in this issue.. · one of the top testosterone booster herbs is malaysian ginseng, an herb...

1. SUPPLEMENT SPOTLIGHT - Nature’s Solution For Low Testosterone. 2. MULTIPARAMETRIC MRI - A Breakthrough Assessment For Prostate Cancer Risk? 3. SUCCESS STORIES - Our Community Success Stories On Cancer & Bonus Prizes For You! 4. IS OBESITY RELATED TO CANCER? - Discover The Causes Of Obesity & Risks Involved With Cancer. 5. KETOGENIC KITCHEN - Delicious Hot Chilli Soup & Low Carb Chia Seed Crackers, Enjoy! 6. SUDOKU BRAIN CHALLENGE - Think You Can Beat Our Sudoku Challenge? 7. THINK POSITIVE - Your Hidden Power & FREE POSTER 8. ASK BEN - Got Questions? Don’t Be Shy! IN THIS ISSUE..

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Page 1: IN THIS ISSUE.. · One of the top testosterone booster herbs is Malaysian ginseng, an herb nicknamed Tongkat Ali. In research studies, this herb raises testosterone levels by 30%

1. SUPPLEMENT SPOTLIGHT - Nature’s Solution For

Low Testosterone.


Assessment For Prostate Cancer Risk?

3. SUCCESS STORIES - Our Community Success

Stories On Cancer & Bonus Prizes For You!


The Causes Of Obesity & Risks Involved With


5. KETOGENIC KITCHEN - Delicious Hot Chilli Soup

& Low Carb Chia Seed Crackers, Enjoy!


Beat Our Sudoku Challenge?

7. THINK POSITIVE - Your Hidden Power & FREE POSTER8. ASK BEN - Got Questions? Don’t Be Shy!


Page 3: IN THIS ISSUE.. · One of the top testosterone booster herbs is Malaysian ginseng, an herb nicknamed Tongkat Ali. In research studies, this herb raises testosterone levels by 30%


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Do you have hair loss? Low sex drive? Have you noticed that it’s a lot more difficult to achieve an erection and maintain it?

Have you noticed changes in your body, such as loss of muscle mass and increase in body fat? Has your doctor told you that your bone mass is not good or you have brittle bones?

Have you been moody lately, with a bad attitude that you can’t seem to stop?

All these changes have been out of your control because they are hormonal. These are symptoms of low testosterone levels.

Up to 80% of men experience some type of male symptoms as they go through the aging process. These symptoms may occur because the testosterone levels drop to about 50% of the levels found in younger men. Testosterone levels can drop when there’s obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure or metabolic syndrome.

Treatment for Low Testosterone Levels

One way men try to avoid this issue is by getting hormone replacement therapy. Just like women do once they pass menopause, men can get testosterone shots or pills that they take daily.

Logically, hormone replacement therapy makes sense. But unfortunately, there’s a problem with this method of increasing testosterone. Side effects such as prostate cancer, mild fluid retention, acne, oily skin, the risk of blood clots and enlargement of the breasts. There may also be shrinkage in the penis and testicles.

The increase in chances that men will develop prostate cancer from hormone replacement occurs because the body converts some of the hormone into Dihydrotestosterone or DHT. Excess DHT is linked with prostate cancer.

All these side effects may be because the type of testosterone that is replacing your natural levels is synthetic.

Change the Way You Look at Treatment for Low Testosterone

Nature’s Solution for Low Testosterone SUPPLEMENT SPOTLIGHT

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These days, men are becoming smarter about their health choices. They are looking at the list of side effects and giving them careful thought before saying yes to testosterone treatment. In fact, more and more men are walking away from the traditional medical option. They are changing their paradigm about how to solve the low testosterone issue and going for natural alternatives that don’t have the negative side effects.

Tongkat Ali Herb Comes to the Rescue

One of the top testosterone booster herbs is Malaysian ginseng, an herb nicknamed Tongkat Ali. In research studies, this herb raises testosterone levels by 30% in animal studies; 37% in humans.

In one Malaysian clinic, 320 patients with late-onset hypogonadism were studied and those in the experimental herb group were given 200 mg Tongkat Ali.

The results were quite remarkable: Before the 4-week study, 10.5% of the patients did not show any of the complaints that aging males usually have, and only 35.5% of them had normal levels of testosterone. After the men took the herbal extract, 72% of the men had no complaints about aging and 91% had normal levels of testosterone.

If you could have been in this study, imagine what it would’ve been like to have taken off a month to go Malaysia to be in the study, and return to your home and family with a great sex drive, more energy than what you’ve had in months, more of a drive in business, watching your manly shape return, a great attitude and no more moodiness.

Well, the good news is that you don’t even have to go to Malaysia but can experience the same benefits in your own home if you take Tongkat Ali.

Not only does Tongkat Ali restore serum testosterone levels, but it also has been found to decrease stress levels, boost immunity, raise bone density and lower blood sugar levels. Wow, that’s a lot and the beauty of taking Tongkat Ali is that you could also drop some weight and reduce belly fat by about 31% if your results are similar to what is seen in the studies.

With these types of benefits, Tongkat Ali is literally every man’s dream when he gets older. But there’s more.

Do Studies Actually Show Great Benefits?

Studies have shown that this Malaysian wonder herb also:

• Improves fertility Whether you’ve considered the idea of starting a new second family or are still working on

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expanding your first family, Tongkat Ali can help. By restoring the connection between the brain, pituitary gland and your reproductive organs, your fertility is boosted and you will have new sperm cells.

• Inhibits aromatase conversion of testosterone to estrogenInhibiting the aromatase enzyme does a lot for men with prostate enlargement and those that are losing their hair. This benefit may be extended to you if you have either one of these issues.

• Inhibits the enzyme phosphodiesterase Phosphodiesterase plays a role in regulating levels of cAMP and cGMP in the body, which controls the functioning of cells. It’s especially important that this enzyme is inhibited during erectile dysfunction, asthma, COPD, depression, memory loss, and congestive heart failure, and other inflammatory diseases.

• Enhances muscle strengthWhen your muscle strength starts visibly declining, you don’t feel very masculine. Tongkat Ali takes care of this. tudies show

• Improves sports performance

• Reduces fatigue

• Improves sense of well-beingYou might be very surprised at how a good attitude is a big issue when testosterone levels are low. The good news is that as the testosterone levels start rising, your attitude improves and you feel a sense of well-being.

• Reduces cortisol levels High cortisol levels cause belly fat to increase. In

one animal study, Tongkat Ali lowered belly fat by 32% within 2 weeks, and men are noticing changes in their own body while taking the herb. In human studies, the cortisol reduction was 16% over a 4-week period.

Ben’s Testo-Booster Supplements

Ben’s Testo-Booster contains Tongkat Ali but it’s not the usual Tongkat Ali that you will find other places. Some of these other herbal sources have been found to be contaminated with arsenic, lead, and/or mercury. Others on the market are not even the correct herb.

Ben’s Testo-Booster contains Tongkat ali that utilizes a new process of aging or fermenting the herb that makes it quite potent. Check out the formula now by clicking here.

Dr Donna

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Traditional Diagnosis & Drawbacks

Sometimes, one of the trickiest things about a cancer diagnoses is first finding it. This is frequently the case with prostate cancer due to a number of reasons. First of all, traditionally, the gold standard for diagnosis has been a biopsy procedure, where the gland is poked and tissue samples are extracted for evaluation for the presence of cancer cells. For those of you unfamiliar, the image may help with visualization:

This procedure, however, is far from ideal for several key reasons. First, it is quite possible to get a false reading, because if the tissue samples that are taken are cancer free but a small tumor exists between the samples (often 12 ‘core samples’ are done in a biopsy), then it can be missed, leading to potential concern about an unrecognized

tumor site growing without monitoring or treatment (studies suggest this may happen up to 30% percent of the time!). Even more common is the over diagnosis and finding of low-risk cancers that are termed ‘indolent,’ or unlikely to cause any significant concerns for most men in their lifetime.Furthermore, biopsies can actually increase the risk of metastasis of extant cancer, as they puncture the prostatic tissue, enabling cancer cells to migrate via the bloodstream that have been dislodged during the procedure. This, of course, is one of the last things we want to see happen!

Finally, there is also the issue of discomfort from having the procedure done, which can lead to pain, inflammation, fever and blood in the semen or urine for days afterwards. Additionally, approximately 6% of men get prostatitis or another related infection because of the procedure, which certainly

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doesn’t encourage its popularity!

The Many Considerations of using a Multiparametric MRIBecause of all these issues, research in recent years has been drawing our focus more closely to the emergent technology of the multiparametric MRI for the improving of prostate cancer screening & diagnostic process. In this procedure, many of the downsides of biopsies, such as the side effects, the spacing issue between core biopsy samples and even over-diagnosing indolent cancers, are either avoided and/or are reduced.

How It WorksThis MRI is similar to most MRIs in that it is essentially a functional form of imaging used to supplement standard anatomical T1 and T2-weighted imaging. The sequences of choice are dynamic contrast-enhanced (DCE) MRI and diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI). To a certain extent, the more sequences the better, for if all three functional parameters are included, one achieves a positive predictive value for cancer of 98%, compared to the detection rate of 68% for T2W MRI alone.

Diagnostic Pros & Cons There are definite pros and cons to this technology. On the downside, this MRI cannot detect all prostate tumors, and has poor sensitivity for low volume, low-grade, Gleason 3+3 prostatic disease. This could be, however, seen as an advantage ironically, because indolent tumors are the very ones in which there is a concern of “over-diagnosis”. In fact, in the context of selecting patients with presumed low volume, low grade disease for active surveillance, the lack of a lesion on MRI is a good prognostic finding for this same reason. Predictably, the larger a tumor and the higher its grade, the more likely it is to be seen on MRI. This is also dependent on the technical factors mentioned above.

DrawbacksOne of the difficulties with MRI in general and perhaps even more so for prostate MRI is the heterogeneity of imaging quality between different centers performing the screens. Of course, this is multifactorial and is dependent on many technical things, such as magnet strength, coils, software upgrades and protocols employed. These factors, along with sequence’s specific parameters (e.g., choice of b-values), can make inter-center comparison for physicians and practitioners challenging for quantifiable functional measurements derived from DWI and DCE-MRI. Other factors that are harder to standardize across various centers and hospitals are more tumor-specific, such as sparse growth patterns and patient-related artefacts due to hip metalwork, prior biopsy or rectal loading.

So while it may reduce the risk of finding small and indolent cancers that seldom will cause any issue for most men, it does miss

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other possible cancers that could be more aggressive or larger, as the technology is not perfect in finding such cancers. Statistics suggest that it only has approximately a 74% sensitivity in finding prostate cancers, while the specificity is much better, approaching 90%. Furthermore, there are also issues with acquiring the images and sensitive interpretation by physicians to be able to accurately review these images for optimal diagnostic purposes. Subsequently, additional training will be necessary to bring up standards amongst high-level practitioners, radiologists, and general physicians who interpret MRIs routinely for patients in clinical practice, which will take years.

Concluding ThoughtsIt would appear, based on extant literature, that the multiparametric MRI holds a great deal of promise as, at the very least, an important tool to complement the standard prostatic biopsy. However, for it to become the gold standard in screening, sensitivity rates will need to improve considerably as will the skill and training level of those involved in front-line care of patients being screened for such potential conditions. Furthermore, widespread access and

availability to patients across multiple geographic and economic strata is a must for this to truly become uniformly and realistically offered as a biopsy alternative. As things stand currently, it would be a wise adjunctive screening tool for many men to consider since it is less invasive, without many of the downsides of a biopsy, and is unlikely to focus attention on something that is minor and indolent. Reasonably, it could be considered a first screening option to then be followed up by a biopsy for more definite determination and pathological typing, should such a need arise due to a suspicious presentation of possible prostate illness in a particular man’s situation.

Dr Eric Wood

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[email protected]

I’d like to take this opportunity to introduce a brand new section of The Natural Choice. One aspect of dealing with prostate disease and its

symptoms is having a positive outlook. That’s why I’ve decided to create Success Story Corner.

I’ve collected some truly amazing testimonies from dozens of you over the past few months. The response was overwhelmingly positive, the success, happiness, inspiration and motivation I’ve seeing in so many men all over the world has been nothing short of what I’m dreamed about over the past 15 years.

So many of you have found success, health, felt younger, been happier and have lived better by reversing your prostate problems the natural way. Many of you in just a couple of months! And I don’t want your voices to go unheard. So without further ado, please enjoy Success Story Corner: Your monthly dose of inspiration.

This month’s prostate Health Success Story comes from Marek, who aside from finding success with Total Health, has discovered the true, synergistic power of pairing Total Health for the Prostate up with Prostate Power. Click on the video thumbnail to hear his story.

Do you have a similar story and you would you like to be featured in Success Story Corner? Instructions on how to submit your video testimonial are available by clicking here. Tell us how any of my supplements have helped you so you can inspire the community to make that positive change. As a big Thank You for submitting your testimony, I’ll be sending your way three month’s free of my brain power boosting supplement Rejuvenayte, and I’ll even enter you into a contest to win even more amazing bonuses.

Don’t miss out on your chance to be an inspiration part of our prostate health community.

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Recent research from Columbia University has shown that people who are cancer survivors are becoming obese more so than people who

never had cancer in the first place. These results were drawn from looking at 538,969 adults from the ages of 18 to 85 years old who had survived cancer. Annually, the rates of men who had survived prostate cancer and were becoming obese was increasing by 2%. The men most affected were younger and had been diagnosed with prostate cancer in the previous two to nine years. This is worrisome for a number of different reasons. Let’s look at why you should be concerned and what you can do to address your risk factors.

Although it’s obvious, when we take a closer look at what obesity is, we find that it’s an accumulation of fatty tissue. Many people may not think much of it or may just see it as a cosmetic issue. Seeing fat that way can cost your health and life. Fat is more than just extra body tissue. It can act as an endocrine organ excreting hormones. It can store toxins. It can create inflammation. It can hinder normal body processes. It is not as harmless as simply needing larger sized clothes.

Fat as an endocrine organ. In recent years, scientists have realized that fat can create hormones, specifically estrogen. If you’ve seen big, tall men that have large breasts it’s because of the accumulation of fat that is secreting more estrogen. Estrogen can increase the size of the prostate and negatively affect pre-existing prostate conditions. People don’t commonly think of it but estrogen can also lead to breast cancer in men. Although rates of breast cancer in men are not as high as they are for women, with higher amounts of

fat in the body, men increase their risk for developing breast cancer as well as furthering prostate problems.

Fat creates fat hormones. Fatty tissue produces leptin. Leptin is a hormone that contributes to the activation of various inflammatory pathways. These pathways appear to be influenced by estrogen and testosterone. Higher levels of fat have also been associated with lower levels of adiponectin, another hormone created by fat. Adiponectin is involved in normal cell death. Higher levels of leptin leading to more inflammation and lower levels of adiponectin leading to less normal cell death has scientists currently hypothesizing this as a prime mechanism for the development and progression of tumors.

Fat is a storehouse for toxins. When we go about living our lives, going to different places and being exposed to different substances in our environment we, many times unintentionally, absorb or ingest toxins. Toxins are present in air pollution which can come from places like car exhaust or smoke. They are also in the food we eat via pesticides we may consume unknowingly. Different beverages we drink can have preservatives, food colorings or other chemicals in them that our body recognizes as toxins. We also have toxins entering our bodies through anything we put on our skin like sunscreen, aftershave or lotions. These toxins are stored in our fat cells maintaining unhealthy function for those cells. When toxins are stored in fat cells they cannot be metabolized properly or have proper function like maintaining body temperature, creating healthy hormones or lining the membranes of all of our cells. They stay in our bodies as dysfunctional cells that are ripe for cell mutation.

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Inflammation. Fat leads to more inflammation. Inflammation is the first step and the long term foundation for chronic health problems. It leads to abnormal cell production, cell dysfunction, cell dysregulation and cell mutation. It is the groundwork for health problems to develop in.

Insulin. People who are obese have higher rates of circulating insulin. This is problematic because higher levels of insulin circulating in the blood is the beginning of insulin resistance, blood sugar dysregulation, and increasing risk to develop diabetes. It also leads to more development of fatty tissue. Currently, scientists are also finding a connection between higher circulating insulin and the presence of different cancers like colorectal and breast cancer.

Sugar. One of the strongest connections to cancer is sugar. We see that sugar depresses the immune system for up to five hours after its consumption. Cancer cells also feed on sugar. Sugar provides a fuel source that cancer cells can easily proliferate with. Interestingly, we have seen the increase in cancer parallel obesity as well as noting increasing rates of diabetes. Are you seeing how these risk factors are lining up?

So, why is obesity becoming more prevalent in cancer survivors? Researchers are studying why this might be the case, but I have some thoughts as to why this might be occurring.

Sedentary lifestyles. People are excessively sedentary these days. The latest observation by many doctors and scientists is that living a sedentary lifestyle is equivalent to smoking a pack of cigarettes per day. The health effects of increasing obesity, cardiovascular disease and diabetes are the same for a sedentary person as they are for a person who smokes a pack of cigarettes a day. If people who survived cancer are not including exercise as part of their daily routine for maintaining health, then they are setting themselves up for problems to reoccur.

Diet. If people who have survived cancer have not changed their eating habits, then they have the same risk factors for developing cancer again and are likely to become obese. A Standard American Diet full of

processed foods, high saturated fats, high sugar and hormone laden- antibiotic fed beef, chicken and turkey is the base for the development of obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer. Many people who have survived cancer have gone through chemotherapy and radiation with little to no attention to nutrition. Diet must be the first line approach to regenerating, revitalizing and restoring cellular health.

The American Cancer Society predicts that in 2016 there will be 1,685,210 new cases of cancer with 595,690 cancer related deaths. These numbers are staggering. How do you keep yourself from being one of those numbers? You start one day and one step at a time. Small changes like increasing walking in your day is one step. Trying a new fun activity like dancing, cycling or hiking to have other people join you on your exercise routine can help you stay on track. Choose a vegetable, like cherry tomatoes, snap peas or carrots, or a handful of nuts for a snack. Pick a low glycemic fruit like blueberries for breakfast. If you find that your mind is the hardest hurdle to overcome, try a meditation technique that helps you focus for five minutes a day. There are numerous meditation styles available. Find one that works for you. Small consistent changes on a daily basis go further in creating a healthy lifestyle than drastic changes that are hard to keep up. If you are one of the people that has beaten cancer, you have a new slate, a new chance at making changes that can make all the difference to you, your friends and family.

Start taking advantage of your life today. Your body, friends, family and your spirit will thank you for it.

Dr Judith Thompson

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[email protected]

- Ketogenic Hot Chilli Soup -

1. Cut up and set your chicken thighs to cook in an oiled pan.

2. When cooked, set it aside to rest.3. Add 2 tbsp of olive oil, heat up the coriander

seeds to release more of their flavor. Add in sliced chili to season the oil.

4. Add your broth and water and let this come to a simmer. Season with turmeric, ground cumin, salt, and pepper.

5. Once simmering, add in your tomato paste and butter and stir to melt and combine. Let your soup simmer for 5-10 minutes.

6. Add the juice of half a lime.7. Place 4 ounces of chicken thighs into your

bowls and ladle the soup for serving. Garnish with 1/4 of an avocado into each bowl and cilantro.

- Ingredients -

• 2 Cups Of Chicken Broth• 1 tbsp Coriander Seeds• 2 tbsp Olive Oil• 2 Chilli Peppers, sliced• 2 Cups Water• 1 Avocado• 4 tbsp Tomato Paste• 16 oz Chicken Thighs• Salt, Pepper to taste• 1 tsp Turmeric• 1/2 tsp Ground Cumin• 2 tbsp Butter• Cilantro• Juice Of Half Of A Lime



KETOGENIC HOT CHILI SOUP This recipe is a pretty simple soup with a great depth of flavor that can only be described as comfort food. The flavors of the broth are spicy and quite savory, though the touch of lime juice and cilantro at the end will brighten up the entire dish. All of the flavors in the soup play off of each other, giving you a different sensation with each and every bite.

396 Calories, 27.8g Fats, 5.8g Net Carbs, and 28g Protein

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- Ketogenic Hot Chilli Soup -

1. Grind chia seeds in a spice grinder. Add all dry ingredients and chia seeds into a bowl.

2. Preheat your oven to 375F.3. Add olive oil and mix into the dry ingredients.4. Pour water into bowl and mix extremely well.

This may take a while, but you want a solid dough to form.

5. Add shredded cheddar and using your hands, mix the dough well. Set onto a Silpat and let sit for a few minutes.

6. Spread or roll the dough to the size of the Silpat.7. Bake for 30-35 minutes, remove from the oven

and cut into individual crackers.

- Ingredients -

• 1/2 cup of ground Chia Seeds• 2 tbsp. Olive Oil• 3 oz. Shredded Cheddar Cheese• 1 1/4 Cup Ice Water• 2 tbsp. Psyllium Husk Powder• 1/4 tsp. Xanthan Gum• 1/4 tsp. Garlic Powder, 1/4 tsp.

Onion Powder• 1/4 tsp. Oregano,1/4 tsp.

Paprika• 1/4 tsp. Salt, 1/4 tsp. Pepper



LOW CARB CHIA SEEDS CRACKERSThis recipe is a small, healthy snack. These crackers are crunchy, packed with flavor, and full of healthy fats. This recipe is a total of 36 crackers with a little left over dough.

Great for sharing or if you’re feeling peckish but not willing to over indulge then this is the perfect choice.

Per cracker, these are 31 calories, 2.5g Fats, 0.1g Net Carbs, and 1.3g Protein

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Positive thinking is a mental and emotional state whereby you see the good in every situation. A positive person thinks and believes they can overcome any obstacle and challenge they might face. They choose to be the architects of how their day will be and how they encounter problems.

This is a great way to live because not only does positive thinking help you deal with a difficult situation in a better way, but it changes you as a person. You are your thoughts, and these thoughts govern your world, and the way in which you choose to live your life every day.

Your inner thoughts will always manifest to your outer world, so it’s important that these inner thoughts are overall positive.


The mind is very powerful and positive thinking improves your brain health by releasing serotonin, the happy hormone that is responsible for your mood. Whereas negative thinking slows down the brain and thinking process, making it difficult to come up with solutions and ideas.

Neuroscientists have discovered that people who have frequent positive thoughts have higher brain activity in the left prefrontal cortex. Likewise, behavioral scientist found that people who are optimistic have higher success rates in comparison to pessimistic individuals.

More positive thinking people tend to lead a more fulfilling life, are less lonely with a greater social life, develop better relationships, have healthier habits and improve health with stronger immune systems that will enable them to fight

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off infections that may invade their bodies.


The vast majority of adults go through any number of stressful periods in their life at some point. Whether these are financial difficulties, moving house or finding a new job, the problems and life tests are inevitable. Either way, stress is one of the major factors for a weakened immune system, depression and heart health issues. So it’s very important to learn how to manage it in a way that doesn’t hurt you physically.

One way to eliminate or reduce the intensity of stress would be changing your mindset. It can be difficult to adopt a healthy mindset when you’re feeling down but by practicing positive thinking each day, this becomes a habit rather than conscious effort.The way we perceive a situation will determine the stress levels we experience. People who are optimistic tend to have a can do attitude about life, they are more likely to try again if they fail.

Pessimistic people tend to blame themselves for any wrong doing and as a result, will be harder on themselves, which will lead to negative self talk and blame. Consequently, this behaviour means that one becomes less enthusiastic to take the right actions and be productive in pursuit of their goals.

As you can see, positive thinking is much more than just happy thoughts, it affects you both physically and mentally, so be mindful of your thoughts and practice positive affirmations every morning to get you ready for the day ahead. Now I’ll share with you what works for me, personally. Every morning, right after I get out of the shower, I look out my bedroom window and think about everything that I am grateful for. I say 10 things that I am grateful for, the reasons why I am thankful for them and I feel gratitude for all the blessings I have in my life.

Ever since I began practicing this ritual in April of last year, I’ve found that my mood has been lifted, I no longer stress out about the little things in life and have learned to enjoy the present moment.

Even if you feel like there is nothing to be thankful for in your life, just remember you’re alive and breathing. The gift of life is priceless and never forget it.

Saying these affirmations everyday really reminds me of the things that I may take for granted, things that many people forget to think about. I’m talking about something as precious as breathing, which we tend to forget is a complicated mechanism that our body need to go through for us to live. It does it all on it’s own, we don’t even need to think about it. I find this to be amazing. By doing daily affirmations, you then programme your mind to see the good in everything and everyone.

In the next page we have created a poster for you to print so you can remind yourself the many things life has blessed you with. Start your day with the right thoughts and see how it will lift your mood and make you feel more empowered and confident to take on life’s greatest obstacles.

We believe in you.

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In case this is your first issue of our monthly journal The Natural Choice, Ask Ben is a recurring segment in every issue in which Ben responds to questions from you, the reader.

Many of our readers love engaging with us and asking a multitude of deep questions regarding their lifestyle. We provide feedback that inspires and equips our customers on exactly what they need to do for themselves in order to be victorious in their battle with health problems.

We believe all of your questions are valuable and choose some of the best to include in our monthly Natural Choice Articles. This is so that others going through similar experiences can learn how they can also live a more fulfilling life with the contribution of you and the community.

We are empowered by your feedback and this propels us to do more to provide the best service can.

If you would like to have your prostate health or supplement related question, no matter the nature, answered by Ben in an upcoming issue of The Natural Choice then please feel confident to email your question to [email protected].

If your question is of an urgent nature, we advise you seek more immediate advice from your doctor.

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