in the end all you really have is memories 21/cortland ny...joshua. he never went out of doors after...

NORTH COKTLAND. Last week "it anew, it blew, it thew and it friz." Mr. Dewitt Rose, who has been sick for the past two weeks, is improving slowly. Miss Mary Rindge, who had a slight paralytic shock some time ago, is much better. Mr. and Mrs. Reed, two children and Mrs. Palmer, of McGrawville, visited at Mr. Dewitt Rose's Friday. Mr. William Vandenberg. of Joliet, 111. called Monday on his old friend, Mr. Stephen Thomas, on his way to Preble where he formerly lived. Mr. T. S. Mouxin is preparing to move on the Fitzgerald farm on the back road to Homer. He takes the place of Mr. Bell, who moves on Mr. Kellogg's farm west of Cortland. Mrs. Geo. Wilbur, son Lutie and sister Fannie Galusha, attended the funeral of their aunt, Mrs. F. N. Smith, in Candor, Saturday, Feb. 10. Mrs. Smith was well- known in Cortland, having visited here at different times. There was a very pleasant surprise party at Mr. Calvin Priests for their son Fred, Fridav evening. Nice refreshments were in order and all the young company enjoyed a pleasant evening and decided that Master Fred was a fine host. *REETOW*. A fruit agent is in town. Some are preparing for making sugar. If cigars will elect town officers all may be elected. Mr. Clarence Tripp and mother, visited n Solon the tirst of the week. Mr Clay Carley and family of Homer, wtre a wests at C. Tripps, Monday. Mrs. Tuttle has gone to Cortland to take treatment with Mrs. Dr. Strow. bridge. Mr. Elmer Dickinson has returned from Pennsylvania with a sore hand ; hurt in a planer. Drawing logs is the business of many farmers in anticipation of building larger this summer. Mr. J. Downs and wife, and Mrs. Henry Winters of Virgil, visited their sis- ter, Mrs. Harvy Torry. Mr. T. Shepherd who has sold his cheese factory and is looking for business more congenial, has just spent Monday in Homer. The Aid Society of the M. E. Church will meet at Mrs. Burdett Hall's on Friday of this present week. A general attend- ance is solicited. Many anxious hearts to night about town meeting, yet we fear some will feel worse tomorrow night. Anticipation will be far ahead of participation. HARFORD MILLS. The weather is very fine and everybody isimproving it. Ira Crawford, of Berkshire, was in town on Monday last. Mr. Jerome Miller, of Caroline, was in town on Monday last. Ed. Wilcox and wife returned from their wedding trip on Monday last. Mr Frost, of Cortland, was in town the forepart of the week, looking after the cigar trade. Jordan Freer, Mnnley Goodale and Peter Stuckey, of Lapeer, were in town last Monday'. Nelson Conrad was quite badlv hurt while in the mill yard last Friday b y a board being blown from a pile and striking him on the face. Henry Rockefeller had quite a nice lot of wood drawn for him on Monday of this week, which caused quite a little commo- tion on the part of the inhabitants of this place | |Town meeting has come and gone. The Republican party electing their ticket with the exception of the Collector and Road Commissioner. The no-license commission er was elected. 6ROTON CITY. Mr. Hiram Clark of Summit is visiting his brother Nelson Clark. Will Valen moved his family into Fran cis Websters house last week. Frank Youmans is spending a few weeks with friends*at Dryden. Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Olmstead of Cort- land were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. I) J Hatfield last week. The patch social at Mrs. Stead man's last Thursday was well attended ia spite of the storm and over five dollars were clear ed. A very merry time was spent and the patches maJe some queer matches. Mesdames Webster, Griswold, Clark, Backus, Gilford, Abbott, French, and Steadman attended the W. C. T U. Con vention at McLean last weeK. They re- port an excellent meeting with instructive and interesting papers. All were sorry to miss the parliamentary drill by Miss Sarah Collins They give the McLean ladies high praise for their bountiful hospitality and the men for their obliging use *of teams. We are sure all will want t o g o again. BLODGETT'S MILLS. Mr. John Wittey will act as foreman in the chair factory. Miss Delia Hodges has returned to her work at McGrawville Frank Mosier has been confined to the house the past week with the quinsy. Mrs Arvilla Cone of Cazenovia, has been calling on friends here the past week. Mr. Charles Saunders of Cortland, is placing the steel rooting on the new chair factory. Mr. and Mrs. James Winnie of McGraw- ville, are to assist Reuben Reynolds in his farm work. Mr. and Mrs. Mat. Stevens of Groton, and Mr and Mrs. Dana Metzgar of Cort- land, were at W. S. Freer's Monday. Thirty five Grangers and friends gath ered at the home of Mr and Mrs. Reuben Reynolds last Thursday, and enjoyed themselves as only patrons know how. Tie next visit will be held Thursday, March 1st, at the home of Mr. Job Staf- ford. SCOTT. Barton D. Crandall mad wife of DeRuy ter have been guests of M. 6 . Frabte's family recently. Frank Lieber of Spafford. will work for Joseph Picket this coming season. $23.50 per month and horse kept. Sylvester Hazard and Herman Stoker went to Syracuse last week to attend the funeral of tbeir aunt, Mrs. John Hazard. Lewis Babcock will move from George Burden's place to Spafford, locating and working the farm of Julius Edwards the coming season. E. W. Child's nominated by the demo- crats for supervisor declined to run as also did W . N . Babcock for town clerk and B. H. Bierce for assessor. Franklin Burdick and one daughter from Seneca county, are here for a few days, called here by the sickness and death of his father, Benjamin Burdick. Ernest W. Child's has been employed by the Cortland Beef company to buy hogs and veal calves. He will take in stock next Tuesday at Homer and Preble. Mrs. Charles Blunden drew the cart tor which tickets to the number of M were sold recently. Tickets to the amount of $15 50 were sold and her ticket cost 48 cents we think. Henry Brown's people recently lost a hen by death that would have been a voter the coming summer, so far as age is concerned. Grippe was thought to be the cause of death. Jay Hazard came to Scott last week from Freetown with one load of goods. He and his tather-in law W. F. Brown, will occupy the place owned and recently vacated by HeDry Hazard. Died in Scott at the home of Morgan Maxson, Feb. 16, 1894, Benjamin S. Bur- dick, aged 80 years and 11 days. He was burried on Sunday Feb, 18 just three weeks after the burial of his brother Joshua. He never went out of doors after his return from the funeral. Two broth- ers and one sister together with the deces- ed have died within one years time. The deceased was born in Scott and lived the greater part of his life here, but for the last eighteen years has resided until with in a few months, in Seneca county. Two sisters and two brothers survive him, tlsn one son and one daughter. He was much respected by all who knew him and was honest and conscious in his acts and deal- ings wtth mankind. He was burried in the old church yard cemetery. CIXCINNATUS. TOWN IEETIRC RETURNS. C. J. Cole was in Cortland the latter part of last week Harvey Dillenbeck, of Killawog. was in town Tuesday. Frank Cogswell, of Sidney, is the guest of relatives here. Dr. Geo. Weaver, of McDonough, was in town Saturday. Howard Meacham, of Cortland, is visit- ing his parents here. Chas. Bassett, of Lisle, was the guest of friends here recently. Jacob Dillenbeck. of Triangle, visited relatives here a part of the past week. Abner Harrington has been confined to the house by illness for the past week. Mrs. James Pudney and son Charles, of McDonough, visited in town last week. Warren Saxton and family, of Lisle, are spending this week with relatives in this place. The sewing society of the Congregation, al church met with Mrs. Keim yesterday afternoon. The majority of the voters of the town expressed themselves in favor of license at the polls Tuesday. The Village Improvement society held a social at Chauncey Dickinson's on Wed. nesday evening of this week. Mrs. Robinson, who has been the guest of relatives here for several weeks, re_ turned to her home in Fabius Monday. We understood that the entertainment given by the German I. O. G. T. last Saturday evening was very thinly attended, the audience consisting of about twenty, five. The "Kings Daughters'' met with Miss Stella Kingman on Monday afternoon and packed a barrel with clothing, etc., for the "Home of the friendless" in New York city. The entertainment given by the Hotch. kins sisters, under the auspices of the Epworth League, last Thursday evening, gave very good satisfaction. The receipts we believe were about $30, the league netting $o. Quite a number of people gathered at Academy Hall on Monday evening to hear the dramatic reader and impersonator' Frank Conklin, who had been advertised to appear at that time. Mr. Conklin, from some cause unknown, failed to "materialize,' so after some waiting, the audience dispersed. TRUXTOS. VIRGIL Rep. 164 .166 Dem. Supervisor. William A. Holtoa . 3U0 Rodoiph Price Town Clerk, Edward A. Cram... 172 Prank W. Barnes Justice of the Peace, John B. Lewis 143 Depuy ShevaUer SSI William H. Stewart. -214 Albert Holleabeck . 153 Commisskmcr of Highway*. William H. Hall... .107 Jaeoo B. Shults 167 Onlftur, OriaJ. Bavs 171 Prank Hutchinjrs .186 Overseers of the Poor. Martin Cavern 151 Eugene A. Brown 162 N. A. tiardner 212 John Drlscoll 127 Aaron Overton 228 Maaly Price 141 Adelbert Hutching*.. 214 Noah Davis 146 L B . Matson 213 George Sherman.. .. 148 William Bell 213 Jonas Bailey 142 Oliver Jeuuiaon 214 Inspector* of Election. District No. 1. Frank A. Gallagher . 171 Merton Vunk 2fK Jay Terpening •. 160 Lewis B, Sager -209 Inspector* of Electimi, District No. "2. Seth Davis 155 Edwin Miller 208 Eugene A. Brown ISO Joseph shevalter 200 Game Constable. - George Madole 212 TRUXTON. Dem. Supervis>yr, Hep. John o Donne 11 163 William Baldwin 138 Town Clerk, John O'Connor 1»» Frank J. Westseott.. .116 Just ice of the Peace, H. D. Laze! I 176 Alexander Lansing . 125 Justice of the Peace, (to fill Vacancy). Degene B. Hontater . 123 Assessor, Wm Warren 142 Thomas Connors .168 Commissioner of Highways, John Daley 166 Dewitt M. Patrick ...132 Overseer of the Poor, William O. Pierce .. 177 William McNeil 123 Cttftector, Thomas L. Goddard . 167 Albert F. Kinney 139 Qitistoftftm. Isaac Henderson —175 Albert F. Kinney —124 L. L. Perry 179 WlUlam Ross 124 Delos tfott 161 E. A. Stafford 125 Thomas L. (voddard.. 172 Winnie Stone 145 Fred Turner 174 John A. Bhepard 126 Inspectors of JPwWcm, John Nott 174 Thomas Dodd. Jr 123 Michael McGraw 176 Alvarado Lansiug. . .128 MARAHTON. Dem. Supervisor, Rep. Randolph R. Maybury. 100 Walter A. Brink .264 Town Clerk, George W. Swift 128 James L. Puff 250 Justice of the Peace. Duray Hunt 115 D. Barnard Wlllson. .259 Commissioner of Highivays. Ezra E. Laird 201 Elvin F. Paige 177 William H. Sherwood 129 Clark Hammond 248 CoUeetesr, William S. Mack. ... 125 Oscar Courtney t'5l Overneer of the Poor, Clark Pierce 131 Eugene Watrous 247 Constables, William S. Mack —123 Oscar Courtnev 252 Joseph A. Cole 108 William S. VanVost.. 251 Charles Deitrich... .122 William Davison 242 Dewitt C. Lynde . . . 127 Eber J. Bowdish 249 Frank Hammond .121 Charles N. Robinson.241 ftmgmattm of Election, District No. 1, Myrou J. Glover 124 J. Harris Hammond 251 Burdette H. Mack 129 George N. Valentine.245 Inspector* of Election, District No. 2. Duane Burgess 128 John W. Livingston .247 Charles S. Mvers . . . 1 2 7 Frank E. Whitmore. 250 For License, Reuben P. Fish 180 Against License, Wi'iren Jones 165. Dem. Fred Pollard Henry M. Hunt... JM George S. Wheals Commi David Young. Jordan Fries . cm Mj ron Psllard . Dwight Freeman Insi Eugene Witty Fred L. Smith. . Henry Boise Henry Boise Selah Talbot Thomas Parker.. William Barry LAPEER Supervisor. ifrp. .40 Frank M. Surdam 87 Town dark, ...49 Elmer E. Hults 80 twe at the Peace, r... 47 Orson A. House 82 anions* nf Highivays, .... 61 Frank Tarbie 68 Assessor, .. 41 S. Keed Alvord 80 rseers of the Potn\ 47 Dwignt Freeman 131 68 Wilber Pred Garner N. R. Brown. N. R- Brown Garrett Rockw« 11. Thomas Wight Charles Ptak Charles Weaver ofthtPttor, ..m Prank Rtptoy.. ...69 Merwtoa Whitney Otiector, ...85 Frank Garner... LonstattUm, ...74 Everett Bead. - .06 Praak Gamer. . •. ...m Dever Austin ... .70 John Wire C9 Charles Kinney . Jlei Inspectors of Election, E. D. Wight 68 Luelan Birdleboagh F. R. Jordan 70 Clare Whitney Prohibition average 9. Dem. James A. Jayne. .83 ..81 .79 .131 Eli Parker H-ctors of Election, . 4'.' Dudley Allen. . 48 Fred Jennings CtMectm-, 52 Asa Cook Constables, . 50 Asa Cook 81 48 Joseph Cooper 83 . 48 Daniel 9. Ninegar 82 ..48 Ablut Clute .83 Way land Parker. „ 83 Dem. Ralph Butler HOMER. Supervisor, Rep. . 200 William H. Crane. -.517 Town C'erk, Edward W. Hyatt 353 Charles A. Fjrct 385 Justice of the Peace, Cass D. Dillenbeck. -'4ti A. W. Kingsbury 460 Assessoi; David Hamtaon . . . 221 Thomas H. Kennedy.. 504 Conunissioner of Highways, John S. Gates 261 H. Wilson Blashfleld.. 445 Collector, James Lay .260 Geo. W. Downing 445 Overseers of the Poor, John H. Miller 218 Oliver H. Topping 488 Devaulson D. Newton 219 Alexander L. Pre*ton 488 Constables, Joseph Shearer 319 Adelbert D. Smith 492 Alvtn Gay 218 Alfred B. Raymond . 484 Lewis W. Wright. .218 William A. Shirley 491 William Signor 217 G. Frank Jones 492 Jerome Gates 221 Lucien W. Porter .493 Game Constable, Charles A. Smith ...221 Maynard Gates 495 Inspector of Election, IKUrict No. 1. Thomas McEvoy. Sr. .220 William H. Moore... -495 'John M. Burnham. 490 inspector of Election, District No. 2. LeGrand Usher .... .220 Daniel T. Bowdish 491 William C. Collins... 491 Inspector of Election, l>istrict No. 3. W. Soott Stephenson.219 Charles Oliver. 492 Fred C. Atwater 491 Inspector of Election, DistrUt No. 4. William A. Coon 220 John H. VanHoesen .491 Frank H. Grten 491 Prohibition, average 70. For License, Charles C. Healy 391. Against License. Erastus Jones 380. SCOTT. Dern. Supervitmr, .Rep. Dan J. Cottrell 61 Mills G. Frlsbie 124 Town Clerk, Arvioe C Bedell 52 Merton A. Whiting. .135 Justice of the Peace, (full termi Jeremiah G. Rhodes. .53 Samuel D. Ames. . . . 118 Justice of the Peace, (to fill vacancy J John Gillett 46 George F. Barber .... 121 Commutsfoner of Hiyhwriya, John J. Sweeney .... .54 Charles Clark 133 Assessor. Porter O. Brown .. 120 OmraMT of the Poor. Charles M. Dunbar .45 Dolphin D. L. Burdick 136 CoHector, J mes H. Pratt 131 James H. Pratt 131 Inspectors of Election, George N. Cottrell . 4 2 E. H. Underwood 116 Timothy Mahoney Jr. .54 Alfred R. Burdick .. 130 Constable. Cieorge Anderson 46 Ira J. Barber 138 Arvine C. Bedell 42 Georgv W. Finch 132 Dlx Hobart 46 Geo. VV. Maycumber.. 135 Charles Winchester. .45 Isaac Darling 133 Frank Phillips 43 Jefferson J. Brown 133 Prohibition, average 22. PREBLE George Anthony of this town got oadly hurt at the Little York ice house to-day, (Tuesday | Twenty-two couples attended the dance at the Central House one night last week from Cortland. John Kelley and family have moved •from this town to Homer, near the old Giles foundery. Thomas Dodd, Jr., is attending the encampment of the G. A. R. at Roches- ter. SSheiitf Miller, Judah Gray, and Mrs. E. A. Fierce, of Cortland, and Clarence Rad- way, of Homer, are in town. The weather was so stormy last Friday that the donation for the benefit of Rev. W 11. Robertson, to beheld that evening, was put over to next Friday. Messrs. Nelson and Richard Patrick, sons of Stephen Patrick, and both rail- road engineers living in Iowa, visited their mother and other relatives and friends in this vicinity last week. The oyster supper at Cheningo last week Wednesday night, was attended by quite a large number of Truxton people and netted ftt, which will be used towards completing the church now building at that place. The correspondent of the Syracuse Ereiiing Herald, in giving a brief biog- raphy of our townsman, A. L. Pomeroy failed to elicit the fact that A. L. married a sister of Gen. Nye, who was once a United States senator from Nebraska. Mr. Pomeroy. in his halcyon days, was as jovial as Nye although his humor may not have equaled that of the Nevada senator's, for the latter had few, if any, equals in that line. Artemus Ward received the only official position he ever held, namely "Speaker of Pieces to the People of Ne- vada," at the bands of Nye Miss Agnes Healev of Jiauvia recently died from eating hot bread, which caused obstruction of the bowels. Dem. 3tupervt-!ftn; Rep. Albert H. VanHoesen 116 James T. Steele 114 I'oicu Clerk, Frank P. Conine .. 107 J. Hobart Cummings 126 Justice of the Peace, Herman D. Hunt ... 109 Frank J. Collier .121 A. H. Van Busk irk .77 Isaac W. VanBuskirk. 150 Commissioner of Highways, Lorenzo Allen 107 David O. Crofoot 124 Overseers of the Poor, Seril Pierce 115 James H. Manchester .118 Smith Wright 114 Charles E. Wilber 118 Collector, Frank Woodmancv. 103 Wm. D. VanDenbarg. .127 Constables, Frank Woodmancy.ilI Wm. D. VanDenburg. .118 Perry 8. Haynes — 92 Fred Porter 122 Lawrence J. Carey 106 Robert Dorathy 183 Christopher Long.. 109 Carl Terwilleger 115 Frank van Camp IK Arthur Masters 117 Inspector,* of Election, David H. Folts 108 Calvin J. Shephard. 121 Frank Daley. .110 George M. Baldwin 103 For License, John Aekles . 108. Against License, Benjamin F. VanHoesen 105. SOLON. IMm. Supervisor, Rep. Linus W. Peck 60 Johnson G. Bingham. TOUT* Clerk. William J Corcoran . 100 De:os R. Tboringtoa Justice of the Peace, (full term,) Eugene B. Maybury. 77 William Meldrim For Justice of the Peace, (to ,«U rvuaney,* James Finn 63 Cieorge A. BaVja Assessor. Job n McKendrick... 72 George Dodd Commissioner of Highways. James Baker 73 Albert Stevens CMtoa6*p, Bradley D. Greenman.93 Charles B. Hall Ocersesr of the Poor, Josiah MeChesney 72 Lewis C. Greaell .. Constables, Delos Pritchard 79 Jerome Grenell Bradley D. Green man. 79 Charles B. Hall . . Morris Jaquias 76 Pred Hammond... Fred Turner Pavette Stevens ... Inspectors of Elect Um. Lee Mavbury 75 Prank Dodd Charles Cline 70 Clinton Maybury... TATLOR Dem. L. D. Finn Rep. 115 117 .Supervisor. TS Oscar P. Miner Town Clerk, Ned Rockwell 61 Geo. W. Gage Justice of the Peace, T. O. Brown. , 76 Merritf Smith * 70 Samuel D. Mc kee ...114 Commimiamr of Highways, Darwin Fisk M Rufus L. Caas .... 105 CORTLAStD. Suprrviaor, Rt .586 R. Brace Smith i Town Clerk, Charles H. V. Elliott.191 Edmoud C. Alger Just ire of tttc Peace. ( full term,) George E. Ingraham.607 Dorr C. Smith Walter B. Wilcox 610 Isaac W. Brown Commissi***w of Highways. Geo. J. Miller. 605 Edwin C. Rindge Operneer* of the Ptjor, A. Burton Frazler.. .615 W. W. Gale Samuel Doud OiOsctor, Edward Doud 616 Robert B. Innis Constables, Adelbert J. Barber. ..604 J. W. Strowbrtdge- Watts 8. Freer 602 Isaac W.Brown ... Sidney N. Gooding. .613 Justus J. Gillette .. George Petrte 5B7 Charles D. Wavle Thomas N. Leach -.. 603 Reuben Reynolds. Inspector* of Election, District No. 1. Eugene D. Gates 536 Wm. J. Buchanan. H. K. Aleiander. . Inspectors of Election, District No. 2. Dewitt Howard 535 Frank A. Phelps ... M. E. Corwin Inspectors of Election, District No.;;. Patrick Dempsey .... 533 H. M. Phillips Frank G Hedges. . inspector* of Election, District No. 4. Charles H. Gaylord .533 Dorr C. Smith Edward H. Bates.. Inspectors of Election, District No. 5. Porter O. Bunnell. .532 Frank C. Dibble . Mason C. Missillier Inspectors of Election, District No. 6. William W. Winters. .534 Day Baker Eugene w. Bates .. Insptctors of Election, District No. 7. J. R. Sehermerhoru.. 539 S. H. scrowbrldge Oscar D. Raymond. Inspectors of Bfectiort, District No. 8, John J. Arnold 530 Geo. H. Hyde ...... Geo. J. Maycumber Inspectors of Election, District No. ». Timothy P. Keete .... 516 Wm. B. Cole Robert B. Innes Inspector* of Election, District No. 10, Daniel Burt 404 A. Bnrdette Sperry. Nathan J. MUD sou For License. H G. R« vnolds 646. Against License, John H. Phelps 690. For Myer's Ballot Maachlne 312; against 112:; For Decoration day $100, 616; agaiast 292. Prohibition average 188. 16 16 OR IS 14 14 114 114 16 U6 EJ6 M6 ."64 256 .'10 mi 1191 1 J58 .'47 •10 1 .'40 1 194 ! 143 I .'43 I .'44 i44 <»8 198 J2» :29 "32 sa "23 •23 i24 m •23 160 160 CINCINNATOS. Dem. Supervisor, li> BeDjamin Kinyon... 125 Oliver Griswold. Town Clerk, Luther P. Hayes. . . 122 George A. Haskln* Justice of the Peace, Dayton J. Bolster... 131 Fred Harvey 4 Assessor, Abner Harrington... 131 Cyrus R. Warner Commissioner of Highways, Reuben Locke 135 Hiram B. Boyd.. Collector, Zeal Wagner 134 Albert F. Briggs Constables, Zeal Wagner 125 Albert P. Brigjrs Arthur Brown 123 Dr. Harrington. Clay ton Harrington. 121 John Rogers rugene E. Harvey . 123 Eugene Livingston. Henry M, Smith 123 Arva Youngs Overseer of the Poor, William C. Meacham. 131 F. M. Hillslnger Inspectors of Election, Henrv C. Hitrglns 321 Dayton P. Smith B. H. Livermore 119 Irvin E. Nichols 117 121 12 112 106 108 120 120 120 120 120 HI 119 118 Dem. Jefferson Greene. WILl.ET. Supervisor, 130 Wilson Greene... Town Clerk, John A. Smith 117 J. A-Willson Justice of the Peace, Arby C. Eaton 128 George B. Palmer Assesstrr, Isaac Meacham 124 Benj. H. Loomis Commissioner of Highways, Luman Jones . 117 F. E. Niles Overseer of the Poor, Franklin Strough.... VZl R. M. Carr Collector, Merrick C. Flint ... 126 D. A. Wiles rilMMHIIriiji o/ Eleeticni l; Elvin A. Babcock. Ebiti Salisbury ... Jackson Me Minn. Horace B. TifTany Merrink C Flint - - Frank S. Hopkins Fred Purdv No License. George L. Greene. LEI Frank Beardslev . 125 Curtis L. Harris... Constat ties, . 120 0. A. Wiles Isaac Morgan Mai k Rose Andrew Potts Charles B. Greene No Lieeust L. D. Meacham 125 127 UN 122 88 CtrVLKR. Rep. Supervisor, Peopb >• Pa i Wells (.. Cardner .. 174 Wells G. Cardn. Town Clerl;, Israel D. Brown 188 Israel D. Brown Justice of the Peace, I^jwis 8. Barber 143 John McAllister Assessor, Wm. W. Thompson.. 158 No candidate. Commissioner of Highways, Geo. Bogardus i40 Amenzo Campb. Overseer of the Poor, John N. McLean 153 Ezra J. Albro Collect* *r, Emmons Allen 134 No candidate. Inspectors of Bfaetiati, Geo. S. Fairbank .... 154 Gorlett Dutton Isaac Hlglev 155 Benj. B. Cardnei Constables, Jacob Garner 154 Frank B. Feetei Orlando Burtis 156 Alvin House . Emmons Allen 158 Emmons Allen Geo. Bogardus 187 Geo. Bogardus Nelson S. Albro 182 Nelson S. Albro For License, Geo. Pease. 105. Against License, Geo. N. Brown, 89. I'. 96 109 98 .102 100 103 100 86 90 108 M 97 75 98 91 35 44 32 31 29 28 HARFORD. Dem. Suitervisor, I John C. Edmonds 107 Josiah H. Brow Town Clerk, George A. Wavle 110 Lyman W. Tarn Justice of the Peace, (to fill vacancy, 1 Charles H. Edmonds .. 102 A.J. Butternel. Justice of the Peace, (full term,) Charles H. Edmonds. . 102 A. J. Butternel Assessor, Theron G. Wilcox 93 Job Ayers CtaNMfMiMMr of Highways, Allen W.Tyler 114 W. 8. Kimmich Overseers of tlte Poor. Jamas H. Wavle 108 Willis Johnson Egbert Rockteller 103 Henry C. Vinee i Collector, William H. Smith 128 C. W. Harrlagt. Cotistables, Harvey Lewis 98 Edwin A. Perrv Ernest Btadi 102 Wordon J. Tart. Bishop Clark 99 C. W. Harrlngt. Archie Bell 101 Victor Barnes 7»w*pectom of Election, Edward T. Wilcox. Kl2 Willie T. Edmou Frank H. Osborn . 101 W. S. Kimmich Game Cemstable, Isaac W. Banker 99 Edwin A. Perry Sealer of Weights and Measures, Charles H. Johnson.. 97 Charles A. Kee> For Lioeese. Charles Jennings, 79. Against License, Frank Osborne, H2. ,vp. 115 ).rll3 I .121 ,i .122 128 .105 .113 t.116 .124 xll9 U.1I8 .120 K.118 116 123 .121 FREETOWN. Dem. , Supervisor, /."p. Frank Slocuin 81 Oscar N. Gardner ...61 Toicn Clerk, Septimus Tripp 59 John M- Davis 101 Justice nf the Peace, (full term,) Floyd Underwood ... . 63 Arthur A. Borthwi k. .85 Justice of the Peace, (to fill vacancy, Hatten E. Woods .... 86 Chas. H. Cole 70 .Assessor, Joseph Jacobs 75 David Mathews.. .83 Commissioner of Highways. Gilbert Wavle 70 A. H. Metarar . 94 Ovtnwr of the, Poor, John G rant 69 Michael Bauder. . *9 Charles Wavle 70 ( Collector, John 8. Woods ", 80 Audley Caldwell .80 Constables, Fred Turner 79 Byron Grant 80 Patrick Welch 75 Audley Caldwell . .87 John 8. Woods 70 King L. Wild mac .84 Chester Merihew 69 Herbert Hilslager .87 Inspectors of Election, Jasper L. Haley 66 Bunlette Hall 86 Dewitt Turner 65 Wm. N. Tarbell. . .88 No-license, Everett Vosberg 45; For Licence . Prohibition average 13. SUMMER HIL.L.. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bliss visiteti tives at Groton City last week. Hattie Van Buskirk has finisht school and has gone to Cortland to • the Normal. There is to be a donation for Ite\ Mrs. Miller at their residence on W< day evening of this week. There will be a social at Chas. Rai on Friday evening to raiae money t> the organ for the Congregational Ch We understand that there will be thing quite new and interesting to tain the company. •»• Wanted. Man of good appearance to m "Congress of Religions, book 01 pages, giving, complete description Congress of Religions at the World - Write at once and secure exclusive tory Address F . P . Wemple, « 4 B way, Albany, N.. Y. tela her tend and ines- ney's ward ireh. •ome •nter- the 1300 f the Fair, terri- road Mr*. Mary Eimtnetrmmn Verona. N. Y. After the Grip In Misery —No Appetite or Strength Hood's Sarsaparilla Cavo Appetite and Full Strength. " Alter 1 had the grip in the winter I felt so miserable and was in such poor health that I was nearly discouraged, had no appetite for anything, and everything I a*e I had to force down. My back was so lame it was almost im- tmpossible to lift a kettle from the stove. I bought a bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilla, and be- fore I had taken all of it I Felt Ever So Much Better.* It gave me a good appetite and I could eat a hearty meal and enjoy it, and the lameness in my Hoode^Cures back has all gone. Hood's Sarsaparilla seemed to tone my stomach and make it feel better than anything else I have ever taken. I am now well." Mas. MART ZIMMKHMAN. Verona, X. Y. Hood's Fills are hand made, and perfect In proportion and appearance. 25c. a box. Speeial Bargains ON ALL GRADES OF Furniture, FOR THE NEXT TWO WEEKS, HT Beard & Peck's, THE LEADING Furniture Dealers . ^ isr ID CORTLAND, N . Y . TO-DAY AND TO-MORROW Every purchase made Friday or Saturday, January 12th or 13th, will be quartered, giving the customer $1.00 worth of goods for 75 cents. We will have a great attraction in our window on above dates * Be sure and see it. If you want anything in our line, now is your chance. G. R. MERRILL & Co., Merchant Tailors, Clothiers and Mens' Furnishers. Uniou Building. Homer, N . Y . NOTE THE DATES AND BE THERE. Dr. Hoxsie's Certain Group Gore FOR COUGHS, COLDS, WHOOPING COUGH, PNEUMONIA, DIPHTHERIA, and all diseases leading to CONSUMPTION. An immediate remedy and certain cure for Croup, Asthma, and Hay Fsvar Price 50 cents at druggist* or bv mall A. P. IIOX8IE. BUFFALO, > \ Y . YANDERBILT HOUSE, Syracuse, N. Y. Refitted, Refurnished and Greatly Improved. JAMES A. BARRY. Proprietor. A faraiyzer MEN'S SUITS. Formerly of Hone*. Cortland. (41-ID We have too many $10.00 and $12.00 Suits. No store in Cortland has anv better Suits for $10.00 and $12.00, but we are overloaded and need the room for our Spring stock. We must force their sale. So, Commencing Wednesday Morning, Feb. 21, You. can buy these reliable Standard Suits for $6.00. There are several styles of dark, neat patterns in single and double breasted Sacks and Cutaways—not odds and ends, not remnants, but complete lines in sizes and patterns. We cut them to $6.00 a suit because it's not good business to carry them till next winter. We want tlfe room and we want money. These are the reasons in a nutshell. BURGESS, Fine Tailor-llade Clothing, Hats, Caps and Famishing Goods, NEW FIRM. Boots, Shoes, Robbers and Storm Goods. Our Stock was bought at a Large Discount and our customers get the benefit o it. Here is the way we are letting them g o : • C l o t h Top for $2.26 worth 83.00 Dongola Button for 1.60 " 2.00 Dongola Button for 1.06 " 160 Dongola Button for 95 " 1.3* '- Calf Bals. and Congress 2.26 " 3.00 Buff Bals. and Congress 1.26 " 1.75 A Calf Bals. and Congress, Heavy 1.00 " ISO Button 1.26 " 1.7* Bals .. 1.25 " 17* Bals l.lO " 1.80 Rubber Goods at Less than Cost. Don't fail to see our Bargain Counter of Choice Articles for $1.00, some of whicfc are worth $2.50. PASSAGE, OVERTON & SARVAY. 27-tf Dowd Shoe Store, 13 Railroad St. The World's Fair is Closed, But JAMES L P U S ' IS STILL AHEAD WITH A FULL LINE OF FANCY and STAPLE GROCERIES. ALSO A COMPLETE LINE OF Men and Boys' Gloves and Mittens. I OFFER VOn THIS WEEK: ADandyFlour $ 1 ° 9 A Good Flour Fresh Buckwheat Florida Oranges Cranberries 4 Lbs. Oyster Crackers Best Tea Good Tea - F r e s h O y s t e r s .88 .30 .35 .10 .25 .45 .10 .25 A complete assortment of BAKED GOODS received fresh every morning. I a m headquarters for ail kinds of DAIRY and TABLE SALT. Jues S. Sqiires, 108 liii-st, Cortitnd. RAHCAM.V <JO*ni < tell Stadenrs Caaar t he llSSBSSJSl WO*MMI—Man iSfer from the tSITevta or rrum UM IUMC* Wsnoerat r> . nearly a fortnight there or lew friendly or bitter . i the Fresh man ana tiophoc . 11 U o t r e r a u y and the foolisbnen* of forcing mil I pound* down one atmthe 1 | been in progress. Even stm liag on street car* have I >lledi in the snow and fore . mixtures. Bha rVs*aswa snsqtet eaase evening at UM* old Ma»>>ui war* a signal for a genera km. and while the Freshmen ire wu riotous proceeding* eggs and other tnisMlva < The Freshmnn ban.jur through when a curiousod banquet room, and a «*iranp to fall upon the bauquetiai some time." says the ( i one was able to discover waivers and several of t thrown into agony by its •.id were forced to leave lily H was discovered that Itering the catertrr'n room thr carefully tilted into a ti loor. Upon immediate i k« f o u n d that this glaae p by rubber tube* with i chlorine gas placed in the it was removed *" [But it W H not removed idea is were prostrated, and be carried out. Had the hoi Ito the main room instead of the most fata! result* I As it ww, Mrs .Wk> 'oman was so suffm-Hted wttti gas that she died, and tier itime was thought to be p ad several student*- were :>tsoned that it was at first si >uld not recover. Oa Wedn lg OoVOsat Brown summi rbich viewed the body «ad ras adjourned for further iu* I.ATKU BY TKI.KOHA IffHifH. Feb. M —There w f rushing " at Cornell Tuesday night's affair, whi. lie death of Henrietta Jacl eriouH illness of Students Tii E nd W. F. Mcculloch, was bility the la**t of the series of ranks that was rapidly briti Upon the I'nlversity The tirm stand taken by l'r« lan in his statement yesterd ie students to a full reaSt/jit repute into which pranks an Hudems. and lo-day they v tided upon a course of sctioi aended by the faculty and 1 of Ithaca in general, when tl pat an end to "rushes." At a meeting of the studen [noon arrangements were mail aeeting to be held at noon M ip resolutions to do awsy w "rushing." There was nodii all the studenti present seem pressed with the seriousness lion Tuesday night's escai cond within a short lime t Idisastrously and the students las the faculty to put a sto| j at the faculty to put a st I that injure the life and health if what are clamed as colleg All uncertainty as to the | the deed ia likely to be * Thursday, If uot before, m < is understood to have in bit formation of a sufficiently acter to warrant the arrest « {Student The name of tl authorities will not divulge One very imiiortant diso Coroner Brown this after that promises to lead to the hcation of at least one of tti Wnnted by the authorities * ery thai the rubber tubing « log the fatal chlorine gas men s dining room wu bou log ririu in this place am who sold It claims to be abl< sight the person to wb<»ru li HPBiN«*riKi o , O , F e b Oibb». eighty fi*«- yesrs of able father in -law. of A superintendent of ihe Ohio died yesterday of dropsy *l 111o«?s* Mr. Oibba wan a able genius, and a highly n A Setter was received at deoce for him shortly i Sir Taylor opened it and had come from England "Oibtw that he had fallen I •aiued at $r».r.sjo.OOO I immediate departun^ for identify himaelf Mr T •fter the fortune SIK! try Mr. Oibb's heirs, several < this city. Ni>niliian<l It) i tie f ALIIANV Feb. 4 i'7 —Til day sent the folluwtnic mm **aa.te and. they were re manager of the Wcstehestei f«r women l>avid A. C Vork city ; to be port t Vovk. Hiram Talkius. of | to he manager of the 9k hospital, G H. P. Oould, I Wchraufc resigned , to be Hudson river Stale hoapiu of Troy. C P. McCkllan, •ad EN Hi»well, of I place of the Sate Witlard 1 TKI'IU» AKI> T s r t is t h e who take Hoods Ssrsapai •eHects of ibis medicine ^nerve strength restored, and health given. HOOD'S PII.UI do not •digestion and tone the stoi •iSialitta^lMkiiiiiiiyilbl ht-ii ' ' ' ' lJ,4L ^ - - ^ - J - J ' - Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

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Page 1: In The End All You Really Have Is Memories 21/Cortland NY...Joshua. He never went out of doors after his return from the funeral. Two broth ers and one sister together with the deces-ed

N O R T H C O K T L A N D .

Last week " i t anew, it b l e w , it t h e w a n d it f r i z . "

Mr. D e w i t t Rose , w h o has been s ick for t h e pas t t w o w e e k s , i s i m p r o v i n g s lowly .

Miss M a r y R i n d g e , w h o h a d a s l ight pa ra ly t i c shock s o m e t i m e ago , is m u c h be t te r .

Mr . a n d Mrs . Reed , t w o ch i ld ren and Mrs . P a l m e r , of M c G r a w v i l l e , v is i ted a t Mr . Dewi t t Rose 's F r i d a y .

Mr. W i l l i a m V a n d e n b e r g . of Jo l ie t , 111. called M o n d a y on his old fr iend, Mr . S t e p h e n T h o m a s , on h is w a y to P r e b l e w h e r e h e fo rmer ly l ived.

Mr. T . S. Mouxin is p r e p a r i n g to move on t h e F i t z g e r a l d f a rm on t h e b a c k road to H o m e r . H e takes the place of Mr. Bell , w h o moves on Mr . Ke l logg ' s f a rm wes t of Cor t l and .

M r s . Geo. W i l b u r , son Lut ie a n d sister F a n n i e Ga lusha , a t t e n d e d t he funera l of the i r a u n t , Mrs . F . N . S m i t h , in Candor , S a t u r d a y , F e b . 10. Mrs . S m i t h w a s well-k n o w n in Cor t l and , h a v i n g visi ted here a t different t imes .

T h e r e w a s a very p leasant surpr ise pa r ty at Mr . Calvin Pr ies t s for the i r son F r e d , F r i d a v even ing . Nice re f reshments were in o rder and all the y o u n g c o m p a n y enjoyed a pleasant even ing a n d decided tha t Master F r e d was a fine host .

* R E E T O W * .

A frui t agen t is in town . Some are p r e p a r i n g for m a k i n g s u g a r . If c igars will elect t own officers all may

be elected. Mr. Clarence T r i p p and mo the r , visi ted

n Solon the tirst of the week . Mr Clay Car ley and family of H o m e r ,

w t r e a wests at C. T r i p p s , Monday . Mrs . T u t t l e h a s gone t o Cor t l and to

take t r ea tmen t wi th Mrs . Dr . S t r o w . b r idge .

Mr. E lmer Dickinson has r e tu rned from Pennsy lvan i a w i th a sore h a n d ; h u r t in a planer .

D r a w i n g logs is the business of m a n y farmers in ant ic ipat ion of bu i ld ing l a rger th i s s u m m e r .

Mr. J . D o w n s and wife , and Mrs . H e n r y W i n t e r s of Virg i l , visited the i r sis­ter , Mrs. H a r v y Tor ry .

Mr. T . Shepherd w h o has sold his cheese factory a n d is look ing for bus iness more congenial , has j u s t spent M o n d a y in H o m e r .

T h e Aid Society of the M. E . C h u r c h will meet at Mrs. Burde t t Hal l ' s on F r i d a y of th is present week. A genera l a t tend­ance is solicited.

Many anx ious hear ts to n igh t a b o u t town meet ing , yet we fear some will feel worse t o m o r r o w n ight . Ant ic ipa t ion will be far ahead of par t ic ipa t ion .

H A R F O R D M I L L S .

T h e w e a t h e r is very fine and e v e r y b o d y i s i m p r o v i n g i t .

I r a C r a w f o r d , of Berksh i re , was in town on M o n d a y last .

Mr. J e r o m e Miller, of Carol ine , was in t o w n on Monday last.

E d . Wi lcox and wife r e tu rned from their w e d d i n g t r i p on Monday last.

Mr Frost , of Cor t l and , w a s in t o w n the forepart of t h e week , looking af ter t h e c iga r t r ade .

J o r d a n F ree r , Mnnley Goodale and P e t e r S t u c k e y , of Lapeer , were in town last Monday'.

Ne lson Conrad was qu i te b a d l v h u r t wh i l e in the mill y a r d last F r i d a y b y a board be ing b lown from a pile and s t r ik ing h im on the face .

H e n r y Rockefel ler had qu i t e a nice lot of wood d r a w n for him on Monday of this week , w h i c h caused q u i t e a l i t t le commo­tion on t he p a r t of the inhab i t an t s of this place | | T o w n mee t ing has come and gone. T h e R e p u b l i c a n p a r t y e lec t ing the i r t icket wi th t he excep t ion of t he Collector a n d Road Commiss ioner . T h e no-license commission er w a s elected.

6 R O T O N C I T Y .

Mr. H i r a m Clark of S u m m i t is visit ing his b ro the r Nelson Clark .

Wi l l Valen moved his family in to F r a n cis W e b s t e r s house last week.

F r a n k Y o u m a n s is spending a few weeks wi th friends*at Dryden .

Mr. a n d Mrs. Pa lmer Olmstead of Cort­land were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. I ) J Hatfield last week.

T h e pa tch social at Mrs. Stead man 's last T h u r s d a y was well a t t ended ia spite of the s to rm and over five dol lars were clear ed . A very mer ry t ime was spent and the patches m a J e some queer matches .

Mesdames Webs te r , Griswold, Clark , Backus , Gilford, Abbott , F rench , and S teadman a t tended the W . C. T U. Con vention at McLean last weeK. T h e y re­port an excellent meet ing with ins t ruct ive and interes t ing papers . All were sorry to miss the par l iamentary drill by Miss Sarah Collins They give t he McLean ladies h igh praise for their bount i fu l hospi tal i ty and the men for their obl ig ing use *of teams. W e are su re all will wan t to g o again.

B L O D G E T T ' S M I L L S .

Mr. J o h n Wit tey will act as foreman in the chair factory.

Miss Delia Hodges has re turned to he r work at McGrawvi l le

F r a n k Mosier has been confined to t he house the past week with the qu insy .

Mrs Arvil la Cone of Cazenovia , has been call ing on friends here the past week.

Mr. Charles Saunders of Cor t l and , is placing the steel rooting on the new cha i r factory.

Mr. and Mrs. J a m e s Winn ie of McGraw­ville, are to assist Reuben Reynolds in his farm work .

Mr . and Mrs. Mat. Stevens of Gro ton , and Mr and Mrs. Dana Metzgar of Cort­land, were at W. S. Freer ' s Monday .

Th i r ty five Grangers and friends ga th ered at the home of Mr and Mrs. Reuben Reyno lds last T h u r s d a y , and enjoyed themselves as only patrons k n o w how. T i e next visit will be held T h u r s d a y , March 1st, at the home of Mr. J o b Staf­ford.


Barton D . Crandall mad w i f e of D e R u y t e r h a v e been gues t s of M. 6 . F r a b t e ' s family recent ly .

F r a n k Lieber of Spafford. wil l work for J o s e p h P icke t th i s c o m i n g season. $23.50 pe r m o n t h and horse kep t .

Sylvester H a z a r d a n d Herman S toker went t o Syracuse last week t o a t t end t h e funeral of tbe i r aun t , Mrs . J o h n H a z a r d .

Lewis Babcock will move f rom George B u r d e n ' s p lace t o Spafford, loca t ing and w o r k i n g t h e fa rm of J u l i u s Edwards t he coming season.

E . W . Chi ld ' s nomina ted b y t he demo­cra t s for supervisor decl ined to r u n as also d id W . N . Babcock for t o w n c le rk a n d B . H . Bierce for assessor.

F r a n k l i n B u r d i c k a n d one d a u g h t e r from Seneca c o u n t y , a re here for a few days , called he re b y the sickness and dea th of his father , Ben jamin B u r d i c k .

E rnes t W . Chi ld ' s has been employed by the Cor t land Beef c o m p a n y to b u y hogs a n d veal calves. H e wil l t ake in stock next T u e s d a y a t H o m e r and P r e b l e .

Mrs. Char les B lunden d r e w the ca r t t o r wh ich t ickets to t he n u m b e r of M were sold recent ly . T icke t s to the a m o u n t of $15 50 were sold a n d he r t icket cost 48 cents we th ink .

H e n r y B r o w n ' s people recent ly lost a hen by dea th tha t w o u l d have been a voter the c o m i n g s u m m e r , so far as age is concerned . Gr ippe was t h o u g h t to b e t he cause of dea th .

J a y H a z a r d came to Scot t last week from F r e e t o w n wi th one load of goods . H e and his ta ther- in law W . F . B r o w n , will occupy the place o w n e d and recent ly vacated by HeDry H a z a r d .

Died in Scot t a t t h e h o m e of Morgan Maxson, F e b . 16, 1894, Ben jamin S. Bur­d ick , aged 80 yea r s and 11 days . H e w a s bur r ied on S u n d a y F e b , 18 ju s t th ree weeks after the bur ia l of his b ro the r J o s h u a . H e never wen t ou t of doors after his r e tu rn f rom the funeral . T w o broth­ers and one sister toge ther w i t h the deces-ed have died wi thin one years t ime. T h e deceased was born in Scott and lived the grea ter pa r t of his life here, b u t for the last e ighteen years has resided unt i l w i th in a few months , in Seneca c o u n t y . T w o sisters and t w o bro thers surv ive h im, t l sn one son and one d a u g h t e r . He was m u c h respected by all w h o k n e w h im and was honest and conscious in his acts and deal­ings wt th mank ind . He was bur r i ed in the old c h u r c h ya rd cemete ry .

C I X C I N N A T U S .


C. J . Cole w a s in Cor t l and the la t te r part of last week

H a r v e y Dil lenbeck, of Ki l l awog . was in town T u e s d a y .

F r a n k Cogswel l , of Sidney, is the guest of re la t ives here .

Dr. Geo. Weaver , of M c D o n o u g h , was in t o w n S a t u r d a y .

H o w a r d Meacham, of Cor t l and , is visit­ing his paren t s here.

Chas . Bassett , of Lisle, w a s the gues t of friends here recent ly .

J a c o b Di l lenbeck. of Tr iangle , visited relat ives here a pa r t of the past week .

Abne r H a r r i n g t o n has been confined to the house by illness for the past week .

Mrs. J a m e s P u d n e y a n d son Char les , of M c D o n o u g h , visited in town last week .

W a r r e n Sax ton and family, of Lisle, are spend ing this week wi th relat ives in th is p lace .

T h e sewing society of the Congrega t ion , al c h u r c h met wi th Mrs. Ke im yes te rday af ternoon.

T h e major i ty of the voters of the t o w n expressed themselves in favor of license at the polls T u e s d a y .

T h e Vi l lage I m p r o v e m e n t society held a social at Chauncey Dickinson ' s on W e d . nesday e v e n i n g of this week.

Mrs. Robinson, w h o has been the gues t of re lat ives here for several weeks , re_ t u r n e d to her home in F a b i u s Monday .

W e unde r s tood tha t the en te r t a inment g iven by t h e G e r m a n I . O. G. T . last S a t u r d a y even ing w a s ve ry th in ly a t t ended , t h e aud ience consis t ing of abou t t w e n t y , five.

T h e " K i n g s D a u g h t e r s ' ' me t wi th Miss Stel la K i n g m a n on Monday af ternoon and p a c k e d a barre l wi th c lo th ing , e tc . , for t he " H o m e of the fr iendless" in N e w Y o r k c i ty .

T h e en te r t a inmen t g iven b y the Ho tch . k ins sisters, u n d e r the auspices of t he E p w o r t h League , last T h u r s d a y even ing , gave very good sat isfact ion. T h e rece ip ts w e believe were a b o u t $30, the league ne t t ing $o.

Qu i t e a n u m b e r of people g a t h e r e d a t A c a d e m y Hall on Monday e v e n i n g to hea r the d r a m a t i c reader a n d impersona to r ' F r a n k Conkl in , w h o had been adver t ised to a p p e a r at tha t t ime . Mr. Conkl in , f rom some cause u n k n o w n , failed to " m a t e r i a l i z e , ' so af ter some wa i t i ng , t h e aud ience d ispersed.

T R U X T O S .




Dem. Supervisor. William A. Holtoa . 3U0 Rodoiph Price

Town Clerk, Edward A. Cram.. . 172 Prank W. Barnes

Justice of the Peace, John B. Lewis 143 Depuy ShevaUer SSI

William H. Stewart. -214 Albert Holleabeck . 153 Commisskmcr of Highway*.

William H. Hall . . . .107 Jaeoo B. Shults 167 Onl f tur ,

OriaJ. Bavs 171 Prank Hutchinjrs . 1 8 6 Overseers of the Poor.

Martin Cavern 151 Eugene A. Brown 162 N. A. tiardner 212

John Drlscoll 127 Aaron Overton 228 Maaly Price 141 Adelbert Hutching*.. 214 Noah Davis 146 L B . Matson 213 George Sherman.. .. 148 William Bell 213 Jonas Bailey 142 Oliver Jeuuiaon 214

Inspector* of Election. District No. 1. Frank A. Gallagher . 171 Merton Vunk 2fK Jay Terpening •. 160 Lewis B, Sager -209

Inspector* of Electimi, District No. "2. Seth Davis 155 Edwin Miller 208 Eugene A. Brown — ISO Joseph shevalter 200

Game Constable. - George Madole 212

TRUXTON. Dem. Supervis>yr, Hep.

John o Donne 11 163 William Baldwin 138 Town Clerk,

John O'Connor 1»» Frank J. Westseott.. .116 Just ice of the Peace,

H. D. Laze! I 176 Alexander Lansing . 125 Justice of the Peace, (to fill Vacancy).

Degene B. Hontater . 123 Assessor,

Wm Warren 142 Thomas Connors . 168 Commissioner of Highways,

John Daley 166 Dewitt M. Patrick . . .132 Overseer of the Poor,

William O. Pierce . . 177 William McNeil 123 Cttftector,

Thomas L. Goddard . 167 Albert F. Kinney 139 Qitistoftftm.

Isaac Henderson — 1 7 5 Albert F. Kinney — 1 2 4 L. L. Perry 179 WlUlam Ross 124 Delos tfott 161 E. A. Stafford 125 Thomas L. (voddard.. 172 Winnie Stone 145 Fred Turner 174 John A. Bhepard 126

Inspectors of JPwWcm, John Nott 174 Thomas Dodd. Jr 123 Michael McGraw 176 Alvarado Lansiug. . .128

MARAHTON. Dem. Supervisor, Rep.

Randolph R. Maybury. 100 Walter A. Brink .264 Town Clerk,

George W. Swift 128 James L. Puff 250 Justice of the Peace.

Duray Hunt 115 D. Barnard Wlllson. .259 Commissioner of Highivays.

Ezra E. Laird 201 Elvin F. Paige 177

William H. Sherwood 129 Clark Hammond 248 CoUeetesr,

William S. Mack. . . . 125 Oscar Courtney t'5l Overneer of the Poor,

Clark Pierce 131 Eugene Watrous 247 Constables,

William S. Mack — 1 2 3 Oscar Courtnev 252 Joseph A. Cole 108 William S. VanVost.. 251 Charles Deitrich... .122 William Davison 242 Dewitt C. Lynde . . . 127 Eber J. Bowdish 249 Frank Hammond .121 Charles N. Robinson.241

ftmgmattm of Election, District No. 1, Myrou J. Glover 124 J. Harris Hammond 251 Burdette H. Mack 129 George N. Valentine.245

Inspector* of Election, District No. 2. Duane Burgess 128 John W. Livingston .247 Charles S. Mvers . . . 1 2 7 Frank E. Whitmore. 250

For License, Reuben P. Fish 180 Against License, Wi'iren Jones 165.

Dem. Fred Pollard

Henry M. Hunt. . . JM

George S. Wheals Commi

David Young.

Jordan Fries .

cm Mj ron Psllard . Dwight Freeman

Insi Eugene Witty Fred L. Smith. . Henry Boise

Henry Boise Selah Talbot Thomas Parker.. William Barry

LAPEER Supervisor. i f rp .

. 4 0 Frank M. Surdam 87 Town dark,

. . . 4 9 Elmer E. Hults 80 twe at the Peace, r... 47 Orson A. House 82 anions* nf Highivays, .... 61 Frank Tarbie 68

Assessor, .. 41 S. Keed Alvord 80

rseers of the Potn\ 47 Dwignt Freeman 131


Wilber Pred Garner

N. R. Brown.

N. R- Brown Garrett Rockw« 11. Thomas Wight Charles Ptak Charles Weaver

ofthtPttor, ..m Prank Rtptoy.. ...69 Merwtoa Whitney Otiector, ...85 Frank Garner... LonstattUm, ...74 Everett Bead. -

.06 Praak Gamer.. •. ...m Dever Austin . . .

.70 John Wire C9 Charles Kinney .


Inspectors of Election, E. D. Wight 68 Luelan Birdleboagh F. R. Jordan 70 Clare Whitney

Prohibition average 9.

Dem. James A. Jayne.

.83 ..81


.131 Eli Parker H-ctors of Election,

. 4'.' Dudley Allen.

. 48 Fred Jennings CtMectm-,

52 Asa Cook Constables, . 50 Asa Cook 81

48 Joseph Cooper 83 . 48 Daniel 9. Ninegar 82 ..48 Ablut Clute .83

Way land Parker. „ 83

Dem. Ralph Butler

HOMER. Supervisor, Rep. . 200 William H. Crane. -.517 Town C'erk,

Edward W. Hyatt 353 Charles A. Fjrct 385 Justice of the Peace,

Cass D. Dillenbeck. -'4ti A. W. Kingsbury 460 Assessoi;

David Hamtaon . . . 221 Thomas H. Kennedy.. 504 Conunissioner of Highways,

John S. Gates 261 H. Wilson Blashfleld.. 445 Collector,

James Lay .260 Geo. W. Downing 445 Overseers of the Poor,

John H. Miller 218 Oliver H. Topping 488 Devaulson D. Newton 219 Alexander L. Pre*ton 488

Constables, Joseph Shearer 319 Adelbert D. Smith 492 Alvtn Gay 218 Alfred B. Raymond . 484 Lewis W. Wright. . 218 William A. Shirley 491 William Signor 217 G. Frank Jones 492 Jerome Gates 221 Lucien W. Porter . 4 9 3

Game Constable, Charles A. Smith ...221 Maynard Gates 495

Inspector of Election, IKUrict No. 1. Thomas McEvoy. Sr. .220 William H. Moore... -495

'John M. Burnham. 490 inspector of Election, District No. 2.

LeGrand Usher . . . . .220 Daniel T. Bowdish 491 William C. Co l l ins . . . 491

Inspector of Election, l>istrict No. 3. W. Soott Stephenson.219 Charles Oliver. 492

Fred C. Atwater 491 Inspector of Election, DistrUt No. 4.

William A. Coon 220 John H. VanHoesen .491 Frank H. Grten 491

Prohibition, average 70. For License, Charles C. Healy 391. Against License. Erastus Jones 380.

SCOTT. Dern. Supervitmr, .Rep.

Dan J. Cottrell 61 Mills G. Frlsbie 124 Town Clerk,

Arvioe C Bedell 52 Merton A. Whiting. .135 Justice of the Peace, (full termi

Jeremiah G. Rhodes. .53 Samuel D. Ames. . . . 118 Justice of the Peace, (to fill vacancy J

John Gillett 46 George F. Barber . . . . 121 Commutsfoner of Hiyhwriya,

John J. S w e e n e y . . . . .54 Charles Clark 133 Assessor.

Porter O. Brown .. 120 OmraMT of the Poor.

Charles M. Dunbar . 4 5 Dolphin D. L. Burdick 136 CoHector,

J mes H. Pratt 131 James H. Pratt 131 Inspectors of Election,

George N. Cottrell . 4 2 E. H. Underwood 116 Timothy Mahoney Jr. .54 Alfred R. Burdick .. 130

Constable. Cieorge Anderson 46 Ira J. Barber 138 Arvine C. Bedell 42 Georgv W. Finch 132 Dlx Hobart 46 Geo. VV. Maycumber.. 135 Charles Winchester. .45 Isaac Darling 133 Frank Phillips 43 Jefferson J. Brown 133

Prohibition, average 22.


George Anthony of this town got oadly h u r t at the Lit t le Y o r k ice house to-day, (Tuesday |

Twen ty - two couples a t tended the dance at the Centra l House one night last week from Cor t land .

J o h n Kelley and family have moved •from th is town to Homer , near the old Giles foundery .

T h o m a s Dodd, J r . , is a t t end ing t he e n c a m p m e n t of the G. A . R. at Roches­ter .

SSheiitf Miller, J u d a h Gray , a n d Mrs . E . A. F ie rce , of Cor t l and , a n d Clarence Rad-way, of Homer , a re in town .

T h e wea the r was so s to rmy last F r i d a y tha t the dona t ion for the benefit of Rev . W 11. Rober t son , to b e h e l d t ha t even ing , w a s pu t over t o nex t F r i d a y .

Messrs. Nelson and R icha rd Pa t r i ck , sons of S tephen Pa t r i ck , and bo th rail­road engineers l iv ing in Iowa, visited the i r mothe r and o ther relat ives a n d fr iends in this vicini ty last week.

T h e oys ter s u p p e r at C h e n i n g o last week W e d n e s d a y n igh t , was a t t e n d e d b y qu i t e a la rge n u m b e r of T r u x t o n people a n d net ted f t t , w h i c h wil l be used t o w a r d s c o m p l e t i n g the c h u r c h now b u i l d i n g at that place.

T h e cor respondent of the Syracuse Ereiiing Herald, in g i v i n g a brief biog­r a p h y of o u r t o w n s m a n , A . L. P o m e r o y failed to elicit the fact tha t A . L. m a r r i e d a s is ter of Gen. N y e , w h o w a s once a Uni t ed Sta tes senator from Nebraska . Mr. Pomeroy . in his ha lcyon days , w a s as jovia l as N y e a l t h o u g h his h u m o r m a y not h a v e equa led tha t of t h e N e v a d a senator 's , for the la t ter had few, if a n y , equa l s in tha t l ine. A r t e m u s W a r d received t h e only official posi t ion he ever he ld , n a m e l y " S p e a k e r of P ieces to the Peop le of Ne­v a d a , " a t t he b a n d s of N y e

Miss A g n e s Healev of J i a u v i a recent ly d ied f rom ea t i ng h o t b r ead , wh ich caused obs t ruc t ion of t h e bowels .

Dem. 3tupervt-!ftn; Rep. Albert H. VanHoesen 116 James T. Steele 114

I'oicu Clerk, Frank P. Conine .. 107 J. Hobart Cummings 126

Justice of the Peace, Herman D. Hunt . . . 109 Frank J. Collier .121

A. H. Van Busk irk . 7 7 Isaac W. VanBuskirk. 150 Commissioner of Highways,

Lorenzo Allen 107 David O. Crofoot 124 Overseers of the Poor,

Seril Pierce 115 James H. Manchester .118 Smith Wright 114 Charles E. Wilber 118

Collector, Frank Woodmancv. 103 Wm. D. VanDenbarg. .127

Constables, Frank Woodmancy.ilI Wm. D. VanDenburg. .118 Perry 8. Haynes — 92 Fred Porter 122 Lawrence J. Carey 106 Robert Dorathy 183 Christopher Long.. 109 Carl Terwilleger 115 Frank van Camp IK Arthur Masters 117

Inspector,* of Election, David H. Folts 108 Calvin J. Shephard. 121 Frank Daley. .110 George M. Baldwin 103

For License, John Aekles . 108. Against License, Benjamin F. VanHoesen 105.

SOLON. IMm. Supervisor, Rep.

Linus W. Peck 60 Johnson G. Bingham. TOUT* Clerk.

William J • Corcoran . 100 De:os R. Tboringtoa Justice of the Peace, (full term,)

Eugene B. Maybury. 77 William Meldrim For Justice of the Peace, (to ,«U rvuaney,*

James Finn 63 Cieorge A. BaVja Assessor.

Job n M c K e n d r i c k . . . 72 George Dodd Commissioner of Highways.

James Baker 73 Albert Stevens CMtoa6*p,

Bradley D. Greenman.93 Charles B. Hall Ocersesr of the Poor,

Josiah MeChesney 72 Lewis C. Greaell .. Constables,

Delos Pritchard 79 Jerome Grenell Bradley D. Green man. 79 Charles B. Hall . . Morris Jaquias 76 Pred Hammond... Fred Turner — Pavette Stevens . . .

Inspectors of Elect Um. Lee Mavbury 75 Prank Dodd Charles Cline 70 Clinton Maybury...


L. D. Finn Rep.



.Supervisor. TS Oscar P. Miner

Town Clerk, Ned Rockwell 61 Geo. W. Gage

Justice of the Peace, T. O. Brown. , 76

Merritf Smith * 70 Samuel D. Mc kee ...114 Commimiamr of Highways,

Darwin Fisk M Rufus L. Caas . . . .105

CORTLAStD. Suprrviaor, Rt . 5 8 6 R. Brace Smith

i Town Clerk, Charles H. V. Elliott.191 Edmoud C. Alger

Just ire of tttc Peace. ( full term,) George E. Ingraham.607 Dorr C. Smith

Walter B. Wilcox 610 Isaac W. Brown Commissi***w of Highways.

Geo. J. Miller. 605 Edwin C. Rindge Operneer* of the Ptjor,

A. Burton Frazler.. .615 W. W. Gale Samuel Doud

OiOsctor, Edward Doud 616 Robert B. Innis

Constables, Adelbert J. Barber. ..604 J. W. Strowbrtdge-Watts 8. Freer 602 Isaac W.Brown . . . Sidney N. Gooding. .613 Justus J. Gillette .. George Petrte 5B7 Charles D. Wavle Thomas N. Leach -. . 603 Reuben Reynolds.

Inspector* of Election, District No. 1. Eugene D. Gates 536 Wm. J. Buchanan.

H. K. Aleiander. . Inspectors of Election, District No. 2.

Dewitt Howard 535 Frank A. Phelps . . . M. E. Corwin

Inspectors of Election, District No.;;. Patrick Dempsey.. . .533 H. M. Phillips

Frank G Hedges. . inspector* of Election, District No. 4.

Charles H. Gaylord .533 Dorr C. Smith Edward H. Bates..

Inspectors of Election, District No. 5. Porter O. Bunnell. . 532 Frank C. Dibble .

Mason C. Missillier Inspectors of Election, District No. 6.

William W. Winters. .534 Day Baker Eugene w. Bates ..

Insptctors of Election, District No. 7. J. R. Sehermerhoru.. 539 S. H. scrowbrldge

Oscar D. Raymond. Inspectors of Bfectiort, District No. 8,

John J. Arnold 530 Geo. H. Hyde . . . . . . Geo. J. Maycumber

Inspectors of Election, District No. ». Timothy P. Keete . . . . 516 Wm. B. Cole

Robert B. Innes Inspector* of Election, District No. 10,

Daniel Burt 404 A. Bnrdette Sperry. Nathan J. MUD sou

For License. H G. R« vnolds 646. Against License, John H. Phelps 690. For Myer's Ballot Maachlne 312; against 112:;

For Decoration day $100, 616; agaiast 292. Prohibition average 188.




IS 14 14

114 114

16 U6






mi 1191

1 J58 .'47 •10

1 .'40 1 194

! 143 I .'43

I .'44 i44

<»8 198

J2» :29

"32 sa "23 •23


m •23 160 160

CINCINNATOS. Dem. Supervisor, li>

BeDjamin Kinyon.. . 125 Oliver Griswold. Town Clerk,

Luther P. Hayes. . . 122 George A. Haskln* Justice of the Peace,

Dayton J. Bolster.. . 131 Fred Harvey 4 Assessor, Abner Harrington... 131 Cyrus R. Warner

Commissioner of Highways, Reuben Locke 135 Hiram B. Boyd..

Collector, Zeal Wagner 134 Albert F. Briggs

Constables, Zeal Wagner 125 Albert P. Brigjrs Arthur Brown 123 Dr. Harrington. Clay ton Harrington. 121 John Rogers rugene E. Harvey . 123 Eugene Livingston. Henry M, Smith 123 Arva Youngs

Overseer of the Poor, William C. Meacham. 131 F. M. Hillslnger

Inspectors of Election, Henrv C. Hitrglns 321 Dayton P. Smith B. H. Livermore 119 Irvin E. Nichols







120 120 120 120 120


119 118

Dem. Jefferson Greene.

WILl.ET. Supervisor,

130 Wilson Greene.. . Town Clerk,

John A. Smith 117 J. A-Willson Justice of the Peace,

Arby C. Eaton 128 George B. Palmer Assesstrr,

Isaac Meacham 124 Benj. H. Loomis Commissioner of Highways,

Luman Jones . 117 F. E. Niles Overseer of the Poor,

Franklin Strough.... VZl R. M. Carr Collector,

Merrick C. Flint . . . 126 D. A. Wiles rilMMHIIriiji o / Eleeticni


Elvin A. Babcock. Ebiti Salisbury . . .

Jackson Me Minn. Horace B. TifTany Merrink C Flint - -Frank S. Hopkins Fred Purdv

No License. George L. Greene.

LEI Frank Beardslev . 125 Curtis L. Harris... Constat ties, . 120 0. A. Wiles

Isaac Morgan Mai k Rose Andrew Potts Charles B. Greene

No Lieeust L. D. Meacham

125 127 UN 122


CtrVLKR. Rep. Supervisor, Peopb >• Pa i

Wells (.. Cardner .. 174 Wells G. Cardn. Town Clerl;,

Israel D. Brown 188 Israel D. Brown Justice of the Peace,

I^jwis 8. Barber 143 John McAllister Assessor,

Wm. W. Thompson.. 158 No candidate. Commissioner of Highways,

Geo. Bogardus i40 Amenzo Campb. Overseer of the Poor,

John N. McLean 153 Ezra J. Albro Collect* *r,

Emmons Allen 134 No candidate. Inspectors of Bfaetiati,

Geo. S. Fa irbank . . . . 154 Gorlett Dutton Isaac Hlglev 155 Benj. B. Cardnei

Constables, Jacob Garner 154 Frank B. Feetei Orlando Burtis 156 Alvin House . Emmons Allen 158 Emmons Allen Geo. Bogardus 187 Geo. Bogardus Nelson S. Albro 182 Nelson S. Albro

For License, Geo. Pease. 105. Against License, Geo. N. Brown, 89.

I ' . 96







86 90

108 M 97 75 98






29 28

HARFORD. Dem. Suitervisor, I

John C. Edmonds 107 Josiah H. Brow Town Clerk,

George A. Wavle 110 Lyman W. Tarn Justice of the Peace, (to fill vacancy,1

Charles H. Edmonds . . 102 A.J . Butternel. Justice of the Peace, (full term,)

Charles H. Edmonds. . 102 A. J. Butternel Assessor,

Theron G. Wilcox 93 Job Ayers CtaNMfMiMMr of Highways,

Allen W.Tyler 114 W. 8. Kimmich Overseers of tlte Poor.

Jamas H. Wavle 108 Willis Johnson Egbert Rockteller 103 Henry C. Vinee i

Collector, William H. Smith 128 C. W. Harrlagt.

Cotistables, Harvey Lewis 98 Edwin A. Perrv Ernest Btadi 102 Wordon J. Tart. Bishop Clark 99 C. W. Harrlngt. Archie Bell 101 Victor Barnes

7»w*pectom of Election, Edward T. Wilcox. Kl2 Willie T. Edmou Frank H. Osborn . 101 W. S. Kimmich

Game Cemstable, Isaac W. Banker 99 Edwin A. Perry

Sealer of Weights and Measures, Charles H. Johnson.. 97 Charles A. Kee>

For Lioeese. Charles Jennings, 79. Against License, Frank Osborne, H2.

,vp. • 115

) .r l l3

I .121

,i .122



.113 t.116

.124 x l l9

U.1I8 .120

K.118 116



FREETOWN. Dem. , Supervisor, / . " p .

Frank Slocuin 81 Oscar N. Gardner . . .61 Toicn Clerk,

Septimus Tripp 59 John M- Davis 101 Justice nf the Peace, (full term,)

Floyd Underwood... .63 Arthur A. Borthwi k. .85 Justice of the Peace, (to fill vacancy,

Hatten E. Woods. . . . 86 Chas. H. Cole 70 .Assessor,

Joseph Jacobs 75 David Mathews.. .83 Commissioner of Highways.

Gilbert Wavle 70 A. H. Metarar . 94 O v t n w r of the, Poor,

John G rant 69 Michael Bauder. . *9 Charles Wavle 70

( Collector, John 8. Woods", 80 Audley Caldwell .80

Constables, Fred Turner 79 Byron Grant 80 Patrick Welch 75 Audley Caldwell . .87 John 8. Woods 70 King L. Wild mac . 8 4 Chester Merihew 69 Herbert Hilslager . 8 7

Inspectors of Election, Jasper L. Haley 66 Bunlette Hall 86 Dewitt Turner 65 Wm. N. Tarbell. . .88

No-license, Everett Vosberg 45; For Licence . Prohibition average 13.


Mr . and Mrs . F r a n k Bliss visiteti t ives a t Gro ton City last week.

Hat t i e Van Buski rk has finisht school a n d has gone to Cor t l and to • the Norma l .

T h e r e is t o be a dona t ion for I t e \ Mrs. Miller at thei r residence on W< d a y evening of this week.

T h e r e wil l be a social a t Chas . Rai on F r i d a y even ing to raiae m o n e y t> the o rgan for the Congregat iona l Ch W e unde r s t and that there will be th ing qu i t e new and interest ing to ta in t he c o m p a n y .

• » • W a n t e d .

M a n of good appea rance to m "Congre s s of Religions, book 01 pages , giving, comple te descr ip t ion Congress of Rel ig ions a t t he W o r l d -W r i t e a t once and secure exclus ive to ry A d d r e s s F . P . W e m p l e , « 4 B way, Albany , N.. Y .


her t end

a n d ines-

ney's ward i reh . •ome •nter-

the 1300

f t he Fai r , terri-road

Mr*. Mary Eimtnetrmmn Verona. N. Y.

After the Grip In Misery —No Appet i te or

S t r e n g t h Hood's Sarsaparilla Cavo Appetite

and Full Strength. " Alter 1 had the grip in the winter I felt s o

miserable and was in such poor health that I was nearly discouraged, had no appetite for anything, and everything I a*e I had to force down. My back was so lame it was almost im-tmpossible to lift a kettle from the stove. I bought a bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilla, and be­fore I had taken all of it

I Felt Ever So M u c h Better.* I t gave me a good appetite and I could eat a hearty meal and enjoy it, and the lameness in m y

Hoode^Cures back has all gone. Hood's Sarsaparilla seemed to tone my stomach and make it feel better than anything else I have ever taken. I am now well." Mas. M A R T ZIMMKHMAN. Verona, X. Y.

H o o d ' s F i l l s are hand made, and perfect In proportion and appearance. 25c. a box.

Speeial Bargains O N A L L G R A D E S O F


Beard & Peck's, THE LEADING

Furniture Dealers . ^ i s r I D

C O R T L A N D , N . Y .


E v e r y pu rchase m a d e F r i d a y or

Sa tu rday , J a n u a r y 12th or 13th,

will be quar t e red , g iv ing the

cus tomer $1.00 w o r t h of goods

for 75 cents .

W e will have a grea t a t t rac t ion

in ou r w i n d o w on above da tes *

Be sure and see it.

If you wan t a n y t h i n g in ou r

line, now is y o u r chance .

G. R. MERRILL & Co.,

Merchant Tailors, Clothiers and Mens' Furnishers.

Uniou Bui ld ing. Homer , N . Y .


Dr. Hoxsie's

Certain Group Gore FOR


DIPHTHERIA, and all diseases leading to

CONSUMPTION. An immediate remedy and certain cure for

Croup, Asthma, and Hay Fsvar Price 50 cents at druggist* or bv mall

A . P . I I O X 8 I E . B U F F A L O , > \ Y .

Y A N D E R B I L T HOUSE, Syracuse, N. Y.

R e f i t t e d , R e f u r n i s h e d

a n d G r e a t l y I m p r o v e d .

JAMES A. BARRY. Proprietor.

A faraiyzer


Formerly of Hone*. Cortland. (41-ID

We have too many $10.00 and $12.00 Suits. No store in Cortland has anv better Suits for $10.00 and $12.00, but we are overloaded and need the room for our Spring stock. W e must force their sale. So,

Commencing Wednesday Morning, Feb. 21,

You. can buy these reliable Standard Suits for $ 6 . 0 0 .

There are several styles of dark, neat patterns in single and double breasted Sacks and Cutaways—not odds and ends, not remnants, but complete lines in sizes and patterns.

We cut them to $6.00 a suit because it's not good business to carry them till next winter. We want tlfe room and we want money. These are the reasons in a nutshell.

BURGESS, Fine Tailor-llade Clothing, Hats, Caps and Famishing Goods,

NEW FIRM. Boots, Shoes, Robbers and Storm Goods.

O u r S tock was b o u g h t a t a L a r g e Discount and o u r c u s t o m e r s get the benefit o

it. H e r e is the w a y w e a re l e t t ing them go :

• C l o t h T o p f o r $ 2 . 2 6 w o r t h 83.00 D o n g o l a B u t t o n f o r 1 . 6 0 " 2.00 D o n g o l a B u t t o n f o r 1 . 0 6 " 1 6 0 D o n g o l a B u t t o n f o r 9 5 " 1.3*

' - C a l f B a l s . a n d C o n g r e s s 2 . 2 6 " 3.00 B u f f B a l s . a n d C o n g r e s s 1 . 2 6 " 1.75 A C a l f B a l s . a n d C o n g r e s s , H e a v y 1 . 0 0 " ISO

• B u t t o n 1 . 2 6 " 1.7* B a l s . . 1 . 2 5 " 1 7 * B a l s l . l O " 1.80

Rubber Goods a t Less t h a n Cost.

Don ' t fail to see o u r Ba rga in C o u n t e r of Choice Ar t ic les for $1.00, some of whicfc are w o r t h $2.50.

PASSAGE, OVERTON & SARVAY. 27-tf D o w d S h o e S t o r e , 1 3 R a i l r o a d St .

The World's Fair is Closed, But

JAMES L P U S ' m» I S S T I L L A H E A D W I T H A F U L L L I N E O F


Men and Boys' Gloves and Mittens.

I OFFER V O n THIS W E E K : A D a n d y F l o u r $ 1 ° 9 A G o o d F l o u r F r e s h B u c k w h e a t F l o r i d a O r a n g e s C r a n b e r r i e s 4 L b s . O y s t e r C r a c k e r s B e s t T e a G o o d T e a -F r e s h O y s t e r s









A c o m p l e t e a s s o r t m e n t o f B A K E D G O O D S r e c e i v e d f r e sh every m o r n i n g . I a m h e a d q u a r t e r s f o r a i l k i n d s o f D A I R Y a n d

T A B L E S A L T .

Jues S. Sqiires, 108 l i i i -s t , Cortitnd.

R A H C A M . V < J O * n i <

tel l Stadenrs Caaar t he llSSBSSJSl W O * M M I — M a n

iSfer f r o m t h e tSITevta o r

r rum U M I U M C * Wsnoerat r> . near ly a fo r tn igh t t he re o r l e w f r iendly o r b i t te r . i the Fresh man ana tiophoc . 11 U o t r e r a u y and the foolisbnen* of forc ing mil

I pound* d o w n one atmthe1

| been in progress. Even stm l i a g o n s t ree t car* have I >lledi i n the snow and fore

. m i x t u r e s . Bha r V s * a s w a s n s q t e t eaase

even ing a t UM* old Ma»>>ui war* a signal for a genera

km. a n d w h i l e the Freshmen ire w u r io tous proceeding*

e g g s and o the r tnisMlva < T h e F r e s h m n n ban . ju r

t h r o u g h w h e n a c u r i o u s o d banquet r oom, and a «*iranp to fall u p o n the b a u q u e t i a i

s o m e t i m e . " says t he ( i one was able t o d iscover waivers a n d several of t

t h r o w n in to agony by its • . id were forced to leave

li ly H was d iscovered that I t e r i n g t he catertrr'n room t h r

carefu l ly til ted into a ti l oo r . U p o n immedia te i k« found that th is glaae p

b y r u b b e r tube* with j» i ch lo r i ne gas placed in t he

it w a s r emoved *" [But it W H not removed i d e a is were pros t ra ted , and be car r ied ou t . Had the hoi

I to t he ma in room instead of the most fata! result* I A s it w w , Mrs . W k >

'oman w a s so suffm-Hted wttti gas t ha t she died, and tier

i t ime was t h o u g h t to be p ad several student*- were :>tsoned that it was at first si >uld not recover . O a Wedn l g OoVOsat Brown summi rbich viewed t he body «ad ras a d j o u r n e d for fur ther iu*


I f fH i fH . F e b . M — T h e r e w f r u s h i n g " at Cornell

T u e s d a y n igh t ' s affair, whi . lie d e a t h of Henr ie t ta Jacl eriouH illness of S tuden t s Tii

End W . F . M c c u l l o c h , was bility the la**t of the series of r a n k s t ha t w a s rapidly briti

Upon the I 'n lvers i ty T h e tirm s t and taken by l'r«

lan in his s t a t emen t yesterd ie s t u d e n t s to a full reaSt/jit

r epu te in to which p r a n k s a n H u d e m s . and lo-day they v t ided u p o n a course of sctioi aended by the faculty and 1

of I t h a c a in general , when tl p a t a n e n d to " r u s h e s . "

A t a meet ing of the s tuden [noon a r r a n g e m e n t s were mail

aeet ing to be held at noon M i p resolu t ions to d o a w s y w

" r u s h i n g . " T h e r e was nodi i all the s t u d e n t i present seem pressed w i t h the seriousness lion T u e s d a y n igh t ' s escai

cond wi th in a shor t l ime t Id isas t rous ly and the s tuden t s las t h e facul ty to put a sto | j a t t h e facul ty to put a st • I that i n ju re the life and health

if what a re clamed as colleg All unce r t a in ty as to the |

t he deed ia l ikely to be * T h u r s d a y , If uot before, m < i s unders tood to have in bit fo rmat ion of a sufficiently c» acter t o warrant the arrest «

{Student T h e name of tl au tho r i t i e s will not d ivulge

O n e very imiior tant d i so C o r o n e r Brown this after tha t p romises to lead to the hcat ion of at least one of tti Wnnted by the author i t ies * ery thai the rubber tub ing « l o g t he fatal chlor ine gas m e n s d in ing room w u bou log ririu in this place am w h o sold It c la ims to be abl< s ight t he person to wb<»ru li

HPBiN«*riKi o , O , F e b Oibb» . e ighty fi*«- yes r s of able fa ther in -law. of A supe r in t enden t of ihe Ohio died yes te rday of dropsy *l 111o«?s* Mr. Oibba wan a ab le genius , and a h ighly n

A Setter w a s received at d e o c e for him short ly i Sir T a y l o r opened it and had c o m e from England "Oibtw that he had fallen I • a i u e d a t $r».r.sjo.OOO I immed ia t e depar tun^ for identify himaelf Mr T •f te r the for tune SIK! t ry Mr. O ibb ' s heirs , several < th i s c i ty .

N i > n i l i i a n < l I t ) i t i e f

A L I I A N V F e b . 4i'7 —Til d a y sent the folluwtnic mm **aa.te and. they were re m a n a g e r of the Wcstehestei f«r women l>avid A. C Vork ci ty ; t o be port t Vovk. H i r a m Ta lk ius . of | t o he m a n a g e r of the 9k hospi ta l , G H. P . Oou ld , I Wchraufc res igned , to be H u d s o n r iver S ta le hoapiu of T r o y . C P. McCkl l an , • a d E N Hi»well, of I p lace of the Sate Wit lard 1

T K I ' I U » AKI> T s r t is the w h o take H o o d s Ssrsapai

•eHects of ib is medicine ^nerve s t r eng th restored, a n d hea l th g iven.

HOOD'S P I I . U I d o not •

•digestion and tone the stoi

•iSialitta^lMkiiiiiiiyilbl h t - i i ' ' ' ' lJ,4L ^ - - • ^ — - J - J ' -

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Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069