in this issue - iowa · 03/04/2020  · youtube (link below). ... fear god, and keep his...

Important Updates pg 1 Church Links pg 1 Pastor Ken’s Message pg 2 Worship Schedule pg 3 Worship Aendance pg 3 Music Ministry pg 3 For the Kids! pg 4 Online Resources pg 5 Finance Leer pg 6 NAMI Walks! pg 7 UMW Missions pg 7 Missions Update pg 8 Earth Day! pg 9 S.O.S. pg 10 UMM Thank you! pg 10 Permanent Endowment pg 10 Cleaning me! pg 10 Wedding Bells pg 10 Prayers & Celebraons pg 11 April Birthdays pg 11 Support for Seniors! pg 11 In This Issue Important Links Solon United Methodist Church Website: hps:// Solon United Methodist Church YouTube Page: hps:// Facebook Page: Solon United Methodist Church—Iowa hps:// Church Office Email address: [email protected] Worship will be held ONLINE ONLY unl further noce. Unfortunately that means that we will NOT be able to celebrate Palm Sunday and Easter together. We will connue with our LIVE worship on YouTube (link below). We are constantly working to find ways to connect from afar so keep an eye on your email for the most up to date news. Stay tuned for emails and Facebook posts coming to you from Pastor Lisa and the Music Ministry on Wednesdays. Thank you to all who provided feedback aſter our first go with YouTube Live. We will connue to make changes to how we reach you at home. All meengs for commiees and groups are CANCELED unl further noce. ALL Church facilies are CLOSED unl further noce. Doors are locked and only essenal staff and volunteers will be allowed in the building.

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Page 1: In This Issue - Iowa · 03/04/2020  · YouTube (link below). ... Fear God, and keep his commandments; for that is the whole duty of everyone. 14 For God will bring every deed into

Important Updates pg 1

Church Links pg 1

Pastor Ken’s Message pg 2

Worship Schedule pg 3

Worship Attendance pg 3

Music Ministry pg 3

For the Kids! pg 4

Online Resources pg 5

Finance Letter pg 6

NAMI Walks! pg 7

UMW Missions pg 7

Missions Update pg 8

Earth Day! pg 9

S.O.S. pg 10

UMM Thank you! pg 10

Permanent Endowment pg 10

Cleaning time! pg 10

Wedding Bells pg 10

Prayers & Celebrations pg 11

April Birthdays pg 11

Support for Seniors! pg 11

In This Issue

Important Links

Solon United Methodist Church Website:

Solon United Methodist Church YouTube Page:

Facebook Page: Solon United Methodist Church—Iowa

Church Office Email address: [email protected]

Worship will be held ONLINE ONLY until

further notice. Unfortunately that means

that we will NOT be able to celebrate Palm

Sunday and Easter together. We will continue with our LIVE worship on

YouTube (link below). We are constantly working to find ways to connect

from afar so keep an eye on your email for the most up to date news. Stay

tuned for emails and Facebook posts coming to you from

Pastor Lisa and the Music Ministry on Wednesdays.

Thank you to all who provided feedback after our first go with YouTube

Live. We will continue to make changes to how we reach you at home.

All meetings for committees and groups are CANCELED until further notice.

ALL Church facilities are CLOSED until further notice. Doors are locked and

only essential staff and volunteers will be allowed in the building.

Page 2: In This Issue - Iowa · 03/04/2020  · YouTube (link below). ... Fear God, and keep his commandments; for that is the whole duty of everyone. 14 For God will bring every deed into

My Friends-

We each saw the storm clouds begin to form. As children of the

Mid-West we know there is change when the sky is greenish grey,

or when the wind comes from the south or north. We feel our skin

tingle when the humidity changes. Even as we hear the thunder

roll we are charged and alert. We know.

However, I’ve noticed over the years there is a wide variety of re-

sponses and reactions to this change in the weather. Some secure the doors and retreat to a shelter when need-

ed. Then, oh yes then there are those of us who stand outside looking for the funnel cloud. You know who you

are! Or perhaps you go out on the golf course and say to yourself that the lightening is safely in the distance.

Again, you know who you are.

Today, beyond the weather of sun, rain and wind of our physical world is a storm of the spirit. I have seen in the

past how we frame our life in one realm is often seen in the other. Therefore: do you trust that funnel cloud is a

danger? Do you trust COVID-19 is a danger? What will you do? What have you done?

In the realm of the spirit whom do you trust? What danger do you see? What have you done? What will you do?

Ecclesiastes 12:9-14

9 Besides being wise, the Teacher also taught the people knowledge, weighing and studying and arranging many

proverbs. 10 The Teacher sought to find pleasing words, and he wrote words of truth plainly.

11 The sayings of the wise are like goads, and like nails firmly fixed are the collected sayings that are given by one

shepherd 12 Of anything beyond these, my child, beware. Of making many books there is no end, and much study is

a weariness of the flesh.

13 The end of the matter; all has been heard. Fear God, and keep his commandments; for that is the whole duty of

everyone. 14 For God will bring every deed into judgment, including every secret thing, whether good or evil.

To be clear, to fear God is not the same kind of fear we might have of a tyrant.

God is not a tyrant. God loves us and knows us. God is our Creator. To fear God

means we are aware of this truth and we hold God in our heart and soul with awe

and reverence. In the midst of all I see and feel I am constantly in awe that I am

loved. You too are loved. Remember my friends:

John 3:16

16 “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who be-

lieves in him may not perish but may have eternal life.”



Page 3: In This Issue - Iowa · 03/04/2020  · YouTube (link below). ... Fear God, and keep his commandments; for that is the whole duty of everyone. 14 For God will bring every deed into


What a different time we are living in! I hear people remark “we are in uncharted waters”

as they report on aspects of battling the corona virus and the challenges we face. But

one thing remains constant: We know God is with us; a faithful and never-changing

God! We continue to seek comfort and peace in Jesus Christ, our Savior. We pray for

the Holy Spirit to guide us with power, courage and strength!

In a time when everything seems changed, our church calendar remains the same and I

find the pathway to get through these uncharted waters as I remember the story of

God’s love for us in the midst of dark times. Our Lenten journey continues in April as

Jesus rides into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, sits with the disciples at the Last Supper, is

crucified on the cross on Good Friday, is raised from the dead on Easter Sunday, and

the disciples try to wrap their heads around the miracle and what this all means. It was

a roller coaster ride for them and reminds me of the uncertainty we’re living through right

now. Jesus starts Holy Week as a king being honored with palm branches waved. But

there is someone hiding in the shadows who will betray Jesus in the Garden just after a

meal Jesus shared with his “friends” in the Upper Room, where he washes their feet like

a servant would, and tells them “love each other just as I have loved you.” But the

evening ends with soldiers taking Jesus away and watching Jesus die on the cross the

next day. A few weeks ago, we were going through our day-to-day routines, looking

forward to spring, spring break and the significant and sacred services of Palm Sunday,

Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday coming up. Now our face-to-face

Sunday worship services have been cancelled. We are told not to gather and to stay at

home as much as possible. Vacations and travel plans are put on hold. Children are

staying home from school and many people have lost their jobs or are working from

home. We are anxious and wondering when and if life will be normal again.

I wonder what the disciples were feeling through the ups and downs of their journey with

Jesus. At times, I’m sure they felt deep anguish and truly didn’t know what to do next,

even hiding behind locked doors. But then they hear the miraculous news from women

who have visited the tomb, found it empty and are told Jesus has been raised from the

dead. Scripture tells us there was “great fear and excitement.” Jesus’ first words are

“peace be with you” even though these same disciples had all abandoned him. As reali-

ty settles in that their Savior is alive, they can hardly wait to tell everyone the good news.

We also look forward to the words of an “all clear” when we can come out from our plac-

es of safety and once again gather together and be in community.

Pastor Ken and I will continue to find ways to encourage and support each of you

with God’s Word and Hymns of Praise. We continue telling the story in the midst of

all that has changed, as we wait for medicines, vaccines, and healing and we seek

shelter in our tower of refuge and strength – our three-in-one God, Father, Son and

Holy Spirit.

Pastor Lisa ([email protected], office: 319-624-2288 cell: 319-325-4566)

Page 4: In This Issue - Iowa · 03/04/2020  · YouTube (link below). ... Fear God, and keep his commandments; for that is the whole duty of everyone. 14 For God will bring every deed into

I have gone downstairs during the week to work in the Sun-

day school rooms many times over

the 20 years I have been teaching. But this time was differ-

ent. The darkened hallways, the

closed doors brought me feelings of sadness and loss. Those

hallways won’t have kids running

in them for a while, the rooms will stay dark. These are the

times that we turn to God to help us,

to give us strength, to show us the path to the light.

I think many Sunday school teachers will agree that teaching during Lent is their favorite time!

There isn’t the urgency and rush of Christmas, we can focus on the meaning of Easter season-

Jesus has Risen!

We know this is a really difficult time for the kids and all of your families. Schedules and

everything familiar has been disrupted. We wanted to bring a sense of normal to them, so

we’ve put the Sunday school lessons online for you. Please visit the SUMC website where

Lindy has added each week’s lessons! There are also some fun family activities, as we know

how the kids love to bake!

Please know that we are praying for our students and your families and hope that we can be

back at worship and Sunday school soon. When we return, we will have much to celebrate; we

will be remodeling and updating the rooms downstairs over the summer!

Just like Easter, we will go through times of darkness, but God will show us the light! May all of

your families stay healthy and safe.

Jill Weetman 1.) Go to

2.) Scroll down to the date of the lesson you are

looking for

3.) Under Sunday School Lesson Resources click

on your child’s age group.

Page 5: In This Issue - Iowa · 03/04/2020  · YouTube (link below). ... Fear God, and keep his commandments; for that is the whole duty of everyone. 14 For God will bring every deed into

4 Days of Devotions and Activities for the Elderly


Printable Word Searches for Adults

Printable Sudoku for Adults worksheets for kids

Coloring Pages

Top Coloring Pages

Just Color

PBS Kids -Kids Games, Videos, Apps and Shows

Virtual Fieldtrips

Discovery Education

We Are Teachers

Early Childhood Education Zone

Science Experiments

Science Fun for Everyone

Physical Education

Kids Zumba(Dance)

Go Noodle

Page 6: In This Issue - Iowa · 03/04/2020  · YouTube (link below). ... Fear God, and keep his commandments; for that is the whole duty of everyone. 14 For God will bring every deed into

Dear members of the Solon United Methodist Church (SUMC);

We find ourselves in perilous times and in waters that very few have navigated before as we as a community strive to ad-

dress the challenges brought forth by the coronavirus (COVID-19). While we take care of ourselves and our families and

friends, we also need to take care of our church. This church has weathered numerous storms in the past. With clear direc-

tion and by the grace of God, it will come out on top as it always has. However, it does need our direct and immediate


At this point in time, we need to be prudent with the management of our cash. It is essential that we develop a fiscal plan

until some sort of normalcy returns.

This plan will focus on "freezing" the SUMC checking account balance at the end of March. This means we do not pay any

bills until we have money coming in from the congregation during the month of April. As April money comes in, it will be

allocated based on the following plan:

Priority #1 - payroll, payroll taxes, and fringe benefits.

Priority #2 - utilities

Priority #3 - other payments as deemed necessary on a case by case basis and approved by the Finance Committee

Priority #2 disbursements would be made only when the net new money cash balance exceeds the payroll cash require-

ments for the next two weeks. If all utility bills have been paid and the April money cash balance still exceeds the payroll

cash requirements for the next two weeks, then priority #3 disbursements could be addressed.

In all of this we need to address the fact that it will be highly unlikely that we will be gathering together in our building for

Easter. Easter and Christmas are traditionally our biggest dates for collecting gifts to the church. Along without holding

worship and collecting contributions we are looking at not being able to hold our Annual Easter Breakfast. This event usual-

ly brings in around $400 to $500 that is directed into the youth camp fund. This fund is currently in a good financial state. In

lieu of current events, we will be looking to direct all donations to our financial priorities.

As a Finance Committee, we realize this is a rather mechanical approach, however, we feel this framework will guide our

cash management decisions. As always, a mechanical model is no substitute for sound judgment. We are sure there will be

instances where we may need to dip into the frozen cash balance, but will discuss those situations as a group.

As we progress through this challenging situation, we know above all else to trust in God. With God's grace, sound decision

making and support from our congregation, we will get through this together.

Please contact any member of the Finance Committee with questions of concerns

Thank you

Pastor Ken

SUMC Finance Committee

Page 7: In This Issue - Iowa · 03/04/2020  · YouTube (link below). ... Fear God, and keep his commandments; for that is the whole duty of everyone. 14 For God will bring every deed into

Mental Health Awareness—NAMIWalks

Mark your calendars to JOIN THE FUN! You will be hearing more from Church & Society about this year’s

walk to promote mental health for all!

Date: Saturday, May 30, 2020

Location: VIRTUAL EVENT, participate in NAMIWalks Johnson and Linn County through social and our live


Consider joining our team Solon Striders: Walking with Purpose on this walk, and/or donating to the team through the NAMI web-

site. We have set a fundraising goal of $5000 but would love to raise much more, as all donations directly support the mission of


For more information, go to

The link will take you to a page that contains details of the walk as well as links to register (“Join our Team”) and to donate to this

event (“Support Us”).

If you have any questions, contact Keela Herr at [email protected] or 319-389-5173. Thank you for your support.

The UMW continues to support The Preemie Project. If you are looking to fill your time while at home, please consider

working on items that can be donated.

If you would like to participate in this project please contact Connie Railsback at [email protected] or 319-430-

9057 for printed guidelines if you need them. All are welcome to participate, but the Guidelines must be followed.

The Preemie Project seeks to provide comfort and support to

critically ill infants and their families in Newborn Intensive Care

Units in Iowa.

TPP Mailing Address The Preemie Project

2607 Flagstone Court

Coralville, IA 52241

Page 8: In This Issue - Iowa · 03/04/2020  · YouTube (link below). ... Fear God, and keep his commandments; for that is the whole duty of everyone. 14 For God will bring every deed into


United Methodist Builders: $86.00

Human Relations Day: $172.00

Disability Awareness: $111.00

Women at the Well: $163.00

Total Loose Change for Mission

Work 2020: $72.78

*as of (01/01/2020 - 03/01/2020)

Mark Hearn Memorial Distribution

It was important to the Missions Committee to complete the distribution of the Mark Hearn Memorial

Funds marked for Missions so that those funds could work for the betterment of the community. This

donation from Mark Hearn's estate was a true blessing to us that allowed us to help so many in need.

$250 was donated to the Solon Public Schools, Before and After School Program

The following was received from Amber Feaker, Solon Schools:

"The monetary amount was able to cover the entire month of care for a family that currently

requires the most care which is $238.00 per month. But most importantly, the family will feel

the relief and care from the community - that is such a blessing!"

$250 was donated to the Solon Public Schools, School Lunch Program

Based on $2.55 for lunch for elementary school students, this amount covered 99 lunches!

$600 was donated to Iowa City Shelter House

From Jake Masters, Donor Relations & Marketing Coordinator | Shelter House

"We want to thank you again for your support of Shelter House. At this time, our main focus is

to continue to provide safe shelter and resources to men, women, and children in the communi-

ty. Your contribution will help us keep the doors open, lights on, and with our services them-

selves. With the COVID-19 virus going around, our biggest project is trying to keep everyone

safe while helping them move beyond homelessness."

Hygiene Products Delivered

Because of you, we were able to provide

hygiene products (vacation size) to the Iowa

City Shelter House that have a value of

$114.50. Keep saving those and we will do

another delivery in the fall.

Bars of soap 71

lotion 64

conditioner 26

shampoo 30

Misc 4

Dental Items 34

2020 Committee Members

Tawnia Kakacek, Dan Boggs, Deb Ruff, Connie Railsback, Cathy Boggs and Bethany Huyck

If you feel called to be involved with Missions, this is the place! We welcome you!

Contact Tawnia Kakacek, [email protected]

Page 9: In This Issue - Iowa · 03/04/2020  · YouTube (link below). ... Fear God, and keep his commandments; for that is the whole duty of everyone. 14 For God will bring every deed into

Our 2nd Annual Earth Day Even has been POSTPONED

due to the COVID-19 pandemic but know that we will

plan to hold some sort of Earth Day event and help

out at Lake Macbride once this has passed.

With all the negative news, let’s look at one positive pertaining to Mother Earth in honor of Earth Day. Below is

a map of air pollution and how it is decreasing as we all STAY HOME AND STAY SAFE!

For more resources about Earth Day and ways to help while social distancing please see the links below!


12 Meaningful Earth Day Activities for every age

34 Earth Day Crafts made from recyclables

Online Earth Day Games for Kids

Page 10: In This Issue - Iowa · 03/04/2020  · YouTube (link below). ... Fear God, and keep his commandments; for that is the whole duty of everyone. 14 For God will bring every deed into

Sisters of Strength (SOS):

During this time of social distancing we can still remain spirit-

ually connected! We are continuing to meet for our SOS Len-

ten Study “We Are Beloved” via Zoom on Monday nights at

6:30. Contact Pastor Lisa if you would like to join us! Phone

or text 319-325-4566 or email.

Serving Christ Together!

Lisa Schroeder [email protected]

The Men’s Soup Supper was held on February 21 and

raised $1,386.00. It was a fun night with much

good food and entertainment. Thank you to the

men’s group and all within the congregation for

working hard to raise

funds for our general

fund each year.

Permanent Endowment (PE) Scholarships

Did you know SUMC awards scholarships each year to HS Seniors who are going on to higher education. We encourage all of our HS Seniors to learn more and fill out an application by going to our website:

Deadline for submitting applications is April 10th, these can be filled out and emailed to the office, at

[email protected] or mailed to the church at 122 N West St, Solon IA 52333.

The building may be closed but the work continues. Staff are still here

fielding phone calls, answering emails and brainstorming and working on

information to share to help us all connect during this time.

When we return to worship together you can feel safe in knowing that we

are removing ALL materials from the pews, wiping down the hymnals and

bibles, door handles and rails. The Sunday School classrooms and the

nursery are being disinfected and cleaned. We can’t wait to see you, but

we are glad you are staying home. Please continue to due your part so we

can all worship together again as soon as possible!

Pastor Ken has had his daughter’s wedding on the staff calendar here for months, and while they

are still getting married in April they’ve had to change everything. Let’s send some love their way

and in doing so show Pastor Ken and Chrisa our support.

Please send cards to: Ken & Chrisa Ferguson

c/o Naomi and Mitchell

130 W. North St.

Solon, IA 52333

Page 11: In This Issue - Iowa · 03/04/2020  · YouTube (link below). ... Fear God, and keep his commandments; for that is the whole duty of everyone. 14 For God will bring every deed into

Do you have a birthday in this month but don’t see your birthday listed? Contact the Church at 624-2288 or

[email protected].

The SUMC family wants to support and encourage you throughout your time of need. If you have a prayer request, please fill out the Connection Card (located at the end of the pews,) and place it in the offering plate during worship. If you would like to add your prayer request to our church-wide prayer chain, please call the church office at (319) 624-2288, or email us with your request.

Becky Greazel—Continued prayers during court proceedings.

The family of Orlane Huey who passed away on February 28th.

The family of Virgil Werning who passed away on March 4th.

Ed Haury as he is dealing with quite of bit pain as his medication is be-ing adjusted.

Kent Connelly who is at the Solon Care Center, Skill Nursing Facility, awaiting surgery on his neck.

Laurie Stebral’s mother, Glenda Lee as she recovers from congenital heart failure. Prayers for the family and Glenda’s husband as they navigate a care plan.

Jeanne Bark –Fred is HOME! Please keep him in your prayers.

Pastor Lisa -Thanksgiving for good test re-sults at annual cancer exams - another all clear nearly 18 years since cancer diagno-sis. And after 14 years of serving in pasto-ral ministry I have been recommended for ordination this year at Annual Confer-ence! Praise God! I will finally be or-dained!

Kera Recker -Thank you to my fellow Sunday School teachers for the beautiful and thoughtful gift following the passing of my grandfather

Thank you to all the essential staff con-tinuing to keep our country fed and cared for during this time.

Solon Senior Advocates, Old Gold Diner, and Solon

Senior Support are working together and have volunteers

who will deliver groceries, medications, etc. to your

home so you can stay home and healthy- and limit your

exposure to Coronavirus and Influenza.

Please call Jill Weetman (Solon Senior Support) at

624-2773. We will have our volunteers give you a call and

take care of your needs!

Kruse, Keenan 4/01

Telecky, Jim 04/01

Tompkins, Penny 04/01

Vollbrecht, Emma 04/04

Saupe, Betsy 04/05

Evans, Lance 04/07

Stiegelmeyer, Westen 04/07

Strang, Yvonne 04/08

Lewis, Elizabeth 04/14

Weetman, Taylor 04/14

Durr, Madison 04/18

Hanus, Lee 04/19

Macke, Caidence 04/19

Hess, Terry 04/20

Kleppe, Amanda 04/20

Lauderbaugh, Verlee 04/21

Pearl, Roma 04/22

Railsback, Ed 04/22

McPheron, Cassandra 04/23

Smith, Adam 04/25

Boggs, Cathy 04/26

Kerkove, Madison 04/26

Vollbrecht, Tanner 04/26

Kunkel, Kacie 04/28

Kunkel, Sydney 04/28

Page 12: In This Issue - Iowa · 03/04/2020  · YouTube (link below). ... Fear God, and keep his commandments; for that is the whole duty of everyone. 14 For God will bring every deed into

Return Service Requested

122 North West St., Solon, IA 52333

9:15 AM ONLINE—Worship

Church Phone: (319) 624-2288 Address: 122 North West St., Solon, IA 52333

Church Website: Church Facebook: Solon United Methodist Church—Iowa

Rev. Ken Ferguson, Lead Minister Lisa Schroeder, Minister of Music Ministries Lindy Hopp, Office Administrator Jenn Stiegelmeyer, High School Youth Ministries Chrisa Ferguson, Middle School Youth Ministries Hsin Hui-Liu, Accompanist Mary Kucera, Director of Hand Bells Penny Tompkins, Treasurer Jon Lorence, Custodian Jerrod Hilton, Security Lindy Hopp, Nursery Supervisor Nursey staff: Alex, Annika, Cassandra & Selma

Making disciples of Jesus Christ

for the transformation

of our world