in this album created by talented and professional ... · mainieri, victor bailey, jim beard, chico...

In this album created by talented and professional photographers, the masters of art, we find only a small part of the Festival aura that can truly be felt when diving into the stormy crowd. Today this album is a unique and only chronicle of the Festival where we can see the stars of the Klaipeda jazz festival shining bright and the still moments of the stormy crowds. The worry wrinkles on the organizers' faces are also captured; however, wrinkles turn into smiles upon the sound of jazz. This is a history of a simple but sincere miracle, Klaipeda Castle Jazz Festival, all of us created and witnessed and, hopefully will carry on. This is not a Festival in the city anymore but a city in the Festival accompanied by the loyal motto: GOOD MUSIC FOR COOD PEOPLE. I believe that we have become at least a little bit better during all those years, and today no one wonders when Klaipeda is called a Lithuanian New Orleans. From my jazzy heart I thank all the people who helped to create this album, which will a chronicle of the Festival and will have a bibliographical value breathing jazz passion from every page. Sincerely and musically Yours, Festival's founder Vytautas Grubliauskas-Kongas m •^•ven though the fate did not allow me to stand at the cradle of Klaipeda Castle Jazz Festival fifteen years ago, I am thankful for an opportunity that led me to the festival and made me fall in love with it a decade ago. I found out from Kongas, that the 10th anniversary Festival was a special, unique and unforgettable event with a leading star of the jazz universe Maynard Ferguson! I also learned that the 9th Festival could have been compared to Beethoven's Ode to Joy carrying joy and faith into the power of Jazz and its spells with the legendary jazz artist Toots Thielemans. It is symbolic that this white-haired jazz legend became a pioneer who opened a new page in the history of the Festival. He opened the doors to the shining light of the worldwide famous jazz stars in the sky of Klaipeda Castle Jazz Fesdval. Each year the festival had become more marvelous and unique, striving for the new heights. Today I stand at the threshold of the XV festival. "This will be a truly wonderful jazz fiesta," I whisper to myself and all the jazz fans, friends and colleagues. I dear to dream out loud, that not only Klaipeda but also the whole Lithuania will participate in the XV Festival because the thrilling artists with their spectacular music will invite to celebrate everybody who believes that life without jazz is a mistake. i I am happy that this album will remind you the long and colorful road of the fiftieen years that we have traveled together This road was lit with the light of such stars as Billy Gobham, Mike Mainieri, Victor Bailey, Jim Beard, Chico & The Gypsies, Eric Marienthal, Jojo Mayer Maceo Parker, Joe Sample, Randy Crawford and many more. Deep in my heart I believe that you will find at least the smallest beam of wonderful music in this album breathing the spirit of Klaipeda Jazz Festival. I wish you a joyful and happy journey in the pages of Klaipeda Castle Jazz Festival history Sincerely and jazzy Yours, Festival's organizer Inga Grubliauskiene

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Post on 18-Mar-2020




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Page 1: In this album created by talented and professional ... · Mainieri, Victor Bailey, Jim Beard, Chico & The Gypsies, Eric Marienthal, Jojo Mayer Maceo Parker, Joe Sample, Randy Crawford

In this a l b u m created by ta lented a n d professional photographers , the masters of art, w e find

only a small part o f the Festival aura that can truly be felt w h e n div ing into the s tormy c r o w d .

Today this a l b u m is a un ique a n d only chron ic le o f the Festival whe re w e can see the stars of the K la ipeda jazz festival sh in ing bright a n d the still m o m e n t s o f the s tormy c rowds . T h e wor r y wr ink les o n the organizers' faces are also captured ; however , wr ink les turn into smiles upon the s o u n d o f jazz. Th i s is a history o f a s imp le but s incere mirac le , K la ipeda Cast le Jazz Festival, all of us c reated a n d w i tnessed and , hopefu l l y wi l l carry on . Th i s is not a Festival in the city a n y m o r e but a c i ty in the Festival a c c o m p a n i e d by the loyal m o t t o : G O O D MUSIC FOR COOD PEOPLE.

I bel ieve that w e have b e c o m e at least a little bit better dur ing all those years, and today no one

w o n d e r s w h e n K la ipeda is ca l led a L i thuanian New Orleans.

F r o m m y jazzy hear t I t h a n k all t he peop le w h o he lped to create this a l b u m , w h i c h wi l l a

ch ron i c l e o f t he Festival a n d wi l l have a b ib l iographica l va lue breath ing jazz pass ion f rom

eve ry page.

Sincerely a n d mus ica l ly Yours ,

Festival's founder V y t a u t a s Grub l iauskas-Kongas

m • ^ • v e n though the fate d id n o t a l low m e to s tand at the cradle of K la ipeda Cast le Jazz Festival

fifteen years ago, I a m thankfu l for an o p p o r t u n i t y that led m e to the festival a n d m a d e m e fall

in love w i t h it a d e c a d e ago.

I f o u n d out f rom Kongas , that the 10th anniversary Festival w a s a special , un ique and unforgettable event w i t h a leading star o f the jazz universe M a y n a r d Ferguson! I also learned that the 9 th Festival cou ld have been c o m p a r e d to Beethoven's O d e to Joy carry ing joy and faith into the p o w e r o f Jazz a n d its spells w i t h the legendary jazz artist Toots Th ie lemans . It is s ymbo l i c that this wh i te-ha i red jazz legend b e c a m e a p ioneer w h o o p e n e d a new page in the history o f the Festival . He o p e n e d the doors to the sh in ing light of the wor ldw ide famous jazz stars in the sky o f K la ipeda Cast le Jazz Fesdval . Each year the festival had become more marve lous a n d un ique , str iv ing for the n e w heights .

Today I s t and at the th resho ld o f the X V festival . "This wil l be a truly wonder fu l jazz fiesta," I

wh i spe r to mysel f a n d all the jazz fans, f r iends a n d col leagues. I dear to d ream out loud , that

not on ly K la ipeda but also the w h o l e L i thuan ia wil l part ic ipate in the X V Festival because the

thr i l l ing artists w i t h their spectacu la r mus i c wil l invite to celebrate eve rybody w h o believes that

life w i t h o u t jazz is a mistake . i

I a m happy that this a l b u m wil l r e m i n d y o u the long a n d colorfu l road of the fiftieen years that w e have t rave led together Th i s road w a s lit w i t h the light of such stars as Billy G o b h a m , Mike Main ier i , V i c to r Bailey, J im Beard, C h i c o & T h e Gyps ies , Eric Mar ien tha l , Jojo M a y e r M a c e o Parker, Joe Sample , Randy C r a w f o r d a n d m a n y more .

Deep in my heart I bel ieve that y o u wil l find at least the smal lest beam of wonder fu l mus ic in

this a l b u m breath ing the spirit o f K la ipeda Jazz Festival . I w ish y o u a joyfu l a n d happy journey in

the pages o f K la ipeda Cast le Jazz Festival h i s tory

Sincerely a n d jazzy Yours ,

Festival's organizer Inga Grub l iausk iene

Page 2: In this album created by talented and professional ... · Mainieri, Victor Bailey, Jim Beard, Chico & The Gypsies, Eric Marienthal, Jojo Mayer Maceo Parker, Joe Sample, Randy Crawford
Page 3: In this album created by talented and professional ... · Mainieri, Victor Bailey, Jim Beard, Chico & The Gypsies, Eric Marienthal, Jojo Mayer Maceo Parker, Joe Sample, Randy Crawford