in the end all you really have is memories 10/new york ny evening post/n… · htsod, young...

do or* do •«***>' da * Jo ,-. do,...-••#••. • • •••••*••-*• do...— ......... •••••••• do «to •**«?.a. «*.^tl«»«»*" do America* Ex, Bk •• •»• do do * do,.• ••••.•••»*••• ••••• do do * do..•..•««••««•»,«»*••«•• do Fanner's 1 a*sVJ*B^^u*)OgH , VieePreft. i ***** nillEHES Bt INSL'ttASCBCOMPAMY, «« X* WaOt * n e « , 8d atnry, iMura ttameat low or do , Bit . .... <w»fJifH.^'.'- i *kjfc^f «M¥.s • • -,v :*' S laaco;.,, •...».••••* ««" do* . .-.' ..... i*avea U8 t~a . » a * • •* amafijsa? 30 200 36 I- IU0 JO 10 lit *• ill" w M 18} ..«iaia 97g to day, and the v*- very mitertai. North Americans"! oat blinder the price of yeatoTday.— toll.ii jMaa*.J> ™J?° »*•* i, ?Winelre. t .otwisrt«te^li»tetplru. * - '•'-• " r iO#iflf!—;" .T": TT"l'' '"„'../.''" w * JPIL w^. uJkMkv>r4««»••• •••••••••• T l 4 »PWUWp.U,W7»». fRM* .P-IM.*** ••>*•»» •**t da iFWh.WUmlnjWofc.Bah. ,.. Site A * Kr . i a i i i iir*.!" dn ....... r ..» ..... i -.-v do,.,...,,,. ••c.J"""' do .... ,..• sash RR ....... ........ i magebnFtoa. a*R ;MA Jacob Drake Stephen ABetl ** John Leonard Smith W Anderson O.iver P Hewlett •• Ssinuel Demilt < Joho WUaon CortwlhMWUwrenee. Frederick C Havemeyer Peter Sharpe Saniuri at Thompson Franca T Laqneer DIRECTORS, &9t£4 J- •-<*'>** , Job* B Towoeeod Effingham Towosend llerwyt'OeBhoui W»Mft*' » ».-«<»(*»•*, d P Carman tfjttjiflno". : aSmith ' " WlU'em * Herritnan Herrick APPentz. IB, Pre#klent lyM lads . : 5pF Mil time la America . Balwsy Practice to I779- Jacob Wylto...RrR'ekeley. MiaH Chfcnco'G.•••••••••••••••••«t.Hisd To which wnl be added ibe Farce 01 -.,,,, CROaeiNCTHfi LINE! Waaverakaa Vnn Broom. Btakeley WouterVbn Room . .... Gate* ^ wBe HS •S*L'.r"» JtoMoaeop . PomonaVaodcrtvUler .Herri.« ••••• ,r* apeo at 7*-Curtala riae at So'stoe* icea of Adini*sloo;-Boxes-7octa—Gallery 26. POSPFONBMEFT ON ACCOUNT OF WEATHER, the Grand entrance from Broadway to the Saloon is at a me- SALOON. 18<0-tbe eutertaia- Niel Gray, Secretary a* n • 3 a 1 * general aaeortmenr of othiargepda in hie Bne, for aale 00 reaaoo^bte tennn Hk atoek cooau •yv Inttre and HI jyABBBNOWUe. . Brana, Aaaa BarmmU-Mr Erana b nflaw Fowls, Mlea Poooiaton. «—.— — i f - u i , ;rnm UATMU—Mr* Morreil VtaWa«r^na^VilJo«he7Don * i J '**?«i«T. J A Grace, J Fan SpreeklenaeOj WPiearU,S A goTannah—lira P Wthberger, , •ajaaawMI) Hka BenariUe, MUa Coot, »<—. *!»«*; Mr JlBc^aaoo aj:U ]onTeTllaaier. H T White, T Oar J- Cteaaoaja. Mrl Ww+rt^t*aorrao(J«r» Da IIIIn ttHiilBdii f-oolr, ataaia, wpajtpf ihe toUowinf, »la: 1.1 . »-•; VftJ . v . - fe«. . , HTSOD, Young ilyaon.Hyaoo Sxln, Gwpowder and Im- perial, a!ao Tery fine flour Peceo awl Pooebong Tea. Very oitl GoTerninent Java, ManiUa and wiW African Cef be. Loaf, Cruahed-aiMf Purrerixed Sugar; St trout end r .'•*-* • "s»^ •• ; >^^. lujiiauou Engiuh Cbe<-»a. Mt Madeira, Falaand Brenn iSherrr, Port and oiber; Wbaaa, J» bottteaaud oo.draft.- Chaapagoe Wine*, in o,;a and pta, of approred Branda. OM thamfaano andCgeac Brandy. Superior Scotch Ale andlJodoHPbrter. Fer^abeOWIIafaDa Segal a, with a aeneral aaaprtmeat of Spices, Ae. Ac. ^ttVw York, Ju'y U.IMO- jyUton IIIRIO.VS >.ICNTt.K9fKN*S NAGAZIKE %3 AND AMERICAN MONTHLY REVIEW, Edited by ' Wia. B. Burton. C.ntenuofthe Jury Number, Vol 7, No. 1. Artdaaun'a Walk, en. ibe Banks oi the Tbaujea at Oalord, EngUadi ilJuatrated l>y an engraring. A Sail in Sight; or, The Beseue, by Mra. Tremayne, New Tis Sweet. A poem by A. F H., Philadelphia. Fashionable Beneroience, by U. 8. Paaon, Esq. T h e Past, by John S Duaolle, Kaa , Phila.lelpl.ta. Autobiography ofan Okl Savoyard; translated freca the ' French, by a Lady of Philadelphia, July; A SonueL The Jewish Maiden ; A Tale of (be CrmaabVs. . J* Macdtog.J Hoeaar.S M Baxnea, BPoorne, "Tnifirki^oraeSat from CharVstea-MlaaeaF HWood bury^Voodbtlry! 9 B*>rdon.« A WeM»n, B Daw*»n, y and. child, m, BGarcheU Yoajaa J Stater, B J«*eavJ %*"%!*> C WeBnner, V JoSn ^°Xr^'S?fe NkBBati PMa*nik »* Rider, J a N Swai; Yoaja»>Sw»w»«#, son, AiPiaw-AOd 34 peerage MARRIED, Min iost. by th* K i l l s , yeangent R^AV,°S^fonWa" clfy.' masDrKnoji, JP tUughter of the late lost, by tbe Re» C J Carter, -. toMist MLLBMOB daughte'r of Jamus Carrey, B«|, el PMls- «bam M uu Mr PWLIP DEDMOKDS of Low- •U,lo WissJbfAN HARRIET WILLIS; Mr THOMAS S KDMO«lnWL<*waU,»Mla* HARRIET SDSAN WIL I r*. TM, w*degrowu were twin brothers and the brides i«r J«we, i8*A by the Be* Samoa* D Fnco* JUHN M SHERWOOD, to Miaa MAR V II OG- DBta* both of this etiy. Hy the Re» W Geo Miller, afternoon hat, St the summer residence of A W Tiirnb'ill, East Chaster, Mr JOHN B CORLIES, to Miss II vNNAH TURNBVLL, all of 1 c.ix • ' • : Y ' l B L O ' S O A R D E N AMD IK -TBDS EVENING, JUl* M, menta wiH commence with ZLI*? T A 8ONNETTE DB WJIT. Cefflgnon, an Apothecary Jerome Rarel Darid, Clerk to the Notary ................. Antotne Rarel J^eqnarde. .,...\»•... v ^ f .... PrancisRarel ^aoisioi, ...... . t,M^M,,Mt.M ... ..... . Joseph Rare! M'me Coqaard, M'ine Jerome Rarel Seraphine, M'me Antoine Rivel. Ao loteruiiasion of half an hour far Promenade and Re- freshments. To conclude with the pantomime of __ M DECUALIIMEAT ! Q,LuFeteau Village. Efficient officers will always be in attendance to preserve order and prevent tbe admisakm of improper persons. Oaantbntaee will run to andftoin the Garden durma the Etentnaj, ^ a at 7—Entertainments to commence at eight keta 30 cents. jyil NRW ROUTE TO BOSTON. ' »U NORWICH AND WORCESTER RAILROAD. [From the Bast River Steamboat Place, hot of Beekmaa at J The steamboat NORWICH. Captain Coit, will leave a* aboveevery Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday Afternoon, a|So'etock. • •••• The steamboat CHARTER OAK, Contain Sanaord, wdt leave every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, si60'clock. Passengers will leave, on tbe arrival ot tbe above boats at Noiwich every moruing, in the spiendid Cara of the Norwich and Worcester Railroad Company, and proceed unmaasstaly lo Boston, without change of cars or baggage. Freight takenforaU tbe above places tul within one hour of th* departure of the boata. ...... 4^ .. For funher information inquire of j>!4 BA*dWCOBUlES,a8?Peari>t. HAUTPOHO ANI> N E W H A V E N STKAaS ^••^I^JPk^b^ROSCIUB, CMR, Collins, 1100 tons burthen, new line of packets, will Si of July, ber regwlar day. j The sccomaandatinas of this ship Cat oabiB4and steerage passengers are unequalled for d\»ur, comfort and convenience of passengers ; persons ^a^nnyn v^gnm smnsjp "eh deanous of embarkwg by the above ship are requested ar!y appucation on board, foot of Wall at., or W. &J. T. TAPSCOTT\ 4» Peck sap. rs BOAT LINE. Fromibs fox . f Beekuian F^HARTFQBJy' TOIL. THIS AFTERNOO PATRA, TO-MORROW Af - al* at 4 o'clock. ~ at < C iASTIiR UAROBN-GRAND PKOMEiSADK /CONCERT, (aUMuaard.) H. MARSH, proprietor ofthia well known see broexe . jsort, respectfully informshlf be wilt ileve;e three nights 0 amusements, viz " r, .*°f. , .» respectfully informs hisjjatroua and the piibke that BIRD. Mr. JACOB V AN DBWATER, who was so much injured, by the accflfnal disehargo of a cannon a' Brooklyn, while r-gagTil ba filing a salute on Friday hat, la honor of the Vice President ol the United States, died Isst evening, a- 7J o'clock, eftsr 1 alieatly enduririg the most intense suffer lag, leaving, a aifc aud four young children to mourn his 0.1 M»day, 13th inrant,Mr. THOMAS WHITE,aasd 81 vearv, foimertyof tniael y. Funeral from tbe residence or A . A. Reanseti, at Ihe WaUabout, hi Biookly a, this Jay a 3 ° A* Pvufhkeeosie, EMILY, djughler of E. B. BaHev, of * At C?Bvaland, Ohio, on Saturday week. Mr. THBOPBI LU 4 R- BLOOMER, former ly of New York- Ou board iba brig Malaga, during her pa-'sage from Mo- bilefori h * port, HOWABTD A. MILLER. 1st mate. Ar Ruing Bun, Philadelphia, on 'he 9th of July RICH- ATO T S k O T T , aged 49. firtBerty ol this city. At ikuaternea, UMei Coun y, ou 13th instant, MABY 11VISGSTON, daugotcr of Philip 1. Rearney, aged two months sad a half. iIAUINE LIST. PORT OF NEW YORK, JULY 14. JCIV *'f\ rm» sno seta I hich wu r Tuesday W^ahesdaj I 4 40 4 41 I 3> 10 1 8 54 9 30 Aft Alt PACKETS TO ARRIVE. Liverpool. Now Yorlf, Baretow...June 7 T Slddons. Pa'mer... June 13 Cajibr.dga, Bursiey, June 19 Roscoc,HutU«tton, Jane 25 litfoilon T *rrnt.1,GriiwoM... June r | Weetmanster.Moore.June 10 Steaansnip Britiah Q.usen, Roberts. July 1 Havre Eoaoaald, H o w e . . . J a n e 1J Lo Philttppe,Castoff, June3 ARRIVED THIS FORENOON. Brig Casper Hawer, Adams, 3 da an Matanzjs, with sugar to Spoff ird and TUeatoo. Brig Biomi. Waite, 15 'Is fin Miracaibo. with molsss^s. to Bsucbaed * Tbebaud. Left bark Cora Warner,forPhila- delprdsinior id\ the enly Am. vessel in port. The aeh Basiiier, tor NYork, sld 5 ds before Sch anaconda. W"um9- 4 da fm Washington NC, with naval stores, to Bryan: tt Maitiand. * h WilHam, Burt, *dafinVirginia, with pine wood. Stoop-Olive, ,J Jays fui Virgiuia, with apples, to tbe master. "*AU.ED-ship< Virgiola, Harris. Liverpool; La Duchess deOrleans,Rashsrdtew, Havre; Napoleon, Jam«a' River, ARRIVED YESTERDAY. ShlpFrancU Depuy, Forbes, 44 da fm Liverpool, with 3000 sacks bah to Goodhue £ Co. 218 ateerage passenger* June28th, Huch MrGeliogan. seaman, fed overboard and waa drowned. The F. D. has experienced continued west- Br ship St Patrick, Johnson, from Cork, sailed COih May, in ballast, to Pickenglfl A Co. £Q? ateerage passengera. - Marseilles, with wine, 5 ds fm Savannah, with cotton BritUani, Hepburn, SO da fm to G Cogswell "Brig Augu sta, Sherwood and rtce,»tkurgas A Cte«tiB»a Brig Cordelia, Sherwood 6 da On Charleston, with cotton Steaii'b.oaiGen Taon, (Sp>Belar, fin Havana, and 4 d.- f«C4aariaseftn,inbal'aatlo JBLaaaala BrscbMary Evans, Ve»ey,6 days fm Bermuda, with a an imiiy of old cooper, to Tucker A Uuries Sch Leooiitie, Kaapp, 5 ds fm Richmond, with hour and loiMoeo, to Alen A Paxaoo BsnCaroahe, March, 3 ds Im Newbern, NC. with naval Moras, ID R Woodhull. Bah A B Hale, Oh we. 3 ds fm Boston, to J Atkins. BwhEuiulou«.Sui4U.6 isiin Boston, to the master. Scb BCtuus, Niekeraoo, 6 ds iin Boston, to the maater. fch Page,B^aett,3d« fm Bo»ton,to E A J Henick. Sch Trfo, Nickerson, 3 ds fas Boston. w B * J Hemck. Sch Abbott Lawrenee,Muker, 3 da fu> Boston, wuh mdae W Bargee Grampus, Drake and Dolahia, Yapp, to Phflad viaCsaal. with m-lae to Thomano A Nelson TuTse posida, Eashw, 36 hs fu Hi.liad. with muse to J MEMORANDA. Paesad dawn Vineyard Sound, on the 9 h, ship Ocean Hargcr fuiPacrio Ocean, 1800 bhls spoil,forNaniueket. Oatha 4h, ahip Alexander Coffin, Congdou, Pacific 0 - . for Nantucket. 2000 bbls oil. Alette* iro*Cant Nye, ol ship HeraU, of New Bedford. dntedDec IS^renona ber in lat35fon140, bad taken 90 bbls- W A i tetter1ron. f Capt Ctiriarlao of ship Frances,rfNow Bed, s ^ ^ > h a » ^ C a p a B o « , 9J daya out, with 120 bb» apaaow- _ t>mI ADKLPIHA. Ju y 13—A* bark India, Watson. 9 da *.^ttwv^»; bsrklMarfertne. Shanktouid. 17 Jay. u^ Trtoj; daddV Cuba; bssh Ant* Beywotds. Dusae, arcan ajp^on; bafkV«i»a,Wuaoii, New York; brb St Uvsawse, Taller, L BA*BTtB»BB, Jnry II—Arsch Sophia, Jooes, fm Dema- r»ra; v h atehatrV fm ihe former !>ort J);h June, sad 11 da fm tbe sBeertothe Gnaws. FRBDERICKSBDRG, July 11-Ar ~ NS Hurrah for Love 1 by C. Donald M'Leod, Baa. A Ct ulae on the Mediterraneanto183i and 1SBG, by Thom- as C Porter, E t a . Pea nsyivania. Catullus ; or, The Lithographed Cily, by Judge Trem per. , . ,, .. Tbe Uat Sigh of thaMoor, by J^P.,MU , . Concerning Ariatoeraciea, by Ashbel Green, Junr. The Bower ; A SooneC * Life along Shore, by Wm. E. Barton. Ou the Dca.h of an Infant, by B. A. D. Books Appreciatedf A Literary Curiosity, Translated from, tbe Itaaan of Qasporo G*t«i. by ML. B. Other Times ; To a u Compagnon De Bal," by Charles W. st TU .-inoson. Philatlelphia. Comparative Population of the Ancient and Modern World The Moss O'ergrowu Reek by the Old Ruin'd Mill, by E G. Mail;ry, Esq. Chapter of Science and Art. . (Jmnana Review of New Books. EM B ELUSHMENT. - A fine Steel Engraving— Addison's Walk TERMS—93 per annum, or 73 cents a single number— Published monthly—delivered in any part of this City and ttiooklyo, and sent by tbe earnest marts to all saris of the United States and (he Canada*, by the PubUaher. JyU aSRAKL FQST, 88 Bowery. . S T A N D A R D MEDKALWORKS. N«. «.—J.* H. G. 1 i9 LANGLEY,Bookaellera,a7 Chatham street, havefor sale tbe following works— Paioe's Medical and P lyaiologiealQomuieniaries, 2 vols; Dungtiasoo's Human Physioiogy, 3 vols ; Gregory's Prac- tice, 2 vols; Laonnec on Diseases QT the chost ; United •*»trs Dispensary; Coopei's Medical Dictionary ; Chiity's Med cal Juriaprudeuee; Lewis, 00 Fever; DuagUsaon's Medical Dictionary f Grosa'a Pathetoi foal Anatomy; May- guer'sMidwiieiy; Bell's MedicalUqrary; Wiwar'sAuat- rvmv ; Celci Mediciaae cum notis Ed Melligen, MD ; Dr. Copland'* Medical Library : Dr. Clar ; on diseases of Fe- males ; Bell on lite teeth ; P'umbe on ihe akin ; Rush on the voice; D^wee'sMidwtfeiy; Curiosities of Medical experi- ence ; Macintosh's Practice; Eberle's Practice; Hall en Dngnosis; Peck's Medical Jarisprudence; Chapman's Thorapentice; Cooper'sSuigical Leaurea; Paris'Pbar- ma^olosia; Thompson'a Coimpi cm* ; Wilson's Anato- mist's Vade Mecum; D-; wee's ou Females; Parish on Her- nia; Dublin Dissector; Stokes on tbe Cheat; Barns'Mid- wifery ; Walker's Nervous System; Paxtoti's Anatomy ; Doraay's Surgery ; Abercroinbie on tbe Drain; diiio on tbe. 5 omach; 8 «eetseron Coos u notion ; De wee's 00 disessea of children and Walker on Intermarriage ;. Walker an Women, Ac. By. jyU P RESIDE ASTRONOMY—Just received in a handsome case, resembling a quarto volume, orna- mentally b-iuodand gilt, the Beauty of the Heavens, a pic- toiial display of the Astronouucal phenomena of the tlii- verso: cooaiKbii ol elegant and accurate represents- tjona of the principal c installations of both hemis|>heree ; sjagnined phases of the sun and moon, and separate por- tion* of them : oftha eaith and otner planets, and their sa- lelLles ; interesting landscape iliUKlrauoos of the most im- pqrtsr.) celestial and terrestrial phenomena, such as eelip sea,p*rbe'4a. tainbiwa, clouds. A; ,and numerous iilus- traiw>Lsof the theories of the fixed stars, asteroids and ne- bulae , the solar system ; tbe laws of planetary and come- tary inoifon, Ac Ac ; comprised in one hundred'and four beautifully eelered scenes,OB separate rards, accompany- ioga familisr le'tureoo Astronoiiiy, by Charles F. BI001, Lecturer on Astroaomy ; author of "Tbe Wonders of tbe Telescope," AcAe. Imoonedar.d for sale by D. APPLETON A their Literary Emporium, jyl4 209 Broadway. VlAARLBIS CAH.VILLE, 33 Pine street, is now J recfivfng a very general aa-oruaent of Foreign and Dome-tic Dry Soods, cousisttng of— Cloths—100 cases of a superior style, containing blue, brown, olive, invisible green, rifle green, bottle green ; also, black both wool and piece dyed Double Milled Cloths—10 cases of blue, brown, otive and invisible green 6 4 Merinoe8—50 cases assorted cloth aha es ; also, black of various qualities Worsted YaiJ— A few bales of scoured Prints SO cases of super dark Chintzes, new and icboiee potterna for the fall trade 50 cases black ground do on super doth, splendid patterns 100 cases of 2 and 3 colored, comprising dark and light ground v ; approved patterns 20 cases I 4 French Plates, small and delicate pat- terns, assorted pinks, purples aa«l green, war- - ranted last % cases of very elegant London Chintz Furnitures CO cases of extra super Cbtnis and deini Chintz Furnitures, cofoted and dari ground, well as sorted 50 cases of super and medium blue Prints, small arid large patterns, war ranted all indigo Bleached Shirtings— Viz. extra auper Long Ckxha Do do Do do 83inch New Y'ork Mill Shining, both old and iuipioved style Coided Skirts—Superior qua'iry and extra size both white and co'ored Apron Checks—4-4 super Indigo Checks 7 4 Ticking—A lew cases of this unusual width,of very su- perior quality Umbrella Cloth*—30 inch with broad salvage Chainbraye—10 cases of ploo and white for the Southern trade Jeans—10 c u e s of heavy mixtures Gambrooii artels Drilled Silesias—Cons : sting of all the desirable shades of color cream, canary, buff, pearl, drab straw and black Do 5 cases st extra new and improved finish, aas'd colorsforciiy trade 4 4 Wiggins—Of superior quality, assorted black, drab and white Black Sdeslas—4 4 heavy superior finish.all of which are offered on the most favorable terms. Jlll_ sch Shamrock, Cur ^ICRMOVD, Jury 9- Ar sch Gen Wsyne.Thomaaton WASHINGTON. NC hOJ S - A r b t V Carter, Braxton, ^Beba" Anaconda, New York; Sarah A Abigail, do; Eliza ''wTLMJNQTOM, NC July 7-Ar sch Gran Maria, Ernst, CUraeoeu Caroline, Henry Chase, Southerner. Ene, and NYork. * 'DRT, Jury 10— Ar br%Oemvis,OM,H9rtbB«; aeh rdick. Baltimore. HAVEN, July 10—Ar bark Chinceflor, Ctonte, Alexandria; Mary^totcb I Commander, Wing the art of In all its Merchant WANTED. A P R R B O R who thoroughly understands t Phshiowabte flannant Cutting and Draft tag, ..i-.— branches,toact as general Pot etnan hi a eatautishmeet in a weetet a ewyt who la a PBACTICAL Taaoa, and In every why will bear of a permaoeKt situation, with s Hbe r OaaawawawBBlsBni hy applying to Mr Joaer-h Lee, N«. 33 a t ^ S a n ^ e C c o r n - r of Cedar, immediaiely. Ta Apei I84IT. **14 3t- nTSTTLlA^t^MOiaRLTa by tltaa vessel wi I please attend to " n o w landed at Murray's wharf SHAM * D1MON, 61 South st. Saibscriptiaoa received to tbe _sw and Choice selections •( Un^rfooa,' Htttortesi, ** a %^ J ^7*'^ Age«a^AMbcwaealotliera,a»OoWst. JzJi . this week to recreative TUESDAY. THURSDAY and SATUR- DAY THIS (Titeedav) EVENING. Jure It, with a Promc- nade Concert, wliicb will take pbee in the open Gar. den, as i; will be so much more delightful than being im- mured to a close and confined room, as visiters to these Entertainments will have the advantage of Inhaleing the sa'ubrious sea breeze and enjoy the proapect o, our splen- Arrangements has bean made with the distinguished vo- calist Mra GIBBS, also with Mr EDWIN, Mr. ARCHER, and Mr. G JLODfiR, who will during the evening sins a number of their moatpopular Songs, Glees, Ae. Mr. Loder will preside at the Piano Forte. The Military Band will in the course of the evening per- form several favorite Overtures To conclude wtih a grand display of FIRE WORKS. Admittance 2j tents; Children under 12years ball-price. jyia i • • . - V ATJXHALL GARDENS.-P. T. BARNUM "BT rector of ihe Amasementa. THIS EVENING. CONCERT AND DANCES. lu which a number of beautifulSonjis, Glees,Overtures, ifc. will be introduced. Eagagemeoi for six night only of Mrs. BENNIE, the celebrated opera dancer, from the National Theat e, Boston; and also Mr. BEN NIB, ihe colebra ed Tambour Major, who will appear in a varietv of cbancterialie and splendid Dances. MR. C D. JENKINS. Celebrated Vocalist, and Delineator of Yankee Eccentri- cities. MR. WHITLOCK, > The King of Banjo Players, and the Emperor of Extravs- gaaaa Mnsera. MR. BROOKS, ths Popular Dancer from the Southern Theatrea, inatlomiqus Dance, First appearance ol MISS TAYLOR, the distinguislied VocalisL Professor GROBB will preside at the Piano Forte. For Programme of Concert, see bills Admission to the Gardens free, to the Saloon 25 cents. Stages and Cars pass the Garden, and will be In waiting at ihe close of the performances. •• jy!3 r ^ I V O L l O A R D R R AND OR%NDSALOON,(late J. Richmond II ill,) corner of Varick and Charlton sts. Among a great variety of other novelties la preparation, tbe proprietor ofthia fashionable and elegant place of sum- mer amusement, has the pleasure to announce that he baa made a short engagement with tbefcelebiated STYRIAN SINGERS! whose perfonnaneeain Europe elicited the mist un bound- ed applause on each night of their appearance. The Gardens will be opened THIS EVENING, tor Pro inensde and Refreshments Admission 12} cents Tbe Gardens will he opened every Sunday Evening du- ring the Season. Admission UJ cents (or which Refresh- ments will be given. ^__ J7' * rVlVOLlTG-ARDEN.—Owing to ihe unexp'C ed I. number of visitors en Sunday evening, at this delight. Ail and splendid summer resort, there was a deficiency in th.-supply of Ice Creamfora short time. Upwards of fif- teen hundred or two thousand persons having visited tbe Garden on that evening. We are requested by the proprie- tor to say that air pie arrangements, tar an extensive supply of Ice Cream and other refreahments-of the best descrip- tion, are now being* made, so that there will be no delay in visiters receiving item being calledfor..He also requests us to return hia than It s to bis friends and the public for the I bend patronage he has received, and no effort shall be wanting on his part to merit a continuance of the same. C iOLONNADE GAKOEN-Brobklyn Heights, J near Fulton Ferry. GRAND GALA OF FIREWORKS I PROMENADE CONCERT OF VOCAL A INSTRU MENTAL MUSIC AND GRAND ASCENSION ON THE T l G H T ROPE '! THIS EVENING. July 14,1840. PART t—Will consist of Songs, Glees and Duetta. 1st—A splendid new piece of fireworks called THE PASSION FLOWER ! 5J-TIIE CARRIER PlGEONS will cross and re-cross the Garden several times. Rockets with Seroents. 3d—A COHORN 11A LI.OON SHELL will be set off. PART n. Ms. BSLL W1U. M1K8 A GRAND ASCENSION On the Tight Hope, surrounded by Ftre Works, to a great bright, sad the entire length of the Garden. After wbicb, Songs, Glees and Duetts. A new and beautiful piece of Fire Works called THE HORIZONTAL FOUNTAIN PIECE! Tbe evening's entertainment* to conclude with A GROVE PIECE, representing a Palm Grove, and the name of Washington, In fire, to be seen from every part of tbe Garden. Tickets 2t» cents each. Season subscribers ball price. Should the weather prove unfavorable, the exhibition will take place the first fait evening. The Fulton Ferry Boats run all night for 3 cents each passenger. jy!3 _ S A L T V 7 A T B R B A T H 8 N O W OPBN, A T THE BATTERY, CASTLE GARDEN, evry day in ihe week, from sunrise until lOo'ciock at nis'it, for la- dies and gentlemen. Also, the Public Baths at Desbrosaes street. North River, near Canal street my30 B K C K W I T H ' 8 A R T I - D Y B P R P T I C PILLS. —" I care not bow 1 am physicked, so it be not by the adventure of a quack, bat advice of a physician, who, I am sure, will prescribe no more for me than may consist with my safety, and need doth require "—Old Divine. Among those wtio have fett it their duty to record their testimony to the efficacy of this medicine, are the follow ing;— From the Rev. Diodate Brockaway, Pastor of the Congre- gational Church, Ellington, Ct MARCH 22,1838. Having suffered much andformany years from habitual Dyspepsia, I have found Dr Beckwith's Anti-Dyspeptic PiUs, whether used as an aperient or cathartic, decidedly better than any other 1 have tried- They axe perfectly safe: and, taken, according to the directions, strength* 11 rather than debilitate the system. Those who are afflicted 5 cases fashionable mixture, a very superior I with impaired digestion, habitual constipation, and distress occasioned by food, will rind them happily adapted to their case, and may take them with gieat advantage. I was so much pleased with them, that I gave away two er three boxes to induce oilier dyspeptics and invalids to try them ; and in thia way the Rev Mr. Marsh and others, became acquainted with them. I have seen quite a number in this town and Tolland, who have used them, and have heard but one opinion expressed; all apeak of them in very high 1 erina. 1 have also known several children speedily reliev- ed of distress and indispos.iion t,y the use of them. Asa medicineforfamily use, they are belter than any other of wbicb I have any knowledge. DIODATE BROCKAWAY. C H E A P IRISH LINENS-Received from Auction— 20 cases beat aoft finish Irish Linens, ot neatly doable the thieknesa of ordinary kinds, got up eipiesalyfortbe London market; tbey )t*> purpuased at enorrooua sacri- fices front tbe e«et of importation, owing tp ihe pressure of the umes. and are otjtied lor sale cheap, accordingly by he qu.iaiity or single piece. Gentlemen 01 families in warn of such goeds us are seldom purchased elsewhere than hi ibe London market, are respectfully Invited to call and supply themselves at prices ruiuuiia to importers. Also—Meetings, Tab lo Cloths and Towelling, a large quantity. R * A LANE, jyl4 II A 18 Maiden Lane D AMASK TABLE CLOTHS, NAPKINS, «»e.-R A A LANS haveforsale an extensive assort- ment of dam isk and double d mask Table Covers, of every size and quality Also, 5-6 3-4,7-8, and 4 4 damask Nap- kina. 6-4. 7 4, 8-4, and 10 4 Diapers and Damasks; heavy Bamslay Tabic Linen; CM, 6-4, § 4.10 4 and 12 4 Sheetings, of Iiiah, Russia. Sifteiaand Baiasley; superior Hnckabuek and ether Towelling, Diapers, low, at wholesale or retail, at Noa. 11 and IS Maiden lane. N B. Knee Btaaketa, Marseilles Quilts and counterpanes, for sale as above. Jyi*. S T O R E aw B X O R T I M B R , of New Dond street, I.ondon, in tendering their acknowledgementsforIbe very Sberal support which they have received since tbe opcn.njol their Branch Establishment in New York, would respectfully intimate the removal of the latter from No 20 Warren street to No. 366 Broadway, two doors a- bove the Oai Hon House; where they will conetanttv keep an extensive assortment of new and fashionable articles in Jewelry. P.ate. Plated WareandTable and Desert Cutlery, of the >>est London manufacture. S A M beg likewise to announce, that tbey will receive regularly, by the steam vessel*, the new patterns as they are produced from their rmnutactoiy in London ; and from die gr-at faciliti.-s afforded by these Teasels,they will at ah tune* be abletoexecute orders given here, within a couple 368 Rteariway, New York. nARMlO. IWK.-PhTl e genuine Kr^ocb Carmine imported by ihe anbaeilhers. For sale whole- le or renuTaTaia&Ber'*' HaRT WFeMrl st snd office 34 WallmVby DAV1D fELT.ACO. J7»« j , , K KEOSOTE.—It 1a well known that Kreosotc was in this country first introduced aed prepared by the eubeeriber, whoae mode of putting up has.from the begiu- niug to the present day. Ueea considered wpsrfor and Iwjroiea*toit* application. It Is forsale in 1 dracbui b, tbe grom or ^ICHT^A'NGE^S 9 gl^atcY, rials J7l4 320 Broadway opposite City BofiiaL '^iWS JgP-l* b e l t s Skauwes J liOUdoWrtght'sNoJ 3gS5? *AI -'tSTaW last ' *fr 86 Front at. MM boxis Mparhx avnet TITL FTJTRAR. 98 Front at variety and quaaty, 1 SPICE—Of every foe aa*a hay . .. KATirL nrTNAM. » Frrnw ft 1 r «l7»a«ST _ S r K » R O K B - ^ • . * * - aaamtor TwriisT * ,fP^7^S^ q rts«NWaAA,6S3WUr« n at- XaiBcS'TSBLIN/ATP CAHCOIM HI^JNW t ">OU. THE FACE AND SKIN —Among the many and ^ Va^o?Mmtorff^atoeii«stl>Uare«aTeradl^ pub lie for^nrifrtof the eo^Iexion, ^™*^J™r eruption from ilw skle, none e«o < J «,*L c f^S^ ?, £ mended as CHURCH'S VBSETABUl-MFnON. Itto- parts a delicate smoothness fo the complexion and effoc- flngaand cubxneoos « « e « D j « ^ U « . J * B «*g^ R ^ 0,n< _.*" »«Bowwor.eetna* " Prate 78 cents per bottle From the Rev. Abram Marsh, Pastor if the Congregational Church. Tolland, Ct. M*BCH34, 1838. This may certify, thai having used several boxes of Beckwitb'sAoti Dyspeptic Puis, J am satisfied tbey are worthy of a lavorabla and wide extended reception by those-tor whose relief and benefit tbey are designed. I have found great advantage from their use immediately af- ter mial*, iu causing my food to digestjand in alleviating severs bdlous attacks, to which oI late years I have been often subject. I will only add, tt is With great satisfaction that I have become acquainted with tbeir virtues, and that they may oe relied upon as a inndiciae SAFE 10 be ratao by those seekingforrelief from suffering anti-disease. ABRAM MARSH. Many other testimonials of similar import are omitted h re for warn of roam, which may be seen by calling on the agents Tbe Pills are pu up inasuperior atyle,in tin boxes,with foil direcUens. Price Fifty Cems'per box. Those who require & mere active article, are referred to Beckwith's Ami Bilious Pills. Price Twenty five Cents per box. A liberal discount made to agents, and those who buy to aeU again. To be bad af H. D. TURNER, 180Broadway,N. Y.up-stairs And for sale by moat of ths respectable druggists in tbe United Smew. jyM , blotcnes, tan, rewn^™ retfona. ltcanbeobmlnedgeooln CHURCH'S DlSPENSAiV, 189 B o w e ^ . e e t n w o f SawleAet. *^** sBasaiaw Wk 1 rflHOMPSOII'S IOR CREAM B 238 <coi fier of Park Place) and 579 Br SALOONS, aii assortment of fhtoRuaUasand- , . x a mme Urn a a a v r a t « l *££»*>!£ *• l t&£iSN:sssr These saloons are Ihe Uu-geat and beat fitted up ol any to theeHy.and the creams arc of a superior quality, being made of purr countrv cream. !*» Motilds of cream of auy atoe aarssaheat at ahort nottee, andsenttoanynart ofihe csy or Brooklyn. Ca'ivea feet jelly made fresh every day, those who want into, articleforaickoesa,can depend upon kariagitai •aijairaa^ ^ ^ J7»4 irvAJIASK TABLE BAPRjHB-ftecehred Bom f_F auetioa.goodsiae.aU Linen—priceaS the dozen. Ta- ble Cloths aad other linen goods in pr»*iM>riiou. jj!4 B A A L A N R . U and 18Maiden Lane, / - i B O L K R A MORBUS AND StTMMRB < OMPf.AINT V> —Rowand's Compound Syrup 'of Dewberry Root as MajtdBB«gAarairaiton,hav^ disch»rgesotcaatonad by the too free use of fruit, or crude vegetabiat; excesefve warmth of the weather; irriutloo ssathtol aaaaA or any other c*uae ^janeiaj tadl ol the moat valuable i there iaao irntaatog quatty to Re osssptsajuoo, aad it may ba lakes wuh iiat rs aasatftoe e e n ago and coadatua of the ays ££ fctog awa-oble. * « e-pectolly «ia*JatoforchiUlrU. For sale by J.^l»AaV Hoaae drug atare, US 127 Bowery IN CHANCERY. John B. Coles, 'I fharies irHalLWIlluun METER'S SALE. H. Tborue and others, I In pursuance of a decretal order of the Court of Chancery of tbe State of Mew York, tbe following described premises wiH be sold by, or under tbe direction of the subscriber, onecf the Masters of said Court, at . public suction, on tbe ihtnieth day of May next, U twelve oVtock at aeoo, at the sales room of Messrs. E. H. Ludlow A Co., oumber eleven Bread street, hi the city of Near V'odr. A LL fhoae twenty five lots of land situate In the eleventh Ward of the city of New York, in the b'ock bounded by Tenihaod Eleventh streets, and Avenues B and C, and known arid distinguished on a map, wituOut case, number- ed 364, filed in the Register's ngfoa of the city and coun- ty of New York, and entitled " map of 240 lota of land, sit- uate at Burnt Mill Point, in the Eleventh Ward of the city ot New York," as lota numbered 111, 114, 115, 126, 137, IRrMt. 150, 151, 152. 153, 157, 156, 159, K0, 174, 175, 17«, 177.178, IW, WO, together with all and ainguMr their appurtenance?; the sakl several lots numbered 113,114. 115, l*,ri6,127,13d, fronting on Eleventh eyeet; the as*I eleven lots numbered 149, 150, 151, ISA 153,157,158,159, M0,17B, 172, fronting <>n Tenth atreet, and ihe eaid seven lots ouUered 174n7i, 176,177,178,179,180,firootfogeh AvonueB. Dated tb^Sthday ofMailSKL DAVID COD WISE, Master In Chaccery. mj9 2avrta 86Llbertyst Ths aa'eof the above described property is postponed iinrM the thirteenth day of June next al the same hour and plnceaeabove. May 30,1810. _ iel6 2aw D CODW1SE, RastertoChancery. The sale of the above described property is I inner post- poned uetil the twenty-seventh day of Jane instant, at the same hour and place as above June 13,1840. je 16 Av D CODWISE, Master in Chancery. The sale of the above described property is further post- poned until tbe eleventh day of July next, at the same hour and place ae above. June 27m, 1840. jo29 2a w u D. CODWISE, Master in Chancery. The sale of tbe above described property w pos-pouetl uoul Ihe 17th day of July, instant, at the same hoar aad •tone aa abov-s. - n>ated July Hth,18J)._ jyl4 2awta D CODWISE. Master in Chancery. B 1 tonWlBnsfcJtesmle^to T order of F rede no k P.|Steveas, Judge of Erie County and Couuseilor of the Supreme Couit: Notice is hereby given thai an attachment has issued against the estate of Josiali R Dorr and De Gam J J ansa, noa reaideat debtors, and that the same wtil he awMtorthe payment of ihair debu, appear ami aucharge such aitachaaen aw wtthin • a- J ?^. fl _ 0 iL^ l ot this state, and the ra/smyj .aylaw.andaievont > I O R W & lUWtKT^tjtoritoa, lawtm tor AT" WABfl** he. oyiock B)".'Freight will not be received within one hour of de- parture. E A A Q W CORL1ES, 2S3 Pear) at. N. B. AU persons are forbid trusting any one on ac- : count of the above boats or ownets. jyM , N E W Y O R K , A L B A M I ABO TROTf STEAMBOAT LINE, FORALBAJNY. From tbe foot of Barclay street. iANY, Tneatlay Morning, at 7 o'etoefc. • The NORTH AMERICA, Wednesday morning,at 7 o'- clock. The ALBANY, Thursday. Morning, at 7 o'clock. From the foot of Courtiandtstreet. The DE WITT CLINTON,Tbla afteruonn. at So.cfock The SWALLOW, To-morrow afternqoo, at 6 ©"clock. NOTICE—AU Goods, Freight, Baggagej, Bank Bills, Spe> cle,or any other kind of Property, taken, shipped, or put on board the Boats of this Line, mualbeatthe rial of tbe owners ofsuch (Joods.Freight, Baggage. AC - P R O P L H ' B L I N K O P S 1 R A M B O A T 8 FO a ALBANY A M D T R O T . The new and eommodioua steamboat ROCHESTER, A. P. St. Joho,master, leaves .the steam boat pier, hetween Courtland and berty aw, on|WEDNESDAY|APTERNOON, JI5 "'clock. Forpasaige or freight, apply to CROOKE, T O W K S * CO. corner of West aad Liberty streets of P. C. SCUULTZ, at the office, or on board. . . N. B. AH kind of property, taken only at tbe risk of tbe owners thereof. - to make early application to w;a75.T.Ti jyM comer Bouth st. j ^ * " ?OR LITBKWOL. Pedtet of the IWt Of JB^r; " . - i^. A first clase fast sailmg packet ship 4Ml ami jARBas above, her regular day. ^"*" Having very superior accommodaQona for ca- bin and steerage passengers, persons intending to ewL baik should make immediate apphation ha board, of to GLOVER a McMURRAY, !>1S . 69 South »L corner of Pine st jfe P i A b S A U K JrHJit LONUOJS. . The wed kaown packet ahip PRE3I- D £ N T , G a p t . Cuadwick, will posMively sail cm the SOlh Juno, her regular day, aid has handsome accommodationstorcabin «ad steei age pas - sengera at modeiate rates. . .. t j j . For passage, apply on biard, or to W. at J . T . TAP3COTT, ii Peek alto, jy!4 corner South st. 11 i.. 111 j 1 1 11, P E O P L E ' S L I R E OF STEAMBOATS,? FOR ALBxNY AND TROY. The new arid commodious steamboat UTICA.M. H. TrusdeU, maet*r, leaves the steamboat pier, between Courtlandt and U- berty st*, on WEDNESDAY "AFTERNOON, at 5 o'clock. For Passage or Frehrht apply to CROORE, FOWRS, A CO .cor. West and yberty streetsjto P. C. SHULTZ, st the Office, or the Captain on bosrd. N. 0. All kinds of Property taken only at the risk of the owners thereof. CATSK1LL MOUNTAINB I ^ THE CATSKILL MOUNTAIN HOUSE, at the Piue Orchard, well known as a place . . _ . of fashionable resort, beiaig now open for tbe leceptiou of visitors, tie subscriber has established for the summer months, between Catskill Landing and the Mountain House, two lines of Post Caches,forevery day, except Sunday. These lines are ao arranged to meet at CateMU Landing the arrivals and departures of the regular day boats from New York and Albany, and will always be found In waiting at the Landing. Fare in the Regular Stages t l 25 Extra Coaches and Carriages furnished at all times ex- cept Sundays, and at reasonable tales from the Office, Catskill Village. The Drivei s. Horses and Carriages for Ihe route are all selected. Drivers, for their skill and correct deportment, Horses,fortheir tried gentleness; Carriages,fortheir strength, comfort and elegance, furnished wi'h breaks and other necessary checks in case of accident. Catskill, June lOth.1340. je92m C- L. BEACH, Proprietor TUB RIGHTS OF THIS PEOPLeb ARE ROT T O B E S O L D t i l ACCOMMODATION LINE FOR ALBANY, [AND INTERMEDIATE LANDINGS,] PASSAGE 30, CENTS. Berths Free.—Supper 3"J cents. The eommodioua steamboat NAPOLEON Capt. J. W Hancnx, (in connection with the Steamboat WAVE.) will leave the font of Robinson street, THIS AFTERNOON, (Tuesday,)at 5 o'- clock' Regular davsfrom NEW-YORK, Tuesdays,Thursdaya and Saturdays:—ALBA NY, Mondays, Wedoesdaysand Fri- days, landing on her {.sasage up and down at the fool of Hammond street, For Passage apply on beard, or to JOHN BALL, No. 104 Barclays! FOR ALHANV. ACCOMMODATION PASSAGE LINE—(Without Bersea.) The steam boat I L L I N O I S , Capt. C, ms'ock. will leavelhe foot of CorUandt st, THIS AFTERNOON, at 5 o'clock. For passage, apply on board, or to K ^ W C REDFIELD, jj!4 82 Cortland! street, up stairs FOB ALBANY. SW1FTSURE LINE OF FREIGHT BARGE?. The steamboat S W I F T»S B It E \ Capt. Murrsy, will leave thefootof Broad atreet. TH18 AFTERNOON, al 5] o'clock, with the freight barge WBSTSKN, for Albany. For freight or passage, apply on board or to A. VAN SANTVOORDet CO, 16 South st, or 82 Courtlandt st. upstairs. &OU. NEWBDRG. Landing at Caldwell's, West Point and Cold Spring. -—7*^ Tbe steamboat HIGHLANDER.Cant. S. >«r!rSuUSa» Johnson, will leave the p4er foot of Warren S ^ g f i f c s t r e e t , every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, ahdSATURDAY AFTERNOON. at 4 o'clock, commencing April 15. For freight or passage, apply to the captain on board. N. B—All Baggage and freignt of every deecriptlon.Bank Bills or Specie, pnt on hoard this Boat, must beat tbe risk of the owners thereof, unless a Bill of Lading or Reoefpt is aiened for 1 he same. a8 FOR NEWBVKO. Landing at Caldwell's, West Point and Cold Spring. g^^m* ^3 The new steamboat JAMES MADISON, ^2*5B3u53»Cantain Cria.> llalxtcad. will leave Warren af^SJBSgsEareet pier every TUESDAY and FRIDAY EVENINGS, at 4 o'clock Alf Baggage, Packages or Parcels, Bank Bills or Specie, puton board of this Boat without b'-ing entered on the books of the Boat, or reeeipudfor,witl be at the risk of the owners thereof. mha> FOR POTJOHKHEPSIB Every day (Sunday excepted) landing it Caldwell's. West Point, Cold Spring. Flali- kill Landing, New Hamburgh and Milton. The new and splendid steamboat QCEOLA, Captain Ver dine Truesdell, will leave ibe fooi of Chambers street, every afternoon,[Sundays excepted] at 4 o'clock, comniencin} Tuesday, Marcli3lst, 1840. * Returning will leave Poushkeepsie eoery morning at 7 o'clock. For passage apply to the captain on board, or to M M A. D. R. M.\HTIN, 114 West street N. R All goods, freight, bank bills, specie,or other prop- erly taken on board this Boat must be at tbe risk ofthe own- er thereof. m30 FOxt SING SING AND VROl'Uli, The steamboat TELEGRAPH, Cam. J. S. lOdell, Will leave New York from tbe foot of .Chambers street every afternoon. Sundays excepted,at 3 | o'clock. Returning, willleavnCroton every Morning at 61 o'clock ant Sing Sing at7 o'clock, touching at Yonkers, Hastings, Dobs ferry and Tarry Town each way. All freight and baggage ai the risk of the owners. For further information, enquire of THOS. E. HULSE, No. 108 West street, corner of Warren or of the captain on board. feio F O R K I N G S T O N A N D T H E DELAWARE AND HUDSON CANAL. The aTeamboat VICTOBY, Captain D. P. Mapea, leaves the foot of Murray street, every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY, at 5 o'clock, P.M. Returnlngthe Victory leaves Kingston every TUESDAY and FRIDAY, at2 o'clock,P. M. For passage or freight, apply to the explain on board, or to CORNELL, BIDWEI.L A CO. je22 101 West at. New\ortt. F O R K I N G S T O N , T H E D E L A W A R E AND HUDSON CANAL. The Steamboat EMERALD, Captain John Ketchain, leaves the foot of Murrav street, _ J every MONDAY and THURSDAY, at 6 o'- clock,P. M.. aud every SUNDAY MORNING, at 7 o'clock. Returumi the Emerald leaves Kingston every WED- NESDAY and SATURDAY, at half-past 2 o'clock, aud every SUNDAY, a' 4 o'clock, P. M Landing at the intermediate places. For Passage or Freight, apply to the Captain on board, or to CROOKE, FOWKS A CO, corner of West aud Liberty streets. mh5 FOR SIN t BOIMRTHINQ NBW. FARE -TWELVE AND, V HALF CENTS. " fl SIWB.TARRYTOWN, nOBU'S FERRY, HASTINGS AND VON REUS. Tbe steamboat K03C1USKO, Captain D Haywood, will on and after Saturday, June 07 r leave the foot of Robinson afreet, (next above Barclay street.) touching at the foot of Hammond st. (old State PTiaon)EVERY DAY (Fridays excepted) at to o'clock, in tbe morning, and 2 o'clock in the atef neon. Returning, will leave Sins Sing at % o'clock iu Ihe mom- hue, and 5 o'clock la tbe afternoon. BeaaMSAsr **»"» DINJJSR ON BOARD, AT 37} CSNTS. D. HAYWOOD tenders his thanks to tbe inhabitants of Westchester and Putnam counties, for the liberal patron- age bestowed oa bis boat ths last season, and respectfully aolicites conitoiistion of the same. . jy2 O W B C s O L I N E L A K E BOATS. ' For Oswego diroct, without transhipment. - . The Lake boat GER ALDINE. Waves the M foot of Broad street. THIS AFTERNOON, .ft 3 o'clock. She takes freight going to Ca- Ohio, and Michigan, aa wellas all places between here andOswego. ' For freight or passage, apply to T B7l' VAN DEWATEB. IPO Broad at seOR SALE.—The steamboat FAN- NT.efAlbany.boiHatN YorkforMessrs Peck; frame locust, snd live oak Jersey plank, thoroughly capper fastened. Engine mule by Al laire.37 horse power, about 300 ions register,has cabin ac- commodations, furnished for 60 passengers. For further particulars apply to WM. WYLLYS PRATT, jyjj comer Ok! stipend Soiuli aL POR B A L E . — A steam Ferry Boat. For terms, enquire of the proprietors of tho Catharine and Main street Ferry. jyiOlm* MEW Y O R K H O U S E BaBAAR, On WEDNESDAY, 15th instant, suction sales will be held aa usual at this establish; nient, to commence at the accustomed hour, 11 o'cluck. The catalogue of horses Is open and fast filling up with a variety of good horses amongst which are a number of well matched pairs and first rate saddle nags. Also, a pair of seeing horses, ktod and sound and very faM— sold by order of the Siierltf. < Also, a handsome cream horse, gentle and fine. Also, a pair of good carriage horses. The sales will commen:e with new and second hand wagons, barouches, sulkies, harness, saddles, Ac.. Gentlemen who are inclined eUher to buy or sell will find this a desirable establishment, at which* to trade af- fording all the racifilies required at such mirts. - jyl? WM.COWAN.31 Crosby at. B3RANDY, GIN, WINKS, OLIVE OIL,, If FRUIT, Ac.-JOHN DUB AND A CO. offerfortalc at No. 107 Cedar s u e e t - • - - i ALEXANDER SEIGNETTE,"! I J J. DOFDf, . vath««o ^ DV forSB^8sW^ ' IMAG1XJRY CHAMPAGNE, 2d ptoor. BORDEAUX CLARET, in cask a and cases BORDEAUX OLIVE OIL-JOHN DORASD>3 8T&-L, Do do do —COMET BRAND. - /fJ,E »- BORD'X PRUNES, BRANDY. FRUIT A N R Z _ _ f S * _ BOLLAND GIN, ERIN BRAND. -^t A ^fe L * OT " FOR LONDON. ^ ' ' Packet olihe20:hof Jul v. The first class packet ahip P R E S I D E N T , JgSkvCapl. Chadwick, will sail as above, her ragu'ar Having very superior aceo nmodattons for cabin and steerage passengeis, persons wtohms to embark fhoukl make immediate application on board, or to OLOVKR ot McMURRAY, jyll cur. Pine and South streeta. FOR HAMBURQ. To sail on the 15th mat, _, The first mass new ship WALES, Watts, i£^^master, wi I positively be despatched for Ham* RsaaC. burg as above. . . for the built of 100 bales cotton oh freight, or pas- sage. Invmg hue accommmoditions, apply io j?IS L». H. ROBEH-TSON. 169 Maiden lane. t^ tflyetodk mthe afcottatwiwH '* * Furniture—A large aasortnaem of new and secoav>t> ' Wardrobea, marble top pier end centre tables tafted, curled maple and fmnev chsh, [field bedsteads; scroll dinuut and tos double and aingre counting house snd office desks Bos ion rock ing chairs, toilet tables, waahstands , 4 c ' Abo % superior piSeofortea. •••" "' •"'' -' Carpeiing—A large aasoritnent of new grain and Venetian carpeting, ruga aad matting. Laaapa, &c—Also, an elegant asaoitruant of aawsl and amtal Isaasn, fwamtolea, ivory cutlery, glass, ehi, <l|lB).':, ,.,J », ,. MONDAY. At 10 o'clock at the auction room. i y " r ?t M L ^ , ! y y jW^B^aarAl asaortmeat of cahw Bet and houawholi furniture. - iTUBRpAY.JnJvM. At 10 o'clock, at m Pulton »t. PawahroWe Sale—A large asaortmeat of Hire, deemed pledgee, which have been pledged A. year and Upwsrdato B J Hart, elaPeari street ' TUUMAS WB£L ~ FUR UEilARAKA. (Passage Only.) superior, Jast sailing, copper _ The superior, fast sailing, copper i&jkvbrig OPULENCE, Robinson,master, 9 K i m m e d i a t e despatch for the above port. fastened will have for passage, passengers, a} ply to jyio , fine accommodations for ten T. SHAILER 6t CO. 88 Wall st. FOR ST. JOHNS, N. f. Wanted tbe bulk of SOU bbls freight, to com plete a cargo of a new vessel bound lor the a- bove port, to sail on Saturday* Apply to WM. J.McKEE&CO. No. 71 Wall tt. FOR NKW ORLEANS. Commercial Line—Warranted First Regular Packet, Wednesday Ihe 15th inst. The superior regular packet ship N E W - ARK, D. W. Souilard, master, la now load. ing, has one half her freight on baud, and will clear as ab >ve. For freight or passage, having superior accommo- dations, apply lo tbe captain on board, at bulkhead, be- tween Murray's wharf and Fine at. or to DUNHAM & D1MON. 61 South st. Shippers by this vessel, will confer a favor, by send- ing in then- bills 1 aa early as possible. jylO FUR NEW ORLEANS. ' First Regular Pacael—Louisiana and New York Line. The verv superior,coppered and copper fast- ened packet ahip MISSISSIPPI, Captain Cheater Hihiard, having a large pari ot her cargo on board, will sail as above, bet regular day Fur balance of freight or passage, having handsome furnished accommodations, apply on board, al Orleans wliaif, loot of Wall st, or to jy E . K. COLLINS & CO. 56 South at. FOR SAVANNAH. Old Established Line—Regnlsr Packet of Saturday, July 18th. The superior, last tailing packet ship CE- i _ ^ LI A, Capt. D. D. Porter, is now loading and B E will positively clear as above. for balance of freight or passage, having handsome furnished accommodations, with state rooma, apply OP board, at foot of Mai ien lane, weat side, or to jylS SCOTT & MORRELL. 68 South st. KOf. DARIKN, Ueo. The fino fast sailing regular packet brig N £ W £gtoM.JEKSEY, Brown, master.having part of her rBMEcargo engaged and on board, will have ltnmedis ute despatch. For balance of freight or passage, apoly on board, foot of Beekmaa st, or to jylS K. M. DEM ILL, 186 Fionl el. FOrt ALEXANDKIA, GEORGETOWN Ai\D WASHINGTON CITY. With Despatch, jg- Thefinepacket schr SAMUEL PHILLIPS, KffijyG. D. Smith, master, is noa loading, and will inke what ftright may offer at low rates, and sail on Wednesday or Thursday'. Apply to •v',4 J. & N. BRIGG3, 34 Old slip. FOK FRriDERlCICsBURG.TAPPAHANNO'JK. and POlt-T ROYAL—Union Line. The line packet schooner S. ROCK*dILL, H Walpole, master, is now loading and will .nail as above, ot freight, applv on board, or to *_ "J. & N - BRIGG3,g4 Old slip, J>o Fo.i ST. MAKES via KEY WEST. A first rate vossel will bo despatched to the above . oi t on or about the 15th inst. Apply to WM. WYLLYS PRATT, corner Old slip and South st. FOR Al'ALACHlCOLA. I bib July. A good brig will be despatched for the above rffi?j|L 1 and sad as ab .ve, provided lutncientifreight ifftity.cgjrs. Apply to jy9 WM, J. McKEE & CO. 71 Wall st. FuR HA1TMURK, Old Line—Regular Day. The regular packet schooner EMMA, J. Cole, master, witl sail as above. For balance of freight or passage, apply on boaid, Orleans pier, foot of Wall st-eet, or to jvIS JOHNSON & LOWDEN, 86 Wall st. FOK BAL UMOKK.—Union Line. Wednesday. Tbe fine, fast soiling packet schr. ROCHES* Tf.R, Wm. Wise, master, is now loading at pier 12, Old slip, East River, For freight apply on board,or io jvl3 J. ft N. BRIGG>\ S4 Old S'ip KOK. PHILADELPHIA, VIA DELAWARE AND RAKITAN CANAL. SW1FTSURE LINE. The Proprietors of the Pwifienre Steam Transpoi talion Line, will continue to run 'areguiai Line of Barges betweenlbis fit) and Philadelphia, via in- Delaware and Raritan Canal, during the season, from Pier No. 12 East River, at Old Slip, New York, and Walnut street wharf, Philada. For freight, which will be carried on the most aecommo dating terms, applv to J A V BBIGGS31 Old Slip,New York. or to | ARMER PATTON. 46 A48 South Wharves, jeftl Philadelphia. FOli. PUILADBLPHU. Swiftsuie Steam Transportalion Line, via Canal. The steam tow barge O N E I D A , is s now ioading at Old slip, pier 12, E R. For freight, which will be taken at lew rates, .ippiy to iy 13 J. A N. BRIBGS, 34 Old slip. FOK P l I T S U U i t l i aad the Far West—via Philadei- phia.—North American Ptriable Boat Line. The undersigned will forward all goods tent to him,free from charge of commissions, to the far west by the above Ime with despatch and satety, and at the eery lowest rates of freight. jv8 WM. J. McKEE at CO. 71 Wall st. FOR FREIGH'1 OR CHARTER. The fast sail ing, copper fastened schooner RETURN, J. Austin, master. Up tons or 900 bbls, in ccmnletu order for a voyage. Ap- T. SHAILER & LO., SB Wall st. FOR FREIGHT OR CHARTER. A first class, copper fastened brig of about 1786 bbls bunhen, incomplete order for a voyage. Applv'o T. SHAILERftCO. jyM E WtM *'• POR SALE JJRfeUdrHT OR CHARTER. ±JOL The superior fast Tailing coppered and cops Xgffo per fastciibd brig M A R Y B E R N A N D , Cap- TtPtlfr tim Pitcher, 160 tons burthen, built in Balti- more in 1834, carries 1400 bis. in every respect a first rate vessel, and in order for any voyage. For furthetjiarticulnrs app'y to. phjlo jylS SCQTT ot MORRELL. 6b South at.jj " FREIGHT FOR HALIFAX, N . S . A good British vessel can have from 3 to 350 jsjg- '- kl - "- ""* bulk thereof, if immediate applica- SgBLtion is made . For which apply to toll gIRK A JOHNSON, 187 Front at; ' WANTED, ** A good vessel to toad for the Ohesapeak—full i«B. freight and dispvlch g^ven^ Apply to WM i. McKEE It CO, Tl Wall at. FOft SALE. A fine fart sailing brig of 142 tons, will be sold tijih low,if mnnetiiate application is made to 35s£ G. F. & J. L. DARBY. Broker, jyll 71 Wall st. FKbiUUT FOK PHILADELPHIA. The bulk of 400 bbla heavy fierjht may he ob'ained for the above pari, bv applying to WM. J. MeKREROO, -'- tl Wall street. J7 WANTED. _ Two good vessels to load for southern porta. «h»App>yto WM. J. McKEE *_Cf5 ; . .' sTOa»32Awa.AKP lIBrrxTOitBTaaaTS WEDNE8DAY, . At 10) o'clock nt the auction room, Furniture—A large and valuable assortment of house- hold furniture. : Comprising elegant Brussels, ingrain and Venetian carpets; ru^r; oil cloths; looking glasses; curtains; man- tel crocks; lamps aad ornaments; lustres; fire seta; mas fcogany and fancy chairs; sofas, couches; ottomans; side- boards; pier centre tea card work ami dining tables; pin column and drassms boreamn toilet stands and setts ; Fr and highpost bedsteads, wardr.bes; feather beds; mattresses and piiiasters; china, glaas and plated warn; tiWe cutlery. : Afsr-. 4 first rate piano fortes, by celebrated makers; 1 orran; 1 hand ctgan; 1 scraphina; t ladies gotd watch- es; t lever do; t fine gold chains; 1 pah* gold spectacles; 2 diamond rings; and a variety of other article*, to pay advances. S a c positive. A T P R l T A T B BALE. Piano Porte—A splendid grand action piano forte, William Stodait & Son makers, London. BY AARON LEVI. • STOSB 151 MnoAOirar. r • <• BV HENRY COULTER, AUCTIONEER, Store 105 Fulton and 42 Ann streets. AUCTION NO ITOK.—Henry Coulter, aucUoneet and commission merchant, having removed to the large sales rooms, 42 Ann and 105 Fulton stieeu, is cow prepared to receive consignments of all kinds of mer- chandise and household furniture, and i; furnishing a>ti- des in general. N. B. Advances made in cash, i f required, on foods consigned for immediate sale. Auction Sales every Wednesday and Saturday, at 10 •'clock. Constantly on hand, at private sale, and will be sold at auction prices for cash— Splendid Furniture—A large, extensive and valuable assortment of second han-l and new household and cab- •net furniture of all descriptiois. A SJ— A sp'endid stock of cily made cabinet furni lure of the very best description— Comprising fancy, maple and mahogany chairs, side- boardg, wardrobes, sofas, tables, bouk cases, locking glasses, French bedsteads, mattresses, carpets, rags. eil cloth, beds and bedding; also marble top pier ami centre tables, do bureaus and enclosed washstahds, Cfti- aa, glass and plated ware, lamps, clocks, vases, Ave. A Uo—SO elegant sofas, 14 njuiug seat rocking chairs t sofa beds, 14 dozen French mahogany chars, I piano forte. Also—A quantity of second band furniture from a boarding house. A T P R I V A T E SALE. 5? hair packing tiunks in good order and well wot thy the atlention of dealers. Rifles—25 first quality Kentucky Rifles, silver moun: ted. Cut Glass Ware—An extensive assortment, and a quantity of unout, worthy tlie atlention of the trade. Fancy Chaiis—50 djaen Fancy Chairs at factory prices. Show Cases—A large quantity at low rates for cash Bud Cages lor Sbippidg—100 nesls, a prime atticle. French Chairs—40 dosen Frenjh chairs of various pattern*, Maple and French BodVeais—25 of each, a splendid article. Rofrogeratof a—25 assorted s.ics suitable for butchers or housekeepers, together with a general asset intent of furnishing articles. N B—Every articl* sold at this establishment is warranted mad •: in the best manner. Out door sales attended-to many patt of the city. MARISK PAVILIODH, RUCKAWAL H I B A R C R A N S T O N , respectfully informs tbe public that he has taken the MARINE PAVILION. Rockaway, Long, and will be ready to receive visi- lois by the 20th June, instant, and sooner if practicable. Tbe establishment will be fitted up in the best posible niacin r, and he flatters himself that entire satisfaction, will be five., to all who may oe disposed to avail themselves of. the advantages of that healthful and agreeable resort. Sub- sequent advertisements will describe more particularly Hie now arrangements made in regard to conveyances, Ac. Any communication left at the -Oity Hotel, or Bunker's Maofcion House, Broadway, or througti the Post Office, addressed to Ulrum Cranston, will receive prompt atten- tioo. Jyl 2wis r a t H K MERCHANTS' EXC1MNUE CO'FEE ROOM JL is now open by W. B. LEWIS, late of288 Broadway. Principal entrance on William street, in front of tbe Ex change. Brearfast, Dinner ami Tea served at the usual hours.— Relishes at all tines. Sjda Water, Beer. Ale, Cider, Wines, Ac. uneurpH^s,;d in quality. Tho Room is spacious, airy and cool, and will he found a desirable resort for gentlemen of business in the vicinity. jya 'f S K A B A T H I S G AT LONG BRANCH—The eub- eeriber inform * his friends and the public generally, that his hou *e will be openon the 20th inst. for reception of Boarders, with the advaougea of large aad eommodioua rooms aud other requisites for the accommodation of visi- tors—with strict attention to business, and a disposition to give general satisfaction, hones to receive a share of the Terms oil A the The N. B.—Cash advances' tfc L>ryQexws,Qroeorie«. WKU1NE!>DAY, I5lh. 12 o'clock at the sales room, 11 1 Chancery Sale—Under the du-ection of •saaters m chancery—All that certain lot of land »6a.ward,«iuate/amlhoundedbythe Sd l»th»t, -.^i**' »«*«toer lot of land situated m the aame „££** uounded by Nmeteenth street and the Third Ch-Kr^^-^-^ maatara , n chancei,^^ An toetcertain iraci akoa er parcel ol land situate in sale c/lhe Btoo uuiSlL'^ f "** YoA > m **~ roods, and ««| perches. Aiso^lnTmi public pationage. and servants half price, jel8lm* iboard #6 per week—children SAMUEL COOPER. • J » V A « S » P A T S i N T I C B B O X E S . - J u s t reeei v- J_U ed from Philadelphia, M of Evans' very superior Pat- ent Refrigerators, for keeping meats, fruit, wine, Ac , cool during the summer, and to prevent freezeing in the winter, will be. sold to families, or Hotels, at reduced prices. Ap- ply to E. II. LUDLOW A CO. No 11 Broad s;. y2tf AH. ROAD IRON, Ac. The subscriber (through his friends in England and Wales} will exe- cute unfavorable terms orders tor all descriptions of Eng- lieb Iron, Anchors,Chains,Tin l'lales, Ac. Rail Road Iron hirn.shed al the shortest notice, and particuar attention given io shipments, wluch in all cases will be made at the lowest raieaoi freight. 81MEON P. HYDE, aplj diiiia 61 Merchant's Exchange, 1st floor 100 4 acres, three !ShSmA Asm, that other piece of land near!, oopses* hove, containing 1 acre, 3 roods ami A perches Also, all that other niece of land adjoinaai the above premisea.bemglOB ft 6 ins, and m t h e rear 118 ft ma. J Aad also, aii those certain fifteen Iota of land in in the same ward, situated on the Rlooaamgdale road and Stewart street, Ihe said above mentioned and de- scribed premises containing in the whole about 10j a* crea of land. A snap of the properly can he had of the auctioneer, THURSDAY, Itih. It o'clock at the aales room, 11 Broad st. A two stoty frame house, with store attached, and J8 years unexpired lease ot lot, situated at Morrwianna, near the Harlem toidge. The house is 25 leet by 18, with ptosis in front ; store 18 toot by 24. built in a sub- stantial manner ; the 1 jt is 50 feet by 100 ; the ground is subject to a yearly rent of $8 SO, with ptrvitoge of 26 fears tenuwal ot lease at the expiration of the mrat lease. The buOdicfs will be valued ana paidforby the lessor. The house roots for #100, and is now occupied by Lewis Lock wood. For funher particulars applytothe auctioneer. FRIDAY, July IT. At It o'clock at their aales room tl Broad aL Chancery Sale—Under the direction of one of the masters in chancery— II lots of land situated m the 11 ih ward tf the city of Vom York, hi the block bounded by 18th and 11th au and avenues B and C, and distinguished on a map with. out case No S.5, entitled a map of tgn lots of land sitnare at Burnt Mill Point, in the 11th ward, as lots numbers US, 114,115.125. 1£6,127, iSi, 157,159,160, 170 l-'i. 175, 176,177,178,179,180, together with their appurtenances. t Also -That valuable three story brick dwelling heme situated on the norther iy aide of Tenth st.aext to the corner of Avenue B and Tompk-ns Square ; the •aid house is 25 ft wide by 50 ft in depth, was built by da>'s work in 1837, and ia finished in the best mannar with mahogany doors, plated finished, marole mantles and giales throughout, cornice of brown stone, and cost upwards of #11,000 to build it. Can be aeenaay time previous to the sale. Also several lots adjacent thereto will be positively sold to the highest biddtr. M. HENRY,Auctioneer. BV EDWARD HOLMES. St re No. 122 Broadway, (opposite Ctty Hotel.) K. HOLM l£S wi 1 attend to aales of household fur- niture at private dwellings, and will receive _ furniture at his sales room to be told at auction. Notice—Fine Arts—E. Holmes begs leave to inform the importers of Paintings and Ungravings.or any other article in that line, or China, Glass, Piano Fortes, Ac. that he has made anangementa tor one ot the finest locations, in a large aud spacious ro-m in Broadway, (or a pubbc sales room, to be especially deroted lor such purposes, and will pay every s'lcction to promote the interest of his employers. No charge for loom hire. AT PRIVATE SALE. The right of one of the most approved two, four and and double planetory horse powers for mill or machine sawing, treshing grain or gthiding. A pply to E Holmes, 122 Broadway? JOHN HUUDC.ROW Auctioneer BY JOSEPH SAMPSONfcCO STORE 163 PEABL-STREBT. FRIDAY. At v 9 o'clock, st the auction room. CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, Itc.—A general as- sortment of Cloths, Oassimeres, Vesting &c,— for approved endorsed notes at 6 months. TUESDAY, Al I o'clock at the suction room. CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, etc.—A general ass s-uttnent of Cloths, Cassimerci, Ve* lags, Ike—for unproved endniredoles n at 6 mo*., redit. BY ROYAL GURLEY. Store 169 Broadway—New York Long Room. THURSDAY EVENING. At 7 J o'clock at the auction room. A large aad valuable collection of sniscellaneoaa books tCP ROYAL GURLRY hasreiumed the auction and commission bunness. and taken bis old s'ard, known as ihe New Y'ork Long Room. 169 Broadway , and respect fully solicits n eor.tmuanee of the patronage he formerly enjoyed. The advantage* possessed hy this eligible roomtortbe sale of Private Libraries, Petotiaga and engravings, are well known to all who attend salts of this description, and we hope it wiU continue to be renderrd attractive to tbe reading community, and fe- vers of the Fine Arts. 8*4 ftfct 7 to 12 14 to 16 25 feet worn. 18 at 17 Marshal street, 134ft4sss sea atreet »*" w.ft4a*JggflV.r,4J*S Also 26 lots oa the said map, Nat. tt to 4B t ~t*BgW« ia:lusive. .— ••— •• -•» •••»»* •—!.".. .-a. -J Lou 23 24 25, 59 feet 6 mi on Marshal at, berna Stt ' ft 8 ins fm Jackson st. ^ -tram. ' Lou 36 to 41 bemg 311 ft 8 iaehea aa the aad 410ftft tot 17 at anaua. Ato ^--abl,'mft Ko|l, ^ ,hr i** 0 sum about 900 was aa id Also the right to buikl or deck out is to 48 —«»o«ai Ahw in front oflot 1 mehea OB LaBR sThkBa *A. wBri leased tar t l years Ry #•!*«§ {? '*<. king up Lutle Dock ^^•k-dfBttBnBJ Also the lot on a amp hy Jereauak Lett. Tans t d is aauexed to a report as man N o t has i a A i i 100 feet on Raymond and 360 froaa BTH; I * i i--- Mb. ,£ ,^t A n *^.^^^^sras. on Raymond at and .i tag Also lorn 10 to 16 176 ft from Bolivar st. Also lot on said map by Not HT to 136 ami 111 an 119 being t t S feat on Raymond street and 225 teat eZ Mary at. «-v»sssWii Also lots on said map by Nos 140 to 153 aad 2tt to 929 being 228 tt on Raymond, 200 A aa Ladhywlto ami 269 ft oa Navy s t. ^ . AlaBlotajm«WnttpaaNot* being 23 ftfromaa Navy at aad 150 ft from Bolivar n. ~ AlaolotMlastmsau M edias«byu»eNos#4aadtA| to247,bemglaOftoaNavy st, d»tarn 174 tern/rem Bolivar kt. Also lots on last men* oned map by the N o 167 to 164 and 213 to2X1, being 293ft oa Nary st distant 871 fern from Bolivar at. Also lot* on last mentioned man by the If o 1*7to164 , and 213 to 221, being 203 It on Navy - Jackson st. " Aleo41ota oa said map by No 90 on Navy st by 200 It. Also 6 Iota on raid map N o 7ftto6 0 , l t t ing 200 leet on Bolivar atreet aad 76 feet oa street, - Also 7 totooa said map by N o 35 to 4 1 , and 244. Also 5 lots on said maa by N o t i l li M l isattswtl ft oa Navy st. ' * l f StVf Also 269 corner Taeaaoa aad Ftoat at, ^ fc .'» Ab.obyiheNo240,241 and 242 beiag oa Boltysrat 72 ft 8 iaehea. ^ ' »*"" 1 *,' aaftoV*"' *** ""*"—* •»!• hy «a»sfB t ^ W Also let on menuoaed map by the Mo M l t a t t i Ba--'- vfttag. !T * "^ - Jad " 6 ' *^ -*wl»*:. Also lot on last map hy the Ne 193toII cing oa the corner Fleet aad Lsfavette sts Also lot on last map by Noa 199,235 am northeasterly comer o r Lafayette ami Pleat I B»Also the toe oi such parts of Navy, Jai lege, Lafayette aad Bolrrar su and ins earn half L st aa designated oa last mentioned map of the treat mm* veyed to Kami Fleet. Also Ihe lease dated 12th the corporation to lamas B Clark aad 8 ! years, of tht Ferry foot efWalaat tt Now and Jackson si, Brooklyn, together tnth H i fJVIR Co partnerstiip, hereiofore existujg between J. Clmi iws li. Tappui and George W Noble, under the fi.ui o: Tjppan A Noble, Builders, at Charleston, in the Stilt of South Carolina, wad disao.ved by mutual consent on tne26iU .Jay of Juue last. Mr John S. Jones of Charles- ton, South Carolina, u> authorised to settle the bujiness of the ,-aid tii ai. New York, Jaly 7th, 1643. OIU8 B. TAPPAN, GBOHGE W. NOBLE j>81w By his Attorney, ft, TEN iiBCBCK » OAKD AM THIS COUMA-U V A low genteel families can be accommodated with Board, in a pea- sant bea tl.y situation, a short distance above tliu High- lands, o:i tho west side of the Hudson River, four miles be- low Newburg, where ateamboats run dailv. Apply to Wm. A Smith, New York State Bank, or to C. H. Ring, 614 Broadway. jyggw ^ 1 1 I t * C K L l l , F H U M B a V A A H A H . Is nowdls- IO charging at foot of Maiden Lane, weat side. Consignees of cargo bv her wiil please attendtotbe receipt of the same without delay. SCOTT A MOBBEL, jyl3 eftSout!. n. N OTICBJ—Shippers per ehip HOvVAKI), foi H A M BURG, wiH please clear their goods In the Custom House, early this morning, and tend their Bills of Lading for signature to the office of jyll P. H SCHMIDT'S SON A CO. S3 Wall at. |\]OTlCtfi—Shippeisoei brig LEXINGTON, lor AN- ll TWERP, will please clear their goods in the Custom House, early this •aormog, and send their Bills of Lading for sigualuie to the office of jyll I> It. SOHMIDT'SSON A CO 83 Wall st B R I G S U N from LEG HORN.-Consignees hy this vessel will plesse send their permits on boara, or to tbeomce of BARBER BROTHERS, 9 Pine street, (Consignee*.) All Goods not permitted In five days will be sent to pi ' He store. jjt nub. FIFTEEN PER CKNT DISCOUNT FOR CAVIH NELSOJN JTARVIS, (LATE t. A H. JJLSVIS.J . . DRAPER & TAILOR, 14^ Broadway, Congress Hall, W I L L hereafter do businessforCash only, at 115 per cent discount from former prices. lie is rullv resolved to carry out ibis principle, which will effectually close his door against thai class of indivu- aU who are in the daily habit ofprey ing on the hard earn- ings of the tailor, thereby compelling tiiin ta levy an extra tax on bis more honorable customers, which results in no benefit to the mochanie, while a bears heavily upon tbe honest consumer, thus compelling him to submit to an im- position wluch has been created by the rwaoa* system of credit among the tailors. He has a choice and expensive supply of the best Cioths. Casstmeres and Vesting*, and flatters himself thai hy strict attention and superior workmanahip, to merit the approba- tion aad pat ronage ol all who may honor him with their sup- *»"• .. je!6 H. K. SILL, Auctioneer. BY C. LEAVENS. Store N o . 6 Pine street, near Broadway. FRIDAY,July i7. Auction Sale of Furniture, &c. PRIVATE SALE. Several new and second hand iron chests, in good order, for sale cheap. N. B.—Cash avanced on furniture and other goods if required. C. L. gives notice that he wiH continue public sales of furniture Ac. Tuesday and Friday of each week for the remainder of the season, and intends keeping on hand a gcnrral assortment oT Housthtld Furniture, which he will sell to suit the times. HV JOHxN amWg&lN. JSTORE No. 47 FPLTOW SVRSH, Consignments of furniture aad other merchandise to the store ; alto, out door, bouse, store and elreet tales wili receive prompt attention at moderate pricca. THURSDAY, At 10 o'clock,at 66 Hamraord st. Fvmiture—A general assortment of furniture. AT PRIVATE SALE. For Rale er Exchange for City Property—A Farm under good cultivation, with a great variety of fruit. Ax a delightful for s city family,—a fewaii'es from the city of Newark, N. J. Inquire al the auction room. BY W. J. BAKTOW & CO. Auction Room No. 137 Water street. THUR8DAY, Al 9 o'clock at the auction room. Dry Goods—A general asset intent of seasonable Dry Goods. SATURDAY Al 9} o'clock at the auction room. Dry .Goods—A general apartment ef Dry Goodr. TUESDAY, At 10 o'clock at the aoetion room. Dry Goods—A general assortment o*" seasonable Bris tish and American Dry Goods. BY L. A. MILLS. lessee Dr. UORRB'BadTertiaeiueut.laAt put of til la paper. A P A R T M E N T S T O L E T — I o a rrancUonie three story house, conattling of parlour, trow base- ment, with one or two bedrooms. Also, one or two be d rooms ta let losing le gentlemen. For terms spply at 91 Walker street. je27 TRAW 9Sm EB witn roomstolet in lbs large baud ing No. 87,89and 91 Elisabeth street near Grand. Its central location and size, it being 31 by 66 feet aad well lighted front and rear, makes h a desirable location for any mechanical business: it can be ao arranged as to accorn module anumber wishingf&nlt apaitmems. Also, band and fur aat- a bargain, a Bank Vault, in f ood condition, with two set of door* and first rate locks tnauireof JOHN G T1BBETS. jvl3 No. 199 an I 200 Orand at W ANTED, In a tmaS private family, a good man servant. He must onderersnd house work, and be , capable te d.tve end take the charge of a pair of bor» * None need apply, but those who perfectly uinler*ia'-' Beir business, and nave tbe best recommendations.. „ . , Enquire in Second avenue, second house >e,ow .-""mm | street, on the east aide, before 8 o'clock - tUe moriuog, or after 4 o'clock' in the afternoon. J? IJ nook -keeper, by a yoaog "" i experience in this' tine addressed to M. nffrs A ijtlin JBJUJLuiei tuiushed I . -, . H M ci .. •'J Also the steam ferry boat called the Star i and machinery. Alsothetoal house, leaders, gate* ami Walnut aad Jackson tt femes. * For a more fall descrsptata hsvt i der Wm Mitchell, Master m Chtneery AT PR1 FATE SALR. Country Seat for sale, situated at Jamaica, L L wfjjar one acre of land or more if n quirer". tit BY J. j?. DlETEKIClav" Store 13 J. P. KeAstiaa —It grrv hat pnraonalatti of Furniture, Groceries aad Real Batata. of Lands aad Houses will be made at Ikp Exchange, ^ FRIDAY, July ITtlt At 10 o'clock, at Harlrm, between 115th _ Sheriff's Sale—J. P. D. will sell oa Friday, at ldvT clock, by order of the Sheriff, tt Harlem,! aad lttth sts, the contents of a newly o tel, consistmg of liquors, stsnding casks, di biers, wincp, cherr.paign glasses, pitcher., beer tajjf cK dcr pumps, bar futures, Ac. Also the trrmrwHhtrai tuie, ccaaittiag of ehaira, tables, softs, carpatt,1 gUtte*, pier and centre tablet, buteaas, beat tnf bedding, bedstetds. wuhhtad to foe and dinner sets, dtc. Also, a kvgo . kitchen furniture, with which the tale wig < THURSDAY July tSd. At 10 o'clock. Auction Notice—The subscribe! giy JOHN P. DIETERICH will sell on T H U R the 98rd of July, 1640, at No. 66 Ckeubaaa tfreet,' up ktairs, a large and valuable aasonnteat rrf narrdtttm ed pledges, which will then have been depeaaad tar one year upwards, vit: Coats, pantaloons, vests, cloaks, habits, shirts, hattn boots, shoes, umbrellas, paraaola, gowns, ah*wit rata> nanu of linens, superfine cloihs and cast pieces of bombasines, beds, bolsters aad - cat pets and rugs, brass keiilts, aadiroaa, flat do, bU- - > quilts, counterpanes, sheets,pillow catea aattaed Btsaa, carpeatara' tools, piciures, Lollowt, tmalu gusset china. decanters, grass es, gte. Ra. Day ordtTT rtl * 1HOMAS SIM PEON, Pic eased 161 BY JObLAH KiUxlAHDa.Auction BANGS, RicmABiTsa^laiTtt: STOnEl86SaOADwar. THIRTY SECOND WKW YORK TRAO» SALE. TUESDAY, 25th Augast. and following daya. The next retuUr Trade Sale of boohs, paper,: ery, ttereotype plates, ate. wiH ttBOBMBBB 6 lo the refsiiatioat, on the &6ih of August next J consignment* are respectfully aolksitoa. ... Ths tale will be conducted under tho uoat, aad oa the aame Unas at awanfoxi ual cash advance* will he aaada aa tsenate of Invoices ahould ha furnished by ths latlTof Jato. when the catalogue will kwaett ukpsaaa. i oaritmiet? AT PRIVATE SALE. , , , • „ *« 600J volumes of W ilhsm's Exeter " cmg every variety—flOO Buebtb's 8vo—K> seta Scott's Works 6 vols Piano F o te lnsuuator—16 teta . Gallery S vols, supr mot—ICO Nicholas Ni 100 Pickwick Paoers—100 Oaver " Cap* Rarryau'a Works assorted, 60 PI 8vo—lOfi Croley't British PooU supr ra't Interpreter—60 Combe oa the C —10 Shaw's Architect 4to—10 Gi volt -tO Ladies Wreath 600 Ptrley 1 * Wi 160 Roll of Books—150 Pilgtimt,Progreat--T6" Delphu,i-9O0 Smqev's Ge%graphy^and Huntington's do do—100 Coaostock's " Bulwer's works 17 volt—100 Criminal Ttlesof Terror—800 quarto Bibles. School do—600 Watt's Psalms aad otic Piety—10,000 Wehstet'sOUll do Elementary do do-5£© Cobs'* Comley't do. •tBank Books—Also, 10,000 quires offal boaad Bkak*, aa tBBHtont assortmeat, of all sties. Paper - A lv «1» « « * qua no superfinej^xed-60 do Bhie Wt Paper-'Wr aaagn Ial reams Foolscap ruled _ ^Jtraringt—Alto, J00 lota of (my cotoTat bexarftoweV P ? r * ft < :e .wiil ne promptly attended toi JylMw -__ T E D — A girl to do general housework-to» gaaali undoubted reference required. Euqulre at jyl* 71 W»" ply to irlS FOR FKH.IUHT OH OHART*f ( VE, At. The a«w Britith tear SARAH*iil accept a kins, master, 92 tea* or 700 hk Islands. Ap- chitter to any of the THOf} £"57 m«TT, IS Sooth tt. 3Eb. •PARTI cv «S hereto 3TACE A sgamnr SJ4»J.XJ^ v wholesale grocery business will forest 190 Front street, ande> V INK ' '•••?"• «- '^Iliach CtojiaJDabre; for IC '-• r^^t*t "I* K D BLACK i _ WRel. to loadtorSavannah. A first rat' D U N H A M * D I M O N , ' 61 Sooth street.' _J?_ f FOR SALS. * * J fine, fast saiha?, copper fastened aad _ /pefed hark W H I T E O A K , fitted out at a iSpWh^icr, and welt found in every respect. Inven- ^an be seen at the tflSce of the subscriber, and Uiil be told oa reaton ,ble terms. For further paritculara, apply to "'' .«, P. A J / L , D A R B Y , Brokers, jvS 71 Wtlltt. D t ' B L I N B O T T L B U P O B T B B . - f w sale, a WVultyofOoiBJieaa *Oo's superior M P D «* r good order, in casks containing quarts and ptnts- The A hove will be soklcheafi m close an invoice, either tor cash or W--VET r K^O , N by EDMOND 3 A CO. 34 PUttt « Alsofor*ale—Store Window Glass, Oases and Counter. j y » 1' ii if if | ras-a- - S 1 1 1 i' 163Wa»*»tLcoroflIaiu«Li«e. G 55S? 1 p l i?JL 0uu TAILOR'S BILL&MD E N T L R M K M inspeertngthe extensive a n d r W l <hd stock of Spring OpodaTya- Clotht, *£%£% and Vesunga, which wilT be madetothe jfii ,7Tw£r atyleoffsshton,attbe shortest notfce»A-tnunSu «™Z cent under the CREDIT S Y S T E M ^ eminem firms, WtlM CA«TA^tu^ftuSf B,,W,T0 ' »«wi^Sl rofAan ' ~- -. .--- ^^BVftQBI t i e to #90 BOMrcotoreddMtJyed, btack or bhie Av»to696 Do Baxony^lent new material for panta- variousaad ..i .... a4 togi2 loons., assortment of Veatines S3 to 66 Ejoer TERMS CASH, juihern and Western Merchants will prove tliat a GOOD ^lT, GOOD QUAUTV* and good taste are to be obtained at the C«sii Tailoring EatabUshtnent, 154 William street, cor nerofAnn. - »w • •--- -R. R—^A variety efnilmt Cfooda, juat received tjafl, Iric Ukeneesesby the - 'pe process every fair day, from 11 A. M . till 3 P M , in Granite Building, corner of Broadway and Chamber street, 4t h story, room 99. Tbe public are invite.I to call and tee specimens of the "Lam,.., A.B. WULCOTT. jy86tis* . i TavTRBT TOBtt FLOATING DRY DOCK COMPANY ill-JOSEPH TjaRTIN>8 PATBIT.-aVnt»^Sj: tcrtptto^totbeeapBaiateokiiawopeaatthe office ot ibe Pataotee, corner of Fiom and alnaRomery ttreeto wherl tbe model may be seen. /-MOW, wvmgo , N i, B ^ Ve w 9se: f I S 0 toM °* "Oder raited on the Float- 1" 1 T- I .... | _ _ IJOltft W A A T B D ^ T o exchange unincumbered real fur dry good* or groeerica. Apnhr to mtttf S. A. ROBINSON, to je W ASTED-Situatioosfor a number oftarmexs bouse sen-ants—the best references_gtven. | > iy3 ABR BELL A OO.^ 117 Fulton tt. | IKEMKSSES.-Photograph! B-J Daguenreotype process every fai H ^ A "J K, *^•^* cflve ""ehTgent Md,about BE a a d « f . ' ° ° l B ^ mI «haraetor,tol e a n the drag rrnwntnii Apply at 1SB Bowery, corner Spring street ^fyfl W ARTRR-acterk ta .Brug store, one whotoca- paUe. tan sasJv u i l a s a J ^ M-.,U.I .—" TSZ. Bosrery Jtobte,aan apply attUetVnveTy Redtea»e"ato»^ 260 JJ» u.vSP. 8 wanted at improved rates MAXWELL * CO 61 William a t conttrofPhie, P < i^iit^ ,t '5j A BAROAIN-A firttrate Refrigeratrr. mi andofcoBveoJent size. Applj at 166 for Cnurchsteeples, aauper— B^eiSaoW?* "* aa»» ' ••- i. .••ir-t.- ». t BMTTD. L^SffifB^^t^ A 1K9 ,; ™P * * • * » who ha* a thorough knowledge of tstoin^a anSata?! ^ l S « w i a g B o u t ^ o ^ n . ^ f ob ret^ubtolS n ^4fc k i2!K5!: *' C « ef * « Ctort in a y ^ M ^ ^ f t J^L*9»*« or w e««India buameas ?-iL k 5 -6d ta Cooga street, and is rentedtora Mra of JflfMf AI5P* et * ti0 tenant, at t l 000 per asnam; ihe nU * no P ront " wi " «* asaRnad to tbe lender sa additional ^ ^ Addraas W. *V, box 993 LHterPoBOme* T O L E T OR TO BOARD .—A small family or a row single gentlemen may be accommodated with sonte fine rooata, furatohed or untarmshed, with or withoct noard, by applyingto21 White at. Js23 R E M O V A L . - J O H N H. BOWIE. Currier and Learn, er Dealer, ha^ remaved to No. 29 Jacob street, eat door from Frankfort street, where he ha* always on hand a variety of LEATHER, suitable for .'tool and Oboe ttatttsB Saddler?, Harness mafcereand Bookbinders. Boot Legs and Foes, sad Oa: Leather of every doner rp. ttoa.,.., f '. {i tohaorf J OHM A. *O0IRSOR»*Wee*a*Bna atreet. Wholesale Grocer and Coaum-«oi Mntrhmrf, Would ibe butt ofeOO barrel*. . - . . . , any gtf N OTICE.-Tne co-Pariacrthip heretofore tabsUt JSS,*****" •*»•' •rnlnimi A Luks Is dsattlyed mv»'f «SBO C BBBBMAN ^•^•WUOproaartytoibe dSubtoihtosnasnaa. ArWy" Wk A. TUAVEB, »* B^woty, or .ub^a^Vb^«ad? laee * , ^•r^dT^B-tr*. Alao-A large font of new re! type, aad a (oat «f th e seme wi in stereetyptog one work. Akm^nasaU fbato of ait., or suction sales. I | f BT WM. H. JOffES, ' .RtKsaNo." tireet,wt«*» WM. H. JONES hat . Sales Room, N o . » Broad arraagamtat toattcad to the rwatnata m aW its branches. He whl at usual give hit personal sfFarahure—the property of persons R E A L E S T A T E , aad all deaenptioaa i •ty ajto oevjagl tales attradsd to with psnetuaiify i A Regrttcr kept at the sale* room fortao daajtwR of property at Pnvats Sale, free froaa jeJaajgA. - AT PRIVATE SALh—A t»a| r t*-;. aad lot, with dormer window, k, N . J., one of ihe finest sMes m A S au>7 bams house aad lot p ring st», in t he vrfiage of Sirg 8 irg of BBtl 4 lots60 by 180 feel., avenoetothe vHf 18 "ou m the vifawte of Ferry. Champagae W m e - 6 0 0 Madaira W ine—SOCdox choice old M L 8herry Wine—It5 do pale aad told I Port W i a e - » d o O l i p J S r **»*" 1 TEX AS LANDSforsale or in exchange for goode. — A tract of laad, containing 4690 seres of arm rats cotton anu tagtir land ia Colorado county oa ths ' Bernard River, betwoea lth» Braatot ft»*rt, both of which an aangabJe for J hosts. Thu tract consul* of high pleaiy el Umber, tad isys t-ljoii W Thatcher, Etq, from which wan t bales of eotton to raw acra;;tiUa farther particuiar* inquire at that efirbif aaoriaagemi Word, worth ahoui JafJ U& MaatonLaae. _ iRAWBB^iat.sie^foraatoby ALLBV, STANTON A CO, 51 Pam at, _J MO»TOM L < a t A R T 1 -The Ju'y number of l ' ed, and Is one oi the most Coatents-1 Trai Bookstore. 3 Ben Price, $3 per JyUBas* M R R T M O S - 9 0 .-i a -R 6-4 rriiqM.ataprunont of i i - ^B^BB, Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

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Post on 01-Dec-2020




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Page 1: In The End All You Really Have Is Memories 10/New York NY Evening Post/N… · HTSOD, Young ilyaon.Hyaoo Sxln, Gwpowder and Im perial, a!ao Tery fine flour Peceo awl Pooebong Tea


or* do

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a*sVJ*B^^u*)OgH , VieePreft .

• • i * * * * * n i l l E H E S Bt I N S L ' t t A S C B C O M P A M Y , « «

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*kjfc^f «M¥.s • • -,v :*' S laaco;.,, •...».••••* ««" do* . .-.' . . . . .• • i• *avea U8 t~a . • • » • a * • • * amafijsa?

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to day, and the v*-very mitertai. North Americans"! oat

blinder the price of yeatoTday.— toll.ii jMaa*.J> ™J?° »*•*

i, ?Winelre. t.otwisrt«te^li»tetplru. * - ' • ' - • "

riO#iflf!—;" .T": TT"l'' '"„'../.''" w* • J P I L w^.uJkMkv>r4««»••• • • • • • • • • • • T

l 4 » P W U W p . U , W 7 » » .

f R M * .P-IM.*** ••>*•»» •**t da iFWh.WUmlnjWofc.Bah. , . .

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magebnFtoa. a*R

;MA Jacob Drake Stephen ABetl ** John Leonard Smith W Anderson O.iver P Hewlett •• Ssinuel Demilt < Joho WUaon CortwlhMWUwrenee. Frederick C Havemeyer Peter Sharpe Saniuri at Thompson Franca T Laqneer

DIRECTORS, • &9t£4 J - •-<*'>** ,

Job* B Towoeeod Effingham Towosend llerwyt'OeBhoui W » M f t * ' » ».-«<»(*»•*,

d P Carman tfjttjiflno". :

aSmith ' " WlU'em * Herritnan

Herrick APPentz. IB, Pre#klent

lyM lads

. :

5pF Mil

time la America . Balwsy Practice to I779-

Jacob Wylto.. .RrR'ekeley. MiaH Chfcnco'G.•••••••••••••••••«t.Hisd

To which wnl be added ibe Farce 01 -.,,,, CROaeiNCTHfi LINE!

Waaverakaa Vnn Broom. Btakeley WouterVbn Room. . . . .Gate*

^ w B e H S • S * L ' . r " » J toMoaeop . PomonaVaodcrtvUler .Herri.« •••••

,r* apeo at 7*-Curtala riae at So'stoe* icea of Adini*sloo;-Boxes-7octa—Gallery 26. POSPFONBMEFT ON ACCOUNT OF WEATHER, the Grand entrance from Broadway to the Saloon is

at a me-

S A L O O N . 18<0-tbe eutertaia-

Niel Gray, Secretary

a* n • 3 a 1 * general aaeortmenr of othiargepda in hie Bne, for aale 00 reaaoo^bte tennn Hk atoek cooau

• y v

Inttre and


jyABBBNOWUe. . Brana, Aaaa BarmmU-Mr Erana

b nflaw Fowls, Mlea Poooiaton. «—.— — i f - u i , ;rnm UATMU—Mr* Morreil

V t a W a « r ^ n a ^ V i l J o « h e 7 D o n * iJ'**?«i«T. J A Grace, J Fan SpreeklenaeOj WPiearU,S A

goTannah—lira P Wthberger, , •ajaaawMI) Hka BenariUe, MUa

Coot, »<—. *!»«*; Mr JlBc^aaoo aj:U

]onTeTllaaier. H T White, T Oar J-


Mrl Ww+rt^t*aorrao(J«r» Da IIIIn ttHiilBdii f-oolr, ataaia,

wpaj tpf ihe toUowinf, »la: 1.1 . »-•; VftJ . v . - • fe« . . ,

HTSOD, Young ilyaon.Hyaoo Sxln, Gwpowder and Im­perial, a!ao Tery fine flour Peceo awl Pooebong Tea.

Very oitl GoTerninent Java, ManiUa and wiW African Cef be. Loaf, Cruahed-aiMf Purrerixed Sugar; St trout end r.'•*-* • "s» • •• ; >^ .

lujiiauou Engiuh Cbe<-»a. Mt Madeira, Falaand Brenn iSherrr, Port and oiber; Wbaaa, J» bottteaaud oo.draft.-Chaapagoe Wine*, in o,;a and pta, of approred Branda. OM thamfaano andCgeac Brandy. Superior Scotch Ale andlJodoHPbrter. Fer^abeOWIIafaDa Segal a, with a aeneral aaaprtmeat of Spices, Ae. Ac.

^t tVw York, Ju'y U.IMO- jyUton I I I R I O . V S > . ICNTt .K9fKN*S N A G A Z I K E %3 AND AMERICAN MONTHLY REVIEW, Edited by

' Wia. B. Burton. C.ntenuofthe Jury Number, Vol 7, No. 1.

• Artdaaun'a Walk, en. ibe Banks oi the Tbaujea at Oalord, EngUadi ilJuatrated l>y an engraring.

A Sail in Sight; or, The Beseue, by Mra. Tremayne, New

Tis Sweet. A poem by A. F H., Philadelphia. Fashionable Beneroience, by U. 8. Paaon, Esq.

T h e Past, by John S Duaolle, Kaa , Phila.lelpl.ta. Autobiography of an Okl Savoyard; translated freca the

' French, by a Lady of Philadelphia, July; A SonueL The Jewish Maiden ; A Tale of (be CrmaabVs.

. J* Macdtog.J Hoeaar.S M Baxnea, BPoorne,

"Tnifirki^oraeSat from CharVstea-MlaaeaF HWood bury^Voodbt l ry ! 9 B*>rdon.« A WeM»n, B Daw*»n,

y and. child,

m, BGarcheU Yoajaa J Stater, B J«*eavJ %*"%!*> C WeBnner, V JoSn

^°Xr^'S?fe NkBBati PMa*nik » * Rider, J a N Swai; Yoaja»>Sw»w»«#, son, AiPiaw-AOd 34 peerage

MARRIED, Min iost. by th*

Kil l s , yeangent

R^AV,°S^fonWa" clfy.'

masDrKnoji, J P tUughter of the late

lost, by tbe Re» C J Carter, • -. toMist MLLBMOB

daughte'r of Jamus Carrey, B«| , el PMls-

«bam M uu Mr PWLIP DEDMOKDS of Low-•U,lo WissJbfAN HARRIET WILLIS; Mr THOMAS S KDMO«lnWL<*waU,»Mla* HARRIET SDSAN WIL I r*. TM, w*degrowu were twin brothers and the brides

i«r J«we, i8*A by the Be* Samoa* D Fnco* JUHN M SHERWOOD, to Miaa MAR V II OG-

DBta* both of this etiy. Hy the Re» W Geo Miller, afternoon hat, St

the summer residence of A W Tiirnb'ill, East Chaster, Mr JOHN B CORLIES, to Miss II vNNAH TURNBVLL, all of

1 c . ix • ' • :

Y ' l B L O ' S O A R D E N A M D I K -TBDS EVENING, J U l * M, menta wiH commence with Z L I * ? T A 8ONNETTE DB WJIT. Cefflgnon, an Apothecary Jerome Rarel Darid, Clerk to the Notary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Anto tne Rarel J^eqnarde. . , . . . \ » • . . . v ^ f . . . .PrancisRarel ^ a o i s i o i , . . . . . . . t , M ^ M , , M t . M . . . . . . . . .Joseph Rare!

M'me Coqaard, M'ine Jerome Rarel Seraphine, M'me Antoine Rivel.

Ao loteruiiasion of half an hour far Promenade and Re­freshments.

To conclude with the pantomime of _ _ M DECUALIIMEAT ! Q,LuFeteau Village. Efficient officers will always be in attendance to preserve

order and prevent tbe admisakm of improper persons. Oaantbntaee will run to and ft oin the Garden durma the

Etentnaj, ^ a at 7—Entertainments to commence at eight keta 30 cents. j y i l

N R W R O U T E T O B O S T O N .

' » U NORWICH AND WORCESTER RAILROAD. [From the Bast River Steamboat Place, hot of Beekmaa at J

The steamboat NORWICH. Captain Coit, will leave a* aboveevery Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday Afternoon, a|So'etock. • •••• •

The steamboat CHARTER OAK, Contain Sanaord, wdt leave every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, si60'clock.

Passengers will leave, on tbe arrival ot tbe above boats at Noiwich every moruing, in the spiendid Cara of the Norwich and Worcester Railroad Company, and proceed unmaasstaly lo Boston, without change of cars or baggage.

Freight taken for aU tbe above places tul within one hour of th* departure of the boata. . . . . . . 4 ^ ..

For funher information inquire of j>!4 B A * d W C O B U l E S , a 8 ? P e a r i > t .

H A U T P O H O ANI> N E W H A V E N S T K A a S

^ • • ^ I ^ J P k ^ b ^ R O S C I U B , C M R , Collins, 1100 tons burthen, new line of packets, will

S i of July, ber regwlar day. „ j The sccomaandatinas of this ship Cat

oabiB4and steerage passengers are unequalled for d\»ur, comfort and convenience of passengers ; persons

a nnyn v^gnm smnsjp


deanous of embarkwg by the above ship are requested ar!y appucation on board, foot of Wall at., or W . & J . T . T A P S C O T T \ 4» Peck sap.


B O A T L I N E . Fromibs fox . f Beekuian



a l * at 4 o'clock.

~ at <

Ci A S T I i R U A R O B N - G R A N D PKOMEiSADK /CONCERT, (aUMuaard.) H. MARSH, proprietor ofthia well known see broexe

. jsort, respectfully informshlf be wilt ileve;e three nights 0 amusements, viz "

r,.*°f.,.» respectfully informs hisjjatroua and the piibke that

BIRD. Mr. JACOB V AN DBWATER, who was so much injured,

by the accflfnal disehargo of a cannon a' Brooklyn, while r-gagTil ba filing a salute on Friday hat, la honor of the Vice President ol the United States, died Isst evening, a- 7J o'clock, eftsr 1 alieatly enduririg the most intense suffer lag, leaving, a aifc aud four young children to mourn his

0.1 M»day, 13th inrant,Mr. THOMAS WHITE,aasd 81 vearv, foimertyof tniael y. Funeral from tbe residence or A . A. Reanseti, at Ihe WaUabout, hi Biookly a, this Jay a 3

° A* Pvufhkeeosie, EMILY, djughler of E. B. BaHev, of

* At C?Bvaland, Ohio, on Saturday week. Mr. THBOPBI LU 4 R- BLOOMER, former ly of New York-

Ou board iba brig Malaga, during her pa-'sage from Mo­bile for i h * port, H O W A B T D A. MILLER. 1st mate.

Ar Ruing Bun, Philadelphia, on 'he 9th of July RICH-ATO T S k O T T , aged 49. firtBerty ol this city.

At ikuaternea, UMei Coun y, ou 13th instant, MABY 11VISGSTON, daugotcr of Philip 1. Rearney, aged two months sad a half.


JCIV *'f\ r m » sno seta I hich wu r Tuesday W^ahesdaj I

4 40 4 41 I

3> 10

1 8 54 9 30

Aft Alt


Now Yorlf, Baretow...June 7 T Slddons. Pa'mer.. . June 13 Cajibr.dga, Bursiey, June 19 Roscoc,HutU«tton, Jane 25

l i t fo i lon T *r rnt.1, GriiwoM... June r | Weetmanster.Moore.June 10 Steaansnip Britiah Q.usen, Roberts. July 1

Havre Eoaoaald, Howe . . . J a n e 1J Lo Philttppe,Castoff, June3

ARRIVED THIS FORENOON. Brig Casper Hawer, Adams, 3 da an Matanzjs, with sugar

to Spoff ird and TUeatoo. Brig Biomi. Waite, 15 'Is fin Miracaibo. with molsss^s. to

Bsucbaed * Tbebaud. Left bark Cora Warner, for Phila-delprdsinior id\ the enly Am. vessel in port. The aeh Basiiier, tor NYork, sld 5 ds before

Sch anaconda. W"um9- 4 da fm Washington NC, with naval stores, to Bryan: tt Maitiand.

* h WilHam, Burt, *da fin Virginia, with pine wood. Stoop-Olive, ,J Jays fui Virgiuia, with apples, to tbe

master. "*AU.ED-ship< Virgiola, Harris. Liverpool; La Duchess

deOrleans,Rashsrdtew, Havre; Napoleon, Jam«a' River,

ARRIVED YESTERDAY. ShlpFrancU Depuy, Forbes, 44 da fm Liverpool, with

3000 sacks bah to Goodhue £ Co. 218 ateerage passenger* June28th, Huch MrGeliogan. seaman, fed overboard and

waa drowned. The F. D. has experienced continued west-

Br ship St Patrick, Johnson, from Cork, sailed COih May, in ballast, to Pickenglfl A Co. £Q? ateerage passengera.

- Marseilles, with wine,

5 ds fm Savannah, with cotton

BritUani, Hepburn, SO da fm to G Cogswell

"Brig Augu sta, Sherwood and rtce,»tkurgas A Cte«tiB»a

Brig Cordelia, Sherwood 6 da On Charleston, with cotton

Steaii'b.oaiGen T a o n , (Sp>Belar, fin Havana, and 4 d.-f«C4aariaseftn,inbal'aatlo JBLaaaala

BrscbMary Evans, Ve»ey,6 days fm Bermuda, with a an imiiy of old cooper, to Tucker A Uuries

Sch Leooiitie, Kaapp, 5 ds fm Richmond, with hour and loiMoeo, to Alen A Paxaoo

BsnCaroahe, March, 3 ds Im Newbern, NC. with naval Moras, ID R Woodhull.

Bah A B Hale, Oh we. 3 ds fm Boston, to J Atkins. BwhEuiulou«.Sui4U.6 isiin Boston, to the master. Scb BCtuus, Niekeraoo, 6 ds iin Boston, to the maater. fch Page,B^aett,3d« fm Bo»ton,to E A J Henick. Sch Trfo, Nickerson, 3 ds fas Boston. w B * J Hemck. Sch Abbott Lawrenee,Muker, 3 da fu> Boston, wuh mdae

W Bargee Grampus, Drake and Dolahia, Yapp, to Phflad viaCsaal. with m-lae to Thomano A Nelson

TuTse posida, Eashw, 36 hs fu Hi.liad. with muse to J

MEMORANDA. Paesad dawn Vineyard Sound, on the 9 h, ship Ocean

Hargcr fuiPacrio Ocean, 1800 bhls spoil, for Naniueket. Oatha 4 h , ahip Alexander Coffin, Congdou, Pacific

0 - . for Nantucket. 2000 bbls oil. Alette* iro*Cant Nye, ol ship HeraU, of New Bedford.

dntedDec IS^renona ber in lat35 fon 140, bad taken 90 bbls-WAitetter1ron.fCapt Ctiriarlao of ship Frances, rf Now Bed, s ^ ^ > h a » ^ C a p a B o « , 9J daya out, with 120 bb» apaaow- _

t>mI ADKLPIHA. Ju y 13—A* bark India, Watson. 9 da *.^ttwv^»; bsrklMarfertne. Shanktouid. 17 Jay. u ^ Trtoj; daddV Cuba; bssh Ant* Beywotds. Dusae, arcan ajp^on; bafkV«i»a,Wuaoii, New York; brb St Uvsawse , Taller, LBA*BTtB»BB, Jnry II—Arsch Sophia, Jooes, fm Dema-r»ra; v h atehatrV fm ihe former !>ort J);h June, sad 11 da fm tbe sBeer to the Gnaws.


Hurrah for Love 1 by C. Donald M'Leod, Baa. A Ct ulae on the Mediterranean to 183i and 1SBG, by Thom­

as C Porter, E t a . Pea nsyivania. Catullus ; or, The Lithographed Cily, by Judge Trem

per. , . „ ,, .. Tbe Uat Sigh of thaMoor, by J^P.,MU , . Concerning Ariatoeraciea, by Ashbel Green, Junr. The Bower ; A SooneC * Life along Shore, by Wm. E. Barton. Ou the Dca.h of an Infant, by B. A. D . Books Appreciatedf A Literary Curiosity, Translated

from, tbe Itaaan of Qasporo G*t«i. by M L . B. Other Times ; To a u Compagnon De Bal," by Charles

W. st TU .-inoson. Philatlelphia. Comparative Population of the Ancient and Modern

World The Moss O'ergrowu Reek by the Old Ruin'd Mill, by

E G. Mail;ry, Esq. Chapter of Science and Art. . (Jmnana Review of New Books. EM B ELUSHMENT. - A fine Steel Engraving— Addison's

Walk TERMS—93 per annum, or 73 cents a single number—

Published monthly—delivered in any part of this City and ttiooklyo, and sent by tbe earnest marts to all saris of the United States and (he Canada*, by the PubUaher.

JyU aSRAKL FQST, 88 Bowery. . S T A N D A R D MEDKALWORKS. N«. «.—J.* H. G.

1 i 9 LANGLEY,Bookaellera,a7 Chatham street, havefor sale tbe following works—

Paioe's Medical and P lyaiologiealQomuieniaries, 2 vols; Dungtiasoo's Human Physioiogy, 3 vols ; Gregory's Prac­tice, 2 vols; Laonnec on Diseases QT the chost ; United •*»trs Dispensary; Coopei's Medical Dictionary ; Chiity's Med cal Juriaprudeuee; Lewis, 00 Fever; DuagUsaon's Medical Dictionary f Grosa'a Pathetoi foal Anatomy; May-guer'sMidwiieiy; Bell's MedicalUqrary; Wiwar'sAuat-rvmv ; Celci Mediciaae cum notis Ed Melligen, MD ; Dr. Copland'* Medical Library : Dr. Clar ; on diseases of Fe­males ; Bell on lite teeth ; P'umbe on ihe akin ; Rush on the voice; D^wee'sMidwtfeiy; Curiosities of Medical experi­ence ; Macintosh's Practice; Eberle's Practice; Hall en Dngnosis; Peck's Medical Jarisprudence; Chapman's Thorapentice; Cooper'sSuigical Leaurea; Paris'Pbar-ma^olosia; Thompson'a Coimpi cm* ; Wilson's Anato­mist's Vade Mecum; D-; wee's ou Females; Parish on Her­nia; Dublin Dissector; Stokes on tbe Cheat; Barns'Mid­wifery ; Walker's Nervous System; Paxtoti's Anatomy ; Doraay's Surgery ; Abercroinbie on tbe Drain; diiio on tbe. 5 omach; 8 «eetseron Coos u notion ; De wee's 00 disessea of children and Walker on Intermarriage ;. Walker an Women, Ac. By. j yU

PR E S I D E ASTRONOMY—Just received in a handsome case, resembling a quarto volume, orna­

mentally b-iuodand gilt, the Beauty of the Heavens, a pic-toiial display of the Astronouucal phenomena of the tlii-verso: cooaiKbii ol elegant and accurate represents-tjona of the principal c installations of both hemis|>heree ; sjagnined phases of the sun and moon, and separate por­tion* of them : oftha eaith and otner planets, and their sa-lelLles ; interesting landscape iliUKlrauoos of the most im-pqrtsr.) celestial and terrestrial phenomena, such as eelip sea,p*rbe'4a. tainbiwa, clouds. A ; ,and numerous iilus-traiw>Lsof the theories of the fixed stars, asteroids and ne­bulae , the solar system ; tbe laws of planetary and come-tary inoifon, Ac Ac ; comprised in one hundred'and four beautifully eelered scenes,OB separate rards, accompany-ioga familisr le'tureoo Astronoiiiy, by Charles F. BI001, Lecturer on Astroaomy ; author of "Tbe Wonders of tbe Telescope," A c A e .

Imoonedar.d for sale by D. APPLETON A their Literary Emporium, jyl4 209 Broadway. VlAARLBIS C A H . V I L L E , 33 Pine street, is now J recfivfng a very general aa-oruaent of Foreign and

Dome-tic Dry Soods, cousisttng of— Cloths—100 cases of a superior style, containing blue,

brown, olive, invisible green, rifle green, bottle green ; also, black both wool and piece dyed

Double Milled Cloths—10 cases of blue, brown, otive and invisible green

6 4 Merinoe8—50 cases assorted cloth aha es ; also, black of various qualities

Worsted YaiJ— A few bales of scoured Prints SO cases of super dark Chintzes, new and icboiee

potterna for the fall trade 50 cases black ground do on super doth, splendid

patterns 100 cases of 2 and 3 colored, comprising dark and

light ground v ; approved patterns 20 cases I 4 French Plates, small and delicate pat­

terns, assorted pinks, purples aa«l green, war-- ranted last % cases of very elegant London Chintz Furnitures CO cases of extra super Cbtnis and deini Chintz

Furnitures, cofoted and dari ground, well as sorted

50 cases of super and medium blue Prints, small arid large patterns, war ranted all indigo

Bleached Shirtings— Viz. extra auper Long Ckxha Do do Do do 83inch

New Y'ork Mill Shining, both old and iuipioved style Coided Skirts—Superior qua'iry and extra size both white

and co'ored Apron Checks—4-4 super Indigo Checks 7 4 Ticking—A lew cases of this unusual width,of very su­

perior quality Umbrella Cloth*—30 inch with broad salvage Chainbraye—10 cases of ploo and white for the Southern

trade Jeans—10 c u e s of heavy mixtures Gambrooii

artels Drilled Silesias—Cons: sting of all the desirable shades of

color cream, canary, buff, pearl, drab straw and black

Do 5 cases st extra new and improved finish, aas'd colors for ciiy trade

4 4 Wiggins—Of superior quality, assorted black, drab and white

Black Sdeslas— 4 4 heavy superior finish.all of which are offered on the most favorable terms.


sch Shamrock, Cur

^ I C R M O V D , Jury 9 - Ar sch Gen Wsyne.Thomaaton WASHINGTON. NC hOJ S - A r b t V Carter, Braxton,

^Beba" Anaconda, New York; Sarah A Abigail, do; Eliza

''wTLMJNQTOM, NC July 7 - A r sch Gran Maria, Ernst, CUraeoeu Caroline, Henry Chase, Southerner. Ene, and

NYork. * ' D R T , Jury 10— Ar br%Oemvis,OM,H9rtbB«; aeh rdick. Baltimore.

HAVEN, July 10—Ar bark Chinceflor, Ctonte,

Alexandria; Mary^totcb I Commander, Wing

the art of In all its


W A N T E D .

AP R R B O R who thoroughly understands t Phshiowabte flannant Cutting and Draft tag,

..i-.— branches, to act as general Pot etnan hi a eatautishmeet in a weetet a ewyt

who la a PBACTICAL Taaoa, and In every why will bear of a permaoeKt situation, with s Hbe r

OaaawawawBBlsBni hy applying to Mr Joaer-h Lee, N«. 33 a t ^ S a n ^ e C c o r n - r of Cedar, immediaiely.

Ta Apei

I84IT. **14 3t-n T S T T L l A ^ t ^ M O i a R L T a by tltaa vessel wi I please attend to " n o w landed at Murray's wharf

SHAM * D1MON, 61 South st.

Saibscriptiaoa received to tbe _sw and Choice selections •(

Un^rfooa,' Htttortesi, **a%^J^7*'^ Age«a^AMbcwaealotl iera,a»OoWst.


. this week to recreative TUESDAY. THURSDAY and SATUR­

DAY THIS (Titeedav) EVENING. Jure It, with a Promc-

nade Concert, wliicb will take pbee in the open Gar. den, as i; will be so much more delightful than being im­mured to a close and confined room, as visiters to these Entertainments will have the advantage of Inhaleing the sa'ubrious sea breeze and enjoy the proapect o, our splen-

Arrangements has bean made with the distinguished vo­calist Mra GIBBS, also with Mr EDWIN, Mr. ARCHER, and Mr. G JLODfiR, who will during the evening sins a number of their moatpopular Songs, Glees, Ae.

Mr. Loder will preside at the Piano Forte. The Military Band will in the course of the evening per­

form several favorite Overtures To conclude wtih a grand display of FIRE WORKS. Admittance 2j tents; Children under 12years ball-price. jyia i • • . -

VA T J X H A L L G A R D E N S . - P . T. BARNUM "BT rector of ihe Amasementa. •


lu which a number of beautifulSonjis, Glees,Overtures, ifc. will be introduced.

Eagagemeoi for six night only of Mrs. BENNIE, the celebrated opera dancer, from the

National Theat e, Boston; and also Mr. BEN NIB, ihe colebra ed Tambour Major, who will

appear in a varietv of cbancterialie and splendid Dances. MR. C D. JENKINS.

Celebrated Vocalist, and Delineator of Yankee Eccentri­cities.

MR. WHITLOCK, > The King of Banjo Players, and the Emperor of Extravs-

gaaaa Mnsera. MR. BROOKS, ths Popular Dancer from the Southern

Theatrea, inatlomiqus Dance, First appearance ol MISS TAYLOR, the distinguislied

VocalisL Professor GROBB will preside at the Piano Forte. For Programme of Concert, see bills Admission to the Gardens free, to the Saloon 25 cents. Stages and Cars pass the Garden, and will be In waiting

at ihe close of the performances. •• jy!3 r ^ I V O L l O A R D R R AND OR%NDSALOON,(late J. Richmond II ill,) corner of Varick and Charlton sts. Among a great variety of other novelties la preparation,

tbe proprietor ofthia fashionable and elegant place of sum­mer amusement, has the pleasure to announce that he baa made a short engagement with tbefcelebiated

STYRIAN SINGERS! whose perfonnaneeain Europe elicited the mist un bound­ed applause on each night of their appearance.

The Gardens will be opened THIS EVENING, tor Pro inensde and Refreshments Admission 12} cents

Tbe Gardens will he opened every Sunday Evening du­ring the Season. Admission UJ cents (or which Refresh­ments will be given. ^ _ _ J7' * r V l V O L l T G - A R D E N . — O w i n g to ihe unexp'C ed

I. number of visitors en Sunday evening, at this delight. Ail and splendid summer resort, there was a deficiency in th.-supply of Ice Cream for a short time. Upwards of fif­teen hundred or two thousand persons having visited tbe Garden on that evening. We are requested by the proprie­tor to say that air pie arrangements, tar an extensive supply of Ice Cream and other refreahments-of the best descrip­tion, are now being* made, so that there will be no delay in visiters receiving item being called for.. He also requests us to return hia than It s to bis friends and the public for the I bend patronage he has received, and no effort shall be wanting on his part to merit a continuance of the same.

Ci O L O N N A D E G A K O E N - B r o b k l y n Heights, J near Fulton Ferry.



THIS EVENING. July 14,1840. PART t—Will consist of Songs, Glees and Duetta. 1st—A splendid new piece of fireworks called

THE PASSION FLOWER ! 5J-TIIE CARRIER PlGEONS will cross and re-cross

the Garden several times. Rockets with Seroents.

3d—A COHORN 11A LI.OON SHELL will be set off. PART n.

M s . BSLL W 1 U . M1K8 A G R A N D A S C E N S I O N

On the Tight Hope, surrounded by Ftre Works, to a great bright, sad the entire length of the Garden.

After wbicb, Songs, Glees and Duetts. A new and beautiful piece of Fire Works called

THE HORIZONTAL FOUNTAIN PIECE! Tbe evening's entertainment* to conclude with

A GROVE PIECE, representing a Palm Grove, and the name of Washington, In fire, to be seen from every part of tbe Garden.

Tickets 2t» cents each. Season subscribers ball price. Should the weather prove unfavorable, the exhibition

will take place the first fait evening. The Fulton Ferry Boats run all night for 3 cents each

passenger. jy!3 _ S A L T V 7 A T B R B A T H 8 N O W O P B N ,

AT THE BATTERY, CASTLE GARDEN, evry day in ihe week, from sunrise until lOo'ciock at nis'it, for la­

dies and gentlemen. Also, the Public Baths at Desbrosaes street. North River, near Canal street my30

BK C K W I T H ' 8 A R T I - D Y B P R P T I C PILLS. —" I care not bow 1 am physicked, so it be not by the

adventure of a quack, bat advice of a physician, who, I am sure, will prescribe no more for me than may consist with my safety, and need doth require "—Old Divine.

Among those wtio have fett it their duty to record their testimony to the efficacy of this medicine, are the follow ing;— From the Rev. Diodate Brockaway, Pastor of the Congre­

gational Church, Ellington, Ct MARCH 22,1838.

Having suffered much and for many years from habitual Dyspepsia, I have found Dr Beckwith's Anti-Dyspeptic PiUs, whether used as an aperient or cathartic, decidedly better than any other 1 have tried- They axe perfectly safe: and, taken, according to the directions, strength* 11 rather than debilitate the system. Those who are afflicted

5 cases fashionable mixture, a very superior I with impaired digestion, habitual constipation, and distress occasioned by food, will rind them happily adapted to their case, and may take them with gieat advantage. I was so much pleased with them, that I gave away two er three boxes to induce oilier dyspeptics and invalids to try them ; and in thia way the Rev Mr. Marsh and others, became acquainted with them. I have seen quite a number in this town and Tolland, who have used them, and have heard but one opinion expressed; all apeak of them in very high 1 erina. 1 have also known several children speedily reliev­ed of distress and indispos.iion t,y the use of them. A s a medicine for family use, they are belter than any other of wbicb I have any knowledge.

DIODATE BROCKAWAY. CH E A P IRISH LINENS-Received from Auction— 20 cases beat aoft finish Irish Linens, ot neatly doable

the thieknesa of ordinary kinds, got up eipiesaly for tbe London market; tbey )t*> purpuased at enorrooua sacri­fices front tbe e«et of importation, owing tp ihe pressure of the umes. and are otjtied lor sale cheap, accordingly by he qu.iaiity or single piece. Gentlemen 01 families in

warn of such goeds us are seldom purchased elsewhere than hi ibe London market, are respectfully Invited to call and supply themselves at prices ruiuuiia to importers.

Also—Meetings, Tab lo Cloths and Towelling, a large quantity. R * A LANE,

jyl4 II A 18 Maiden Lane

DA M A S K T A B L E C L O T H S , N A P K I N S , « » e . - R A A LANS have for sale an extensive assort­

ment of dam isk and double d mask Table Covers, of every size and quality Also, 5-6 3-4,7-8, and 4 4 damask Nap-kina. 6-4. 7 4, 8-4, and 10 4 Diapers and Damasks; heavy Bamslay Tabic Linen; CM, 6-4, § 4.10 4 and 12 4 Sheetings, of Iiiah, Russia. Sifteiaand Baiasley; superior Hnckabuek and ether Towelling, Diapers, Ac. for sale low, at wholesale or retail, at Noa. 11 and IS Maiden lane.

N B. Knee Btaaketa, Marseilles Quilts and counterpanes, for sale as above. Jyi*.

ST O R E aw B X O R T I M B R , of New Dond street, I.ondon, in tendering their acknowledgements for Ibe

very Sberal support which they have received since tbe opcn.njol their Branch Establishment in New York, would respectfully intimate the removal of the latter from No 20 Warren street to No. 366 Broadway, two doors a-bove the Oai Hon House; where they will conetanttv keep an extensive assortment of new and fashionable articles in Jewelry. P.ate. Plated WareandTable and Desert Cutlery, of the >>est London manufacture.

S A M beg likewise to announce, that tbey will receive regularly, by the steam vessel*, the new patterns as they are produced from their rmnutactoiy in London ; and from die gr-at faciliti.-s afforded by these Teasels,they will at ah tune* be able to execute orders given here, within a couple

368 Rteariway, New York. n A R M l O . I W K . - P h T l e genuine Kr^ocb Carmine

imported by ihe anbaeilhers. For sale whole-le or renuTaTaia&Ber'*' HaRT WFeMrl s t snd office

34 WallmVby D A V 1 D fELT.ACO. J7»« j , ,

KK E O S O T E . — I t 1a well known that Kreosotc was in this country first introduced aed prepared by the

eubeeriber, whoae mode of putting up has.from the begiu-niug to the present day. Ueea considered wpsrfor and Iwjroiea* to it* application. It Is forsale in 1 dracbui b , tbe grom or ^ I C H T ^ A ' N G E ^ S 9 g l ^ a t c Y ,


J7l4 320 Broadway opposite City BofiiaL

'^iWS J g P - l * b e l t s SkauwesJ


3 g S 5 ? *AI -'tSTaW

last ' *fr

86 Front at.

M M boxis Mparhx avnet

TITL FTJTRAR. 98 Front at

variety and quaaty, 1 SPICE—Of every foe aa*a hay . .. K A T i r L nrTNAM. » Frrnw ft 1

r « l 7 » a « S T _ S r K » R O K B - ^ • .** - aaamtor TwriisT

* , f P ^ 7 ^ S ^ q r t s « N W a A A , 6 S 3 W U r « n at-

X a i B c S ' T S B L I N / A T P CAHCOIM HI JNW

t">OU. THE FACE AND SKIN —Among the many and ^ Va^o?Mmtorff^atoei i«st l>Uare«aTeradl^ pub

lie f o r ^ n r i f r t o f the eo^Iex ion , ^™*^J™r eruption from ilw skle, none e«o < J « , * L c f ^ S ^ ?, £ mended as CHURCH'S VBSETABUl-MFnON. I t t o -parts a delicate smoothness fo the complexion and effoc-

flngaand cubxneoos « « e « D j « ^ U « . J * B « * g ^ R ^ 0 , n <

_ . * " »«Bowwor.eetna* " Prate 78 cents per bottle

From the Rev. Abram Marsh, Pastor if the Congregational Church. Tolland, Ct.

M*BCH34, 1838. This may certify, thai having used several boxes of

Beckwitb'sAoti Dyspeptic Puis, J am satisfied tbey are worthy of a lavorabla and wide extended reception by those-tor whose relief and benefit tbey are designed. I have found great advantage from their use immediately af­ter mial*, iu causing my food to digestjand in alleviating severs bdlous attacks, to which oI late years I have been often subject.

I will only add, tt is With great satisfaction that I have become acquainted with tbeir virtues, and that they may oe relied upon as a inndiciae SAFE 10 be ratao by those seeking for relief from suffering anti-disease.

ABRAM MARSH. Many other testimonials of similar import are omitted h re

for warn of roam, which may be seen by calling on the agents

Tbe Pills are pu up inasuperior atyle,in tin boxes,with foil direcUens.

Price Fifty Cems'per box. Those who require & mere active article, are referred

to Beckwith's Ami Bilious Pills. Price Twenty five Cents per box.

A liberal discount made to agents, and those who buy to aeU again. To be bad af H. D. TURNER,

180Broadway,N. Y.up-stairs And for sale by moat of ths respectable druggists in tbe

United Smew. jyM

, blotcnes, tan, r e w n ^ ™ retfona. ltcanbeobmlnedgeooln

CHURCH'S DlSPENSAiV, 189 Bowe^ .ee tnwof SawleAet.

* ^ * * • sBasaiaw Wk 1

r f l H O M P S O I I ' S I O R C R E A M B 238 <coi fier of Park Place) and 579 Br

S A L O O N S ,

a i i assortment of fhtoRuaUasand-

, .xa mme Urn a a a v r a t « l *££»*>!£

* •


These saloons are Ihe Uu-geat and beat fitted up ol any to theeHy.and the creams arc of a superior quality, being made of purr countrv cream. !*»

Motilds of cream of auy atoe aarssaheat at ahort nottee, andsenttoanynart ofihe csy or Brooklyn.

Ca'ivea feet jelly made fresh every day, those who want into, article for aickoesa,can depend upon kariagitai a« •aijairaa^ ^ ^ J7»4 i r v A J I A S K T A B L E B A P R j H B - f t e c e h r e d Bom f_F auetioa.goodsiae.aU Linen— priceaS the dozen. Ta-ble Cloths aad other linen goods in pr»*iM>riiou.

jj!4 B A A L A N R . U and 18Maiden Lane, / - i B O L K R A MORBUS AND StTMMRB < OMPf.AINT V > —Rowand's Compound Syrup 'of Dewberry Root as MajtdBB«gAarairaiton,hav^ disch»rgesotcaatonad by the too free use of fruit, or crude vegetabiat; excesefve warmth of the weather; irriutloo

ssathtol aaaaA or any other c*uae ^janeiaj tadl

ol the moat valuable i there iaao

irntaatog quatty to Re osssptsajuoo, aad it may ba lakes wuh iiat rs aasatf to e e e n ago and coadatua of the ays £ £ fctog awa-oble. * « e-pectolly «ia*Jato for chiUlrU.

For sale by J .^ l»AaV Hoaae drug atare, US

127 Bowery

IN CHANCERY. John B. Coles, 'I

fharies irHalLWIlluun METER'S SALE. H. Tborue and others, I

In pursuance of a decretal order of the Court of Chancery of tbe State of Mew York, tbe following described premises wiH be sold by, or under tbe direction of the subscriber, onecf the Masters of said Court, at

. public suction, on tbe ihtnieth day of May next, U twelve oVtock at aeoo, at the sales room of Messrs. E. H. Ludlow A Co., oumber eleven Bread street, hi the city of Near V'odr. — •

ALL fhoae twenty five lots of land situate In the eleventh Ward of the city of New York, in the b'ock bounded

by Tenihaod Eleventh streets, and Avenues B and C, and known arid distinguished on a map, wituOut case, number­ed 364, filed in the Register's ngfoa of the city and coun­ty of New York, and entitled " map of 240 lota of land, sit­uate at Burnt Mill Point, in the Eleventh Ward of the city ot New York," as lota numbered 111, 114, 115, 126, 137, I R r M t . 150, 151, 152. 153, 157, 156, 159, K0, 174, 175, 17«, 177.178, IW, WO, together with all and ainguMr their appurtenance?; the sakl several lots numbered 113,114. 115, l*,ri6,127,13d, fronting on Eleventh eyeet; the as*I eleven lots numbered 149, 150, 151, ISA 153,157,158,159, M0,17B, 172, fronting <>n Tenth atreet, and ihe eaid seven lots ouUered 174n7i, 176,177,178,179,180, firootfog eh AvonueB.

Dated tb^Sthday ofMailSKL DAVID COD WISE, Master In Chaccery.

mj9 2avrta 86Llbertyst Ths aa'eof the above described property is postponed

iinrM the thirteenth day of June next al the same hour and plnceaeabove. May 30,1810. _

iel6 2aw D CODW1SE, Raster to Chancery. The sale of the above described property is I inner post­

poned uetil the twenty-seventh day of Jane instant, at the same hour and place as above June 13,1840.

je 16 A v D CODWISE, Master in Chancery. The sale of the above described property is further post­

poned until tbe eleventh day of July next, at the same hour and place ae above. June 27m, 1840.

jo29 2a w u D. COD WISE, Master in Chancery. The sale of tbe above described property w pos-pouetl

uoul Ihe 17th day of July, instant, at the same hoar aad •tone aa abov-s. -n>ated July H t h , 1 8 J ) . _

jyl4 2awta D CODWISE. Master in Chancery.



T order of F rede no k P.|Steveas, Judge of Erie County and Couuseilor of the Supreme

Coui t : Notice is hereby given thai an attachment has issued against the estate of Josiali R Dorr and De G a m J J ansa, noa reaideat debtors, and that the same wtil he awM tor the payment of ihair debu, appear ami aucharge such aitachaaen aw wtthin • a -

J ? ^ . f l _ 0 i L ^ l J »

ot this state, and the

ra / smyj . a y l a w . a n d a i e v o n t

> I O R W & l U W t K T ^ t j t o r i t o a ,

l a w t m tor A T " W A B f l * *


oyiock B)".'Freight will not be received within one hour of de-parture. E A A Q W CORL1ES, 2S3 Pear) at.

N. B. AU persons are forbid trusting any one on ac-: count of the above boats or ownets. jyM ,


From tbe foot of Barclay street. iANY, Tneatlay Morning, at 7 o'etoefc.

• The NORTH AMERICA, Wednesday morning,at 7 o'­clock.

The ALBANY, Thursday. Morning, at 7 o'clock.

From the foot of Courtiandtstreet. • The DE WITT CLINTON,Tbla afteruonn. at So.cfock • The SWALLOW, To-morrow afternqoo, at 6 ©"clock. NOTICE—AU Goods, Freight, Baggagej, Bank Bills, Spe>

cle,or any other kind of Property, taken, shipped, or put on board the Boats of this Line, mualbeatthe rial of tbe owners of such (Joods.Freight, Baggage. AC -

P R O P L H ' B L I N K O P S 1 R A M B O A T 8 F O a A L B A N Y A M D T R O T .

The new and eommodioua steamboat ROCHESTER, A. P. St. Joho,master, leaves .the steam boat pier, hetween Courtland and

berty aw, on|WEDNESDAY|APTERNOON, JI5 "'clock. Forpasaige or freight, apply to CROOKE, T O W K S *

CO. corner of West aad Liberty streets of P. C. SCUULTZ, at the office, or on board. . .

N. B. AH kind of property, taken only at tbe risk of tbe owners thereof. -

to make early application to w;a75 .T .Ti

jyM comer Bouth st.

j ^ * " ?OR L I T B K W O L . Pedtet of the IWt Of JB r; " . -

i ^ . A first clase fast sailmg packet ship 4Ml ami j A R B a s above, her regular day. ^ " * " Having very superior accommodaQona for ca­bin and steerage passengers, persons intending to ewL baik should make immediate apphation ha board, of to

G L O V E R a M c M U R R A Y , !>1S . 69 South »L corner of Pine st

jfe PiAbSAUK JrHJit L O N U O J S . .

The wed kaown packet ahip P R E 3 I -D £ N T , G a p t . Cuadwick, will posMively sail cm the SOlh Juno, her regular day, a i d has

handsome accommodations tor cabin «ad steei age pas -sengera at modeiate rates. . . . t j j .

For passage, apply on biard, or to W . at J . T . T A P 3 C O T T , ii Peek alto,

j y ! 4 corner South st. 11 i . . 111 j 1 1 1 1 ,


The new arid commodious steamboat UTICA.M. H. TrusdeU, maet*r, leaves the steamboat pier, between Courtlandt and U-

berty st*, on WEDNESDAY "AFTERNOON, at 5 o'clock. For Passage or Frehrht apply to CROORE, FOWRS, A

CO .cor. West and yberty streetsjto P. C. SHULTZ, st the Office, or the Captain on bosrd.

N. 0. All kinds of Property taken only at the risk of the owners thereof.


at the Piue Orchard, well known as a place . . _ . of fashionable resort, beiaig now open for

tbe leceptiou of visitors, t ie subscriber has established for the summer months, between Catskill Landing and the Mountain House, two lines of Post Caches, for every day, except Sunday.

These lines are ao arranged to meet at CateMU Landing the arrivals and departures of the regular day boats from New York and Albany, and will always be found In waiting at the Landing.

Fare in the Regular Stages t l 25 Extra Coaches and Carriages furnished at all times ex­

cept Sundays, and at reasonable tales from the Office, Catskill Village.

The Drivei s. Horses and Carriages for Ihe route are all selected. Drivers, for their skill and correct deportment, Horses, for their tried gentleness; Carriages, for their strength, comfort and elegance, furnished wi'h breaks and other necessary checks in case of accident.

Catskill, June lOth.1340. je92m C- L. BEACH, Proprietor

T U B R I G H T S O F T H I S P E O P L e b A R E R O T T O B E S O L D t i l


Berths Free.—Supper 3"J cents. The eommodioua steamboat NAPOLEON

Capt. J. W Hancnx, (in connection with the Steamboat WAVE.) will leave the font of

Robinson street, THIS AFTERNOON, (Tuesday,)at 5 o'­clock'

Regular davsfrom NEW-YORK, Tuesdays,Thursdaya and Saturdays:— ALBA NY, Mondays, Wedoesdaysand Fri­days, landing on her {.sasage up and down at the fool of Hammond street,

For Passage apply on beard, or to JOHN BALL, No. 104 Barclays!


The steam boat I L L I N O I S , Capt. C, ms'ock. will leavelhe foot of CorUandt st, THIS AFTERNOON, at 5 o'clock.

For passage, apply on board, or to K ^ W C REDFIELD,

jj!4 82 Cortland! street, up stairs F O B A L B A N Y .

SW1FTSURE LINE OF FREIGHT BARGE?. The steamboat S W I F T»S B It E \ Capt. Murrsy, will leave thefootof Broad atreet. TH18 AFTERNOON, al 5] o'clock, with

the freight barge WBSTSKN, for Albany. For freight or passage, apply on board or to

A. VAN SANTVOORDet CO, 16 South st, or 82 Courtlandt st. upstairs.

&OU. N E W B D R G . Landing at Caldwell's, West Point and Cold Spring.

- — 7 * ^ Tbe steamboat HIGHLANDER.Cant. S. >«r!rSuUSa» Johnson, will leave the p4er foot of Warren S ^ g f i f c s t r e e t , every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, ahdSATURDAY AFTERNOON. at 4 o'clock, commencing April 15. For freight or passage, apply to the captain on board.

N. B—All Baggage and freignt of every deecriptlon.Bank Bills or Specie, pnt on hoard this Boat, must beat tbe risk of the owners thereof, unless a Bill of Lading or Reoefpt is aiened for 1 he same. a8

F O R N E W B V K O . Landing at Caldwell's, West Point and Cold Spring.

g^^m* ^3 The new steamboat JAMES MADISON, ^2*5B3u53»Cantain Cria.> llalxtcad. will leave Warren a f ^ S J B S g s E a r e e t pier every TUESDAY and FRIDAY EVENINGS, at 4 o'clock

Alf Baggage, Packages or Parcels, Bank Bills or Specie, puton board of this Boat without b'-ing entered on the books of the Boat, or reeeipud for, witl be at the risk of the owners thereof. m h a >

F O R P O T J O H K H E P S I B Every day (Sunday excepted) landing it

Caldwell's. West Point, Cold Spring. Flali-kill Landing, New Hamburgh and Milton.

The new and splendid steamboat QCEOLA, Captain Ver dine Truesdell, will leave ibe fooi of Chambers street, every afternoon,[Sundays excepted] at 4 o'clock, comniencin} Tuesday, Marcli3lst, 1840. *

Returning will leave Poushkeepsie eoery morning at 7 o'clock. For passage apply to the captain on board, or to

M M A. D. R. M.\HTIN, 114 West street N. R All goods, freight, bank bills, specie,or other prop­

erly taken on board this Boat must be at tbe risk ofthe own­er thereof. m30

F O x t S I N G S I N G A N D V R O l ' U l i , The steamboat TELEGRAPH, Cam. J. S.

lOdell, Will leave New York from tbe foot of .Chambers street every afternoon. Sundays

excepted,at 3 | o'clock. Returning, willleavnCroton every Morning at 61 o'clock ant Sing Sing at7 o'clock, touching at Yonkers, Hastings, Dobs ferry and Tarry Town each way. All freight and baggage ai the risk of the owners.

For further information, enquire of THOS. E. HULSE, No. 108 West street, corner of Warren or of the captain on board. feio F O R K I N G S T O N A N D T H E D E L A W A R E

AND HUDSON CANAL. The aTeamboat VICTOBY, Captain D. P.

Mapea, leaves the foot of Murray street, every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY, at

5 o'clock, P.M. Returnlngthe Victory leaves Kingston every TUESDAY

and FRIDAY, at2 o'clock,P. M. For passage or freight, apply to the explain on board, or to

CORNELL, BIDWEI.L A CO. je22 101 West at. New\ortt.

F O R K I N G S T O N , T H E D E L A W A R E A N D H U D S O N C A N A L . The Steamboat EMERALD, Captain John

Ketchain, leaves the foot of Murrav street, _Jevery MONDAY and THURSDAY, at 6 o'-

clock,P. M.. aud every SUNDAY MORNING, at 7 o'clock. Returumi the Emerald leaves Kingston every WED­

NESDAY and SATURDAY, at half-past 2 o'clock, aud every SUNDAY, a' 4 o'clock, P. M

Landing at the intermediate places. For Passage or Freight, apply to the Captain on board, or

to CROOKE, FOWKS A CO, corner of West aud Liberty streets. mh5




Tbe steamboat K03C1USKO, Captain D Haywood, will on and after Saturday, June 07r leave the foot of Robinson afreet, (next

above Barclay street.) touching at the foot of Hammond st. (old State PTiaon)EVERY DAY (Fridays excepted) at to o'clock, in tbe morning, and 2 o'clock in the atef neon.

Returning, will leave Sins Sing at % o'clock iu Ihe mom-hue, and 5 o'clock la tbe afternoon.

BeaaMSAsr **»"» DINJJSR ON BOARD, AT 37} CSNTS. D. HAYWOOD tenders his thanks to tbe inhabitants of

Westchester and Putnam counties, for the liberal patron­age bestowed oa bis boat ths last season, and respectfully aolicites conitoiistion of the same. . jy2

O W B C s O L I N E L A K E B O A T S . ' For Oswego diroct, without transhipment. -

. The Lake boat GER ALDINE. Waves the


foot of Broad street. THIS AFTERNOON, .ft 3 o'clock. She takes freight going to Ca-

Ohio, and Michigan, aa wellas all places between here andOswego. '

For freight or passage, apply to T B 7 l ' VAN DEW ATEB. IPO Broad at

s e O R SALE.—The steamboat FAN-NT.efAlbany.boiHatN York for Messrs Peck; frame locust, snd live oak Jersey

plank, thoroughly capper fastened. Engine mule by Al laire.37 horse power, about 300 ions register,has cabin ac­commodations, furnished for 60 passengers. For further particulars apply to WM. WYLLYS PRATT,

jyjj comer Ok! stipend Soiuli aL P O R BALE.—A steam Ferry Boat.

For terms, enquire of the proprietors of tho Catharine and Main street Ferry.

jy iOlm* • M E W Y O R K H O U S E B a B A A R ,

On WEDNESDAY, 15th instant, suction sales will be held aa usual at this establish; nient, to commence at the accustomed hour, 11 o'cluck.

The catalogue of horses Is open and fast filling up with a variety of good horses amongst which are a number of well matched pairs and first rate saddle nags.

Also, a pair of seeing horses, ktod and sound and very faM— sold by order of the Siierltf. <

Also, a handsome cream horse, gentle and fine. Also, a pair of good carriage horses. The sales will commen:e with new and second hand

wagons, barouches, sulkies, harness, saddles, Ac. . Gentlemen who are inclined eUher to buy or sell will

find this a desirable establishment, at which* to trade af­fording all the racifilies required at such mirts. -

j y l ? WM.COWAN.31 Crosby at. B 3 R A N D Y , G I N , W I N K S , O L I V E OIL,, I f FRUIT, Ac.-JOHN DUB AND A CO. offer for talc at No. 107 Cedar s u e e t - • - -


^D VforSB^8sW^ ' IMAG1XJRY CHAMPAGNE, 2d ptoor.


Do do do —COMET BRAND. - / f J , E »-BORD'X PRUNES, BRANDY. FRUIT A N R Z _ _ f S * _ BOLLAND GIN, ERIN BRAND. -^t A ^fe L * O T "

F O R L O N D O N . ^ ' ' Packet o l ihe20:hof Jul v.

The first class packet ahip P R E S I D E N T , JgSkvCapl. Chadwick, will sail as above, her ragu'ar

Having very superior aceo nmodattons for cabin and steerage passengeis, persons wtohms to embark fhoukl make immediate application on board, or to

OLOVKR ot M c M U R R A Y , j y l l cur. Pine and South streeta.

F O R H A M B U R Q . T o sail on the 15th mat,

_, The first mass new ship W A L E S , Watts, i £ ^ ^ m a s t e r , wi I positively be despatched for Ham* RsaaC. burg as above. . .

f o r the built of 100 bales cotton oh freight, or pas­sage. Invmg hue accommmoditions, apply io

j?IS L». H. ROBEH-TSON. 169 Maiden lane.

t ^ tflyetodk mthe afcottatwiwH '* * Furniture—A large aasortnaem of new and secoav>t>

' Wardrobea, marble top pier end centre tables tafted,

curled maple and fmnev chsh, [field bedsteads; scroll dinuut and tos

double and aingre counting house snd office desks Bos ion rock ing chairs, toilet tables, waahstands , 4 c ' A b o % superior piSeofortea. •••" "' •"'' -'

Carpeiing—A large aasoritnent of new grain and Venetian carpeting, ruga aad matting.

Laaapa, &c—Also, an elegant asaoitruant of aawsl and a m t a l Isaasn, fwamtolea, ivory cutlery, glass, ehi, < l | lB ) . ' : , ,.,J »,

,. M O N D A Y . At 10 o'clock at the auction room.

i y " r ? t M L ^ , ! y y jW^B^aarAl asaortmeat of cahw Bet and houawholi furniture.

- i T U B R p A Y . J n J v M . At 10 o'clock, at m Pulton »t.

PawahroWe Sale—A large asaortmeat of Hire, deemed pledgee, which have been pledged A . year and Upwsrdato B J Hart, e l a P e a r i street


F U R U E i l A R A K A . (Passage Only.)

superior, Jast sailing, copper _ The superior, fast sailing, copper i&jkvbrig O P U L E N C E , Robinson,master, 9 K i m m e d i a t e despatch for the above port.

fastened will have

f o r passage, passengers, a} ply to

jyio ,

fine accommodations for ten T . S H A I L E R 6t CO.

88 Wall st.

FOR S T . J O H N S , N . f . Wanted tbe bulk of SOU bbls freight, to com •

plete a cargo of a new vessel bound lor the a-bove port, to sail on Saturday* Apply to

W M . J . M c K E E & C O . N o . 71 Wall tt.

FOR N K W O R L E A N S . Commercial Line—Warranted First Regular Packet,

Wednesday Ihe 15th inst. The superior regular packet ship N E W ­

A R K , D . W . Souilard, master, la now load. ing, has one half her freight on baud, and will

clear as ab >ve. For freight or passage, having superior accommo­

dations, apply lo tbe captain on board, at bulkhead, be­tween Murray's wharf and Fine at. or to

D U N H A M & D1MON. 61 South st. Shippers by this vessel, will confer a favor, by send­

ing in then- bills 1 aa early as possible. jylO

FUR N E W O R L E A N S . ' First Regular Pacael—Louisiana and New York Line.

The verv superior,coppered and copper fast­ened packet ahip M I S S I S S I P P I , Captain Cheater Hihiard, having a large pari ot her

cargo on board, will sail as above, bet regular day Fur balance of freight or passage, having handsome

furnished accommodations, apply on board, al Orleans wliaif, loot of Wall st, or to

jy E . K. C O L L I N S & CO. 56 South at.

F O R S A V A N N A H . Old Established Line—Regnlsr Packet of Saturday,

July 18th. The superior, last tailing packet ship C E -

i _ ^ LI A, Capt. D . D. Porter, is now loading and B E will positively clear as above.

for balance of freight or passage, having handsome furnished accommodations, with state rooma, apply OP board, at foot of Mai ien lane, weat side, or to

jylS S C O T T & M O R R E L L . 68 South st. KOf. D A R I K N , Ueo.

The fino fast sailing regular packet brig N £ W £gtoM.JEKSEY, Brown, master.having part of her rBMEcargo engaged and on board, will have ltnmedis ute despatch.

For balance of freight or passage, apoly on board, foot of Beekmaa st, or to

jy lS K. M . DEM ILL, 186 Fionl el.

FOrt A L E X A N D K I A , G E O R G E T O W N A i \ D W A S H I N G T O N C I T Y .

With Despatch, j g - The fine packet schr S A M U E L P H I L L I P S ,

KffijyG. D . Smith, master, is noa loading, and will inke what ftright may offer at low rates, and sail

on Wednesday or Thursday'. Apply to •v',4 J. & N . B R I G G 3 , 34 Old slip.

FOK F R r i D E R l C I C s B U R G . T A P P A H A N N O ' J K . and POlt-T ROYAL—Union Line.

The line packet schooner S. ROCK*dILL, H Walpole, master, is now loading and will .nail as above,

ot freight, applv on board, or to *_ "J. & N- B R I G G 3 , g 4 Old slip,


F o . i S T . M A K E S via K E Y W E S T . A first rate vossel will bo despatched to the

above . oi t on or about the 15th inst. Apply to W M . W Y L L Y S P R A T T ,

corner Old slip and South st.

FOR A l ' A L A C H l C O L A . I bib July.

A good brig will be despatched for the above rffi?j|L 1 and sad as ab .ve, provided lutncientifreight

ifftity.cgjrs. Apply to jy9 W M , J . M c K E E & CO. 71 Wall st.

F u R HA1TMURK, Old Line—Regular Day.

The regular packet schooner E M M A , J. Cole, master, witl sail as above.

For balance of freight or passage, apply on boaid, Orleans pier, foot of Wall st-eet, or to

jvIS J O H N S O N & L O W D E N , 86 Wall st. FOK B A L UMOKK.—Union Line.

Wednesday. Tbe fine, fast soiling packet schr. R O C H E S *

T f . R , Wm. Wise , master, is now loading at pier 12, Old slip, East River,

For freight apply on board,or io jvl3 J. ft N . BRIGG>\ S4 Old S'ip


SW1FTSURE LINE. The Proprietors of the Pwifienre Steam

Transpoi talion Line, will continue to run 'areguiai Line of Barges betweenlbis fit)

and Philadelphia, via in- Delaware and Raritan Canal, during the season, from Pier No. 12 East River, at Old Slip, New York, and Walnut street wharf, Philada.

For freight, which will be carried on the most aecommo dating terms, applv to

J A V BBIGGS31 Old Slip,New York. or to | ARMER PATTON. 46 A48 South Wharves,

jeftl Philadelphia. F O l i . P U I L A D B L P H U .

Swiftsuie Steam Transportalion Line, via Canal. The steam tow barge O N E I D A , is

snow ioading at Old slip, pier 12, E R. For freight, which will be taken at lew

rates, .ippiy to iy 13 J. A N. BRIBGS, 34 Old slip.

FOK P l I T S U U i t l i aad the Far West—via Philadei-phia.—North American Ptriable Boat Line.

The undersigned will forward all goods tent to him,free from charge of commissions, to the far west by the above Ime with despatch

and satety, and at the eery lowest rates of freight. jv8 W M . J. M c K E E at CO. 71 Wall st.

FOR FREIGH'1 OR C H A R T E R . The fast sail ing, copper fastened schooner

R E T U R N , J. Austin, master. Up tons or 900 bbls, in ccmnletu order for a voyage. Ap-

T . S H A I L E R & LO. , SB Wall st.

FOR F R E I G H T OR C H A R T E R . A first class, copper fastened brig of about

1786 bbls bunhen, incomplete order for a voyage. Applv'o T . S H A I L E R ft CO.

jyM E W t M *'• P O R S A L E JJRfeUdrHT OR C H A R T E R .

±JOL The superior fast Tailing coppered and cops Xgffo per fastciibd brig M A R Y B E R N A N D , Cap-TtPtlfr t im Pitcher, 160 tons burthen, built in Balti­

more in 1834, carries 1400 bis. in every respect a first rate vessel, and in order for any voyage.

For furthetjiarticulnrs app'y to.


jylS S C Q T T ot M O R R E L L . 6b South at . j j " F R E I G H T FOR H A L I F A X , N . S .

A good British vessel can have from 3 to 350 jsjg- '-kl- "- ""* bulk thereof, if immediate applica-SgBLtion is made . For which apply to

toll g I R K A J O H N S O N , 187 Front at; ' W A N T E D , **

A good vessel to toad for the Ohesapeak—full i « B . freight and dispvlch g^ven^ Apply to

W M i. M c K E E It CO, Tl Wall at.

FOft S A L E . A fine fart sailing brig of 142 tons, will be sold

tijih low,if mnnetiiate application is made to 3 5 s £ G. F. & J. L. D A R B Y . Broker,

j y l l 71 Wal l st.

F K b i U U T FOK P H I L A D E L P H I A . The bulk of 400 bbla heavy fierjht may he

ob'ained for the above pari, bv applying to W M . J. M e K R E R O O , - '-

t l Wall street. J7 W A N T E D .

_ Two good vessels to load for southern porta. « h » A p p > y t o W M . J. M c K E E *_Cf5 ; .

.' sTOa»32Awa.AKP lIBrrxTOitBTaaaTS

W E D N E 8 D A Y , . A t 10) o'clock nt the auction room,

Furniture—A large and valuable assortment of house­hold furniture. : Comprising elegant Brussels, ingrain and Venetian

carpets; ru^r; oil cloths; looking glasses; curtains; man­tel crocks; lamps aad ornaments; lustres; fire seta; mas fcogany and fancy chairs; sofas, couches; ottomans; side-boards; pier centre tea card work ami dining tables; pin column and drassms boreamn toilet stands and setts ; Fr and highpost bedsteads, wardr.bes; feather beds; mattresses and piiiasters; china, glaas and plated warn; tiWe cutlery. : Afsr-. 4 first rate piano fortes, by celebrated makers;

1 orran; 1 hand ctgan; 1 scraphina; t ladies gotd watch­es; t lever do; t fine gold chains; 1 pah* gold spectacles; 2 diamond rings; and a variety of other article*, to pay advances. S a c positive.

A T P R l T A T B B A L E . Piano Porte—A splendid grand action piano forte,

William Stodait & Son makers, London.

BY AARON L E V I . • S T O S B 151 MnoAOirar. r • <•

B V H E N R Y C O U L T E R , A U C T I O N E E R ,

Store 105 Fulton and 42 Ann streets.

A U C T I O N N O ITOK.—Henry Coulter, aucUoneet and commission merchant, having removed to the large sales rooms, 42 Ann and 105 Fulton st ieeu, is cow prepared to receive consignments of all kinds of mer­chandise and household furniture, andi;furnishing a>ti­des in general.

N . B. Advances made in cash, i f required, on foods consigned for immediate sale.

Auction Sales every Wednesday and Saturday, at 10 •'clock.

Constantly on hand, at private sale, and will be sold at auction prices for cash—

Splendid Furniture—A large, extensive and valuable assortment of second han-l and new household and cab-•net furniture of all descriptiois.

A S J — A sp'endid stock of cily made cabinet furni lure of the very best description—

Comprising fancy, maple and mahogany chairs, side-boardg, wardrobes, sofas, tables, bouk cases, locking glasses, French bedsteads, mattresses, carpets, rags. eil cloth, beds and bedding; also marble top pier ami centre tables, do bureaus and enclosed washstahds, Cfti-aa, glass and plated ware, lamps, clocks, vases, Ave.

A Uo—SO elegant sofas, 14 njuiug seat rocking chairs t sofa beds, 14 dozen French mahogany chars, I piano forte.

Also—A quantity of second band furniture from a boarding house.

A T P R I V A T E S A L E . 5? hair packing tiunks in good order and well wot thy

the atlention of dealers. Rifles—25 first quality Kentucky Rifles, silver moun:

ted. Cut Glass Ware—An extensive assortment, and a

quantity of unout, worthy tlie atlention of the trade. Fancy Chaiis—50 djaen Fancy Chairs at factory

prices. Show Cases—A large quantity at low rates for cash Bud Cages lor Sbippidg—100 nesls , a prime atticle. French Chairs—40 dosen Frenjh chairs of various

pattern*, Maple and French BodVeais—25 of each, a splendid

article. Rofrogeratof a—25 assorted s.ics suitable for butchers

or housekeepers, together with a general asset intent of furnishing articles.

N B—Every articl* sold at this establishment is warranted mad •: in the best manner.

Out door sales attended-to many patt of the c i ty . M A R I S K PAVILIODH, R U C K A W A L

HI B A R C R A N S T O N , respectfully informs tbe public that he has taken the MARINE PAVILION.

Rockaway, Long, and will be ready to receive visi-lois by the 20th June, instant, and sooner if practicable. Tbe establishment will be fitted up in the best posible niacin r, and he flatters himself that entire satisfaction, will be five., to all who may oe disposed to avail themselves of. the advantages of that healthful and agreeable resort. Sub­sequent advertisements will describe more particularly Hie now arrangements made in regard to conveyances, Ac.

Any communication left at the -Oity Hotel, or Bunker's Maofcion House, Broadway, or througti the Post Office, addressed to Ulrum Cranston, will receive prompt atten-tioo. Jyl 2wis r a t H K MERCHANTS' EXC1MNUE CO'FEE ROOM JL is now open by W. B. LEWIS, late of288 Broadway.

Principal entrance on William street, in front of tbe Ex change.

Brearfast, Dinner ami Tea served at the usual hours.— Relishes at all tines. Sjda Water, Beer. Ale, Cider, Wines, Ac. uneurpH^s,;d in quality.

Tho Room is spacious, airy and cool, and will he found a desirable resort for gentlemen of business in the vicinity.

jya 'f

SK A B A T H I S G AT LONG BRANCH—The eub­eeriber inform * his friends and the public generally,

that his hou *e will be openon the 20th inst. for reception of Boarders, with the advaougea of large aad eommodioua rooms aud other requisites for the accommodation of visi­tors—with strict attention to business, and a disposition to give general satisfaction, hones to receive a share of the

Terms oil

A the

„ The

N . B.—Cash advances' tfc L>ryQexws,Qroeorie«.

WKU1NE!>DAY, I5lh. 12 o'clock at the sales room, 11 1

Chancery Sale—Under the du-ection of •saaters m chancery—All that certain lot of land »6a.ward,«iuate/amlhoundedbythe Sd l»th»t, - .^ i** ' »«*«toer lot of land situated m the aame „££** uounded by Nmeteenth street and the Third

C h - K r ^ ^ - ^ - ^ maatara ,n c h a n c e i , ^ ^

An toetcertain iraci akoa er parcel ol land situate in

sale c / lhe Btoo u u i S l L ' ^ f "** YoA> m**~

roods, and « « | perches. Aiso^lnTmi

public pationage. and servants half price,


iboard #6 per week—children

SAMUEL COOPER. • J » V A « S » P A T S i N T I C B B O X E S . - J u s t reeei v-J_U ed from Philadelphia, M of Evans' very superior Pat­ent Refrigerators, for keeping meats, fruit, wine, Ac , cool during the summer, and to prevent freezeing in the winter, will be. sold to families, or Hotels, at reduced prices. Ap­ply to E. II. LUDLOW A CO. No 11 Broad s;.


A H . R O A D I R O N , A c . The subscriber (through his friends in England and Wales} will exe­

cute unfavorable terms orders tor all descriptions of Eng-lieb Iron, Anchors,Chains,Tin l'lales, Ac. Rail Road Iron hirn.shed al the shortest notice, and particuar attention given io shipments, wluch in all cases will be made at the lowest raieaoi freight. 81MEON P. HYDE,

aplj diiiia 61 Merchant's Exchange, 1st floor

100 4 acres, three

!ShSmA Asm, that other piece of land near!, oopses*

hove, containing 1 acre, 3 roods ami A perches Also, all that other niece of land adjoinaai the

above premisea.bemglOB ft 6 ins, and m t h e rear 118 ft • ma.

J Aad also, aii those certain fifteen Iota of land in in the same ward, situated on the Rlooaamgdale road and Stewart street, Ihe said above mentioned and de­scribed premises containing in the whole about 10j a* crea of land.

A snap o f the properly can he had of the auctioneer,

T H U R S D A Y , I t ih . I t o'clock at the aales room, 11 Broad st.

A two stoty frame house, with store attached, and J8 years unexpired lease ot lot, situated at Morrwianna, near the Harlem toidge. The house is 25 leet by 18, with ptosis in front ; store 18 toot by 24. built in a sub­stantial manner ; the 1 jt is 50 feet by 100 ; the ground is subject to a yearly rent of $8 SO, with ptrvitoge of 26 fears tenuwal ot lease at the expiration of the mrat lease. The buOdicfs will be valued ana paid for by the lessor. The house roots for #100, and is now occupied by Lewis Lock wood.

For funher particulars apply to the auctioneer. F R I D A Y , July IT.

At I t o'clock at their aales room t l Broad aL Chancery Sale—Under the direction of one of the

masters in chancery— I I lots of land situated m the 11 ih ward tf the city of

Vom York, hi the block bounded by 18th and 11th au and avenues B and C , and distinguished on a map with. out case N o S.5, entitled a map of tgn lots of land sitnare at Burnt Mill Point, in the 11th ward, as lots numbers U S , 114,115.125. 1£6,127, iS i , 157,159,160, 170 l-'i. 175, 176,177,178,179,180, together with their appurtenances.

t Also -That valuable three story brick dwelling heme situated on the norther iy aide of Tenth st.aext to the corner of Avenue B and Tompk-ns Square ; the •aid house is 25 ft wide by 50 ft in depth, was built by da>'s work in 1837, and ia finished in the best mannar with mahogany doors, plated finished, marole mantles and giales throughout, cornice of brown stone, and cost upwards of #11,000 to build it. Can be aeenaay time previous to the sale. Also several lots adjacent thereto will be positively sold to the highest biddtr.

• M . HENRY,Auct ioneer . BV EDWARD HOLMES.

St re N o . 122 Broadway, (opposite Ctty Hotel.) K. HOLM l£S wi 1 attend to aales of household fur­

niture at private dwellings, and will receive _ furniture at his sales room to be told at auction.

Notice—Fine Arts— E. Holmes begs leave to inform the importers of Paintings and Ungravings.or any other article in that line, or China, Glass, Piano Fortes, Ac. that he has made anangementa tor one ot the finest locations, in a large aud spacious ro-m in Broadway, (or a pubbc sales room, to be especially deroted lor such purposes, and will pay every s'lcction to promote the interest of his employers. N o charge for loom hire.

A T P R I V A T E S A L E . The right of one of the most approved two, four and

and double planetory horse powers for mill or machine sawing, treshing grain or gthiding. A pply to E Holmes, 122 Broadway?


S T O R E 163 P E A B L - S T R E B T .

F R I D A Y . Atv9 o'clock, st the auction room.

C L O T H S , C A S S I M E R E S , Itc.—A general as­sortment of Cloths, Oassimeres, Ves t ing &c,— for approved endorsed notes at 6 months.

T U E S D A Y , Al I o'clock at the suction room.

C L O T H S , C A S S I M E R E S , etc .—A general ass s-uttnent of Cloths, Cassimerci, Ve* lags, I k e — f o r unproved endniredoles n at 6 mo*., redit.

B Y R O Y A L G U R L E Y . Store 169 Broadway—New York Long Room.

T H U R S D A Y E V E N I N G . At 7 J o'clock at the auction room.

A large aad valuable collection of sniscellaneoaa books

t C P R O Y A L G U R L R Y hasreiumed the auction and commission bunness. and taken bis old s'ard, known as ihe New Y'ork Long Room. 169 Broadway , and respect fully solicits n eor.tmuanee of the patronage he formerly enjoyed. The advantage* possessed hy this eligible room tor tbe sale of Private Libraries, Petotiaga and engravings, are well known to all who attend salts of this description, and we hope it wiU continue to be renderrd attractive to tbe reading community, and fe­vers of the Fine Arts.

8 * 4 ftfct 7 to 12

14 to 16 25 feet worn. 18 at 17 Marshal street, 1 3 4 f t 4 s s s

sea atreet » * " w.ft4a*JggflV.r,4J*S

Also 26 lots oa the said map, N a t . tt to 4Bt~t*BgW« ia:lusive. .— • ••— •• -•» •••»»* •—!.".. .-a. - J

Lou 23 24 25, 59 feet 6 mi on Marshal at, berna S t t ' ft 8 ins fm Jackson st. ^

-tram. ' Lou 36 to 41 bemg 311 ft 8 iaehea aa the

aad 410 ft ft tot 17 at anaua.

A t o ^--abl , 'mft K o | l , ^ , h r i**0

sum about 900 was aa id Also the right to buikl or deck out is to 48 — « » o « a i Ahw in front oflot 1

mehea OB LaBR sThkBa *A. wBri leased tar t l years Ry #•!*«§

{? ' * < .

king up Lutle Dock ^ ^ • k - d f B t t B n B J

Also the lot on a amp hy Jereauak Lett. Tans t d is aauexed to a report as man N o t has i a A i i 100 feet on Raymond and 360 froaa B T H ; I * i i--- M b . ,£ ,^t A n *^.^^^^sras.

on Raymond at and

. i

tag Also lorn 10 to 16 176 ft

from Bolivar st. Also lot on said map by N o t HT to 136 ami 111 an

119 being t t S feat on Raymond street and 225 teat eZ M a r y at. «-v»sssWii

Also lots on said map by N o s 140 to 153 aad 2 t t to 929 being 228 tt on Raymond, 200 A aa Ladhywlto ami 269 ft oa Navy s t. ^ .

A l a B l o t a j m « W n t t p a a N o t * being 23 ft from aa Navy at aad 150 ft from Bolivar n . ~

A l a o l o t M l a s t m s a u M e d i a s « b y u » e N o s # 4 a a d t A | t o 2 4 7 , b e m g l a O f t o a N a v y st, d»tarn 174 tern/rem Bolivar kt.

Also lots on last men* oned map by the N o 167 to 164 and 213 to2X1, being 293ft oa Nary st distant 871 fern from Bolivar at.

Also lot* on last mentioned man by the If o 1*7 to 164 , and 213 to 221, being 203 It on Navy -Jackson st. "

Aleo41ota oa said map by N o 90 on Navy st by 200 It.

Also 6 Iota on raid map N o 7ft to 60, l t t B» ing 200 leet on Bolivar atreet aad 76 feet oa street, -

Also 7 totooa said map by N o 35 to 4 1 , and 244.

Also 5 lots on said maa by N o t i l li M l i s a t t s w t l ft oa Navy st. ' * l f S t V f

Also 269 corner Taeaaoa aad Ftoat at, ^ fc.' » A b . o b y i h e N o 2 4 0 , 2 4 1 and 242 beiag oa Boltysrat

72 ft 8 iaehea. ^ ' » * " " 1 * , '

a a f t o V * " ' *** ""*"—* • » ! • hy «a»sfB t ^ W

Also let on menuoaed map by the Mo M l t a t t i Ba--'-

vfttag. !T * " ^ -J a d"6 ' * ^ - * w l » * : . Also lot on last map hy the N e 193 to I I

cing oa the corner Fleet aad Lsfavette sts Also lot on last map by Noa 199,235 a m

northeasterly comer or Lafayette ami Pleat I B»Also the toe oi such parts of Navy, Jai lege, Lafayette aad Bolrrar s u and ins earn half L st aa designated oa last mentioned map o f the treat mm* veyed to Kami Fleet.

Also Ihe lease dated 12th the corporation to lamas B Clark aad 8 ! years, of tht Ferry foot e f W a l a a t tt Now and Jackson s i , Brooklyn, together tnth


f J V I R Co partnerstiip, hereiofore existujg between J. Clmi iws li. Tappui and George W Noble, under the

fi.ui o: Tjppan A Noble, Builders, at Charleston, in the Stilt of South Carolina, wad disao.ved by mutual consent on tne26iU .Jay of Juue last. Mr John S. Jones of Charles­ton, South Carolina, u> authorised to settle the bujiness of the ,-aid tii ai.

New York, Jaly 7th, 1643. OIU8 B. TAPPAN, GBOHGE W. NOBLE

j>81w By his Attorney, ft, TEN iiBCBCK

»O A K D AM T H I S COUMA-U V A low genteel families can be accommodated with Board, in a pea­

sant bea tl.y situation, a short distance above tliu High­lands, o:i tho west side of the Hudson River, four miles be­low Newburg, where ateamboats run dailv. Apply to Wm. A Smith, New York State Bank, or to C. H. Ring, 614 Broadway. jyggw ^ 1 1 It* C K L l l , F H U M B a V A A H A H . Is nowdls-IO charging at foot of Maiden Lane, weat side. Consignees of cargo bv her wiil please attend to tbe receipt of the same without delay. SCOTT A MOBBEL,

jyl3 eftSout!. n.

NOTICBJ—Shippers per ehip HOvVAKI), foi H A M BURG, wiH please clear their goods In the Custom

House, early this morning, and tend their Bills of Lading for signature to the office of

jy l l P. H SCHMIDT'S SON A CO. S3 Wall at. | \ ]OTlCtf i—Shippeisoei brig LEXINGTON, lor AN-l l TWERP, will please clear their goods in the Custom House, early this •aormog, and send their Bills of Lading for sigualuie to the office of

jy l l I> It. SOHMIDT'SSON A CO 83 Wall s t

BR I G SUN from LEG HORN.-Consignees hy this vessel will plesse send their permits on boara, or to

tbeomce of BARBER BROTHERS, 9 Pine street, (Consignee*.)

All Goods not permitted In five days will be sent to pi ' He store. j j t




D R A P E R & TAILOR, 14^ Broadway, Congress Hall,

WI L L hereafter do business for Cash only, at 115 per cent discount from former prices.

l ie is rullv resolved to carry out ibis principle, which will effectually close his door against thai class of indivu-aU who are in the daily habit ofprey ing on the hard earn­ings of the tailor, thereby compelling tiiin ta levy an extra tax on bis more honorable customers, which results in no benefit to the mochanie, while a bears heavily upon tbe honest consumer, thus compelling him to submit to an im­position wluch has been created by the rwaoa* system of credit among the tailors.

He has a choice and expensive supply of the best Cioths. Casstmeres and Vesting*, and flatters himself thai hy strict attention and superior workmanahip, to merit the approba­tion aad pat ronage ol all who may honor him with their sup-* » " • . . • j e ! 6

H. K. S I L L , Auctioneer.

BY C. LEAVENS. Store N o . 6 Pine street, near Broadway.

FRIDAY,Ju ly i 7 . Auction Sale of Furniture, &c.

P R I V A T E S A L E . Several new and second hand iron chests, in good

order, for sale cheap. N . B.—Cash avanced on furniture and other goods if

required. C . L . gives notice that he wiH continue public sales

of furniture Ac . Tuesday and Friday of each week for the remainder of the season, and intends keeping on hand a gcnrral assortment oT Housthtld Furniture, which he will sell to suit the times.

HV JOHxN amWg&lN. J S T O R E N o . 47 F P L T O W S V R S H ,

Consignments of furniture aad other merchandise to the store ; alto, out door, bouse, store and elreet tales wili receive prompt attention at moderate pricca.

T H U R S D A Y , At 10 o'clock,at 66 Hamraord st.

Fvmiture—A general assortment of furniture. AT P R I V A T E S A L E .

For Rale er Exchange for City Property—A Farm under good cultivation, with a great variety of fruit. Ax a delightful for s city family,—a fewaii'es from the city o f Newark, N . J. Inquire al the auction room.

BY W. J. BAKTOW & CO. Auction Room No . 137 Water street.

T H U R 8 D A Y , A l 9 o'clock at the auction room.

Dry Goods—A general asset intent of seasonable Dry Goods.

S A T U R D A Y A l 9} o'clock at the auction room.

Dry .Goods—A general apartment ef Dry Goodr. T U E S D A Y ,

At 10 o'clock at the aoetion room. Dry Goods—A general assortment o*" seasonable Bris

tish and American Dry Goods.

BY L. A. MILLS. l e s s e e D r . U O R R B ' B a d T e r t i a e i u e u t . l a A t

p u t o f t i l la p a p e r .

A P A R T M E N T S T O L E T — I o a rrancUonie three story house, conattling of parlour, trow base­ment, with one or two bedrooms. Also, one or two

be d rooms ta let losing le gentlemen. For terms spply at 91 Walker street. je27

T R A W 9Sm EB witn rooms to let in lbs large baud ing No. 87,89and 91 Elisabeth street near Grand. Its

central location and size, it being 31 by 66 feet aad well lighted front and rear, makes h a desirable location for any mechanical business: it can be ao arranged as to accorn module anumber wishingf&nlt apaitmems.

Also, r« band and fur aat- a bargain, a Bank Vault, in

food condition, with two set of door* and first rate locks tnauireof JOHN G T1BBETS. jvl3 No. 199 an I 200 Orand at

WA N T E D , In a tmaS private family, a good man servant. He must onderersnd house work, and be ,

capable te d.tve end take the charge of a pair of bor» * None need apply, but those who perfectly uinler*ia'-'Beir

business, and nave tbe best recommendations.. „ . , Enquire in Second avenue, second house > e , o w .-""mm |

street, on the east aide, before 8 o'clock - t U e moriuog, or after 4 o'clock' in the afternoon. J? I J

nook -keeper, by a yoaog "" i experience in this'

tine addressed to M.

nffrs A

i j t l i n JBJUJLuiei tuiushed I

. -, . H M ci . .


Also the steam ferry boat called the Star i and machinery.

Alsothetoal house, leaders, gate* ami Walnut aad Jackson tt femes . *

For a more fall descrsptata hsvt i der Wm Mitchell, Master m Chtneery

A T PR1 F A T E S A L R . Country Seat for sale, situated at Jamaica, L L wfjjar

one acre of land or more if n quirer".

t i t

BY J. j?. DlETEKIClav" Store 13

J. P . KeAstiaa —It grrv hat pnraonalatti of Furniture, Groceries aad Real Batata. of Lands aad Houses will be made at Ikp Exchange, ^

F R I D A Y , July ITtlt At 10 o'clock, at Harlrm, between 115th _

Sheriff's Sale—J. P . D . will sell oa Friday, at l d v T clock, by order of the Sheriff, tt Harlem,! aad l t t t h sts, the contents of a newly o tel, consistmg of liquors, stsnding casks, di biers, wincp, cherr.paign glasses, pitcher., beer tajjf cK dcr pumps, bar futures, Ac . Also the trrmrwHhtrai tuie , ccaaittiag of ehaira, tables, softs, carpatt,1 gUtte*, pier and centre tablet, buteaas, beat tn f bedding, bedstetds. wuhhtad to foe and dinner sets, dtc. Also, a kvgo . kitchen furniture, with which the tale wig <

T H U R S D A Y July tSd. At 10 o'clock.

Auction Notice—The subscribe! giy JOHN P . D I E T E R I C H will sell on T H U R the 98rd of July, 1640, at No . 66 Ckeubaaa tfreet,' up ktairs, a large and valuable aasonnteat rrf narrdtttm ed pledges, which will then have been depeaaad tar one year upwards, v i t :

Coats, pantaloons, vests, cloaks, habits, shirts, hattn boots, shoes, umbrellas, paraaola, gowns, ah*wit rata> nanu of linens, superfine cloihs and cast pieces of bombasines, beds, bolsters aad p « -cat pets and rugs, brass keiilts, aadiroaa, flat do, bU- - > quilts, counterpanes, sheets,pillow catea aattaed Btsaa, carpeatara' tools, piciures, Lollowt, tmalu gusset china. decanters, grass es, gte. Ra.

Day ordtTT rtl *

1 H O M A S S I M PEON, Pic eased 161

BY JObLAH K i U x l A H D a . A u c t i o n

BANGS, RicmABiTsa^laiTtt: S T O n E l 8 6 S a O A D w a r .


T U E S D A Y , 25th Augast. and following daya. The next retuUr Trade Sale of boohs, paper,:

ery, ttereotype plates, ate. wiH ttBOBMBBB 6 lo the refsiiatioat, on the &6ih of August next J consignment* are respectfully aolksitoa. ...

T h s tale will be conducted under tho uoat, aad oa the aame Unas at awanfoxi ual cash advance* will he aaada aa tsenate o f

Invoices ahould ha furnished by ths latlTof Jato. when the catalogue will kwaett ukpsaaa. i oaritmiet?

A T P R I V A T E S A L E . , , , • „ * « 600J volumes of W ilhsm's Exeter "

cmg every variety—flOO Buebtb's 8vo—K> seta Scott's Works 6 vols Piano F o te lnsuuator—16 teta . Gallery S vols, supr mot—ICO Nicholas N i 100 Pickwick Paoers—100 Oaver " Cap* Rarryau'a Works assorted, 60 PI 8vo—lOfi Croley't British PooU supr ra't Interpreter—60 Combe oa the C —10 Shaw's Architect 4to—10 Gi volt - tO Ladies Wreath 600 Ptrley1* W i 160 Roll of Books—150 Pilgtimt,Progreat--T6" Delphu,i-9O0 Smqev's Ge%graphy^and Huntington's do do—100 Coaostock's " Bulwer's works 17 volt—100 Criminal T t l e s o f Terror—800 quarto Bibles. School do—600 Watt's Psalms aad otic Piety—10,000 Wehstet'sOUll do Elementary do do-5£© Cobs'* Comley't do. • t B a n k Books—Also, 10,000 quires o f f a l boaad Bkak*, aa tBBHtont assortmeat, of all s t ies .

Paper - A l v «1» « « * qua no superfinej^xed-60 do Bhie Wt P a p e r - ' W r



reams Foolscap ruled _ ^Jtraringt—Alto, J00 lota of (my cotoTat

bexarftoweVP? r* f t< : e .wii l ne promptly attended toi JylMw -__

TED—A girl to do general housework- to » gaaali undoubted reference required. Euqulre at

j y l * 71 W»"

ply to irlS

F O R FKH.IUHT OH OHART*f (VE, A t . The a«w Britith tear S A R A H * i i l accept a

kins, master, 92 tea* or 700 hk Islands. Ap-chitter to any of the



m«TT, IS Sooth tt.


• P A R T I cv «S hereto 3TACE A sgamnr

SJ4»J.XJ^ v

wholesale grocery business will forest 190 Front street, ande> V INK ' '•••?"• « -

' ^ I l i a c h CtojiaJDabre; for

IC ' - • r^^t*t " I * K D BLACK i _

WRel . to load tor Savannah. A first rat' D U N H A M * D I M O N ,

' 61 Sooth s treet . ' _ J ? _ f FOR S A L S . * *

J fine, fast saiha?, copper fastened aad _ /pefed hark W H I T E O A K , fitted out at a

iSpWh^icr, and welt found in every respect. Inven-^ a n be seen at the tflSce of the subscriber, and

Uiil be told oa reaton ,ble terms. For further paritculara, apply to

"'' . « , P. A J / L , D A R B Y , Brokers, jvS 71 W t l l t t .

Dt ' B L I N B O T T L B U P O B T B B . - f w sale, a WVultyofOoiBJieaa *Oo's superior MPD«* r .»

good order, in casks containing quarts and ptnts- The A hove will be soklcheafi m close an invoice, either tor cash

or W--VET r K^O , N b y EDMOND 3 A CO. 34 PUttt « Also for *ale—Store Window Glass, Oases and Counter. j y » 1'

ii i f if | ras-a- - S 1 1 1 i'


G5 5 S ? 1 p l i ? J L 0 u u TAILOR'S BILL&MD E N T L R M K M inspeertngthe extensive a n d r W l <hd stock of Spring OpodaTya- Clotht, *£%£%

and Vesunga, which wilT be made to the j f i i ,7Tw£r atyleoffsshton,attbe shortest notfce»A-tnunSu « ™ Z cent under the CREDIT S Y S T E M ^ eminem firms,

W t l M C A « T A ^ t u ^ f t u S f B , , W , T 0 '

» « w i ^ S l r o f A a n ' ~- -. .--- ^^BVftQBI t i e to #90 BOMrcotoreddMtJyed, btack or bhie Av» to 696

Do Baxony^lent new material for panta-variousaad . . i . . . . a4 togi2

loons., assortment of Veatines S3 to 66 Ejoer TERMS CASH,

juihern and Western Merchants will prove tliat a GOOD ^lT, GOOD QUAUTV* and good taste are to be obtained at the C«sii Tailoring EatabUshtnent, 154 William street, cor nerofAnn. - »w • •---

-R. R— A variety e f n i l m t Cfooda, juat received tjafl,

Iric Ukeneesesby the - 'pe process every fair day, from 11 A. M .

till 3 P M , in Granite Building, corner of Broadway and Chamber street, 4t h story, room 99.

Tbe public are invite.I to call and tee specimens of the " L a m , . . , A . B . WULCOTT.

jy86tis* . i TavTRBT TOBtt FLOATING DRY DOCK COMPANY i l l - J O S E P H T j a R T I N > 8 P A T B I T . - a V n t » ^ S j : tcrtptto^totbeeapBaiateokiiawopeaatthe office ot ibe Pataotee, corner of Fiom and alnaRomery ttreeto wherl tbe model may be seen. / - M O W , wvmgo

, N i , B ^ V e w 9 s e : i ° f I S 0 toM °* "Oder raited on the Float-

1" 1 T- I .... | _ _ I J O l t f t

WA A T B D ^ T o exchange unincumbered real fur dry good* or groeerica. Apnhr to

mtttf S. A. ROBINSON,



WASTED-S i tua t ioos for a number oftarmexs bouse sen-ants—the best references_gtven. |

>iy3 ABR BELL A O O . ^

117 Fulton tt.

| I K E M K S S E S . - P h o t o g r a p h ! B-J Daguenreotype process every fai

H^ A " J K , * ^ • ^ * c f l v e ""ehTgent Md,about BE a a d « f . ' ° ° l B ^ m I «haraetor, to l e a n the drag rrnwntnii

Apply at 1SB Bowery, corner Spring street ^ f y f l

WA R T R R - a c t e r k ta . B r u g store, one who to ca-paUe. tan sasJv u i l a s a J ^ M-.,U.I .—" TSZ.

Bosrery Jtobte,aan apply attUetVnveTy Redtea»e"ato»^ 260


u . v S P . 8 wanted at improved rates MAXWELL * CO 61 William at


P < i ^ i i t ^ , t ' 5 j A BAROAIN-A firttrate Refrigeratrr. mi andofcoBveoJent size. Applj at 166

for Cnurchsteeples, aauper—

B^eiSaoW?* "* a a » » ' ••- i . .••ir-t.- • ». t BMTTD.


A 1 K 9 , ; ™ P * * • * » who ha* a thorough knowledge of tstoin^a anSata?! l S « w i a g B o u t ^ o ^ n . ^ f ob r e t ^ u b t o l S n ^ 4 f c k i 2 ! K 5 ! : * ' C « e f * « Ctort in a y ^ M ^ ^ f t J ^ L * 9 » * « o r we««India buameas

? - i L k 5 - 6 d ta Cooga street, and is rented tor a Mra of Jf l fMf AI5P*et*ti0 tenant, at t l 000 per asnam; ihe n U * n o P r o n t " w i " «* asaRnad to tbe lender sa additional • • ^ ^ Addraas W. *V, box 993 LHterPoBOme*

TO L E T OR TO BOARD .—A small family or a row single gentlemen may be accommodated with sonte

fine rooata, furatohed or untarmshed, with or withoct noard, by applying to 21 White at. Js23

RE M O V A L . -JOHN H. BOWIE. Currier and Learn, er Dealer, ha^ remaved to No. 29 Jacob street, eat

door from Frankfort street, where he ha* always on hand a variety of LEATHER, suitable for .'tool and Oboe ttatttsB Saddler?, Harness mafcereand Bookbinders.

Boot Legs and Foes, sad Oa: Leather of every doner rp. t toa. , . . , f '. {i tohaorf

JO H M A . * O 0 I R S O R » * W e e * a * B n a atreet. Wholesale Grocer and Coaum-«oi Mntrhmrf, Would

ibe butt ofeOO barrel*. . - . . . , any g t f

NO T I C E . - T n e co-Pariacrthip heretofore tabsUt J S S , * * * * * " • * » • ' •rnlnimi A Luks Is dsattlyed


^ • ^ • W U O p r o a a r t y to ibe dSubtoihtosnasnaa. A r W y "

Wk A. TUAVEB, » * B^woty, or

. u b ^ a ^ V b ^ « a d ? l a e e * , ^ • r ^ d T ^ B - t r * . A l a o - A large font o f new

re! type, aad a (oat «f th e seme wi in stereetyptog one work.

Akm^nasaU fbato of a i t . ,

or suction sales.




BT WM. H. JOffES, ' . R t K s a N o . "

t i reet ,wt«*» W M . H . J O N E S hat .

Sales Room, N o . » Broad arraagamtat toattcad to the rwatnata m aW its branches.

He whl a t usual give hit personal sfFarahure—the property of persons

R E A L E S T A T E , aad all deaenptioaa i •ty ajto oevjagl tales attradsd to with psnetuaiify i

A Regrttcr kept at the sale* room fortao daajtwR of property at Pnvats Sale, free froaa jeJaajgA. -

A T P R I V A T E S A L h — A t » a | rt*-;.

aad lot, with dormer window, k, N . J., one of ihe finest sMes m A S au>7 bams house aad lot

p ring st», in t he vrfiage of Sirg 8 irg of

BBtl 4 lots60 by 180 feel . , avenoe to the vHf

18 "ou m the vifawte of Ferry.

Champagae W m e - 6 0 0

Madaira W ine—SOCdox choice old M L 8herry Wine—It5 do pale aad told I Port W i a e - » d o O l i p J S r * * » * " 1

T E X A S L A N D S for sale or in exchange for goode. — A tract of laad, containing 4690 seres of arm rats cotton anu tagtir land ia Colorado county oa ths ' Bernard River, betwoea lth» Braatot ft»*rt, both of which a n aangabJe for J hosts. T h u tract consul* of high i« pleaiy el Umber, tad isys t-ljoii W Thatcher, E t q , from which wan t bales of eotton to raw acra;;tiUa farther particuiar* inquire at that

efirbif aaoriaagemi

Word, worth ahoui

JafJ U& MaatonLaae. _ iRAWBB^iat .s ie^foraatoby — ALLBV, STANTON A CO, 51 Pam at,

_ J M O » T O M L <at A R T 1 -The Ju'y number of l '

ed, and Is one oi the most Coatents-1 Trai

Bookstore. 3 Ben Price, $3 per JyUBas*

MR R T M O S - 9 0 .-i a -R 6-4 rriiqM.ataprunont of

i i


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Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069