory of separation of powers. 'he decision of the

    7upreme "ourt in the case of Federation of ail+ay

    ,fficers Association and others v. Union of India, 938

    2 7CC *,was cited for the proposition that in eamining a

    :uestion of the nature where a policy is evolved by the

    =overnment, udicial review thereof is limited. Chen policy

    according to which or the purpose for which discretion is to be

    eercised is clearly epressed in the statute, it cannot be said

    to be an unrestricted discretion. >n matters affecting policyand re:uiring technical epertise, the court would leave the

    matter for decision of those who are :ualified to address the

    issues. Fnless the policy or action is inconsistent with the

    "onstitution and the laws or arbitrary or irrational or abuse of

    power, the court will not interfere with such matters. Reliance

    was also placed upon the decision of the 7upreme "ourt in the

    case of Council of $cientific and Industrial esearch and

    ,thers v. amesh Chandra A-ra+al and another, 9*8

    3 7CC 3., wherein the court had held that the 7tate is entitled

    to fi a cut/off date. 7uch a decision can be struc$ down only

    when it is arbitrary. #ts invalidation may also depend upon the

    :uestion as to whether it has a rational neus with the obect

    sought to be achieved. 'he "ourt observed that by choosing acut/off date, no illegality was committed. G/facie, it cannot be

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    said to be arbitrary. Reliance was also placed upon the decision

    of the 7upreme "ourt in the case of $tate of U. *. and

    another v. &ohri #al, 928 2 7CC 412, with particular

    reference to paragraphs 2< to 3+ thereof, for the proposition

    that the scope and etent of power of the udicial review of the

    High "ourt contained in rticle 22! of the "onstitution of #ndia

    would vary from case to case, the nature of the order, the

    relevant statute as also the other relevant factors including the

    nature of power eercised by the public authorities, namely,

    whether power is statutory, :uasi/udicial or administrative.

    'he court observed that the limited scope of udicial review,

    succinctly put, is %

    i "ourts, while eercising the power of udicial review, do

    not sit in appeal over the decisions of administrative


    ii petition for a udicial review would lie only on certainwell/defined grounds6

    iii n order passed by an administrative authority eercising

    discretion vested in it, cannot be interfered in udicial

    review unless it is shown that eercise of discretion itself

    is perverse or illegal6

    iv mere wrong decision without anything more is not

    enough to attract the power of udicial review6 the

    supervisory urisdiction conferred on a "ourt is limited to

    seeing that 'ribunal functions within the limits of its

    authority and that its decisions do not occasion

    miscarriage of ustice6

    v 'he "ourts cannot be called upon to underta$e the

    =overnment duties and functions. 'he "ourt shall notordinarily interfere with a policy decision of the 7tate.

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    7ocial and economic belief of a udge should not be

    invo$ed as a substitute for the udgment of the legislative


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    nature, it was submitted that unless the assessees $now about

    the nature of the changes made, it is immaterial as to whether

    the changes are minor or maor. #t was submitted that such a

    contention could be available to the respondents provided the

    old form was continued. However, till the new form was issued,

    there was a total blac$out and it was not permissible for the

    assessees to file their returns till the utility was made available

    on 8thugust, 2+1*. s regards the contention that the statute

    nowhere provides for 1

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    which it is to be done, something in the conditions under which

    it is to be done, something in the title of the persons for whose

    benefit the power is to be eercised, which may couple the

    power with a duty, and ma$e it the duty of the person in whom

    the power is reposed to eercise that power when called upon

    to do so. #t was submitted that the petitioners have a right as

    assessees to believe that they would have enough time to file

    their income ta returns. #t was submitted that the Board is

    vested with powers coupled with a duty to eercise them,

    when facts ustify.

    ).3 s regards the contention that necessary details with

    regard to the number of assessees who have found it difficult

    to submit the income ta returns before the due date having

    not been made available, it was submitted that it is the

    respondents who would $now as to how many persons have

    filed returns. #t was submitted that the onus is cast upon therespondents to show that in spite of delay on their part, it is

    possible to file the ta returns before the prescribed due date.

    #t was submitted that the Board which is the authority which is

    vested with the powers under section 11) of the ct to etend

    the due date, has not eercised such powers, and therefore,

    occasion has arisen for the petitioners to approach the court. #t

    was submitted that the law epects the respondents to be

    reasonable and that non/etension of the due date for filing

    the income ta returns cannot in any manner be said to be


    1+ s regards the contention that a "hartered ccountant

    has in all to deal with !+ ta audits and corresponding income

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    ta returns, and therefore, it cannot be said that the same

    cannot be filed within seven wee$s, the attention of the court

    was invited to the provisions of section 13) of the ct to point

    out that insofar as !+ audits are concerned, the "hartered

    ccountant is not re:uired to only deal with the assessees who

    are subect to ta audit under section &&B of the ct. Chile

    the number of assessees who are subect to ta audit under

    section &&B of the ct may be limited to !+, there are various

    other assessees in respect of whom the income ta returns

    have to be filed. Reference was made to Gplanation 2 to

    section 13) of the ct, which defines due date4, to point out

    that the same provides that the due date for filing income ta

    returns in respect of different categories of assessees.

    Referring to sub/rule 1 of rule 12 of the #ncome 'a Rules,

    1)!2 hereinafter referred to as the rules4, it was pointed out

    that various categories of assessees and nature of forms are

    prescribed therein. #t was submitted that the present petitiondoes not relate to the assessees covered under clauses a, b

    and ca thereof. #t was pointed that in case of assessees

    covered by clause c in relation to whom the -orm #'R/3 is

    re:uired to be notified, are not subect to ta audit. 7imilar is

    the case with the assessees covered by clauses d, f and g

    who may be thousands in number. Fnder the circumstances,

    the submission that a "hartered ccountant has to prepare ta

    audit report and has to conduct only !+ ta audits and

    correspondingly !+ income ta returns in respect of which the

    period of seven wee$s is sufficient, clearly disregards the other

    assessees in relation to whom also the utility was made

    available only with effect from 8th ugust, 2+1*. #t was

    submitted that thus, the relevant forms for e/filing of returnswere earlier prescribed only in case of the assessees falling

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    under clauses a, b and ca, namely, the assessees having

    salary income, etc. #t was submitted that maority of the

    assessees fall in categories in whose cases utility for filing the

    returns was provided only on 8thugust, 2+1*. therefore, the

    view advanced on behalf of the Board is not in consonance

    with the provisions of the ct and the rules and the Board has

    failed to appreciate the 7cheme of the ct and the rules and

    therefore, the argument that income ta returns could be filed

    within the limited period of seven wee$s is e/facie bad.

    1+.1 s regards the contention that it is not permissible for

    the court to ta$e a different view from that adopted by the

    0elhi, it was submitted that the :uestion involved in the

    petition does not involve interpretation of a statutory provision.

    'he attention of the court was also invited to the decision of

    this court in the case of . . *aper 0oard %imited v.

    Deputy Commissioner of Income Tax, 91**8 32 /T0 433,wherein the court after considering the decision of the Bombay

    High "ourt in the case of ;ane"lal Chunilal and 7ons

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    1+.& 'he learned counsel also invited the attention of the

    court to the decision of the (unab and Haryana High "ourt in

    the case of 1ishal Gar- and others v. Union of India and

    anotherrendered today, that is, on 2) th7eptember, 2+1* in

    "C( 5o.1)88+ of 2+1*, wherein the court, after considering

    the totality of the facts of the case and after considering the

    decisions of the Raasthan High "ourt, 0elhi High "ourt, has

    considered it appropriate to etend the date for e/filing of

    returns upto 31st>ctober, 2+1*.

    1+.* s regards the contention based upon the above

    referred decisions of the 7upreme "ourt that in a matter of

    policy decision, this court would not interfere, the learned

    counsel reiterated the proposition of law laid down by the

    7upreme "ourt in the case of %. irday arain v. Income

    Tax ,fficer/ 0areillysupra, to submit that when there is a

    power coupled with duty, there is an obligation on the

    respondents to eercise the same if the facts so warrant. s

    regards the decisions on which reliance had been placed by

    the learned counsel for the revenue, it was submitted that in

    those decisions, the =overnment did not owe any obligation.

    Besides, the issue involved in the present case does not relate

    to economic policy and is a simple issue of failure to eercisediscretion where the facts ustify eercise of such discretion. #t

    was, accordingly, urged that the decision of the Board not to

    etend the due date for filing return of income, suffers from

    the vice of legal mala fides.

    11. Mr. Bhatt, learned counsel for the respondents in

    response to the contention that there are several other

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    categories of assessees than those who are subect to ta

    audit, submitted that in case of all other assessees, only

    details are re:uired to be punched in the prescribed forms and

    therefore, no case of hardship has been made out. #t was also

    urged that ust because the petitioners have come to the court,

    is no reason to grant them relief.

    11 'he controversy involved in the present case lies in a

    very narrow compass. 'he petitioners and other assessees

    covered under the categories to which the petition relates, are

    ordinarily re:uired to file their returns of income any time from

    1stpril till 3+th7eptember of the relevant assessment year. By

    virtue of rule 12 of the rules, all the assessees have to file the

    income ta returns electronically, that is, online. -or this

    purpose, the corresponding utility relating to each category of

    assessees in the nature of -orms 5o.#'R/3, #'R/&, #'R/*, #'R/!

    and #'R/8 are re:uired to be provided by the respondents. #t isan admitted position that in the year under consideration, the

    relevant utility has been provided only with effect from 8th

    ugust, 2+1*. 'herefore, prior to 8thugust, 2+1*, it was not

    possible for any of the assessees who were re:uired to file

    income ta returns in the above referred forms, to file their

    returns of income. 'herefore, while in the ordinary course, the

    assessees falling in the above categories have a period of 1

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    for eercising powers under section 11) of the ct and

    etending the due date for filing the income ta returns

    prescribed under Gplanation 2 to section 13) of the ct.

    However, by the announcement dated )th 7eptember, 2+1*,

    such re:uest has been turned down and it has been stated

    that the last date for filing of returns being 3+th 7eptember,

    2+1* will not be etended. s noticed hereinabove, in case of

    other categories of assessees who are re:uired to file ta

    returns in -orm #'R/1, #'R/2, #'R/2, #'R/&7, in whose case also,

    there was a delay in furnishing the necessary utility, the Board

    had etended the due date for filing the income ta returns.

    'he stand of the Board is that the period of seven wee$s which

    is available to the petitioner and other assessees for filing

    online income ta returns, is sufficient and therefore, there is

    no reason for etending the due date for filing the income ta


    12. Chile it is true that the powers under section 11) of the

    ct are discretionary in nature and it is for the Board to

    eercise such powers as and when it deems fit. However, it is

    e:ually true that merely because such powers are

    discretionary, the Board cannot decline to eercise such

    powers even when the conditions for eercise of such powers

    are shown to eist. t this uncture reference may be made to

    the decision of the 7upreme "ourt in the case of UC, 0ank v.

    CIT, 91***8 2 7CC .**91***8 34 /T0 *, wherein the court

    had occasion to interpret section 11) of the ct. 'he court held


    23.@hat is the status of these irularsA 7etion 11*918

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    of the /nome Ta% 't, 1*1 pro5ides that:

    11*( 918 The Central ?oard of 6iret Ta%es may, from

    time to time, issue suh orders, instrutions and diretions

    to other /nome Ta% 'uthorities as it may deem fit for the

    proper administration of this 't, and suh authorities and

    all other persons employed in the e%eution of this 't shall

    obser5e and follow suh orders, instrutions and diretions

    of the ?oard:

    >ro5ided that no suh orders, instrutions or diretions

    shall be issuedB

    9a8 so as to re&uire any /nome Ta% 'uthority to ma"e a

    partiular assessment or to dispose of a partiular ase in a

    partiular manner or

    9b8 so as to interfere with the disretion of the 'ppellate

    'ssistant Commissioner in the e%erise of his appellate


    9emphasis supplied8

    $nder sub-setion 98 of 7etion 11*, without preDudie to

    the !enerality of the ?oards power set out in sub-setion

    918, a speifi power is !i5en to the ?oard for the purpose of

    proper and effiient mana!ement of the wor" of assessment

    and olletion of re5enue to issue from time to time !eneral

    or speial orders in respet of any lass of inomes or lassof ases settin! forth diretions or instrutions, not bein!

    preDudiial to assessees, as the !uidelines, priniples or

    proedures to be followed in the wor" relatin! to

    assessment( 7uh instrutions may be by way of rela%ation

    of any of the pro5isions of the setions speified there or

    otherwise( The ?oard thus has power, inter alia, to tone

    down the ri!our of the law and ensure a fair enforement of

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    its pro5isions, by issuin! irulars in e%erise of its statutory

    powers under 7etion 11* of the /nome Ta% 't whih are

    bindin! on the authorities in the administration of the 't(

    $nder 7etion 11*989a8, howe5er, the irulars as

    ontemplated therein annot be ad5erse to the assessee(

    Thus, the authority whih wields the power for its own

    ad5anta!e under the 't is !i5en the ri!ht to fore!o the

    ad5anta!e when re&uired to wield it in a manner it

    onsiders Dust by rela%in! the ri!our of the law or in other

    permissible manner as laid down in 7etion 11*( The power

    is !i5en for the purpose of Dust, proper and effiient

    mana!ement of the wor" of assessment and in publi

    interest( /t is a benefiial power !i5en to the ?oard for

    proper administration of fisal law so that undue hardship

    may not be aused to the assessee and the fisal laws may

    be orretly applied( Hard ases whih an be properly

    ate!orised as belon!in! to a lass, an thus be !i5en thebenefit of rela%ation of law by issuin! irulars bindin! on

    the ta%in! authorities(

    13. 'hus, the power under section 11) of the ct is a

    beneficial power given to Board for proper administration of

    fiscal law so that undue hardship may not be caused to theassessee and the fiscal laws may be correctly applied. #n the

    case at hand, as is evident from the facts noted hereinabove,

    in the normal course, assessees who are subect to audit as

    well as other categories of assessees referred to hereinabove,

    can file their returns of income from 1stpril to 3+th7eptember

    of the year in :uestion. #n view of the provisions of rule 12 of

    the rules, whereby, the assessees who are subect to ta audit,

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    as well as the assessees referred to hereinabove, are re:uired

    to file the ta returns electronically, that is, online. However,

    for filing the ta returns, appropriate utility is re:uired to be

    made available by the respondents to the assessees.

    'herefore, till such utility is provided by the respondents, it is

    not possible for the assessees to file their returns of income.

    'herefore, there is a duty cast upon the respondents to ensure

    that necessary utility for e/filing of the income ta returns is

    made available to various categories of assessees at the

    beginning of the assessment year so that the assessees can

    plan their ta matters accordingly. However, as noted

    hereinabove, the utilities for e/filing of returns have been made

    available only with effect from 8th ugust, 2+1*, thereby

    curtailing the time available for filing the income ta returns to

    a great etent. ccording to the petitioners, such curtailment

    of time causes immense hardship and preudice to the

    petitioners and other assessees belonging to the abovecategories, whereas the respondent Board, on the other hand,

    has ta$en an adamant stand not to etend the time for e/filing

    of the returns despite the fact that the entire situation has

    arisen on account of default on the part of the 0epartment and

    not the assessees.

    1&. #t may be recalled that in relation to assessment year

    2+1&/1*, the respondent Board had etended the time for

    filing the ta audit reports, but had not etended the time for

    filing the returns and the petitioners were constrained to

    approach this court for etension of the due date for filing

    return of income. #n that case, this court has, inter alia,

    observed thus %

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    .( @e are also atuated by the fat that the entire

    situation is arisin! not on aount of any ontribution on

    the part of either the professionals or the assesses leadin!

    to suh a situation( /n the present ase, with the

    ad5anement of the tehnolo!y, it is always ommendable

    that the department ta"es reourse to the tehnolo!y

    more and more( @ith the possible defets ha5in! been

    found in utility software in use in the pre5ious year, the

    re&uired han!es in the larifiation or the new format of

    suh utility, if brou!ht to the fore, the same would be

    desirable( 't the same time, the omplete bla" out for

    nearly a months time would not allow aessibility to suh

    utility software to the assessees, whih has put them to a

    !reat Deopardy(

    .3( The C?6T deri5es its powers under the statute

    whih enDoins upon the ?oard to issue from time to timesuh orders, instrutions and diretions to other inome-

    ta% authorities if found e%pedient and neessary for proper

    administration of the 't( @ithout preDudie to the

    !enerality of powers pro5ided under sub-setion 918 of

    setion 11* of the 't, the C?6T also has speifi powers

    to pass !eneral or speial orders in respet of any lass or

    lass of ases by way of rela%ation of any of the pro5isions

    of setion, whih also inludes setion 13* of the 't( /f

    the ?oard is of the opinion that it is neessary in the publi

    interest to so do it( #or a5oidin! the !enuine hardship in

    any ase or lass of ases, the C?6T if onsiders desirable

    and e%pedient, by !eneral or speial order, it an issue

    suh orders, instrutions and diretions for properadministration of this 't( 'll suh authorities en!a!ed in

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    e%eution of the 't are e%peted to follow the same( 'ny

    re&uirement ontained in any of the pro5isions of Chapter

    /E or Chapter E/' also an be rela%ed by the C?6T for

    a5oidin! !enuine hardship in any ase or lass of ases by

    !eneral or speial orders( This pro5ision, therefore, !i5es

    5ery wide powers to the C?6T to pass !eneral or speial

    orders whene5er it deems it neessary or e%pedient to so

    do it in respet of any lass of inome or lass of ases( /t

    has not only to see the publi interest for so doin!, but

    also for a5oidin! the !enuine hardship in any partiular

    ase or lass of ases, suh powers an be e%erised(

    .2( 0e5ertin! to the matters on hand, a 5ery peuliar

    situation has arisen portrayin! the !enuine hardship to the

    assessee, as also to the ta% onsultants, by way of

    representations made to the ?oard, it would ha5e been

    desirable and e%pedient on the part of the C?6T to ha5eonsidered suh re&uest and e%erise the powers by way

    of a rela%ation( @hat all that has been sou!ht is to ma"e

    the due date for filin! the ta% return harmonious with the

    filin! of the T'0 and without DeopardiFin! the issue of

    olletion of ta%, it was not impossible to e%erise suh

    powers of rela%ation of pro5ision presribin! e%tension of

    the due date(

    ..( @hile e%aminin! the C?6TGs powers e%erisable

    under setion 11* of the 't, of ourse, in some other

    onte%t, the 'pe% Court has held and obser5ed thus:

    *( @hat is the status of these irularsA 7etion 11*918 ofthe /nome-ta% 't, 1*1 pro5ides that, The Central

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    ?oard of 6iret Ta%es may, from time to time, issue suh

    orders, instrutions and diretions to other /nome-ta%

    authorities as it may deem fit for the proper administration

    of this 't and suh authorities and all other persons

    employed in the e%eution of this 't shall obser5e and

    follow suh orders, instrutions and diretions of the

    ?oard( >ro5ided that no suh orders, instrutions or

    diretions shall be issued 9a8 so as to re&uire any /nome-

    ta% authority to ma"e a partiular assessment or to

    dispose of a partiular ase in a partiular manner: or 9b8

    so as to interfere with the disretion of the 'ppellate

    'ssistant Commissioner in the e%erise of his appellate

    funtions( $nder sub-setion 98 of 7etion 11* without

    preDudie to the !enerality of the ?oardGs power set out in

    sub-setion 918 a speifi power is !i5en to the ?oard for

    the purpose of proper and effiient mana!ement of the

    wor" of assessment and olletion of re5enue to issuefrom time to time !eneral or speial orders in respet of

    any lass of inomes or lass of ases settin! forth

    diretions or instrutions, not bein! preDudiial to assesses,

    as the !uidelines, priniples or proedures to be followed

    in the wor" relatin! to assessment( 7uh instrutions may

    be by way of rela%ation of any of the pro5isions of the

    setions speified there or otherwise( The ?oard thus has

    power, inter alia, to tone down the ri!or of the law and

    ensure a fair enforement of its pro5isions, by issuin!

    irulars in e%erise of its statutory powers under 7etion

    11* of the /nome-ta% 't whih are bindin! on the

    authorities in the administration of the 't( $nder 7etion

    11*989a8 howe5er, the irulars as ontemplated thereinannot be ad5erse to the assessee( Thus, the authority

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    whih wields the power for its own ad5anta!e under the

    't is !i5en the ri!ht to for!o the ad5anta!e when

    re&uired to wield it in a manner it onsiders Dust by

    rela%in! the ri!our of the law or in other permissible

    manners as laid down in 7etion 11*( The power is !i5en

    for the purpose of Dust, proper and effiient mana!ement

    of the wor" of assessment and in publi interest( /t is a

    benefiial power !i5en to the ?oard for proper

    administration of fisal law so that undue hardship may

    not be aused to the assessee and the fisal laws may be

    orretly applied( Hard ases whih an be properly

    ate!orised as belon!in! to a lass, an thus be !i5en the

    benefit of rela%ation of law by issuin! irulars bindin! on

    the ta%in! authorities(

    ..(1 Thus as held by the 'pe% Court the powers !i5en to

    the ?oard are benefiial in nature to be e%erised forproper administration of fisal law so that undue hardship

    may not be aused to the ta%payers( The purpose is of

    Dust, proper and effiient mana!ement of the wor" of

    assessment and the publi interest(

    .( Conse&uenes that would follow on aount of the

    delay in filin! the return of inome also are wei!hin!

    fators for the Court to onsider suh re&uest( ?ein!

    onsious of the fat that the writ of mandamus, whih is

    hi!hly prero!ati5e writ is for the purpose of ompellin! the

    authorities of any offiial duties, offiially har!ed by the

    law either refuses or fails to perform the same, the writ of

    mandamus is re&uired to be used for the publi purpose,partiularly, when the party has not other remedy

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    a5ailable( /t is essentially desi!ned to promote Dustie(

    ( Ieepin! in mind the sope of writ Durisdition as

    detailed in the deision hereinabo5e, these petitions

    deser5e onsideration( /n absene of any remedy

    a5ailable, muh less effeti5e to the sta"eholders a!ainst

    the non-use of benefiial powers by the ?oard for the

    lar!er ause of Dustie, e%erise of writ Durisdition to meet

    the re&uirements of irumstanes has beome ine5itable(

    ( 7uh e%tension needs to be !ranted with the

    &ualifiation that the same may not result into non-

    har!in! of interest under setion 32'( 7imply put, while

    e%tendin! the period of filin! of the ta% return and

    !rantin! benefit of suh e%tension for all other pro5isions,

    interest har!ed under setion 32' for late filin! of return

    would be still permitted to be le5ied, if the ?oard sohoses for the period ommenin! from 1(1(12 to the

    atual date of filin! of the return of inome( Those ta%

    payers o5ered under these pro5isions if hoose to pay the

    amount of ta% on or before the 3th7eptember, 12, no

    interest in any ase would be le5ied despite their filin! of

    return after the 3th7eptember, 12(

    2( @e are not inlined to stay new utility for one year

    as suffiient measures are already ta"en by the ?oard to

    redress this !rie5ane( Howe5er, it needs to be obser5ed

    at this Dunture that any introdution or new

    utility+software with additional re&uirement in the middle

    of the year ordinarily is not desirable( 'ny han!e unlessine5itable an be planned well in ad5ane, "eepin! in

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    fous that suh omprehensi5e proess re-en!ineerin!

    may not result in undue hardship to the sta"eholders for

    whose benefit the same operates(

    4( ?esides, no !ra5e preDudie would be aused to the

    re5enue if the due date for filin! the return of inome is

    also e%tended till the date of filin! of the ta% audit report,

    whereas the assessee would be 5isited with serious

    onse&uenes as referred to hereinabo5e in ase of non-

    filin! of return of inome within the presribed period as

    he would not be in a position to laim the benefit of the

    pro5isions referred to hereinabo5e( The apprehension

    5oied by the re5enue that in ase due date for filin!

    return of inome is e%tended, due date for self-assessment

    also !ets automati e%tension, resultin! into delay in

    olletion of self-assessment ta% whih is otherwise

    payable in 7eptember, 12, an be ta"en are of bypro5idin! that the due date shall stand e%tended for all

    purposes, e%ept for the purposes of J%planation 1 to

    setion 32' of the 't(

    1*. #t may be noted that despite the fervent hope epressed

    by the court that the respondents in future may plan any

    change well in advance, a similar situation has prevailed in the

    present year also and the utilities for e/filing of income ta

    returns have been made available as late as on 8 th ugust,

    2+1*, leaving the petitioners and other assessees with less

    than one third of the time that is otherwise available under the


    1!. #t may be noted that in the facts of the above case, there

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    was a blac$out for a period of one month, whereas in the year

    under consideration, the utility was not made available till 8 th

    ugust, 2+1*. 'hus, it was not possible for any of the

    assessees who are re:uired to file returns in -orms 5o.#'R/3,

    #'R/&, #'R/*, #'R/! and #'R/8, to file income ta returns before

    such date.

    18. nother notable aspect of the matter is that as

    contended on behalf of the petitioners, non/filing of returns

    before the due date would result into the assessees being

    deprived of their right to file the revised return or claiming

    loss, whereas insofar as the revenue is concerned, no hardship

    or preudice is li$ely to be caused, inasmuch as the interest of

    the revenue can be ta$en care of by providing that the due

    date shall stand etended for all purposes, ecept for the

    purposes of Gplanation 1 to section 23& of the ct. Fnder

    the circumstances, when no preudice is caused to the revenueand the assessees are put to great hardship on account of the

    short period within which the income ta returns are to be

    filed, it was epected of the Board to eercise the discretionary

    powers vested in it under section 11) of the ct to ameliorate

    the difficulties faced by the assessees on account of no default

    on their part, at least to a certain etent, by etending the due

    date for filing the income ta returns for a reasonable time. #n

    the opinion of this court, the Board should not create a

    situation whereby the assessees are re:uired to $noc$ the

    doors of the court year after year, more so, when on account

    of the delay on the part of the respondents, it is the assessees

    who would have to face the conse:uences of not filing the

    returns in time. 'he contention that no preudice is caused tothe petitioners;assessees, therefore, does not merit

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    1ctober, 2+1* so as to alleviate

    to a certain etent, the hardships caused to the assessees on

    account of delay in providing the utilities.

    1). 7ignificantly, one of the factors which appears to have

    weighed with the Board while turning down the re:uest for

    etension of the due date for filing returns is that as per the

    guidelines of #"#, a practicing "hartered ccountant, as an

    individual or as a partner of a firm, can conduct only upto sity

    ta audits under section &&B of the ct and corresponding

    number of ta returns are re:uired to be filed, in respect of

    which, the seven wee$s available to them should be sufficient.

    #n this regard it may be germane to refer to rule 12 of the

    rules, which prescribes the different forms under which

    assessees belonging to various categories enumeratedthereunder are re:uired to file their returns. "lause c of sub/

    rule 1 of rule 12 prescribes -orm 5o.#'R/3 in case of a person

    being an individual or Hindu Fndivided family who is a partner

    in a firm and where income chargeable to income/ta under

    the head (rofits and gains of business and profession4 does

    not include any income ecept the categories enumerated

    therein. "lause d of rule 121 prescribes -orm 5o. #'R/& in

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    the case of a person being an individual or a Hindu undivided

    family or other than the individual or Hindu undivided family

    referred to in clause a or b or c or ca deriving income

    from a proprietory business or profession. "lause e prescribes

    -orm 5o. #'R/* in the case of a person not being an individual

    or a Hindu undivided family or a company or a person to which

    clause g applies. "lause f prescribes -orm 5o. #'R/! in the

    case of a company not being a company to which clause g

    applies and clause g prescribes -orm 5o.#'R/8 in the case of

    a person including a company whether or not registered under

    section 2* of the "ompanies ct, 1)*! which is re:uired file

    return under the relevant sub/sections of section 13) of the

    ct mentioned thereunder. 5ot all the aforesaid classes of

    assessees are re:uired to be audited under section &&B of

    the ct. 'herefore, it is not ust assessees who are subect to

    ta audit under section &&B of the ct who are affected by

    the non/etension of due date but assessees belonging to allthe above categories who may not be subect to ta audit

    under section &&B. 'he number of ta audits conducted by a

    "hartered ccountant may be limited to !+, but the total

    number of assessees that he deals with is not limited to !+, as

    a large number of assessees may belong to the categories

    which are not subect to ta audit under section &&B of the


    2+. 'he Board while not etending the due date for filing

    return was also of the view that due date should not be

    etended ust for the benefit of those who have remained la

    till now for no valid reason in discharging their legal

    obligations. #t may be noted that despite the fact thatordinarily the #'R -orms which should be prescribed and made

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    available before the 1stof pril of the assessment year, have in

    fact, been made available only on 8thugust, 2+1* and the

    assessees are given only seven wee$s to file their ta returns.

    'herefore, laity, if any, evidently is on the part of the

    authority which is responsible for the delay in ma$ing the

    utility for G/-iling the return being made available to the

    assessees. Chen the default lies at the end of the

    respondents, some grace could have been shown by the Board

    instead of ta$ing a stand that such a trend may not be

    encouraged. Had it not been for the laity on the part of the

    respondents in providing the utilities, there would not have

    been any cause for the petitioners to see$ etension of the

    due date for filing ta returns.

    21. s regards the decision of the 0elhi High "ourt on which

    reliance has been placed by the learned counsel for the

    petitioners, it may be noted that the learned 7ingle udge hasobserved that the claim of the petitioners that it is entitled to


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    court in paragraph 22 of the udgment has epressed the view

    that there is some merit, if not legal then otherwise, in the

    grievance of the petitioner. 'he court noticed that the counsel

    for the respondents was unable to give reasons for the forms

    etc. not being available at the beginning of the assessment

    year on 1stpril of every year and the same thereby causes

    inconvenience to the practitioners of the subect. 'he court

    further observed that there is sufficient time available to the

    =overnment, after the -inance ct of the financial year, to

    finalise the forms and if no change is intended therein, to

    notify the same immediately. 'he court found no ustification

    for delay beyond the assessment year in prescribing the said

    forms. ccordingly, while not granting relief to the petitioner

    for the current assessment year, the court directed the

    respondents to, with effect from the net assessment year, at

    least ensure that the forms etc. which are prescribed for the

    udit Report and for filing the #'R are available as on 1st

    prilof the assessment year unless there is a valid reason therefor

    and which should be recorded in writing by the respondents

    themselves, without waiting for any representations to be

    made. 'he court further observed that the respondents, while

    doing so, to also ta$e a decision whether owing thereto any

    etension of the due date is re:uired to be prescribed and

    accordingly notify the public.

    22. s regards the decision of the ?arnata$a High "ourt, the

    court has merely relegated the petitioners therein to the "B0'

    for the consideration of their representation and does not lay

    down any proposition of law. 'he Raasthan High "ourt has

    epressed the view that the decision contained in theannouncement dated )th 7eptember, 2+1* being a policy

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    C/SCA/15075/2015 JUDGMENT

    decision, the court should not interfere. 'he court, therefore,

    has not considered the non/eercise of discretionary powers

    under section 11) of the ct on the part of the Board despite

    the fact that the circumstances so warrant eercise of

    discretion in favour of the assessee.

    23. 'he (unab and Haryana High "ourt in the case of Aishal

    =arg v. Fnion of #ndia supra has, having regard to the totality

    of facts and circumstances of the case, considered it

    appropriate to etend the due date for e/filing of returns upto31st>ctober, 2+1*. 'herefore, instead of etending the due

    date to 3+th5ovember as prayed for in the petition, with a

    view to maintain consistency in the due date for e/filing of

    returns, this court is of the view that, the same date is re:uired

    to be adopted.

    2&. 'he contention that once the 0elhi High "ourt has ta$en

    a particular view, in relation to an all #ndia statute, it is not

    permissible for this court to ta$e a different view, does not

    merit acceptance in the light of the view ta$en by this court in

    5 R (aper Board Eimited v. 0eputy "ommissioner of #ncome

    ta supra. Besides, even if such contention were to be

    accepted, there are conflicting decisions of different High

    "ourts, inasmuch as, the (unab and Haryana High "ourt has

    ta$en a view different from the 0elhi High "ourt and hence, it

    is permissible for the court to adopt the view with which it


    2*. #n the light of the above discussion, the petition partly

    succeeds and is accordingly allowed to the following etent.

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    C/SCA/15075/2015 JUDGMENT

    'he respondent Board is hereby directed to forthwith issue

    re:uisite notification under section 11) of the ct etending

    the due date for e/filing of the income ta returns in relation to

    the assessees who are re:uired to file return of income by 3+ th

    7eptember, 2+1* to 31st>ctober, 2+1*. 'he respondents shall

    henceforth, endeavour to ensure that the forms and utilities for

    e/filing of income ta returns are ordinarily made available on

    the 1st day of pril of the assessment year. Rule is made

    absolute to the aforesaid etent with no order as to costs.

