"in the history of the world there have been thousands of kings and emperors who called...

"In the history of the world there have been thousands of kings and emperors who called themselves 'their highnesses,' 'their majesties,' and 'their exalted majesties' and so on. They shone for a brief moment, and as quickly disappeared. But Ashoka shines and shines brightly like a bright star, even unto this day." H.G. Wells

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Post on 27-Dec-2015




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Page 1: "In the history of the world there have been thousands of kings and emperors who called themselves 'their highnesses,' 'their majesties,' and 'their exalted

"In the history of the world there have been thousands of

kings and emperors who called themselves 'their

highnesses,' 'their majesties,' and 'their exalted majesties' and so on. They shone for a

brief moment, and as quickly disappeared. But Ashoka

shines and shines brightly like a bright star, even unto this


H.G. Wells

Page 2: "In the history of the world there have been thousands of kings and emperors who called themselves 'their highnesses,' 'their majesties,' and 'their exalted


Empires played a less prominent role in India In the Indus River valley flourished the

largest of the First Civilizations (The cities of Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro – urban planning)

But in the Indus valley, there was little evidence of any central political authority

At its demise by 1500 BCE, creation of a new civilization along the Ganges River

Scholars debate the role of the Aryans, a pastoral Indo-European people, and whether they invaded and destroyed or were already a part of the Indus Valley population

Page 3: "In the history of the world there have been thousands of kings and emperors who called themselves 'their highnesses,' 'their majesties,' and 'their exalted
Page 4: "In the history of the world there have been thousands of kings and emperors who called themselves 'their highnesses,' 'their majesties,' and 'their exalted


By 600 BCE, the classical civilization of South Asia began to take shape in northern India

But emerged as a fragmented collection of towns and cities with diverse political structures

And a range of ethnic, cultural, and linguistic diversity due to endless variety of peoples migrating from Central Asia across mountain passes into India

The source of an identity in the midst of diversity was a distinctive religion (Hinduism)

Linguistic Map

Page 5: "In the history of the world there have been thousands of kings and emperors who called themselves 'their highnesses,' 'their majesties,' and 'their exalted
Page 6: "In the history of the world there have been thousands of kings and emperors who called themselves 'their highnesses,' 'their majesties,' and 'their exalted
Page 7: "In the history of the world there have been thousands of kings and emperors who called themselves 'their highnesses,' 'their majesties,' and 'their exalted


Northwestern India had been briefly ruled by Persian Empire

Northwestern India and been briefly conquered by Alexander the Great

Persian and Greek influences encouraged the first and largest of India’s short experiments with empire building

“Surrender of Porus to the Emperor Alexander”

Page 8: "In the history of the world there have been thousands of kings and emperors who called themselves 'their highnesses,' 'their majesties,' and 'their exalted
Page 9: "In the history of the world there have been thousands of kings and emperors who called themselves 'their highnesses,' 'their majesties,' and 'their exalted


With a population of perhaps 50 million A large military force (reported 600,000

infantry soldiers - 30,000 cavalry - 8,000 chariots - and 9,000 elephants)

Civilian bureaucracy with various ministries and spies

State also operated many industries – spinning, weaving, mining, shipbuilding, and armaments

Taxes on trade, herds, land (from which the monarch claimed a quarter or more of the crop)

Page 10: "In the history of the world there have been thousands of kings and emperors who called themselves 'their highnesses,' 'their majesties,' and 'their exalted
Page 11: "In the history of the world there have been thousands of kings and emperors who called themselves 'their highnesses,' 'their majesties,' and 'their exalted


Left a record of his activities and thinking in his edicts carved on rocks and pillars (Pillars of Ashoka)

Reign began in a ruthless fashion of conquest and expansion

But a particularly bloody battle, the Battle of Kalinga, was a turning point

-Disgusted by the violence and carnage, Ashoka converted to Buddhism

Page 12: "In the history of the world there have been thousands of kings and emperors who called themselves 'their highnesses,' 'their majesties,' and 'their exalted
Page 13: "In the history of the world there have been thousands of kings and emperors who called themselves 'their highnesses,' 'their majesties,' and 'their exalted

Adopted a more peaceful approach to government

Encouraged nonviolence and tolerance Worked for the happiness and well-being of

his subjects Abandoned the royal hunts Ended animal sacrifices in the capital Eliminated most meat from the royal menu Generously supported Buddhist monasteries

as well as the building of stupas (shrines erected by Buddhists which housed relics of important Buddhists)

Page 14: "In the history of the world there have been thousands of kings and emperors who called themselves 'their highnesses,' 'their majesties,' and 'their exalted
Page 15: "In the history of the world there have been thousands of kings and emperors who called themselves 'their highnesses,' 'their majesties,' and 'their exalted

Ordered the digging of wells, the planting of shade trees, and the building of rest stops along the empire’s major highways (integrating the kingdom’s economy)

But still retained the power to punish wrongdoing and the death penalty remained

Attempted to develop a moral code for the diverse empire

After Ashoka’s death, political fragmentation returned with competing regional states

Buddhist symbol - the Dharma wheel – representing the teachings of the Buddha

Page 16: "In the history of the world there have been thousands of kings and emperors who called themselves 'their highnesses,' 'their majesties,' and 'their exalted

Political Fragmentation

Page 17: "In the history of the world there have been thousands of kings and emperors who called themselves 'their highnesses,' 'their majesties,' and 'their exalted


Another short-lived experiment in empire building in South Asia

A golden age of Hindu culture Mathematicians developed the concept of

zero, the decimal system, and the concept of infinity

Scientists experimented with vaccinations Artists created beautiful paintings in the

caves of Ajanta and great works of literature in Sanskrit, the holy language of the Hindu religion

Page 18: "In the history of the world there have been thousands of kings and emperors who called themselves 'their highnesses,' 'their majesties,' and 'their exalted
Page 19: "In the history of the world there have been thousands of kings and emperors who called themselves 'their highnesses,' 'their majesties,' and 'their exalted

But India was similar to Western Europe after the collapse of the Roman Empire

Political fragmentation was more common than unity

Perhaps India’s tremendous cultural diversity was the reason

Also frequent invasions from Central Asia, which regularly smashed states that might have emerged as empire builders

And India’s social system known as the caste system increased local loyalties

Page 20: "In the history of the world there have been thousands of kings and emperors who called themselves 'their highnesses,' 'their majesties,' and 'their exalted
Page 21: "In the history of the world there have been thousands of kings and emperors who called themselves 'their highnesses,' 'their majesties,' and 'their exalted

But a vibrant economy encouraged trade and commerce

India was a focal point of an extensive network of trade in the Indian Ocean basin

Its cotton textile industry supplied cloth throughout the Afro-Eurasian world

Strong guilds of merchants and artisans provided political leadership in towns and cities

Wealth from commerce patronized the activities of artists and architects

Creativity in religious thinking (from Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism emerged)

Great advances in mathematics and science, especially astronomy

Page 22: "In the history of the world there have been thousands of kings and emperors who called themselves 'their highnesses,' 'their majesties,' and 'their exalted

The absence of a consistent imperial unity did not prevent the evolution of a lasting civilization

Page 23: "In the history of the world there have been thousands of kings and emperors who called themselves 'their highnesses,' 'their majesties,' and 'their exalted
Page 24: "In the history of the world there have been thousands of kings and emperors who called themselves 'their highnesses,' 'their majesties,' and 'their exalted
Page 25: "In the history of the world there have been thousands of kings and emperors who called themselves 'their highnesses,' 'their majesties,' and 'their exalted


A Strayer Question: Why were centralized empires so much less

prominent in India than in China? Compare and contrast the process of empire

building in India and the Roman Empire. How did the religious experience shape the

political reality in South Asia?