in this issue · christine hopperstad, newsletter editor 130 34th ave e, seattle, wa 98112...

The Official Newsletter of The American Whippet Club March 2013 IN THIS ISSUE AWC: The Official Poop 2013 National Specialty –information pages The Wrap Report Crufts 2013 Special Aspects of Judging the Whippet Whippets as Therapy Dogs: 150 Years ago Award of Versatility Winners 2013

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Page 1: In thIs Issue · Christine Hopperstad, Newsletter Editor 130 34th Ave E, Seattle, WA 98112 206.322.5872, Kirsten Hopperstad, Associate Editor 206.325.7743,

The Official Newsletter of The American Whippet Club March 2013

In thIs IssueAWC: The Official Poop

2013 National Specialty –information pages

The Wrap Report

Crufts 2013

Special Aspects of Judging the Whippet

Whippets as Therapy Dogs: 150 Years ago

Award of Versatility Winners 2013

Page 2: In thIs Issue · Christine Hopperstad, Newsletter Editor 130 34th Ave E, Seattle, WA 98112 206.322.5872, Kirsten Hopperstad, Associate Editor 206.325.7743,

President’s Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Editor’s Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

AWC: The Official Poop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

2013 National Specialty information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

The Wrap Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Crufts 2013 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

Special Aspects of Judging the Whippet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

Advertising in The Whippet News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

Whippets as Therapy Dogs: 150 Years ago . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

Award of Versatility Winners 2013 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

The AmericAn WhippeT clubOFFICERSDavid Samuelson, President 651.454.4174, [email protected]

Lisa Costello, Vice President 815.695.1930, [email protected]

Gail Boyd, Treasurer 919.362.4427, [email protected]

Cindy Scott, Secretary 719.594.9974, [email protected] 3655 Cragwood Dr, Colorado Springs, CO 80907

BOaRd OF dIRECtORSHenry Heil, 619.445.1777, [email protected]

Christine Hopperstad, 206.322.5872, [email protected]

Karen Lee, 610.932.4456, [email protected]

Crystal McNulty, 309.579.2946, [email protected]

Cindy Scott, 719.594.9974, [email protected]

Harold “Red” Tatro, 817.297.2398, [email protected]

Class of 2013: Henry Heil, Christine Hopperstad, David Samuelson

Class of 2014: Lisa Costello, Cindy Scott

Class of 2015: Gail Boyd, Karen Lee, Crystal McNulty

aWC COMMIttEE CHaIRSArchives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bo Bengtson, 805.646.3151

Futurity . . . . . . . . . . . . Rhonda Gifford, 480.710.3536, [email protected]

Health . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dr. Connie Austin, 217.498.8661 Dr. Connie Brunkow, [email protected] Dr. Lisa Costello, [email protected]

Judge’s Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . David Samuelson, 651.454.4174

Membership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jackie Hubble, 719.272.7037

Parade of Honors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alice VandenBussche, 315.945.2672

Performance Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dr. Lisa Costello, 815.695.1930

ROM Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Gail Boyd, 919.362.4427

Show. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cindy Scott, 719.594.9974

Top Twenty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Linda Waggoner, 541.347.2171

aWC SHOW CHaIRSNational . . . . . . . . . . . . Cindy Scott, 719.594.9974, [email protected]

Eastern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Harriett Lee, 434.295.4525, [email protected]

Midwest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Judy Lowther, 216.402.9022, [email protected]

N. Central . . . . . . . . . . . David Samuelson, 651.454.4174, [email protected]

S. Central . . . . . . . Kathy Rasmussen, 913.681.8929, [email protected]

Southern . . . . . . . . . . . Christine Heath, 850.936.1629, [email protected]

Western . . . . . . . Pam Magette, 562.598.8717, [email protected]

aWC BREEdER REFERRalSMary Downing, [email protected]

INdEPENdENt WElFaRE ORGaNIZatIONSWhippet Health Foundation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mary Beth Arthur, 414.355.4776

Whippet Rescue, WRAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dr. Barbara Henderson, 301.490.6598

aKC dElEGatEBo Bengtson, 805.646.3151 [email protected]

aSFa dElEGatEClaudia Miller, f/k/a CJ Foxx, 303.589.9238

Applications for AWC membership may be obtained either on request from Membership Chair Jackie Hubble, 719.272.7037 or on the AWC website:

tHE WHIPPEt NEWSChristine Hopperstad, Newsletter Editor 130 34th Ave E, Seattle, WA 98112 206.322.5872, [email protected]

Kirsten Hopperstad, Associate Editor 206.325.7743, [email protected]

SuBSCRiPTiONS One-year (the monthly newsletter and printed annual): Online-only newsletter: $25. Printed newsletter (plus online access): $45 Foreign subscribers: online-only newsletter $25. Printed newsletter (plus online access): $60

ADVERTiSiNG RATES (ON A SPACE AVAiLABLE BASiS) $50 per page with one photo, each additional photo $10 $40 per page submitted as camera-ready (.pdfs preferred, see ad specs below) Text only, no photos: full page $35, half-page $25

ADVERTiSiNG SPECiFiCATiONS Contact the Editor for file submission specifications or go to:

DEADLiNE: the first day of the month for that month’s issue

PAyMENTS: Subscription and advertising payments may be made by PayPal at: or by check to the editor (address above).

tHE WHIPPEt NEWS aNNUal Wendy Clark, Annual Editor 614.777.0124, [email protected] 5088 Breckenhurst Dr, Hilliard, OH 43026

Current issue: 2011. Back issues available for 1986–2010 (except 1987 and 1990–1992). Cost: $25 each, ($30 each foreign), including shipping; all funds in u.S. dollars, payable by check or money order and mailed to the Annual Editor (address above). Purchase can also be made through PayPal at:

The American Whippet Club and The Whippet News assume no responsibility for statements or claims made in the letters to the editor or advertisements that appear in its publications.

On the cover: A lovely head study from a 1970’s Whippet News, artist unknown.

Table of contents


Page 3: In thIs Issue · Christine Hopperstad, Newsletter Editor 130 34th Ave E, Seattle, WA 98112 206.322.5872, Kirsten Hopperstad, Associate Editor 206.325.7743,

tHINK SPRING!Greetings Members,

This month kicks off our specialty season with the Eastern region holding their specialty this month . For all you East Coasters this will surely be the place to be . I hear the potluck luncheon is not to be missed! Our thanks to Barbara Henderson and Harriett Lee for their continued work as show chairs for this region .

The National Specialty follows closely on the heels of the Eastern next month and plans continue to fall into place . Cindy Scott with her team of people, Sue Carbajal - local chair, Lisa Costello - Performance Chair, Red Tatro - Chief Financial Officer and so many others that make this event such a success . Please thank these people when attending the event . They work year round for all of us to enjoy this wonderful week .

You should have received your ballots for the board election . Please remember to vote in this important election . Ballots must be received by April 15, 2013 . Contact Secretary Cindy Scott with any questions .

president’s messageThe website design and development continue with Karen Lee and Crystal McNulty as board member leads on this project . This is an exciting project for the club and I can’t wait to see the final results .

The club has big shoes to fill with the announced retirement of Christine Hopperstad as the Whippet News editor and Cindy Scott as the National Show Chair . The June issue of the Whippet News will be Christine’s last issue . Please contact Christine if you are interested in becoming the Whippet News editor .

Cindy is also looking for her replacement as national show chair . Please contact Cindy for requirements of the position . How could we ever thank these women for the decades of dedication to our club and breed?!?!

Please join me in welcoming new members Laura Baratta, Linda Pocurull, Marianne Lu, Sandra Murray and Kaleena Lowther .

Safe Travels, David


editor’s notesThe show season is really revving up with the Eastern Specialty, the first AWC regional, held just last weekend . And now a month to go and the biggest Whippet event of the year will be upon us! Hope you’re all coming to the AWC National Specialty!! You can find pertinent information again in this issue .

There are also three articles from Bo Bengtson this month and as always they are a treat . Even with a terrible cold that he came home with following 4 days in England, he was gracious enough to come up with specialty reports, a fascinating article about early evidence of animal therapy for mental patients, and a Crufts report . You can find them listed in the table of contents on the previous page .

One more thing to mention AGAIN . All AWC members should have received their ballots for the AWC board election and don’t forget to mark your choices and return the ballots .

And a message from long-time member Kathy Davenport:

To My Dear Friends and Fellow Whippeteers, It has been nearly a month now since I fell victim to the ice on my driveway . I am in a wonderful rehab center not far from my home, which allows my family, friends and my Whippets to come visit often . I get excellent care here and

the PT’s and the OT’s are working me hard . Even though my progress seems slow, I am trying to maintain my composure to endure the next eight weeks . Until then, I have strict orders from my orthopedic surgeon to have no weight bearing on my left leg .

Words alone are not enough to Thank You All for the cards, letters, phone calls, gifts, contributions and offers of help . I am deeply humbled by your love and support . I know your prayers and kind thoughts will heal me . I Thank You from the bottom of my heart!!! Sincerely, Kathy


NEW SUBSCRIBERS Frederick Raymond, Pasadena, CA

WELCOME BACK Susannah Bacon, Asheville, NC; Ann Dickerson, Corvallis, OR; Vincent Feight, Chambersburg, PA; Priscilla Gabosch, Collingswood, NJ; Patricia Younger, Kirkland, WA

TIME TO RENEW Anna-Mari Andersson, Joye Bondanza, Martha Cardassi, Arnaldo Cotugno, Terri Deluca, Robert Gentry, Johanna Gustafsson, Jenny Haverland, Jaana Jylanto, Ellen Lambiris, Nilla Lindholm, Heidi Lonnakko, Kirsi Mannila, Pia Manilla, Jaana Porkka, Meagan Shertzer, Beth Spina, Sydnae Steinhart, Jocelyn Sturm, Nina Viskari, Shawn Westbrook


Page 4: In thIs Issue · Christine Hopperstad, Newsletter Editor 130 34th Ave E, Seattle, WA 98112 206.322.5872, Kirsten Hopperstad, Associate Editor 206.325.7743,

aPPlICatIONS FOR MEMBERSHIP � Martie Boyer, 73 Field Stone Run, Farmington, CT

06032, 860-674-1786, gr1254@sbcglobal .net . Endorsers: Phoebe Booth and Susan Bolduc

� Jill Davies, 73 Field Stone Run, Farmington, CT 06032, 860-674-1786, gr1254@sbcglobal .net . Endorsers: Phoebe Booth and Susan Bolduc

� Shauna Summers, 17604 Roscoe Blvd, Northridge, CA 91325, 818-614-8305, Shauna .Summers@gmail .com Endorsers: Susan Vernon and Debi Adams

Comments regarding applicants may be mailed to AWC Membership Chair Jackie Hubble, 5472 Spoked Wheel Dr ., Colorado Springs, CO, 80923, or emailed to sagehound@comcast .net and should be sent no later than 30 days after the applicant has been published in The Whippet News.

aWC SHOW CalENdaRAWC National Specialty – Eugene, OR � April 21–27 – Breed Judge Mrs . Mary Beth Arthur,

Futurity Judge Debbie Davenport;

AWC South Central Specialty – Tulsa, OK 4 DAYS = 5 SHOWS � Fri 5/24 – Seminole Kennel Club – AWC Supported

Entry – Sweeps: Destinie Langford (Chapleton); Breed: Dana Cline

� Fri 5/24 – SKC – AWC Specialty (Concurrent) – Sweeps: Vickie Smith (Heartland); Breed: Randy Tincher (Tripletime)

� Sat 5/25 – SKC – Breed: Wendy Gay (Grand Prix) � Sun 5/26 – Mid-Continent Kennel Club –

Breed: Desmond Murphy � Mon 5/27 – Mid-Continent Kennel Club –

Breed: Jerry Watson

NEW LOCATION – NEW DATE!! AWC Western Specialty – Long Beach, CA � Fri 6/28 – AWC Western Specialty – Sweeps: Carol

Harris (BoBett); Breed: Wendy Paquette (Wenrick) � Sat 6/29 – AWC Supported Entry – Kennel Club of

Beverly Hills – Sweeps: Curtis Freeling; Breed: Sandra Frei � Sun 6/30 – AWC Supported Entry – Long Beach Kennel

Club – Breed: Nicholas Frost

AWC Supported Entry – Waukesha Kennel Club � Sat 7/27 – Sweeps: Alexandra Rogers;

Breed: Connie Alexander � Sun 7/28 – Breed: David Samuelson

AWc: The Official poopAWC Midwest Specialty – Canfield, OH � Thur 8/1 – AWC Support Show – Ft Steuben Kennel

Association – Sweeps: Harry Mlynar (Mlynarz) Breed: Ann Billups (Bob’n)

� Fri 8/2 – Columbiana KC – Breed: Judy Newton � Sat 8/3 – AWC Midwest Specialty – Beaver County

Kennel Club – Sweeps: Cindy Hatcher (RayBar); Breed: Allen Odom (Phil-Allen)

� Sun 8/4 – AWC Support Show – Mahoning-Shenango KC – Breed: Kerrie Kuper (Karasar)

AWC North Central Specialty – Lake Elmo, MN � Fri 8/23 - AWC Specialty – Sweeps: Cynthia Unger

(Talisman); Breed: Harold Tatro � Sat 8/24 - St . Croix Valley KC – AWC Supported

Entry – Sweeps: Scot Northern; Breed: Russell McFadden (Timbrel)

� Sunday 8/25 – St . Croix Valley KC - Breed: Scott Pfeil (Wynsor Afghan Hounds)

AWC Southern Specialty – Atlanta, GA � Sat 10/19 – Atlanta Kennel Club – Breed: Clyde Morris;

Sweeps: Leile Anichini

WHIPPEt SPECIaltY RESUltSThe following results from Whippet specialty shows which have not already been recorded in WN were listed on AKC’s website on March 14, 2013 . Sweepstakes results, Best Puppy, and Awards of Merit are not published by AKC .

Greater San Diego Whippet Association, designated specialty held with Inland Empire Hound Club of So . California in Indio, CA on Jan . 4, 2013 . Judge Mr . Paolo Dondina, Italy . Number of dogs shown 107 (38 dogs, 69 bitches) . BOB, WB & BOW Lakota’s Ghouls Just Wanna have Fun Brown Boulders . BOS GCh . Bohem Last Call . Select Dog Ch . Lorricbrook Celtic Hot Shot . Select Bitch GCh . Starline’s Chanel JC . WD Tobell’s Bolt of Lightning of Poli . RWD Bohem Final Act . RWB Windfalls Bella Vita at Mosaic .

Arizona Whippet Association, Scottsdale, AZ on Feb . 28, 2013 . Judge Mrs . Janet Van Wormer . Number of dogs shown 72 (29 dogs, 43 bitches) . BOB GCh . Starline’s Chanel JC . BOS GCh . Bohem Last Call . Select Dog Ch . Cottonwood Versace at Coreymore . Select Bitch GCh . Solaris Saxon Shore Hypnotiq Kamio . WD Runner’s He’s Coronado . RWD Adagio Jilzan Campfire . WB & BOW Winway Ramona Quimby . RWB Adagio Jilzan Cowgirl .

The AWC Eastern Specialty in York, PA on March 16 is judged by Mr . David Markus from Canada, and the Lone Star Whippet Club specialty in Fort Worth, TX on March 22 is judged by Mrs . Karen Arends . Results will be published as soon as available .


Page 5: In thIs Issue · Christine Hopperstad, Newsletter Editor 130 34th Ave E, Seattle, WA 98112 206.322.5872, Kirsten Hopperstad, Associate Editor 206.325.7743,

NOtICE OF UNPaId MEMBERSThe following is a list of current members that have not paid their yearly dues . If dues are not received by April 1, 2013, these members will be removed from the AWC roster and will need to reapply for membership .

Checks made payable to The American Whippet Club may be send by mail to Treasurer Gail Boyd at 8948 Hope Hill Lane, Apex, NC, 27502 or may be paid online at:

– Joanne Bohl

– Darlene Buck

– Marina Caro

– Cindy Conter

– Jill Couture

– Sharon Couzin

– Christine Crawford

– Steve & Jan Curry

– Michael Dennison

– Robert S . & Sue E . Butler Dodd

– Sally Elliott

– Kathy Francen

– Kathryn Goguen

– Jennifer Goodman

– Eileen M Hawley

– Faye Head

– Shelley Hennessy

– Regina Howton

– Douglas Hoxsey

– Candace Huzel

– William & Janell Johnson

– Melody Joyce

– Susan Kirkham

– Jenni Knutson

– Jeff and Dawn Kunze

– Debbie LaMonica

– Linda Larson

– Susan Mackiewicz

– Mary Magee

– Ann C . Meyer

– Adele Monroe

– Shane & Debra Moore

– Susie Osburn

– Leah Perry

– Kathy Phillips

– Frank & Mickey Polimeni

– Casey Pope

– Peggy Rideout

– Charles & Donna Rush

– Janice Schmidt

– Louise Schmidt

– Sarah Shakespeare

– Sarah Sibinovic

– Daniel & Leslie Silva

– Nate Slauson

– Camilla Smith

– Kathy Smith

– Jeanette Socaciu

– Ute Soles

– Jean Turoci

– Barbara Wayne

– Jan Porter Weber

– Kitty Williams

SECREtaRY’S REPORtBOARD BALLOTSBallots for the 2013 election of Board members went out at the end of February and the deadline to have them returned is April 15 at the PO Box in Wichita, Kansas .

Please take the time to review the biographies of the candidates and vote . It’s your right as an AWC member to elect the people that you think can best represent the club .

Cindy Scott AWC Secretary

SHOW REPORtEUGENE NATIONALBy the time you receive this entries will have closed for this year’s National . I hope to see as many of you as possible in Oregon .

Don’t forget that Friday evening will be a discussion with a panel on the new Illustrated Standard which will allow questions from the audience .

GOOD NEWS!!2016 is in the bag . Dianne Bowen has secured a great facility in San Diego . We haven’t been there since 1998 so again it should prove to be a great place for a National .

2017Mary Alderman is negotiating for Saw Mill Creek in Ohio where we held the 2012 National .

It’s really great to have so many active members in the club . If you haven’t volunteered to help with any of these venues, please step up and lend a hand .

See you in Oregon . Cindy

WHIPPEt HEaltH FOUNdatION, INC.Seeking VolunteersThe Whippet Health Foundation is seeking volunteers to help with the health clinics during the week of April 22-25, 2013, Monday through Thursday . We will need people to manage appointment check in, direct people and keep things moving for the examiners . We are asking people to give several hours of their time during the week for Whippet Health .

To volunteer, please contact Anne Herret with the days and approximate times you can help . Anne’s e-mail is: proceedduewest@gmail .com

Continued on page 6


Page 6: In thIs Issue · Christine Hopperstad, Newsletter Editor 130 34th Ave E, Seattle, WA 98112 206.322.5872, Kirsten Hopperstad, Associate Editor 206.325.7743,

WHF Website LinkWhile the WHF cannot endorse any specific breeder or breeding program, we welcome links to the WHF website from individuals websites . As a reminder, the Whippet Health Foundation logo is copyrighted and any unauthorized use is prohibited .

Ongoing Research Applicable To WhippetsA study by The Bannasch Laboratory at the University of California, Davis, School of Veterinary Medicine is conducing a study to identify the genes responsible for cleft palate and cleft lip in all breeds of dogs . They have a particular interest in Whippets and are very close to finding the causative gene . They do need more samples to complete the project . You can be very influential in this discovery by submitting samples for analysis .If you are interested in submitting samples or have questions please contact Zena Wolf at ztwolf@ucdavis .edu . You can also go to their website at: www .vgl .ucdavis .edu/cghg/projects .php

CornsWe encourage owners who have had corns diagnosed in their Whippets to please enter them in the open database .

Why Enter Your Whippet in the WHF Database? � It will show the prevalence of diseases and disorders

in the Whippet .

� It gives a snapshot of the breed’s overall health .

� It provides the WHF with a basis to prioritize the health conditions so resources can be channeled to support the research most important to the breed .

� It helps identify the norms in Whippet reproduction and whelping .

� It provides breeders with easily accessible information about their breeding programs that include reproductive data, whelping and litter data .

� It creates an archive of generations for breeders to refer back to, including pictures and pedigrees .

The database is open so it is available to others researching health issues on the Whippet as well as other breeds with similar health status .

It is most important that Whippet owners world wide enter their dogs in the open database at www .whippethealth .org . The database provides pedigree, picture and health information on individual Whippets . It is important that breeders submit litter information, as well as owners inputting individual Whippet information .

Mary Beth Arthur WHF President

aSFa dElEGatE REPORtIn the March edition of the ASFA Communique (see link below), you’ll find articles on the election results for the new Regional Director for Region 7, the new search capability for the ASFA website, information about the upcoming ACoD in Denver, information on participating on one of the ASFA committees and news about the 2013/2014 IIs .

See the report on their website at: www .asfa .org/communique/

Thank you, Claudia Miller AWC ASFA Delegate

AWc: the Official poopContinued from page 5


Page 7: In thIs Issue · Christine Hopperstad, Newsletter Editor 130 34th Ave E, Seattle, WA 98112 206.322.5872, Kirsten Hopperstad, Associate Editor 206.325.7743,

2013 national Specialty information2013 National Specialty | American Whippet Club


The local committee is gearing up for a great week. We are all looking forward to

seeing you—and, by the time you read this, the big week will be very close. Also,

entries will be closed—if you missed it, you can’t say I didn’t remind you

and remind you and remind you...

Two important general Oregon items of information that you will find helpful: there is

no sales tax in Oregon and it is against the law to pump your own gas in Oregon.

If there is anyone out there that would like a room at the host hotel—contact me.

I have a couple of full weeks and a few odd days at the beginning of the week that

I can arrange for anyone wishing a space. The hotel room situation is very fluid.

So, if you have a need, let me know.

On Monday and Tuesday (and maybe Wednesday) there will be a representative of the

Visitors’ Bureau at a table in the lobby. They are there to be helpful. Eugene is ideally

located as a starting point for a day trip to the coast or the Cascade Mountains.

General information on the area:

I will be posting a list of restaurants, pet shops, shopping, etc around April 1. If you

want it as a hard copy, print it off at home or use the business office at the hotel. It will

be available via the Whippet chatty places and FaceBook. It will not be in your welcome

bag—it is too wasteful to print 300 copies when not everyone will want it. Since almost

everyone can see it on their electronic device—I am hoping to save money and trees by

making the info available in this way.

Thanks so much for your enthusiasm over this coming National.

It makes it fun for us to plan it when we know you are looking forward to it.

Sue Carbajal —2013 AWC Local Show Chair

AWC 2013 National Website—


Page 8: In thIs Issue · Christine Hopperstad, Newsletter Editor 130 34th Ave E, Seattle, WA 98112 206.322.5872, Kirsten Hopperstad, Associate Editor 206.325.7743,

American Whippet Club | 2013 National Specialty

$20.00 Pre-order | $25.00 at the show


Pre-orders MUST be received by March 26, 2013.



City, State and Zip

Telephone number

Email address

� Pick-up at the Show � Ship to the address address above (add $7.00 to above prices)

Quantity Total Amount

Please make checks payable to The American Whippet Club or use PayPal on the website at

Mail to: Pamela Campbell 48494 Midway Rd Adams, OR 97810-3037

Catalog Orders


Page 9: In thIs Issue · Christine Hopperstad, Newsletter Editor 130 34th Ave E, Seattle, WA 98112 206.322.5872, Kirsten Hopperstad, Associate Editor 206.325.7743,

2013 National Specialty | American Whippet Club


• AWC Agility Supported Entry held in conjunction with the Willamette Valley English Springer Spaniel Agility trial.


• AWC National Specialty ASFA Trial in Junction City, OR


• Cardiac Echocardiogram Clinic: Mon. April 22nd through Thurs., April 25th• Obedience and Rally Competition• Versatility and Triathlon Conformation judging


• Cardiac Echocardiogram Clinic• BAER Hearing Clinic• Obedience judging continues• Triathlon and Versatility top 10 presentation prior to Futurity• Futurity Judging


• Cardiac Echocardiogram Clinic• Eye Clinic• Dog judging begins• After regular class judging: Stud Dog, Brood Bitch, Extended Stud Dog,

Extended Brood Bitch, Brace and Team• EVENING: Veteran Sweepstakes


• Cardiac Echocardiogram Clinic• AWC Annual Meeting 7:30-10:00AM • 10:30AM – Bitch judging begins• After regular class judging: Altered competition• EVENING: Wine Tasting by the fireplace • Top 20


• Bitch judging continues• Parade of Rescues and Parade of Honors• FREE discussion panel on the new Illustrated Standard• WRAP meeting will be held at the conclusion of class judging (location TBA)


• Judges Education Seminar• Jr Showmanship competition• Best of Breed – Best Puppy – Best BBE – Best Veteran, Best Performance Dog• Vendor Breakdown• Evening: Cocktails and Annual Awards Banquet

Tentative Schedule of Events

More detailed information will be in the judging program.


• AWC Agility Supported Entry held in conjunction with the Willamette Valley English Springer Spaniel Agility trial.


• AWC National Specialty ASFA Trial in Junction City, OR


• Cardiac Echocardiogram Clinic: Mon. April 22nd through Thurs., April 25th• Obedience and Rally Competition• Versatility and Triathlon Conformation judging


• Cardiac Echocardiogram Clinic• BAER Hearing Clinic• Obedience judging continues• Triathlon and Versatility top 10 presentation prior to Futurity• Futurity Judging


• Cardiac Echocardiogram Clinic• Eye Clinic• Dog judging begins• After regular class judging: Stud Dog, Brood Bitch, Extended Stud Dog,

Extended Brood Bitch, Brace and Team• EVENING: Veteran Sweepstakes


• Cardiac Echocardiogram Clinic• AWC Annual Meeting 7:30-10:00AM • 10:30AM – Bitch judging begins• After regular class judging: Altered competition• EVENING: Wine Tasting by the fireplace • Top 20


• Bitch judging continues• Parade of Rescues and Parade of Honors• FREE discussion panel on the new Illustrated Standard• WRAP meeting will be held at the conclusion of class judging (location TBA)


• Judges Education Seminar• Jr Showmanship competition• Best of Breed – Best Puppy – Best BBE – Best Veteran, Best Performance Dog• Vendor Breakdown• Evening: Cocktails and Annual Awards Banquet

Tentative Schedule of Events

More detailed information will be in the judging program.MARCH 2013 THE WHiPPET NEWS | 9

Page 10: In thIs Issue · Christine Hopperstad, Newsletter Editor 130 34th Ave E, Seattle, WA 98112 206.322.5872, Kirsten Hopperstad, Associate Editor 206.325.7743,

American Whippet Club | 2013 National Specialty

FrIdAy, AprIL 26, 2013


plan to join us for a panel discussion on the

New Illustrated Standard.

This should be an excellent educational

opportunity for anyone interested in

learning more about the Whippet from

knowledgeable mentors.

There’s always more to learn!

Illustrated Standard Discussion


Page 11: In thIs Issue · Christine Hopperstad, Newsletter Editor 130 34th Ave E, Seattle, WA 98112 206.322.5872, Kirsten Hopperstad, Associate Editor 206.325.7743,

2013 National Specialty | American Whippet Club

Additional Events at the NationalAGILITy INFOThe American Whippet Club will hold a supported entry within the Willamette Valley English Springer Spaniel Agility trial.

The dates for the trials are April 19-21, 2013. The trial will be held at the Benton County Fairgrounds: 110 SW 53rd St., Corvallis, OR 97330

For the Saturday ONLY trial, rosettes and AWC commemorative plates will be awarded for 1st through 4th in Standard, JWW and FAST. Rosettes will also be given for all qualifying runs. New titlists will receive a special rosette and medallion in honor of this achievement. If you are entering the Versatility competition, the scores from Saturday will be utilized in that event.

Trial SecreTaryLori Sage [email protected]

And the premium list will be on her website at:

agiliTy conTacTKaren Hilfiker 1306 Bluegrass St. SE. Salem, OR 97317 503-428-2241 [email protected]

LurE COurSING INFOAWC National ASFA Lure Trial 2013 Sunday, April 21, 2013

locaTionFoxglove Farm 26899 Ferguson Road, Junction City, Oregon 97448

Judges: Lyndell Ackerman and Avery McLeod

Trial chairmanAnn Billups 71273 London Road, Cottage Grove, Oregon 97424 [email protected] 541-767-3653

Trial SecreTaryDr. Lisa Costello 14855 Newark Rd., Newark, IL 60541 [email protected] (630) 625-2019

We will not be accepting Paypal entries. Send checks or money orders to Ann Chamberlain with entries. Entries will close on March 21, 2013. There will be a catalogue. More information to follow.

The venue is approximately 20 minutes from the Hotel and is the same property that was used in 2008. It will be on a different part of the farm and entrance will be off of Ferguson Road, past the main house.

There will be no overnight parking at the venue except for trial crew. Parking will be on pasture and probably will be muddy so plan accordingly. There will be no parking for RV’s on the grounds due to normally soggy ground conditions that time of year. There is limited parking on the road for large vehicles, but it is a considerable hike to the coursing field.


Page 12: In thIs Issue · Christine Hopperstad, Newsletter Editor 130 34th Ave E, Seattle, WA 98112 206.322.5872, Kirsten Hopperstad, Associate Editor 206.325.7743,


The Whippet Health Foundation will be conducting health clinics in conjunction with the 2013 AWC National Specialty. OFA Eye Certification, BAER and cardiac echocardiogram clinics will be held as well as microchipping, AKC DNA and Myostatin testing. The Whippet Health Foundation will be subsidizing a portion of the per dog cost for BAER, cardiac, and myostatin testing for those dogs participating in the WHF database.

All test results subsidized by and released to the WHF Database

will be public record.


Eye Clinic: Wednesday, April 24th This clinic will be conducted by Dr. Sarah Maxwell, ACVO. The cost is $20 per dog. We will be offering the new OFA ECR (eye cert registry) test this year. Exam/interpretation/classification is identical to CERF. This test WILL fulfill the AWC Futurity requirement. BAER Hearing Clinic: Tuesday, April 23rd. This clinic will be conducted by Dr. Susanne Hughes. The cost is $45 per dog for confidential results, $25 for dogs whose test results will be submitted to the WHF database. Dr. Hughes will be scheduling all BAER appointments. There may be time later in the week for overflow testing. Cardiac Echocardiogram Clinic: Monday April 22nd through Thursday, April 25th. This clinic will be conducted by Dr. Heidi Kellihan, ACVIM, one of the cardiologists from the University of Wisconsin, Madison. We will NOT be doing cardiac study rechecks this year. All exams will take approximately 15 to 20 minutes. The cost of the exam is $225 for confidential results, $175 for dogs whose test results will be submitted to the WHF database. AKC DNA Profile test: (DNA cheek swab): $30/sample. Swabs can either be mailed to you prior to the national or picked up in Eugene from Dr. Lisa Costello. She will be available to swab dogs for owners and to collect samples in Eugene. They can also be mailed to her but must be received by May 15th. All swabs must be submitted after the national to AKC TOGETHER to qualify for this special rate, do not send to AKC on your own or they will charge you full price! Myostatin Deficiency test: $48/sample ($28 for database participants) Swabs can either be mailed prior to the national or picked up in Eugene from Dr. Lisa Costello. If you will not be attending the national, the swabs and payment can be mailed directly to Dr. Costello and will be submitted with all samples following the national specialty (they must be submitted together). These samples must reach her at the address on the health clinic sign up form no later than May 15th, 2013. If you will not be attending the AWC national and need to order sample collection kits directly, call 1-800-625-0874, or email [email protected]. Microchipping: $30 per dog. This service will be done by Dr. Hughes and will include an AKC ISO Chip as well as the registration. Dr. Hughes will schedule a time with you after your health clinic registration is received.

DEADLINE TO PRE-REGISTER IS Monday, April 8th, 2013

American Whippet Club | 2013 National Specialty


Page 13: In thIs Issue · Christine Hopperstad, Newsletter Editor 130 34th Ave E, Seattle, WA 98112 206.322.5872, Kirsten Hopperstad, Associate Editor 206.325.7743,

Name _______________________________________________________________________________ Address _______________________________________________________________________________ City __________________________________________________ State:______________________ Zipcode: ___________________ Phone:_____________________________________________________ E-mail: _______________________________________________________________________________ Eye Testing (include # of total dogs):

□OFA ECR: ……………………...…..# of Dogs for Eye testing: ____________ @ $20 ea = __________

BAER Testing (check one box only, include # of total dogs):

□BAER test results released to WHF database….…….# of Dogs :__________ @ $25 ea =___________

□BAER test results remain confidential………….…..…..# of Dogs :__________ @ $45 ea =___________ Cardiac health clearance/pre-breeding ECHO exam:

□Echocardiogram results released to WHF database…# of Dogs: __________ @$175 ea =___________

□Echocardiogram results confidential………...…………# of Dogs: __________ @$225 ea =___________

Please choose your preferred day(s): (you will be contacted for an appointment time prior to the national)

□ MON, April 22nd □ TUE, April 23rd □ WED, April 24th □ THUR, April 25th AKC DNA Proile Testing (include # of total dogs):

□AKC DNA cheek swab test…………………..……..…..# of Dogs: ____________@ $30 ea = __________ Myostatin Deficiency Testing (include # of total dogs):

□Myostatin DNA test results released to WHF database…..….# of Dogs :_______ @ $28 ea =_________

□Myostatin DNA test results remain confidential…….…....# of Dogs :__________ @ $48 ea =_________ Microchipping:

□Microchip………………………………………..…….…..# of Dogs: ____________@ $30 ea = __________

Make checks payable to the Whippet Health Foundation, Inc (or WHF) in US funds (Checks written on foreign banks will NOT be accepted) and mail this form and with payment to:

(Also available: PayPal at

Dr. Lisa Costello 14855 Newark Rd. Newark, IL 60541

815-695-1930 [email protected]

If you are interested in sending your results to OFA, you can access the form online for Cardiac and BAER

testing at:  

This will page will allow you to fill in the form online, download and bring to the health clinic where you will receive a sticker for ½ price registration with OFA. Forms will also be available at the health clinics.


2013 National Specialty | American Whippet Club


Page 14: In thIs Issue · Christine Hopperstad, Newsletter Editor 130 34th Ave E, Seattle, WA 98112 206.322.5872, Kirsten Hopperstad, Associate Editor 206.325.7743,

American Whippet Club | 2013 National Specialty

Specialty Logo Items

Item No. Description ColorsSizes



Embroi-dered logo

Color printed

logo Price

PC61 Port T 100% cotton

Ash, Athletic Heather, Charcoal, Daffodil, Dk Heather, Dusty Brown, Light Sand, Med Grey, Natural, Pale Pink, Violet, White

Small –6X

front left logo size

X $20

PC61LS Port Long Sleeve T

Ash, Athletic Heather, Black, Charcoal, Natural, Sand, Stone Green, White

Small –4X

front left logo size

X $23

L500 Ladies Silk Touch Polo

Banana, Black, Bright Lavender, Cool Gray, Eggplant, Light Stone, Mint Green, Steel Grey, Stone, White

XSmall –6X

front left logo size

X $30

K500 Mens Silk Touch Polo

Banana, Black, Bright Lavender, Cool Gray, Eggplant, Light Stone, Mint Green, Steel Grey, Stone, White

XSmall –6X

front left logo size

X $30

F260 Hanes Ultimate crewneck sweatshirt

Ash, Black, Charcoal Heather, Light Steel, White

Small –3X

center chest X $35

F282 Sport-Tek super heavy weight, full zip hoodie

Ahletic Heather, Black, Navy XSmall –4X

front left logo size

X $50

J771 Seattle Slicker Hunter/Navy, Navy/Navy XSmall –4X

front left logo size

X $55

A510 Med. length Apron w/pockets

Black, Classic Navy, Hunter, Stone, Washed Denim, White

OSFA center chest X $30

J704 Pullover Wind Shirt

Black, Khaki, Stone XSmall –4X

front left logo size

X $50

DM1170L Ladies V-Neck T

Bright White, Charcoal, Heather, Nickel, Black, Light Pink

XSmall –4X

front left logo size

X $24

LST850 Ladies Sport-Wick 1/2 zip

Black, Charcoal Grey, Iris Purple, White XSmall –4X

front left logo size

X $42

L306 Ladies Long Hooded Jacket

Black XSmall –4X

front left logo size

X $72

**items shown priced S-XL add $3 for 2X thru 6X

All items may be ordered through Debbie Cole at Whippet Crossing Creations, either through their website: with Visa, MC and Discover payment options; or by sending the order form (next page), with a check payable to Whippet Crossing Creations to:

Whippet Crossing Creations Debbie Cole 3300 Airport Road Tioga, TX 76271

Contact Information:[email protected]


Page 15: In thIs Issue · Christine Hopperstad, Newsletter Editor 130 34th Ave E, Seattle, WA 98112 206.322.5872, Kirsten Hopperstad, Associate Editor 206.325.7743,

2013 National Specialty | American Whippet Club

Specialty Logo Items – order formQty Item # Color Size Price Total

Shipping charge

Total Amount Enclosed

please Check One:

� Pick-up at the Show � Ship to the address below

ShippingItems will be shipped USPS Priority Flat Rate Box.1–2 tee/polo shirts or 1 sweatshirt/pullover/jacket: $9.853–4 tee/polo shirts or 2 sweatshirts/pullovers/jackets: $13.50Ordering more than these quantities? Please inquire for shipping costs before sending your order.

Customer Information





paymentOrders are also available via web at: or

Please make checks payable to Whippet Crossing Creations, and send to:

Whippet Crossing Creations Debbie Cole 3300 Airport Road, Tioga, TX 76271


Page 16: In thIs Issue · Christine Hopperstad, Newsletter Editor 130 34th Ave E, Seattle, WA 98112 206.322.5872, Kirsten Hopperstad, Associate Editor 206.325.7743,

The Wrap reportGOOd tHINGS COME IN SKINNY PaCKaGESIn 2008 I received a call from WRAP saying that a Whippet was available in the Chicago area and our family had been selected as a potential new home . It’s a call any Whippet lover would be thrilled to receive . The dog’s name was Lightning and he was two weeks away from his 12th birthday .

“Hmmm,” I thought . “Twelve years old is definitely in the ‘Senior’ adoption category .” During the call I also learned that Lightning was on his third turn back to rescue . “Hmmm,” I thought again . “A senior Whippet with some behavior problems . How can I refuse this kind of offer?”

My husband and I talked it over and decided that we could take this dog for whatever time he had left and give him some well-deserved love and security at the end of his tough life . We told ourselves that we could be a sort of doggie-hospice for Lightning .

When Lightning arrived to his new home he looked like a twelve-year-old dog that had been in a community animal shelter for the past month (which he was) . As I recall, he reminded me of a steer skeleton from the Saturday morning cartoons of my childhood . He was painfully skinny with milky white eyes . It seemed much too cruel to call him ‘Lightning’ in such a condition so we began referring to him as ‘The Old Man’ instead .

The Old Man’s temperament was anything but feeble . He claimed a prime recliner as his personal spot and was completely unfazed by the puzzled looks he received from our other Whippet and two dobermans . After gaining his strength that first winter, he welcomed spring by surprising us with the fact that he could still run and catch a frisbee! The Old Man knew he had found his home and he was ready to keep enjoying his life .

Fast forward to the present: T .O .M . Is alive and well and is the apple of my eye . We can’t believe anyone would have given up a creature with this much personality and a zest for living . T .O .M . celebrated his 16th birthday last August and is well on the way to 17 .

The phone call from WRAP was an absolute blessing . T .O .M . has enriched our lives in so many unexpected ways . Everyone who meets him is in awe of his longevity, spunky attitude and miraculous health . It would have been easy

to say “no thank you” when the adoption offer arrived . . .thinking of the difficulty an older dog could add to our busy life, but that would have been a huge mistake .

T .O .M .’s rescuer is Robyn Vogt, Illinois WRAP .

Thank you Merrill and Robyn for this touching story and update on T .O .M .!

Nancy Billups The WRAP Reporter

donations may be sent to:Whippet Rescue and Placement, Inc . c/o Jean Schroeder, Treasurer 17502 S . 750 W, Wanatah, IN 46390 www .Whippet-rescue .com

WRAP is a 501(c)3 registered non-profit .

Interested in volunteering for WRAP? Please go to www .Whippet-rescue .com/roster .html and click on the Regional Advvisor for your state to find the contact information .

Continued on page 18

By Merrill Berry


Page 17: In thIs Issue · Christine Hopperstad, Newsletter Editor 130 34th Ave E, Seattle, WA 98112 206.322.5872, Kirsten Hopperstad, Associate Editor 206.325.7743,
Page 18: In thIs Issue · Christine Hopperstad, Newsletter Editor 130 34th Ave E, Seattle, WA 98112 206.322.5872, Kirsten Hopperstad, Associate Editor 206.325.7743,

The WrAp reportContinued from page 16


Page 19: In thIs Issue · Christine Hopperstad, Newsletter Editor 130 34th Ave E, Seattle, WA 98112 206.322.5872, Kirsten Hopperstad, Associate Editor 206.325.7743,
Page 20: In thIs Issue · Christine Hopperstad, Newsletter Editor 130 34th Ave E, Seattle, WA 98112 206.322.5872, Kirsten Hopperstad, Associate Editor 206.325.7743,
Page 21: In thIs Issue · Christine Hopperstad, Newsletter Editor 130 34th Ave E, Seattle, WA 98112 206.322.5872, Kirsten Hopperstad, Associate Editor 206.325.7743,
Page 22: In thIs Issue · Christine Hopperstad, Newsletter Editor 130 34th Ave E, Seattle, WA 98112 206.322.5872, Kirsten Hopperstad, Associate Editor 206.325.7743,

Since I was not able to attend the March AKC Delegates meeting I’ll take the opportunity to report from Crufts instead . These two events took place back-to-back, and theoretically it should have been possible to go straight from Crufts in Birmingham to the AKC meetings at Newark, but the connections didn’t work out . After four days at the National Exhibition Centre in Birmingham with 28,000 dogs and 140,000 visitors I was in no shape for AKC meetings anyway . (In fact, I got so sick I had to cancel the next weekend’s judging assignment .)

As I’ve said before, everyone who’s interested in dogs should attend Crufts at least once in their life . You don’t even have to like dog shows as we know them in the U .S ., because Crufts is unlike anything you’ve ever experienced anywhere else — so much bigger, noisier, more exhausting and overwhelming that you can’t help but be impressed . I’ve been to Crufts many times before, but now it’s been a few years, and once again I was blown away by the whole thing . I had to be there four days from morning to night, but you probably won’t, so with any luck you won’t have to worry about getting sick either .

Crufts is nine or ten times bigger than Westminster, covering five huge halls and acres of exhibition space . If shopping’s your thing (and it usually is, for most visitors), there are more than 500 trade stands to choose from . There are more demonstrations and competitions in agility, flyball, dancing with dogs, obedience, etc . than you can shake a stick at, and although the big ring performances (in a separate arena that holds 12,000 spectators) aren’t as slick as at our top shows, they are certainly more entertaining . There was “Scruffts” (a sort of mixed-breed take-off on Crufts), an international junior handling finale judged by Bill McFadden of the U .S ., a competition for Best Dog in Show owned by a Young Kennel Club member (won by teenage Luke Johnston and his Whippet Danluke Dicky Bird), and a completely heart-rending event called “Friends for Life,” at which spectators called in to decide which of five variously handicapped and equally worthy finalists and their fantastic dogs would get the most votes .

The regular conformation judging was, of course, what I was most interested in . The groups look a little different from ours, partly because of how the breeds are divided, but also because there are almost no professional handlers in Great Britain, with the result that many competitors were refreshingly inexperienced (both dogs and handlers) . Since neither docking nor cropping is allowed many of the group finalists looked very different from what we’re used to . (It takes some getting used to an undocked, uncropped Doberman, but as someone said, “If you need to cut off body parts to appreciate a dog, maybe you’re in the wrong business .” We’re lucky that ours is as natural a breed as it is .)

Back to breed judging There were 416 Whippets entered, making them the third-most popular breed at the show (only Labrador and Golden Retrievers had higher figures) . That’s the sort of figure we see only at the AWC national specialty, but the Kennel Club in England registers about 3,000 Whippets per year — more than twice as many as AKC . Dogs were judged by Per Iversen from Norway, a calm and collected breed specialist who I hope we’ll get an opportunity to see in the U .S . Bitches were judged by Mrs . E . C . Whimpanny of the Bunnyridge prefix . (She pointed out that her now wheelchair-bound husband took many of the photographs in the first edition of “The Whippet” in the 1980s .)

crufts 2013

I was lucky to get a seat next to Iva and Jeffrey Kimmelman and some Swedish friends between the two rings and managed to watch most of the judging of both sexes . At least to my eyes the quality, especially in bitches, seemed much higher than the last couple of times I was in England . The dogs are in general less glamorous than ours, and they are presented much more casually, seldom asked to use their ears or stretch their necks, but proportions, bodies, toplines and angulation at both ends were really impressive . I couldn’t see much movement coming and going, and there’s far less emphasis on side gait than in the U .S ., but from where I sat it looked like a lot of the dogs were in pretty soft condition . Iva and Jeffrey and Paula Knight were the only other American breed fanciers I saw at ringside; I don’t know what Paula thought, but Iva was at least as enthusiastic about the bitches as I was, and she also felt many of them could have been in harder condition .

There were 12 classes for each sex . Puppy, Junior and Yearling are pretty self-explanatory; there were then a few middle classes (Undergraduate, Graduate, Post Graduate) where eligibility is based on the dog’s past wins, before you go on to Mid Limit, Limit and Open, which is where the well-known winners are . There’s no intersex or champion class, so titled dogs compete in Open, and to win the Challenge Certificate (three of which qualify for the Champion title) you have to beat all entries in your dog’s sex, including champions .

Statistically, it’s more than ten times more difficult to become a champion in England than in the U .S . With huge entries and less than 40 sets of CCs available, there are seldom more than a dozen new champions per year . Also, a heavily campaigned top winner can take home dozens of CCs, effectively preventing a lot of up-and-coming dogs from ever gaining their titles .

Most of the classes had 20-30 entries, but interest was heavily focused on the Open classes . There were 25 in Open Dog, including

By Bo Bengtson

Continued on page 24

Bitch CC (left) & Res. CC winners. Photo Monique Post.


Page 23: In thIs Issue · Christine Hopperstad, Newsletter Editor 130 34th Ave E, Seattle, WA 98112 206.322.5872, Kirsten Hopperstad, Associate Editor 206.325.7743,

Owned By:

Carol A Harris Bo-Bett Farm Reddick, [email protected] 352-591-1020

CH. BO-BETT’S QUICK PICK(Ch. Bo-Bett’s Lord Of The Rings x Ch. Appraxin Queen Of The Jungle)

Carol says,

“Good job Justin!” and

“Kathy Davenport, we all miss you and want you to get well as soon as possible.”

Our sincere appreciation to the judges at “Quickie’s” last 8 shows.

7 Group placements 3 Group Ones, 3 Group Twos, 1 Group Four

Thank you to Dana Cline, Bonnie Clarke, Nikki Riggsbee, Carol Graham, Gloria Geringer, Beverly Capstick and Sharon Way.


Page 24: In thIs Issue · Christine Hopperstad, Newsletter Editor 130 34th Ave E, Seattle, WA 98112 206.322.5872, Kirsten Hopperstad, Associate Editor 206.325.7743,

at least 15 champions . (Some of these came from other countries; there were over 2,000 foreign dogs at Crufts .) The winner was the attractive and (to me, at least) very “American-looking” red brindle & white Ch . Shalfleet The Lord, followed by Swedish visitor Ch . Adagio Crowdstopper, the French Ch . Diamond King Love Me Tender (of part Bohem breeding), the wonderful old Ch . Barnesmore Celtic Tiger (who won a CC here when younger but lives in Spain now), and Ch . Supeta’s Razzalicious .

The CC went to The Lord, with Reserve CC to Crowdstopper, who is soon returning to Sweden after a successful show career in England . The Lord is owned, bred and handled by Jane Wilton-Clark, whose mother founded the kennel in the 1960s and bred countless champions in both Whippets and Greyhounds . (She also judged Whippets at least twice during the AWC Western specialty weekend in the 1980s and ‘90s .) The Lord goes back to old Shalfleet breeding through some Lorricbrook imports from Canada and also has Ch . Sportingfield’s Jazz Fest close up in his pedigree .

Unfortunately the much-admired Ch . Twyborn Big Ben from Sweden was absent . I liked him a lot when I judged him last year and several British breeders had been hoping to see him .

The Open Bitch class of 21, including 12 champions, was won by the breed’s top winner for the past two years, Ch . Palmik Magical Whispers, a glamorous particolor who has now taken home at least 18 CCs . Second was a lovely young brindle, Ch . Demerlay Regency Romance; both bitches are granddaughters of the Swedish-born but part U .S . bred Ch . Airescot Ruby Rascal . Third was the current contender from one of the breed’s all-time top kennels in England, the fawn Oakbark My Sugerbabe, followed by two brindles, Birkonbrae Tam O’Shanter and Ch . Turnstone Hot To Trot . All three are of pure British breeding, going back through their sire or grandsire Ch . Railfield Raindust to a double dose of the famous old Crufts BIS winner Ch . Pencloe Dutch Gold .

The bitch CC did not go to Whispers, however, but to a lovely, smooth brindle youngster named Spyanfly Shake It On Down, owned as well as bred and handled by Pauline Oliver, known to many in the U .S . as a past AWC specialty judge and as our elected 2014 AWC national

specialty judge . I believe this was “Katie’s” first CC, and her pedigree is interesting . She’s (again) a granddaughter of Ruby Rascal, which brings in American blood through Ch . Statuesque Extortion, but she also has Swedish lines through her dam, whom Pauline brought in from Denmark . (The dam, in fact, is by the same Swedish dog as the famous Ch . Adagio Love Supreme: Ch . Carry On Pastrami .) Most important, especially from a British point of view, is that Katie’s sire and dam are both out of Spyanfly litter sisters, Sharon Stone and Sophia Loren, daughters of the famous Ch . Spyanfly Say It’s Bardo, top Hound in Great Britain in 2004 .

Interestingly, the Reserve CC also went to a “new,” even younger bitch, Polish import Tylko Cobyco Paranoia, brindle with white trim: another one to keep your eyes on for the future . Her owners became world famous when they won BIS at Crufts with Ch . Cobyco Call The Tune in 2004, but they have bred many other champions as well, usually of the traditional Dutch Gold lineage . This youngster is sired by a dog they sent to Poland, Ch . Cobyco Center Piece, but the dam is a litter sister to Ch . Tylko Ty Viking’s Pride, who sired several litters in North America, and brings in Barnesmore, Wolf Tone Viking and some American lines .

Enough about pedigrees . In the Hound group, judged by Ben Reynolds-Frost (Ibizan Hound and Basenji specialist), the Whippet looked wonderful and managed to go all the way to 2nd place, defeated only by the PBGV that was Top Dog all breeds last year and now retired by winning Best in Show at Crufts . It’s 40 years ago since Barbara Wilton-Clark won the Hound group here with her wonderful Greyhound, Ch . Shalfleet Sir Lancelot . I’m told Barbara is doing well, living on Malta these days . She must be very proud of her daughter .

Bo Bengtson

crufts 2013continued from page 22

Ch. Palmik Magical Whispers

Ch. Shalfleet Simply A Lord. Photo Pauline Oliver.


Page 25: In thIs Issue · Christine Hopperstad, Newsletter Editor 130 34th Ave E, Seattle, WA 98112 206.322.5872, Kirsten Hopperstad, Associate Editor 206.325.7743,
Page 26: In thIs Issue · Christine Hopperstad, Newsletter Editor 130 34th Ave E, Seattle, WA 98112 206.322.5872, Kirsten Hopperstad, Associate Editor 206.325.7743,

Now showiNg oN the BBC…

Abbey’s Keeping Up Appearances(Ch. Darjeeling’s Ironstone x Abbey’s Moonlite Becomes Her)

Bouquet has a major win from the Puppy Class her first weekend out. Watch for Bouquet and Phoebe Booth at a dog show near you!


Shirley Cooney Douglas, MA508-476-7558

...ANd her Brother, A MAsterpieCe Mystery!

Page 27: In thIs Issue · Christine Hopperstad, Newsletter Editor 130 34th Ave E, Seattle, WA 98112 206.322.5872, Kirsten Hopperstad, Associate Editor 206.325.7743,

Now showiNg oN the BBC… ...ANd her Brother, A MAsterpieCe Mystery!

Abbey’s Detective Inspector Lewis(Ch. Darjeeling’s Ironstone x Abbey’s Moonlite Becomes Her)

At 10 months of age, Robbie has 7 points, including a 5 point major and a Puppy Hound Group 1, all Owner-handled.


Shirley Cooney Douglas, MA508-476-7558


Jill Hopfenbeck, DVM [email protected] Cooney

Page 28: In thIs Issue · Christine Hopperstad, Newsletter Editor 130 34th Ave E, Seattle, WA 98112 206.322.5872, Kirsten Hopperstad, Associate Editor 206.325.7743,
Page 29: In thIs Issue · Christine Hopperstad, Newsletter Editor 130 34th Ave E, Seattle, WA 98112 206.322.5872, Kirsten Hopperstad, Associate Editor 206.325.7743,
Page 30: In thIs Issue · Christine Hopperstad, Newsletter Editor 130 34th Ave E, Seattle, WA 98112 206.322.5872, Kirsten Hopperstad, Associate Editor 206.325.7743,
Page 31: In thIs Issue · Christine Hopperstad, Newsletter Editor 130 34th Ave E, Seattle, WA 98112 206.322.5872, Kirsten Hopperstad, Associate Editor 206.325.7743,
Page 32: In thIs Issue · Christine Hopperstad, Newsletter Editor 130 34th Ave E, Seattle, WA 98112 206.322.5872, Kirsten Hopperstad, Associate Editor 206.325.7743,

Editor’s note: This article appeared in the Winter issue of The Standard, the AKC’s conformation judges’ newsletter .

Over the years, the American Whippet Club’s volunteer ringside mentors and judge’s education seminar presenters have reported that understanding the topline of the Whippet is the area of greatest difficulty for new and aspiring judges of our breed . Even judges who have held their licenses for decades may not fully understand the changes in toplines considered desirable and correct, as what breeders are seeking to produce today in accordance with the standard looks very different from the outlines of many of the top Whippets of yesteryear . These changes are not based on fads or trends—they are based on a fuller understanding of what a correct topline is for a breed that must display both speed and agility in order to function at its true working gait, the double-suspension gallop .

The Board of Directors of the American Whippet Club, senior breeders and specialist judges, want AKC judges to be able to recognize ideal proportions and good toplines in Whippets (in addition, naturally, to the breed standard’s other requirements) . Not only are these desirable proportions and toplines aesthetically pleasing to the eye and a key aspect of breed type, they are also fundamental to function and the ability of the Whippet to perform well as a racing and coursing breed .

To that end, the AWC has put a great deal of material regarding the topline and proportions into its recently released and revised “New Illustrated Standard .” Two of the excellent series of commissioned drawings of a composite ideal are reproduced below, and the New Illustrated Standard contains additional illustrations, which provide teaching tools for balance, proportions and topline visualization . A committee of senior breeder-judges and fanciers, in consultation with the artist M . E . Robin Barry, also a breeder, produced this superb teaching tool, one we hope that every judge and aspiring judge will read and study carefully for the level of detail contained therein .

Information on how to order this document or view it online at no charge can be found here: http://www .americanwhippetclub .net/

However, for the purposes of this article, we wish to highlight the following major points of judging the Whippet:

*The AKC breed standard is clear on proportions: “Length from forechest to buttocks equal to or slightly greater than height at withers .”

While the Whippet may measure square, the Whippet’s appearance should be that of a somewhat rectangular dog . A correct Whippet should never appear to be shorter than tall!

Special Aspects of Judging the Whippet*The AKC breed standard on topline [italics added]: “The back is broad, firm and well muscled, having length over the loin . The backline runs smoothly from the withers with a graceful natural arch, not too accentuated, beginning over the loin and carrying through over the croup; the arch is continuous without flatness . A dip behind shoulder blades, wheelback, flat back, or a steep or flat croup should be penalized .”

In reality, you will see in your ring some dogs that are too flat-backed or too long in loin, but many that are too short and too steep in loin, as well as dogs which have an arch which is peaked, not smooth without a noticeable break . Note that the arch should be slight (“not too accentuated”) and graceful, and while it continues through the croup, it should not be steep or tilt abruptly downward from the top of the hip to the croup . While there are “pointed arches” in architecture, this is never what we want in the Whippet, and the too short, too steep construction is un-functional in a way that the slightly too flat topline is not . Note also that a slight notch at the juncture of the thoracic and lumbar vertebrae is natural in well-muscled dogs; although not helping to enhance the dog’s smooth outline this should not be seriously faulted .

*The above in no way diminishes the importance of the General Appearance paragraph, which states in part that the Whippet “should convey an impression of beautifully balanced muscular power and strength, combined with great elegance and grace of outline . Symmetry of outline, muscular development and powerful gait are the main considerations…”

*Never forget that color in Whippets is immaterial; all colors and markings are equally desirable . The judge who gains a reputation for lack of color and markings bias is a judge who will draw good entries from our fanciers! Optical illusions abound in judging our breed, and a judge must work at seeing past the often distorting effects of markings and the immediate appeal of rich and flashy symmetrical particolor patterns .

*Finally, remember that the Whippet’s temperament should be “amiable, friendly .” While the standard of showmanship required of a competitive show Whippet should not be compared with that of many other breeds, the Whippet should be steady under examination, non-aggressive, and responsive to its handler on the move .

Happy Whippet judging!

Board of Directors American Whippet Club


Page 33: In thIs Issue · Christine Hopperstad, Newsletter Editor 130 34th Ave E, Seattle, WA 98112 206.322.5872, Kirsten Hopperstad, Associate Editor 206.325.7743,
Page 34: In thIs Issue · Christine Hopperstad, Newsletter Editor 130 34th Ave E, Seattle, WA 98112 206.322.5872, Kirsten Hopperstad, Associate Editor 206.325.7743,
Page 35: In thIs Issue · Christine Hopperstad, Newsletter Editor 130 34th Ave E, Seattle, WA 98112 206.322.5872, Kirsten Hopperstad, Associate Editor 206.325.7743,
Page 36: In thIs Issue · Christine Hopperstad, Newsletter Editor 130 34th Ave E, Seattle, WA 98112 206.322.5872, Kirsten Hopperstad, Associate Editor 206.325.7743,

Advertising in The Whippet newsHere are the rates and specifications for advertising in The Whippet News. Per the instructions below, you may submit your complete, camera-ready ad, or provide us with text and photos and we’ll design it for you. Any questions, just let us know. Thank you, and have fun with your Whippets! –Christine Hopperstad, Newsletter Editor

C a m e r a - r e a dy

rate: $40 per page

File formats: PDF (.pdf) files are preferred, created as single-page, “press quality” with all of the fonts embedded in the file.

Other files types accepted: Adobe Photoshop (.psd, .jpg), Illustrator (.ai), InDesign (.indd), Microsoft Word (.doc), Publisher (.pub), and Powerpoint (.ppt).

Very ImPOrTaNT: If sending a native file (anything other than a .pdf) all fonts and images used in the ad must be included in a zipped folder along with the original file.

ad size: 8.5 x 11", with full-bleeds (content to the edge of the page). For the printed newsletter, add an additional clear space of .25” on each edge (page size: 9 x 11.5”) if you want the ad to bleed. PLeaSe See the next page for diagrams of single and 2-page (spread) layouts.

resolution: 300 dpi

Color: Full-color online, then black and white for the printed version (see note above). RGB and CMYK color spaces are both accepted.

File naming: Name your electronic file with either your Kennel name or your first initial, last name, then the month and year of the issue, then page numbers, if applicable. For example: “TidewaterMarch2012.pdf” or “SEvans_06-2012_pg1.pdf”.

Please note: For the print version of the newsletter, ads are printed in black and white. We will convert your color ad to a b&w version, ensuring that your text and photos look terrific and have good contrast. Or if you prefer, you may submit both versions.

F O r a L L a d S u b m I S S I O N S

Contact information: Be sure to include all of your contact info with your submission, and the best times to reach you. You may also ask to see an electronic proof of your ad before we run it.

Placement: Advertisers who wish their ads to be placed together or in a specific location may contact the Editor. Every effort will be made to accommodate your request.

ad submission: Submissions up to 15 mg in size may be emailed to the Editor. Files larger than 15 mg must be either mailed on a disk to the Editor, or sent electronically using a free service for sending larger files like (contact the Associate Editor for details).

Payments may be made by check, mailed to the Editor, or by PayPal at:

deadline: Ads and full payment are due by the 1st of the month, for that month’s issue.

N O N C a m e r a - r e a dy

rates: $50 per page with one photo, each additional photo $10; Text only, no photos: full page $35, half-page $25

Text: Type your ad text or print it out very clearly on a layout sheet. Or include your content in the body of an email message or as an attachment.

Photographs: Mail high-quality, original color photographs. Do not send color photocopies or inkjet prints. If you are emailing digital images for your ad (see submission info below), the resolution of the image should be 300 dpi (dots per inch) at the final size of the photo. Contact the Associate Editor for more information.

Indicate special cropping of your photo(s) using a paper overlay or just specify what you want, like “dog only” or “dog and handler only”.

Mark the back of each photo with a gummed label, including your name and address and the dog’s name (do not write on the back of your photos). If you are including several photos, number them and put corresponding numbers on the layout sheet.

Original materials: All submitted materials will be returned with the advertiser’s copy of the newsletter.

Newsletter editor Christine Hopperstad

130 34th Ave E Seattle, WA 98112

206.322.5872 [email protected]

associate editor Kirsten Hopperstad

206.325.7743 [email protected]

annual editor Wendy Clark

614.777.0124 [email protected]

Advertising in The Whippet News


Page 37: In thIs Issue · Christine Hopperstad, Newsletter Editor 130 34th Ave E, Seattle, WA 98112 206.322.5872, Kirsten Hopperstad, Associate Editor 206.325.7743,
Page 38: In thIs Issue · Christine Hopperstad, Newsletter Editor 130 34th Ave E, Seattle, WA 98112 206.322.5872, Kirsten Hopperstad, Associate Editor 206.325.7743,

Did you notice the old print on the back cover of last month’s issue of The Whippet News? I recognized it right away, although Christine tells me that she found the image in old WN files . What looks like a fairly innocuous old illustration of a couple of large Whippets strolling around among a number of well-dressed gentlemen in a large, pleasant hallway has an interesting back story . It may even be one of the first instances of dogs, let alone Whippets, being used as “therapy dogs .”

The picture is from The Illustrated London News and dates from March 31, 1860 . My print was among the many illustrations that made the final cut but in the end didn’t get printed in the 2010 edition of my Whippet book .

What’s actually illustrated is clear if you read the fine print caption underneath: “The Royal Hospital of Bethlehem — The Gallery for Men .” This hospital, variously known as St . Mary Bethlehem, Bethlem or Bedlam, is the world’s oldest psychiatric hospital . It was founded as a priory in London in 1247, mentioned as a hospital in 1330, and by the mid-1500s was already a much-dreaded last resort where violent or dangerous patients were kept manacled or chained to the floor or wall . Psychiatric care in the modern sense did not yet exist, and even in the late 18th century, it was a popular pastime for people to watch the “freak show at Bethlehem .” (In 1770, over 100,000 visitors paid a penny each to laugh at the inmates and poke them with long sticks to encourage violent behavior .)

Things slowly changed for the better, and during Queen Victoria’s reign mental illness gradually came to be seen for what it is — a disease, not a curse or a punishment for one’s sins . By the mid-1800s, around the same time as many other great leaps forward in the industrialized world, the hospital’s horrible reputation was starting to change and the illustration is obviously an attempt to show how much conditions have improved . There’s no question it’s an idealized picture: it’s almost impossible to tell who’s a patient and who’s a doctor, there are plants and artwork, live music, board games, a cat, and not one but several bird cages . It all looks much more like a very civilized gentlemen’s club than a psychiatric hospital .

Whippets as Therapy Dogs: 150 Years ago

What is most interesting from our point of view are the dogs . They are smaller than Greyhounds, bigger than most of the early Whippets that would soon start to be shown, but they have a clearly “purebred” look about them .

I can’t prove it, because I don’t have access to the article that accompanied the illustration (there’s a note saying “See page 304” underneath), but what reason would there be to include these dogs if they didn’t have a therapeutic effect on the patients? They would fill the same purpose as the music, the birds, the plants and the cat — I don’t think it’s naive to imagine that the doctors and care-takers would have noticed how the presence of live pets would calm an anxious patient . You would have to be very unobservant not to notice that dogs — and especially Whippets, at least in my opinion — have a wonderful way “to soothe a savage breast”… And if you look carefully you can see two food or water bowls, indicating that the dogs are not just casual visitors .

The hospital is still open today, now located in south Bromley, London . Its most recent £33 .5 million unit opened in 2008 . There is a museum on site illustrating the hospital’s more than 750 year history .

The Illustrated London News was the world’s first illustrated weekly newspaper . It first appeared in 1842 and continued weekly publication until 1971, but did not totally cease publication until 2003 .

Bo Bengtson

By Bo Bengtson


Page 39: In thIs Issue · Christine Hopperstad, Newsletter Editor 130 34th Ave E, Seattle, WA 98112 206.322.5872, Kirsten Hopperstad, Associate Editor 206.325.7743,

Am GCh/Can Ch Starline’s Windborn Sweet Liberty

(Ch Oxford N Starseeker’s Guiding Light x Ch Starline’s Sweet Sensation, ROM)

B r e d By Lori Lawrence STARLINE and Lori Wilson WINDBORN Own e d By Lori Lawrence and Peggy Splawn WAYPOINT

21 Best of Breeds and 10 Group placements in 2012

Showing Libby has been a privilege. The support of The Lawrences and Lori Wilson is the reason for

our success in the ring. Thank you for the honor and opportunity to be on the end of Libby’s lead. It is

a thrill to handle a dog of this caliber. We are forever grateful and appreciative for your generosity.

Page 40: In thIs Issue · Christine Hopperstad, Newsletter Editor 130 34th Ave E, Seattle, WA 98112 206.322.5872, Kirsten Hopperstad, Associate Editor 206.325.7743,

Award of Versatility Winners 2013Award of Versatility Winners 2013

The American Whippet Club would like to congratulate the following multi-talented Whippets on their accomplishments qualifying them for the Award of Versatility Program.

Each dog is listed under their level of achievement.

Champion Award of Versatility Excellent (CAVX)

GCh Karasar’s Jackpot, MC, CD, RE, BN, FM, CGC Owner: Gail Ball

Breeders: Kerrie Kuper and Neil Barthelette Sports: Conformation, Obedience, Rally, Flyball, Lure Coursing

DC Avita Moet & Chandon, MC, CD, TD, RA, FCh, CAV Owners: Cheryl and Jessica Boyer

Breeders: Cheryl and Jessica Boyer Sports: Conformation, Obedience, Lure Coursing, Tracking, Rally


Big Mo


Page 41: In thIs Issue · Christine Hopperstad, Newsletter Editor 130 34th Ave E, Seattle, WA 98112 206.322.5872, Kirsten Hopperstad, Associate Editor 206.325.7743,

Champion Award of Versatility (CAV)


BGCh, UGRCh, UAGII, UR03, UCD Timbreblue Windrydr Biker Girl, CD, RE, MC, FCh, NA, NAJ, NAP, NJP, CGC, TT, CAV

Owners: Roberta S. and Fred H. Lutz Breeders: Sharyn Y. and Walter A. Hutchens

Sports: Conformation, Rally, Obedience, Agility, Lure Coursing

GCh, UGRCh, UAGII, RO1, UCD Windryder’s Full Throttle, FCh, SC, RN, BN, OA, OAJ, NAP, OJP, CGC, TT

Owners: Roberta S. and Fred H. Lutz Breeders: Fred H. and Roberta S. Lutz



Page 42: In thIs Issue · Christine Hopperstad, Newsletter Editor 130 34th Ave E, Seattle, WA 98112 206.322.5872, Kirsten Hopperstad, Associate Editor 206.325.7743,

Award of Versatility (AV)


DC Deerpath Mystic Moonstone, CD, MC, FCh, CRX, OTR, THD, CGC Owner: Nancy Jorczak

Breeder: Nancy Jorczak Sports: Conformation, Obedience, Lure Coursing, Racing, Therapy Dog

MBIF Quixand’s Desert Willow, SC, FCh, CD, RA, OA, ISC Owner: Elizabeth Campbell

Breeder: Susan Heiniger Sports: Lure Coursing, Obedience, Rally, Agility



Page 43: In thIs Issue · Christine Hopperstad, Newsletter Editor 130 34th Ave E, Seattle, WA 98112 206.322.5872, Kirsten Hopperstad, Associate Editor 206.325.7743,



FC Autumn Sweet Pickle, CD, RA, MC, NA, NAJ Owners: Lorain and Matthew Abel

Breeder: Virginia Huffman Sports: Agility, Lure Coursing, Rally, Obedience

FC Kismet’s Purple Haze, CD, RA, FCh, VFCh, MC, OTRM2, CRX2, JJ-R

Owner: M. Joanne Ronning Breeders: Kiesha and Mark Crawmer

Sports: Lure Coursing, Obedience, Rally, Racing


Page 44: In thIs Issue · Christine Hopperstad, Newsletter Editor 130 34th Ave E, Seattle, WA 98112 206.322.5872, Kirsten Hopperstad, Associate Editor 206.325.7743,

Christine Hopperstad, Editor130 34th Ave E .Seattle WA 98112

From the Editor’s archives: a photo from 1967, picturing Ch. Pinetop’s Opening Knight, ARM followed by Ch. Sing’n Little Girl Blue. Both were bench champions; Topper had his ARM and Shelly was close with 12 points at her retirement.