in this issue champion champion pankaj … · rupert spira ô "suffering usually

IN THIS ISSUE 28 Incredibly Motivating... Supplementary Page Birthday and Anniversary Editorial QUIZ of the Month 1 AUGUST 2016 Philips NSM Meeting Issue -X / August 2016 Philips NSM Meeting was held on 31st August in central conference room of SBPL. Mr Sukanto Aich Sr. Director of Philips was present along with Mr. Shasank Singh, RSM, Mr. Kazi Muqbul Alam, ASM, Mr. Kaushik Pattnaik, LE. Other persons present were Mr Sunil Kishorepuria, Director, Sagar Business Pvt Ltd. And Mr. Suresh Tarasia BM for the Philips Business Territory. The focus of the discussion was how to increase the business growth of Philips in Commercial Segment for retail market for Odisha Location. Sales & Purchase data till current was reviewed and sales funnel for the current year was planned. There was a long discussion on retail planning with the KAM for business growth. Philips officials assured SBPL that they will give us the full support for the business growth in Odisha territory. Other suggestions from the meeting were to work on Distribution Sales Planning and efforts to minimize the stock balance. In the end there was a dealer interaction session, where the dealers shared the issues faced while dealing with PHILIPS product. Main concern of the dealers was price gap price gap between PHILIPS products and other brands (Philips prices are very high). Dealers shared their sales information for the year and shared market insights also. A successful meeting throughout the day concluded with a thanking note and an expectation of good business for the financial year. By Suresh Ranjan Tarasia It gives us great pleasure to inform that Pankaj Chaudhury - ABM Team Tiscon has broken the 1000 mt barrier this financial year in the month of August 2016. He has booked and dispatched 1095 mt in FL rebars category in total. Way to go Pankaj. This should be the minimum benchmark bar and you always strive to better it every month. We know you can. As Boss always says....'yeh dil maange more'. Congratulations !! Looking forward to another record breaking month of September. Champion Champion..... Pankaj Chaudhury ........ Champion Champion.

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Page 1: IN THIS ISSUE Champion Champion Pankaj … · Rupert Spira ô "Suffering usually


28 Incredibly Motivating...

Supplementary Page

Birthday and Anniversary


QUIZ of the Month

1AUGUST 2016

Philips NSM Meeting

Issue -X / August 2016

Philips NSM Meeting was held on 31st August in central conference room of SBPL. Mr Sukanto Aich Sr. Director of Philips was present along with Mr. Shasank Singh, RSM, Mr. Kazi Muqbul Alam, ASM, Mr. Kaushik Pattnaik, LE. Other persons present were Mr Sunil Kishorepuria, Director, Sagar Business Pvt Ltd. And Mr. Suresh Tarasia BM for the Philips Business Territory.

The focus of the discussion was how to increase the business growth of Philips in Commercial Segment for retail market for Odisha Location. Sales & Purchase data till current was reviewed and sales funnel for the current year was planned. There was a long discussion on retail planning with the KAM for business growth. Philips officials assured SBPL that they will give us the full support for the business growth in Odisha territory. Other suggestions from the meeting were to work on Distribution Sales Planning and efforts to minimize the stock balance.

In the end there was a dealer interaction session, where the dealers shared the issues faced while dealing with

PHILIPS product. Main concern of the dealers was price gap price gap between PHILIPS products and other brands (Philips prices are very high). Dealers shared their sales information for the year and shared market insights also.

A successful meeting throughout the day concluded with a thanking note and an expectation of good business for the financial year.

BySuresh Ranjan Tarasia

It gives us great pleasure to inform that Pankaj Chaudhury - ABM Team Tiscon has broken the 1000 mt barrier this financial year in the month of August 2016. He has booked and dispatched 1095 mt in FL rebars category in total. Way to go Pankaj. This should be the minimum benchmark bar and you always strive to better it every month. We know you can. As Boss always says....'yeh dil maange more'. Congratulations !!

Looking forward to another record breaking month of September.

Champion Champion..... Pankaj Chaudhury........ Champion Champion.

Page 2: IN THIS ISSUE Champion Champion Pankaj … · Rupert Spira ô "Suffering usually

From the Director's Desk4 Types of Questions For Cultivating Relationships With Prospects via Email

Understanding your clients' needs is crucial to tailoring your products so they're getting the most effective solutions but it can be challenging to ask the right questions. Jumping in feet first by asking the right questions can make a big splash. Here are four types of questions to ask when cultivating relationships with prospects.

Reflective, Clarifying Questions

Clarifying questions go beyond just asking your client who they are and what they do. Asking more detailed and specific questions shows your client that you are sincerely interested in their situation and unique needs. Reflective questions make your prospects think before answering, clarify the topic, and are helpful in eliciting the most honest and forthright responses. Here are some examples:

Ø What keeps you up at night?Ø What are you doing now that is working?Ø What is not working that you want to

change?Ø What are your priorities?Ø What are your overall goals?Ø What do you hope to accomplish?Ø What obstacles do you feel are in your

way?Ø Which solutions have been successful in the

past?Ø What prompted you to seek a solution at

this particular time?

Open-Ended Questions

Asking “Yes” or “No” questions won't help your prospect open up (or warm up) to you. Your goal should be to have a dialogue, not conduct an interrogation. Open-ended questions are one of the most valuable methods used to establish two-way communication and put clients or potential clients at ease.

The core of open-ended questions is 'The Five W's'; Who, What, Where, Why, and When (and as a bonus, How). Here are some examples:

Ø Why do you want to make a change?Ø How do you expect this to change your

business/life?Ø What would eclipse this goal, minimizing

its priority?Ø How did you identify potential solutions?Ø How do you measure the success of this

initiative?Ø Who could stand in your way to meeting

your goals?

You can tailor common open-ended question to your particular service area and target markets, provided you don't use the list as a crutch. The use of open-ended questions should lead to a free flowing conversation

that allows you to seamlessly introduce new questions and new topics to your prospect.

Hypothetical Questions

While some sales experts would tell you to avoid hypothetical questions, I disagree. Hypothetical questions are often the best way to qualify prospects in such a way that they may not even realize that they are being qualified. They give you the ability to feel your prospects out by taking them out of their reality and placing them in a fantasy world where anything is possible (and affordable). They also enable you to gauge the emotional stage your prospects are in and how likely they are to move forward with a purchase in the near future. Here are some examples:

Ø Let's say all of your obstacles were removed, what would you do?

Ø In a perfect world, how would you go about meeting your goals?

Ø If you had the resources you need, would that change your plans?

Ø What would you do if you have two suddenly-free hours in the day?

Word to the wise: You should always avoid asking questions like, “How much would product that does X, Y, and Z be worth to you?” Discussing pricing should be saved for a second or even third meeting and should not occur during the initial discovery, rapport-building meeting.

Echoing Questions

In the words of the great Ernest Hemingway, “When people talk, listen completely. Most people never listen.” Current clients and potential clients alike may often feel like their feedback and needs are never heard by firms. Asking echoing questions gives you the opportunity to show that you are listening to them by rephrasing their answers to ask more specific questions, letting them know that you are listening – and hearing – their concerns. It also confirms that you have understood what they are trying to tell you. Echoing their words or phrases in the form of a question demonstrates your commitment to them while also forging trust and respect. Here are some examples:


My Dear Family Members,

August month comes to an end. But the going does not seem to be taking off in the right direction as discussed and desired. September is the last month of the quarter end and we are looking forward to a much better month in comparison to our other months already gone by. This is an area of great concern and I would want each and every member to think hard and about this situation thoroughly and contribute towards better results in each of your respective areas.

On the verticals performance except for a few who have shown marginal growth over last month there is not much improvement. Tiscon sales showed a marginal growth over last month. But there is a huge ground to be covered and that too in very less time. The asking rate to complete ABP target will keep on increasing and unless the next few months shows sustained exponential growth in sales. Otherwise it will be difficult to achieve desired targets. Wiron sales showed improvement last month and have achieved an all time high sales figure this financial year. Hopefully the team will continue to grow and leverage on this achievement. Strutura and Lysaght project sales need improvement and September should be the month to be targeted for the required take off plans. Structura Retail sales needs a ramp up.

August month also saw successful completion of the Canteen cum Restroom Project at Haldia Port with Nest-In. This was one of its kind initiative covering 1400 sq ft completed with cold form sections and showcased Nest-In as a complete solution. The project has received appreciation and very positive response. Hopefully Team will take the concept forward and take up similar challenging projects immediately after. Last month we also had Mr. Sukanto Aich – Senior Director and Mr. Sashankh Singh – RSM along with ASM and AM of Philips in our midst. A detailed meeting was conducted in our office with regards to business and strategy for way ahead.

Almost half of the financial year is over and we are left with seven more months. These two months – September and October will have its set of challenges with regards to festivals and hence temporary slowness. Keeping in mind this I urge all of you to take up your individual responsibilities and ensure the work gets done in a planned manner and results are achieved without any hindrance. This is the least I can expect as each one of us is matured and can take up this responsibility as a business head. I am always a call away and things should not wait or get deferred or lost if I am not there present in person. Team lets engage more in our individual field of activity with more inputs and I am confident results will follow soon. If we are not


2AUGUST 2016

P4 P4

Page 3: IN THIS ISSUE Champion Champion Pankaj … · Rupert Spira ô "Suffering usually

Get inspired, find your flow, and achieve peak performance.

We all need a boost from time to time. While it might be tempting to chug an extra shot of espresso, sometimes the thing we need most is the power of positive thinking.

Looking to thought leaders in mindfulness often inspires us to pause and live more fully in the here and now. When we are so immersed in the current moment that we forget what's going on around us, we are in a state of flow and peak performance.

Maintaining a state of mindfulness leads to a relaxed state of well being and maximum productivity.

Here are 28 motivating mindfulness quotes to create flow and peak performance:

ô "Feelings come and go like clouds in a windy sky. Conscious breathing is my anchor." - Thich Nhat Hanh

ô "Be happy in the moment, that's enough. Each moment is all we need, not more." - Mother Teresa

ô "Look past your thoughts, so you may drink the pure nectar of This Moment." - Rumi

ô "Every moment is an eminently suitable moment for unlimited profundity--if you allow it to be so." - Adi Da Samraj

ô "The mind is everything. What you think you become." - Buddha

ô "The ability to observe without evaluating is the highest form of intelligence." - Jiddu Krishnamurti

ô "The future is always beginning now." - Mark Strand

ô "In today's rush, we all think too much--seek too much--want too much--and forget about the joy of just being." - Eckhart Tolle

ô "If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite." - William Blake

ô "Few of us ever life in the present. We are forever anticipating what is to come or remembering what has gone." - Louis L'Amour

ô "The real question is not whether life exists after death. The real question is whether you are alive before death." - Osho

ô "With mindfulness, you can establish yourself in the present in order to touch the wonders of life that are available in that moment." - Thich Nhat Hanh

ô "Give your attention to the experience of seeing rather than to the object seen and you will find yourself everywhere." - Rupert Spira

ô "Suffering usually relates to wanting things to be different than they are." - Allan Lokos

28 Incredibly Motivating Quotes to Start Your Week Be a Better You

3AUGUST 2016

ô "Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom." - Victor Frankl

ô "Paradise is not a place; it's a state of consciousness." - Sri Chinmoy

ô "Each morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most." - Buddha

ô "Observe the space between your thoughts, then observe the observer." - Hamilton Boudreaux

ô "The most precious gift we can offer others is our presence. When mindfulness embraces those we love, they will bloom like flowers." - Thich Nhat Hanh

ô "Whatever the present moment contains, accept it as if you had chosen it. Always work with it, not against it." - Eckhart Tolle

ô "As the witnessing presence of Awareness, we stand in the background of experience; as the light of pure Knowing, we stand at its heart." - Rupert Spira

ô "With meditation, you begin to relax in your seat and just watch the movie of life." - Ken Wilber

ô "Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment." - Buddha

ô "To understand the immeasurable, the mind must be extraordinarily quiet, still." - Jiddu Krishnamurti

ô "All that is necessary to awaken to yourself as the radiant emptiness of spirit is to stop seeking something different, and to turn your attention inward to the awake silence that you are." - Adyashanti

ô "He who has freed himself of the disease of 'tomorrow' has a chance to attain what he came here for." - G.I. Gurdjieff

ô "Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes." - Carl Jung

ô "Watch, witness. Your body is not you; your mind is not you. You are just a pure witness." - Osho

Mindfulness meditation increases your ability to direct awareness to the present moment. Unobstructed, your focus on the here and now will enable you to find your flow and increase your productivity.

Pick out your favorite quotes and glance at them throughout each day so that you can build a foundation of success and wellbeing, by integrating productivity and a healthy mind.

bySaroj Kumar swain.

Life is a journey and becoming better every day is the goal.

"Make the most of yourself....for that is all there is of you." --Ralph Waldo EmersonWe've all made mistakes throughout our lives that haven't exactly put us in the best light--like bullying someone in school or telling what seemed like a little white lie. Chances are, however, you probably felt a little guilt and grew because of the situation.

I'm an average guy trying to become better in both my work and home life. I'll never be perfect, but it doesn't mean I won't try.

If you want to continue to grow as a person, here are 15 ways to make the most of yourself.

Ø Compliment YourselfEvery morning before you go on with your daily routine, take a couple of minutes to give yourself a compliment. Whether you compliment your outfit, haircut, or how you recently completed a task using your unique skill sets, giving yourself a little emotional boost will make you happy. And, when you're happy with yourself, thatemotion can be contagious to those around you. Inspirational speaker Tony Robbins has a mantra he says aloud to himself most days to put him in a peak performance state.

Ø Don't Make ExcusesBlaming your spouse, boss, or clients is fruitless and won't get you very far. Instead of pointing fingers and making excuses about why you aren't happy or successful in your personal or professional life, own your mistakes and learn from them. When you do this, you will become a better person. When I personally started living up to my mistakes and downfalls, my life turned itself around. I became happier and healthier, and my relationship with my wife improved. We are happier than ever.

Ø Let Go of AngerLetting go of anger is easier said than done. While anger is a perfectly normal emotion, you can't let it fester. When this happens, you may make unwise decisions, and more important, it may affect your health. Research suggests pent up anger can cause digestive problems, difficulty sleeping, and even heart disease.

To help you let go of anger, Roya R. Rad, MA, PsyD, suggests you write your feelings down, pray or meditate, or begin to manage your thoughts.

Ø Practice ForgivenessJoyce Marter, LCPC, suggests you forgive and let go of resentment. She notes, "If for no other reason than for yourself, forgive to untether yourself from the negative experiences of the past. Take time to meditate, and give thanks for the wisdom and knowledge gained from your suffering. Practice the mantra, 'I forgive you and I release you.’


Page 4: IN THIS ISSUE Champion Champion Pankaj … · Rupert Spira ô "Suffering usually

Birthdays & Anniversaries in month of September

rd03 September - Samuel Dash (Birthday)

th04 September - Ashutosh (Birthday)th04 September - Sarat Chandra Rout (Birthday)th10 September - Akshya Khandelwal (Birthday)th12 September - Bijaya Khandewal (Birthday)th13 September - Harekrushna Panda (Birthday)th14 September - Topan Chandra Biswal (Birthday)th

15 September - Ajit Engineering (Birthday)th16 September - Mr.Dillip Kumar Subudhi (Birthday)th

20 September - Sunil Dhingra (Birthday)rd23 September - Sunil Dhingra (Anniversary)

Sagar Business Private Limited wishes its customers a happy birthday & anniversary.....


05th September - Pankaj Chaudhary (Birthday)

And to all our Employees a very happy birthday & anniversary


4AUGUST 2016

Ø So, are you concerned about the strategy you have designed?

Ø Are you worried that your plan will not be approved?

Ø Is lack of buy-in what has prevented you from pursuing a solution in the past?

Ø Do you fear not having the resources to be successful in your endeavors?

Echoing questions, especially those with an emotional context, help validate your prospects' concerns. You will be one step closer to a rock-solid rapport.

Make the Biggest Splash With These Final Tips

Utilizing these types of rapport-building questions with current and potential clients will help you quickly build trust and begin successfully cultivating the relationship.By listening and truly hearing them, you enable your firm to adjust its strategy so you

getting the desired result we should change gear and switch to plan B. It is better to try and fail (in case at all) rather than expect things to improve on their own which generally does not happen. The least I want from each team member in this month is a substantial improvement over last month's individual achievement and each one should contribute better without fail. With this we will surely end up with better results individually as well as a product vertical group. I am confident this month will be a much better month. All the very best for the month and I am sure each one of you will come up with a more positive and aggressive approach and will win the challenge. I am confident each one will be able to complete it.

God speed and God Bless !

Sunil Kishorepuria Managing Director

Nest-In Project : Canteen cum Restroom Project successfully completed for TM International Logistics Ltd. at Haldia Port. This was one of its kind initiative covering 1400 sq ft completed with cold form sections and showcased Nest-In as a complete solution. Project Leader – Binaya Bhusan Ray (BM)

are providing the best custom solutions to help your clients and potential clients to succeed. Here are some general rules to follow:

Ø Listen to what your prospects tell you

Ø Let the prospect guide the discussion

Ø Do not prompt or lead themØ Avoid interrupting them while they

answerØ Ask one question at a time and

listen attentivelyØ Develop a question cheat sheet to


Following these questioning techniques and tips can help your firm organically cultivate meaningful relationships with prospects and eventually build a rock solid rapport with new and old clients.

Sunil KishorepuriaManaging Director

From the Director's DeskFrom P2

Editorial Nest-In Project : Canteen cum Restroom Project at Haldia Port.

From P2

Page 5: IN THIS ISSUE Champion Champion Pankaj … · Rupert Spira ô "Suffering usually

going to determinemy behavior

Ø Be YourselfTiffany Mason has five excellent reasons on Lifehack why you should be yourself. These include being able to align yourself with your values and beliefs, establish your identity, build courage, create boundaries, and find focus and direction.

Ø Be Open to ChangeWhether trying a new restaurant, traveling to an unknown part of the world, or doing something that has always scared you, you should always be open to change. This allows you to grow because you experience something new. It helps you be high functioning and self-confident if you are not wary of change.

Ø Be RespectfulHow would you feel if you had just cleaned your home and someone came in and tracked mud everywhere? You'd probably be a little ticked that they hadn't taken off their shoes. Take this mentality and apply it to everyday life. For example, don't toss your trash or cigarette butts on the floor of public restrooms or sidewalks just because someone else will clean it up. Be respectful of others' time, thoughts, ideas, lifestyles, feelings, work, and everything else. You don't have to agree with any of it, but people have a right to their opinions and yours is not necessarily correct.

Ø Don't Show Up Empty-handedGoing to a party this weekend at your friend's apartment? Make sure you don't arrive empty-handed. Even if you've been assured that there will be plenty of food and drink, bring along a little something to show you appreciate being invited.

Ø Educate YourselfIf you don't understand why one country is invading another, take the time to educate yourself on the current event. Ask a person intimately connected with the event for his or her thoughts. Remember, we're all interconnected, and being aware of different cultures, different people, and what their lives are like can make you a more well-rounded individual. This will also help you understand points of view different from your own.

Ø Surprise PeopleHow good does it feel to make someone smile? It feels pretty good, right? Surprise your loved ones or co-workers now and then, with a gift, a

night out on the town, or by offering help when you know they could use it.

Becoming a better person doesn't happen overnight, but it is possible. Believe in yourself and know that it is possible!

byManish Jain

Ü Helps achieving goals and attaining success.

Ü Success achieved faster and more easily.

Ü More Happiness.

Ü More energy.

Ü Greater inner power and strength.

Ü The ability to inspire and motivate yourself and others.

Ü Fewer difficulties encountered along the way.

Ü The ability to surmount any difficulty.

Ü Life smiles at you.

Ü People respect you.

Issue -X / July 2016 / Supplementary page

Be a Better You......

The benefits of apositive attitude:

5AUGUST 2016

Ø Practice ForgivenessJoyce Marter, LCPC, suggests you forgive and let go of resentment. She notes, "If for no other reason than for yourself, forgive to untether yourself from the negative experiences of the past. Take time to meditate, and give thanks for the wisdom and knowledge gained from your suffering. Practice the mantra, 'I forgive you and I release you.’

Ø Be Honest and DirectHow would you feel if a loved one or business partner lied to you? Chances are you would see that as a violation of your trust. If you want to be a better person in either your personal or professional life, you should always tell the truth and state as clearly as possible what you are trying to convey. Learn to articulate your thoughts, feelings, and ideas in an open and honest manner.

Ø Be HelpfulWhether giving up your seat to an elderly person on the subway, assisting a co-worker on a project, or carrying in the groceries when your spouse comes back from the store, being helpful is one of the easiest and most effective ways to practice becoming a better person. I find that the more I help others, the better I feel about myself and everyone around me.

Ø Listen to OthersAs Jeet Banerjee notes on Lifehack, "listening to people and giving everyone a voice is one of the greatest things you can do." He adds that he "got to meet some of the most amazing people, close some of the biggest deals, and develop connections that will last me a lifetime all because I took time to listen to people. Being a good listener can change your life in a positive manner."

Ø Act LocallyIt may not seem like a big deal, but supporting a local cause, donating clothes, or buying from local farmers' markets or businesses are simple ways you can help your specific region. You may not be able to save the world, but you very well could make a difference in your neck of the woods. Get to know and care about your community.

Ø Always Be PoliteHow much effort does it take to say, "Thank you," or to hold the elevator door open for someone? Not much at all. However, these acts of kindness can make someone's day. I decided a few years ago that it doesn't matter if someone is ultra rude, condescending, or worse. The way someone else behaves is not

From P3

Coming Soon .... In September 2016.

“Engineers Day” organised by Engineers

Forum, Balasore.

Watch out for this space in our September Issue !

Page 6: IN THIS ISSUE Champion Champion Pankaj … · Rupert Spira ô "Suffering usually

6AUGUST 2016

AugustIndependence Day Celebratations

15th August 2016 : Independence Day was celebrated at our Tangi yard and also at our adopted primary school at Tangi. It started with unfurling of the national flag and national anthem within our yard compound with the team our yard at Tangi. This was followed by unfurling and national anthem at the primary school with all the students and teachers participating. Gifts and sweets were distributed to all the students and staff of the school present. The enthusiasm and happiness seen among the students was worth the effort. These students wait for such an activity every year. It is our privilege and endeavour to offer a small help towards the students. This activity was led by Niharika Madam. We thank her for the effort and its successful completion.


Sankara Eye Hospital inauguratedSankara Eye Hospital building was inaugurated at Samarjhola, Hinjilicut – Dist Ganjam (Odisha) on Saturday, 11th June 2016 at 10.30 am in the immediate presence of HH Sri Jayendra Saraswathi Swamigal. Hon'ble Chief Minister of Odisha Shri Naveen Patnaik was the Chief Guest. Our Director Mr. Sunil Kishorepuria was also cordially invited for the inauguration.

Sankara Eye Hospital is a state-of-the-art hospital with the latest amenities for eye treatment and has also been built and certified as a Green Building (as per standard guidelines). The complete building has been reinforced with Tata Tiscon rebars supplied by Sagar Business Private Limited. A total of 588 metric tons was supplied and used in the building. It was a prestigious project for us and we feel proud to be associated with such important and prestigious projects.

Further we were deeply appreciated for our

seamless service, contribution and assistance during the entire supply process. They have

also recommended our name for another Hospital that is being planned in Jeypore, Odisha. Wg Cdr V Shankar (Retd),Trustee & Executive Director, Sankara Eye Hospital has sent us an appreciation mail expressing his

gratitude and stated that we had a major hand in the successful completion of our Hospital.