in what ways does your media products use (1)[2]

Trailer FILM In what ways does your media products use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

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Page 1: In what ways does your media products use (1)[2]

Trailer FILM

In what ways does your media products use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Page 2: In what ways does your media products use (1)[2]

To make our product, I knew that it was important that we establish what the normal forms and conventions of media products were. I realised that there were some media conventions that were important, and had to be used in our trailer.

"Repetition and recognition leads to expectation and anticipation "(G Burton 2000)

The use of dramatic diegetic music at the start of the trailer is something that shows the forms and conventions of real media products. Just like in the trailer ‘Adulthood’ it is very common for the beginning of a trailer to use diegetic music. This grips the viewers. It was important to use this aspect of media products, as we wanted to make sure our target audience were captivated by our trailer.

When we looked at similar trailers, a majority of the sound was diegetic. However there were some non-diegetic sounds such as dialogue added, but very rarely. We took this idea and used it when making the soundtrack for our trailer.

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Forms and conventions of real media products informed us on the way we were meant to dress our actors. For example in the film ‘SKET’ the actors were wearing gritty clothing. We attempted to copy this in our trailer.

SKET Our trailer

We chose these clothes because it represents who they are in the trailer. This type of attire is associated with people that are of working class background, and that are probably living in council flats. Going along with this stereo type is essential because it allows the audience to expect a certain type of film. It was important that we chose actresses that are all of an ethnic minority, because they are labelled as aggressive and less educated. This was important as it made our trailer more believable.

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The location of the film was also very important. We took some time to find out the perfect places to shoot. We knew through forms and conventions of real media products that we had to shoot in a place that was associated with people that live in an area of working class, or people that live in somewhere that was known and associated with people that are off ethnic background. We looked at the places with the highest population of black afro-Caribbean. We found that in the UK, London had the highest population of African Caribbean. We analysed the boroughs in London and looked at their population of black Africans.

We compared the populations to the distance from where we live, so that filming would be convenient. We found that the Borough of Greenwich had a high population of Afr0-Carribeans. So this is where we decided to shoot our film. We choses this place because the audience would be able to establish their backgrounds and their class, just by where they are located. We looked at the area of Thamesmead. We saw graffiti walls and buildings, and we knew that this would be perfectly suited to our type of film as it shows poverty and a high number of youth.

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In regards to our film, it is unmistakeable that we used a lot of real media products that relate to our film. The location of our film is the same as the location of many films that are associated with 0ur genre. We filmed in Thamesmead in the same flats that they film the TV drama series ‘Misfits’.

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The location shot is something that is very vital to the film, it shows the rural setting and where our trailer is based. In the television drama my murder they use an establishing shot that shows the film whereabouts. We tried to make our setting as familiar as possible, what we did was go in the night, so that we could get the lights. This is a real piece that we incorporated into our film.

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Another common aspect we saw in our example trailers were that there was always and aggressive scene. We presumed that this was also another technique used to captivate and audience, and persuade them to watch the film. After seeing this common trend, we decided to add a disturbing scene that would grip our target audience.

There is usually a character that the audience is made to feel sorry for, or that is a victim. This is also a feature that we took from normal form and conventions of real media products.

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Usually, there is a gripping scene in a trailer, with numerous fast cuts. This is usually the section of the trailer that in most remembered. This is something that we used in the making of our trailer. And to end the trailer they would have a cliff hanger, or something that makes you think. We tried to use this element in the creation of our trailer also.

The genre of our trailer is British African. One of the many conventions that we used was location. Because our film was based on British Africans, we had to chose a location that was stereotyped as a deprived area full of ethnic minorities. We found that Thamesmead was a perfect place to film as it has been used in previous TV drama’s and Films.

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Regarding to our film, it is unmistakeable that we used a lot of real media products that relate to our film. The location of our film is the same as the location of many films that are associated with 0ur genre. We filmed in Thamesmead in the same flats that they film the TV drama series ‘Misfits’. This setting was very suited to our film.

There is also something that is very common in these films which is the lighting, the lighting that is seen on these films is very dark and grey and occasionally the use sepia light.


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The way that shots are taken and the way the camera is positioned on certain characters is also something that we used that other films had used before. This scene of SKET shows the girls and we get to see them and how their character is. There is a wall dividing them, similar to the way in the film SKET they are divided into different scenes.

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From the TV drama my murder we used very familiar scenes as they were both very similar in what message they were conveying. There were very similar shots in which we chose to incorporate into our film. The way in which characters are dressed and their setting is also very similar. A silmilar shot in our film is this.

In the film my murder the characters have an establishing shot that conveys they personality, what we did is we put our main character at the front to show the hierarchy in importance.

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In the opening of the drama series ‘My Murder’ there is an opening of the film that says based on a true story, we decided to use this in our film. This allows viewers to already understand what kind of film this is. The audience would know straight away and know that our film was to be taken seriously. Many people will drawn to the trailer because of the fact that it says ‘based on a true story.

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We challenged conventions of usual British African dramas' by

having an all female casting crew. The usual stereotype

would be a group of gang males, but we thought that challenging this convention would make our

trailer more unique.