inanely dealt , artemis fowl's last will

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  • 7/28/2019 Inanely Dealt , Artemis fowl's last will






    PrefferedPronouns : He/His/Him

    Translation of the Gnommish from The Last Guardian ((Spoilers))

    The last will and testament of Artemis Fowl the Second.

    Being the final wishes of Artemis Fowl in the event of his death at the hands of Opal Koboi.

    Should he survive for forty-eight hours after the date of writing this will becomes null and void and shall

    have no legal weight in any court, human or fairy.

    I, Artemis Fowl, being of exceedingly sound mind and reasonably sound body bequeath my estate and

    advice as follows.

    To my father I leave the three hundred million dollars in bearer bonds that are hidden believe it or not

    under my own bed, the last spot anyone would look and possibly the most booby trapped place on

    Earth. Butler will know how to disengage the secutiy measures.

    To my darling mother I leave my stocks portfolio including my shares in ethical funds and registered

    charities which I know she will manage with her usual moral determination and I also bequeath to her

    the department store on New Yorks Fifth Avenue which I had planned to give to her on her birthday.

    I wish my brother Myles to inherit my laboratory and all its equipment, with access to the special

    projects room to be granted on his eighth birthday when he will be mature enough to deal with other

    dimensions, aliens and time travel.

    For my brother Beckett I have purchased a lifetimes supply of slime so he can coat himself in gunge as

    often as he pleases. I also wish Beckett to have the ant farm, provided that he promises not to eat any of

    the ants.

    My faithful bodyguard Butler is of course entitled to his generous severance package and is under no

    obligation to stay on but it would be greatly appreciated if he renewed his contract and remained in the

    employment of the Fowl family. Apart from his pension I wish Butler to become legal owner of the

    apartments in which he has lived since I was born and the dojo where tried* to teach me to fight.

    To Juliet Butler who has protected my brothers so faithfully I leave my sound system which is based on

    gel speaker technology and which should make even her collection of modern music sound reasonably

  • 7/28/2019 Inanely Dealt , Artemis fowl's last will


    nonoffensive. I also leave to Juliet the three sports cars and a lifetime subscription to the wrestling


    To my friend Captain Holly Short of the Lower Elements Police I leave the thirty-seven solid gold bars

    that were the price of her release when I kidnapped her all those years ago. I know that I can never

    make up for that crime but hopefully you can think of me as a friend when you do think of me.

    To the dwarf Mulch Diggums I leave the refrigerated warehouse in London Docklands that is stocked

    with enough frozen chicken to satisfy even his appetite for several decades.

    To the centaur Foaly I leave the blueprints to an interstellar craft that is so advanced that it makes his

    spacecraft look like hot air balloons. I have hidden the designs inside his own system where he would

    never think to look for them. To find them Foaly must open his own security file on me, blink eight times

    and say the words Artemis Fowl is smarter that I am.

    If this does not work then at least I will smile in the after life