in the end all you really have is memories 10/kingston ny... · tt: r^t "\ !, shirlpv otis...

V TWO THE KINGSTON DAILY FREEMAN, KINGSTON, N. Y., SATURDAY EVENING, JANUARY 2, 1954. •> <m m m m wewwww»w»o;pww^w<rww^»w»>» « SUNDAY CHURCH SERVICES •+" jsire to attend worship service is!Mrs. William E. Rylance. Thurs- conduci ed at the Church House. I day, 7:30 p. m., senior choir re- The Junior Hi and Senior Hi! hearsal is field in the parish room groups of Christian Endeavor will I under the direction of Mrs. Wal- meet after the second service for)lace* Wood. Friday at noon, a light luncheon, to be followed by Service Club will hold its regular +0+m*0****k»A.f *«»,* m *i* M M sssfj »i»» (Notice* for this column uHl care for. young children whose not be printed unlet* received by parents attend the service. Sun- a travel talk, with slides, to be monthly meeting in the parish! J;J0 o'clock Friday afternoon at day, 7 p. m., meeting of the Elcor- given'by Max Banner, who spent room. -Luncheon will be served the downtown editorial office./ Teens. Tuesday, 7 p. m., meeting last summer in Europe. All choirs at noon and a business meeting w«w Tvini^rhnr,* Midland ? ^ Scout Tr ?? p 9 ", ^o"* 8 " wU1 resume regular sessions be-'will follow. The church is open •* ^JL^SSiifr^SL£ g 5 day * I- P.m. meeting of the Sew- ginning Monday. Jan. 4. Bible daily for prayer and meditation^ the Rev. HeraM^C. Swezy, vicar lng Circle at the home of Mrs. study Class will meet Wednesday, in charge. Holy communion and Adam Thiel, 20 Snyder Place; j a n . 6 , i n t h e Chambers room! sermon at 9:30 a. m. 2:45 p. m., confirmation class. The Patroon Club will meet in Acorn Hill Weslevan Methodist T1 ? urada >'' 1*> P- m.. senior choir Bethany Hall Wednesday, Jan. 6. | Acorn itu vvesieyan Meinoaisi re hearsal; 7:30 p. m.. meeting of All adults interested in ioinintri Church, the Rev. Ge*ld Matson fhe Udies . Ai / and Missionary A " a ° U ,nlereste<1 «" »«inei pastor—Services every Sunday at so^y i n t h e assembly room with KERHONKSOiS ISEWS 3 p*m. Young peoples 2:30 p. m. All welcome St. James Methodist Church, corner Fair and Pearl streets, the {P«noch --. Rev. Ralph M. Houston, DD.min- joining | i s ter, Miss Ether W. Gootlrodt, this group are invited to attend director of Christian Education— and there will be an election of j Sunday, 9:45 a. m., Sunday church with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, Leslie Aaron, a patient at Mrs. Percy Barley. the Veteran's Memorial Hospital Mr., and Mrs. Ross Coddington in Ellenville, is reported to be inl- and Mr. and Mrs. Francis Cod- j proving. » dington and daughters, Carol Sue j Mr. and Mrs. Al Piester and Kerhonkaon, Dee,' St^Mr. and Ralph McDonald and daughter, £ ? . £ £ • we S dinner guests at son Richard .spent the weekend .. T T : r ^T "\ !, Shirlpv Otis CamDbeU and Miss the home •* Mr **** Mrs Latter with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. David Schwab entertained g^riey, g u ^ g n ^ W J i guui coddington Christmas night. George Coddington. Christmas Day Mrs. Amy And- ^ere Christmas dinner guests of .Barbara Wood, Carol Steers, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnson over and Mr and Mrs. Harold Mr. and Mrs. Irving Smith and HS a /?t»S?™L. J-? 0 "* 8 " 1 J uder « a i M 8 0 n s entertained Mr. and Mrs. Qm.tK n t irii M i V .ii« .nrf >i.n Mr aon Donald Rider and the Rev. George Percy Barley Christmas Day. Tic p ? c , , v I Mrs. Mary Pacht and daughter. D - Wood attended the young Miss Ann Davis of New York and Mrs. Russel Samuels of Na-' ja^uetoeTarein New York for K^ftLtZfliTfL £. t !! e * Ch £^*IP ,eBt the holiday weekend with I t K T K 2 ^ " £ g u e s t * ^ Mr~arrf 2 « ? WBtort «' fe K i ^ t m S ^ ^ Mr. and Mrs. James Keator i Mrs. Sam Barron. , mL: ~ kmtAmt ^, , 4U T»^I * and daughter, Janet, of Kingston. ! Mr «w, M « E* ,w™,«*, J - ^ consistory of the Rochester were Sunday guests her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Millard Davis. Mr.and Mrs. Carl Henderson ,"£- 'A Ntw^Y^r* W a ^ t h e ^ S S S f^Refom^cSh will hold it, land" daughter; Arlene and .on, , „.._ - . M _ ,„ v 0 f M r - and , Ste^erlheioliday^ ^ ^% r ™%™*'£*&&?££& Tommy * n , d ^ ^ " T f t f r officers. •JoBeph t Flowers :u artingi sc hool with classes for all ages j Mrs. Donald Keator. | M r a n d M r s philip 'scWein of. „ „ ' . _?. m ,n _ t h e c h u r c h ! were ^"^ ? f . Mrs . Caro L »rvice at a special program arranged by Miss Evelyn Roosa. Methodist Church of Connelly. g t John's Episcopal Church, „ . . . j ai |„ , nr . Mt maAUaa™ ««H -/.— :\~ — --: ~~„z JVJCU ^usunai m miuuKtuwn «« B «n »>/« •«*«: «iui mcino., . #««»«.- v T:";—: the Rev. Ivan F. Goasoo. minis- Albany and Tremper avenues, the JJJ n ° a "y I o r r e s l - meditauon and worship with sermon by Dr. Hous- j where they were guests of Mr. i T*e Schleins are former residents. l 2 f */ ni v union at U^ 1 * home president, will be available for except the nursery department I Mr. and Mrs. Philip Davis en further deta.Ls. This church is which meets at 11. AUl ? 8.a l joyed Christmas in Middletowri' North CaVlinahVveWn spend-f w Monro * Rider an( ! daughter, jling-maier and Mrs. Louis Parker igg a few days here with friends.[F s £J!?. d W_..Lee entertained atjC^istmas night. ^ ^ ^ _ # ter—Divine worship at &:lo a. m. Rev Robert T. Shellenberger, with the Sacrament of the Lord's rector—Holy Communion 8 a. m. Supper. Sunday school 9:30 a. m. Holy Communion and sermon 11 a. m prayer. idriit^r P t i n g tiS n ^JL.S?*?- 2" ' andMrsrHar^ldVeltonrher p'a'r-1 Mr. "and^ Mrs. Max Brown were Su " d f/- TP 0 ** pre8€nt wer « Mr - , addition to the nursery depart- ent8 . ! Christmas Eve guests of Mr. and and ^ re - He nry C. Seymour. Mr. Miss Anna D. Schoonmaker of Elmira "spent the Christmas week- end with her sister. Mrs. Augustus Progressive Baptist Church, j men t " "at this hour, supervised j ""Mr- j o h n Lathron entertained Mrs^Harrv^Linelev 3 " "* " " " " " and Mrs - H enry M. Seymour and,L. Sahler. . p , A rhumh the — - — « ~ ™ " - ^"ShnSi 10 a^'pVSSSn" I ^ ^ ° f ^Sf^^ a " d P/l Uhf West End Bridge ClubrrSSJl ^SamSSnd daughters,' £ « £ " « ' • * » « ? » ^ of w K r K*l*?n<El?l£ MITFX P^K; Tillson Reformed Church, the W ednesday the Epiphanv, the Bible school 10 a. m. Procession-, mary age children are provided day Guests Dresent included the Bernice and Elaine are sDendine ho " kson ; Mr. and Mrs. Guy Rider i ton Enderly and Miss Edna Baker ? v David CWe.dner. minister^ ^fcoSmunion at 8 and 10 a. m. a ' r ^ c and menage by the pas J M r ^ e ^ w h o a t t ^ M^^a^anoT^ge^AJbert ?ZSS £y\ taNew^Or?^ «? 'S'J™*** °£ ™<**> ^"V^lTnVrd^WaSS 2nd Sunday school. 10 a. m. Celebra- ^ ^ 3 . . the evening branch of t0 ^ a ^ n a - "^ Ho )y Communion 6 p. m., Senior Hi Fellowship, Myeri Millard Davis Moses friends and familv - M r a nd Mrs - F, °y d Hummel and and Mrs. Leonard Warren and tion of the Lord's Supper at 11 ^ e U Toman-.^?x1Sa? y will meet -11 be «/nunbtered at thjs nnv- snack supper, worship, program^ S g o S S * ^ ^ a. m. at s n m in the narish house. ice . l he monthly rally win oe Monday. 7 D. m.. Girl Scout TTOOD ! {.•«„ n «^ T««, A - D^«»«IU, W„.„ V«.I. «,.. it. u-w ^^ and Robert of Sleightsburg. Mr ReA _.„ Choir rehearsal Thursday Friends Meeting House. TUlson p m Thg ve stry will meet in —Sunday school. 10 a. m„ with t h e sacristy Thursday at 8 p. m. classes for all ages. Worship serv- ice every Sunday at 11 a. m. Rich- Alliance Gospel Church. Frank s-««yTrK5 Tirws* a^AAfiS*.*'? S;|. t ^^r^US*s m c n i' , *te u ;£Si Ke..or i S BwauJsr 5 ? •»T»^ rs her home p. m. At 8 p. m.. aeacoiib program, recreation, refreshments, will conduct the service.with mes- 7 : 1 5 p m ^y Scout Troop n ard B. Talleur charge. miniver;*" is" in lin alpineVtreets. the Rev. Vir- \*&£rJ*JE!£* ™±™*iL% : THursday'.'^SO p. m^BrowmTGW Mr. and Mrs. Robert Conklin of 'Sunday in Middletown. Religiou§ Radio Programs of his parents, Mr. andMrs. Etine and ; r daugnter-in:iaw, Mr. ' and' NU S V *N ^"an^rh^r^nTfhe 1 Pres ,? nted ^ a P ub,lc « ervice Messinger Mrs Donald Keator Nutley, N. j . and their ion of the over station WKNY and spon- ,^ ^ , ^ t »* • u» ^. 1- —« - v».w, j am es Roosa who is with the Mt and Mrs n*r*A rarlile were " avy . stationed in California, spent ^red by the Kingston Ministerial gil R. Brisco, pastor-Sunday |the Gospe^Chorus. Monday; nigM. Scout Tr0 o p sJ. 7 : 3 0 p . m ^ re - ' arm ^3 Lrvke «« T«« U KZ! JSL*^L^"l G 2 0d £ rU1 L ! ? S ! Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Carl school hour at 9:45 a. m. with Shokan Rpformed Church, the classes for all ages. At 11 a. m.. Rev. Richard B. Coons, pastor— worship service, special music and Sunday school at 10 a. m. with message by the pastor. Youth classes for all ages. Worship serv- prayer time at 6 p. m. Alliance ice at 11 a. m. with sermon by Youth Fellowship service at 6:30 the pastor. News Hour with slng- , ... spiratton time and message by the Church of the Ascension. West past or at 7:20 p. m. Wednesday. Park, the Rev. Herald C Swczy, 7^5 p . m ., annual business meet- rector - Sunday services Holy j n g an( j election of officers. There Communion. 8 a. m. Church will be no prayer meeting, school, l l a. m. Service and ser- % mon, 11 a. m. First Assembly of God. former-'the Rev 1, - *- - - . . .. . . . New Apostolic Church. Kings- sern hhes Mission Circle meeting at the home of Ida Gilmore, president. 53 p r Tdav 4 n m Tni n U r a Vhn^ , ; ,, "re• t o r ft rurl °U8* with his pa Tompkins street. PYWC meet- hlirXi P J e " ' Mr - and Mrs - Robert Roosa ing Saturday at 4 p. 'm. Praise j " earsaj and prayer service Wednesday I ^ : __. ^ ..._. ^ , ... son ^Tif^i If-™Tf $£&& guests of Mrs. Maude Hendersor^nd^famUy 0 , , , - , - ... —•••«.•• «•-»».».» ».. iw/>cc. u> IIVIIIV ounuav Kucaia ui ivus. iiiauut tr«~j-._,*— __J * t\ Association, tne ioiiowing pro- hfarsal of the sanctuary choir.! (or , furlough with hia parents, CarUlt Henderson and family. grams of chrUtian faith and life Sfcrtdan Bell » a parent a. the ^ J t ^ c ^ S T S , ^ ^ """ te hroidCaS, dUrinS ,he ^ night." Cl\pir rehearsal Thursday aV enue First Baptist Church, Be Light, a To^T^Ti^^t aenV ,iii * ani * a in WGL3^5SS»i ng r k Lef u ^ ,roni9,09:15 Irs. I night. An entertainment pro- Do'nald E'Brown"'minister" " Y t 5, VVawarsin 8- *** Christmas er and son, Waif«:r, 01 rmsuurgn, Day with Mr and Mrs Franklin " r;:" 6 J"; * T~ 7.—, v.._„u ^onaia £.. .Brown, minister — At dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Pa. and Mr and Mrs. Jack Ro-i£££. J , 7, *ranKiin slon o f t h e Na tional Council of - - - -- • ' KeWer and family the QhurcMes of Christ in the Carolyn Wood is ill at her home, y S J A . from u to 12 o'clock, Mrs. John Mcintosh is visiting the m orning service of worship Baptist Church. Albany 7nd MrTTnd I t e ' l t o ' l E a V K l " ^ S ^ ' M r . I^wrence Lelpun- ^ c ? i S d ^ rranTcribTd 1 production £'\fe gjRSETSkJS? -7; of Wawarsing. were Christmas e r ^ ^ n , Walter, of Pittsburgh. fL^SSTSfinSVL ^ S Broadcasting and Film, Commis- gram will be held in the church g.Tf'- ^'7hurrh ' ^ ^ ^ 7 ^ dinner guests o f M r ' a n d D hall Saturday night. j ?;?J\!P 'iSH^SL ^i2? L «^! K! Max Brown and son, Nelson. I asked to note the new time for senthal of Baltimore, Md.. were Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Chernich guests over the weekend of Mr. y»U U U in sr\ " " • aaaav* ami a. u i u n i t vesica inv.ii XUC91S Over UK WCeiM Rondout P r e s b y t e r i a n and t ^ ^ X ^ ! ^J m ^°^ n have ^turned from vacationing in and Mrs. Wilfred Kopp (Zt-lK-J* owl.:* rv,..^K ^,r. prelude and chimes, 11 a. m. serv- Florida M. —A M~' C^IJU Wurts Street Baptist Church, cor- ner of Wurts and Spring streets, K ^ Z S ^ T W S ^ s Mrs> Henry S h e r m a n and ham* enjoyed their Christmas din- wlthe Rev. William Garner Cain,. J T L ^ i l ^P^L^f 0 !^^ daughters, Patricia and Jean, en- oer at the Indian VaUey Inn. Mr. and Mrs. Setgried Abra-1 f S J ^ j S J ^ J J f c " ^ "^ Goldcn from the_ sanctuary of the First Lyons and family Mrs. Elizabeth Henderson Baptist Church, with sermon by ^ the minister, the Rev. Donald E. Kingston, Mr, and Mrs. Jansen at tha home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam- Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kelder first ASSemDly or UOO, t o r m e r - ' ttie rtev. wuiasiiiuuiiei *-^""' meHitatinn hv" tho n «cinr %x,iU . X «.""•?."• *«•**«-«» •»"»« - c a n , en- uc -i g t uie muian vauey xnn. -r«.«/li«er *K^ U„UH« U . A »« nn ,.,i*K ""-" " " ' " a l t-', me xvt.*. ivuimju t.. the Full Gospil Tabernacle, As- Minister-Church sehool meets in ed, . tat °" by «J« P astor J^ 1 J* tertained at Christmas dinner .for Mr. and Mrs. Johnson of Bea- K n ££ g n ^ « « H KST 5 3 S 5 Kf MBrown - **<* da > ^^P 1 S u n d a > -. - , « „, ^ -• -nblies of God. 87 Fair street, the primary rooms and'-chapel at . n n l 5^ c -J^,? e JS.JE^; ^ r a n d Mrs - "arvey Mertine of con were guests over the holidays fiLS^PfeSS ^S J^Sl^" ^ 8.50 a. m., Morning Chapel will ton Branch. 164 Elmcndorf street, t h e R e v Robert R Vinson ' pas- 10 a m congregational service A h ""^ery is held dUTing the Kingston Mr «nH Mrs .i« nS pn .+ •»»- K«^ «f M^ ~„A *M~ C«^. I derson of North Adams, Mass. Ko ^^A^*^ K.. tv,^ f«iu.„in„ the Rev. H. Hagenah rector- tor-Sunday schooi. 9:45 a*, m. 'of divine worship in tflfe s a n c t u a r y SJUJSta w'ith ^ii? Services Sunday at 10:30 a. m. with c i aS8es for a ii %g«s. Topic, at 11 a. m Thefirstworship serv nflrpnis w,in smfl " Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. Jesus introduced and Annointed. ice of the new year %ill be th ,.,,,«,,„ m Wednesday. 8 p. m.. weekly serv- worship service 11 a.-m. Sunday celebration of the Sacrament o f . ^ ^ i T.h. vlft r-iL™-M«' De . l ? ark ^ ^W he re with his parents, Mr ice and choir rehearsal j . ... c ° n , v . enienc ^ 1 or Osterhoudt of Mettacahonts. Mr. uel Divine, and daughter, Dawn.. . ,.„..„ a .«i«i M .,.^u . ...... »i«- « ...u.^^u. xe*v„. U ^ parents with small children. The an d Mrs. Charles Osterhoudt/ Cliffori! Markle of St. Lkwrence | a Jl d ^^L^f",? J^Jl" 1 ?^ Tuesday and Wednesday, the Rtv be conducted by the following ministers as indicated: Monday, o t,, a ' m - Jesus Introduced and Annointed.' I ice of the new year %ill be the, w J v v f™ i^ C r l TS a< SW over Mrs. Calvin Mertine and Earl Van Unlvertfty'is sDendine the hniu Wednesday. 8 p. m.. weekly serv- Worship service 11 a.-m. Sunday celebration of the Sacrament of ™£ N Y fr f om . U v ° IK iM P ' m - Demark V university is spenaing the holl- .-« — A ~u~... ~>ho,rcai __»._.. F .. T ....:„_ _a. «.««».*,_. ^ i en..^ ...i;„„ officers of tr\e Youth Fellowship AS d - H n - n ^ K ^ f / r ' Arthur E. Oudemool, pastor of the ?ti 8tm n ^ t h M r nd "• f^ 1 Reformed Dutch Church; Mrs r Ro a b1rt Johnson celebrated T ^ ^ ' ' P^SUS* .^SSH' St. Mark's AME Foxhall avenue, pastor—Sunday Rev reh llir S Ta\mera i nd a congrega^ youn S People's meeting and Christ^bers of Session. Tuesday, tion'will'worhsip with the church Ambassadors at 3 p. m. Wednesday night, _. ~ : _ . .. J Aid Society choir rehearsal. Ashokan M e t h o d i s t Chjurch Washington, pastojr Sunday Abruyn street, at Sunday her birthday Dec. 26 the Rev. Dr. Joseph E. Carlin, fjJiuar? nSaUngs of the Ladies' monthly meeting of the church Accord were Christmas dinner University is here to spend the K ™, tlid Sodely and g the Women's Mis- j ^ o l TS™r^J^.V %t « u «f. ta „ ^ ? » ^ £reen^. .. ' holidays with his parent,, Mr. and ,J?*£ lr?" .'^ M^' "^i^»a,i ^ 0 n „ P ast °r o f t h e Reformed Churches Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kelly tT f T S1 _^»„i^_*^^ _ _ J D^—... and family are spending their, ° f Bloomington and St. Remy. Franklin Booth of Syracuse ^ i l i 3 ^.^^!! 0 ." flt t h e Charles homestead. Rosa, dog census taker K of C Radio Programs Through the cooperation of Church 240 ' S ^ ^ s l r i S ? w i l l bVhdd at"!he I home oi Mrs - Geor S e Chase - 143 " _ Mr. and Mrs! Steve" Shulti spent Mri~^rcy"B<»th!~ '<> r <"» To«ii of Rochester, has ; Kingston Council 275. Knights of irre!, aP ;k S «£v"V^S Mr. and Srs. | Mr. a?d Mr, Ra,ph Smith c^Pjeted the cenau. for^lSM. IColumbu,. Uje Sacred.H«r..r*o. River Vi Catherine , , « „ ,- *«». ». «. ™me ui "»« » " ^ « " ' * " " * " " • ^ " : sanctuary choir rehearsal. Friday, Miles Seamon I spent Christmas" wUh'their'son Licenses are now available at gram and the Ave Maria Hour w~t school "10 a m Divine worshib WP^P^dav the minister's class in 2 , : , 30 D - m - monthly meeting of the Mr. .and Mrs. Paul Billas of and family, Mr. and Mrs. William 't he town clerk's office in Accord, j will be heard over WKNY during ----- T nv T- -"-- wn ^ e f n £rtoe and Drachma:W oITSs? ^ S ^ ^ t r ^ t S J T a t 2!»oV m ' Woman's Missionary Society at New York were weekend guests I Smith at Mombaccus. Owners and those harboring a the coming week Sunday morn- 2 ? v ce* 9 30 a m Sunday scn^f toT H a tn^e paf tor aid £ £ - I ^V™ m8trUC _ ti0n _ at ^ ^ , the church- , of Mrs. Era . Billas who accom-1 Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Smith cele- ' dog are requested to obtain their ing at 8:30 the Ave Maria Hour Glenford. 1:30 « «=.mrf«v ereeation will worshia at the Reformed Church of the Corn- services follow missionary meeting. Tuesday, 7:30 ages. Worship at 11 a. m. The classes for all age groups. Divine kins spent Christmas in Hyde for the holidavs as euest of his I Mr and Mrs John SchoonmaW East Kingston and Glasco Meth- p. m., senior choir rehearsal, ordination and installation of the worship at 11 a. m. with the Sac- Park with their, daughter and son- parent! Mr S d M?s Ha?rison er and sons ente??ained at Xeir odist Churches, the Rev. Fred H. Wednesday. 8 p. m . prayer serv-' newly elected elders and deacons, rament of the Lord's Supper. Sun- . n -law, Mr. and Mrs. Charles BrowrT'and daughter Beverly horhe CtSstmwf Da" for £ Deming minister-Worship serv- ic es. Thursday. 4:30 p. m., junior Sermon topic, What Do you Live day. Youth Fellowship, at 6:30 Smith and daughter. Charlene. j Lawrence Savflle who s ' at- Maude LeGrande of HiS FalS" ice at Last Kingston. 9.4D a m . choir rehearsal. |For? A nursery is held in the p m.: the meeting will include j Mrs. Bertha Seiple spent the tending school in Connecticut is Miss Anna D Schoonmaker of Eva Mae Boone, married 32 years. Bible school at East Kingston.; __ _ Church hall for children Whose the election of officers for the'weekend in Cragsmoor with her here fir a^few dayf iTSiest oi Elmira Mrs AuaStST Sahler of i faUed her drivin 8 tett - Sh e said 10:30 a. m. Worship service at New Central Baptist Church, parents attend church. Monday, coming year. Tuesday, special daughter and son-in-law, Mr.and his parents Mr and Mrs Law- Accord' James Sahler nf Rain everything was going fine until the Glasco. 11 a. m. The Sacrament 229 East Strand, the Rev. Oscar 6:30 p. m.. Girl Scouts in the hall. \ meeting of the Committee on Liv- Mrs. Harold Garrett. % erence Saviile Sr bridge' Ga and Mr and Mri* ' car went o u t o f control, side- of the Lords Supper will be ad-, Palmer. pastor-Sunday school, 8 p. m., Couples Club in the hall.'ing Memorials at the home of Tech Sgt. Chester Gray of Eddie Goldman' and Mr. Rode Frankiin Sahler and son of Ith- mirustered at both services. |9:30 a m. Devotional services by Game of choice and an old fash- Mrs. George Long. 28 West Ches- Sampson Airforce Base is spend- are in town visiting their family aca . . . . . . _ , ._. th e deacons, 10:30 a. m. Proces- ioned box social will be held, ter street, at 7:30 p. m. Wednes- ing a 10-day furlough here with and friends for a few days « Mr. and Mrs Ira Devo enter- Church of the Laving God 284 sional and music by the'senior Tuesday, 3:15 p. m.. Brownies day, released time religious in- his wife and two sons, Thomas Mr and Mrs Robert B* Cole tained relatives and friend* attention to the damage because North street> the Rev. B BotU, choir. 11 a. m. Message by the pas- meet in the hall. 7:30 p. m.. Boy struction at 2:30 p. m. Wednesday, Arthur and Wayne Alan Mr. and were Sunday guests of Mr and Christmas Day tnends , Cf „ ^ ep _ rmmmtU i^ SJ swiped a house, skidded across a lawn and jarred loose the founda- tion of another home. She paid no State Trooper Frank Patton, rid- 10 a. m. tor at 11.30 Testimonial Scouts meet in the hall. 8 p. m. meeting of the Commission on Mrs. Benjamin J. Lee and Mrs. Mrs. Charles Krom at Napanoch ^"'i7\ TT"~ "" ,in .—w.... a —^...^ „, Holy Com- consistory organizational meeting Christian Education at 7:30 p. m. Gray went to Sampson to call for Mrs ~" '" " " 11:30 a. m. Program at 3:30 p.m. munion at 7:30 p. m. Mid-week at the parsonage for old and new in the church school rooms; a Mr. Gray before the holidays. Man Mrs. Jackson in charge. Revival services: Monday night, mission- members. Wednesday. 1:30 p. m.,' worker's conference will follow Ann Davis is spending a few Christ "™~"'1ZAW' ZJ a- i !"•£ beside her, was bleeding from Mr. and Mrs. Herman Gazlay . 6 hprtlrAn n ^ M R^„* «.i^ pastor--Sunday school. Devotional and pre. _ _^ M a r g a r et Jane, entertained Sunday afternoon. meeting will begin at 8 p. m. and ary meeting at the home of Mrs. Ladies' Aid dessert meeting at the the business* session. Thursday, days here with her parents, Mr. ard Doyle a°nd daughter ^vnn°of ToiIl S r? 1 ^"* 00 " eddon a i ld Mrs ' 'an continues through Jan. 8 con- Sadie sheppard. 221 East Strand, hall. 2:15 p. m, no religious in- WSCS meeting at 2:30 p. m. at and Mrs. Millard Davis. Leibhardt Mr. and Mrs Cleve- ™? Sf.rilfl 3nd i S u\ / , Gre ^ ]y ' ! to - ducted by the Rev. JVlr. Stanton Wednesday night, prayer meeting, struction; 3:15 p. m.. junior choir, the home of Mrs. Mary Eighmey. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Mackey and land Van Aken and daughter Bar- u 2 J b .JL! ?• , « ^ 0Se and preaching at meeUng*'followed"by Holy"Coin- consistory""organizational meeting Christian Education at 7:30 p.m. Gray went to Sampson to call for Mrs. Mary'Lee and daughter, called on Cleve and Daisy Rkte'r j c t -te Mlee^ven^aJfShTnS^ because they didn't press charges and told her to cry if she wanted Saturday junior and senior choir Thursday'. 7:30 p/ u u , — „ wB'iTIndSpS , in the church. J sale sponsored by the WSCS will ghiovflle to visit Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Anna Poo le-and brother „„, Tommy begin next week. Persons desir- Hari T ^t. .Ledger. Frank Brandt of Pataukunk. Rex of Washington, D. C. Phoenicia Baptist Church, the, R ^H e °t In SK*K P t astor - Sunda >" Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran ' Franklin Street AME Zion ing" ar ticies of"baked"go"ods~may Earl v «" Demark has returned Walter of Suffolk Airforce Base school at Chichester. 10 a. m. Church. Livingston street, the Church, the Rev. Sampson M. ca memb f h * w s c a ^ to his home here after spending a and Mr. and Mre. B W WenSf of Worship service 11 a. m. Young R CV . Ernest L. Witte. pastor - Greene, pastor - Church school rd sta . wh wanted Next { w eeks in Miami. Mr. Van Napanoch enjoyed ChristmaT dis- people s service at Phoenicia 6 : l o Sessions of the Sunday school and 9:45 a. m Worship service and Sunday> Jan g 1 0 a n d conii n ui ng Demark was joined by Miss Pa- ner as guests of Mr andMrs P "i Evening service at Phoeni- Bible class at 9:15 a. m. Regular sermon. 10:45 a. m. with topic on. throh j a n u a r y ' and Fe bruary tricia Sherman who is a student Gerald Can- c,a 7.30 o clock. During the win- worship service at 10:30 a. m. God's Glory on the_ Doorstep. The servi( ? es will be held downstairs at Southern Florida College and Margaret Jane Wynkoop is ter months, prayer meetings will with a sermon on the theme An Sacrament of Holy Communion ' m t h e church school o f0 ^ n,ulrs , together they flew home for the spending the Veek in PlaSifield h0 l ldayS ^ „»„ N - J - as g uest of her aunt and John DeWitt, superintendent of uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond The Japanese call their coun- son and daughter, Arlene and try Nippon, or Nihon, •means "home of the sun.** which LOCAL BUS BULLETIN Kingston but terminal* located as follows: Trail ways Bus Depot 495 Broadway, opposite Central P.O. TeL 744 Uptown Bus Terminal Crown St. Central Bus Terminal, opposite Wast Short Railroad Station; phnnt 1374 . i Southbound Maynard end with her parents, Mr. and Port Ewen. Ulster Park. Csqpus. West MOUNTAIN VIEW COACH LINES, INC. Effective Date September 0 1853 Daylight Saving when In effect Northbound be held in the homes of the vari- Epiphany Dedication to Service, vvill be served at the conclusion j ous members each Wednesday at The Board of Christian Education' of the service. At 7:45 p. m., Eu-1 First Presbyterian Church, El- 8 p. m. 'meets Monday at 8 p. m. Regis-' charist message by the pastor and mendoif street and Tremper av- transportation of Bethlehem Steel, Bohler Itration for the special communion Holy Communion. Monday. 8 p. m.. enue, the Rev. William J. McVey. nas °een spending a few days Mr. and Mrs. Irving Falk of Po n c k h o c k i e Congregation- service in the German language regular monthly meeting of the minister Church school for all here with his, brother and sister- Newark were here for the week al Church, the Rev. Vardell E. being held Sunday Jan 10 will board of ushers at the church, ages through high school meets at in-law "" _ Swett. pastor Sunday * school, be received Tuesday at 7 p m Tuesday. 8 p. m., regular monthly 9:45 a. m. Service of worship at DeWitt. He also visited with Mr. Mrs. Max Brown and son, Nel- j £•«* Highland Poughkeeptie. Milton £**' » i ? n!5Lni % i . . 7 a i 1,r ^?i? i 9:45 a. m. Communion service. 11 The church council meets Tues-! meeting of the board of trustees 11 a. m. Sermon by the minister and Mrs. Harry Robinson and son. at? ^ "^ a n d N e w York New Baltimore^. C ^ y n S n l AJbSS. a. m. Christian Endeavor. 6:30 day at 8 p. m. The annual meet-1 at the church. Wednesday, 8 p. m., on The Door That Cannot Be children, Eddie and Roxy. Mr. and Mrs. Raynsford Pome- p m. Evening service and Bible j n g of the voting assembly of the special members' meeting to com- ] Closed. A nursery is conducted in Mr - and Mrs - John Addis and roy and children. Linda and Har- study. 7:30 o'clock. Tuesday. 7:30 congregation will be held Wednes-1 plete the church program for the I Ramsey Hall during the service so Elliot Addis of New Jersey and old. were Saturday night guests p. m., meeting of the Ladies' Aid day Jan. 13 at 8 p m. balance of the year. A coffee hour! that parents of little tots may be Eli Addis were Christmas dinner of Mr. and Mrs. Lester A. Wyn- Society. Wednesday. 7:30 p. m, | (and social will follow. Thursday, ! f ree to attend church. The- West- S uest s of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Mar- koop. , annual congregational meeting. Church of the Nazarene. Elmen-j 7 p . m , regular weekly rehearsal minster Fellowship of high school ^ e - A large crowd attended and en- Thursday, 7 p. m., choir rehear- doif street and Wiltwyck avenue, I of the senior choir at the church; 'youth meets at 6:30 p. m., in the Mr - a n d M r s - Sherwood Horn- joyed the Christmas program at sal. the Rev. Frederick F. Fike, pas-j 8 p. m.. regular monthly meeting ladies' parlor. Monday. 3:45 p. m., mel1 ° f Kingston, Mr. and Mrs. the Federated Church. tot -Sunday school at 9:45 a. m., I of the National Association for I Intermediate Girl Scouts; 8 p. m..' I — — ACCORD NEWS First Church of Christ. Scient- with classes for all ages. Building, the Advancement of Colored Peo-1 meeting of Board of Trustees! ist, 161 Fair street-Sunday serv- fund offering session. Worship p i e at the church. Friday, 7 p. m., Tuesday; 3:15 pa m., Brownies; 7 ice and Sunday school at 11 a. m. hour at 11 a. m., with sermon by ; regular weeklv rehearsal of the p. m ., Intermediate Girl Scouts; with, lesson-sermon on God. pastor on God. a Companion for junior choir at the church. I 7 p. m , annual banquet of the Fel- Wednesday. 8 p. m.. "testimonial the Year Holy Communion vvill \ jowship Guild at Judie's Wednes- meeting. The reading room is be observed. 2:30 p. m., service Trinity Evangelical Lutheran d 3 . 40 m j un ior choir re- open to the public Monday. Tues- in Ulster County Jail with Joseph Church, Spring and Hone streets, hearsal 7-15 n m Boy Scout dav. Thursday and Friday from Davis in charge; 7 p. m., Youth the Rev. Dr. Erank L. Gollnick. Troop Thursday 630 p m con- 2 to 4 p. m., except holidays. The Service led by RonaW Wirth. with pastor. Sunday school at 9:45 2ree ^i onH \ ra v«rpri'diah aun^r in r> «, 1 e A U ", •-•-—"••- ~-r o T —- — - - - i B.ble and all authorized Chris- theme The Story Behind Famous a.m. Junior sermon, A GUd New E S TSn£ v E n l i D ' Wood - Pastor-Sunday school, , vacation Monday, Jan 4 at 6:45 t,a ?, Sconce literature may be Songs; 7:45 p. m., evangelistic Year, The pastor a class will meet lollowed by annual c o ^ read, borrowed or purchased. hour with special music, followed at this time. Church service at 11 congregational meetings for the I Church services at 11 a. m I --• * r a"Cis «^ooaingion, Jeaaer r's sermon on What a. m. Sermon theme. The Keeper pW tinn nf ruling »)**£ an A tr,.«. Accord, Dec. 31-Roche„c r Re-! * S^St^rSSmS^r formed Church, the Rev. George meetings following the holiday From rraliwayt Terminal Dally 8 25 A.M. Dally ex Sun 4 Hoi 7:30 A.M. Dally, ex. Sun. & HoL . . . 10 05 AM. Dally, ex Sun A HoL ... 8:50 A.M. Sun A HoL only 11 10 AM Sun A Hoi only 0:50 A.M. Dally IJ 55 PM Dally If 15 P M. Dally 3-29 P.M. Dally 2:10 PM. Daily 5 25 P.M. Dally, ex. Sat. Sun.. Hoi..a 3:41 PM. Dally 7:45P.M. Dallv ... .. 420PM. - Dally, ex. SaL. Sun~ HoL.a 5:05 P M. Dally 6:30 P.M. D^Uy • 8 50 P.M. Frl Sun.. Hoi only x 0 80 PM. x Trip rune as far as Saufferttes. Daily to Coxssckle. Sunday* and Nov 26 to Albany. Southbound trip leaves tht Crown Street Terminal ten minutes earlier. Northbound trip will leave Crown Street Terminal ten minutes later. FOR INFORMATION CAU 713 744 ONKOnfTA, DELHI. ANDES. MAftOARETVILLC, FLEISCHMANNS, PINK HILL, ere, ro KINGSTON Daily Ex Sun LEAVE A.M. Oneonta by pastor' 1 J w a. A-.a. a. 1 Mlp - an d Mrs. Fred Lyons, Mrs. I Delhi St. Paul's Evangelical Luthcra, About Your Tomorrow.. Wednes- of Souls. Confirmation Class tTeftne ad'o^ Church 355 avenue, day. 7:45 p. m. prayer and praise Monday at 4 p. m. . The annua. ST-pI^oSSK^oi^SSS^'toSS j ^a^J^SSSS f 93ft ST^fc ' noon wiJTMT and^^ Pe% B? inT« •..::.:::.:::.:.::..:::::: IV. Lou.sC Smith, lavender of First hour. 8Sb p. m., meeting of congregational meeting will be alJ Z rganizatiom ot t ^ church.' mun i o n servTce at 10 a. m Barley. ana Mrs. *Wy «£g« ......................... JJ| Lutheran Church. Albany^ as guesr* Official Board held in the church assembly ha Every member is urged to attend. | Mr. and Mn.'Cecil Haines of, Mr and Mrs. Ferris Turner and &Z^ a Wi preacher Sermon tVtn^ will be „., _ A . _,. . ,'Monday. Jan. 4, at 8 p. m. All Thursriav ' 7 ' 5n - : »•-• s -' •**• --<•-• **- - - • »* - • s 00 *"" ••••••.-• » 47 Pre«ing Forwa J in the New OW Dutch Church corner-of ti ns r members of the parish are 'hearMi- Year. Tuesday. « p. m. meeting of v J a " a ^ % am stre , c,s -. the . Rev - urged to attend. Junior choir re- renearsai - the Church Council. Thursday. 7 £™ hu l K • Oudemopl .minister hoarsaI Tue sday at 4 p. m. The Clinton Avenue Methodist p. m.. meeting of junior choir; 7 ',3 ^nurcn school meets at 9:4D a. m.; Ladirs ' Aid Society vvill hold its. Church, 122 Clinton avenue, the p. m., senior choir. I.adirs' Aid "Vf 8 ? 1 "*' a . nd p T " 1, ? regular meeting in the church as- Rev. Clyde Herbert Snell, STB, meets at 8 p. m. Cajls for pas- ^ M ^ i n street PrSvdeMr?: sembly hal1 Wednesday at 7:30 Ph.D., minister - Sunday, 9:45, Mrs . Charles Kelder in Kingston j birthdays Dec. 30. toral services are tojhe directed to n f en ai i n "^"cES* r S m P m - This meetin " W,U ^ fol_ f "V, Sunda f A ^hoo» ^{h classes 1 Sunday . Mr ^ M r s E d Van VUet 299 Hasbrouck ™m m the^ Cnwnber^ room , owed b y a mov j t en - for aU ages; I0:50 a. m., New Year, cieve and Daisy Rider enter-'were Christmas dinner guests of junior ana senior aeparunems in tjtled North Carolina A11 mcm . Communion service beginnmg:| taine d at their home on Christ '" " ~ ' Herman La Tour, avenue, telephone 6746 and Mrs. Cecil Haines of 1 Mr. and Mrs. Ferris Turner and Shokan' Thursday, 7:30 p. m., senior choir j Kingston called on Mr. and Mrs. ; son entertained at their home on Ar Kingston (Uptown) 8 10 Percy Barley Tuesday night. 1 Christmas Day. Guests were Mr. ^r Kfnf 8 .^ iSS£fiL» MS Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kelder and Mrs Earl Sahler and Lewis ^ aSf^2oI^'a^'a^\?L»* Stor. and daughter, Sandra Lee and Mr. ' Van Nostrand. I tmhway ^ —J m#— *_*!..._ T^-.J— 1 ^>- : . Coddington and Jon Daily AM. 8 00 8 40 8 00 9 30 9 55 10 00 10 05 10.20 10 41 11 05 11.10 11 15 w 1 315 3:40 3:45 3:50 4.05 4:26 4:50 4:55 6:00 All Pli ft Sun. 82 . 1 5 00 5:25 5 30 5:35 6:50 6:11 6 35 6:40 6 46 others via Sun. Only 4:10 4:30 5:00 6:25 5 30 5 35 5 10 6 11 6 35 f 40 6 46 new Waruch celebrated their fifth Evangelical Lutheran Church Early Start SUNDAY MORNINGS . . . EARLY MORNING CHURCH SERVICE , 8:45 Regular Service 10:50 SERMON TOPIC: "Mike 1954 Your Best Year" OLD DUTCH CHURCH CORNER MAIN and WALL STS. BEGIN - - THE NEW YEAR RIGHT HAVE THE ENTIRE FAMILY SUNDAY-SCHOOL AT 9:45 A. M. TOMORROW AND EVERY SUNDAY AT FIRST ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH 87 FAIR STREET KINGSTON, NEW YORK ice next Sundav the newly-elected lowship. Monday, 6:30 p. m., church councilmen and officers young people's church member- will be installed. .? hl P clasa will meet with Dr. Snell i in assembly room; 7:30 p. m., Miz- Fair Street Reformed Church, pah class meeting at home of Fair and Pearl streets, the Rev. Mrs. Harry Carnright, 65 Elmen- J. Dean Dykstra. minister— dorf street. Tuesday, 6:30 p. in., Church school at 9:45 a. m. with Gem Society; covered dish top- departments for all age groups per followed by business meeting nursery through high school. A and social hour, chairman of sup- creche is provided for the care of per committees Mrs. Frank Stro- young children in the Crosby bel, Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. final House during the hour of adult meeting adult membership class; followed by a moving pict Bethany Hall^Morning worship ^ tled ^l^H^fh. ilj.JSSI!' ! wttTSrSuT mS^CeJSS^l*^ *\^& h ° n 5f *?" Christ-, Mrs. John C. OstartKHidtand Mr.! Lv KJKCSTON n f service b*»pins at 8 4=i tnr\ w r « ' bers and friends of the congrega- wiin organ preiuoe, t^antuena Dy maa Day for Mr. and Mrs. Calvin and Mrs. Ira Clearwater. Tr«nw«yi Termi th* Rprfo^K wurt, and Roeers Sated at 10 50 o'clock The J c - tion are cordial, v "ivited. Senior Goltermam; wmmunion medita- Rider and ftmny Mr , a n d M r s I The R ^ . George D. Wood and <&}*•» ^m*"* 1 , £Ll£*Z? t L'J? U ^l!^ n i % e ? E™. a of Holy Communion wfl choir rehearsal Thursday at 7:30 tion by Dr. Snell entitled, Lovest Aj fred Ride,. NomMtn Osterhoudt' daughters, Barbara and -Carolyn, gjg™ T * rmiMj r?ed at bothTrvfc?" The P- m - A t t n e regular church serv- Thou Me?; 6.-30 p. in Youth FeU and gon.-.Henty. j spent Christmas Day in Kingston. S?S"ci. rved at both services. The : . „.._ J _.. ^ ... . . . . a^ in«,«h,n M rt nrf av «*n n m l ^ gealed wdg m the Town Jacob H BarIey gnd dau | hter SSSSUkm of Rochester garage building were ' Mildred, spent Christmas with f{* |»nj" opened in the town clerk's office Mr. and Mrs. Fredmond Barley. , Ar Marfaretviii* in Accord by Supervlaor Howard Mrs. Russell Decker is a patient j Andes Anderson Dec. 1 2t>. -There were at Benedictine .Hospital. » Delw three Ipidi , received from the i The fourth quarterly conference Swart Construction Co., Kingston: will be held in the Accord Colonial Construction Co., Kings- Methodist Church Jan. 11 at 7:30 ton and Berme Wood Working Co., p. m. There will be a pot-luck Inc.. Kerhonkson. Ail bids wore supper in the church hall at 6 tabled for further consideration, p. m. Mrs. Myrtle Dulatt of Grahams K.NGSTON, ETC., TO' PINE HILL, FLEISCHMANNS, MARCARETVILLE, ANDES, DELHI, AND ONEONTA Dally Ex 'streets, the Rev. David C. Gaise, rament pastor—rSunday school at 9:30 be observed a. m. Worship service at 10M5 theme of the dominies meditation a. m. A nursery is provided to will be Make 1954 Your Best - j Year. A nursery for the care of For All Church Goers smail children of parents who de- Who Wish to Got on Sun AM 8:46 8:50 9:00 Dallv 12.40 18:45 12 50 1:12 1:88 1 45 1:50 1:56 8:25 Ar Sun. M. 12 40 12 45 12 50 1.18 1 32 1 ,5 1:50 1:55 2 25 2 50 8.10 Dally PM-. 3.86 3:30 3 35 3:57 4 15 4:30 4:35 4:40. 5.00 3:25 8:45 8:88 5:15 6:10 5 20 8:48 6:08 6:15 6:20 6:25 6:80 Sun. Only PM 7 00 7 05 7 10 7:33 7:82 rn On)* PM •9 15 9 20 9 25 9:47 10:97 10:30 10 2.» 10:30 11:09 Oneonta —— (Mt Tremper passengers discharged at intersection Routes 88 end 318.) •This trip will *iao run Dee 84. Dee 81 and f*«b 11th KINGSTON, I T C , TO WEST HURLEY. WOODSTOCK AND WILLOW DaYly* Ex Sun. Daily AM pit 9 00 13:40 9 0S 12:48 9:18 13:60 Dally Ex Sun. PM 3:28 3:30 3:88 Dally PM •5:15 5.10 6:30 rn 9m. ••9 18 9 30 8:89 Carolyn Wood, who has been LEAVE— ville was a dinner guest Tuesday visiting relatives in Kingston, has Kingston (Tranways, worship. Worship service at 11 instruction period followed by 0 f Mr. and Mrs. Ira Clearwater returned home. Kingston 'Central! a.m. The pastor will preach on social hour and refreshment*, and Mrs. John C. Osterhoudt. I The Ladies,' Aid Society of the j •""EEL T l!!.:*^',.;."^-*^ _ „ . . . "the subject. On Going Ahead. The Thursday, 10:30 a. m., study hour| Mr. and Mrs. Francis Codding- .Rochester Reformed Church will ^ „$* • " " • • * •»•> ***• mu » rMl "&*» •**•» *—wr* ttota Kinaa- Orange Arms will meet in the par- of WSCS followed by noontime, ton and family and Mr. and Mrs. hold its regular monthly meeting: ••Tnp will run December 24ta December sist end february iita ish room at 6:30 p. m. Monday, prayer, business meeting and (Francis Green and family spent at the home of Miss Edna Baker' *•"•«" 1 c *? nw ? wioi buaeet arid traini to New Yor* City Connecting 8 p. m.. Mens Club vvill hold its social hour in afternoon beginning j Christmas with their parents, Mr. at 1:30 p. m. Wednesday, Jan. 6. 'SSTuaST!Sid Welf Shllfe kTiiroed * n *" """* iioant * ia Vi9m regular meeting in the parish at 1:30; report on Oakwood sum- an d Mrs. Percy Booth in Kerhonk- This is tht> annual meeting and ' Tuesday. 3:30 p. m.. mer school by. Mrs. Howard;son. officers will be elected. I WILLOW, LAKE HILL, BEARSVILLE, WOODSTCCK. I T C , TO KINGSTON room. Brownie Scouts "will meet "in the Shultis at 6:30 p. m.. junior choir parish room. Tuesday, 7 p. m., organizational meeing. all inter- Boy Scout Troop will meet in the : ested boys and girls meet with parish room. Wednesday. 2:15 Miss Dorothy Smith in Assembly p. m release time religious in- Room at this time; 7:30 p. m., sen- structlons will be conducted in the Uor choir rehearsal, parish room. Wednesday. 3 15 officers will be elected. Mr. and Mrs. Lewi* Durham of , Mr. and Mrs. William Dough- Kingston spent Sunday afternoon ; erty, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Decker, with Jacob H. Barley and daugh ter.< Mildred. Mrs. Norman Osterhoudt re- Mrs Oscar Coddington, Mrs. Anna [ LEAVE— Smith and Miss Rossie Codding-' ton attended the singspiration ser- turned home Monday from Bene- vice at the At wood Chapel Sun- dlctine Hospital and is con- day night. Willow Bearsvtlle Woodetoek West Hurley m Sun. AM 1:48 7:55 8 05 *»M»#II Dally 18:3? 19:49 10 53 p. m. Junior choir rehearsal and The Nile is the only river in valescing at the~home~of her J^r-1^MiS^'rr-ra «5» a rra»,» n f w«~. <ll K\*ZI\Z ffSSg?"""'"*"'""" f : " »••» heatJi m ^ orm( ?t te ch u oir re - the worW that ™* at the «»"*-,ems Mr 8 and Mr5°%Std wdff well jJrSton* fs vS ing"M£ ^ ^f^ /8SSy.r:::::::::::: Mt W-ll S*7o^^r re tSf W Hi lnt f epar ;- tor *"* flOWS int ° thC tem P* rat *' Mre - L M. Decker called on .Barbara WrSd. E Above tnp. connect with * £ « . « tiSa. fVU « - v i a ciT ish room under the direction of zone. , Mrs. Phoebe Lawrenc* and Mrs.' Gary Jonnion spent Tueaday' iio«SS? e vffif c ^ L ^ a i S ' ^ f f ^ S l S ^ ^ ^ ^ Sun. PS. - !». 4:88 4:38 4:38 4:80 8:08 8:00 Sun Only PM. 4:18 4:36 4:39 4:88 4:58 8:05 8:09 Daily •TiT .f 8:88 6 40 9:45 6:88 Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

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Page 1: In The End All You Really Have Is Memories 10/Kingston NY... · TT: r^T "\ !, Shirlpv Otis CamDbeU and Miss the home •* Mr **** Mrs Latte r with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. David


•> <m m m m w e w w w w » w » o ; p w w ^ w < r w w ^ » w » > » «

SUNDAY CHURCH SERVICES •+" jsire to attend worship service is!Mrs. William E. Rylance. Thurs-

conduci ed at the Church House. I day, 7:30 p. m., senior choir re-The Junior Hi and Senior H i ! hearsal is field in the parish room groups of Christian Endeavor will I under the direction of Mrs. Wal-meet after the second service for)lace* Wood. Friday at noon, a light luncheon, to be followed by Service Club will hold its regular

+0+m*0****k»A.f *«»,* • m * i * M M sssfj »i»» (Notice* for this column uHl care for . young children whose

not be printed unlet* received by parents attend the service. Sun- a travel talk, with slides, to be monthly meeting in the parish! J;J0 o'clock Friday afternoon at day, 7 p. m., meeting of the Elcor- given'by Max Banner, who spent room. -Luncheon will be served the downtown editorial office./ Teens. Tuesday, 7 p. m., meeting last summer in Europe. All choirs at noon and a business meeting

w«w T v i n i ^ r h n r , * Midland ? ^ S c o u t T r ? ? p 9", ^ o " * 8 " w U 1 resume regular sessions be-'will follow. The church is open •* J L ^ S S i i f r ^ S L £ g 5 d a y* I- P . m . meeting of the Sew- ginning Monday. Jan. 4. Bible daily for prayer and meditation^ the Rev. HeraM^C. Swezy, vicar l n g Circle at the home of Mrs. study Class will meet Wednesday, in charge. Holy communion and Adam Thiel, 20 Snyder Place; j a n . 6 , i n t h e Chambers room! sermon at 9:30 a. m. 2:45 p. m., confirmation class. The Patroon Club will meet in

Acorn Hill Weslevan Methodist T 1?u r a d a>' ' 1*> P- m.. senior choir Bethany Hall Wednesday, Jan. 6. | Acorn i t u vvesieyan Meinoaisi r ehearsal; 7:30 p. m.. meeting of All adults interested in ioinintri

Church, the Rev. Ge*ld Matson f h e U d i e s . A i / a n d Missionary A " a ° U , n l e r e s t e < 1 «" » « i n e i pastor—Services every Sunday at s o ^ y i n t h e assembly room wi th


3 p*m. Young peoples 2:30 p. m. All welcome

St. James Methodist Church, corner Fair and Pearl streets, the {P«noch

--. Rev. Ralph M. Houston, DD.min-joining | ister, Miss Ether W. Gootlrodt,

this group are invited to attend director of Christian Education— and there will be an election of j Sunday, 9:45 a. m., Sunday church

with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, Leslie Aaron, a patient a t Mrs. Percy Barley. the Veteran's Memorial Hospital

Mr., and Mrs. Ross Coddington in Ellenville, is reported to be inl­and Mr. and Mrs. Francis Cod- j proving. » dington and daughters, Carol Sue j Mr. and Mrs. Al Piester and

Kerhonkaon, Dee,' S t ^ M r . and Ralph McDonald and daughter, £ ? . £ £ • w e S dinner guests at son Richard .spent the weekend . . T T : r ^ T " \ !, Shirlpv Otis CamDbeU and Miss t h e h o m e •* M r **** M r s Latter with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. David Schwab entertained g^riey, g u ^ g n ^ W J i g u u i coddington Christmas night. George Coddington. Christmas Day Mrs. Amy And- ^e re Christmas dinner guests of .Barbara Wood, Carol Steers, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnson over and Mr and Mrs. Harold Mr. and Mrs. Irving Smith and H S a / ? t » S ? ™ L . J-?0"*8"1 J u d e r « a i M 8 0 n s entertained Mr. and Mrs. Qm.tK nt iriiMiV.ii« .nrf >i.n Mr aon Donald Rider and the Rev. George Percy Barley Christmas Day.

T i c p ? c , , v I Mrs. Mary Pacht and daughter. D- Wood attended the young Miss Ann Davis of New York and Mrs. Russel Samuels of Na- ' j a ^ u e t o e T a r e i n New York for K^ftLtZfliTfL £ . t ! ! e * C h £ ^ * I P , e B t t h e holiday weekend with

I t K T K 2 ^ " £ g u e s t * ^ Mr~arrf 2 « ? W B t o r t « ' f e K i ^ t m S ^ ^ Mr. and Mrs. James Keator i Mrs. Sam Barron. , mL: ~kmtAmt^, , 4U T»^ I *

and daughter, Janet, of Kingston.! Mr «w, M « E * , w ™ , « * , J - ^ consistory of the Rochester were Sunday guests

her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Millard Davis.

Mr.and Mrs. Carl Henderson , " £ - 'A Ntw^Y^r* W a ^ t h e ^ S S S f ^ R e f o m ^ c S h will hold i t , land" daughter; Arlene and .on,

, „ . . _ - . M _ ,„ v 0 f M r - a n d , S t e ^ e r l h e i o l i d a y ^ ^ ^ % r ™%™*'£*&&?££& T o m m y *n,d ^ ^ " T f t f r

officers. •JoBeph tFlowers :uartingi school with classes for all ages j Mrs. Donald Keator. | M r a n d M r s p h i l i p 'scWein of. „ „ ' . _ ? . m , n _ t h e c h u r c h ! w e r e ^ " ^ ? f . M r s . C a r o L »rvice at a special program arranged by

Miss Evelyn Roosa.

Methodist Church of Connelly. g t John's Episcopal Church, „ . . . j a i | „ , n r . M t maAUaa™ ««H • - / .— :\~ — — --:~~„z JVJCU ^ u s u n a i m miuuKtuwn « « B « n »>/« •«*«: «iui mcino. , . #««»«.- v T : " ;—: the Rev. Ivan F . Goasoo. minis- Albany and Tremper avenues, the J J J n ° a "y I o r r e s l - m e d i t a u o n and worship wi th se rmon by Dr. Hous- j w h e r e they were guests of Mr. i T*e Schleins are former residents.l 2 f * / n i v ™ u n i o n a t U^ 1 * h o m e

president, will be available for except the nursery department I Mr. and Mrs. Philip Davis en further deta.Ls. This church is which meets at 11. A U l ? 8 . a l

j o y e d Christmas in Middletowri' North C a V l i n a h V v e W n spend- f w

M o n r o * R i d e r a n ( ! daughter, jling-maier and Mrs. Louis Parker igg a few days here with fr iends.[F s£J!? . d W_..Lee entertained a t jC^ i s tmas night. ^ ^ ^ _ #

te r—Divine worsh ip a t &:lo a. m. R e v Robert T. Shellenberger, with the Sacrament of the Lord's rector—Holy Communion 8 a. m. Supper. Sunday school 9:30 a. m. Holy

Communion and sermon 11 a. m

prayer. i d r i i t ^ r P t i n g t iS n ^ J L . S ? * ? - 2 " ' andMrs rHar^ ldVe l tonrhe r p'a'r-1 Mr. "and^ Mrs. Max Brown were Su"df/- TP0** p r e 8 € n t w e r « M r -, addition to the nursery depart- e n t 8 . ! Christmas Eve guests of Mr. and a n d ^ r e - H e nry C. Seymour. Mr.

Miss Anna D. Schoonmaker of Elmira "spent the Christmas week­end with her sister. Mrs. Augustus

Progressive Baptist Church, j m e n t " "at this hour, supervised j ""Mr- j o h n Lathron entertained Mrs^Harrv^Linelev3" "* " " " " " a n d M r s - Henry M. Seymour and,L. Sahler. . „ p , A rhumh the — - — « ~ ™ " - ^ " S h n S i 10 a ^ ' p V S S S n " I ^ ^ ° f ^ S f ^ ^ a " d P / l U h f West End Bridge ClubrrSSJl ^ S a m S S n d daughters,' £ « £ " « ' • * » « ? » ^ o f

wK r K*l*?n<El?l£ M I T F X P ^ K ;

Tillson Reformed Church, the Wednesday the Epiphanv, the Bible school 10 a. m. Procession-, m a r y a g e children are provided d a y Guests Dresent included the Bernice and Elaine are sDendine h o " k s o n ; Mr. and Mrs. Guy Rider i ton Enderly and Miss Edna Baker ?v David CWe.dner . minister^ ^ f c o S m u n i o n at 8 and 10 a. m. a ' r ^ c and menage by the pas J M r ^ e ^ w h o a t t ^ M ^ ^ a ^ a n o T ^ g e ^ A J b e r t ?ZSS £ y \ taNew^Or?^ « ? 'S'J™*** °£ ™<**> ^ " V ^ l T n V r d ^ W a S S 2nd

Sunday school. 10 a. m. Celebra- ^ ^ 3 . . t h e evening branch of t 0 ^ a ^ n a- "^ H o ) y Communion 6 p. m., Senior Hi Fellowship, M y e r i Millard Davis Moses friends and familv - M r a n d M r s - F , ° y d Hummel and and Mrs. Leonard Warren and tion of the Lord's Supper at 11 ^ e

U T o m a n - . ^ ? x 1 S a ? y will meet -11 be «/nunbtered at thjs nnv- snack supper, worship, program^ S g o S S * ^ ^ a. m. at s n m in the narish house. i c e . l h e monthly rally win oe Monday. 7 D. m.. Girl Scout TTOOD ! {.•«„ n «^ T««, A - D^«»«IU, W„.„ V « . I . « , . . i t . u - w ^^ and Robert of Sleightsburg. Mr


_.„ Choir rehearsal Thursday Friends Meeting House. TUlson p m Thg v e s t ry will meet in

—Sunday school. 10 a. m„ with t h e sacristy Thursday at 8 p. m. classes for all ages. Worship serv- • ice every Sunday at 11 a. m. Rich- Alliance Gospel Church. Frank

s-««yTrK5 Tirws* a^AAfiS*.*'? S;|.t^^r^US*smcni',*teu;£Si Ke..or iS BwauJsr5? •»T»^rs her home

p. m. At 8 p. m.. aeacoiib program, recreation, refreshments, will conduct the service.with mes- 7 : 1 5 p m ^ y Scout T r o o p n

ard B. Talleur charge.

miniver;*" is" in lin a lp ineVt ree t s . the Rev. Vir- \*&£rJ*JE!£* ™±™*iL% : THursday'.'^SO p. m^BrowmTGW

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Conklin of

'Sunday in Middletown.

Religiou§ Radio Programs of his parents, Mr. andMrs. Etine and ; rdaugnter-in:iaw, Mr. ' and' N U S V * N ^ " a n ^ r h ^ r ^ n T f h e 1 P r e s , ? n t e d ^ a P u b , l c « e r v i c e

Messinger Mrs Donald Keator Nutley, N. j . and their ion of the o v e r station WKNY and spon-,^ ^ , ^ t »* • u» ^. 1- —« - v».w, j a m e s Roosa who is with the Mt and Mrs n*r*A rarlile were " a v y . stationed in California, spent ^ r e d by the Kingston Ministerial

gil R. Brisco, pastor-Sunday | the Gospe^Chorus. Monday; nigM. S c o u t T r 0 o p sJ . 7 : 3 0 p . m ^ r e - ' a r m ^ 3 L r v k e «« T « « U K Z ! J S L * ^ L ^ " l G 2 0 d £ r U 1 L ! ? S ! Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Carl school hour at 9:45 a. m. with Shokan Rpformed Church, the classes for all ages. At 11 a. m..

Rev. Richard B. Coons, pastor— worship service, special music and Sunday school at 10 a. m. with message by the pastor. Youth classes for all ages. Worship serv- prayer time at 6 p. m. Alliance ice at 11 a. m. with sermon by Youth Fellowship service at 6:30 the pastor. p. ro. Good News Hour with slng-

, ... spiratton time and message by the Church of the Ascension. West p a s t o r at 7:20 p. m. Wednesday.

Park, the Rev. Herald C Swczy, 7^5 p . m . , annual business meet-rector - Sunday services Holy j n g a n ( j election of officers. There Communion. 8 a. m. Church will be no prayer meeting, school, l l a. m. Service and ser- % mon, 11 a. m. F i r s t Assembly of God. f o r m e r - ' t h e Rev

1, - *- - - . . .. . . . New Apostolic Church. Kings- s e r nhhes

Mission Circle meeting at the home of Ida Gilmore, president. 53 prTdav 4 n m Tnin

UraVhn^,;,,"re• t o r ft r u r l °U8* with his pa Tompkins street. PYWC meet- h l i r X i P J e" ' M r - a n d M r s - Robert Roosa ing Saturday at 4 p. 'm. Praise j " e a r s a j

and prayer service Wednesday I ^ :__. ..._. ^ , . . . son

^ T i f ^ i If-™Tf $£&& guests of Mrs. Maude Hendersor^nd^famUy0 , , , - , - . . . —•••«.•• «•-»».».» ».. iw/>cc. u> IIVIIIV ounuav Kucaia ui ivus. iiiauut tr«~j-._,*— _ _ J * t\ Association, tne ioiiowing pro-hfarsal of the sanctuary choir.! ( o r , furlough with hia parents, CarUlt Henderson and family. g r a m s o f chrUtian faith and life

Sfcrtdan Bell » a parent a. the ^ J t ^ c ^ S T S , ^ ^ " " " te h r o i d C a S , d U r i n S , h e ^

night." Cl\pir rehearsal Thursday aVenue First Baptist Church, Be Light, a To^T^Ti^^t aenV,iii*ani*a in W G L 3 ^ 5 S S » i n g r k L e f u ^ , r o n i 9 , 0 9 : 1 5

Irs. I night. An entertainment pro- Do'nald E'Brown"'minister" " Y t 5, V V a w a r s i n 8 - *** Christmas er and son, Waif«:r, 01 rmsuurgn, Day with Mr and Mrs Franklin " r ; : " 6 J " ; * T~ 7.—,

v.._„u ^onaia £.. .Brown, minister — At dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Pa. and Mr and Mrs. Jack R o - i £ £ £ . J , 7, *ranKiin s l o n o f t h e N a t i o n a l Council of — - - - -- • • ' KeWer and family t h e QhurcMes of Chris t in t h e

Carolyn Wood is ill a t he r home, y SJA . f r o m u to 1 2 o'clock, Mrs. John Mcin tosh is visiting t h e morning service of worship

Baptist Church. Albany 7nd MrTTnd I t e ' l t o ' l E a V K l " ^ S ^ ' M r . I^wrence Lelpun- ^ c ? i S d ^ rranTcribTd1 production £'\fe gjRSETSkJS? - 7 ; of Wawarsing. were Christmas e r ^ ^ n , Walter, of Pittsburgh. fL^SSTSfinSVL ^ S Broadcasting and Film, Commis-

gram will be held in the church g.Tf ' - ^ ' 7 h u r r h ' ^ ^ ^ 7 ^ d i n n e r g u e s t s o f M r ' a n d D

hall Saturday night. j ? ; ? J \ ! P ' i S H ^ S L ^ i 2 ? L « ^ ! K ! M a x Brown and son, Nelson. I asked to note the new t ime for sen tha l of Bal t imore , Md.. were Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Chernich guests over t he weekend of Mr. y»U U U in sr\ " " • aaaav* ami a. u i u n i t vesica inv.ii XUC91S Over UK WCeiM

Rondout P r e s b y t e r i a n and t ^ ^ X ^ ! ^ J m ^ ° ^ n h a v e ^ turned from vacationing in and Mrs. Wilfred Kopp (Zt-lK-J* ow l . : * rv,..^K ^ , r . prelude and chimes, 11 a. m. serv- Florida M . —A M ~ ' C^IJU Wurts Street Baptist Church, cor-ner of Wurts and Spring streets, K ^ Z S ^ T W S ^ s

M r s > H e n r y S h e r m a n a n d ham* enjoyed their Christmas din-wlthe Rev. William • Garner Cain,. J T L ^ i l ^ P ^ L ^ f 0 ! ^ ^ daughters, Patricia and Jean, en- oer a t the Indian VaUey Inn.

Mr. and Mrs. Setgried Abra-1 f S J ^ j S J ^ J J f c " ^ " ^ G o l d c n from the_ sanctuary of the First Lyons and family Mrs. Elizabeth Henderson Baptist Church, with sermon by

^ the minister, the Rev. Donald E.

Kingston, Mr, and Mrs. Jansen at tha home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam-Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kelder

f irst ASSemDly or UOO, tormer - ' ttie rtev. w u i a s i i i u u i i e i *-^""' meHitatinn hv" tho n « c i n r %x,iU K« .X «.""•?."• *«•**«-«» •»"»« - c a n , en- uc-i g t u ie m u i a n v a u e y xnn. -r«.«/li«er *K^ U „ U H « U . A » « n n ,.,i*K ""-" ""'"a lt-' , m e xvt.*. ivuimju t.. the Full Gospil Tabernacle, As- Minis ter-Church sehool meets in ™e d , . t a t °" b y «J« P a s t o r J^1 J * tertained at Christmas dinner .for Mr. and Mrs. Johnson of Bea- K n £ £ g

n ^ « « H KST 5 3 S 5 K f M B r o w n - **<* da> • ^ ^ P 1 S u n d a > • -. - , « „, ^ - • - n b l i e s of God. 87 Fair street, the primary rooms and'-chapel at . n n l 5 ^ c - J ^ , ? e J S . J E ^ ; ^ r a n d M r s - "arvey Mertine of con were guests over the holidays fiLS^PfeSS ^ S J ^ S l ^ " ^ 8.50 a. m., Morning Chapel will

ton Branch. 164 Elmcndorf street, t h e R e v Rober t R Vinson ' p a s - 10 a m • congregat ional service Ah " " ^ e r y is held dUTing the Kingston Mr «nH Mrs . i«n Spn .+ •»»- K « ^ «f M ^ ~ „ A *M~ C « ^ . I derson of N o r t h Adams, Mass. K o ^^A^*^ K.. tv,^ f« iu .„ in„

the Rev. H. Hagenah r e c t o r - t o r - S u n d a y schooi. 9:45 a*, m. 'of divine worship in tflfe s anc tua ry SJUJSta w'ith ^ i i ? Services Sunday a t 10:30 a. m. w i t h c i a S 8 e s f o r a i i %g«s. Topic, at 11 a. m The first worship serv n f l r p n i s w , i n s m f l " Sunday school a t 9:30 a. m. J e s u s i n t roduced and Annointed. ice of t h e new year %ill be th , . , , , « , , „ m „ Wednesday. 8 p. m.. weekly serv- worship service 11 a.-m. Sunday celebration of the Sacrament o f . ^ ^ i T . h . v l f t r - iL™-M«' D e . l ? a r k ^ ^ W h e r e with his parents, Mr ice and choir rehearsal

j „ . ... „ c ° n , v . e n i e n c ^ 1o r Osterhoudt of Mettacahonts. Mr. uel Divine, and daughter, Dawn.. . , . „ . . „ a . « i « i M . , . ^ u . . . . . . .» i«- « . . . u . ^ ^ u . xe*v„.Ua»

^ parents with small children. The a n d Mrs. Charles Osterhoudt/ Cliffori! Markle of St. Lkwrence | aJld ^ ^ L ^ f " , ? J^Jl"1?^ Tuesday and Wednesday, the Rtv

be conducted by the following ministers as indicated: Monday,

o t,, a ' m - Jesus Introduced and Annointed.' I ice of the new year %ill be the, w J v v f ™ i^Cr lTS a <SW o v e r Mrs. Calvin Mertine and Earl Van Unlvertfty'is sDendine the hniu Wednesday. 8 p. m.. weekly serv- Worship service 11 a.-m. Sunday celebration of the Sacrament of ™ £ N Y f r

fo m . U

v ° IK i M P ' m - Demark V university is spenaing the holl-.-« — A ~u~... ~>ho,rcai __»._.. F.. T ....:„_ _a. «.««».*,_. ^ i en..^ ...i;„„ officers of tr\e Youth Fellowship

ASd- Hn- n ^ K ^ f / r ' Arthur E. Oudemool, pastor of the ? t i 8 t m n ^ t h M r n d " • f^1 Reformed Dutch Church;

MrsrRoab1rt Johnson celebrated T ^ ^ ' ' P^SUS* . ^ S S H ' St. Mark's AME

Foxhall avenue, pastor—Sunday

Rev r e h l l i rSTa\mera ind acongrega^ y o u n S People's meeting and Christ^bers of Session. Tuesday, tion'will'worhsip with the church Ambassadors at 3 p. m. Wednesday night, _ . — ~ : _ . . . J Aid Society choir rehearsal.

Ashokan M e t h o d i s t Chjurch Washington, pastojr — Sunday Abruyn street, at Sunday

her birthday Dec. 26 the Rev. Dr. Joseph E. Carlin,

f j J i u a r ? nSaUngs of the Ladies' monthly meeting of the church Accord were Christmas dinner University is here to spend the K ™ , t l i d Sodely andgthe Women's Mis- j o l T S ™ r ^ J ^ . V %t «u«f.ta „ ^ ? » ^ £reen^. .. ' holidays with his parent,, Mr. and , J ? * £

l r ? " . ' ^ M ^ ' "^i^»a,i ^ 0 n „ P a s t ° r o f t h e Reformed Churches Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kelly tTf TS1_^»„i^_*^^ _ _ J o» D^—... and family are spending their, ° f Bloomington and St. Remy.

Franklin Booth of Syracuse ^ i l i 3 ^ . ^ ^ ! ! 0 . " flt t h e C h a r l e s

homestead. Rosa, dog census taker

K of C Radio Programs Through t he cooperat ion of

Church 240 ' S ^ ^ s l r i S ? w i l l bVhdd at"!he I h o m e oi Mrs- G e o r S e Chase- 143 "_Mr. and Mrs! Steve" Shulti spent Mri~^rcy"B<»th!~ '<>r <"» To«ii of Rochester, has ; Kingston Council 275. Knights of i r r e ! , a P ; k S « £ v " V ^ S Mr. and Srs . | Mr. a?d M r , Ra,ph Smith c^P je t ed the cenau. for^lSM. IColumbu,. Uje S a c r e d . H « r . . r * o .

River Vi Catherine , , « „ , - *«». » . « . ™me ui "»« » " ^ « " ' * " " * " " • ^ " : sanctuary choir rehearsal. Friday, Miles Seamon I spent Christmas" wUh ' the i r ' son Licenses are now available at gram and the Ave Maria Hour

w ~ t school "10 a m Divine worshib WP^P^dav the minister's class in 2,:,30 D- m - monthly meeting of the Mr. .and Mrs. Paul Billas of and family, Mr. and Mrs. William ' t h e town clerk's office in Accord, j will be heard over WKNY during - - - - - T n v T - - " - - wn^efn £rtoe and Drachma:W o I T S s ? ^ S ^ ^ t r ^ t S J T a t 2 ! » o V m ' Woman's Missionary Society at New York were weekend guests I Smith at Mombaccus. Owners and those harboring a the coming week Sunday morn-2 ? v ce* 9 30 a m Sunday s c n ^ f t o T H a t n ^ e paf tor a id £ £ - I V™ m 8 t r U C _ t i 0 n _ a t ^ ^ , the church- , of Mrs. Era . Billas who accom-1 Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Smith cele- ' dog are requested to obtain their ing at 8:30 the Ave Maria Hour Glenford. 1:30 « ™ «=.mrf«v ereeation will worshia at the Reformed Church of the Corn-

services follow

missionary meeting. Tuesday, 7:30 ages. Worship at 11 a. m. The classes for all age groups. Divine kins spent Christmas in Hyde for the holidavs as euest of his I Mr and Mrs John SchoonmaW East Kingston and Glasco Meth- p. m., senior choir rehearsal, ordination and installation of the worship at 11 a. m. with the Sac- Park with their, daughter and son- parent! Mr S d M?s Ha?rison er and sons ente??ained at Xei r

odist Churches, the Rev. Fred H. Wednesday. 8 p. m . prayer serv-' newly elected elders and deacons, rament of the Lord's Supper. Sun- .n-law, Mr. and Mrs. Charles BrowrT'and daughter Beverly horhe CtSstmwf Da" for £ Deming minister-Worship serv- i ces. Thursday. 4:30 p. m., junior Sermon topic, What Do you Live day. Youth Fellowship, at 6:30 Smith and daughter. Charlene. j Lawrence Savflle who s ' at- Maude LeGrande of H i S FalS" • ice at Last Kingston. 9.4D a m . choir rehearsal. |For? A nursery is held in the p m.: the meeting will include j Mrs. Bertha Seiple spent the tending school in Connecticut is Miss Anna D Schoonmaker of E v a M a e Boone, married 32 years. Bible school at East Kingston.; __ _ Church hall for children Whose the election of officers for the'weekend in Cragsmoor with her here fir a^few dayf i T S i e s t oi Elmira Mrs AuaStST Sahler of i f a U e d h e r d r i v i n 8 tett- S h e said 10:30 a. m. Worship service at New Central Baptist Church, parents attend church. Monday, coming year. Tuesday, special daughter and son-in-law, Mr .and his parents Mr and Mrs Law- Accord' James Sahler nf Rain everything was going fine until the Glasco. 11 a. m. The Sacrament 229 East Strand, the Rev. Oscar 6:30 p. m.. Girl Scouts in the hall. \ meeting of the Committee on Liv- Mrs. Harold Garrett. % erence Saviile Sr bridge' Ga and Mr and Mri* ' c a r w e n t o u t o f control, side-of the Lords Supper will be ad-, Palmer. pastor-Sunday school, 8 p. m., Couples Club in the hall. 'ing Memorials at the home of Tech Sgt. Chester Gray of Eddie Goldman' and Mr. Rode Frankiin Sahler and son of Ith-mirustered at both services. |9:30 a m. Devotional services by Game of choice and an old fash- Mrs. George Long. 28 West Ches- Sampson Airforce Base is spend- are in town visiting their family aca

. . . . . . _ , . _ . t h e deacons, 10:30 a. m. Proces- ioned box social will be held, ter street, at 7:30 p. m. Wednes- ing a 10-day furlough here with and friends for a few days « Mr. and Mrs Ira Devo enter-Church of the Laving God 284 sional and music by the 'senior Tuesday, 3:15 p. m.. Brownies day, released time religious in- his wife and two sons, Thomas Mr and Mrs Robert B* Cole tained relatives and friend* a t t e n t i o n to the damage because

N o r t h street> the Rev. B BotU, choir. 11 a. m. Message by the pas- meet in the hall. 7:30 p. m.. Boy s t ruct ion at 2:30 p. m. Wednesday, A r t h u r and Wayne Alan Mr. and were Sunday guests of M r and C h r i s t m a s Day t n e n d s , C f „ ^ ep _ rmmmtU i SJ

swiped a house, skidded across a lawn and jarred loose the founda­tion of another home. She paid no

State Trooper Frank Patton, rid-

10 a. m. tor at 11.30 Testimonial Scouts meet in the hall. 8 p. m. meeting of the Commission on Mrs. Benjamin J. Lee and Mrs. Mrs. Charles Krom at Napanoch ^"'i7\ TT"~ "" , i n .—w....a — ^ . . . ^ „ , Holy Com- consistory organizational meeting Christian Education at 7:30 p. m. Gray went to Sampson to call for Mrs ~" ' " " " 11:30 a. m. Program at 3:30 p.m. munion at 7:30 p. m. Mid-week at the parsonage for old and new in the church school rooms; a Mr. Gray before the holidays. M a n Mrs. Jackson in charge. Revival services: Monday night, mission- members. Wednesday. 1:30 p. m.,' worker's conference will follow Ann Davis is spending a few Christ

"™~"'1ZAW' ZJ a- i !"•£ beside her, was bleeding from Mr. and Mrs. Herman Gazlay . 6

h p r t l r A n n ^ M„ R ^ „ * «.i^ pastor--Sunday school. Devotional and pre. _ _

M a r g a r et Jane, entertained Sunday afternoon.

meeting will begin at 8 p. m. and ary meeting at the home of Mrs. Ladies' Aid dessert meeting at the the business* session. Thursday, days here with her parents, Mr. ard Doyle a°nd daughter ^vnn°of ToiIlS r ? 1 ^ " * 0 0 " e d d o n a i l d M r s ' ' a n continues through Jan. 8 con- Sadie sheppard. 221 East Strand, hall. 2:15 p. m, no religious in- WSCS meeting at 2:30 p. m. at and Mrs. Millard Davis. • Leibhardt Mr. and Mrs Cleve- ™ ? Sf.rilfl 3 n d


Gre^]y' ! t o -ducted by the Rev. JVlr. Stanton Wednesday night, prayer meeting, struction; 3:15 p. m.. junior choir, the home of Mrs. Mary Eighmey. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Mackey and land Van Aken and daughter Bar- u 2 J b . J L ! ?• , « 0 S e

and preaching at meeUng*'followed"by Holy"Coin- consistory""organizational meeting Christian Education at 7:30 p . m . Gray went to Sampson to call for Mrs. Mary 'Lee and daughter, called on Cleve and Daisy Rkte'r j c t - t e M l e e ^ v e n ^ a J f S h T n S ^ because they didn't press charges and told her to cry if she wanted

Saturday junior and senior choir Thursday'. 7:30 p / u u , — „ w B ' i T I n d S p S , in the church. J sale sponsored by the WSCS will ghiovflle to visit Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Anna Poo le-and brother „ „ , Tommy

begin next week. Persons desir- H a r i T ^t. .Ledger. Frank Brandt of Pataukunk. Rex

of Washington, D. C.

Phoenicia Baptist Church, the, R ^ H e ° t I n S K * K P t

a s t o r - S u n d a > " Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran ' Franklin Street AME Zion ing"a rticies of"baked"go"ods~may E a r l v « " Demark has returned Walter of Suffolk Airforce Base school at Chichester. 10 a. m. Church. Livingston street, the Church, the Rev. Sampson M. c a „ m e m b f h * w s c

a ^ t o his home here af ter spending a and Mr. and Mre. B W WenSf of Worship service 11 a. m. Young R C V . Ernes t L. Wit te . pastor - Greene, pas tor - Church school r d s t a . w h wanted Next {™ w e e k s in Miami. Mr. Van Napanoch enjoyed Chr i s tmaT d i s ­people s service at Phoenicia 6: lo Sessions of the Sunday school and 9:45 a. m Worship service and S u n d a y > J a n

g 1 0 a n d coniinuing Demark was joined by Miss Pa- ner as guests of Mr a n d M r s

P " i Evening service at Phoeni- Bible class at 9:15 a. m. Regular sermon. 10:45 a. m . with topic on. t h r o h j a n u a r y ' a n d F ebruary t r i c i a Sherman who is a student Gerald Can-c,a 7.30 o clock. During the win- worship service at 10:30 a. m. God's Glory on the_ Doorstep. The s e r v i ( ? e s w i l l be held downsta i r s a t Sou thern Florida College and Marga re t J a n e Wynkoop is te r months , p rayer meet ings will with a sermon on the theme An S a c r a m e n t of Holy Communion ' m t h e c h u r c h s c h o o l

of 0 ^ n , u l r s , together they flew home for the spending the Veek in PlaSifield

h 0 l l d a y S ^ „ » „ N- J - a s g u e s t of her aunt and John DeWitt, superintendent of uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond

The Japanese call their coun-son and daughter, Arlene and try Nippon, or Nihon,

•means "home of the sun.** which

LOCAL BUS BULLETIN Kingston but terminal* located as follows: Trail ways Bus Depot 495 Broadway, opposite Central P.O. TeL 744 Uptown Bus Terminal Crown St. Central Bus Terminal, opposite Wast

Short Railroad Station; phnnt 1374

„ . i Southbound Maynard end wi th her parents, Mr. and Port Ewen. Ulster Park. Csqpus. West


September 0 1853 Daylight Saving when In effect


be held in the homes of the vari- Epiphany Dedication to Service, vvill be served at the conclusion j ous members each Wednesday at The Board of Christian Education' of the service. At 7:45 p. m., Eu-1 First Presbyterian Church, El-8 p. m. 'meets Monday at 8 p. m. Regis-' charist message by the pastor and mendoif street and Tremper av- transportation of Bethlehem Steel, Bohler

• Itration for the special communion Holy Communion. Monday. 8 p. m.. enue, the Rev. William J. McVey. n a s °een spending a few days Mr. and Mrs. I rving Fa lk of P o n c k h o c k i e Congregat ion- service in the German language regula r monthly meet ing of the minis ter — Church school for all h e r e with his, brother and sister- Newark were here for the week

al Church, the Rev. Vardell E. being held Sunday Jan 10 will board o f ushers at the church, ages through high school meets at in-law "" _ Swett. pastor Sunday * school, be received Tuesday at 7 p m Tuesday. 8 p. m., regular monthly 9:45 a. m. Service of worship at DeWitt. He also visited with Mr. Mrs. Max Brown and son, Nel- j £•«* Highland Poughkeeptie. Milton £**' » i ? n!5Lni % i . . 7ai1,r^?i?i• 9:45 a. m. Communion service. 11 The church council meets Tues-! meeting of the board of trustees 11 a. m. Sermon by the minister and Mrs. Harry Robinson and son. a t ? ^ " ^ a n d N e w Y o r k New Baltimore^. C ^ y n S n l AJbSS. a. m. Chr is t ian Endeavor. 6:30 day a t 8 p. m. The annua l meet-1 a t the church. Wednesday, 8 p. m., on The Door Tha t Cannot Be children, Eddie and Roxy. • Mr. and Mrs. Raynsford Pome-p m. Evening service and Bible j n g of the vot ing assembly of the special member s ' meet ing to com- ] Closed. A nursery is conducted in M r - a n d M r s - John Addis and roy and children. Linda and Har-study. 7:30 o'clock. Tuesday. 7:30 congregation will be held Wednes-1 plete the church program for the I Ramsey Hall during the service so Elliot Addis of New Jersey and old. were Saturday night guests p. m., meeting of the Ladies' Aid day Jan. 13 at 8 p m. balance of the year. A coffee hour! that parents of little tots may be E l i Addis were Chr i s tmas dinner of Mr. and Mrs. Les te r A. Wyn-Society. Wednesday. 7:30 p. m , | ( a n d social will follow. Thursday , ! free to a t t e n d church. The- West - S u e s t s of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Mar- koop. , annua l congregat ional meet ing. Church of the Nazarene . E l m e n - j 7 p . m , r egu la r weekly rehearsa l mins te r Fellowship of high school ^ e - A large crowd a t t ended and en-Thursday , 7 p. m., choir rehear- doif s t ree t and Wil twyck avenue, I of the senior choir a t the church ; ' y o u t h mee t s a t 6:30 p. m., in the M r - a n d M r s - Sherwood Horn- joyed the Chr i s tmas p rogram at sal. the Rev. Freder ick F . Fike , pas - j 8 p. m.. regu la r month ly mee t ing ladies' parlor. Monday. 3:45 p. m., m e l 1 ° f Kingston, Mr. and Mrs. the Federated Church.

tot -Sunday school at 9:45 a. m., I of the National Association for I Intermediate Girl Scouts; 8 p. m..' I — —

ACCORD NEWS Firs t Church of Christ . Scient- with classes for all ages. Bui ld ing, the Advancement of Colored Peo-1 meet ing of Board of Trus tees!

ist, 161 F a i r s t r e e t - S u n d a y serv- fund offering session. Worship p i e a t the church. Fr iday , 7 p. m., Tuesday; 3:15 pa m., Brownies; 7 ice and Sunday school a t 11 a. m. hour at 11 a. m., with se rmon by ; r egu la r weeklv rehearsa l of the p. m . , In t e rmed ia t e Girl Scouts ; w i t h , lesson-sermon on God. pas tor on God. a Companion for junior choir a t the church. I 7 p. m , annual banquet of the Fel-Wednesday . 8 p. m.. "testimonial the Year Holy Communion vvill \ jowship Guild a t Judie ' s Wednes-meet ing. The reading room is be observed. 2:30 p. m., service Tr in i ty Evangelical L u t h e r a n d 3 . 4 0 m j u n ior choir re­open to the public Monday. Tues- in Ulster County Jail with Joseph Church, Spring and Hone streets, hearsal 7-15 n m Boy Scout dav. Thursday and Friday from Davis in charge; 7 p. m., Youth the Rev. Dr. Erank L. Gollnick. Troop Thursday 630 p m con-2 to 4 p. m., except holidays. The Service led by RonaW Wirth. with pastor. Sunday school at 9:45 2ree^ionH\ rav«rpri'diah a u n ^ r in r> «, 1 e A U ", •-•-—"••- ~ - r oT —- — - - - i B.ble and all authorized Chris- theme The Story Behind Famous a .m. Junior sermon, A GUd New E S T S n £ v E n l i D ' W o o d - Pastor-Sunday school, , vacation Monday, Jan 4 at 6:45 t , a ? , Sconce literature may be Songs; 7:45 p. m., evangelistic Year, The pastor a class will meet lollowed by annual c o ^ read, borrowed or purchased. hour with special music, followed at this time. Church service at 11 congregational meetings for the I Church services at 11 a. m I --• * ra"Cis «^ooaingion, Jeaaer

r's sermon on What a. m. Sermon theme. The Keeper p W t i n n nf ruling »)**£ anA tr,.«.

Accord, Dec. 31 -Roche„c r Re-! * * » S ^ S t ^ r S S m S ^ r formed Church, the Rev. George meetings following the holiday

From rraliwayt Terminal Dally 8 25 A.M. Dally ex Sun 4 Hoi 7:30 A.M. Dally, ex. Sun. & HoL . . . 10 05 AM. Dally, ex Sun A HoL . . . 8:50 A.M. Sun A HoL only 11 10 AM Sun A Hoi only 0:50 A.M. Dally IJ 55 PM Dally If 15 P M. Dally 3-29 P.M. Dally 2:10 PM. Daily 5 25 P.M. Dally, ex. Sat. Sun.. Hoi..a 3:41 PM. Dally 7:45P.M. Dallv . . . . . 4 2 0 P M .

- Dally, ex. SaL. Sun~ HoL.a 5:05 P M. Dally 6:30 P.M. D^Uy • 8 50 P.M. Frl Sun.. Hoi only x 0 80 PM.

x Trip rune as far as Saufferttes. • Daily to Coxssckle. Sunday* and Nov 26 to Albany. Southbound trip leaves tht Crown Street Terminal ten minutes earlier. Northbound trip will leave Crown Street Terminal ten minutes later. FOR INFORMATION CAU 713 744


Daily Ex

Sun LEAVE A.M. Oneonta —

by pas tor ' 1 J w a. A-.a. a. 1 Mlp- a n d Mrs. Fred Lyons, Mrs. I Delhi St. Paul's Evangelical Luthcra, About Your Tomorrow.. Wednes- of Souls. Confirmation Class tTe f tne a d ' o ^

Church 355 H a . W . c k avenue, day. 7:45 p. m . prayer and praise Monday at 4 p. m. . The annua. S T - p I ^ o S S K ^ o i ^ S S S ^ ' t o S S j ^ a ^ J ^ S S S S f 93ft S T ^ f c ' noon w i J T M T a n d ^ ^ Pe% B ? inT« • . . : : . : : : . : : : . : . : : . . : : : : : : IV. Lou.sC Smith, l a v e n d e r of First hour. 8Sb p. m., meeting of congregational meeting will be a l J Zrganizatiom ot t ^ church.' m u n i o n servTce at 10 a. m Barley. ana Mrs. * W y « £ g « . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J J | Lutheran Church. Albany^ as guesr* Official Board held in the church assembly ha Every member is urged to attend. | Mr. and Mn. 'Cecil Haines of, Mr and Mrs. Ferris Turner and &Z^a Wi preacher Sermon tVtn^ will be „ . , _ A . _,. . , ' M o n d a y . J a n . 4, at 8 p. m. All Thursriav ' 7 ' 5 n - — — : »•-•s-' •**• - -<•- • **- - - • »* - • s 0 0 *"" ••••••.-• » 47 P r e « i n g F o r w a J in the New OW Dutch Church c o r n e r - o f t i nsr members of the parish are 'hearMi-Year. Tuesday. « p. m. meeting of v J a " a ^ % a m s t r e , c , s - . t h e . R e v - urged to attend. Junior choir re- r e n e a r s a i -the Church Council. Thursday. 7 £™hul K • Oudemopl . m i n i s t e r — h o a r s a I T u e sday at 4 p. m. The Clinton Avenue M e t h o d i s t p. m.. meeting of junior choir; 7 ',3 ^nurcn school meets at 9:4D a. m.; L a d i r s ' A i d Society vvill hold its. Church, 122 Clinton avenue, the p. m., senior choir. I.adirs' Aid "Vf8?1"*' a .n d p T " 1, ? regular meeting in the church as- Rev. Clyde Herbert Snell, STB, meets at 8 p. m. Cajls for pas- ^ M ^ i n street P r S v d e M r ? : s e m b l y h a l 1 Wednesday at 7:30 Ph.D., minister - Sunday, 9:45, M r s . Charles Kelder in Kingston j birthdays Dec. 30. toral services are tojhe directed to nfen™ai

in " ^ " c E S * r S m P m- T h i s m e e t i n " W , U f o l _ f "V, S u n d a f A ^ h o o » ^ { h classes 1 S u n d a y . • M r ^ M r s E d V a n V U e t

299 Hasbrouck ™ m m the^ C n w n b e r ^ room , o w e d b y a m o v j t e n - for aU ages; I0:50 a. m., New Year, cieve and Daisy Rider enter- 'were Christmas dinner guests of junior ana senior aeparunems in t j t l e d N o r t h C a r o l i n a A11 m c m . Communion service beginnmg:| t a i n e d at their home on Christ ' " " ~ '

Herman La Tour, avenue, telephone 6746

and Mrs. Cecil Haines of 1 Mr. and Mrs. Ferris Turner and Shokan' Thursday, 7:30 p. m., senior choir j Kingston called on Mr. and Mrs. ; son entertained at their home on Ar Kingston (Uptown) 8 10

Percy Barley Tuesday night. 1 Christmas Day. Guests were Mr. ^r Kfnf8.^ iSS£fiL» MS Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kelder and Mrs Earl Sahler and Lewis ^ a S f ^ 2 o I ^ ' a ^ ' a ^ \ ? L » * Stor.

and daughter, Sandra Lee and Mr. ' Van Nostrand. I tmhway ^ — J m#— *_*!..._ T^-.J— 1 ^>-:. Coddington and Jon

Daily AM. 8 00 8 40 8 00 9 30 9 55

10 00 10 05 10.20 10 41 11 05 11.10 11 15

w • 1

3 1 5 3:40 3:45 3:50 4.05 4:26 4:50 4:55 6:00


Pli ft Sun. 82

. 1

5 00 5:25 5 30 5:35 6:50 6:11 6 35 6:40 6 46

others via

Sun. Only

4:10 4:30 5:00 6:25 5 30 5 35 5 10 6 11 6 35 f 40 6 46 new

Waruch celebrated their fifth

Evangelical Lutheran Church

Early Start SUNDAY MORNINGS . . .


, 8:45 Regular Service 10:50


"Mike 1954 Your Best Year"


C O R N E R M A I N and W A L L S T S .









ice next Sundav the newly-elected lowship. Monday, 6:30 p. m., church councilmen and officers young people's church member-will be installed. .?hlP clasa will meet with Dr. Snell

i in assembly room; 7:30 p. m., Miz-Fair Street Reformed Church, pah class meeting at home of

Fair and Pearl streets, the Rev. Mrs. Harry Carnright, 65 Elmen-J. Dean Dykstra. minister— dorf street. Tuesday, 6:30 p. in., Church school at 9:45 a. m. with Gem Society; covered dish top-departments for all age groups per followed by business meeting nursery through high school. A and social hour, chairman of sup-creche is provided for the care of per committees Mrs. Frank Stro-young children in the Crosby bel, Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. final House during the hour of adult meeting adult membership class;


by a moving pict Bethany Hal l^Morn ing worship ^ t l e d ^ l ^ H ^ f h . i l j .JSSI! ' ! wt tTSrSuT m S ^ C e J S S ^ l * ^ *\^& h°n5f *?" Christ-, Mrs. John C. OstartKHidtand Mr.! L v K J K C S T O N

nf service b*»pins at 8 4=i tnr\ w r « ' b e r s a n d friends of the congrega- wiin organ preiuoe, t^antuena Dy m a a Day for Mr. and Mrs. Calvin and Mrs. Ira Clearwater. Tr«nw«yi Termi th* Rprfo^K w u r t , and Roeers Sa ted at 10 50 o'clock The J c - t i o n a r e c o r d i a l , v "ivited. Senior Goltermam; wmmunion medita- R i d e r a n d f t m n y M r , a n d M r s I T h e R ^ . George D. Wood and <&}*•» ^m*"*1,

£Ll£*Z?tL'J? U ^ l ! ^ n i % e ? E ™ . ao f Holy Communion wfl c h o i r rehearsal Thursday at 7:30 tion by Dr. Snell entitled, Lovest A j f r e d Ride,. N o m M t n Osterhoudt' daughters, Barbara and -Carolyn, g jg™ T * r m i M j

r?ed at bo thTrvfc?" The P- m - A t t n e regular church serv- Thou Me?; 6.-30 p. in Youth FeU a n d gon.-.Henty. j spent Christmas Day in Kingston. S?S"c i . rved at both services. The : . „.._J_.. ^ ... . . . . a ^ in«,«h,n Mrtnrfav «*n n m l ^ g e a l e d w d g m the T o w n J a c o b H B a r I e y g n d d a u | h t e r SSSSUkm

of Rochester garage building were ' Mildred, spent Christmas with f{* |»nj" opened in the town clerk's office Mr. and Mrs. Fredmond Barley. , Ar Marfaretviii* in Accord by Supervlaor Howard Mrs. Russell Decker is a patient j Andes Anderson Dec.1 2t>. -There were at Benedictine .Hospital. »D e l w

three Ipidi , received from the i The fourth quarterly conference Swart Construction Co., Kingston: will be held in the Accord Colonial Construction Co., Kings- Methodist Church Jan. 11 at 7:30 ton and Berme Wood Working Co., p. m. There will be a pot-luck Inc.. Kerhonkson. Ail bids wore supper in the church hall at 6 tabled for further consideration, p. m.

Mrs. Myrtle Dulatt of Grahams


Dally Ex

'streets, the Rev. David C. Gaise, rament pastor—rSunday school at 9:30 be observed a. m. Worship service at 10M5 theme of the dominies meditation a. m. A nursery is provided to will be Make 1954 Your Best

- j Year. A nursery for the care of F o r A l l C h u r c h G o e r s s m a i l children of pa ren t s who de-

Who Wish to Got on

Sun AM 8:46 8:50 9:00


12.40 18:45 12 50 1:12 1:88 1 45 1:50 1:56 8:25



M. 12 40 12 45 12 50 1.18 1 32 1 ,5 1:50 1:55 2 25 2 50 8.10

Dally PM-. 3.86 3:30 3 35 3:57 4 15 4:30 4:35 4:40. 5.00 3:25 8:45 8:88

5:15 6:10 5 20 8:48 6:08 6:15 6:20 6:25 6:80

Sun. Only

PM 7 00 7 05 7 10 7:33 7:82

rn On)* P M

•9 15 9 20 9 25 9:47

10:97 10:30 10 2.» 10:30 11:09

Oneonta — —— (Mt Tremper passengers discharged at intersection Routes 88 end 318.) •This trip will *iao run Dee 84. Dee 81 and f*«b 11th


Ex Sun. Daily AM p i t 9 00 13:40 9 0S 12:48 9:18 13:60

Dally Ex Sun. P M 3:28 3:30 3:88

Dally P M

•5:15 5.10 6:30

rn 9m. • • 9 18

9 30 8:89

Carolyn Wood, who has been • LEAVE— ville was a dinner guest Tuesday visiting relatives in Kingston, has Kingston (Tranways,

worship. Worship service at 11 instruction period followed by 0f Mr. and Mrs. Ira Clearwater returned home. Kingston 'Central! a . m . The pastor will preach on social hour and refreshment*, and Mrs. John C. Osterhoudt. I The Ladies,' Aid Society of the j • " " E E L T l ! ! . : * ^ ' , . ; . " ^ - * ^ _ „ . . . "the subject. On Going Ahead. The Thursday, 10:30 a. m., study hour| Mr. and Mrs. Francis Codding- .Rochester Reformed Church will ^ „$* • " " • • * • » • > ***• mu »rMl "&*» •**•» *—wr* ttota Kinaa-Orange Arms will meet in the par- of W S C S followed by noon t ime , ton and family and Mr. and Mrs. hold its r egu la r monthly m e e t i n g : ••Tnp will run December 24ta December sist end february i i ta ish room at 6:30 p. m. Monday, prayer , business mee t ing and ( F r a n c i s Green and family spent at the home of Miss Edna B a k e r ' * • " • « " 1

c*? n w? wioi buaeet arid traini to New Yor* City Connecting 8 p. m.. M e n s Club vvill hold its social hour in af ternoon beginning j C h r i s t m a s wi th the i r pa ren t s , Mr . a t 1:30 p. m. Wednesday, Jan . 6. ' S S T u a S T ! S i d Welf Shllfe kTiiroed *n*" " " " * iioant*ia Vi9m

regular meeting in the parish at 1:30; report on Oakwood sum- a n d Mrs. Percy Booth in Kerhonk- This is tht> annual meeting and ' Tuesday. 3:30 p. m.. mer school by. Mrs. Howard;son. officers will be elected. I WILLOW, LAKE HILL, BEARSVILLE, WOODSTCCK. I T C , TO KINGSTON

room. Brownie Scouts "will meet "in the Shultis a t 6:30 p. m.. junior choir parish room. Tuesday, 7 p. m., organizational meeing. all inter-Boy Scout Troop will meet in the : ested boys and girls meet with parish room. Wednesday. 2:15 Miss Dorothy Smith in Assembly p. m release time religious in- Room at this time; 7:30 p. m., sen-structlons will be conducted in the Uor choir rehearsal, parish room. Wednesday. 3 15

officers will be elected. Mr. and Mrs. Lewi* Durham of , Mr. and Mrs. William Dough-

Kingston spent Sunday afternoon ; erty, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Decker, with Jacob H. Barley and daugh ter.< Mildred.

Mrs. Norman Osterhoudt re-

Mrs Oscar Coddington, Mrs. Anna [ LEAVE— Smith and Miss Rossie Codding-' ton attended the singspiration ser-

turned home Monday from Bene- vice at the At wood Chapel Sun-dlctine Hospital and is con- day night.

Willow Bearsvtlle Woodetoek West Hurley

m Sun. AM

1:48 7:55 8 05

* » M » # I I


18:3? 19:49 10 53

p. m . Jun ior choir rehearsa l and The Nile is the only r iver in valescing a t the~home~of her J ^ r - 1 ^ M i S ^ ' r r - r a «5»arra»,» nf w « ~ . <ll K\*ZI\Z f f S S g ? " " " ' " * " ' " " " f : " » • • » heatJi m ^ o r m ( ? t t e chuoir re-the worW that ™*at the «»"*-,ems Mr8 and Mr5°%Std wdff well jJrSton* fs vS ing"M£ ^ ^ f ^ /8SSy.r:::::::::::: Mt W-ll S * 7 o ^ ^ r r e t S f W H i l n t f e p a r ; - t o r *"* flOWS i n t ° t h C t e m P * r a t * ' M r e - L M. Decker called on . B a r b a r a WrSd. E Above tnp. connect with * £ « . « t iSa. fVU « - v i a c i T ish room under the direction of zone. , Mrs. Phoebe Lawrenc* and Mrs. ' Gary Jonnion spent Tueaday' iio«SS?evffif c ^ L ^ a i S ' ^ f f ^ S l S ^ ^ ^ ^


PS. - !». 4:88 4:38 4:38 4:80 8:08 8:00

Sun Only PM. 4:18 4:36 4:39 4:88 4:58 8:05 8:09


•TiT • .f 8:88 6 40 9:45 6:88

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Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069