in what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media...

Evaluation 1 In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Upload: karlgraham7

Post on 16-Aug-2015




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  1. 1. Evaluation 1 In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
  2. 2. Masthead I Used a masthead which is the title of my magazine, this is one of the biggest pieces of text on the front cover. I Used Size 190 font so the name stands out and so the customers know what magazine it is. I Used the name Stars In Your Ears because it relates to my galaxy theme and I got the name from the television show Stars in Your Eyes.
  3. 3. House Style I Used a galaxy type theme thoroughly through my magazine which relates brilliantly to my name. I also used a headphone logo to show that this is property of Star in Your Ears. My galaxy background also relates to my audience, this audience is the audience I want to draw into my magazine.
  4. 4. Banner My Stars in Your Ears Masthead stands out significantly to my background as it is a dark purple with a white text. This is good so people can easily read the magazine title. I Used a drop shadow effect on the text but this didn'tt effect the ability to read the title.
  5. 5. Main Cover line This is my main cover line. This is also one of the biggest pieces of text on my front cover. The reason it is big is so if people who like the artist may want to read it to see what is happening with the artist, or even may just like the magazine in general. I used a different color to show it is what Will Lawton said and it isn't part of the Artists name.
  6. 6. Barcode, Issue Date, Social Media and Price The Barcode so the magazine can be scanned and purchased. I have put a 2.99 price tag which is very cheap for the quality of the magazine. The issue date is also included to tell the customer what issue it is and when it was published. The Facebook and twitter icons show that you can access this magazine through them social media networks.
  7. 7. Sub-Heading This sub heading is showing what is inside this magazine, there is a few headings with little previews of what is inside. I Used a little Play on from Jay-z as he has two songs called Drunk in Love and Holy Grail so I seen that opportunity for a little pun